TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON CONSCIOUS CO-CREATION Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today we are being joined by a host of the Beings of Light to discuss conscious co-creation. You are advancing rapidly on your ascension path. You have expanded your consciousness, and you are aware that you are now functioning on a multidimensional level. You are able to view situations from a third dimensional perspective and then zoom out to see them from a much larger vantage point. Because you are functioning at this level, you are now co-creating at a multidimensional level. You may be finding that your thoughts and desires manifest much more rapidly than they did previously. This is because you are working with higher frequencies of refined Light. These are the building blocks of your creations. When you focus on what you want and add the actions necessary, your dreams become a reality. This is why we would like to impress on you the importance of realizing that you are a conscious co-creator at a multidimensional level. As such, the steps of manifestation that you have mastered at lower dimensional levels take on an even greater impact at the higher levels. Therefore, it can be helpful to review the importance of each step. Your thoughts and intentions are very powerful, especially when amplified by emotions and strong desires. When you are brainstorming ideas for what you would like and how you would like to design the next step of your path, remaining objective in the beginning of this process will allow you to generate ideas without becoming too strongly attached to them. You will not accidentally set wheels into motion for manifesting an idea before you are ready to commit to it. As you review your ideas, consider each one and determine whether it makes your heart sing. If it does, then think about whether it is practical and is something you would like to manifest. After you have selected your desired next step, then you can formulate it into an intention. Make sure you have stated it in a positive way as if it has already manifested. Remember to be sure that your goal is for the highest and best good of all concerned. Then focus on how you are feeling knowing that your goal has come into fruition. Focusing on the statement you have written and adding the emotional fuel sets the stage for taking action. The stronger the focus, the greater energy it will have. You have sent your intentions to the Universe. When you send your desires out in this way, the higher particles of Light are attracted to form the object of your desires. This can only occur when the goal is for highest good. It is likely that you will begin to receive ideas for action steps to carry out for manifesting your goal. Taking the necessary action is important because you are in a co-creative role. Your desired goal will not manifest simply because you have written it down on paper or drawn a picture of it. Taking action is crucial. The Higher Beings of Light will assist you if you call on them and if your creation is for highest good. They may bring pieces of information to your attention through a book, an article, or something you hear on television. They may also arrange for you to see someone who can help you with your project. When they do their part by bringing the ideas, you carry out your part by taking the necessary action. Therefore, the co-creative partnership functions as a gentle and dynamic flow between you. The more you take an active role in this process, the more cooperation you will experience with the Higher Realms. Through your focused attention on your goals and the actions steps you take, you are likely to find that your goals manifest more smoothly. If you reach a point where your project is not moving as you had planned, you may wish to review the goal to see if it is still what makes your heart sing, whether it is feasible, and whether it is for highest good. Then you can make adjustments if needed. By moving forward in this manner, you are a conscious co-creator with the Beings of Light. Beloveds, we are happy to work with you in your glorious projects of co-creation. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,
What to do when you feel negative emotions
Angelic Guides, Taryn Crimi What to do when you feel negative emotions Today we would like to focus your attention upon the power that exists within the present moment. Surely many of you have been told that the present moment is all that ever really exists. However it is our intention to share with you why the now moment is so transformational yet it is so often allowed to slip away while you focus on future events and past regrets.Let us share with you the key to manifesting your dreams; the more you enjoy the now moment the faster your dreams and desires will flow into your present now moment. When you learn to live in the present moment, synchronicity aligns with your being in every moment and you will wonder how you ever lived any other way. You see, contrary to what many believe, the obstacles on your path are not in your way; rather they are the way to manifesting your dreams and desires. They are part of the manifestation of your dreams. If they were not, they would not be there. The more you enjoy the path that you are on, the faster your dreams and desires will be able to manifest in your reality. This is not to say that you should pretend to be happy about something that is bothering you. Not at all, but what we are saying is that if you can find a way to focus on something else that does make you feel happy, appreciative, optimistic, hopeful, inspired, then