by Ron Head More about the Oneness and the individual – The Council In response to the question asked, we will talk more about the Oneness and the individual, about YOU in your greater aspects and you as you believe yourselves to be. Please bear in mind that very small differences in wording can cause great differences in overall concepts. “As an answer to my last question regarding how a soul can forget its true nature, you replied that "YOU have not forgotten anything. But YOU have done yourself the favor of only giving you what you need at this time." But how exactly is that done, given that even the smallest aspect of the whole "YOU" will always be a full and complete reflection of the smaller (self) i.e. "you" ? After all, isn't it said that each of us are the exact miniature image of God/Higher Self? How is it then possible to make one forget some aspects of themselves as we are always complete/whole beings?” We would like you now to imagine yourselves as vast, expansive conscious beings that are made up of several, or even many, aspects that are both embodied and not in body. Also, please choose one of the embodied aspects to think of as a ‘smaller self’. Give this aspect the same name that you currently consider to be you. Now, mentally look back in time to the point at which the decision to take on another body was made. In the fullness of what you are, you know yourself to be too powerful (full of power) and too vast in your knowing for the current state of a being on the planet, in this dimension, at this stage of development to incorporate. There do exist individuals who have been able to rise above those limitations, but they are still few and prefer to remain unrecognized. You may, however, consider that your drive to ascend, as you call it, is greatly influenced by the knowing of the possibilities they demonstrate. What do you do in order to make this embodiment as a human on Earth possible? Do you give enough memory, but not enough to distract? Do you give enough energy to enable survival and growth, but not enough to be a problem for the current physical body as it will exist? Do you pick and choose through all of the skills, abilities, goals, possibilities, etc. that are at your disposal to create the perfect ‘person’ to accomplish a purpose? Do you assign guides to this new potential individual? Do you, perhaps, promise that access to all that you are will not be denied if it is grown into? Do you now, you reading this, imagine that the greater being that you are does not love you unconditionally and urge your growth and success in each moment of existence? Can you imagine that the ‘purpose’ that so many are searching for is, at this point of human development, the evolution of humanity beyond the historical ‘only human’ that has been accepted as the limit? Allow us to address the phrase “even the smallest aspect of the whole "YOU" will always be a full and complete reflection of the smaller (self) i.e. "you"”. This may seem a small point, but we wish to say that the greater self is not a reflection of the smaller. If there is any reflecting, it will be the smaller reflecting the larger. However, as we have discussed above, it is more a case of the smaller only having access to what it may hold in appropriateness. In the Oneness, all is energy and there are no separations. There are no separations. You perceive separation between yourselves and the things that surround you. This perception can change. You can experience this change. You can and may experience anything that you can imagine. In a recent message, we spoke of the “YES”. You may correctly consider that ‘yes’ to apply always and eternally to you. You are not limited… ever. There may be conditions that ought to be met, but even that can be overcome. The wisdom of doing so may ought to be considered however. Can you travel to anywhere and experience anything? We will say, you may. Can you? We hope that we have given a satisfactory answer to the question, even though we have wandered a bit. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:
Your Angel Message
Lunar energies are surrounding your life, allowing you to understand what is standing in your way. Not everything is as it seems and you're being guided to use your discernment. When the Moon appears, intuitive or psychic urges are increased, so take note of any feelings arising at this time. They are messages from your soul and angels. The Moon shines her light on all that has been kept in the dark, so ask yourself if you are avoiding anything or refusing to deal with something of importance. If so, it could be holding you in the shadows when your destiny is to be in the light. If this card appears when you feel someone isn't being completely real with you, know that their intentions will be revealed to you. The Moon has no secrets - she reveals all. Kyle Gray [email protected] The insights of The Council regarding The Divine Yes
by Ron Head One of the questions most interesting to us is the following regarding the acceptance of all possibility, the Divine Yes: “When in meditation with a group recently, I was blessed with a message from those I refer to as my 'Sky Family'... I asked of them, 'Who are we?' and the response: 'We are The Yes'. This 'divine Yes' rings true in my heart - but my head keeps trying to make sense of it. In reading your kind words through Ron, I find great relief and clarity - and encouraging validation. With my heart full of gratitude (and empty of expectation), I ask for the insights of The Council regarding The Divine Yes.” We are delighted with this question. First of all, congratulations to the questioner for having been open to receive our answer to “Who are we?” And then we would point out that the ‘we’ that was asked about included the questioner. This implies that you, many of you, have reached a point at which you are beginning to accept yourselves as integral parts of the we that we reference so often. Yes, there are groups, there are councils, there are federations, etc. But when the pronoun ‘we’ is used, readers would never be far amiss to feel as if they were being included. The question was, however, not about the ‘we’, but about the ‘yes’. As we stated in our opening, the Divine Yes is the absolute acceptance of the possible. And to the Yes, anything that can be imagined is possible. One could say that by definition it is already created. Because a