TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON THE DIVINE BALANCE OF MASCULINE AND FEMININE Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Lady Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you in Love. Today we wish to discuss the Divine balance of masculine and feminine. You are making great strides in honoring both your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects. You have recognized that both are necessary for your complete Being to shine. Now you are ready to take the next step of continuing to honor and balance both aspects. Let us first explain why this is a necessary step in the ascension process. When you first burst forth from the Creator, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine were one Soul that contained both aspects. Then you separated into the two aspects. So you see, in the Highest Realms the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are one combined Being or energy. There is no separation. They could be considered as two sides of the same coin. When you are looking only at one side, you are seeing the attributes of that side. However, when you turn the coin over, you are seeing the attributes of the other aspect. If you view the coin from a distance, you are seeing the complete coin, not just one side or aspect. You may ask if that is the case, why we are referred to as masculine or feminine in our aspects. You are living in a third dimensional reality where duality is the norm. It can sometimes be hard for you to conceptualize that one Higher Being contains both the masculine and feminine aspects. You are accustomed to seeing duality in many areas of life because it is an attribute of your dimension. We come to you in your reality as one aspect or the other, either Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine. We come to you as Archangel Zadkiel or Archangel Lady Amethyst depending on which qualities you need at the moment. Our mission is to be of service, and we present ourselves in the way that we can be of greatest service to you. However, in the Higher Dimensions there is no duality. The illusion of this separation is not present. Everything is viewed as a complete whole. There is oneness of the Being, and both aspects are available for highest good. Therefore, the more you can incorporate and appreciate each aspect of your own Being, the more easily you can move forward on your ascension journey. You can honor each aspect by contemplating the positive qualities you display in each part. In the Divine Feminine, you may show love, kindness, gentleness, and compassion. For the Divine Masculine, you may express courage, strength, and bravery. Of course, these attributes are not limited to just one or the other aspect. It is the third dimensional way to assign these attributes to one aspect or the other. The important thing is to look within yourself and see the ways in which you express your Divine Feminine and your Divine Masculine. As you focus on each quality, you may wish to thank it for being part of you and for helping you on your ascension path. Each quality has been and continues to be a part of your journey. As you go throughout your day, you may find yourself consciously expressing an attribute and being aware of it. This strengthens that attribute, and you are able to incorporate it more fully into your Being. If it is an attribute that you assign to the Divine Feminine, you can reflect on which aspect of the Divine Masculine would be a complement of it. All attributes work together for completeness. Remember that you are an individualized Soul on the third dimension of expression and contain your own unique combination of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine qualities. This is the combination that you brought in to this lifetime to help you carry out your unique mission. Therefore, honoring your Self and appreciating your own qualities can help you rise to even higher dimensions. Beloveds, we are happy that you are honoring your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects for highest good. We are just a whisper away and are happy to be with you on your ascension journey. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Lady Amethyst and Zadkiel …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,
A Message to Lightworkers – March 26, 2018by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Empowered Ones! Though we know that in this time of Mercury in retrograde, in which life feels to be a bit upside down, or heavier and more taxing than usual, that you may not be feeling particularly empowered. And we would say, that many a great ship has been built, despite the heaviness of the timber or the steel that had to be put in place in order for it to find its completion. And that those who lifted the heavy objects for construction, lifting and fitting into place the pieces of a great ship, may not have been the ones who already held the full vision of what was being built, and how it would look upon completion. But times have changed. You are both the workers of the new and higher energies to which you and Earth are now acclimating, and the ones whose vision it was to create something new and beautiful and un-seen before now—a new and higher vision of Earth than even what she enjoyed before She fell into the lower dimensions. And of course, this is a ship that travels through far more than the oceans. You are indeed on a ship—the self-renewing, sentient, organic vehicle that is your planet—that flies amongst the stars, while flowing into and melding with your inner visions of the New Earth. She cannot disappoint you, nor you disappoint Her, dear ones. Henri Matisse – Young Girl Sitting in a Persian Dress And so we ask in this time of feeling stretched, exhausted, exhilarated