We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that our dedication to God shifts us into a powerful stream of Life where we become powerful co-creators. The Gabriel Message Card for this week When you dedicate your life to God you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations. I love the idea of a Lifestream of Pure Consciousness. That word Lifestream is extremely inspiring to me. To me, it means that there is a River of All Creation that flows through us at all times. All we have to do to co-create a new reality for our lives is to align ourselves with this energy of Pure Consciousness and step foot in this Lifestream. The hardest part is to trust and just allow ourselves to relax and receive from this loving presence of divine energy in whom we live, move and have our being. Whenever I face transitional times, which is very frequently nowadays, I find it helpful to rededicate my life to God. I do this sometimes with great formality, and sometimes it is a part of my intentions for co-creation. I know that my life flows much more gracefully when I make a loving commitment to allow the Divine Power to inspire my actions. Again and again, I turn my daily life over to God and ask to be guided throughout all that is transpiring in my world. After my spiritual practice, when my vibrational frequencies are uplifted, I can then pray for the world and feel a resonance in my heart that tells me that I have indeed stepped into the infinite flow of the Lifestream where there are no limitations. Divine Presence: May all beings awaken to the depth of love and wisdom within their hearts. May all the waters of the world be purified, allowed to run free and find sacred balance. May the trees be honored and respected for the life that they offer us. May all the world leaders find wisdom and love in their hearts and take care of their responsibilities in Divine and perfect ways. May all the animals be blessed, cared for, and respected for all that they give to the world. May all of humanity live in balance with the Earth. May we all be blessed with beautiful reminders and live in the flow of Divine Creation! And so it is. Shanta Gabriel ShantaGabriel.com March 27, 2016 The Gabriel Messages #8 When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations. Dear One, When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life. It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that normally would have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy frequency, or Pure Consciousness. How do you reach this heightened state of awareness? Through prayer and communion with your Higher Self, by connecting to the loving Source of all that is, and by breaking free of the bonds which limit your thoughts and conscious awareness of life. So many people contain their thoughts in limiting boxes. Because things appear to be a certain way, they believe it to be truth. The Angels are here to show you another way of looking at life, one in which there always exists a greater level of truth, and where love and harmony are the qualities you can manifest. When you breathe deeply and visualize your energy-field expanding, you are allowing this greater level of truth to become apparent to you. It becomes even easier if you ask your guardian Angel to show it to you. Asking is a form of prayer, and there is opportunity available to see the "larger picture" if you want to. Prayers are always answered. When you pray, you open the door for a greater level of energy to work in your life. This is the pure potential energy that becomes available to you as you turn your life over to God. We call it a Lifestream because this is the energy in which you live, move and have your being. It is the essence of you, because you are a part of All That Is. When you remember this truth, and give yourself time to commune with the Higher Power within you, limitations drop away. Practice Right now, take the time to dedicate your life to God. Imagine this Lifestream of Pure Consciousness flowing around and through you in rivers of love and light. Be willing to have your limiting beliefs drop away so that miracles can occur for you in your physical world. Sometimes it might appear as though only a miracle can make the difference in your situation. Allow this to occur as the natural result of remembering the Divine Spirit that is really in charge of your life. The Angels are available to assist you, as close as a prayer. Open yourself to a new way of seeing your world where love, joy and harmony abound. All this is possible when you remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel March 27, 2016 TheGabrielMessages.com
Click here tCaroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - March 24, 2016
The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you today. You have, in this past week, seen more tumult in the form of violence in the beautiful city of Brussels. And while some of you have reacted with a weary feeling that this sort of disruption will never end, far more of you have taken a higher road vibrationally, sending Love, Light, and calm, peaceful compassion to those who have suffered injury, shock, or loss. And we would say, that this in and of itself is a beautiful and powerful sign of how much the Earth and Her people are changing. The sort of good will, kindness, and support flowing into the country of Belgium now is a sign that far from feeling defeated, the majority of the human race are standing up to understand that all are One. One community, One people, and increasingly, One consciousness. You are not simply individual, broken-into-separate-pieces communities, easily managed and manipulated through fear and painful images. You are increasingly the empowered, interconnected, loving Light Beings you came to Earth to become. And the sight of that, even in the midst of the losses felt by any country, is a brilliant and encouraging sign indeed. We shall go further than that: You have decided, as a race, over the past week, to stop being manipulated by the powers-that-were to the degree that though the word “terrorism” once wielded great power over you, you now see it as an end-able, finish-able, non-continuing event, rather than part of normal life. And the reason for that, is