What You Create ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. When you discover that you create your reality, you do have a challenging time accepting some of your creations. Why would you ever create a painful experience for yourself once you are an awakened being? What possible good could come from experiencing something that you consider bad? These are the questions that you ask when you understand that you create your reality and you begin to put your energy towards creating it deliberately. We want you to recognize that this journey of ascension is the ultimate creation. It’s not about creating a perfect third-dimensional experience for yourself and then staying grounded in the third dimension to enjoy the spoils of your creation. This is about movement, and this is about movement to an entirely new dimension of reality. Therefore, you create experiences that are going to serve you. Some of those experiences you won’t necessarily enjoy, but they will have the desired effect. They will always nudge you forward. They will always continue the awakening process. They will get you to know yourselves more fully as Source Energy beings, because you will need to forgive yourselves, you will need to experience compassion, and you will need to have unconditional love for yourselves and others. In order to know these traits of Source Energy, you must create circumstances and events that require the fully knowing of them, the full experiencing of them. And so, even though you would not deliberately create a so-called negative experience for yourself, you will create them nonetheless. These are the experiences that spur on the most growth. These are the experiences that get you to summon forth more energy and to know yourselves more completely. But what we see you doing more often than not is questioning how you created such a mess for yourselves, and then we see you being hard on yourselves for not creating what you wanted to. And when you take that approach to what you’ve created, you miss out on the full benefit of it. Instead, we suggest that you accept your creations and you look for the ways in which you can benefit from them, the ways in which they serve you, and the ways in which you can know yourselves more fully as Source Energy Beings who experience unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. And in so doing, you create the ultimate experience of this Earthly plane – the experience of shifting from a third-dimensional egoic being to a fifth-dimensional higher self. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Ron Head
THE COUNCIL – PROGRESS Some of you are becoming impatient. Some of you are feeling as if nothing is happening. Others are elated. What accounts for this disparity? We will say that moving from the former group to the latter should be very easy for you right now. If you are feeling impatient you are looking outside of yourselves and not seeing change, or seeing very little of it. But here is the true state of affairs. What is truly happening now, and the elated ones see it or feel it, is that the changes that must happen to your inner selves first have an accelerated rate and intensified strength that is unmistakable. You will recall us having said that these changes are the ones that must and will occur first. The outer is always a reflection of the inner. Take heart in the fact that it is not necessary for all of humanity to change. There may not have actually been one hundred monkeys washing potatoes, but the principle that illustrates is valid nevertheless. It is true that an escalating number of you are waking through what you read, what you hear, and what you see. But it is also true that all of you are psychic beings and you learn a great deal more each day through your simply being immersed in the field of collective consciousness. There is much that you know is true, even though you cannot say how you know. That is because you all know. The existence of this collective field is known scientifically, so much so that it is actually used to manipulate those who are unconscious of it. Rather than lament that fact, why not use it to do some manipulation of your own? Place thoughts into the field through your own choice. “I choose to empower thoughts of _______ .” What we wish to stress in this message is that you can, if you wish, focus upon the positive growth in your own selves to a much greater effect than ever before. As you have heard over and again, now is the time. Sometimes it is the time for one thing, and sometimes it is the time for another. Now it is the time for all of the tools, skills, and abilities that you worked for and earned over many lifetimes to be made manifest for the betterment of all. Ask us and we will aid you in this endeavor. Know, however, that priority will be given to what is needed. You quite often have pictures of what you think you need that are somewhat skewed to the flamboyant. All will be yours at the proper times. You have all very likely heard of the Law of Attraction. We challenge you to begin employing the Law of Excited Expectation. Just a little each day will work wonders. Good day. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://ronahead.com/ Message 55
