Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tue., June 29, '21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via You might find it helpful, as you continue to move forward into the new, to become less concerned with if something is positive or negative and focus more on if something is expansive or contracting. This allows you to move out of judgement into feeling into each specific circumstance to discern if it is empowering for you or not. It shifts you out of your mind and/or conditioning into the feeling space of the heart that can always best identify your truest matches for your soul’s evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Kyle Gray [email protected] via
Your Angel Message The Angels are now ready to bring you guiding thoughts and feelings and inspiring words. Within you is a strong and resilient voice that they are able to use to send you guidance. So, take some time to ‘listen within’. You’ve been asking for help and support from the higher realms and they are now ready to guide you lovingly to the next step. Any loving guidance you are hearing at this time is 100 percent from source. Trust it. Extended Message The inner voice is very subtle and it takes patience and the willingness to listen in order to truly hear what it says. But you will know when the Angels are speaking to you because whatever they present to you will be wholly loving and supportive and there will be no rush. If your ‘guidance’ is to do something that will bring harm to you or another person or you are promised excessive riches, then you’ll know your ego has taken over. Close your eyes and listen. Support is there for you now. Say the prayer and then trust. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wed., June 23, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via A common theme many of you experience is wondering if you are doing enough. To this we ask, have you felt the energies? Are you consciously trying to walk your own unique path? Are you self aware? Are you sensitive? Are you kind? Are you interested in healing and growth? Are you perfectly imperfect and trying to do your best? Dear Ones, what we want you to know is your growth IS your service. So if you are growing, you are contributing. And you might find it comforting to know that it is impossible to be on the planet at this time and not be growing and evolving. So rest easy with yourselves, simply be you, and follow the unfoldment of your journey. It is more than enough. Everything else is, as you say, gravy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young 21 JUN DAILY MESSAGE ~ MON., JUNE 21, 2021 Trinity Esoterics
We understand that many of you, in your desire to be diligent and get things right, worry that you are missing things or stuck. But when you are constantly doubting and re-evaluating how you are doing, you are falling into a trap of being judgmental or resistant to yourself and your own mastery. Dear Ones, you are the ground crew on an ascending planet. You are doing a magnificent job! So next time you are tempted to see yourself as incapable or wrong, we invite you to ask, “What if where I’m at is divinely perfect? What if I’m not wrong at all? What if it is impossible to get it wrong?” and see how you feel. Our guess is you will immediately feel relief and expansion which will tell you that you are exactly where you need to be, and that your resistance to that truth has been the only problem, all along. Do you see? It is the acceptance of your own divine capability that allows you to effortlessly flow into your next great alignment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Morning Messages [email protected] via
______________________ Message from the 'Team' ______________________ Now is the Portal Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here offering you our support and our words to invite you to step into your true magnificence. Your reality is beginning to return to more normal activities as well as a sense of normal pace. We are inviting you to pause and become aware of how you want to create your experience. We know it feels like the flood gates have opened and there is a surge of energy and a surge of desires coming forth. There has been such a buildup of energies while your planet was in the shut down. We can sense your eagerness to rush ahead and fill your time. However we invite you to wait just a bit before you fill your days with activities and groups of people. You had the opportunity to quiet yourself and reflect during the past months. You have a new awareness because of this quiet time, which gives you the opportunity to create a different reality from the one you left behind. You are stepping into a new field of energy that is super charged and awaiting your impressions and intentions of just what it is you want to co-create with the universe. Take your time with this process. You have the power to truly create. You can draw on all your past experiences to call forth a reality that supports your magnificence and well being. The important thing is that you need to experience the feelings of being alive. We observe that most humans live from their beliefs, their thoughts, their concepts of what it means to be alive. So we are suggesting that you allow yourself to experience each moment, without the trappings of your mind, or thoughts of should and shouldn't. Just be in the moment, be in the now. Whatever you are doing bring your full attention to that moment. Allow yourself to feel the experience of washing the dishes, driving your automobile, doing your work without being in the mind. The contents of the mind will always distract you from the now, from the moment. It is in the moment fully experienced that you create. Your focused attention on what you are experiencing is your true power. If you are washing your dishes, bring your full attention to the task. Feel the temperature of the water, notice how the water feels on your skin, notice how your legs feel as you stand doing this task. Bring your attention to all the details of the moment. Be in this experience. As you practice giving your full attention to any task as you practice giving your full attention to your interaction with others, you will begin to notice a richness and a fullness within yourself. You will honor yourself as the divine being that you are, here on this planet to experience sensations and feelings, not thoughts or concepts about the feelings. It is your experience that defines your reality, not your thoughts about reality, or your concepts or your beliefs about reality. It is your experience. The more you practice being in the