Time for some straight talk – The Council
As always, we are aware that much of what we speak about will not be new to many of you. However, it may be for others, and we ask that you allow us to point out a few things. We wish to discuss the violent acts that some on your world commit in the name of their gods. And we would include violent speech and violent thoughts, as well. While we are about it, let us also include the drive to control the acts and thoughts of others who do not choose to live as one would wish them to. Can you imagine that they are acting out of fear and immense insecurity? In order to explain what we mean, let us share some of the sort of unconscious thought that goes into these sorts of responses to life. Many of these souls are called fundamentalists of one sort or another. And what they have done is accept the thought and teaching of another or others without question. They have not, and will not examine these beliefs or consider in any way that things could be even slightly different than what they have accepted. They see everything – as they have been taught, and we stress this – as either/or. Either it is right or it is wrong. Which means “Either I am right, or I am wrong.” “Either I am right or he is right.” “If he is right then I am wrong.” “I cannot be wrong! I must not be wrong!” This is fear thinking. This way of thinking leads to defensive thought and action. It has been carefully taught. “Defend the faith!” And of course, one must, because one must be right. It is a matter of survival. And the fear is alright, too, because one must fear God. Fearing an all loving God is another huge topic in itself. Suffice it to say that it is a powerful control mechanism. One more point is that once someone is in the grip of such a system of thought, then the control mechanism of fear can be used to have one do many things that one might otherwise never do and to believe one is doing the right and good thing. That is easy for us to see, but almost impossible for those in the grasp of such thinking. All this is only to lead us up to the point of the discussion. We have many times, even recently, told you that you should forgive everything, that you should see the divine being as separate from his or her actions. And we are hoping that all of the above will help you to do that. People act, almost always, in what they believe is the very best way available to them in the moment. If they are in fear or in rage (a product of fear and helplessness), they may see as good, correct, or necessary things that they would never consider otherwise. So when we tell you that it is one thing to condemn an action and quite another to condemn the actor, is it easier to understand now? Notice that we have never asked that anyone condone actions that harm another, much less great numbers of others. We only ask that you see the one who does these things as the victim, if you will, of massive fear and misunderstanding. Also true is that such persons have no idea at all who they are. They have no real concept of the Oneness. They therefore have no idea of the divinity of those they act against. In fact, many have allowed the demonization of their victims. Otherwise they would never commit the act. They have, you see, placed all of their personal power into outside control. In search of power, they have become powerless. So, what do you do? And please realize that we speak through many, to many. This message, in one form or another is reaching millions of you in every corner of your world. What you do is to raise your own awareness, your frequency, your consciousness to the highest level moment to moment, day to day, thought by thought. Know this. You are a part of the oneness of humanity. And when you raise yourself, you raise the all. It is all a field of energy, and therefore it cannot be any other way. This has been a rather long message. If you have gotten this far, we know you understand it. Blessings and love to each of you. Know that the feelings you have been having of our presence around you are indeed true. Good day. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:http://ronahead.com/
TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON ONENESS AND LOVE Greetings Beloved Ones, This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we are being joined by a host of the Angelic Realm of Light. We are coming to you as a group to display the concept of Oneness and Love. There is no division or separation in the Higher Realms. We are part of the great Oneness, just as you are. We each have our areas of specialty, just as you do on the Earth plane. You may know each of us by a particular vibration or by our special area of work. Each of us is a part of the fabric of Creation. If one thread were removed, there would be a gap. One thread is not more important than another. Each thread is playing its part in the greater plan of Creation. When we join our individual parts together, we form a complete picture of the Oneness of Creation. The quality that joins us is Love. Love is an overarching quality that underlies and unites every part of the fabric of Light that you call the Universe. Love is the strongest force there is. As individual units of Light in the Higher Realms, we know that we are to play our part to the fullest and best of our ability because we are an integral part of the whole. There is no competition but rather cooperation to bring our Light to the fullest and brightest level possible. When our Lights are combined, you experience the Light and music of the spheres. When viewed from afar, this Light appears seamless because of the great Love and cooperation that we exude. The time has come for you on the Earth plane to emulate the same qualities that are being shown in the Higher Realms. No earthly Being can exist alone. No earthly Being contains all the skills and qualities in exactly the same proportions. Each earthly Being has a beautiful mission to contribute so that your