Your Soul's Alignment with Divine UnionA New Message from Archangel Gabriel
Dear Ones, The codes for Unity Consciousness are awakening on the Earth in greater magnitude than ever before. During the upcoming Solstice Full Moon, an alignment with your Soul’s Highest Destiny awaits your awareness. Whenever a gathering of Light occurs, the Archangels are available to step through the divine portal that is created to bring Heaven to Earth. All those who ask to be in that powerful alignment with their Soul can experience the frequencies of Light that bring Divine Union into being. This Solstice/Full Moon Activation on June 20 ushers a new season of awakening and creates a wave of empowerment for Unity Consciousness to awaken within all souls on the Earth. What are the gifts you have brought to the planet to share? What is the divine expression your soul has promised to anchor on the Earth? You do not need to know the details to receive this offering from your Highest Self. Divine Union is only one of the gifts that is being introduced during this Solstice Full Moon activation. With the Sun at its fullest point of the year and the Moon at its fullness as well, the Masculine and Feminine energy is at equal full power to allow Divine Union to be manifest. For all those who have committed to anchoring Divine Love and Unity on the Earth, a portal of Light is opening on June 20 to anchor onto the Earth the soul gifts that you brought with you into this lifetime. You will now be given an opportunity to receive them in a new way. The grounding of these gifts through your human form is the empowerment being offered to you right now. On Solstice, June 21, 2014, your Soul gifts were called into your life, but it took all of 2015 for them to be integrated. Now with this powerful Solstice Full Moon, you can anchor the gifts of your Soul through your physical body so you can fulfill your Soul's Destiny in this lifetime. The Archangels have committed themselves to assist the Light of Unity Consciousness to be awakened within all humanity. Ask to receive the gifts of your soul and consciously anchor them through your human form. Do this and you shall receive. Whenever the alignment with your Soul’s highest wisdom is invited to work within your being, new realities are brought forward into your conscious awareness. New Life in this fifth dimensional frequency includes a powerful alliance with the wisdom of your soul and a deep and nourishing connection to the Earth’s wisdom. Let yourself be held by the Archangels and know that the power within these teachings of Light are with you no matter in what hemisphere you are located for Solstice. With this auspicious moment in creation of new life on Earth, those in the northern hemisphere are anchoring the greatest Light ever received. At the same time, those in the southern hemisphere are awakening new Light for all humanity. The Archangels are assisting the process so you can anchor Divine Union within your body and bring Heaven to Earth during the Solstice on June 20. There will be an unprecedented Portal of Alignment that will assist you so you can anchor the divine attributes represented in the gifts of your Soul. It is important that you join and celebrate with others so that the magnitude of receptivity and awakening can be multiplied exponentially. If you cannot be with other people physically, an intention to join the Web of Light throughout the Earth that is being activated by the Solstice empowerment will help you connect. These tremendous gifts from the Archangels will bring an outpouring of Love for all humanity on Earth during this precious time. Invite your Soul to bring your gifts into this lifetime so that you can be the divine demonstration that you so desire to be. There is tremendous support for you to create the alignment that will allow you to manifest these gifts on the Earth now. You are not alone in this process. Know you are blessed and being supported as you walk through this Solstice Portal. Imagine that there are Archangels on either side of the gateway. Walk in trust as you focus on Soul Alignment within the depths of your being and embrace the activation of Unity Consciousness within your physical body at this empowered time in history. Remember that all is truly well. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel June 17, 2016
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