that critical mass is on the horizon now. The scales are ready to be tipped in favor of humankind’s realization that Love is all there is—the most powerful energy, and the only relevant one. And that nothing you suffer here could ever mean that Love had ended, or gone away, or even taken a break for a few days. There is none of that in your growing Light Consciousness, which sees only the beauty of joyful possibility in every person and every situation, and accepts all persons as perfect and all situations as temporary—part of the Universal flow toward greater Light. Accepts them without struggle or remorse or regret, without feeling that it “shouldn’t be this way,” and seeing “no improvement.” You are in fact seeing powerful improvement in Earth life. And this week, when the US president visited Cuba and reaffirmed open friendship and cooperation between those two countries, he affirmed something for the entire world—that contrary to the pronouncements of the old order, everything has changed. The old walls are coming down. It is what those who created the tragedies in Belgium were hoping you would not see, but it is there, nonetheless, and you are seeing it. Each day, the energies run more powerfully throughout your planet—the energies of cooperation, interconnectedness, and openness between cultures. And the growing realization that no one need play the falsely created roles of master and slave any longer. And so are you ready to lift your eyes beyond tragedy, above the divisiveness of those who claim to be leaders, yet who shout insults as they tear out their hair, claiming they are here to save you, when in fact, you are already saving yourselves? Are you ready to release belief in your own “weaknesses” (you have none) and to love every bit of your own growing consciousness, your physical, etheric, and mental/emotional self—to release all that no longer serves your higher good, and the good of your planet? The answer is Yes, and you know this, and all of us watching you with Love and encouragement of every kind also know it. Do not tarry in argument of belief or opinion, in scenes of unrest or sadness, or in any of the myriad traps of desperation and fear laid for you by your old-structure media. You know better! You are building a different world, a place well beyond what they have the training or the bravery to report. You are the real journalists, telling the story every day with your joyful faces and loving, truth-filled voices. And all who read the Light there know they cannot be mistaken—they have seen Life resurrected, when they least expected it, and they know it cannot be taken from them. Namaste, brave ones! You came here to usher in a New Era on Earth. And believe us when we say, you are doing that very thing. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. http://carolineoceanaryan.com/2016/03/24/message-to-lightworkers-mar-24-2016/o edit. by John Smallman
2016-03-26-jesus-audio-blog-for-saturday-march-26th.mp3 Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday March 26th We are all evolving spiritually because Creation, Reality is ever ongoing, there is no final destination, just a continual growth in joy and happiness that continuously uplifts and inspires. God, our Father, the Source, All That Is wills our happiness and joy and so it will be accomplished. Life within God, where all Life occurs, is an ever-expanding journey of joy. In contrast the human life experience is one in which you strive to accomplish something and on achieving what you intended soon find it unsatisfying, and so you seek something new to replace or supersede it. Satisfaction is impossible within the illusion, because nothing there is Real. Temporary pleasure or satisfaction does of course occur, but the pleasure or satisfaction cannot and does not last. Life is eternal, but human life is a very limited experience in which there is great striving to prevent, avoid, or deny the inevitable – death – that is driven by fear. But death is just a releasing of limitation and an opening into Reality – fully conscious awareness of eternal existence within the Oneness that is All That Is. Reality is what all are seeking, but cannot find because they look outside themselves instead of within. Lasting joy and happiness, where you know and experience yourself as One with Source, and therefore with all of Creation, can only be found within. That is why all your guides and mentors from the spiritual realms keep on stressing the absolute essentiality of taking time out daily, and also throughout the day, to go within and be in peace there with the inextinguishable divine Light that dwells there – the Real You. You will not find it elsewhere, as many self-help books might suggest, because there is no “elsewhere.” Within is Reality, without is illusion or dream. However, you are so engaged with the illusion and with the distractions with which it constantly tempts you – and that includes anxieties, worries, accidents, illnesses, as well as the hoped for but short-lived joys that you are constantly seeking – that you have great difficulty just spending “down-time,” that is quiet time alone and undisturbed by the noise of daily living. You actively seek distraction – on your computer, your phone, texting, listening to the radio, watching television, having upsetting arguments – and what you seek you find! Even when you decide to spend time in meditation, contemplation, chanting, praying, etc., you are still very much open to whatever distractions may arise because you expect nothing of note or importance to arise when you are alone, quiet and feeling bored, fearful. In fact you mostly expect to be disappointed because alone by yourself you imagine yourself as nothing, a small and insignificant being, even worthless, and you feel that you need the continual presence others to even feel alive! Yet nothing could be further from the truth. When you allow yourselves to be quiet and allow your thoughts to flow unmolested, unengaged with, peace occurs. Initially it can be rather difficult to reach that state because your egoic mind, the mind that you use constantly in everyday living, keeps demanding your attention, or so it seems. It's just that you are so accustomed to responding, or rather