you begin to tune to that vibration in your now moment. You can only experience what you resonate with. We would like for you to become present in this very moment, what do you feel right now? Do not think about what must get done in the next hour, day or week, we want you to think about this very moment. How do you feel? You will find that in this exact now moment you have the ability to be at peace, to feel joy, to choose happiness. The stress that many of you feel on a regular basis fades, when you zero in on this exact now moment, with no other thoughts, cares or concerns other than this exact moment. It is only when you allow yourself to start focusing on the future again that you find the fear, frustration, concern, stress, judgment and worry to reenter your mind. To constantly live in the future of “what’s to come” is a learned habit that many of you have formed, however each of you have the ability to retrain your mind to be present in the now moment much more often. When you feel the rush of fear, worry and stress begin to flood your mind we ask that you direct your focus once again back to this present now moment. The worries that you hold are based on “if’s” and impending probabilities, yet they have not actually happened. Those manifestations are only what your logical mind fears “will” take place. The only way that you can prevent or solve those probable future concerns is being fully present in this now moment. By tuning yourself to the solutions, the joys in your life, the happiness that is always abundantly available to you. We ask that you allow yourself the gift of peace that can only be felt in this now moment; it is where your creative power lies. You will direct your future now moments based on the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you hold right now. Remember, fear and happiness are both choices, its up to you to decide which one you would like to feel right now. So we remind you, be present, be in peace and enjoy this moment. In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides Click here to download your Free 35 minute channeled message to learn "How to Manifest Anything You Desire" —————————————————————-- You are more than welcome to browse the Angelic Guides website for all the materials generously posted for free. For more advanced practical knowledge and/or personal guidance please check our shop/store for more guidance... - Dr. Taryn Crimi Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. Article by: Copyright © 2018 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. It Rings True – The Divine Human
by Ron Head It Rings True - The Divine Human We seem to have struck a chord! We see that the quote from our former message that is titled ‘Your Divine Nature’ has resonated well with many readers. We have decided, therefore, to expand a little upon that subject. It is time to do this now, as many more of you are becoming open to possibilities of the truth of your being that you would not have been receptive to not so long ago.. Now, lest we awaken your egos to their feelings of importance, let us remind you that everything you see around you is created of divine stuff. So don’t get too puffed up. Your house pet is a divine being, too. The problem is that you have allowed yourselves to believe the fiction that you are not. And then you even embellish upon that. You are too this, too that, and not enough of the other. And your belief in those things actually produces what you picture. You might say that your DNA and your cells say, “OK. We can make that for you.” Quite a remarkable endorsement for your co-creativeness, wouldn’t you say? But perhaps a teensy bit off in its usage. But what we wish to discuss in relation to your divinity is that it is always, always with you. It is who you are. And what you feel is the measure of your alignment to it. Feel good about something? Aligned. Feel bad? Guess what! Now to the point. Everyone, every person that you meet in your daily lives, is a divine being, as well. You may not like what they say. You may detest what they do. But the fact remains that they are a divine son or daughter of the Creator that is learning tough lessons, just as you are. It is entirely possible to love the divinity in them and still not approve of their words or deeds. And it is not incumbent upon you to spend time in their presence. It is yours to love them and to forgive them. Do not forget, also, that it is yours to love and forgive yourselves for what you think, say, and do. But learn from it. You will anyway, but it will be faster if you do it now than if you wait for what you call the afterlife to do it. Afterlife? How can anything be after something eternal? You see how even your language refutes what you say that you believe? And so, if you find yourself having trouble feeling good about someone, look past what they are saying and doing and do your very best to see their true self. See their pain, their struggle. See that they are trying to cope with something you cannot see. Judge the act, if you must. But do not judge the soul. Send that soul love and light. In that way, you and the other will benefit from your experience. We see a great many of you already do this. So please excuse us when we address things for the benefit of those around you that are being newly awakened. They are eternal beings, too. But now their time has come. And this will be true for more and more dear souls, and that, very, very soon. Look around you and see if you do not see huge change developing. Look inside and see it even more clearly. It Rings True is available HERE. Ron | June 24, 2018 at 1:52 PM | URL: Your Expanding Self – The Council