Morning Messages Fear When the human experiences fear... they drop into a place where they are operating on automatic. It is "fear" that allows a human to be manipulated... be it fear of the dentist or fear of death or fear evoked by the evening news. It is in that place of unconsciousness... that mental place of operating on automatic that the mass populace usually vibrates. Fear is the key that triggers imbalanced and unconscious patterns. Notice when you fear something you are becoming powerless. You are easy to manipulate. You disconnect with your Source. You dropped into unconscious behavior. Fear is the key that unlocked that door. Fear triggers your personal insecurities. Be ever diligent... be ever aware... watch closely what experiences... what thoughts... what images... what words trigger your personal fear. Be aware of the ways that you divert your feeling of fear... the ways you distract yourself... notice the tools you have learned to keep the feelings or vibrations of fear at an unconscious distance When you experience "fear" in the moment... grab it before it hides... expose it... express it and love it free. "Fear" keeps you from staying in the NOW. So when you recognize your personal "fears"... deactivate them. You can use your tools of sound... of expression... of sharing... of exploring why the "fear" is there. Where did it come from? How long have you hid it? You can process your "fear" lovingly, consciously, and as you do, you are more available to yourself... you are more available to others. You are more connected to your Source. ©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com subscribe to the FREE 88 messages. Enjoy Your Voyage on Earth
Heavenletter #5961 Published on: March 21, 2017 God said: Whatever you have on your mind today, whatever may be weighing you down, whatever may occupy you, let it go. Unless a thought gives you happiness, why have it? What merit is there for you to worry this and worry that? Come now, come with Me, and enjoy your voyage on Earth. You are here for joy, so enjoy. On the ship you sail, there may well be two conversations going on. One conversation may make your heart soar. The other conversation objects to life in the world as it is. Which conversation do you want to sit in on, be part of, to practice? I don't believe that you really prefer to listen to bashing about life and the world and what the world, by golly, looks like. What is the point of being clever when you hammer in the errors of the world and make them stand out? Are you really required to add up faults and errors and present a long list? Let your heart sing instead. The world is going to go on with or without your input. Go out and plant some flowers. There are lots of things more helpful than listing all the improvements necessary that you can do. Plant one flower. Now you are talking. Now you are like a balm to the world. Everything you do, everything you say, washes over the world. It is magnified. Be clear on what you want to magnify. I ask you to magnify blessings. This is the meaning of as you sow, so shall you reap. Reap the benefits of life in the world. May hay while the sun shines. Sowing and reaping are not meant to be a revival of the past but to bless this very moment. You are on Earth for a limited time. You are forever, yes, yet in the world, you are here for a brief moment. Even if you are a candle on Earth that lasts two-hundred years, two hundred years is but a blink of an eye. Nevertheless, look at how far you can come in only two-hundred years or even one year. You have magnificence to bestow. Make a world of difference on your short stay on Earth. If you cannot accept that Life on Earth is a blessing, at least you can bless the Earth for others who are on Earth with you and all those who are to come later on when the Truth is that you co-exist as One Forever. Your contribution is to be ongoing, you who are Infinitely Forever. There is no end to you. You come on Earth, and you go off Earth, yet you are with Me forever. Not forever and a day. No, always you fly with Me. In Truth, there is only Permanency. On Earth there is the concept of temporary. Once and for all, know that you are sealed in My Heart, and Life Eternal is already yours. You are not here on Earth as a fly-by-night. It is beautifully-freeing that you are Eternal, yet this does not mean at all that you have non-existent time to waste. You are here for a purpose. You can be sure your ultimate purpose is not to bad-mouth life. Your message for Earth is not to be: "Wowee, what a mess the Earth is." Your purpose is not to be a whistle-blower. Is there anyone who is not already aware that the Earth is to rise higher and higher. I say again: Plant flowers. Make a difference. Do not continue to point out what needs remodeling. Replace the conversation that reiterates what keeps the Earth where it has been. Lead the way. Do not stop the world in time fragments. Renew hearts. Go higher. Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/enjoy-your-voyage-on-earth.html - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 17, 2017
17th March 2017. Mike Quinsey. Although you may not be aware of it everything is going in accordance with the plan that leads to Ascension. It may bring forth different periods of time for completion and one thing is certain, and that is the changes for the better are destined to manifest and nothing will be allowed to interfere with them. You can therefore withstand the uncertainty, knowing that all proceeds well. There is a greater plan that will ensure that the vibrations continue to rise, and you will eventually become Galactic Beings. However such a time is well into the future, but at least you know where destiny leads you. At present chaos appears all around you with so many changes taking place, and it was to be expected as the old is falling away. Bear in mind that much karma is being cleared because of it, and in fact no longer can it be held back as previously, and must be met for immediate action. Be assured that all is progressing in