reacting instantly to the distractions with which it presents you, that it has become an ingrained habit out of which you need to be trained. That ability to be aware of all input and to react instantly is very valuable at times – driving the car, watching a small child in the swimming pool – it's the “fight or flight” instinct that has served you well for eons. But now, as you evolve spiritually, it is essential to be able to distance yourself from instant reaction and judgment. To be in a meditative state is to be fully alert, you miss nothing, you just do not engage. It is the difference between fishing in a quiet river, totally relaxed and at peace as you watch the water flow past, or taking part in or watching a competitive sport where you are fully engaged in every moment and aware only of the game. Both states are fine but you need to be able to choose which one you wish to be in and then be there. From childhood, as you become ever more aware of what is going on around you, up into adulthood, that reactive state of awareness becomes ever more efficient, so much so that you have to make a very positive effort, and practice constantly, to reach the meditative state of quiet alertness which offers tremendous benefits both in terms of reduced stress and anxiety, and in seeing things with greater clarity as your emotions cease to control you. Emotions are very useful because they give you a very individual sense of who you are and what you like or dislike as a human. In Reality there is only Love, which is all-encompassing and which brings you untold joy. Emotions are limiting, but often feel like incredibly powerful driving forces, which can seem to be utterly beyond your control. And many are controlled by their emotions; you see evidence of this all around you, from temper tantrum driven infants to suicide bombers. Emotions, when you allow them to be your sole motivating intent, narrow your focus, often with laser-like intensity, so that you see only a very small part of the situation in which you are involved instead of the bigger picture, and so you react, frequently most unwisely, which leads to suffering and regret. To take time out daily to be quiet and alone, that is separated from human interactions and other worldly distractions, is an essential part of your spiritual evolution. All of humanity is evolving spiritually, even when it is unseen and unacknowledged, because that is the purpose of human existence. You chose to experience separation from your Source, but you have also chosen to return to Oneness, and, as humans, most of you remain unaware of either of those choices! However, a great awakening is underway, the Love of God, the energy field of infinite power in which all that exists is eternally enveloped, has flooded the planet and everyone has wet feet! Wet feet cannot be ignored, you have to do something about them, and changing your socks is not enough. You have to deal with the Source of that Wetness, and you do so by coming to the awareness that in fact you do not have wet feet, you do not have feet at all, because you are One with the Wetness, You and the Wetness are One, the divine Source from which Creation is flowing eternally, and from which you have never been separated. Separation from God, the Source of all that exists is impossible, it can only be imagined. To be separated would be to cease to exist, you know that, and so to even imagine it, which you do as humans, is indeed terrifying. But that terror is also unreal, an imagined state that seems very real to you, especially as you look around and see the intense pain that many are suffering throughout the world. Humans attacking one another in fear; preemptive attacks in the hope of saving self by destroying another. But, as deep within you all truly know, an attack on another is an attack on oneself. It is the growing awareness of this that is leading you forward toward wakening from the dream. And in your growing awareness you see more clearly the insanity of the world and the violence and hatred it appears to encourage. The dichotomy between the hatred that you see demonstrated and the love that you want to share and experience is very confusing and unsettling for you. It seems that there is nothing you, as individuals, can do to change the world. And, if you view it like that – a need to change the world – there is no answer. Everyone has a different idea of who and what needs to be changed and how, and consequently harmonious cooperation to achieve peace on Earth is impossible. You cannot change another! The only way forward, and many are now realizing this, is to change yourselves by claiming your true nature and living it. Yes, in the world you see the innocent and unarmed abused, tortured, and killed, and it has always been like this. But where love and reconciliation have been tried they have worked. Do not allow yourselves to be persuaded that Love does not work. It is the only thing that works. Refuse to engage in attack or defense, it is utterly against and in opposition to your divine nature, and you know it and feel intensely uncomfortable when you do. You may attempt to justify yourselves by telling yourselves that there was no other option, that violence has to be opposed by violence otherwise intense suffering occurs, but deep within you know this is not true, and that violence inevitably leads to more violence. There is no such thing as a just war! You all know this! To deny it does not make it just. Uncountable numbers have acknowledged this, and although violence and suffering persist, the Tsunami of Love is opening hearts all across the planet to bring an end to the nightmare in which you have been seemingly enveloped for so long. Open your hearts if you have not already done so, and intend with all your heart to extend and intensify the Tsunami of Love that envelops you in every moment, and watch in joy as conflicts wind down and terminate. You are making it happen by your own intent to be only loving whatever the situation, and you have infinite assistance from those in the spiritual realms, in Reality. The nightmare of worldwide poverty, conflict, and suffering will cease. Avoid all temptation to express anger violently. When you feel uncomfortable