planet may support the greatest good of all. When you realize that you have a unique mission, this may begin to stimulate a desire within you for highest good. You wish for your highest good and the greatest good of all. In reality, there is no real separation between you and your neighbor. It is only one of degree of mission. Each of you plays a part in creating and maintaining your environment of well-being. If every person had the same occupation, many areas would be left wanting. Many parts of your daily life would go unfulfilled. For example, a craftsman skilled in woodworking can design and build structures that protect you from the elements. These structures are also places of beauty that allow for the nourishment of the soul. Other persons may be skilled healers, while others are brilliant scientists who bring inventions that make your life easier. Others may provide business places where you are able to obtain goods and services. If any one of these skills were removed, your daily life would not contain the richness that allows you to move forward on your path. The time has come for each of you to honor and appreciate yourself and each person who contributes to the greater good of the whole. The starting point is to turn inward and focus on your Divine Spark within. This is the Spark of Light that resides in your heart center. It is the part of you that connects you to All That Is. It is the part of you that connects you to every other Being. Your Divine Spark is composed of Love and Light. The more you focus on your Divine Spark, the brighter it will shine. It will increase the Universal Love you feel. It will begin to bridge the seeming differences that are outward appearances of race, religion, culture, or other factors. You will instead begin to focus inwardly from your heart center and your Divine Spark to connect with the heart center and Divine Spark of others. As this occurs, a realization of Oneness and Love begins to form. With continued focus on your Divine Spark, you become aware that you all came from the same Creator and are all part of the great Creation. You each have your part to play in maintaining an awareness of the Oneness and Love that is part of each person’s role. A desire for the greatest good of all can enhance this energetic connection as it spreads across your planet and throughout the Universe. Beloveds, we encourage you to spend some time each day reflecting on this Oneness and the great Universal Love that connects you all. We are with you as you blend your loving energies together in a great web of Oneness and Light. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst, along with a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light, …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected] Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com June 28, 2016 in Channeled Messages, The Arcturian Group | Tags: Marilyn Raffaele, The Arcturian Group
Source Dear ones, we come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental. There comes a time for every serious spiritual student when “accidents” or unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth. As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the “train leaves the station”. Everyone is feeling the higher dimensional energies now pouring to earth with increasing intensity. These energies are serving to open mankind to a higher awareness that is empowering them to seek freedom of expression, self rule, and new ways of living, being, and governance. Most people as of yet do not fully understand why they are feeling these urges or why their thinking has changed so much on particular issues. Mankind’s increasing dissatisfaction with “business as usual”, began when powerful and high resonating energies began to replace the old, and personal clearings began. The heart chakras of many have cleared or are in the process, and the high heart is opening for all who are receptive. The dissolution of old energy begins the moment an individual opens themselves to more. As the heart begins to open, dense self created energetic walls of protection that were formed around it as the result of past and present experiences, begin to dissolve. This allows the heart’s already present frequencies of love to flow forth, the result of which is often a whole new world view for the individual. The “new” person often does not even realize that anything has changed until he attempts to live as usual, and finds that he no longer resonates with much of it. The majority as of yet do not understand why they are now feeling differently about so many issues. Everyone interprets both inner and outer change according to their attained state of consciousness (their present belief system). For some, inner changes are reflected fully in material, three dimensional ways like feeling the need to improve personal health, join a cause, or serve in some generally approved way. Energetic change in the emotional body manifests as higher forms of emotional reaction, such as no longer becoming emotionally involved, attached, or blocked to the point of giving away personal power. At the same time there comes an underlying and gentle sense of love that begins to permeate all actions and decisions. Mentally, one’s thinking and belief system begins to shift from self to universal. You are seeing in the world the outer manifestations of increased heart energy even though much of it is still being interpreted in self serving ways. People are experiencing a “knowing” that everyone is entitled to what is necessary for healthy and happy living, not just the privileged few and are expressing their frustration as anger. Change, change, change, has become the mantra of the majority even though they do not fully understand why. Because of incomplete understanding and an ignorance of the evolutionary process taking place at this time, some are choosing to simply resist all change, seeing it as a threat to their personal comfort and