by Ron Head Your Expanding Self – The Council Something is going on. You feel different. And you feel more and more different each day, different from the self that you have always known yourself as. You can’t explain it, not even to yourself. Why did you just say that – or do that? That is not the you that you are so used to. Is it? Is it? And you are feeling differently, too. How? You don’t really know… just different somehow. We told you that you were changing. You may even have thought “Good!” But you had a picture in your mind of what that would mean, didn’t you? Well, surprise! And the reason for that is that your picture could only have been based upon past history, past preferences, etc. The person that you are becoming is the true person that has never been taught, shaped, nor allowed by this world. It is the person whom you TRULY are. But this is a process. However, the process has now reached a point, and accelerated to a point, that it is beginning to be noticeable, even to you. We say even to you because you are in your own head every moment and therefore changes are more easily missed. If you only saw yourself once a month, the changes would be more remarkable. Now, lest you ‘freak out’ – you have some sayings that make us chuckle – let us point out emphatically that nothing is being done to you. You are becoming the one whom you have come here to be, chosen to become, and awaited for lifetimes. You are uneasy because you don’t know where this is going. But the YOU that you are does know. Trust yourself. Trust yourself. What is happening is that all of those deep longings that you have lived with are going to be an everyday part of your life. Do you know what will amaze you? Other things that you never thought of or even believed possible will also come into your world of possibilities - and then become a part of your life, if you want them to be. Pie in the sky dreams? Yes, in the old world they would have been. That world is passing. You are now living in a soup of energy that has never been present on your world before. That also seems to be one of those ‘wacky’ promises, does it not? Well here is a promise you can check on. The world you livein twelve months from now will be far different from the world of today. Write the date down next to that promise and stick it on your refrigerator door. Now, how can we make predictions like that? We can make them because we can see the changes you are making within. We can see your intentions. And we can see, whether you can or not, that your world is made of what you are and what you intend. And as you change and become more and more aware, that power that you are will influence your world in a much more immediate fashion. As you learn to multiply that power by forming groups and communities of like intent, the effects will be even more magnified. None of these things are at all new. But the awareness and application of them will be new. It will be the release of the genie from the lamp. Do you see? You are the lamp. You are the genie. Give yourselves a sneaky little rub. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:
The Council – Retuning
by Ron Head The Council – Retuning A great number of you are experiencing what appears to be a ceasing, or an interruption, of your communication with your guides, teachers, and high selves, what this channel has named The Council. We would speak to this now in order to remove your discomfort. You have asked repeatedly, have you not, that your level of communication be expanded, be raised, be improved? Now, it is not that what is happening is of exactly that nature. It is more that your energy fields are being raised to a higher vibration by your efforts and your consequent influence upon each other. This is being caused, and in a major way abetted, by the increasingly higher vibrational field into which your entire star system is moving. There is a cyclical movement that many are aware of and that has been anticipated by some. But, in addition there are certain emanations that are approaching your system that are already beginning to have a salubrious effect on everything in their path. This means that every energy field will be changed. All consciousness will rise. And you will not truly begin to understand that until you realize that all is energy and therefore all is conscious. This is having, and will continue to have, the effect of creating changes within and around you that have historically been considered to be impossible. Many have spoken of, written about, and ‘taught’, that the internal changes, the changes to your own consciousness would be miraculous. Please consider that a miracle is only an effect for which the cause is not known. Since the cause is being explained, we will say that this is no miracle. Your consciousness is entering a vibrational rate that will have you becoming aware of a great deal that you have not been aware of in your known past. Many that are having this experience are in fear of it. Please do not be. We know that almost all of you have had dreadful experiences in past lives caused by the attempted stamping out of these kinds of awareness. This will no longer be the case. There is nothing to fear. How can your own mind be something to fear? Fear itself, however, will do its very best to keep you under its ‘control’. This is true both individually and collectively. Perhaps it will help to understand the individual through seeing it in the collective, it being so obvious there. Let us return to the subject