emotionally, upset, angry, resentful, or hateful you are coming from ego which enjoys chaos and confusion and the discomfort it causes. So when you feel it, instead of acting on it, just let it go or wash over you and move on out, it will. In your intense awareness of anger be strong and instead of engaging with it intend to expand your energy fields of Love to integrate with the Tsunami of Love so that you can love what has angered you and forgive it. Doing this brings you peace, although your ego may well attempt to persuade you not to be at peace but to express your righteous anger because you have been wronged. However, when you operate from your real Self, from your quiet inner temple, peace and love flow through you calming the storms that are arising within you and smoothing the troubled waters of your emotions. That is why I keep stressing the importance of going within daily to be quietly at one with your real or higher Self and with God. That is your task on Earth at this critical moment in humanity's evolution because that is what is bringing humanity to wakefulness. You cannot fail, because it is God's Will and yours that humanity awakens, but your loving input from your inner temple is essential to dissolve the remaining foundations on which the illusion depends. Your loving brother, Jesus. Heavenletters
Heavenletter #5600 Published on: March 25, 2016 To move your life in a direction you want, feel better first. Feeling that you are in a slump, depressed, discouraged doesn't help you move your life forward. Feeling in a slump tends to keep you where you are. Your feet get caught in quicksand, and you can't move, and so you prep yourself for struggle. The quicksand you are stuck in is the morass of your thoughts. You may say to yourself over and over again: "What a terrible situation I am in." If only you could push a button that would take you to feeling better, then better news will arise. So, here again, you have to look at a dismal situation, and look at it differently. Let's say you lost your job. You panic about loss of income, and you allow your sense of worth to flatten itself. You have been dealt an unkind unfair blow. You see an enemy who did not do right by you. Do not make yourself into a victim extraordinaire. Do not believe it. Look at this dire situation differently. You must look at it differently. For instance, you have been dismissed from the company where you work, shoved out, of no use to the company you gave your whole heart to abundantly and loyally. Kicked out. No matter how unjust and how unwarranted, now it is goodbye. So long, you're on your own now. Now you are to get out of the precise small picture and enter a larger arena beyond the boundaries you wrapped your heart and mind in. Arise. Life is telling you that you are to move forward into new territory where another opportunity waits for you. Life does not intend that your being laid off, for instance, is to be a cruel blow. It is more that you are being told to stretch to greater evolution right now. Do not think I believe everything is peachy-keen when I tell you that the loss of your job, or death of a beloved or arrival of divorce or illness is giving you an opportunity. Yes, you are being pointed to change, yet you fear change. You fear the idea that life disrupts you. You had to put in only ten more years of servitude until retirement. Or, you were so in love with your beloved who was taken away from you. Or, you were in excellent health and now… You may insist that none of this that you see as adversity was supposed to happen. You have been desiring life to stay as it was. That's all you ask. Yet, dear ones, it was too much to ask. Take a new approach. Instead of being stuck in the form life was, now you are going somewhere. You are on an adventure. You are looking for something. You are going to find it. Instead of being frozen in time, you move forward. What is next for you? It is unknown. You may feel that your safety net is in shreds. Look at it this way: You are going into the forest, and you will discover what is waiting for you. You are going to do something wonderful. The time will come when you are glad you were pushed to go into the forest where a treasure awaits you. If you didn’t go into the forest, how would you find the treasure and come closer to yourself? Instead, you may have been seeing only doom before you. You tied up your own hands and felt helpless. Who undermines you, dear ones? You. Only you. Be someone who attracts a happier job or finds yourself starting a business and succeeding very well. Without this push, you might never have gone this route. Gather happiness into you. A dark forest has glades. Walk into the glades. Heavenletters Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today we can celebrate a day of Triumph. The dark have tried to further delay the many projects that are in the works, but they now have to see themselves as beaten by the forces of the Light. Their small attempts now go nowhere, but gives only a puff of smoke here and there. The people of the Earth have chosen peace and feel unwilling to go anywhere else. The power of the people is great, much greater than they could have suspected. It is not easy to move a large mass, as you well know. The consciousness is increasing all the time and more people seek out the light. The Light gives joy and hope to battle weary people. They want to have joy and hope in their lives and not worry and sorrow. They want to see a bright future for their children and not one of fear and darkness. They start to see through the darks feints and work intensively with themselves to free themselves from fear that has surrounded them – A fear that more or less has taken over their lives. In truth – you do not need to be afraid. All that you create in Love remains in Love. It is you who are the creators and who can create the world you want to have. A world that is free from fear and that is born in Love. It is this world that you now create for yourselves and your children. Do you now understand how important your intensions are? It is your willpower and intentions that recreate this world. See the bright and beautiful that you wish to have and that is what you will get. The more people that consciously