A Message to Lightworkers – November 27, 2017by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a CommentThe latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Creators of this new Earth era! We greet you with joy at this time that is celebrated by so many as the beginning of an important holiday period. And we would draw your attention to how, even when the days are not marked on the calendar as being “important” or fortuitous or worthy of celebration, many days are now unfolding that hold the energies of breakthrough moments for you and all humankind. This cannot help but affect your inner and outer lives, as moments occur to you now that hold a special realization, new wisdom, or new level of insight. And so you will as we have noted many times, have days or whole weeks when you are feeling the need to shift and change, to restructure what has been held in place for months or years, or even decades. Some of this will have to do with public life in increasingly noticeable ways. Much of it will have to do with your own realizations of what is best for you now, and who you are in your truest, most authentic self, as you journey forward with an ever-increasing vibration. You are realizing more and more now, that each day that dawns holds the potential for exponential growth, the kind that in times past, could not occur in a single day or week, but only after years of intensive study, offering service to others, and many hours in the meditative state. It is not typical for Earth life or Earth beings to experience accelerated learning from such accelerated energies, and the powerful effects of astrological and electromagnetic shifts and occurrences, now being felt so keenly by many millions. Yet you are experiencing such, and powerfully so. Don’t expect that your astrological charts and their predictive findings will alert you to all of these occurrences. For one, not all planets and stars influencing you are known to your astrologers. There is much that is beyond even what your most learned and secretive scientists are aware of. For another, even if these bodies (and souls) were known to you, your current systems are not energy-aware and broadminded enough to take in the full meaning of the influences and energy waves emitted from them. And yet, despite not “knowing” where all of these influences come from, you may expect life to take an upward turn now, and a transformative one, even if some of the changes create a strange sort of shakeup that leaves you feeling that everything is at odds with itself. We have spoken of how your workday, your heart connections to others, your eating and exercise habits, your view of your life work, your self-image, and even how you dress may all feel to be in a place of unprecedented shift and renewal now, and for good reason. You are becoming an entirely new being. You have yourselves been anchoring and ushering in these energies, requesting and requiring them on Earth’s behalf, as well as humankind’s behalf, and insisting that you yourselves take on as high a resonance as your bodies and minds can withstand. You are doing this to usher in the new era you are laying the groundwork for—and have been laying the foundations for energetically since you first appeared in this incarnation. When folks speak of the coming political climate snowballing into that which will make the Watergate era pale in comparison, they have not even the slightest idea of the depth and Truth of that statement. They are feeling intuitively what we in the higher realms see quite tangibly forming, the outer manifestations of which you are already beginning to witness, though only by a small degree. It is a series of events, a turning of public understanding, mass realization, and consciousness, that goes beyond the demand for justice as you know it. You now live, in other words, in the very atmosphere of Truth-telling itself. So that it comes down not so much to individual acts, movements, evidences or insights, but that the very air you breathe is that of a planet far different from the one you or your children were born on. Many wonder now, “What is my role, in this New Earth?” as if it were hidden, or drastically different from that which is integral to their highest and most luminous Self. We will tell you, that it is not separate from your most beautiful visions, which so many of you repress and deny yourselves even the images of. It is no different from those passionate interests, hero’s journeys, and enlightening moments of discovery that you cry out for and have experienced within your truest heart, your deepest aspect. It is the energy and essence of all of that, as well as the soul identity and luminosity that you are only now beginning to realize exists. And so, we do not say, “What a shame—your Earth (or your life) is in such turmoil!” We say instead, “This Area Now Under Construction.” And what are you building, that so much of the old must be completely torn down and replaced, and in such a loud and messy fashion? Nothing less than an era of Peace, of mutual respect and trust and belief in one another. Of respect for those who in the past were trampled or exploited—animals, children, the elderly, the worker, the mother, the spiritual seeker. Of Earth’s reentering its interGalactic associations and Confederation, along with a reacquainting and reconnection with your Galactic family members. An era of rebirth and renewal, of the eventual replacing of every service-to-self system you feel now to be immovable and inevitable. (They are not.) And yes—a time of celebration, such as you have entered now, whether you think of this as a time of Kwanzaa, of Christmas, of Hanukkah, of Summer or Winter Solstice, of the New Year, or any other time of thanks, celebration, and renewal. Yet lift your eyes, as we love to remind you, to a much greater celebration, happening all around you in the etheric, as the power of Divine Light gains increasing ground in your much-beleaguered planet, never to be removed or overshadowed again. And so, celebrate within, whether the reality of NESARA unfolding, Full Disclosure, or the capturing of so many white-collar criminals at once are issues you can discuss round the dinner table. Celebrate joyfully with every smile, look, and statement you utter, so that the power of your Light emits all the more. Others will see it, find it infectious, and join you in your celebration, though they know not why, therefore embracing the new and empowering realization of the New Earth, and birthing Her forward into your lives all the more beautifully. Yes, celebration—this too is what you came for. Namaste, empowered ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
