Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 31, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via It can be easy to fall into the belief that there is no forward movement in your life, but in reality there is always growth and expansion. As a human being, you experience the flow in two ways – the action phase, which contains tangible movement, and the lull phase, where the movement is occurring energetically behind the scenes as a precursor to taking form. What we wish for you to understand is there is always forward movement happening, you are just not able to see some aspects of it from where you are. In fact, we would suggest to you that the most progress is made during the times it seems like there is nothing happening at all. That would explain why you are given a period of rest – it is in preparation for the next action phase that is sure to come. Your job is to stay in the surrender, faith, flow, trust model in order to fully receive the gifts each stage has to offer you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Oct 30- Rocket Fuel! - the Collective
Channeled by Dave Annis, We are often asked or rather, continuously petitioned by many how to get deeper & to align more with love amidst so many distractions on you current earth plane. "How can I get fired up more?" Or, "I am having trouble feeling the love.." , and other such comments. We know it can be very challenging especially in these times of tremendous change & rampant emotions, but there are tools at your disposal, if you chose to employ them. Firstly, we would remind you to simply ask for assistance from the Universe, the Angels, Guides or whomever you are comfortable in asking assistance from. On your free will planet this is a necessity to make such requests. And assistance is always provided, though it may neither be recognized not on occasion, received. Be open - open your heart & trust in the help as it appears even though it may seem strange at the time, for it will indeed bring you to the place you want to be. Secondly, remember to go with the energy as if you were a leaf floating on a stream & go with a willingness & ease wherever it takes you Thirdly, we would say practice gratitude in all that comes to you , for it is like rocket fuel to get you to that place of love. Even when you do not feel it, a little gratitude even for your challenges will quickly shift your energies & set you on the best possible path We look forward to our closer alignment with each of you in love that is all. Namaste Mary Magdalene's Message 10-21-2019
Rev. Lea Chapin Greetings Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, it is I Mary Magdalene. My beloved Yeshua is here as well. We step forward to you in this new vibration of love that is now bathing and healing this planet. Today as each of you allow yourself to open your heart chakra and begin to feel this energy merging into your physical system, into your consciousness, into your subconscious, into all aspects of your being, I simply ask that you hold this vibration of love as you feel this energy beginning to expand and ignite the vibration and passion of love within you. So today, Dear Ones, as Yeshua and I stand with you, we call upon the energy of Mother Gaia as this powerful frequency of Divine Mother Love is emerging from the crystalline core of Mother Earth and upon this day it is as if waves upon waves of love are infusing this planet and all of creation is being bathed with the vibration of love, the power of love. So Dearest Children of the Light, as you allow your heart to open, and you allow your heart chakra to expand into this beautiful frequency of love, allow me to step back as Yeshua’s lesson of love is to be brought forth upon this day. Greetings and Welcome Dearest Children of the Light, it is I, Christ. I bring forth lesson 1, the lesson of Love. It is imperative that you listen carefully, for this lesson is made with all of you in mind. It is necessary that you bring yourselves back into balance with the power of love. It is important you stand in the truth of who you are, which is love. So now Dearest Children of the Light, it is I, Mary Magdalene. I ask that you begin to embody this frequency of love, as this energy is now being transmitted from the very crystalline core of Mother Earth, from Mother Gaia. At the time of Mother Gaia’s inception, this planet was created in love, and just as you were created in love, Mother Earth was created in love. She now is bringing her energy from her own heart chakra to your heart chakra. We ask that you begin to feel this energy, and begin to breathe in the vibration of love, begin to heal the wound and all of the disharmonic frequencies that are affecting you at this time, we know that there have been many energies that have been flooding this planet and so many as you know have been affected by these energetic transmissions. But today a power of love comes forth as a calm, healing balm over you. You may begin to feel a bit lethargic, you may begin to feel somewhat disoriented, but allow this energy now to come into your system, into your consciousness, and into all aspects of your being. Begin to feel this sense of renewal, as if you are being reborn again, as if you are being rebirthed again. Rebirthed into the energy in which you were created. Yes, Dear One, you are being given an infusion of energy, of love, in which you were created. It is like a blood transfusion, you are being given an infusion of love into your energetic frequency. Into your physical embodiment, into your consciousness, into your subconscious, and into all aspects of your being. So I ask you to take a deep, deep inhaling breath and breathe this frequency, as you allow the