happiness. Others believe they must act to force change. Try to understand that everything is happening according to evolutionary plan, dear ones. The Light of the higher dimensional energy is serving to expose world wide and personal creations built upon old and finished energy. Many of these exposed issues appear to be new simply because you were not aware of them before the light of evolution began to expose them. Many “houses of cards” are going to fall but will go kicking and screaming. Be not afraid dear ones, all is proceeding according to plan. Evolution is an unfolding process that cannot be hurried, for it is you the people, who must bring about change through your own attainment of more Light which then in turn adds more Light to the consensus consciousness of the world. There is only One and thus every truth that becomes your state of consciousness serves to lift the whole. Many still look to Light Beings or evolved extraterrestrials to “fix” the world, but because of free will, they cannot step in and do the work for you. These evolved beings can only guide and advise at this point but are willing, happy, and eager to do it, for they wish to see you move beyond what is old and finished as they themselves also had to do. Every particle of Light added to the whole, shifts it a little until at some point there will be more light than not. It is important to support yourselves and others in these chaotic times, meaning that as you awaken to deeper understanding you still support others rights to believe as they choose no matter how different from your belief system that may be. Understand that everyone is at a different place in their journey and your place may very well not be their place. Love is patient and allowing, but is never a doormat. Energy is the substance of everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled in the physical world. The slower and heavier the energetic resonance, the more dense and material things seem. The physical expression of anything is always a mind formed interpretation of the spiritual reality or Divine Idea being seen as material. This is a spiritual universe, peopled with children of God, but which up to now has been seen and lived through false belief systems that are now dissolving. Energy is everywhere you go and many of you are now sensing the resonance of people, places, and things more acutely. You will experience increasing sensitivity as your own energy becomes lighter and it becomes easier access and align with higher frequencies. Because of this, many of you are developing new psychic abilities or accessing old ones you had long ago. Places that previously felt ordinary may now feel dense and heavy to you (bars, malls, slums, even books and films). You may find yourselves being drawn to seek out places that feel more light and refreshing (wilderness areas, heart centered homes or churches) . Antique stores often hold a dense heaviness that comes from the old energy still held in objects from the past. Places, foods, people, and entertainments that previously resonated with you, no longer do. Let them go, for it simply means your resonance is no longer in alignment them no matter how familiar, enjoyable, or comfortable they were at one time. If your work or life means you must be in the heavier energies, recognize them for what they are and not resisting, for resistance only gives something a power it does not have. Those of you who work with the physically, emotionally, or mentally troubled (nurses, doctors, psychologists, prison workers, and therapists) must remember to keep your energy fields and working space clear and filled with light. Clear through intention and Light between clients or as you go about your duties, never allowing yourself to align with whatever lower resonating energies may be present themselves. Everyone occasionally finds themselves in the presence of those who are not living up to the highest standards and because your own energy field is now more receptive you may feel the others energy more easily. Keep exchanges always on a level of compassion and not sympathy, because with sympathy you align with the others energy. Always, in every personal exchange at work or in daily living, pause to remember the true Divine Nature of the other no matter what the appearances. Many accept intellectually that experiences are necessary for change, yet when these experiences actually occur they quickly revert back to questioning; “Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?” then proceed to seek only three dimensional solutions, using three dimensional tools, and seeing the situation as a third dimensional problem. Every serious student of truth must accept that they and the world are quickly evolving and things will never again be as they were in the “good old days”. The higher dimensional energy pouring onto the earth right now is effecting everyone, not just those aware of it. Many are experiencing a variety of “ascension symptoms”–dizziness, headache, nausea, and extreme fatigue etc. A good sign that something is ascension related and not a serious health issue is that ascension symptoms tend to come and go. One day you may be too exhausted to put one foot in front of the other, but on the next day you feel great. Take naps or rest periods as best you can throughout the day when needed and try not to maintain some heavy duty active schedule that may of worked for you in your former state of consciousness. Allow the process, trusting that you are right where you need to be and experiencing exactly what you need for the clearing, resolving remaining karma, and integration of any higher resonating energies of Light you are ready for. Many are choosing to leave both in groups and individually at this time. Honor the choices of others whatever they may be, for all is a part of each soul’s journey of awakening. We are the Arcturian Group 6/26/16 http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances.