November 20, 2017
Artist Rending of BLAJI 7th Dimensional Master Teacher from Pleiadian Star System that James Interacts with As of Nov 19th, the councils have all met and agreed the Pleiadians – due to their terraforming of the Earth before the days of Atlantis and Lemuria, and having more genetic stock, plant, animal and human on Earth, will be in charge of establishing once again Universal Law. Tyranny, and all trespass on the divine right to free will, as long as it does not harm humanity and the earth will come to a close. This will mainly be done with consciousness and energy waves yet hands on is also effective as of the 19th. There has been an ongoing liberation movement, yet due to Universal Law, it was limited by what some call the prime directive, or noninterference policy. It has been decided that – due to the extreme negative – intervention to preserve humanity and the Earth major intervention is necessary. The malevolent off world visitors and what many refer to as the Archons are being removed. The Draconian Grid has been disassembled. Those who are aligned with the malevolent forces are going to be rounded up. This is a multidimensional operation. The reason there is so much inhumanity on the Earth is it has fallen into the hands of malevolent nonhumans. Their human counter parts deceptive ways will be revealed and no longer tolerated. It is time for humanity to wake up. Know your true history, the true nature of God and what it means to be human. Hu=God man/woman. You were created in the same image and likeness of the gods, little g which were nothing more than extremely evolved off world visitors. You have the DNA of the gods which explains all the abductions and hybrids. What better prize than to control and own the gods. You have been lied too, dumbed down and manipulated in too many ways to categorize. The additives in your water, food, GMOs, big pharma, the inoculations the endless wars are all part of the programs run by the Archon or Draconian grid. You will soon be released from and be made aware of all of their methods and they will be held accountable. The days of the tyrants, the war and disease profiteers and their puppet masters from unseen realms are and will be removed. This is decided by the councils and civilizations that operate under universal Law, the real Gods law. Time to awaken, remember, step into your divinity and take your planet back. As above so below
A Message to Lightworkers – November 17, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth! We see that in this pre-Advent and pre-Solstice season, as some celebrate it, you are feeling not only the presence of a growing sense of Peace upon the Earth, but are requiring its demonstration in your own life, and in the world around you. And this is powerful and important. For you are no longer in a world of extreme density, where the efforts of a few good people are scarcely seen and barely remembered. You are now in a new vibrational setting, where those dedicated to dark deeds, to disempowering and discouraging the many, are finding themselves the ones increasingly disempowered and increasingly restrained in their efforts to promote chaos and despair. And we are aware that such terms as “chaos” and “despair” are not positive or Truth-holding, as they carry a low vibration, and are no longer an apt description of where Earth and Her people are living, and are headed. Yet they show all the more clearly the difference between what was the status quo on Earth, and what is increasingly becoming the status quo. And that would be, not an unmoving or undeveloped level of hope, but an ever-developing and constantly increasing flow of inspiration—a belief in the increasing frequency of your own thoughts and feelings, and an understanding of your own co-Creating power—how much your own expectations and requirements for your world actually affect it. We would say, that rather than all being a matter of business as usual in the White House, the Kremlin, or the many parliaments and governing councils around the world, that the Galactic presence is being increasingly felt and seen by those who presume themselves to be in positions of power. They have been informed that they must begin now to take steps to include Galactic and interGalactic considerations into their thinking, their governing styles, their priorities, and their actions. Though some are resisting such, adjustments are being made in the thinking of many in power, out of sheer necessity and concern for their own outcomes. There is no denying the constant flow of ongoing movement into that which is becoming the Full Disclosure of the Galactic presence. The parallel for the average person is an increasingly accommodation in each person’s energies toward that which will assist them in communicating with other races, cultures, and civilizations, once Full Disclosure occurs. It is already unfolding, though announcements have yet to be made in the larger sense. This is not an overnight occurrence, nor is it taken lightly or with noninvolvement on the part of those higher beings assisting you in the Angelic realms, those on Earth with vital missions to perform, and your Galactic family members themselves. We invite those who are a part of our Collective presence to speak to you now, with Love and compassion for all you are facing and the progress you are accomplishing, day by day: “Greetings, Family members, Earth commanders, Angels in human form, and all assisting this rebirth of Earth civilization! We greet you with the respect accorded your long sojourn into isolation as a planet, and all it took from you for eons, and your long sojourn out of such isolation. All you are requiring and creating now, with Creator Source Energy behind you, is from the higher impulses of your very souls and highest aspect. And we wish to say, do not be discouraged at those current events which appear to be displaying the various levels of corruption in your governing bodies (though they are usurpations of Earth’s true governing forms) and Earth systems. Do not feel because there are many being found now to have behaved in inhumane and unethical ways, that things