moment, being in the now, the more you will be shifting from your 3D existence to a 5D expression. Realize that you have energetic sovereignty of your reality. This means that you control all of the energy you receive, you give and everything that it creates. You are responsible for everything in your reality. You create your challenges, your problems. You also have the power and ability to change them. We are inviting you to focus your attention to the moment, to the sensation and the feeling of the experience, for this is where your power lies. Being in the now you are activating 5D creativity. You are choosing to create a new reality that serves you and your highest qualities to thrive. Remember that ascension to the higher dimensions is a shift in consciousness. Your 3D reality offers your conflicts, chaos, and challenges. Remember this experience is a game. It is a hologame and you have been playing it your whole life. You have been playing this game from the limited beliefs and misinformation and disinformation given to you in the beginning. The shutdown of your entire planet afforded you the opportunity to review these limited beliefs. While you stopped your normal activities and spent time in reflection, you got in touch with a quality within yourself that feels like true power. Now as you begin to be more active and social, be aware of any old limited beliefs that return to your consciousness. Notice when you get activated by some quality that feels false. You are stepping into a new energy. This is an exciting time to be present on this planet. This is what you came here for, to be a part of this evolution of consciousness, to support and anchor this energy of ascension. The galactic energies are offering tremendous downloads which have been triggering the awakening of all earthwalkers. Individuals are responding differently to these intense energies. The body sensations, the fluctuations of emotions, the old insecurities that are coming up for many, are causing difficulty for those that resist the invitation to shift to a higher consciousness. As we have stated, the best way to ride these waves of energy, to move through these intense energies is to stay in the moment. Stay in the now. As you know this is your only point of power. You are always creating. That is who you are as divine multidimensional beings. You are creators. The quantum field of energy awaits your impressions and your intentions. Most humans use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They focus on what they don't like, what they don't want and what they don't have and then they just get more of that. Most humans create from their limited beliefs and misinformation. They allow their physical consciousness, their ego, to run the show. They are unaware that their physical consciousness has been programmed with limitation from parents, schools, religion. Now is the time to step away from those limiting patterns and step into your true magnificence. When you bring your full attention and consciousness to the moment, you are fully in the experience. You are creating from the powerful moment of now. The now is the portal of all creation. We are honored to welcome you to a new reality that you are creating and calling forth by your presence of staying in the moment of now. Invite us to support and guide you in this process. You are truly loved and respected for the courage of being in this experience. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thur., June 17, 2021Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via
We were recently asked, “How do I stop thinking the thoughts I don’t want to think?” We would like to address this today. You cannot resist yourself into growth or a state of peace. Resistance simply cannot get you there. So to try to resist the thoughts amounts to resisting a part of yourself that is trying to get your attention. Denying the love and care that part of you is seeking will only trigger it more and will perpetuate your discomfort. There is a part of you (the mind, ego, or fragmented aspect) that is fueling the thought. There is another part of you that observes the thought and can look at the bigger picture of what fear is feeding the thought (the heart, the soul, or inner wise one). Rather than attempting to wrestle the part of you that is already triggered and aggravating that fear/wound even more, we recommend approaching it from a space of understanding and love. Disempowering thoughts come from a part of you that feels disempowered. When you can show up with your wisdom, compassion, and guidance for that part of yourself, you become empowered. Then the thought no longer has a reason to occur. It no longer has purpose. It no longer has energy to drive it. So if you are caught in a thought pattern you no longer wish to experience, dig a little deeper. What is driving that thought? Is it fear? Pain? Worry? Insecurity? How can you love and reassure that part of yourself that you, as your own guide and parent to feel more safe and secure? How can you lead it forward into integration with your acceptance and reassurance? You have likely noticed how difficult it can be to be positive if you are not in a state of alignment. So if you wish to think about something you are trying to make sense of, we highly recommend you prioritize putting yourself into an energetic state that allows you to be more open and connected before you explore it. Meditate. Pray. Get out in nature. Move your body. Go for a drive. Do any of the things that help you find balance and better state of alignment first, and then allow yourself to explore what is really going on. You will find it much easier to see the cause of the thoughts, and from there find the healing the thoughts are trying to lead you to. Do you see? The thoughts are not the problem, they are a symptom of something within you that is seeking your love and guidance, and that is something that you can give yourself as many times as necessary to come to a place of peace within yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wed., June 16, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via We were recently asked, “The thing I can’t get my mind around is where the soul wants to go and where my ego wants to go. How to get them to agree more? How do I know what I desire (ego) is what my soul has planned? How do I know why I have those blocks so I can more easily work within them? For example, how long do I have to wait for things to flow when I am on a time frame of what someone else wants from me? Like vendors requiring money to do projects and repairs on my property. Why is it really so difficult?” We