such a way that it is inevitably leading to the changes that will enable the new Republic to be announced. Obviously the timing will be such that any likely obstruction or interference with it will be immediately removed. The people have spoken and are moving beyond the chaos and uncertainty of the old system, and as the changes take place the new Republic gains strength. Timing on such occasions is so critical, so be assured that many friends off world are overseeing your progress and will ensure it is not halted in any way. The desires of the people for peace and happiness have been noted, and the continual wars and loss of life and property is no longer acceptable to them, and they say “enough is enough” and look to their leaders to respond accordingly. Knowing the course of your future empowers you, and you can take adversity in your stride and not be affected by it. By doing so you set a good example that others will follow and the more people you can influence in this way, the more it will bring about energies of peace and love. Already two pathways are forming separately as those who cannot raise their vibrations must follow another one. This will no doubt worry some groups of people, but it has to be remembered that all souls have their own path to follow. Families do create strong bonds between them but each member must be allowed to follow their chosen path. Love between souls creates a bond that cannot be broken so contact can continue even if they have left your group. There is much to be learnt about your true history and in time all will be revealed. You accepted the challenge to find your way back to the Light knowing that you would always be helped along the way. It must be remembered that you were given freewill to choose your own experiences, and unless you ask for help another soul is not allowed to interfere. You grow through experiencing the result of your own choices of experience, but it must however be said that you can call upon others for guidance. This really brings you to the Guides who follow your life plan, but they too do not interfere unless you ask them. Even so your life plan is to your agreement made before you incarnated and not normally subject to change. So your Guides will encourage you to follow it. As much as there are beautiful experiences to be had whilst on Earth, they cannot really compare with opportunities given when you are in the higher realms. To eventually have the freedom to travel where you like in your Universe, can give you endless choices. You will also have a much longer life span to suit your needs and when finished you literally step out of one body into another, and unlike now you do not have to “die” to leave the body. It is also worth noting that you never reach old age but always maintain a mature body that does not age. The immediate future is full of surprises, not least of all the fact that a number of Alien groups have lived inside your Earth for thousands of years. They keep to themselves because they are not allowed to influence or interfere with your lives, because you must find your way yourselves. In fact that was your challenge when the veil of forgetfulness was pulled across your memory. It is only in recent times that some of you have started to remember your true selves, and have developed an expanding consciousness. It is precisely for this reason that you are amongst souls at all different levels of awareness. Many people are in state of despair and currently famine threatens vast numbers running into the millions. It is a call to the rest of Humanity to wake up and help those in such desperate state of need when almost hundreds that are mainly children are dying each day. Hopefully sufficient of you can rise to the needs presented and show that compassion and love for your brothers and sisters is alive and well. It is your response to such situations that shows how far you have evolved, and whether you have help to offer those in desperate need. Of course there are groups that specifically help in such circumstances, but the size of the problem is so overwhelming they can no longer cope. As individual souls you cannot do much to alleviate such mammoth problems, and sometimes it needs many people to ensure that those in your governments are doing all they can to help such desperate people. In reality you are One World and One Humanity, and it is almost certain that you have all experienced the extremes in other lives, although you no longer have memories of them. You are One and always were, and as such you evolve together and need to help each other where you can. Competition has taught you that only the fittest survive, but that approach should have been seen for what it is and help freely given to those in desperate need. It is a fact that your world has sufficient resources to ensure that no one goes hungry or wants for medical attention, but you have been deliberately kept down by those who wished to rule and control the world. However, it is all changing for the better but it takes time to introduce them whilst some dear souls do not have much time left. Of course many organisations are already trying their best to help alleviate the problem, but it is so big it almost impossible to do what is required to save all lives. Initially it is money to buy the necessities that is the problem and even so the public are generous but sometimes it needs more than they can immediately offer. Be assured that many souls are eagerly and generously offering their services, and are to commended for rising to the occasion. Obviously not everyone is in a position to be able to help, yet their message