some days and defeated on others , that you find at least one thing of pure beauty and joy, and let that be your “theme song” for that moment that carries you forward. No, this will not seem logical to that which has run you and ordered you about for so long—the left brain. That aspect of you may well demand to know, “What are you so peaceful and happy about—especially with taxes due soon?” “What about this bit of work you haven’t done yet, this friend or family member you are unhappy with? What about the partner or job you don’t feel right about anymore—don’t we usually get into a stew about all that?” And of course you can, if you feel more comfortable doing so, curse your luck and feel aggravated and impatient, and wonder where NESARA is when you need it most, and wish with all your heart that all vestiges of 3D life were a mere memory. And yet, we would say, that every moment you take for yourself to spend in Nature, releasing all need to Do or to Explain—all need to appease your logical aspect. . . Every moment you spend contemplating sheer beauty, or taking in the carefree movements of animals or children . . . Every moment you are able to list mentally or visually all you are thankful for, starting with your ability to see these words and comprehend them, or to recognize the voice of a loved one . . . In each of those moments, you ground yourself in a calm-and-centered sense of self that the left brain has been taught to despise and mistrust. In other words, you gain a form of mastery that the mind could never in a thousand years give you. Our writer turns to beautiful music and visual art when needing a reminder that all is right in the Universe. Note that much great art and music became great by “breaking the rules,” and that the beauty of a great poem is that every line does not necessarily fit logically with every other. A favorite composition and performance of many is that of cellist Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach’s Suites 1, 4, and 5—perhaps you will find some comfort in it as well. It is a great irony of human life, that just as things appear darkest and most difficult, the most heroic, most beautiful, most poignant, most empowering aspects of your Spirits come forward to express their joy and beauty. This is how even those who survived great horrors of war and oppression have written some of the most brilliant and inspiring poetry, novels, plays, artwork, and music. This is how those referred to as saints have “outseen” their immediate circumstances. They heard within some voice calling them to remember a far higher reality than that which existed around them. And so as you see the young people coming forward, from the very young to not-quite adult, declaring their sovereignty over guns and all forms of violence-- As you see them standing with united voice over that which so many far older and more experienced have considered too hopeless to fight against-- Can you not also find the courage to drink from the well that is your own powerful Soul and all its astounding abilities? We know you are able to do all you envisioned before returning to the lower dimensions one last time, dear ones. You have done all required of you now, many times before. Yet this time is different. This Earth is your ship now, captains and commanders, and you bring Her closer to Her new home more and more each day. Namaste, dear ones! We are One with you in the growing Unity consciousness and soul-based empowerment you came here to embody, and you are never alone. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
What is Love? by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa The question, ‘What is love?’ is of equivalent value, meaning and depth as ‘What is the Creator?’ or ‘What is the meaning of life?’ In fact, these three questions invite you to explore beyond yourself into an unknown space where deep knowingness can be accessed. They lead you along a journey of exploration gathering your focus into the core of All That Is. You question how all that is known on the Earth comes to creation and manifestation, why we act and react in certain ways and what existence really is. Some souls do not even risk asking such questions while for others there is no earthy life without the presence and exploration of these questions. That which we all seek cannot be labelled or explained and yet we can grasp a deep-seated familiarity and connection when we exist with awareness in the heart chakra. Every soul seeks in one form or another the Creator, whether they label it Allah, God, All Mighty, Source, Essence, nature, fulfilment or something else. The greatest statement we can all resonate with is, ‘the Creator is love and love is the Creator.’ It is in the meaning of these words that you may find an understanding that sits beautifully within your being, heals and fulfils while gifting to you the freedom to be the truth and reality of your inner consciousness. Through contemplation not only will you allow yourself to touch the truth of love and the Creator within your being, you will touch the same within another, within every being in existence with you. Love DefinedLove has many explanations; every soul can define love through the eyes they choose to perceive through. Love has numerous levels of engagement. Love exists within friendship, respect, romantic relationships, kindness, families, strangers, passion, patience and care. Love exists in the harsh words of another to protect what they treasure, within the mother who gives her child away in hope of a better life than she had, or the homeless person who risked everything to help others. Love is not always pretty or kind, in fact love has so many faces and facets, so many stories and expressions. An expression and