vibration of love now to be your calling card, it is within your aura, and others will begin to feel this love, they will begin to feel the love and the sensitivity of your energy. And they will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame, and they will begin to feel this energy and essence of light upon your soul. So Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, it is our gift onto the world to be the carriers of this light, as Yeshua and I have been the carriers of bridging the energy of love onto this planet, as we came together as twin flames, as we came together as husband and wife, as we’ve come together as divine compliments, holding the frequency of Divine Mother Love for all to receive. We have carried the light codes within us and we were rebirthed prior to Yeshua’s crucifixion. Yeshua and I were rebirthed into these light codes 2,000 years ago, and this is what helped to sustain Yeshua’s energy, to prepare him for the crucifixion and his resurrection. Today you are being infused with new light codes for your own resurrection, your own ascension. Before you move into the year 2020, each of you are being re-calibrated, and your physical bodies are being infused with such light, such healing, such power, such grace, such tranquility, that you may not recognize yourself, you may not recognize your own thought processes, as if you have been shifted from a way of thinking, a way of being, and now you’re emerging into this frequency of unconditional love, acceptance and divine grace. As you allow yourself to flow through life, to become the conduits of this love, being the bridge-builders and healing and bringing the power of love to so many, today as you allow this frequency of Divine Mother Love come up through the soles of your feet from Mother Gaia, and then bring it into your body, bring it into your heart, bring it into the essence of your being and feel this energy now beginning to heal any physical ailments you may have, any distortions that may be in your energetic field, allowing only love and light to be held within your vessel, so that your light body will become more luminescent, your physical body will become more luminescent, you will shine, shine, shine with the energy of love, healing and devotion. So today as you allow this to be received, may you give honor and grace to yourself, that you have allowed this opportunity to come to you, that you have shifted in consciousness, and you are able to understand and receive the power of love into your physicality, into your auric field, into your multidimensional self and beyond. This is a powerful, powerful day. It is a powerful day of transformation, it is a powerful day of transmutation. You are being reborn again, once again reborn into the vibration of love, in which you were created. As you allow the power and the vibrational healing of Yeshua’s love, and just as the words are encoded with Yeshua’s healing power of love, the energy is coming through the soles of your feet from Mother Gaia is also encoded with love. So your body will begin to relax, your mind will become still, and the still, quiet voice from within you will begin to be heard. You will begin to have more clarity, greater vision and greater understanding of your purpose and your mission upon this plane. So each one teach one, each one lead one. Today as you become a leader and a messenger of light at a greater level, you are a bearer of love and light. So Dear Ones know that upon this day, as you become a bearer of love and light, you are holding the template for others to receive this gift, to reawaken to the power of love within their vessel. So what you are allowing to occur for yourself upon this day, you are holding the energy and the template for others to receive. As if it is contagious. You are holding the frequency so others may step forward in their power, just as Yeshua and I reawakened our energies and were downloaded over 2,000 years ago. You are receiving this same indoctrination upon this day, and then you will be able to help others awaken, and one by one by one, the planet will light up again, as if the light and the love will be felt upon this planet, like lanterns of light, like candles that are glowing in the dark. These are all the souls that are reawakening to their light and to their love. Today you have accepted this gift and this frequency of love to be reawakened within your essence, and within your divine presence. So Dearest Children, we ask you to hold this dear to your heart, that you have gifted yourself this gift today, that you have loved yourself enough that you have been able to receive this gift, then you extend your hands to your brothers and your sisters, one by one by one. First to yourself, and then to another. So today, Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, we honor you, we bow to you, we are in gratitude for each of you for being willing to receive this energy and to feel the peace, to feel the love, to feel the tranquility. Begin to feel the light of God surround you, the love of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. So today as you feel this vibration of love, all is well. All is well, all is well. You have stepped forward into this frequency of Divine Love. Go now my children and prepare yourself to feel the expansion of your heart, and more and more love will come into your life, more and more love shall come into your life, and allow this frequency to be infused within your body, your mind, your spirit and your soul. Love thyself. As you allow this frequency to be felt, you are feeling the unconditional love, feeling it, acknowledging it, and restoring it within your own vibrational field. Go now my children with