and prayers of love for their brothers and sisters sends an energy of upliftment and hope for those that are suffering. We know that there is a lot of compassion and sympathy for those in need, and it helps in its own way. Clearly you cannot all directly help and answer appeals for help as it depends on your personal circumstances. Thanks will go out to those who can offer direct help, and those who assist in other ways. Every little bit helps, and many thanks go out to such people I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. “We are the Ones we have been waiting for” ~ March 14, 2017 by cindyloucbp “You are human. Gloriously, exuberantly, perfectly human. There is no better version of you. Let go of your “higher” self. You are multi-faceted. You have lots of parts. There is one version of you, the one with an expanded view, who has decided to watch you now, joining this life you are living. Your life. The messy one. The one with you in it. What is going to emerge at the other end of all of this is another version of us. Call it what you want, time is an illusion and Oneness is truth. This means that we didn’t “start” anywhere and there are no “higher” parts of ourselves holding wisdom we don’t yet have. It’s all you, all the time. What we need are new words. Words to unleash the creativity of a world full of multi-billionaire light beings. What does a world with no restraints feel like? Can you imagine life without financial, spiritual, mental or physical limitation? Can you even visualize ten billion dollars? It is a one, followed by ten zeros. Those zeros, that seem to have all the power, are just a whole lotta nothing. It is the One in front of them that makes it all happen. That One would be you, the force of creation, here now to craft a world without limits. The whole point seems to have been to drive ourselves to the edge of insanity, waiting, wondering and miserable; only to realize no one is coming. It is done. There are no ascended masters, galactic saviors or “higher” versions of ourselves on the way to save us. This is our planet and we love her. We are the Masters, the ones here to shift with her. This was the trip you came for. You have everything you need. No extra attachments are required to utilize the power here. The power source is you – you’ve just forgotten how to turn yourself on. You’ve done this before. Today you are here to do it as a human. You chose and were chosen to do this. You are not alone. We knew before we came that we’d have to get to this breaking point before we realized the truth: The only answer is us. The only place to be is here. The only time is now. The only ones to do it knew that they could, and that when the moment arrived, they would. It is upon us now to find the new. We need words and tools that never were. That 90% of unused stuff in your brain is getting itchy. Your ability to create is legion. It’s why you were chosen. Take the crayons out of the box. Work some magic. Start happening. Imagine eternal vitality, relentless abundance, pervasive peace and wild joy, right alongside no traffic, great parking spots, good hair days and free concerts. Hold happy. Breathe music. Whisper trees. The vision you are holding is the life you are molding. We are addicted to ourselves and there is not a 12-step program. We wouldn’t join one if there were. Humanity is the hottest game in town. Everyone is watching and wants to join in. We are passionately unhappy, dramatically ecstatic and violently loving. We create things just to tear them down from boredom. We run too fast, hide in corners, sing off key and gossip. The human condition is us, and we love every inch and nuance. We excite ourselves. There is no better version to become. We are here to harness our innate essence. While every single channel we listen to tells us how cool we are, we continue to believe we’re supposed to be something else. These voices are reminders, nothing more or less, and we put them there. This entire life is our creation. We were never supposed to change. The answer is not outside of ourselves. We planned to fall desperately in love – with us. We’ve hidden our magnificence in gold, in others and in promises of more. We’ve blamed our failure on lack, on others and on outside limitation. There’s no place else to go with this. We’ve reached part 2 – self-emergence. Your emotions are the trigger and the best part of you; they fuel the human experience and create worlds. Enjoy them and watch what happens. You love to emote, to feel and to push beyond. The angst of your heart is the subject of every song, each story and all of your favorite movies. To dream is your birthright. You’ve grown up inside institutions and ideas that said looking out the window was wrong, wasteful even. This attempt to systematically erase your core truth has failed. You are bigger than any method of thought. Embrace your humanity. Your emotions are key to your power. You only need desire and it is done. Love who you are, see what you want and don’t stop until amazing happens. Contrast fuels creation. We do that for each other. We supply contrast. We give each other sparks. We are the Masters and the answer to every prayer. We know what to do. The reason we haven’t seen it yet or heard it yet is because we haven’t done it yet. We’ve been waiting. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.” Sophia (August 2013) “We are the Ones we have been waiting for” ~ March 14, 2017by cindyloucbp “You are human. Gloriously, exuberantly, perfectly human. There is no better version of you. Let go of your “higher” self. You are multi-faceted. You have lots of parts. There is one version of you, the one with an expanded view, who has decided to watch you now, joining this life you are living. Your life. The messy one. The one with you in it. What is going to emerge at the other end of all of this is another version of us. Call it what you want, time is an illusion and Oneness is truth. This means that we didn’t “start” anywhere and there are no “higher” parts of ourselves holding wisdom we don’t yet have. It’s all you, all the time. What we need are new words. Words to unleash the creativity of a world full of multi-billionaire light beings. What does a world with no restraints feel like? Can you imagine life without financial, spiritual, mental or physical limitation? Can you even visualize ten billion dollars? It is a one, followed by ten zeros. Those zeros, that seem to have all the power, are just a whole lotta nothing. It is the One in front of them that makes it all happen. That One would be you, the force of creation, here now to craft a world without limits. The whole point seems to have been to drive ourselves to the edge of insanity, waiting, wondering and miserable; only to realize no one is coming. It is done. There are no ascended masters, galactic saviors or “higher” versions of ourselves on the way to save us. This is our planet and we love her. We are the Masters, the ones here to shift with her. This was the trip you came for. You have everything you need. No extra attachments are required to utilize the power here. The power source is you – you’ve just forgotten how to turn yourself on. You’ve done this before. Today you are here to do it as a human. You chose and were chosen to do this. You are not alone. We knew before we came that we’d have to get to this breaking point before we realized the truth: The only answer is us. The only place to be is here. The only time is now. The only ones to do it knew that they could, and that when the moment arrived, they would. It is upon us now to find the new. We need words and tools that never were. That 90% of unused stuff in your brain is getting itchy. Your ability to create is legion. It’s why you were chosen. Take the crayons out of the box. Work some magic. Start happening. Imagine eternal vitality, relentless abundance, pervasive peace and wild joy, right alongside no traffic, great parking spots, good hair days and free concerts. Hold happy. Breathe music. Whisper trees. The vision you are holding is the life you are molding. We are addicted to ourselves and there is not a 12-step program. We wouldn’t join one if there were. Humanity is the hottest game in town. Everyone is watching and wants to join in. We are passionately unhappy, dramatically ecstatic and violently loving. We create things just to tear them down from boredom. We run too fast, hide in corners, sing off key and gossip. The human condition is us, and we love every inch and nuance. We excite ourselves. There is no better version to become. We are here to harness our innate essence. While every single channel we listen to tells us how cool we are, we continue to believe we’re supposed to be something else. These voices are reminders, nothing more or less, and we put them there. This entire life is our creation. We were never supposed to change. The answer is not outside of ourselves. We planned to fall desperately in love – with us. We’ve hidden our magnificence in gold, in others and in promises of more. We’ve blamed our failure on lack, on others and on outside limitation. There’s no place else to go with this. We’ve reached part 2 – self-emergence. Your emotions are the trigger and the best part of you; they fuel the human experience and create worlds. Enjoy them and watch what happens. You love to emote, to feel and to push beyond. The angst of your heart is the subject of every song, each story and all of your favorite movies. To dream is your birthright. You’ve grown up inside institutions and ideas that said looking out the window was wrong, wasteful even. This attempt to systematically erase your core truth has failed. You are bigger than any method of thought. Embrace your humanity. Your emotions are key to your power. You only need desire and it is done. Love who you are, see what you want and don’t stop until amazing happens. Contrast fuels creation. We do that for each other. We supply contrast. We give each other sparks. We are the Masters and the answer to every prayer. We know what to do. The reason we haven’t seen it yet or heard it yet is because we haven’t done it yet. We’ve been waiting. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.” Sophia (August 2013) Be What You Seek
Heavenletter #5954 Published on: March 14, 2017 God said:What wonders fill your Life right now? What are you glad about today? What matters to you right now? What manna from Heaven reaches you right now? What desires for good do you keep alive in your heart? Dear One, think along this way: Whatever goodness and mercy and joy that have reached you, recycle them. For goodness sakes, toss out what gave you heartache. You owe yourself this much. Ah, in Life as you may live your Life, what you don't have may seem more consequential to you than what you do have. If your mind is on worry, you may be sure you are thinking along the lines of fear and lack and all that which blocks you from realizing your desires. Perhaps your cup runneth over right now with what you have not yet recognized. Even a push in an adverse direction is guiding you to go higher. Well, then, go higher. Respect your existence today. Respect even the hard times. Looking back, you might even long for some of the goodness you skipped over so intent