explanation of what love is only describes one atom of the body and source of love. Love is ever present, eternal, enduring, empowering and truthful, it is nameless and yet it can be embodied and expressed in millions of ways. Love is present within everything and everyone, love is the Creator in action through you. That which you see, feel and experience in your everyday life as love is born from a source so great, abundant and expansive, its power is immense. You are constantly accessing the source of love and bringing it into embodiment within your being and life. Although you neglect to notice that you were born from the source of love, that is the Creator, you are everything that love is, and so you have the ability to bring forth the abundant source of love. Rather than sharing droplets of love share waves of love. Rather than holding onto love, let it soar and fly as free as a bird. Realise that you are what you seek, you are love. You are naturally the supreme magnificence of love, it is your purpose to be the expansive connection through which the divine body of love flows, a love that is beyond the human perception of love and yet filters into every aspect of human life. Love is present for you to experience as you wish. Your thoughts, visions, perceptions and dreams influence the love you experience on all levels of your being and the abundance of love you draw and embody from the Creator. Love Is UnknownWhen you connect with love, you connect with the limitless unknown beauty of love. To do so means you must courageously step through fear and embrace all that you have yet to realise about yourself and the Creator. It is within the unknown that you discover the wisdom of love, the language and knowledge that love is. This wisdom and knowledge speaks to you, through you often and yet you may still be seeking to understand all it shares. The wisdom of love is unpredictable and yet it always guides your way, revealing to you enlightenment and understanding, even in moments of chaos and fear. It is through the wisdom of love that we can glimpse the identity of love in the way it speaks through us and to us. It is your own perceptive of what love is that is of most importance, especially when this perceptive is born from a space of love and truth within your being. If you can know and recognise love within your being, meaning your infinite connection with all that is the Creator, which engages with you and through you, then you will begin to understand the presence of love. You will also recognise love within everything and everyone around you. You will see the different faces, forms and expressions of love, which will allow you to comprehend the source or body of love of the Creator. You will access your power, truth and self-acceptance. You will become empowered, inspired and healed. The limitations and boundaries of your life and existence will diminish allowing you to explore the space and unknown energy of love within your body, mind, emotions, friendships and reality. Love is an exploration of the Creator, it is an internal remembrance of truth that can be expressed and experienced a million times a day. It is in any form of love that you can speak to the Creator and hear the Creator speak back to you. Love is the communion of the Creator within you and all. Contemplation of LoveAs I have said, I, Master Kuthumi, can only explain love from my own perspective. I wish to encourage you to continue your exploration of what love is. In doing so I am inviting you to commune with the Creator within you and bring the truth of the Creator into embodiment. I am inviting you to reconnect yourself to the abundant body and source of love that is the Creator, realising your connection and embodiment is eternal. I am inviting you to realise that as you evolve spiritually so your understanding of all forms and manifestations of love evolve. You shift your perspective to see through the eyes of the Creator. I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to contemplate in meditation or quiet time what your own personal and current perception of love is. Take time with kindness and patience to allow this inner perspective to unfold. In addition, I, Master Kuthumi, encourage you to ask within to view and grasp what love is when viewing through the eyes of the Creator. The Creator has a perception and view of love which you can access and embody through a simple request. The more you merge your perceptions with the Creator to understand and embody love the more you embody the love of the Creator, recognising the same within yourself and others. No longer do you seek love, instead you wish to awaken the realisation of love within others and understand their unique view and perception of love, therefore allowing you to access the vast body and source of love that is the Creator. I encourage you to explore the question, ‘What is love?’ Let it rest within your being and awaken the truth present within you. You are more than you could possibly imagine. In eternal love, Master Kuthumi MARCH 11,2018
