Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via The universe does not work in negatives, it responds to the essence of your focus. Children work very much in this way, as well. This explains why if you tell a toddler, “Don’t hit”, they will often turn around and hit. It is not that they are naughty or defiant, it is that they only heard the essence of the sentence, hit, and responded in kind. Asking the child to be gentle will have a much more desired effect for changing behaviour because the focus is on what core energy you wish for them to shift into. This explains why you cannot create change from a negative focus. Making choices to avoid something that is unwanted is keeping you energetically attached to what is unwanted. Further, focusing on what is unwanted naturally creates resistance and constriction within your own energetics. You cannot create from a space of contraction, only through expansion. Do you see? Again we say, your focus is your blessing of continuation. What is the essence of what you would like to experience? Shift into your heart and allow it to lead the way, for by identifying what you would like more of, you naturally activate a process that begins to navigate towards that desire. This is great power in practicing preference and inclusion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Expansion is exactly what satisfies your soul and allows new discoveries to be made that enhance your life expression and reflect your latest level of attainment. Dear Ones, it is not change that creates discomfort, it is the resistance to it! Embrace the unfoldment, for it lovingly leads you to the next highest possibility that exists just beyond what you can see. The flow is the vehicle to get there, and it contains every support you could ever possibly need. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, February 25, 2020Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via
What you will learn as you continue to move forward in these accelerated times is that your self expression is continually shifting and expanding to reflect your growth and latest level of attainment. Nothing is carved in stone, Dear Ones, and anything you attempt to make solid and immoveable will become a hindrance over time. It can be worthwhile to examine anything that you have taken a hard stand or declaration about in your past. Is it true today, or is it a reflection of who you used to be? Was it based on fear or a desire to control? Does it feel like stagnant energy? Is it holding you back? Does it match the energies of today? Can you loosen up your constraints in that area, or is it time to release it once and for all? Embracing the unfoldment of the shifting energies combined with your own ever evolving expression of self is how you will have everything you could ever need in order to keep moving forward in the ways that best match you and your soul’s intentions. There is much joy and discovery to be had if you shift into making all your decisions based on the truth of the present moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - February 23, 2020 Hi there, DeLightful Light Beings! Here on Earth many of us still find ourselves struggling, it seems. I take on board that our ‘Oneness of self’ is assisting in cleansing everything. There is so much emotional struggle going on for so many, depending on their particular intense situation, and in what part of the world they reside. Yet, on behalf of us all … Can you not give us a cotton pickin, routin toutin break? I know it’s not ‘you’ per se, and you cannot change it. Therefore, I ask if you are able to help us find ‘the switch’ to ‘turn us back on’ into our Happier Beings? With the greatest respect, I feel you will say to keep saying the mantra, I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM. We are doing this, yet, it feels for me like it is keeping that last thread attached before falling off the edge, as opposed to feeling our glorious selves. Any advise offered would be greatly appreciated here. Thank you. Dearest Blossom, Dearest ALL. We are very much aware of the struggle the soulself is visiting, for the majority of you. We can pick this up Energetically and although you may not feel on top of the world … you are definitely in the middle of it and doing exactly what is being asked of you. You are … transmuting/dispersing … old, stale, miserable Energies, of not just yourselves, of course, yet, all that IS /HAS BEEN upon your Planet for eons of time. You could count ten things, without thinking, on a large scale, that would have sunk your Earth deeper into the mire and then another and another. Imagine ALL that you are cleansing and clearing. Yes, it may seem as if it is all very personal … IT IS. For your personage is releasing disguised misdemeanours. In presenting to you what is yours to cleanse and move on, you are also incorporating a multitude of ‘off cuts’ attached to that … that you are clearing for The Whole. I can understand that. Yet, at the time of deepest sadness or frustration, or what ever emotion one is … spewing out/up … at any one given time … it certainly doesn’t feel like we are doing it for The Whole. It feels so intense. Our point precisely! The reason it feels so intense is because IT IS. You feel it is digging so deep into your soul and that perhaps only a lion’s roar will bring it from that place, out into the open. We use this analogy because of the lion being known as the King of the jungle. So, let out that roar in strength. Letting yourself and all … KNOW that you are rising once again in strength and nothing will hold you back/down. Remember Blossom … how deep the wounds of your Planet can travel. Wounds that did not recover are now being healed once and for all. For you know you cannot … simply cannot … move into the Higher Vibration AS ONE until this is done. Yes. I understand yet, I feel that by experiencing this ‘stage’ I am not shining my Light and Love upon the Planet as I should. Are you not expecting us to rise above all this and be the beacons of Light to show the way? Not so, my friends! Simply not so! I feel I am too wrapped up in my own ‘ball of string’ and therefore, not beaming my torch out to where it needs to go and even if I did, my batteries are running seriously low. We are aware of this dilemma. Yet, we suggest you look upon this as a temporary issue. For indeed, it is. YOU SAY THE MANTRA. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE THIS IS MAKING. KNOW IT. KNOW IT. KNOW IT. Do not half-heartedly ‘hope’ it may be doing a speck of Good. KNOW that even though your heart may not always be ‘in it’ … the Coding within saying these words, weaves its magic all by itself. The difference being that the LIGHTER the soul of the sayer of these words, the more impact it has. Eh Hello? Have you not been listening to a word I’ve said? We are amused as always, by your humorous touch. The switch. Where is that switch? I sometimes feel it must be hidden where the sun don’t shine! So many of us, as you know, are now well beyond needing to learn about positive affirmations etc. We know these ‘tools.’ Yet, these times seem to be taking our Beings far, far deeper into the abyss and not a thread of rope in sight. Even if we TRY, when we ATTEMPT to do so … it may last literally, only a moment or two and then SHMACK! Back into the deepest slump over the tiniest thing. So, the mantra is repeated … and on we go, round and round. How in these times can we KEEP ourselves UP? We know we came to do this. I feel it is just the beginning of it all, so its not looking too good if this is how we are handling it at the start! Best get yourselves down here chaps. I mean it! Blossom and all souls stationed on Planet Earth at this time. There is no ‘magic’ switch. There is only the KNOWING that THIS TOO SHALL PASS. During this ‘integration of Energies’ … from the Highest to the lowest … from the lowest to the Highest and everything in between … it is more than you can do, to just BE how you are choosing to BE in every breath you take. Yet, I don’t choose to Be miserable/frustrated … you name it! It seems to be choosing me! These Energies are finding you/choosing you … because YOU HAVE AGREED for them to do so … in order to CHANGE THEM … in order to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM … AND YOU ARE. SO, BE JOYOUS IN YOUR BREAK DOWN! Love it! Yet, Truly Blossom, if we were to ‘make up’ a story about this switch you are looking for … When experiencing all that which you feel is draining you of everything that you know yourself to be … through your tears and anger and tightening of chest and fist … step outside of yourself and Laugh! Praise yourself for this amazing display as you CHANGE YOUR PLANET INTO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. So that, through your tears, through your expressions of ‘enough is enough’ … from another part of your Being … step aside and smile. Acknowledge how well you are doing. The deeper the ‘pain’ the better you are doing! I see what you are saying. I guess one, if they allowed, could feel guilt for not shining their Light in these most needed times and could beat themselves up for being weak. Yet, in this way … Pride the self on ‘SERVING THE WHOLE’ IT SHALL PASS. I guess the ‘stupid’ question to ask would be … how much longer is it going to ‘feel ‘like this? I am feeling well past my sell by date! It is not a matter of stupidity Blossom. Not at all. We can appreciate your wanting to know. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you … for this is not about ‘time’ in your world. It is about LOVE. Nicely answered! Thing is … you say that this year, so much is going to be revealed and Truth shall be told. Well, isn’t it so that the majority of these Truths are not that pleasant (understatement)? Therefore, does that not mean we have a lot more of ‘this stuff’ to transmute? Yes. It does. Oh Look! There’s Scotty! Yet, recall too Blossom, that we have also said that much DeLight shall come from you discovering Higher aspects of your Being, that will allow untold wonders to present themselves. At the same time as feeling so yuck? If you allow the ‘space in between’ to show you how … indeed. How do we find that ‘space in between’? By going into the silence of self. All it takes is three deep breaths at any one given time. You do not necessarily have to stop what you are doing yet, it could be beneficial to do so. Just three deep breaths to connect and FEEL connected and you will find … over time/through time … these little/large ‘happenings’, showing the way to the Higher path that you are choosing to walk your talk upon … one step at a time/through time. Through time? Indeed. We shall leave that there and let you ponder upon its meaning. To be honest if I ponder much more about anything else I to do with life, I will ponder myself right off the Planet. Much of the time when I can’t understand things or find something far too deep to get a hold of, I just choose to let it go, have a cup of tea, KNOW IT DOESN’T MATTER ANYWAY and go back to the I AM mantra. KEEP IT SIMPLE … LET’S JUST ALL TRY AND KEEP IT SIMPLE. We are done for today are we not? Indeed, we are. Our pleasure to be in your company. And our pleasure to be in yours! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message -