of your connection with us. You are, perhaps, going through a short period of having to retune your radio. Our broadcast, our frequency, has not changed. But yours has. Understand, please, that there is really nothing that you must do to correct this other than to hold the intent that your connection remain unbroken. Of course, if you wish to do meditations, etc., to align more closely, no harm will be done. But we very much wish you to know that nothing ‘wrong’ has been done by you. We did not go away. We have never ceased our loving guidance. Please take into account, also, the many wonderful new things that are happening in your lives. For those of you who see no change, let us assure you that one or two years from now your lives will be so different that you may have a difficult time remembering what today was like. Your own responses to the happenings in your lives will be so different as to surprise even you. Once again returning to your alignment with us, all you need do is to hold that alignment in your hearts. Value it. Know that it is, in fact, expanding and improving. What is improving, actually, is your awareness. There can be no disconnect between two parts of a whole. We are one. Creator’s love to you. It is your right. It is, in truth, your being. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Daily Message ~ Friday June 8, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics on Jun 08, 2018 09:45 am There seems to be some confusion on how specific you should be in terms of what you wish to create. We wish to clear this up for you today. As a co-creator you absolutely get to have a say of what it is you wish to move into. That is how you honour your pioneering nature! But what can happen if you get too detail specific is you start to constrict the energies and choose less than what your highest self knows is the greatest potential for you. At this point of your enlightenment journey, you are wishing to move into your highest life expression and continue to expand continually from there. This is why we advocate the use of broader intention. Surrender into the essence of what you wish to move into while staying as wide open to potentials as you possibly can. For example, you can surrender into being of your highest service. You can surrender into your greatest potentials. You can choose to move into the flow that brings you to your healing, or the highest vibrational love match that is available to you without being inflexible on how those things should show up or look like. The magic of co-creation comes from allowing yourself to be led to the possibilities you simply cannot see from where you are. When you are micro-managing your creations you are restraining your potentials. So if you are trying to create something new in your life and you are not seeing movement we would recommend you step back and choose a broader intention. That could very well be the only thing required to move you forward in the most wondrous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
More E.T.s on Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are continuing to evaluate the necessity of a bigger presence of extra-terrestrials on your planet. We are in contact with many extra-terrestrial beings who want to help and who want to become members of the ground crew with all of you, and we are weighing the help versus hindrance of their presence. You don’t want to get into a situation with extra-terrestrial beings where you see them as your saviors. For those of you who are unaware, we are non-physical. We are consciousness, so we are not coming, but we are in contact with fifth-dimensional Arcturians, fourth-dimensional Arcturians, and other beings from other star systems who want very much to assist all of you. They see it as part of their role to help. Their presence can help by their ability receive higher-frequency energies and ground them for you. They can even blend in enough to be teachers and guides, and the advantage of their being on planet Earth with you is that they are incorruptible and beyond any scope of manipulation. Again, the downside is that they can interfere with your evolution of consciousness. If you become fifth dimensional without doing what you need to do there, you could end up hurting yourselves, especially those who are still unawake at this point. There’s a much greater likelihood that they would in fact create some serious problems. And so we are looking down many different timelines and seeking the best possible scenarios for all of you. The E.T.s that we are in contact with will of course heed our guidance, and they will always be there supporting you in other ways, even if they are not all on the ground floor with you. And of course you have help from up here as well, in our dimension, not to mention all of the other helpers who are lending their energy, their compassion, their love, and their support. We all know how long a journey this has been for you and how challenging, but to not worry because your ascension is guaranteed. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
We are so loved & connected! It is wonderful to see such an outpouring of assistance from the Universe offering to facilitate our situation on Gaia. It will be so great to finally meet & interact with our Galactic family & to be welcomed into the Galactic Society when it finally does occur. Soon the dark entities will be out of the way & it ill be a wonderful future!! Dave
A Message to Lightworkers – June 4, 2018by Caroline Oceana Ryan
| Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Bringers of the New Earth! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today. Our writer has a question, which we shall share with you now: COR: Dear ones, I have been wondering, and people will often ask me, about the children being born now. We call them Rainbow or Crystal children—some people will state the years that one or another group of enlightened children came to Earth. I am wondering, How are these children different from those born 30 or more years ago, or even 20 years ago? Do they have special sight? Special abilities or wisdom? A special path or mission they are coming here to fulfill? People are asking, How do we raise children with more strands of DNA than we may have? Are they here to teach us, instead of the other way around? And have they come in from other galaxies and other planets, because they see how badly they are needed now, in this Ascension process we are in? THE COLLECTIVE: You are in fact inquiring, dear ones, about far more than the children being born now. You are asking about your own development, your own Earth mission. For those coming in now could not do so if the way had not been paved by several generations ahead of them—those of you now living as young or middle-aged adults, who have seen many drastic changes in the world and experienced so many great shifts in energetic resonance and outcome. You have seen, for example, increasing openness and heart-based concern regarding the daily workings of education and health care. You are seeing now a growing awareness of the need for self-aware, active-voiced participants in government and spirituality (once called “religion”). These are all areas of life once left to self-appointed authorities, who are now reeling with shock to see their old power positions dissolving beneath them, as millions reclaim the power they gave up eons ago. You are seeing your own awareness shift to the point where it would be nearly impossible for you to birth children who were Not Universal in outlook and origin. Due to your bravery and hard work, they come forward now with a mission of the highest order—to create the next steps in developing those paths and inroads you yourselves have created. You came not only to assist Earth in Ascending into the fifth dimension, but to do so yourselves, which you are doing. And so, yes—they have astounding abilities. You have already seen children upon the Earth who understand automatically, upon birth, that there is No object or situation that is solid or unchangeable—that all is energy, and energy is by nature malleable. Unlike the mystics and sages of old, these children need not enter deep meditative states for weeks or months at a time to guide their bodies’ cellular design to move from assumption of density to assumption of liquidity or etheric lightness. They are born with that knowing, and can exhibit it openly. You hear now of children who are able to move or reshape objects with their mind, to walk through walls, to manifest what they need when they need it, to send and receive messages telepathically, to see through walls, mountains, buildings, and tunnels over thousands of miles, and to report what is occurring there. Your old power systems have foreseen all of this, and thought they could capture and engage these beautiful spirits for their own purposes, as they often have in the past. But the powerful tidal wave of electromagnetic pulses—of Light data coming to you from your Sun, via the Great Central Sun—is too powerful for their limited consciousness to grasp, or to block. In keeping themselves rigidly to their own narrow objectives, they are missing the central Truth of what is occurring. Which is that human sovereignty is developing on a galactic scale unlike that which this Universe has ever seen. That is because the sovereignty you once had and decided to relinquish for a while was natural to you before this era you are now in. This time, things are far different. This time you have actively claimed it as your truth and your path, staking that claim against the very great odds of 3D density, establishing it within this new astrological era of Peace and prosperity. You will not relinquish it again, for anyone. That is more than a significant moment—it is astonishing and unprecedented, considering the level of density to which Earth and much of this galaxy fell. You had fallen to depths unimagined even by those who supported the decision for Earth souls to explore the physical on a third dimensional level. And so yes—they are most assuredly here to teach you, dear ones! They have come for that, from every corner of this galaxy, for you are returning to being an intergalactic society, not a quarantined one that denies the reality of the vast expanse of lifeforms in this Universe. Yes, they have a powerful and important mission, these children. And yet—when you speak of how to raise them, you must realize that Love is the central reality of all that is molding your Earth life into new and higher levels now. There is no worry regarding how to teach a child to Love, to remember that they are Love itself! For you have seen how they watch everything that happens around them—how their brilliant young minds absorb and then play back all they see and experience. Part of this tendency is the passivity that has been taught and deeply ingrained into Earth souls for eons. But part of it is also how you as human beings have chosen how to learn about and adjust to the environment you are born into. So there is no need, for example, to go into detailed explanations that state, “You are special and unusual,” because every child is such, and always has