thought is a thing. And all things are creations. A further thought we would introduce is that if everything is possible and can be created, and if the one reading this is a creator, and you are, then anything is possible for you. Which means what? It means that you are free. You are free in ways you have never imagined. As an example, let us propose that a great many of the restrictions on yourselves are simply the result of your having bought into the idea that you are confined to the boundaries of your physical bodies. You say, “Oh, that’s just my imagination!” as if what is in your mind is not ‘real’ like the stuff around you that you can see and touch. May we offer that as long as you continue to think in that way, you will be confined to this dimension (because you believe you are). And that explains, for example, why those of higher dimensions can visit you, but you find yourselves unable to visit them. Yes, we are quite aware that many of you are beginning to bypass that restriction. Congratulations. Perhaps leave a trail of crumbs for those just behind you. Thank you for your wonderful question. We shall speak again soon. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, March 11, 2019
Trinity Esoterics Many of you have been taught to temper your emotions, which has diminished your ability to be fully present and have the full human experience. You don’t have to be afraid of your emotions, Dear Ones, in fact, they are the only way you can discover the things you really wish to experience such as love, compassion, connection, and joy. It is unrealistic to expect to leap from denying your emotions into fully feeling them. That would be overwhelming to you and would result in you further withdrawing into disconnection from them. So we suggest you start to get comfortable with your feelings a little bit at a time. If you are uncomfortable, don’t immediately try to dismiss it but rather experiment with just sitting with your discomfort for a moment. Label it. Give it a colour, shape, or size if that helps. Just acknowledge it. You may be surprised that it starts to ease on its own because you have just stopped resisting it and moved into curiosity and acceptance of it. If you are happy, explore how you limit that as well. If you are enjoying yourself, feel into the present moment and see if you can embrace it just a little bit more. Can you expand it? Can your happiness turn into gratitude? Into joy? You have all come to accept energy and the role it plays in your lives. Your emotions are simply feedback of the energies you are in at any given moment. They are a wonderful feedback tool, as well as a beautiful demonstration of your humanity, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Daily Message ~ Thursday March 7, 2019
By Trinity Esoterics,Shelley Young For those of you who like to have the feeling of control, surrender and flow can be difficult concepts to embrace. But that is only because you perceive it as careening about wildly with no control at all. We wish to address this today. The act of surrender is a choice. Not just a choice, but an empowered choice. You are in charge, and for every moment you stay in surrender and flow you are choosing to use a system that can help you far more than trying to micro-manage your life from your limited vantage point from your side of the veil. It is activating your team of helpers. It is, as the leader of your life expression, calling on all the supports available to you. It is consulting with the experts of your life expression. It is much like being your own CEO calling in the many talented people you have on your team to lend their expertise. Further, you get to continue to steer your flow through gratitude. Surrender and flow is a co-creative process with you as the leader. It is using your free will, time and again, to choose a much more efficient operating system that is not only supported energetically but designed to take you to your highest outcomes. Change your idea of what control is, Dear Ones. Your true power comes from making soul led decisions that come from your wisdom and your heart. It is being the loving and benevolent leader of your own life expression by using the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust – the navigational system of the empowered human being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 6, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics on Mar 06, 2019 10:25 am For many of you, the fear of shining your brightest light comes from times before you had learned healthy boundaries and how to manage your own energetics. Do you feel if you step into your highest expression of self it will be more work, more responsibility, exhausting, result in you needing to spread yourself too thin, or end up with you being negatively affected by other people’s needs and emotions? If you do, please know that those fears were born before you had moved into a greater balance and before you understood that you are able to be a bringer of energy rather than a catcher of energy. Can you replace those old belief systems with new ones based on the energies of today and your own level of attainment? Can you embrace the idea of shining brightly and it making life easier for you, more joyful, more supported, more satisfying? You are ready to step forward into new, brighter, more empowered expressions of self, Dear Ones. Release any residual fears that no longer apply. By focusing on creating balance, healthy boundaries, and understanding that you are in charge of your own energetics, you will finally step forward into a life expression that makes your soul sing. This will allow you to be of your greatest inspiration and purpose in ways that serve everyone involved, including you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your Angel Message
BY kYLE gRAY You are being guided to flow like water, blow like air and connect with your purest intentions. Don't feel you need to rush ahead. A gentle approach will be more fruitful and rewarding. Move with subtlety and grace. Reach high, but also ask yourself how you can move with the flow of life rather than pushing against it. Do you have the capacity to refocus your gaze at this time? Can you slow down? Or take more time to soften and breathe as you move forward? All of this will be incredibly beneficial for what happens next. |
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