Dear One, The light of God is always shining and this Divine Light exists in all people, all things and all circumstances. Awareness of this Light will bring it into your consciousness, enabling you to see from an enlightened perspective. The Divine Presence is the very energy in which you live, move and have your being. This energy is infinite and all-encompassing and exists in all situations. This truth may be difficult to remember at times. In fact, it may appear as though there is nothing but darkness. However, remembering this Divine Power is available will bring light into every dark circumstance. Energy follows thought. If you think of God in any situation, the very thought produces illumination, as though a candle were lit in a dark room. When you ask for Divine Order, that prayer directs this high-frequency energy so that you will be surrounded with heavenly light and spiritual solutions will flow through your entire being. Awareness of Divine Light enlightens every situation. Each time you turn toward the Source of true light, you are blessed. When even one person turns toward the light of God, the earth is blessed. This blessing creates change. At times this change can be instantaneous, at others healing can occur in a less obvious way. Have faith, and know healing happens in accordance with Divine Timing. Always affirm the greater truth in every situation in order to bring your awareness back to the Divine Presence. When you call upon your guardian Angel, you focus upon Divine Light in the midst of your darkness. Your guardian Angel, and all Angelic messengers from God, are here to assist you in bringing more Light and Love into your life. No matter what it looks like, no matter how dire the circumstances may appear to be, you will receive immediate assistance when you call on the Angels for help. Ask for what you truly want in your life. Do your best not to focus on how bad things seem to be, but turn your attention toward the light, and you will indeed find the situation enlightened. By being aware of the simple truth that God exists in all situations, you can bring Light into your life. Turning your attention toward Heaven by the use of your breath can change the energy frequency in your world. Remember to create a cocoon of protective, nurturing light around you by giving yourself time to breathe balanced breaths and to pray for the qualities you want to see manifest in your life. These you can place with intentional respect in your protective energy field. Where your focus goes, energy flows. The question is: do you want to dwell in darkness or in light? It is your choice. Return through your breath to a divine Cocoon of Golden Light. You will come to the place where you are safe, surrounded and filled with God’s love at all times. Your world will begin to change when you turn your attention to this loving Presence of Divine Eternal Light. This may all seem too easy. However we will ask you to remember that your message from the Angels today is: Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel June 26, 2016 TheGabrielMessages.com Hilarion – June 26-July 3, 2016
Beloved Ones, You are the holders of the highest frequency that is available on the planet and this requires the constancy to remain true to yourselves no matter what situations you encounter in your life. As the representatives of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to be the role models to show the way, to be the incorruptible ones who persevere on their spiritual path as all the familiar signposts along the way have now shifted. You are walking into unfamiliar territory in faith and courage and creating the new reality as you go and it is good. The higher realms applaud and support you as you walk this journey and you never walk alone. As the world around you plays out the endings that are taking place, you are stalwart in your determination to see things through to the end result which is the highest outcome for the highest good of all in the ascension process. Be of good cheer, be ever the up lifter of the spirits of those around you, for as the changes occur and shifts happen in all areas of human existence, you remain the ray of sunshine and hope as you point the way forward. The world’s people at this time are hungry for good news, they long to feel peace in their hearts, minds and souls, they long to find a solid foundation upon which to set their feet and firmly walk upon a planet that is in metamorphosis and regenesis. There are signs everywhere that changes are afoot, you have only to observe nature and her kingdoms to begin to understand that this regenesis is occurring not only at the macrocosmic levels but also at the microcosmic levels, in the tiniest details and expanding outward. The animals and the birds are adapting to the changes taking place through an innate understanding that they must amalgamate in their efforts to survive, grow and prosper. Some species of birds and wildlife are joining together to create a new species more adaptable to the new conditions that are now developing. Take time to be outdoors to watch and observe these mutations that are occurring. You will find many such changes. For humanity as they watch through the lens of their news media, it seems as though the world is about to fall into chaos and yet, life continues keeping