Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, you always know if you are settling. Settling will never give you long term satisfaction because you will be trying to thrive in energies you already know are not a match to who you really are and how you truly wish to live. Love yourselves enough to wait until you align with what excites and delights you. You will save yourselves much time, trouble, and discomfort if you simply have the faith and the patience to hold the space until your heart gives you a resounding yes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via Instagram: @kylegrayuk Your Angel Message Be here now. Enjoy the present moment and all of the positive experiences that have unfolded and are continuing to unfold. A wave of contentment is washing over your life. Contentment is about taking time to reflect on your situation, enjoy the moment, and trust that you are always being guided. Your angel team is encouraging you to follow your heart now. Do what makes your heart and soul sing. Do what makes you smile, dance, and rejoice in the glory of life. Your angel guide is encouraging you to live your joy fully. Know that your ultimate purpose is to live joyfully, and through the expression of your joy, you will reach a state of bliss and contentment. Happiness is the key to inner peace and you are being given an opportunity to experience it now. Extended Message If you find yourself feeling sad, drained, or overwhelmed, know that this is all about to change. In order to usher positive energy into your life, your angels are encouraging you to do what makes you feel alive. Whether you are drawn to pursuing a hobby, spending time in nature or with loved ones, or even having a digital detox, you are being guided to make those moves now. Anything that makes you feel positive, blessed, and joyful will support you in magnetizing more of these feelings and experiences into your life. Your angels are waiting to shine their light and love on your world, so call on them to bring that love in now. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, September 26, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via You discover your greatest solutions by believing more in where your soul is leading you than whatever challenges may be presenting to you at the time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Release being on high alert for what is wrong with you, for that is an old system of judgement that simply cannot support you in moving into your highest expression of self. Such an approach will only create more resistance within yourself, which will perpetuate energetic contraction and discomfort. Dear Ones, please hear us when we say self love combined with self acceptance is the healing balm you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Some of you have a concern that if you practice self love and acceptance you will lull yourself into a space of complacency and because of that fall into ego or stall your growth. Let us reassure you that quite the opposite will happen. When you feel safe, balanced, and loved you are supported and encouraged to embrace the unfoldment of your journey. Your soul will always, always seek expansion and growth. Trust that your self love can only provide healing and serve your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, September 21, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Acceptance is the demonstration of your unshakeable faith and trust. It allows you to flow forward into your best solutions and highest outcomes even if you have no idea what they might be or how to get there. It embraces the unfoldment of accelerated change with the greatest amount of comfort. It is essential for empowered forward movement as well as knowing yourself in a deeper way than ever before. It is the key that unlocks the door that leads you away from the futility of resistance into the discovery of what is truly possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via Instagram: @kylegrayuk Your Angel Message Take time to gather your thoughts and energy, because there’s a good chance that you’re experiencing a build‐up of frustration and annoyance at this time. You are a passionate, loving, and joyful being, but at the same time you don’t want to be taken for granted or underestimated. The warrior within you wants to rise up and fight, or at least prove your skills, talents, and worth, but drawing this card indicates that right now you’re not going to be respected or heard in the way that you deserve. Angel wisdom is guiding you to retreat, re ect, and compose yourself before proceeding further. So, take time to ask your angels and guides to help you compose your thoughts and your energy. Know that the divine hand of God is upon this situation and everyone involved, and there’s no need to worry about anyone’s karma but your own. Just retreat, refuel, and regain your composure. Extended Message This card encourages you to step into the energy of equanimity. Equanimity is a Zen‐like state in which you refrain from reacting to a situation out of fear and separation. Right now, angels of pure divine light are helping you feel guarded and guided, and encouraging you to recognize that you have an incredible force of love within you. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, September 17, 2020 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, you cannot judge, berate, bully, or force yourselves into a faster enlightenment process. In fact, attempting to do so will only add to your discomfort in these intense energetic times. Please hear us that your enlightenment process is an unfoldment that can only occur one shift, one integration, one aha moment at a time. It is a process that is designed to move at the exact perfect pace for you and your unique needs. The second you are ready to assimilate or expand more it will happen naturally. Being hard on yourselves through such an amazing time does not help you or speed up your progress in any way. It only makes you perpetually uncomfortable by being in resistance to yourself. Further, it makes you miss all the magic and wonder that is built into the journey that you can only be seen through your acceptance, presence and gratitude. If you find yourself questioning your path, its speed, or your ability to navigate it, we invite you to ask the question, “What if this is all unfolding perfectly?” and see how that feels in your body. If you pay attention you will notice that thought brings immediate relief. You are enlightening human beings on a planet in the throes of transformation. From a soul perspective you are knocking it out of the park. Trust. Flow. Accept. Stay present. Celebrate your successes and know you are doing a magnificent job. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Sarah Hall [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.netBreakdown or Breakthrough?
There comes a time in life when profound changes are necessary. And often, in order for us to achieve those changes, a breakdown of old, worn-out ways is necessary. There is a force within each of us that carries eternal and perfect wisdom regarding what is healthy, and how to live in a state of true harmony. It is that very force that activates breakdowns. The intelligence of health, wholeness, and wellbeing is forever seeking to protect and uplift us, and sometimes that means dissolving that which isn't serving us. Breakdowns are bids for health at every level of being. They are a push into the growth that is necessary for us to break through self-defeating cycles and claim our true divine nature of wholeness and peace. Every breakdown is the potential precursor to an empowering breakthrough. And according to the Angels, this all comes down to our collective spiritual purpose to embody the consciousness of Love: Channeled Angel Messages: There is a divine agreement that exists in ever soul: to bring forth a universe that is truly of Light and Love. All have agreed to participate, and do so either by embody the consciousness of Love, or by repressing the consciousness of Love with fear, and in this way, revealing the choice between Love and fear to others. That agreement burns bright and passionate like a star within your souls, dearest ones. The awareness of it is never far from you. It is this very awareness that rises up to protect you when your perceptions and routines seem only to show you an un-nurturing and meaninglessness world. It is in these moments that soul rises up to dissolve such illusions. God did not create a meaningless world. God did not create an un-nurturing existence. A truth given by God can never be un-given. And the soul can never be separate from this knowledge. It is thus the divine intelligence of the soul that breaks down all seeming barriers to truth. Trust the changes that result. When your life's seems to be falling apart, rest in safety and peace. Allow the miracle of transformation. For in these moments, we Angels are nearest. We are whispering words of comfort, and reminding you that all is well and safe. Call upon our help and guidance, and together we shall make your life into an instrument for perfect Love. Affirm with us: "I am light. I am Love. And I can do this." Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via We understand that it can seem daunting if you have the same issue you’ve been healing come up over and over again. We would like to give you some new perspective on that process today. While you certainly can and do heal in layers, there is another aspect that can be happening if a theme keeps popping up for you. It may be that your former wounded self is simply exploring and creating safe attachment within you. When you have identified an area that needs healing, the aspect of you that has been seeking the love and support it needs from you will come to the forefront and make itself known. If you can sit with it, acknowledge it, listen to what it requires, and give it everything it needs in that moment, it will settle down and begin the process of integrating back into wholeness. But just like a child that is seeking to grow and expand, that aspect may need to test its security by bubbling up and seeking to be welcomed back into your love and acceptance many times until it settles into knowing it is truly safe, secure, and always an important and beloved part of the whole. Do you see? If something you’ve been healing rears up again, it is a sign that you are truly making progress on your integration journey back into wholeness. And before you know it, if you are consistent in always receiving that aspect back into your loving care with your patience and reassurance, it will kick up less and less, and peace and wholeness will prevail. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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