peace within your heart, feel the love, feel the love, feel the love. And know that Yeshua and I stand with you, we stand beside you, and we honor you and we are so grateful that you have received this gift upon this day. That is why we have brought this forward, and why we held the template over 2,000 years ago, for each of you to step into this frequency. Go now with the blessings of Divine Love within your heart, knowing that you are love and you are loved. Go forward in peace, and be still and trust in the divine essence of your magnificent being. © Copyright 2018 Lea Chapin. All rights reserved. No part of this written transmission may be reproduced by any means without written permission from the author Lea Chapin. Sharing with other individuals or groups is permitted only in the original form and text of the channeled message per Lea Chapin. Archangel Gabriel Message
Daily Message ~ Thursday October 24, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics on Oct 24, 2019 10:09 am Many of you have trouble staying in the energy of trust. If you do, you might consider practicing acceptance and allowing. Faith and trust open you to acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing are a demonstration of your faith and trust. If you can’t get to trust directly, you may get there through the use of acceptance. All the elements of the Divine Combination (surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and their offshoots, acceptance, allowing, gratitude, and peace) support each other. It can be helpful to play with the elements you find easiest to employ and let them lead the way into the experience of all the others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Oct.18/19 -A Message from My Guides -Letting Go
Channeled by Dave Anis, Doing my best to bring the love! Good day Dear Ones! Today we would like to take this opportunity to encourage you towards what you truly want - so bad you can taste it, so to speak. We know how hard you have worked, how long you have struggled against opposition from the world around you & certainly against your own fears. Indeed you are often seemingly opposed on every side from various conditions, from politics to weather to ...well the list is enormous & it does not serve to recount the ways. In fact this is our first point... Let go of the need to correct others, to change their minds or to defeat them in some fashion. Let go secondly, & in much the same way, of the need to control any situation. In both areas we see you expending vast amounts of your truly incredibly power in what amounts to be counter-productivity. You see, whatever you place your powerful attention towards your power also goes. You are creating monsters you wish to eliminate. Do you see how difficult you make things for yourself? Certainly there needs to be changes & so there will be. It was not a 'mistake' to have done so, but merely a powerful lesson learned, provided you do learn. As always you have free will & may continue to place your energy wherever you see fit in accordance with your level of awareness & what you are meant to learn & to experience in this incarnation. The same holds true for everyone else on the planet & one cannot fully know what another has gone through, or is here to experience & the role they are meant to play... So we say let go of those needs to control an outcome or another's position. Let go also of, as we eluded to, the outcome. In the same way, let go of the conditions or circumstances of the various happenings in your day. You can move forward in trust & faith that everything that Source & the Universe brings into your path is there for a reason to help you & not to harm you. The end results will be what you have intended, but the route is not of your choosing & expecting this to go a certain way may cause you to miss a great blessing, a wonderful lesson &as always, the something more the Universe wishes to lavish on you! As our channel David often says, "Glow with the flow & flow with the glow- let the love in your heart be your guide & you cannot fail. Letting go will enable your freedom to flourish & your faith will be raised to soaring. It's up to you. Enjoy your day! Oct 17 - Yeshua - Enlightenment
Channeled by Dave Annis, Hello my Brothers & sisters of the light. What a wonderful time it is to be incarnate on lovely Gaia whilst so many wondrous changes & miracles are taking place right before your eyes. You are an integral part of all that is transpiring , not merely a bystander. Nothing like this has ever occurred on Mother Earth as She transforms and shifts into a higher light - enlightenment is taking place. The same occurrences are true within your own vessels. You are shifting energetically in profound ways that escape your human minds & yet they are very real indeed. We have all waited for this time with tremendous excitement, admiration, & a love that abounds for you & for our Mother Earth. Raise your awareness, feel deeply into all your senses & into the fire that burns brighter & brighter within you - you do not want to miss any of this marvelous! As the old ways continue to crumble on every front & the old control networks fail to maintain their power, new & wonderful awakenings are seeded by you as to what may be possible with unbridled possibilities into all areas of your lives on the planet. It is a wonderful smorgasbord of opportunities to explore, create & to make something new to replace the old . We encourage you now to dream like never before! Love like you ARE and to throw off all doubts. The future begins now with your dreams and consciousness of what CAN BE! As always, the Universe is behind you supporting you all the way! Message From The Angels, Oct 16/19.