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Taking the time to be clear with yourself – to know your wants, your needs, your emotions, and what is aligned for you at any given time, is not only a great gift to yourself, it is a gift to others as well. By living and speaking your truth, you become much more trustworthy, because people can take you at your word without worrying about some kind of underlying energy. What you say and what you mean are totally aligned. This takes you completely out of people pleasing which will always lead to resentment and an erosion of your relationships. Further, it is much better use of your own energy because it will keep you in flow and out of resistance. It allows you to show up in a way that is empowered and congruent, which people will find much easier to understand and respond to. Saying no to others and honouring yourself is a skill like any other. You can learn how to give no’s that are firm yet mindful and kind, and others will come to respect that truth and clarity. You will be able to settle into the knowing of unconditional love and the joy that comes from being your truest expression of self. And you will attract more and more situations and connections that match that truth. And through it all, you will become a powerful teacher by example, showing others how to embrace a life that truly reflects their truth, as well. It is a shift that honours everyone involved and allows your relationships to bloom and grow in far more authentic ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via An interesting question to ask yourself might be, “Am I being or am I reacting?” When you are being, you are calm, balanced, and operating through your truth. It is a state of embodiment and empowerment. When you are reacting, you have stopped being your own energetic leader. Rather than being the bringer of energy you are the responder of energy. You are always playing catch up, if you will, rather than blazing your own trail. The more you prioritize connecting with your own true essence, in whatever unique ways work for you, the more you will stay centred in your authentic power because it will become your new norm. It is a skill set like anything else! You won’t be perfect at it but with your awareness you can simply redirect, time and again, and before you know it, it will become your preferred way to approach life. Be kind and gentle with yourselves. Tend to your inner reactor should it bubble up and give it whatever acknowledgement, reassurance, and care it requires, as your own loving parent, guide and leader, and you will find that when that need is consistently met it activates less and less. Every trigger is not a failure, rather, it is an opportunity to deepen the experience of your own mastery. Know that with every mindful shift and loving redirection you make, you are contributing to your own life, and the energy of whole, in a very beautiful and profound way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via When you think you already know everything you need to know, you automatically put constraints upon what can be created or experienced. It is rejecting the discovery of new possibilities and potentials Please know you are designed to be in a constant state of evolution, an unfoldment that is continually expanding into the new. This is where your strength is! Each level of attainment is simply a new platform for the next discovery to be made from. You may temporarily stay in an energy to integrate and acclimatize, much like mountain climbers will make camp to to give their bodies a chance to assimilate to the conditions before they continue their journey. That is part of the forward movement of the flow, the ebb phase and the action phase. Both are designed to help you move forward with the supports you need. But choosing to stay in one place because of a resistance to expand will always result in discomfort because the energy will expire before long. So flow, Dear Ones! Grow. Understand there is a continual unwrapping of your life that is available to you, much like a present that keeps giving, that is there for your delight and exploration. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Shaken, Stuck, Adrift – The Council
by Ron Head, Oracles & Healers There are a great many of those who have been following these messages who could pick one of the words in this title. shaken, stuck, and adrift, to describe the way they are feeling now. We will address each of these in turn in order to bring you an understanding and move you back into what has become familiar energy to you. First, give yourselves a great deal of credit for making grounded, joyful, and appreciative energy feel familiar. That is exactly what is remaking the world you live in. To those of you who feel that the word shaken best describes your feeling, we first say – and we know you have already thought this – that we told you many times that your world would first need to fall apart. We know you did your best to prepare. We know that you felt prepared. But looking at hot soup and sticking one’s finger into it are quite different experiences. Nevertheless, understanding that nothing will be changed until change becomes truly necessary will help while you become acclimated to this new, but temporary, reality. Be sure you understand and are ready to participate in building the new loving, compassionate, and sustainable world you have dreamed of. Those who kick over all the old apple carts may not be lovable, but they certainly provide a valuable service in the long run. It is what is done in the aftermath that will count the most. Now, we have addressed the feeling of being stuck several times before. But we will expand on what we have said a little bit. First of all, you are not stuck. It is important for you to know this. The feeling of being stuck is just a feeling. It is produced by not being able to relate what you see around you to your expectations. The expectations are the real problem. You are expecting things to look a certain way and they do not. Now, we are not trying to make you look wrong. But please allow us to point out something to you. Your expectation is created by your imagination from the tools that your mind has at its disposal. And those are mostly, in your current state, either from a history you remember or one that you have been taught. They may seem wonderful, but they are still history. You have asked for, and you have been