pace with the times. There is great resilience in the human soul, for it has seen much in its sojourn through many lifetimes and experiences and it has the ability and the deep knowledge and inner resources available within to keep on keeping on resolutely moving forward. It behooves all people to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground and their spirits soaring as they go through the inner and outer changes that are occurring at every level during these times. It is through their attitude towards the happenings in their world and how they respond to it that is of benefit, of developing the ability of letting go and eliminating things that are no longer productive or conducive to their growth and well being. As you are guided through your innate wisdom, it opens you to a greater understanding of the wonders and the mysteries of the boundless universe you live in and of the glory that is you as you create a new whole that is greater than the sum of all your parts. Claim your right to do or be whatever you want. Your choices are limitless and it only requires that you reach for them. Stretch for the potential that rests within you and move in harmony with your inner direction with continued faith and determination. All is well and everything is perfect. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. www.therainbowscribe.com Letting Go into the Power of Light
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel encourages us to let go and be free to receive what we most want to experience as Divine humans living in this physical world. The Gabriel Message Card for this Week Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth. Imagine that! If we could only allow ourselves to surrender into the loving Intelligence working within the Light, we would be able to express our most authentic self and live in this Truth…finally. It is becoming increasingly clear that everything is changing within and around us. What we have always known is morphing into a new 5D reality, and for most of us, it is amazingly uncomfortable. It feels like growing out of our skins. We are being asked by our most benevolent Guidance System to release any need to cling to what we have always known, because that very process will align us with our Soul’s highest reality. As we do this, we create a more fulfilling and purposeful connection with Divinity working in and through us in every moment. It is even more amazing when I consider that this message from Archangel Gabriel was written over 20 years ago when the power of Divine Light was only just beginning to grow stronger on the planet. As everything that I considered important was then systematically taken away from me, there could be no more clinging. Those were the years when I apparently needed the Mack Truck form of learning experience, because I ignored the type of teaching from the Angels that was more subtle and feather-like, such as this message. This Light we are letting go into has so much more power than 20 years ago. This Divine Light holds the key to alignment with our Heart's wisdom and the development of all that we need to thrive in the new life awakening within and around us. When we surrender or let go into the flow of Divine Light, we are lifted up, supported and nourished by the greatest Love there is. Divine Presence, Thank you for supporting and uplifting me so I may surrender into your guiding Love. Please give me the courage to continue to let go gracefully all that is not in harmony with the Divine Plan for my life. I am grateful that I am able to listen more deeply to the wisdom that is flowing through my heart continuously from my Soul. I am asking for the strength to stand in the truth that is there within me. Thank you for helping me to receive at a deeper level than ever before from the Light of Love and Wisdom that flows through me. May all beings receive the power of your Light within their hearts and illuminate the consciousness of all humanity. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel June 19, 2016 ShantaGabriel.com The Gabriel Messages #20 Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth. Dear One, It is a new time. It is a new moment. When you cling to the status quo, you are clinging to the way things used to be. Sometimes it feels safer to hold to the old way. Change can be frightening and yet, is your world not changing constantly? In holding on to the status quo, you are clinging to a thought of how something used to be, when you have the power to change it for the better this very moment. There is tremendous power in your thoughts. A thought is like a prayer to the universe, asking for what you want. If your thoughts are unconscious, if fears play a large part in what goes on in your mind, in effect you are asking for the things that frighten you to come into your life. Fear is part of the status quo and the greatest fear seems to be of the unknown. Yet it is not possible to always know exactly what is to be. You are being to asked to let go of your fears and to allow the power of the light of God to guide, nourish and protect you. Letting go is a moment to moment process. It is surrendering to the flow of life. Let go into the light, which is the flow of God moving within you at every moment. The Divine Presence is the only constant in the midst of change. This is a truth you can trust. Is not the power of light and love a greater attraction than fear and doubt? It is your attachment to wanting things never to change that holds you back. Simply ask clearly for what you want from the Higher Power and the Angels. All the assistance you need is available to you, if you but ask. When you are free from old fears and attachments, you will know the freedom and joy of your truth. Your truth is always what makes you happy, and this is Divine Will for you at all times—God wants you to be happy. Pray to live in the light of your truth. Know that you are divinely guided at all times. Ask for assistance to let go of fears that no longer serve you. Allow the grace of the Angels to work through you knowing you are profoundly loved. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel June 19, 2016 TheGabrielMessages.com Hilarion – June 19-26, 2016
Marlene Swetlishoff, Therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, Love flows like a river across the face of the planet and touches each inhabitant. The winds of change are bringing constant revelation to the surface of their consciousness. Each individual is in the process of discovery about their origin, their true capabilities, and their divinity. Their soul seeks to know and touch that sublime Presence within them. There is much that is in completion in these moments of time, spiritual contracts are ended and new ones begin. There is a natural connection taking place with souls of like mind that draws each one to the next phase of their soul plan. They gather together to unite their energies in higher purpose. There is a higher love at work now, one that manifests a sense of oneness with their new liaisons. As they assist each other to connect the dots, a higher purpose is revealed and the way forward is made clearer. Like sparks of lightning, the flame within their core essence is being lit and the seeds of truth grow upwards towards the Sun. The regenesis of the Earth and her inhabitants is now in process. The seeds of Light that have been planted find their mark and now take root. Across the planet, the convergence of Light streams into ever widening concentric circles and into the core of the planet. Those who are serving as transducers of cosmic energy flows begin to shine in their radiant luminosity. Many are now leaving the planet in accordance with their souls plan. As they do, their Light leaves gossamer threads of Light behind them to linger and add strength to the web of life upon the surface of the planet. With their last breath, they leave the imprint of their impact upon their loved ones who are enriched by the memories that will sustain them. From the other side of the veil, they stop and give thanks for the great opportunity that living life on Earth has blessed them with. They count themselves as the lucky ones, for they were given this gift of experience in order that their souls could accelerate their evolution by pitting themselves against the challenges presented to them. Know this, Beloved Ones, there are no souls who hold bitterness as they cross to the other side. In their hearts they hold profound gratitude for each experience that gained their soul the divine qualities they have so dearly earned. In all the universes, there is no planet that can give so much accelerated growth in such a short span of time. In all the worlds that exist, the Earth is the coveted planet of magic and wonder amid the vast richness of experience. This is usually not appreciated nor thought about when in their human body, but is always profoundly acknowledged when the soul departs. In their lives upon the planet, humanity fears the experience of death of their human body. When their soul leaves and discards their human vehicle, great freedom is returned and the soul is reacquainted with the wholeness of their greater Being. There is great joy and exhilaration that occurs. There are reunions with their loved ones who left the Earth before them and their joy knows no bounds. They are reunited with the souls who played the roles of their pets, and they know unequivocally that life never ceases, it merely changes form. The lightness of their new body brings them constant delight and celebration. It is a time of rejoicing. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. www.therainbowscribe.com Your Soul's Alignment with Divine UnionA New Message from Archangel Gabriel
Dear Ones, The codes for Unity Consciousness are awakening on the Earth in greater magnitude than ever before. During the upcoming Solstice Full Moon, an alignment with your Soul’s Highest Destiny awaits your awareness. Whenever a gathering of Light occurs, the Archangels are available to step through the divine portal that is created to bring Heaven to Earth. All those who ask to be in that powerful alignment with their Soul can experience the frequencies of Light that bring Divine Union into being. This Solstice/Full Moon Activation on June 20 ushers a new season of awakening and creates a wave of empowerment for Unity Consciousness to awaken within all souls on the Earth. What are the gifts you have brought to the planet to share? What is the divine expression your soul has promised to anchor on the Earth? You do not need to know the details to receive this offering from your Highest Self. Divine Union