been. There is no need for long-winded explanations of how important it is to Love and respect others—they will already judge for themselves the importance of Love, by the presence of it in your own energies, words, and actions. They will already have come to understand, from your treatment of them, and the energy you carry, that they are expressions of Divine Love itself. That Love is not something that one Does so much as something that one IS—something that flows naturally from one’s essence and presence. This has been a teaching shared by the great spiritual teachers of your world, including the poet known as Shakespeare. (“Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds, / Or bends with the remover to remove. / O no! it is an ever-fixed mark / That looks on tempests and is never shaken . . . “ [Sonnet 116]) And yet—you see how the left-brain obsession with dogma and “using the right ideas” to express something has moved the reality of Love out of experience and into pure mental concept—into the narrowest possible channels of understanding. Does the tree Love the Earth as it draws its nourishment from soil, air, and Light? Of course—and in like manner, all you need do is Exist, dear ones. To live, to breathe in the present moment with a thankfulness that well outruns the days’ to-do list, the chores of living, the pressures and pains of the workday, of bill-paying, of keeping family relationships positive—that feels to be a tall order, and yet you came for this! As they see you enjoying Nature, taking time to listen to what they saw and did today, taking time to read them beautiful stories of inspiring hero’s journeys, encouraging them to leave screens and gadgets behind for many hours each day and to express their own creativity and true nature-- They will know they have come not to the same cold, strange place you yourselves were born into, but to a beautiful Earthly iteration of the higher realms, seeking to move higher at every moment. As they feel the warmth of your smile, noticing how brilliant and irreplaceable their presence is on the Earth, and realize that you know you do not own them, but are simply a help and a guardian for a while, learning with them as you go—they will far more easily remember Who they are, and Why they came. We would only hope that you will likewise take that same time, consideration, respect, and nurturing for yourselves, whether you are raising children or not. For you are also special children in the highest sense, dear ones! For Love you came, and Love is all you are! Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Arcturian Group MessageJUNE 3, 2018
Dear ones, with love and great respect we offer assistance to your evolutionary journey with the intention of bringing hope and enlightenment to all who seek it. We see a great deal of change taking place on earth although you are unable to see it as we do. Energies of Light continue to intensify as more individuals awaken and begin to comprehend truths previously unavailable to them simply because they were not open or receptive. There is a great deal of assistance available to anyone requesting it, but you must ask. Many previously closed to change or new ways of seeing and believing are now opening to the idea that there may be better ways of doing things as many accepted beliefs, concepts, laws, simply no longer work as they once did. This realization is the birth of awakening. At the same time, those already spiritually aware are expanding into increasingly higher levels of awareness. Those already spiritually awake simply need validation of what they are experiencing at this time rather than increasing amounts of new information. The temptation is to seek answers through the mind when things are not fully understood because the three dimensional belief system teaches that study, learning, doing, on a mental level is necessary to understanding which is true in the beginning stages of awakening. You have learned in this fashion through many lifetimes, and have arrived at a place where the human mind is no longer an effective tool for your inner journey. The human mind is limited to what is already known and cannot access the deeper realms of Divine Consciousness within. This shift can be a huge and troubling leap for those who have devoted their lives to one particular spiritual path for many years or even through lifetimes. This is especially true for the teachers of those paths who have dedicated themselves, taught classes, written books, and put all their energy and trust into some one particular modality. Real spiritual paths and modalities (those that have truth at their foundation) will not disappear but rather their core ideas will expand to new and higher levels. Often it is the un-awakened consciousness of followers who fear change that hold the evolutionary expansion of some spiritual modality back in energies that have become obsolete. Nothing real is or can ever be lost, only the illusions of it disappear. Every organized religion, teaching, or spiritual modality originally come about as truth from a highly evolved teacher, but over generations original teachings are always lost when the teacher passes on and the teachings become organized as a religion. The truths revealed by the original teacher then quickly become mis-interpreted by followers not of the original teacher's state of consciousness. Some then declare themselves to be the teachers and present the original teachings from a lower and often very three dimensional level. This is why truth should never be organized. Placing faith, trust, or hope (personal power) in