are tumbling down, with no refuge or alternative sources of direction ready to replace them. We assure you, due to NESARA law, there is a great deal in place, ready to replace these false forms and false gods, which should never have been considered authority figures or authoritative structures; they are neither. You are coming now into that moment where you realize each person is their own Authority; all else is slavery. And so as you shake off the chains of what feels to be an old system, but which is dissolving into No-Time as we speak, we welcome you as always into that empowerment which you were born to rediscover—except, this time, most miraculously, while in a human body. You speak of Ascension, and we join you in celebrating that which is so quickly and powerfully drawing your planet and your individual and collective vibrations into fifth density. Yet we would say, as we as part of the Collective have spoken of before: Do not feel that this new form of living is a far-off or not-yet-occurring reality, which you must wait or work hard for. You step into it every moment, as you learn to honor your bodies with more fresh air and pure food and water, more time speaking with and connecting to Mother Earth, more quiet meditative states, more time spent on creative and other joyful pursuits. You walk into it all the more fully each time you practice patience with one who is struggling or in pain, or with your own exhausted physical being, which is undergoing such drastic transformation at this time. And do not think that we have no remedies for your pain and sadness, your confusion and overwhelm! You are not alone in this, nor in anything you journey through. Meditate in a way that brings you aboard one of our ships—think of someone whom you Love and trust, such as Mother Sekhmet, or Lord Kuthumi, or Lord Sananda Kumara, or Captain Ashtar, to name a few examples. Come into one of the healing chambers on one of their ships, and ask that your mind, heart, body, and etheric energies be rejuvenated, renewed, and enlivened by the technologies there, and by the healing impulses carried there by those wishing to assist and encourage you and your soul family. Ask for assistance in integrating the new higher energies now coming into Earth at an unprecedented rate—and we celebrate with you, that these cannot be stopped nor their flow mitigated in any way. You have called to these beautiful frequencies of higher Light, as the Earth Herself has, as the turning cycle of the ages has likewise rung in these astounding changes, as a loud clear bell tolls the news of some great change that is undeniable, and here to stay. Welcome, fellow travelers throughout this Universe! You have known us before, and shall now know us again.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * And so as always, dear ones, we encourage you to lift your eyes to the skies, and ask for inner and outer evidence of that which is already being witnessed by many—the return of those family members once banned or endangered by Earth life, and now increasingly welcomed to it. Namaste, dear ones! We of so many planets, star systems, and Universal origins Love and are with you, always. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
13 NOV DAILY MESSAGE ~ MONDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2017 by Trinity Esoterics Dear Ones, the energies are always moving and changing. This means that where you felt aligned and good one day may very well not be the place where you feel aligned and good the next day. Do not let that frustrate you! There is always an energy available that will support you on any given day. Simply asking, “Where is my balance point today?” and allowing yourself to intuitively shift into it is all that is required. Your soul always, always knows where it is. All you must do is set your intention to move into that space, and allow yourself to shift into it. While we understand that so much shifting and changing can seem daunting at times, change can only take you to a better place that includes expansion, evolution, and a greater experience of self. The rapidly changing energies also serve you in getting comfortable with surrender and flow, with movement with intention, and working with the natural rhythm of the universe. It is allowing you to get adept at navigating the new energies with acceptance, and embracing the supports that are always available to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
You Are Lightworkers ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are the checkpoint through which consciousness enters this entire universe. We know about the balance of darkness and light in the universe, and we are maintaining a balance that is slightly favoring the light. Now you might wonder why, at this point in your evolution, you would need any darkness at all. And the truth is quite simple. Those who play the role of the dark are doing so to give you an opportunity to experience something you’ve never experienced before. You know that you are unconditional love. You know this because when you hear it, that truth resonates with you. But how do you experience that unless you have something truly unlovable in front of you. When you choose to be who you really are, you help to take this universe to the next level. You help to tip the scales even further on the side of the light by offering more light. You have your own gateway inside of you, and that gateway has access to an unlimited amount of Source Energy, an unlimited amount of light and love. It is up to you how much of that you let in, and therefore, you are also helping to keep the amount of light in this universe at a magnitude that will always be the dominant force. We together are all ensuring that the shift in consciousness occurs. We get help from you, and you get help from us. And there are so many beings on the side of the light, banding together, creating strength in numbers. So you see, even a little advantage goes a long way because those who are playing in the dark are still feeling that separation from Source, and only the love and the light that you shine upon them can awaken them to the truth that no matter how far on the side of darkness they have traversed, they are never actually separate from Source. That is why you are all called lightworkers. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
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