promised, a world that you have never seen, a world that no one can teach you about. Does it surprise you that you do not know what getting there will look like? Not only is that true for your outside world, but for your inner world, as well. As for actually being stuck, nothing in the universe is stuck. It is an impossibility. Energy never rests. Protons, electrons, atoms, etc. hardly could be said to slow down, much less be stuck. The one constant in the universe is change. So you are hardly stuck, you are perhaps a bit impatient. It is easy for us to be patient. Your future is a probability that we already see as accomplished. Please notice that we did not use the word possibility. If you can understand that effects are unavoidable aspects of causes, then you will know that you are making the new world that you desire unavoidable with every breath you take, every thought, every prayer, and every loving and compassionate act. This will raise your feeling. You will not feel stuck. Now, the feeling of being adrift is a different case. There are actually some of you that are changing direction in your lives. Imagine how that would feel if you were on a ship somewhere. The waves and currents were all there, but you knew your direction and were not wavering from it. Then, suddenly, you were given a new destination, a new direction. There would be a short period when the waves and currents tossed you about. But once you established a new momentum, you would not feel adrift anymore. You may wonder what that new destination might be. But don’t try to fabricate it out of what you know. Remember, this will be a new world. Let your guides and teachers reveal it to you as they can. You may actually be creating something that has not existed before. Give your permission and live each moment with gratitude and allowance. Be the best tool in the toolbox. Creator did not create a toolbox full of useless objects. And there are no hammers in places where hammers are not needed. What can you learn today? How can you improve today? Who can you help today? With those purposes in mind, you will never be adrift. And your new destination will reveal itself as a desire you did not know you had or abilities that delight you. Know that you are living in the greatest moment of change your world has known. And further, know that the reason for this is that it is reflecting the greatest change humanity has ever made within herself. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, February 13, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Many of you are having vivid dreams of coming to resolution with people you have unfinished business with. If you aren’t experiencing this yet, know that you likely will. This is a wonderful furthering of the review process you are completing to fully finalize the first phase of your incarnation. This will allow you to move forward into the new, unencumbered by the past. This also is an indicator that their soul is seeking resolution with you as well, which is healing and resolution for everyone involved, done in a manner that is most efficient and best received. This may include connecting in a soul to soul manner with those who are living, and also with those who have transitioned out of the body. Again, you are part of such a divinely intelligent process, everything is unfolding for you in the best speed, manner, and timing to assure your success and align with your soul’s desires. You will feel much lighter as these old issues resolve, which will assist you in creating from a blank slate that allows the discovery of new possibilities and potentials that are now viable for you due to the combination of your healing and what is now supported as you enter the next exciting phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young High Vibe Thursday
Kyle Gray, [email protected] via Vibe of the Day Testament of Trust Trust is a big deal, especially these days. We’ve all had people lying to us and people lying about us. We’ve all also endured betrayal. To raise your vibration successfully, it’s important to surround yourself with people who are honest, trustworthy and loving. You need to be supported, you need to feel supported and you also need to be the supporting supporter - in order to encounter trustworthy people, you yourself need to be trustworthy. Both friendships and relationships require a balance of giving and receiving. Sure, sometimes you have to give more and at other times you will be more in need, but true relationships will balance out and outshine the rest. Being able to be honest in all relationships is crucial, because if you can’t be, you’re not being who you truly are. When you’re holding back from saying something or are unable to share a deeper aspect of yourself because you fear (or know) you’ll be made a mockery of or the information isn’t safe with that person, it’s time to change that. I’ve found that if I want to have good friends in my life, I need to be a good friend too. If I want to have honesty, I have to be honest. If I want to feel honoured, I have to honour others. Vibe of the Day Today you are encouraged by the universe to offer support to those you love. Give thanks for the relationships you have in your world and ask yourself what you can do that’s loving and supportive to those around you. Being a good friend and sticking to your word goes a long way. If you feel that you’ve not done this in the past, it’s important to work on clearing that up now. Seek forgiveness where it is needed and offer support wherever you can in order to feel more supported in your world too. To raise your vibration you need a level of trust in your life and so it’s important to surround yourself with people you can trust and who can trust you. Although today’s task may not be done over 24 hours, it will enable you to feel more supported and balanced in your life. |
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