Marilyn Raffaele, Dear ones, we are here to assist you with knowledge and support as you travel the intensifying spiritual journey you are now on. The powerful energies of ascension now exposing what has been hidden for eons on all levels are causing even some enlightened ones to doubt, question, and occasionally re-align with un-truth. Seek to rest always in your highest attained level of truth dear ones, for this then becomes your sword and shield, comfort and reality, which is what those still asleep unconsciously try to attain through actions of chaos and violence. The world in general does not yet realize that everything they seek is already present in its fullness within. The world is going through an intense cleansing at this time, making it vital that you stay centered. Watch and listen to less news, which for the most part focuses on the negative. Seek out the few pure and honest news sources that are available. Perform ordinary quiet acts of love as these opportunities present themselves throughout your day, always remembering that everyone is a Divine being even if they are far from knowing it themselves. You may be guided to some action or actions at this time but always know that playing an important role in the ascension process need not involve grand outer actions which are often just human concepts of how change must happen. Your consciousness of truth is the power of change, for the outer will always manifest whatever the predominant consciousness of the time is. We wish to address the idea of non-conformance which can be as simple as a child's bid for independence when he begins to experience individuality. We speak to the non-conformance of a deeper kind which happens when an evolving soul begins to awaken and experience a desire to reclaim their freedom and innate power which is where many of you are now. Many are now being intuitively guided that it is time to stop indulging in the three dimensional game playing learned over the course of many lifetimes with regard to family, relationships, friends, spirituality, etc. During these lifetimes, whether rich or poor, one quickly understood that if he did not play the game according to some current set of rules, it would and often did bring about severe repercussions or even death. Every soul holds the one and only Power within--it is your true identity and your birthright as an expression of Source. However, living life after life on earth under the rules of a third dimensional belief system, has caused almost everyone at some point to surrender their power and give it to those they erroneously believed had a right to it, or to those who through violence took it. The result of this as been the creation of a conditioned state of consciousness still alive and well in impersonal universal consciousness. This state of consciousness manifests as game playing, lying, pretending to be something one is not, and falsity in all or select levels of life in the belief that this is necessary if one is to attain success or acceptance (desire for love). Non-conformity is a facet of awakening and is the birth of integrity and true honesty. Personal non-conformance begins when one awakens into a more enlightened state of consciousness which brings new ways of seeing and knowing the truth about self and others. This new state of consciousness then begins to express as more informed and higher resonating words and actions within all aspects of daily living. The energy and resulting false powers of the third dimension are beginning to dissolve into the nothingness that they really are because their substance (beliefs), that which holds them in place, is disappearing as more and more people awaken. Non-conformance is simply the act of knowing and living out from a higher sense of reality apart from commonly accepted but false concepts of an unenlightened society--"I am choosing to no longer play third dimensional games. " The decision to take action toward reclaiming one's power can be and often is very frightening for a person used to living under the thumb of some other person, group or particular belief system. This is especially true for those who in one or more past lives have experienced dire consequences from resisting a commonly held belief. As a result, the energy of these experiences is frequently still alive and well in their cellular memory, causing them to hesitate and fear "rocking the boat" even when they desperately want to. That is why in this time of intense awakening many of those ready and being urged to reclaim their power are experiencing confusion and fear for no apparent reason ( most have no idea of why they are experiencing these emotions). Old cellular memory is actively reminding them of what happens if they assert their independence and power. This is why it is so important to clear all remaining old programming which you yourself can easily do. In your quiet time when there will be no interruptions, state your choice and intention to clear all old and no longer relevant energy from past and present life experiences, from physical inheritance, and from all vows taken and promises made. Invite your Higher Self and Guides to assist you in this meditation. " In the presence of my Higher Self and my Guides, I choose..." Talk to the cells of your physical body which have an intelligence. Tell them that it is time to release all old but still active third dimensional energy. Visualize Light flowing through your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual bodies, and chakras with the intention of clearing them of all old programing and energy regarding health, age, deterioration, fears, abundance, etc.