wish to explore this with you today. Dear Ones, both the mind and the soul are essential for the experience of the human being. The purpose of the embodiment process you are participating in is to integrate more of the soul into the body – the much talked about spiritual experience in the human body. It might help to think of it as a co-creative partnership rather than a takeover. The mind is the operating centre of the ego and works in separation. The heart is the operating centre of the soul and works in connection. As enlightening human beings, both are equally important. To try to eradicate one or the other would only put you in resistance to yourself and would create discomfort and deny the meld you are seeking to experience. So to get the ego on board, it can be helpful to see it as a toddler who is invested in staying the same, doesn’t like change, wants to feel like it is in charge, and wants to be assured it won’t be left behind. Through your higher wisdom you understand you can love that part of you exactly as it is, but you certainly wouldn’t want it to make all the important decisions. As your own wise one, you wish to guide it forward in the ways that are best for it in ways that make it feel safe and honoured. Reassure your ego that it is an essential part of you that you will always love and need but for now you will be taking care of things and it can focus on having fun or keeping track of your successes. The ego or the mind likes to control. The soul navigates through flow. To continually discover what your soul wishes to expand into, you must allow it to take the lead. You do this through the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. When using this system you are always guided to your solutions and your highest outcomes. Your life starts to unfold with greater grace and ease. You work very efficiently with the energies. You don’t have to look for trouble because if there is something that needs your attention, it will be brought into your awareness, you can deal with it, and then get right back into flow. It is always serving you. You don’t need to know what your blocks are because the flow has the ability to navigate over, around, under, or through any perceived blockage with complete efficiency. It is the the mind wants to know but the heart has the solutions. You asked why does it need to be difficult? Experiencing things as difficult often indicates a lack of faith or trust, having an attachment to things looking a certain way, trying to micromanage things, or you are settling for much less than what is possible when your soul has a bigger, better plan for you. Resistance always creates discomfort, where acceptance allows you to drop the rope to what is unwanted and get back into flow. Has your focus become stuck on what is unwanted and frustrating? Gratitude for what is working in your life allows you to experience satisfaction in your now moment. If you are feeling challenged by things needing to come together within a certain time frame and you don’t see how that can possibly happen, that is when you call on your guides, and surrender into the flow and stay there with you faith and trust. Trust that the unfoldment is always serving you. It can be helpful to find an statement that soothes you, such as “God is guiding me now” or “It will be interesting to see how this all works out”. Those types of thoughts keep you in your faith and trust and can help keep you out of resistance. They are also solution based rather than problem based. You can flow within the structure of a deadline. You can also trust if something doesn’t come together as you thought it should have, there is an element of divine timing at work or there is something even better for you that your soul is trying to align you with. Your soul and your ego are a dynamic duo. They are what are allowing you to experience this incredible time on your planet. Both have jobs and gifts for you – your ego for making sure you are treated how you deserve and to take care of your body and experience individuation, your soul for leading you forward into the expansion and oneness you wish to experience in its desire to anchor higher vibrational energies on earth through the tool of the body. Every single step of the way serves you, even if you do not understand how at the moment. If you feel stuck, give it Up to your highest self to resolve, drop the rope of resistance, and give the flow a chance to lead you to the solutions that always exist. Your discomfort is never a punishment or a cross to bear. It is simply an invitation to redirect. If you can’t see how to do that through your vantage point, it is time to allow the higher aspects – your soul, your guides and helpers, or simply Source to take the reins and lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday!Kyle Gray [email protected] via
Your Angel Message Don’t be afraid to take charge or be strong at this time. Sometimes we have to take control in order to be respected or honored. If you feel that your current situation is moving in a direction that isn’t serving you, your joy, or your purpose, the message of this card is to put your foot down now. You don’t have to be aggressive, but you do need clarity now, and unless you step in, it won’t unfold. So, set a good example. Respect yourself. Lead rather than be led. If you’re wondering whether to make the next move in a particular situation, this card encourages you to do so. Often angels find it difficult to support us fully unless we make the first move. Meet them halfway now by showing your commitment to moving forward. Extended Message If you are feeling ambitious at this time, this card is asking you to trust in your gifts and potential. You have the opportunity to move forward in your career, personal life, and spiritual life. You are a co creator with the universe and your angel guide is encouraging you to take action. By setting clear intentions, having a strong vision and taking the action steps you need to make your ideas come to life, you are showing the universe your commitment to your expansion. Know that with every step you take, your angels are with you, cheerleading and encouraging you to rise on up! Rise up! Focus your intention and send it out like an arrow! Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, June 11, 2021 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via There is a misconception that those who were drawn into cults were weak-minded. In truth, the vast majority of people who end up in cults are drawn to them because they resonate with the higher principles of service, community, and unity consciousness.