create their world of Love and Light the more clearly it will be manifested. The power of the people is great. It is you, as a greater humanity, which is changing your world today. You are doing it together as a collective unit. It looks bright for people on Earth today. For every new ray of light that reaches Earth a certain number of new people wake up. The Light that arrives on Earth also impacts nature and animals. Everything is transformed in the cosmic Light. It is time to take each other’s hands and sing a song of praise to Our Lord who so gently and patiently has brought you back home. We sing up here so that it rings all over the universe. We are all so grateful for the mercy He has shown us and all of humanity. Bow your heads to Our Lord and thank Him for the bright future that you now enter. It is a beautiful and loving world that you now enter – A world completely different and more fantastic that you could have imagined. The beauty that you can imagine cannot be compared with what you will experience. So envision dear Earthlings and go beyond the known and let your fantasy carry you away. See the beauty and brightness that you did not think existed and understand it is there for you. It is there, all can be found there in your heart. Open it up completely and fully so that life can flow in and show its best sides. I wish you all the Love, Judas Ann Dahlberg MARCH 20 2016
Dear ones, welcome to a time when things seem the same for much of the world, but not for you who are awakening. Many of you are beginning to have new and unusual experiences as well as deeper insights that the others are unaware of. Keep on keeping on for evolution is moving toward a new earth and a new state of consciousness for those who choose. We wish to talk about money, a topic that seems to cause much chaos and many problems for the world. The human belief system regarding money is built around duality--the consciousness of money as a "good" that must be attained or an "evil" to be rejected. Both are false being based in a general ignorance of truth often along with the desire of many for power. Money is a medium of exchange in and of itself having no power other than the power you give it. Every soul is seeking to find and remember Itself, to rest in the peace and joy and love of once again experiencing who and what it really is. When an individual incarnates into third dimensional energy, he comes with a plan for whatever experiences are necessary for his evolutionary process. Once in the denser energy of the third dimension he forgets this, but retains that deep yearning for completeness. Not understanding that what he is feeling is spiritual, he begins to seek outwardly for whatever he believes will bring him happiness according to his attained state of consciousness. Seeking and struggling for some perceived good (often money) in the outer no matter the cost to others is how much of the world still functions. It is the source of all criminal behavior, power struggles, dishonesty, religiosity, and on and on. Every individual is seeking to experience their innate wholeness, but not yet aware that it lies within, they turn every which way in the outer until in some lifetime at some point they give up and start looking within to where it is. Money, as well as all forms of abundance, is a mind interpretation of the ever present completeness and wholeness within every individual. Mind can only interpret and manifest outwardly according to the attained state of consciousness and personal belief system of each. If Divine wholeness was not already embodied within, it could never appear outwardly, because the outer is the inner. Abundance is an infinite and always present Divine law, but the universal belief in duality and separation has resulted in a world of lack and limitation. In duality there will always be the pairs of opposites (abundance and scarcity) and with separation there will always be some who have and some who do not. These beliefs are being continually re-enforced by the consensus consciousness. The law of abundance is easily observed in nature--the leaves on the trees, the blades of grass, the flowers in the fields and the birds of the air. Nature when allowed, always functions according to a law of Divine abundance. The time has come for evolving mankind to begin the process of moving beyond obsolete beliefs of lack and its many forms, for in reality there is no such thing as lack. Lack, especially in the form of money is a very difficult belief to move beyond. It and lessons of relationship represent the two most difficult blocks for the human consciousness. Beliefs of lack and limitation have developed to the point of becoming human laws because for the most, all previous lifetimes were lived fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy. Cellular memory until cleared, still carries energies associated with experiences of poverty and starvation from some of those lifetimes. However, human laws as real as they may seem to be, are only beliefs that can never supercede Divine Law. Gratitude is a powerful key for unlocking of abundance because it is the acknowledgement that "I have". Start with what is familiar, giving gratitude to the Divine within you for everything no matter how mundane or seemingly unimportant it may seem. Begin to acknowledge abundance everywhere around you even with something as as simple as noticing the nice suit someone is wearing or a beautiful home you admire. Start saying grace before meals if you don't already, making it a recognition and gratitude for your Divine wholeness manifesting outwardly as food. Allow the simple mealtime prayer to move beyond the memorized and rote thanking of some far off concept of a God who picks and chooses who to bless--the God man has created in his own image and likeness. In expressing gratitude to another for anything, you automatically acknowledge and honor Self when you realize that this has not come from the other but through them. There is no "other" and within the realization of ONE, all things simply move from one pocket to the other. This is why it is so very important to stop looking outwardly for anything--your good, happiness, or fulfillment. An evolved state of consciousness knows that all