Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, November 29, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via If you’ve been feeling concerned you may be stuck, gratitude can help you get back into the flow because it moves you from resistance to acceptance. Further, your gratitude reaffirms the masterful creator you are by acknowledging how much you have already created for yourself that is working beautifully in your life. It is a tremendous support to your journey in so many ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Messages Of Love
Circle of Light [email protected] via Once Love is resonating within you, then each electron of your being must respond, must remember its perfection, its joyous life, its presence as the outreach of God – the power of the Twin Flame heart of Love I Am, the forces of Creation that are at this point that is your point of focus, that is your heart, each of you, beloved ones. Once felt and acknowledged that what you see as the world is a reflection of what is within you, turn to Me and I will assist you in bringing before you those things needing Love, that they might be freed, released from your heart so that you might be the conduit of the power of God. So the world outside of you becomes the perfect place for Love to guide you, to show you your reflection, that you might be aware of what is released, of what is transformed by the power of Love and brought into the resonance of God in alignment with the truth of who you are. Anything to which you apply your focus and say these words of truth and power … when you say “I love you” to the things that you have judged, oh, beloved ones, prepare for ecstasy as in one great pulse of living Love, all misperceptions are brought into resonance with the truth of God. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Discomfort occurs from resistance to expansion. The greater the resistance, the greater the discomfort. Discomfort is simply a sign that your soul is trying to lead you to a place beyond where you are right now. It works because when it becomes too difficult to continue to resist you will surrender, which allows the forward movement and expansion that your soul wishes to experience. As you get more adept at working with energy and more in tune with your own emotions and feelings, you will be able to move out of the need to use deep discomfort as a redirectional tool and will start to choose to cooperate with where the flow is trying to take you. This is all part of your growth and mastery. Do you see? You get to decide how uncomfortable you get as a precursor to your empowered forward movement. As you continue to evolve into better self care you will learn to shepherd yourself forward with your wisdom and love without the need for the extremes that were required in the earlier days of your enlightenment process. Rest assured whether you fight and kick mightily until you exhaust yourself and surrender, or if you willingly move with the subtlest of nudges, it is all perfect because it all ultimately leads to the expansion your soul is seeking. Is it time for you to release the pattern that holds the need for deep discomfort as a springboard for growth? Are you ready to move into a path of acceptance that allows far greater comfort as you move with these unprecedented energies? The bottom line is you are always going to ultimately arrive where your soul wishes to go. You get to decide how battered and worn you are when you get there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, November 24, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, you are in a process of embodying your truth. The universe, in cooperation with the planning of your soul, is bringing up a myriad of things for you to reevaluate and examine to further define what that truth is at this stage of your evolution. This is a wonderful thing! It is allowing you to hone your clarity, your preferences, your intentions, and to acknowledge your latest level of attainment in preparation of moving into the energies of 2020 and beyond. This is a process of love and discovery, all designed to move you forward into deeper, more satisfying self expression than you have ever experienced before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Your Angel Message
Kyle Gray [email protected] via You are here to light up the world. You may feel that you are being pushed or that there is a lot going on at once, and this is because your energy is magnetic to others and they want it in their life. Take the time to listen to your inner voice. Remember the cosmic light of heaven and draw it into you. That is all you need to do to inspire the world. @kylegrayuk ![]() Archangel Gabriel Daily Message Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, release yourselves from the pressure of thinking you need to know every exact detail of where you are going and how you are going to get there. When you hear the advice to get clear about what you want, it is not about deciding how you will micromanage the universe, rather, it is about you identifying the core essence of what you wish to experience and then allowing your heart to lead the way. Working with broad intention and curiosity is key for creating a space for unknown potentials to show up for you that honour your energetics and soul mission. It is your mind, not your heart that gets consumed with details, and that is not the system that can get you to where you want to be because your highest potentials exist just beyond what you can see. Your mind simply doesn’t have the capability to get you there because it can only work within the boundaries of what is already known. You can’t plan your way into the realm of potentiality, you can only get there through flow and unfoldment, which is the specialty of the heart. Do you see? Trying to map things out through your mind is much like trying to explore the entire world while staying on the same subway line. Shifting into the heart is what gives you the vehicle that allows you to break out of the known and discover what has yet to be explored, and that is exactly what your soul is yearning to do – to play and pioneer beyond the old constraints of what you have chosen through the mind’s limited perspective for so very long. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Now – The Council by Ron Head, Oracles and Healers It is beginning now. Many times in our messages we have stated that an avalanche or waterfall of giant proportion was beginning and that it was already building. We stated often that you needed to be prepared because there were things coming that would be extremely shocking to many. Always we received the response, “I’m ready. Bring it on.” You are now being hit with the crest of the wave we referenced. You who were ‘ready’ need to not only keep your heads above water, but be ready also to act as lifeguards for those masses of people who have no idea what is happening. Many have been struggling to deal with inner changes caused by energetic tidal waves of light. Do not be confused by this statement as what most of you call light in only a tiny portion of the spectrum we are speaking of. Those changes, the inner ones that were asked for by wayshowers, have mostly been completed now. They will now be reflected more and more by what you call ‘reality’. Bear in mind that what you call reality is what we call illusion. It is called illusion because it is malleable even though you minds insist that it is permanent. Nothing, you see, is permanent. The closest thing to permanence is change. What you see as matter is a very tiny portion of what is that has been coalesced into organized states to outpicture thought – temporarily. What thought? What organizer? Mind. Whose mind? You must now come to understand that all matter is energy, and al energy carries intelligent information. So the answer to your question remains Mind. And the most difficult part of that for you to grasp is that it includes you. You are a part of It. It is all of you. And you have determined to clear up the field of thought that you are in. It is boiling up to be released. It will not be pretty. It will not be in the least comfortable – until it can finally be more comfortable than it has been for a very long time. No memory and no history that you have can show you what that means. You must be prepared for an entirely new ‘reality’. This is your Event. This is your ascension. Enjoy the show. Now, let us not forget to remind you that you are not, never were, and cannot be alone. We are a part of this as well, and we support you always. Namaste. We see the divine in you. Be the divine that you are. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. Your Angel Message Kyle Gray [email protected] via You may feel stagnant, but that's OK, because now is the time when things are beginning to move again. Distance yourself from the energies that are standing in your way and make space for the thrilling opportunities that are being offered to you. If you've been putting off an exciting venture for some time, you're being encouraged to go for it now! Your Angels are the wings on your back and they want you to spread them now. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, November 16, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Your soul is always seeking expansion and growth. A wonderful question to ask is, “What different choice can I make today that would take me out of my old patterns into a new experience?” It might be something as simple as taking a different route to work, trying a new food, learning a new skill, or deciding to let your heart lead the way. Trying new things keeps you present and engaged with your lives, Dear Ones. We highly recommend it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Solitude is often a precursor to higher vibrational relationships in the future, for it gives you the time and space for release, healing, and self exploration. Once you have created deep connection within, you will naturally expand into deeper connections with others. It is much like returning to the womb and then emerging into new relationship potentials that will reflect the growth you have achieved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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