a path, guru, or modality is not meant to continue forever. These things are important tools for awakening, but only work up to a certain point because the nature of evolution determines that a person will eventually evolve beyond a need for them. There comes a time when the seeker is no longer in alignment with some of the very tools and modalities that served to get him to his new level of awareness--he has graduated. Truths learned through an illumined path or teacher can only be fully accessed and become one's state of consciousness when they flow from within where all Divine Ideas exist in the fullness of their pure form. Before that, they are simply intellectual knowledge. Meditation helps to open the door. The silent inner listening of meditation indicates to one's Higher Self that they are ready and receptive for more. Once accessed, Divine Ideas continue to unfold and reveal themselves as each new level of consciousness is attained where there is alignment with the new truth. Enjoy life. The ascetic practices of the past that came about as the result of believing spirituality to be separate from ordinary living are no longer a part of the world's belief system as they once were. Contrary to what many still believe, pain and suffering does not please God in any way and never could because the harmonious perfection of ONE is all there is. Pain and suffering do not exist in Divine Consciousness, if it did it would be universally permanent, held forever in place by Divine Law. Living as an awakened individual is a matter of being in the world but not of it--living and enjoying life without attachment. Go to work, go to school, have relationships or not, do what you are guided to do but do it from your highest level of awareness in the realization that you are whole and complete with or without these things. Spiritual living is the experiencing of ordinary activities from a place of love, one that is able to look through appearances of "good" or "bad" with no attachment to their outcome in the realization that everything is spiritual and what is being seen is a three dimensional mind interpretation of it. You come to understand that your wholeness and completeness is is not dependent upon your education, money, body shape, or anything else three dimensional thinking defines as success. You are comfortable wherever you are and in all situations because you know who you are. At this point you can go to church or not, because you know that God is only in church if you bring "Him" with you. You begin to have more patience and love for those around you knowing that they have a soul contract and lessons they are learning. You begin to accept the idiosyncrasies of family, friends, and strangers instead of giving them power over you for good or bad. You are able to watch news or not from a level of detachment rather than fear and worry because you now realize that in spite of appearances, all is well. Living becomes a being in the world but not of it. Allowing the evolutionary progress of self and others is love. It is the realization that everything proceeds according to plan without the need for mental plotting and scheming because in reality, the earth is a spiritual universe peopled by Sons of God. Gaia, who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt, is ready for her next evolutionary step and human thinking cannot stop it because there is a much bigger picture happening than what third dimensional thinking can know or even imagine. Spiritual consciousness allows others to live their personal journey without the interference that so often happens when well meaning "do-gooders" and many groups mis-interpret love. The belief that anyone who does not believe the same must be saved from their ignorance is a perfect example of how the belief in separation manifests in the world--"others" are separate from real truth and need those who have it, to save them. Concepts of separation are basic to most organized religions who in turn send out missionaries in a false sense of duty to convert and save anyone who does not believe as they do. Efforts to save and convert others however well intended are always ego based (My way is the only "right" way) and more often than not bring pain and suffering to the recipients while destroying any spiritual practices already in place that are often more evolved than those of the missionary. Every individual can only save themselves. No church, guru, saint, teacher, or practice can do it for you although these things can open the door for those ready and receptive. Everyone has Divine Source Consciousness already fully present within ready to speak and guide the moment they choose to listen. Sincerely seeking help or guidance aligns an individual with the help and guidance needed. The common belief that it is love and duty to save every so called floundering person is often just interference, for in spite of appearances no one really needs saving and those that seem to need it are usually learning some difficult lesson they themselves chose for their evolution. Their choice could of simply been to live fully in and experience third dimensional energy. Allowing is the gift of stepping back while at the same time having your hand ready to grasp the other's should they reach out. It is NOT a reaching down and pulling someone up out of their personal and chosen gutter. There is a fine line here that can only be accessed through intuition because the world in general continues to promote the "saving" of everyone whether or not the person desires saving. Intuition, your inner radar or gut feeling, is