is only one of the gifts that is being introduced during this Solstice Full Moon activation. With the Sun at its fullest point of the year and the Moon at its fullness as well, the Masculine and Feminine energy is at equal full power to allow Divine Union to be manifest. For all those who have committed to anchoring Divine Love and Unity on the Earth, a portal of Light is opening on June 20 to anchor onto the Earth the soul gifts that you brought with you into this lifetime. You will now be given an opportunity to receive them in a new way. The grounding of these gifts through your human form is the empowerment being offered to you right now. On Solstice, June 21, 2014, your Soul gifts were called into your life, but it took all of 2015 for them to be integrated. Now with this powerful Solstice Full Moon, you can anchor the gifts of your Soul through your physical body so you can fulfill your Soul's Destiny in this lifetime. The Archangels have committed themselves to assist the Light of Unity Consciousness to be awakened within all humanity. Ask to receive the gifts of your soul and consciously anchor them through your human form. Do this and you shall receive. Whenever the alignment with your Soul’s highest wisdom is invited to work within your being, new realities are brought forward into your conscious awareness. New Life in this fifth dimensional frequency includes a powerful alliance with the wisdom of your soul and a deep and nourishing connection to the Earth’s wisdom. Let yourself be held by the Archangels and know that the power within these teachings of Light are with you no matter in what hemisphere you are located for Solstice. With this auspicious moment in creation of new life on Earth, those in the northern hemisphere are anchoring the greatest Light ever received. At the same time, those in the southern hemisphere are awakening new Light for all humanity. The Archangels are assisting the process so you can anchor Divine Union within your body and bring Heaven to Earth during the Solstice on June 20. There will be an unprecedented Portal of Alignment that will assist you so you can anchor the divine attributes represented in the gifts of your Soul. It is important that you join and celebrate with others so that the magnitude of receptivity and awakening can be multiplied exponentially. If you cannot be with other people physically, an intention to join the Web of Light throughout the Earth that is being activated by the Solstice empowerment will help you connect. These tremendous gifts from the Archangels will bring an outpouring of Love for all humanity on Earth during this precious time. Invite your Soul to bring your gifts into this lifetime so that you can be the divine demonstration that you so desire to be. There is tremendous support for you to create the alignment that will allow you to manifest these gifts on the Earth now. You are not alone in this process. Know you are blessed and being supported as you walk through this Solstice Portal. Imagine that there are Archangels on either side of the gateway. Walk in trust as you focus on Soul Alignment within the depths of your being and embrace the activation of Unity Consciousness within your physical body at this empowered time in history. Remember that all is truly well. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel June 17, 2016 by Ron Head, ronhead.com When are you going to forgive? – The Council When you look at those around you, what do you see? Do you see cheaters, liars, sinners, even terrorists? Or do you see creations of the Divine that are perfect in their true selves? Do you confuse acts, thoughts, and words with the beings themselves? Do you realize that in doing so, if you do, you are thinking that they are unforgivable, and by extension, so are you? You cannot hold another separate from the Creator and still rise to Oneness yourself. Yes, you say, but how can I just forgive this or that? It’s terrible. Well, many acts, words, and thoughts are terrible. And we are not suggesting that anything must be condoned. But they are all NOT the persons whom you are condemning. Do you see that? Many are they who lose their way. Many are they who forget who they are. Many are they who, in trying to do their best, actually do far more harm than good. But we tell you that it does not stain their souls. You have been told for a very long time that you are separate, that you are sinners, that you may – in fact, probably will – go to a place called hell. Well, in answer we will say, you are not, you have never been, and you never will. The only hell that exists is the one created by your misunderstanding of who you are. Quickly going back to the original topic, you must forgive. And the place to begin is to forgive yourself. If you cannot do that, how can you ever see the Divine in anyone else? You must be able to see the divine in yourself in order to understand that you all are that. Creator does not create mistakes. You have all had experiences that have caused you to seek to improve your understandings of life. And to the best of your abilities, you have tried to do just that. We would say that your ‘atta-boys’ are far more abundant than your ‘aw-shucks’. (We cleaned that last up a bit.) And since your lives are never-ending, you will never get it done. So lighten up just a bit. Once you find that you can forgive yourself and begin to know that you indeed not separate from the One, then you will find it possible to see the same wherever you look. That will be the beginning of the forgiveness that we speak of. Each thought of forgiveness, of self or of other, will be like tossing away a bag of ballast from your hot air balloon. You will rise. And there is nothing that we desire more. Come join us in love. Join is in joy. Join us. But please do so while you are still there. No need to leave just yet. Blessings of love and light to you all. Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene – On the Divine Alchemy of Your Blessed Divine Selves ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 13, 2016by franheal