--any and all false concepts previously held as truth. Intend that from now on they allow in only the high resonating energies of truth and Light. Many will find that the very things they fear or suffer from escalate following this type of clearing meditation, but this means that they have succeeded in allowing these old energies to surface in order to be looked at, seen for what they are, and once and for all released. Every awakened soul is being guided at this time to stand strong in their truth, be it taking issue with some concept alive and well within themselves, a personal circle of friends and family, or with regard to the many larger issues still alive and well in consensus consciousness. Support everyone you see struggling to detach themselves from others' expectations. Pat them on the back, encourage them, and give a thumbs up for their efforts no matter how small. It is often a huge task involving courage and effort for those who have lived past or present lives of submission to choose something even as simple as deciding to skip church or whatever they are expected to do. As those who have always lived in bondage to the concepts of an unenlightened society begin to take a stand, they develop a sense of strength and worth, soon finding that the sky does not fall down when they follow their intuition and leave behind whatever it is they were led to believe was the only "right" way to act or believe. The new Light energies of ascension now pouring to earth are serving to awaken a heretofore "sleeping giant" in many who are not yet able to understand what is going on. Those still enmeshed in third dimensional beliefs are only able to interpret what they are feeling through their as of yet unawakened state of consciousness causing them to express through violence, anger, and fear both inwardly and outwardly--ways that can be very inappropriate. Everything going on in the world at this time is reflecting mankind's awakening to personal empowerment, higher and better ways of living, and the need for change, all the while trying to make sense of everything with what they already know. Never be afraid to voice, act, and be a different person than you have been in the past, through fear of offending some person or group, even if you have been deeply involved in or committed to some particular belief system. A well educated expert believed to have all the answers within some field of knowledge may well indeed have the answers according to available information, but the old system is fading away allowing a new and different world to emerge. As a higher dimensional world comes into being, many of those now famous for some field of expertise, will no longer reflect the fullness of information unless they are able to open themselves to new and higher levels of understanding. People, places, and things will no longer carry the resonance of "power over" as in the past for the false energy of those forms will will cease being created through mankind's awakening. Always trust your intuition for it is the tool that will guide you as you separate yourself from commonly accepted, but quickly becoming obsolete information, rules, ideas, beliefs, etc. It is time for mankind to courageously come out from under the security umbrella of group concepts and beliefs in the realization that everything to be gained from "playing the games" is already fully present within, simply awaiting recognition and acceptance. Fear not to make a personal stand for truth even if it is a silent inner stand when conditions do not warrant outer action. Trust your intuition always in these matters and it will guide you. You are the midwives in a world experiencing the labor pains necessary to the birthing of a whole new world consciousness. We are the Arcturian Group 3/11/18 Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
channeling through Valerie Donner March 7, 2018 Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. My full focus now is on the earth’s Ascension and with my work and the Earth Council. On the Earth Council we observe all that is going on with your planet, around your planet and within your planet. We are determined to see you and the earth through your Ascension. There is much at stake and we want to reassure you that you are doing an excellent job. If you could only see the extent of the beautiful work that you are doing you would be astounded. Much of your work is done in the dream state as well as throughout the day even if you are unaware of it. You are such higher dimensional beings that you are present only to a small extent in your physical form. This is perfectly acceptable and necessary for this is a big project to rearrange everything on the earth. Your lives are valuable beyond measure. Your hearts are prepared and open for new whole way of life. Your souls are finely tuned to what is most necessary for you to do every single day. For many of you your primary focus is on the Ascension. You are primed to want to know as much as you can about the progress that is being made. Unfortunately, you cannot receive this information from your mainstream media. We have already discussed this. It is often important to simply allow your own knowingness to show you where to go for up to the date important truthful information. Most of you are pretty good at this by using your intuition. More information is forthcoming from those divine communicators who receive excellent input from the higher realms. Right now, it is important for you to take excellent care of yourselves and to love your selves. What you think and do matters. You are at the apex of the final decline of the dark forces. Their demise is accelerating like a snowball rolling down a mountain. The dragon’s tail of karma is whipping around wherever necessary and there is no stopping it. In other words, there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide for these evil ones. Their time is complete. You will begin to recognize how much lighter the planet is feeling as the percentage of light grows stronger. More of humanity are beginning to awaken. For some this awareness is earth shattering for it means that their lives have been lived in fantasy, some of which has been more like a nightmare. They are beginning to see through the deceit of the mainstream media. They are questioning everything and are looking deeper for truth. Little by little all will be revealed until it becomes an explosion of truth and light. From there it will only be forward movement. The light beings left on the planet will have important big bold new assignments. For most of you the third dimension