Channeled by Dave Annis, We are glad to have this opportunity to encourage you all in this time of great change upon your earth. We know that many of you have struggled and that your patience has been tested on a regular basis - it may seem as if there will never be blue skies again... Such is not the case, for rainbows will appear shortly, but these storms have a great purpose in releasing things that have been stored up for so long. If one were to carry such baggage from the past into the future, where would you truly be? Certainly it would be as a continuation of the old. We want you to be free once again, happy and at peace with all that is just as we have always known you to be, but perhaps out of reach in your own memories at this time. Take some time each day to venture deep within and discover the immense love that resides there. Even if you feel as though it seems pointless or you are continually distracted from going deep, keep trying, for it will get easier and over time you shall see a difference. As you regularly practice times of mindfulness, times in nature, journaling or meditating you will gradually tune in and heighten your awareness to all that is around you and within you. As you express your intent & take such measures you automatically illustrate a level of faith and the Universe will respond to you. Keep watch yet do not be anxious or narrow-minded ; the Universe may respond in ways you did not expect, but it will indeed respond. We want to remind you that you are very deeply loved just as you are. Love is truly all there is and it is the stuff from which you are. Be love, feel love and give love unconditionally. Have a wonderful day, Dear Ones. Attempting to Control Others Attracts More to Be Controlled… It is easy to understand how you would come to the conclusion that your path to feeling good is through influencing or controlling the behavior of others. But as you attempt to control them (through influence or coercion), you discover that not only can you not contain them – but your attention to them brings more like them into your experience. You simply cannot get to where you want to be by controlling or eliminating the unwanted.
Excerpted from the book “The Vortex: Where The Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships” Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, manifestation is not a singular event. It is a flow of unfoldment. It is a dance of co-creation. You participate with your intention, and steer the flow with your focus and gratitude. The universe responds by aligning elements for you behind the scenes. You take inspired action steps as they come into your awareness, and then trust if they are not that the movement is occurring in the realm of potentiality, just beyond what you can see. It is a process of partnership, each participating back and forth, until, with the final touch and support of divine timing, it is called forth into your physical reality and takes on tangible form. You do your part by staying in the forward movement with your faith, trust, and complete acceptance of each phase, regardless of whether you can see the progress or not. By understanding and appreciating the wisdom and perfection of the system and following the magic of the signs and synchronicities that are always there to guide you and reassure you, you can find joy and wonder, not just in the end result, but throughout the entire process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Message
Daily Message ~ Monday October 7, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics on Oct 07, 2019 There is a beautiful you that has been sitting under many layers of societal expectations, old belief systems, family conditioning, and your own self imposed fears and doubts. Due to the shifting, releasing, and integration work you have so diligently done, you are now able to access more and more of that true you. We highly encourage you to sit and commune with this pure essence of you. What do you really love? What interests you? What contributions would you like to offer the world? What is your soul mission? What brings you joy? How do you really wish to express yourself? What experiences would you like to have? What would you like to try on? It is time to get to know yourselves in a deeper way than ever before, Dear Ones, because from that space of connecting with, accepting, and honouring yourself you will shine your brightest light as your truest expression of self, which will then draw to you the experiences your soul has been seeking all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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