AUDIO: Yeshua.MaryMagdalene.DivineAlchemy4.6.13.16 yeshua-marymagdalene-divinealchemy4-6-13-16.mp3 Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Greetings Beloveds, We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. We come to you today in blessed Peace and Love. In the Divine Alchemy that is taking place, of your blessed Divine Self integrating with your blessed physical vehicle, it is apparent that what you once thought you were, is going by the wayside. New insights and awareness are entering your consciousness every day, and every moment. As you embrace this new consciousness that is slowly and permanently replacing the reality you once knew, you are compelled to restructure your reality piece-by-piece. And behold this new reality in all its glory. It is as if you instantly shift into a new place within you and then a new place without you as a result. Beloveds, with joy we observe and experience this new loving life that you are creating with each surrender to this new consciousness pervading you increasingly and lovingly. Oh what a wondrous life you are creating. Each time you let go of an old pattern or an old thought or an old belief, you open your life and heart to so many new vistas. Welcome your new life with Joy and Peace as you receive and accept new insights and creations that are part and parcel of this new vibration you have entered into just recently. You may feel a Lightness and an Expansiveness you have never experienced before, and with this you are open to even more lightness and expansiveness with each breath you take of this vibrant Loving Light that is available to you Now. You may notice that this new Light coming in recently is of a refined quality. It can take your breath away. It holds so much potential. It does require that you flow with it and welcome it, unimpeded by prior restrictions of how you shall receive it or view it. It is entirely of a different quality and so your body may take a little time to adjust. But as you do, you will find that you are so adept at floating within and amongst this beautiful loving energy that is waking up your crystalline structures even more than ever. Just open to it and allow it to do its work. You are learning to be buoyant while maintaining a reverent grounded-ness in, and respect for, your physical vehicle, in full command and integration with it from the standpoint and focus of your Divine Self, your Higher Self. This changeover to a more integrated, loving communion of your soul with your physical self is becoming astonishingly easier as you accept the Divine Light and Love to envelop you and sustain you without attempting to analyze it or direct it. Fear that used to rule you now is being replaced with a confident loving acknowledgement of your divine capabilities to create the life you desire. Notice how easily you can move your focus away from what used to inhibit your forward movement. You are well on your way to sublime Joy and Expansiveness, holding so many possibilities. We, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are honored to come before you today to deliver this message, for we notice so many of you are experiencing and understanding what we are speaking of. And there is so much more, beloveds. The more you let go of your fears and your old beliefs, and plunge into the unknown, you are replete with so many possibilities of Wonder and Joy. Understand this, beloveds, from your deepest level. There is nothing that you cannot do now, within this beautiful Divine Presence that you Are, for no longer are you bound to and by the limitations of duality. By turning away from duality, you embrace your beautiful Divine Selves and embark on your journey of Oneness with all aspects of yourself. And it is so beautiful to see you blend your higher aspects and float amongst the expansive energies of Divine Bliss while your physical body abides and nourishes and supports this new Beingness. You are all so beautiful in your resplendent, shining, Divine Presence. What a beautiful world this is beginning to create. Do not be discouraged by anything you see or hear to the contrary, for you are indeed paving the way for a peaceful and beautiful Light World that is nourishing and supportive to all, with each breath you take of this beautiful energy of Divine Love and Light that is entering your Beingness now. We offer you our love and our support in this. You are not alone. All our Love, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene ************************ http://www.franhealing.com/ |
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