were you on the wrongs. A sense of gratitude will lift your Life in the world. Gratitude will deliver great treasure to you. Gratitude itself is a great gift. Feeling ungrateful delivers woe. Guaranteed. Discover that for which you can be grateful. Between your being good-natured or grouchy, which comportment delivers what you want? Which do you want to meet around the corner? Be what you want to meet. Don't be what you don't want to meet. Inevitably, it is yourself you will meet around the corner. Be grateful, and, then, you will see that more to be grateful for will walk into your Life. Goodness and mercy will pile upon you. Goodness and mercy are piling up right now if you would but see. Look at your daily life with your eyes wide open. Welcome life to you as it is. Life has riches for you. Get over the concept of blame. If you hold on to being ungrateful, more of that which to be ungrateful for will blithely into your life. This is a formula. Oh, yes, in the relative world, everything is relative. Life is as you see it. Perhaps you don't see well enough. Perhaps, instead of seeing all the opportunity that surrounds you, you are bent on keeping score. Turn over a new leaf. Engage in noticing blessings. By your presence, make the world a welcoming place. If you are good at yelling foul, find blessings instead. This is how you bless the world. We are speaking of Consciousness. Go ahead and bless the world in silence, and bless the world through your view of it. Expand your horizons, and so expand the Universe. If you want to be blessed, bless the world. There are as many ways to bless as there is to struggle. Drop the struggle, and bless the world. I never told you to take it upon yourself to condemn the world by proving the wrongs of others. Proving the wrongs of others is much like vengefulness, beloveds. Don’t give wrongs the time of day. If you want to understand the world better, let go of preconceived ideas. Reclaim the world. Have more confidence in yourself and not squander your Life on the offenses of others. Be secure in Me. Rise. Be what you seek. Keep your eyes open. Be open. Look forward to today which has not yet unfolded itself. Look for the good. Look for the silver lining. Be gracious to the clouds. If you can't feel gracious to the clouds, welcome them anyway. The clouds won't stay very long. They will turn into blue sky and sunshine soon enough. You are meant to be a Great Light on Earth. Shine your light. Start right now. Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/be-what-you-seek.html - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Communicating Telepathically ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to notice a shift in the ways in which you communicate with one another. We have begun to notice that you are communicating much more than you ever have before in your personal interactions with each other. We mean this in more than one way. First of all, you are saying more with your words. You are communicating verbally with your intent. Secondly, you are communicating more through telepathy and sending each other vast amounts of information through your telepathic connections. Of course, the stronger the bond between you and the other person you are conversing with and the more information that is shared telepathically. We are talking about more than just non-verbal communication here. We are talking about sending energy. The way in which you communicate with one another says so much about how far you’ve come as a collective. You cannot continue to use communication as a way of covering up that which you want to cover up, and you cannot do this because your telepathic connections are getting stronger. The amount of energy moving back and forth between you and every other human is increasing. You are becoming more of a collective. And as a collective, it is important for you to have unity. We are not talking about sameness. We are talking about harmony, and as you harmonize with each other, you find that your thoughts and the thoughts of another become clearer without the need for the spoken or written word. Now obviously you are texting each other quite a bit, and you are emailing, and you are sending messages in all sorts of ways, using technology. And this form of communication is seen by some as suspect, as lacking the depth that can be achieved through a face-to-face interaction. But we see you honing your abilities to pick up on the energy of others as you continue to evolve the way that you communicate and how much data is exchanged. The energetic exchanges between you are helping you to have more compassion for one another and they are helping you to learn from each other. And therefore, these exchanges are very valuable to your shift in consciousness as a collective. You can of course facilitate the process by becoming more aware of that which you are vibrating and that which you are picking up on energetically from the other. But know this – you are becoming more effective communicators, whether you are trying to do so or not. And the openness with which you communicate says quite a bit about the degree to which you are willing to love and accept yourself. That is another reason why it is a very good sign to see you all connecting and communicating more than you ever have before. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”Daniel Scranton Explore Your Emotions ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You will discover that the deeper you go inside of your emotions, the richer your life experience will be. When you feel an emotion, you have a few tendencies that come up within you. If it’s a good-feeling emotion, you tend to focus on that which is eliciting the good-feeling emotion. If it is a bad-feeling emotion, you tend to go to your head and try to uncover why you feel so bad, or you try to fix the situation that has you feeling so bad. If instead, you became primarily feeling in your approach to life, you would find that every emotion has much more depth to it than you’ve allowed yourself to explore. In the exploration of just how deep you can go, you will feel empowered. You will feel energy surging through you, and you will feel that your ability to create an emotional state of being is much more significant than your ability to create a circumstance in your life. Once you create something for yourselves that you’ve wanted to create, you are almost immediately on to the next creation. You wonder what else you can do, what else you can have, and you spend very little time exploring the actual manifestation. It’s really not about the manifestations. They are like your props in the bigger story of the evolution of you. The evolution of you includes a mastery of your emotions, but you cannot master them unless you are willing to spend some time with them. And that’s the tricky part, isn’t it? Some emotions you simply don’t want to feel. Other emotions seem to be fleeting and like you cannot possibly grab onto them. As you feel into the nuances within an emotional state, you will recognize how much more clarity you can have in your entire life than if you had sat and thought about your life for hours and hours on end. Just with your willingness to feel, you open up doors, you encounter new possibilities, and as we have said, you empower yourselves as creator beings. It is only by your mastery of feeling states that you will ever achieve mastery over the physical reality. So spend some more time with your emotions. Give your emotions a voice, and explore their depth. We promise you the results will blow you away. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #5949 How to Be a Light to the World, March 9, 2017 God said: Whether the people you are talking about are right here with you or not, speak well of them as if they were right in front of you, or be still. Perhaps you think you are sparing people's feelings by waiting for them to leave the room before you speak. Remind yourselves, beloveds, one reason you are here on Earth is to upgrade the world. You are meant to inspire. Do you think that your words reach only so far as the hearing range of your words? Even your thoughts unspoken are powerful. They reach across the whole Universe. There is no distance, beloveds. Distance is a fallacy among many others. You can make remarks behind someone's back, yet your words resound across the Universe. Your words reach everywhere. Make your words match a truly friendly smile. Be a friend to the world and to everyone in the world. Take no pot shots. Heighten the vibration of the world. No exceptions. Don't mock any other as if this were a sport to engage in. Bless every country in the world. Bless every politician. Bless every child. Bless. What more can you do, beloveds? There is plenty less you can do and have done. Now you know better, so now do better. Refrain from remarks. Burst into song. Shed bright light and mean it. All people on Earth are looking for their light to be lit. Light up the world you are witness to. Do away with the critic part of you that discerns jokes at someone's expense. Treat yourself to Life without shadows of discomfort. You are a far greater influence in the world than you allow yourself to see. Sing out the colors I ask of you. Leave behind the colors that do not shine Bright Light onto the world. Now it is for you to radiate Light. Now that you know better, you must do better. Remind yourself that there is no delight in spreading another's misfortunes. You are to be beyond the gossip stage. No longer have you a need to downplay any other so that, by comparison, you lift your ego self a grade higher. This is not your purpose. Nor does it serve your heart. Close the window on even one disparaging remark. Be a good fellow well-met who turns the world to a higher dial. Be a good Samaritan to the world. Highlight your serving the Universe and Me. Watch your words. It is not for you to be careless when it comes to others' hearts. It is not for you to bandy around as if what you say is a lark and doesn't matter. It matters very much what you say. Encourage all hearts. It is for you to be gentle. Never again do you run roughshod over anyone. Mind your manners. Be beholden to kindness. Do not make light of others' concerns. Cut off no one from your basic heart of caring. Would you run someone off the road? No one is telling you to pretend good feelings that you do not have, yet do not defame anyone in the name of Freedom, your Freedom. Watch what you contribute to the Universe. Be not loose-lipped. Oh, well, the past is past. Start anew now. Every day, start anew. It is today We speak of. I call upon you to foster kindness in the world. There has been enough callousness. Now it is time to warm hearts, most especially your own. Speak kindly of others. Have no fun at any others' expense whether they are present or not. Have a heart. Bear good will. Contribute glad tidings to the Universe at large and to individuals. Make room for everyone in your heart. Release yourself from smallness. Engage in largesse. Help Me out in serving greater Joy. Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/how-to-be-a-light-to-the-world.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 |
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