good flows from within, but appears to come from others. As you begin to accept the truth of who and what you are, honoring and loving yourself as Divine beings, you will find yourselves automatically feeling gratitude for everything. This happens because you are now able to recognize every physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experience (the pleasant as well as the not so pleasant), to be a teacher. Abundance appears in infinite form and variety according to the need of the moment. Money is only one form of abundance. When you open a bill, or look in your wallet and declare; "I don't have." you can be assured that that is exactly what you are creating, for you are creators. Even if you have only one meager coin of the lowest denomination look upon it without judgement and acknowledge; "I have.". As with every aspect of spiritual evolution, intellectual knowledge of a truth is only the first step. You cannot sit in the absolute waiting for a bag of money to drop from the sky (although this could happen if you had the consciousness of it). Know the truth and then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take, be it employment or assistance of some sort. Let your actions be what resonates with you, and not what others may be telling you to do for their guidance as well meaning as it may be, is representative of their state of consciousness and not yours. Keep yourself open and guided with regard to all employment opportunities, not just the "perfect job". Taking a job that you consider to be beneath you and performing it to the best of your ability, sends a message of intent to the Universe that you are serious about experiencing more abundance and are ready to receive. Often another more suitable form of employment will soon present itself. All employment is service and any job you hold can be Light work when done in an energy of Love. Begin the flow of "I have" through giving on all levels-- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It can be as simple as taking time to find used clothes and items to donate. Let go completely of the belief that when you give, this automatically means less for you. You have moved beyond that state of consciousness and now understand that everything flows through you from an infinite well of abundance and not from a limited personal stash. Use every giving as an opportunity to realize "I have" because "I am". Let the energy of your Divine wholeness flow where you are guided to let it flow in the realization that you are not expected to lift the whole world for there are still many who need the old. Remember always to listen closely to your intuition for it occasionally happens that an enthusiastic student unknowingly becomes an enabler. Lack must must be understood for what it is--a belief based in duality and separation having no law to support it--illusion. The fear and panic that arises from not having enough is what drives crime and perpetuates the sense of separation. We understand your struggles. Our message today is that you are now ready to begin seeing and experiencing money as energy and not material even though it appears that way. Take some material money and feel it, hold it, and realize that it is a material concept representing the completeness of the Divine Consciousness that you really are. Divine Consciousness is Self sustained and Self maintained embodying all that is and holding it in place eternally by Divine Law. It can never be more or less, nor can it change or be absent for it is all there is and must therefore be the substance from which you were formed. "I am the substance from which money is formed." We are the Arcturian Group 3/20/16 From the Onesnessofall.com We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel reassures us that the freedom we seek comes from allowing ourselves to share from our hearts. The Gabriel Message Card for this week Feeling Free to Be Yourself is the Greatest Gift You Can Give. The new life awakening in the world now is demanding that we respond in ways that are very different than what we have always known. We are being asked to live in present time — and keep bringing ourselves back into this holy moment, because the present is our only place of power. It is here that we live from our heart, where our soul’s voice is speaking. Only when I am in harmony with my spirit do I ever feel free. It has been an enormous process of growth to expand into my heart and live from the impulses of my soul. The trust in myself as the extension of my soul's imperatives brings me into the present time, because it is only here that I can receive the truth of my being. In the truth within me is the freedom I desire. The other decision that is being asked of us is to take down the barriers to expressing the fullness of our being — in other words, be the most authentic self we can be in the world. Not only does this require us to be in our hearts, we also need to demonstrate great courage. This authentic part of us is our most sacred essence, something we have protected for lifetimes. Many of us have bold memories of being punished in brutal ways for revealing our most sacred selves. Yet now is the time that we are being asked to bring that true, authentic and beautiful essence forward. All over the world, people are coming together and creating a level of support that was not possible before. Many are asking to have more soul community and feel safer in relationship to others. The key word in that sentence may be safe. We still need to have discernment and be grounded enough to know when someone can receive us. Sometimes radiating love while being silent may be the most powerful and authentic thing that we can do. Life is causing us to go deeper into our hearts and find what is true and important for us. Recognizing when we are being asked to speak our deepest truth is an important part of our growth process. Feeling free to be myself also requires that I give myself permission to open my heart to me. At times I need as much encouragement, support and blessing as anyone else. I respond to my loving-kindness and compassion by relaxing and feeling more at home in my body. When I act as my own best friend, giving myself the time and energy I need so I can be in