All areas where there have been misuses of power are up for review, and cults are an example of how people gather with the best of intentions to serve the whole only to give their power away to the one. This is particularly difficult to detach from because those involved entered with a true desire to do good and it may involve reevaluating all of their beliefs. In fact, when it comes to cults it is common that members do a better job of walking their talk than the leader does. It can be hard for them to discern which spiritual beliefs are valid and true and which ones had been twisted and used against them. As more people step forward in their awakening process they will be seeking community. It is time to create these communities in ways that serve the whole and allow people to serve and express themselves in ways that are safe and empowering. True leadership will lead people to their own wisdom and honour them in the expression of it. Individuality will be celebrated as will growth and wellness. People will be not be told what to do but rather guided into connecting and listening with their own wisdom. If you have been in a cult and have gotten out, we urge you to understand you are not dumb and there is nothing to be ashamed of. It was your goodness that led you there and that goodness is still there within you. You must take time to unpack all of your spiritual beliefs, one by one. With your wisdom you will start to see which are valid and which had been used inappropriately. This is an opportunity to not throw out your spirituality but rather to hone your discernment. All true spiritual teachings support the empowerment, wellness, and freedom of all involved. Use that template as you unpack your beliefs. If you love someone who has been in a cult, understand why they found it appealing. It is important not to shame them. Be consistent and loving. It is incredibly difficult for them to rediscover their true identity outside of the cult they were in. It is a process. Encourage them to find their core truths and to explore and express them in ways that aren’t hurtful or disempowering. Let them know they don’t have to give up their spirituality as it is a major part of who they are. Ask them if they were the leader of a group and if they were leading by love what choices they would make and allow them to observe the differences between their choices and how they were treated. It is there that the contrast will be come clear. Give them the space to figure it out and get that clarity without your interference and judgment. Understand how difficult it can be to give up an attachment to a dream. They need time to grieve. It is likely they have a strong desire to serve. As they get more clarity, help them figure out how they can honour their desire to serve in healthier ways that serve everyone involved, including them. And most of all, love them for being the tender, caring souls they are, for that is what they were trying to express all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via Your Angel Message Do you ever remember wishing on a star when you were a child and in your innocence believing that your wish would come true? The Stargazer connects with the energy of the cosmos and reminds you that you have the ability to draw in support from the universe. His cloak, with its sparkles and light, shows that you are closer to the energy of the universe than you think – you don’t have to go out looking for it, it’s already there. So look beyond where you are and create even bigger dreams, visions and goals, because with the power and help of the cosmos, those wishes can come true. Extended Message You are on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp and you are being guided to focus on your vision. The angels who are with you are encouraging you. There is nothing that you cannot have or achieve. There’s an opportunity at this time to heal an old wound or pattern of lack and not feeling good enough. In the past you’ve often found it impossible to recognize your worth and to believe that you are deserving of blessings. Angel and ancestor wisdom is reminding you that you are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe, and the universe is not only within you, it absolutely adores you. You are talented, filled with strength and have the abilities you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality. |
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