always the best guide as to whether or not someone appearing to be in need of rescue really needs and wants it or is just seeking someone to assist them to continue in their chosen lifestyle. Always remember that there is a bigger picture going on. This will allow you to make sense of the seeming discord another may be struggling with. Again, we iterate that there is a fine line in these situations where often intuition is your only guide. Some may seem not to want help, but your intuition may be telling you that they really do want help. Others may seem to want help, but only do it because it was forced upon them and soon return to their chosen lifestyle. Not everyone is ready to be "saved" physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually and to presume otherwise is very human. Free will allows everyone to choose the gutter of their choice and it is not the responsibility of you or angels or even their Guides to interfere with their choice. Always hold yourselves in the energy of compassion and not sympathy, for in sympathy you align with the the person's lower resonating energy. Your own personal choice may be that it is time to remove yourself from the person or situation which can be difficult when it is a family member, partner, or child. This is not to say that a parent does not take action, doing whatever they feel is necessary in the case of a child, but when that child becomes an adult who in spite of all the help still chooses self destructive behavior, the parent or guardian must step back into the love of allowing. Your job as a spiritually evolved person is to recognize that in spite of all appearances every individual is in reality, a Divine Being. Surround the person with Light and then move on for the more you hold them in consciousness according to their human appearance, you add to the illusion. You are creators. Know that it is often more loving to allow these dear ones to fall flat on their face or even leave this life than to continue enabling them in their illusion. In their next lifetime they will make different choices based on the learned experiences of this one. This is true for most addictions--drugs, alcohol , sex, rituals, or anything else an individual believes will give them the sense of wholeness, happiness, and peace they crave. The divide between those awakening and those choosing not to awaken grows wider every day and powerful frequencies of Light are forcing those spiritually ready to live their truth, which can and often does mean leaving behind some person, place, or thing--physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Now is a time of many choices that only you can make. We are the Arcturian Group 6/3/18
Daily Message ~ Thursday May 31, 2018 By Trinity Esoterics on May 31, 2018 10:44 am A reader responded to yesterday’s daily message asking how they could “unset up” some of the opportunities (sometimes referred to by you as lessons or tests) they have placed on their path for their growth and expansion and move into more joy. We wish to address this today. You will have specific themes you wish to experience and master within your incarnation. They will loop around periodically to give you opportunities to see them in new ways, to choose how you wish to react, and assess how much you have grown. What if you approached a theme much like you would a theatre production that comes into your community to offer the same play every once in a while. You could decide you don’t ever want to see it and avoid it completely. You could decide you will see it next time. You could decide to show up and have the experience. You could decide you would like to see it again because it still has something for you. You could decide you don’t need to have the experience again because you’ve already taken everything it has to offer you from the previous appearances you have attended. It is merely giving you an opportunity. How do you know a theme still has something to offer you? When you are resistant to it or feel triggered by it. If that is so, try changing how you look at it. Try seeing it from a higher perspective as an observer. Ask, “What does my inner master see?” “What is the gift of this experience?” Your soul will set up these intersections of experience throughout your lifetime to give you plenty of opportunity to move through it whenever the time is right for you. The amount of joy you experience in your life expression is not dependant upon not having challenges. It is all about perspective. You experience more joy from being present, from practicing gratitude, by choosing joy in the in-between spaces that are far more prevalent than the challenging periods are. It is about choosing activities that allow you to experience alignment, purpose, and enjoyment. It comes from looking for the magic and beauty that is there to find in each Now moment. Expansion is what gives your soul a sense of freedom and joy, so from that perspective even your challenges lead to the experience of greater satisfaction and opportunities if you allow them to serve you. So be easy with yourself. Flow. Trust. Look and appreciate what is working for you in the Now rather than worrying what the future may or not bring. The recurrence of themes does not need to be something to be feared or used to diminish your potential for joy, for that potential is always there if you can simply start to allow it to bubble up from within you as a delighted response to your recognition of your innate alignment with Source. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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