alignment, my world improves. There is freedom to be, do and say what is revealed to me in the moment. I also remember that I have all the time and energy I need and I am fully supported at all times. This is the true freedom I am seeking. When we look at what our gifts are, we usually overlook the gift of the loving presence that we can bring to every moment we spend with another. This is what so many are looking for, and it is so amazingly simple to give. We just need to give ourselves permission to be the most authentic, loving person we can be. That gift will feel like true freedom. Divine Presence, Thank you for giving me the courage to be in my heart as my most authentic and loving self. Thank you for reminding me that when I act as the loving presence I AM, people open to me in new and wondrous ways. Thank you for helping me to allow my soul’s gifts to flow in abundance into the world. I ask to feel free to trust myself and be receptive in new ways so I can receive more of the love and support that I most desire from others and from the Divine. Thank you God and so it is. Shanta Gabriel The Gabriel Messages #7 Dear One, In your heart, you are free. This energy of freedom can be expressed in your daily life as well as kept as a sacred trust within you. This energy is God working through you and encouraging you to let your light shine. When you are feeling free to be yourself, that is the time your light shines the brightest. That is when you are most relaxed and happy, which is the way your Spirit intended you to live. When you let your light shine in the world, darkness is illuminated. The parts of society that offer the greatest challenge are the ones needing the most light. Allowing God's love to pour through you as Divine Light is one of the best ways to create the changes you want in your world. This energy of love-filled light can bring wholeness and healing to any situation. When you come to this place of light within you, it reminds you of the joyous state of a happy child. You are being encouraged to express this joyous energy in your family and worldly life. It is the spontaneous freedom to speak the truth from your heart with kindness and compassion. It is the enthusiasm to do what you most want to do, knowing that you are divinely inspired in every moment. These are the gifts you are being asked to give to the world. Experience the freedom of Divine Light at work within you. Feel free to ask for so much love to come through you that you can let it overflow to others. Ask for abundant joy within you so that you can share it with others. Ask to speak your highest truth with the compassion of the Angels. Ask to know in your heart that which is right for you to do and say in every moment. Ask to be a vehicle for Divine Light moving into the world. When you allow yourself to receive the gifts that come from your prayers, it gives you perfect freedom of expression while knowing the Divine resources within you at all times. You are a gift to the world when you express all of the beauty inside you. Share your most sacred self when you feel the guidance to do so. Allow God's light to shine through you and remember: Feeling free to be yourself is the greatest gift you can give. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel March 20, 2016 TheGabrielMessages.com We speak today to those who wish to become more aware of us, of this council, and most importantly, of their higher selves. We say most importantly because your own higher self is your connection to everything that is not in your physical dream. Your physical dream will all pass at some point. These higher planes will not. So we know that it would behoove you to begin becoming more aware of this connection now instead of waiting for it to be thrust upon you by your ‘birth’ into these other dimensions when your physical vehicle has reached its ‘sell by’ date. Now there are a great many of you who have no daily meditation practice. You have in mind a vision of a person dedicated to spending hours, days, and years in a physical position that you cannot reach, contemplating their navel, and seeing and hearing miraculous things. You have no time for that. We would like to make a small correction to that picture, if we may. There are as many different methods to do what is required as there are individuals. What Is really important in the picture is that the person, and they are only persons just like you, is reflecting on their inner reality. They are basically listening. They are making the connection we spoke of in the first paragraph. Can you do this while you are sitting in your comfortable chair? Can you do it while you are gardening? Can you do it while you are fishing, or golfing, or sewing? Of course you can. There are a great many things that would be of help. Breathing patterns, diet, digital recordings to control brain waves, etc. Are any of these necessary? No. What is necessary is that you be still and listen. You can be still while you are walking in the woods. The stillness we speak of is a deep listening to what your Self is saying, is feeling. But before you can know that, you need to be fully aware of what you are currently feeling. You need to be aware of what your inner chatter is bombarding you with. Now you have likely heard that you need to shut this off. You’ve tried and it just keeps chattering. Well, now that you are aware of it. Why not just turn your attention aside to those deep, deep feelings that they are covering up? You do that all the time in your outer world, do you not? Start asking your Higher Self some questions and listen/feel for the answers. “Self, if we, you and I, could make one small change right now, what would you like us to do?” “How do you feel about our life right now?” “How do you feel about my efforts to _______ ?” “I have been told that I need to love myself. I’d like to begin by loving You.” Just listen. Just feel. You will doubtless come up with many, many other things to ask and to say. But get the conversation started. It is a conversation that you have been conditioned to ignore. It is a conversation that, if you persist, will change your life. And it will change it in all the ways that will make you the happiest. There is no one in this entire universe that is more interested in your happiness than You. When this begins to happen, you will soon discover that you have made the connection with something far greater than even your Highest Self, because that Self is the direct connection to your Source. We have one final comment for you. When you are connected, if you wish to stay connected, make efforts to put what you receive into use in your life. Don’t file it away for a better time. Use it. It will grow. Good day. Blessings and love to you. The Council Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://ronahead.com/ Mary Magdalene:
Greetings Beloveds. I am here today to speak to you about Love, your entirely new relationship with it. It is no longer to be seen as a commodity with which you can receive or yield power. It is the effervescent element of your very being, now taking over all your aspects. A new way of looking at the world. A new way of reacting to the world. It is becoming the entire fabric of your very being, and in that, a reformation of your soul in the way you perceive it. It (Love) has always been the quintessence of your being, the purpose of your existence, the entire makeup of your being. It is no longer to be looked at as a separate aspect of you or something outside yourself. It IS YOU. It is your world. It is the entirety of your being now. The transformation that is taking place now, that is bringing the perspective of Love to the forefront of your life, as a catalyst of all actions and creations, has been long in coming, dear ones. And it is the entirety of you, the entirety of your makeup. It is the dance and the song and the expression of your soul. And it allows you to mesh and merge once again with Creator, with Source, coming back home to your roots, to your essence. I have spoken to you many times of Love. It has sparked your remembrance of your true essence. It is slowly seeping into your consciousness as a prevailing source and means of your existence. From which all is created and sourced, from which all is understood now. It is what you now may choose to color everything in your wake, in your environment, in your perceptions. It has settled more deeply into your awareness now and is becoming more easily what you use to decipher your world, how you view your world, how you view yourself. It is replacing all lines of demarcation and separation because it smooths out everything, coming back to the reality that you are made of Love, and through immense love for yourself and for others everything comes into balance. My dear ones, sit with this for a while and feel this new level of awareness permeate your very being. Settle into the knowing that you are, have always been, and will always be Divine Love Incarnate. You have been enabled, through the process of all the transformative energies penetrating your fields, to be brought to the awareness of this now in a deeper more profound way. The knowing of this brings Peace to you now as you realize that nothing need ever be harsh or discriminate again, that nothing need be divided into duality ever again, for you have reached the neutrality of your balanced soul in opening to the concept that Divine Love is at your core, influencing everything around you. You may find that you see things from an entirely different perspective the more you receive the intense and immense light and light codes that are transforming and reforming your makeup and perspective of your life and the world. Settle into it, dear ones, feel the enormity of it, and discover, once again, that home base that you are once again returning to, that feeling of Wholeness and Oneness and softening of your perspective and view of the world. Nothing adverse or harsh needs to prevail any longer with this new base of Tranquility and Peace that you are remembering that is your core, because you are indeed of Source and of the basis of Divine Love, and you are coming home to it once again. You are finding that nothing else has any significance or impact on you as much as the prevailing penetrating essence of Love Everlasting filling out your Soul so it may be more present in your body and your world. Feel this Divine Love pulsing within you now, lighting up your being in a way it has never felt present. You are walking, talking Divine Love in all its glory, and it is time to allow yourself to surrender to this and allow it to permeate you in a way it has never permeated. Feel my love now mingle with yours and allow yourselves to float along this current, allowing your world to balance in Wholeness and Harmony from this moment forward. Come home to the truth of your existence — Pure Love Essence — taking over all your senses and perceptions in an entirely new and complete way. Come home once again to your True Pure Love Essence and settle into your Soul with this immense knowing of your Purity and Harmony with ALL That Is. Namaste. I AM Mary Magdalene, in Pure Love Essence. from Fran Zepeda Now, if we were to ask each of you why these messages resonate with you, as you say, we would very likely get a variation of ‘because I recognize truth in them’. That is more or less the meaning of ‘resonates with me’, is it not? And you might stop inquiring at that point. We ask you to look much deeper, and we do that in order to lead you deeper into your understanding of who you are. This is critical to your progress. At some point, you must finally learn and celebrate who and what you are. Allow us to offer just one further idea for you to consider, if we may. The truth that you recognize is not a truth that you were taught as a child. It is not something that was universally accepted in your family or peer group. What is happening is that when you see such truth, such a concept, your inner Self, Higher Self, True Self, and thus this Council itself, is saying YES! Now it may take many forms, depending on what will best get through to you at the time, up to and including chills and ‘truth bumps’. But you are being led, all of you, to a far greater understanding of what it is to be you, and that for the very best of reasons. You are in the midst of a very important time, and you have a very important job. Ron Head, Oracles & Healers |
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