has lost its luster. It can be challenging having to be going through your third dimensional paces acting as if everything is normal, like the way it used to be. You already know this is not true. Some of you are anxious to begin living your fifth dimensional lives. You are ready for love and unity, peace, abundance and joy. Please be a reassured that you are being directed in your appropriate spiritual path. This is an exciting time of chaos and change. It precedes evolution. It is about beautiful new creation. You are microcosms of the macrocosm so in your lives know that as you transcend whatever challenge that is set before you, you are doing it for everyone. You must be strong and courageous. Stand up to the challenges whether it is dark attacks, old patterns within that need to cleared, health issues, lack, or fear. Change is the norm now. Go with the flow and you will be quickly stepping up the Ascension ladder. I love and respect all of you. I am Mira
A Message to Lightworkers – March 5, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again. We were sent a question recently, regarding what some call the “reincarnation trap,” and so we would like to answer that question now. QUESTION: Is there a reincarnation trap or soul net that recycles our souls after death, to keep us trapped in the Matrix? The idea being that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean. It is then recycled—reincarnated—into another body, where the same process is repeated. So that the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it is very difficult to escape. A soul net works as an artificial energetic grid (this is not the natural energetic grid of ley lines on the Earth), to prevent souls from leaving the Earth, making Earth a closed system where people are born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotions for the archons to feed off of. Humans then have no conscious memory of Who they are or what their real situation is. As the archons expertly trigger our emotions through the media, war, and other methods of fear and deception, they then energetically feed of off the low vibrations of our emotions. Does this system exist, and are we trapped in it? THE COLLECTIVE: This is an excellent question, and one that has been discussed and considered for many thousands—actually, millions of years. You are not the first generation, nor even the third or fourth, to have realized that archons exist, that the planet was invaded eons ago by a number of invaders and usurpers, and that your DNA was intentionally reduced by numerous strands. This was to lower your consciousness to a level by which most people never spotted the “matrix” consciously, or if they did realize its existence, could do little or nothing about it. Yet understand that you are no one’s minion, and no one’s slave. Most assuredly, human beings lived on the Earth for many thousands of years in those exact roles, outwardly appearing to be at the mercy of the “powers-that-were” as many now correctly call them. And yet, you are not at their mercy, and you do not have to slave eternally for anyone to reap energy from. Nor are you recycling endlessly from one Earth life to the next, never quite remembering what came before, or your true soul essence and the powers it possesses. There is something to that theory, but it is not the whole story. And that time is now over. Recall from deep within that you were a part of the soul collective that, eons ago in Earth time, asked for this experiment you have called third dimensional Earth, though the density of that life became far heavier than you would ever have envisioned. You have journeyed long and arduously, and it may seem many days that much is out of your control—the wars and other violence, the hunger and homelessness, the debts, illnesses, and depression. Certainly things have looked and been bleak upon the Earth. But the “system” you refer to has been dissolving for decades—in fact, more than 100 years—and no longer applies to Earth life to the extent that the information you have received would like you to believe. Be aware that there are various forms of disinformation now being disseminated online that would have you believe that far from moving forward, humankind is as “stuck” as ever, when nothing could be further from the Truth. Or you will read an article that says that yes, perhaps some now on Earth will evolve and Ascend—but “you don’t seem to be one of those people.” The British used to exclaim, “Poppycock!” when they heard such complete nonsense, and that would apply well to the deliberate disinformation being handed to you now on a steady basis. Be aware that what you see online or on the news channels—even that which is considered “alternative news” is often still held in lock step with what the old order prefer you to hear. This includes the “alternative” information sources you read on the internet, which are not so alternative at all, dear ones. The dark hats, in losing their grip on human consciousness, are pulling out all the stops to distract your attention, and to try (uselessly) to dilute the intensity of the Light data flowing to you now at increasing levels. This is to turn you from your own growing independence of thought and realization to remaining entrained to certain forms of “education” that are simply lighter modes of mind control. Of course, they cannot win. You—all of you, who are Divine Love expressing in human form—you are and have won your own liberty of not only thought and belief, but of feeling-sense, in terms of how you perceive life and its many Lights, shadings, and colorings of meaning and experience. If you do not wish to consider yourself a form of energetic food for some lower entity, why would you spend your powerful co-Creative gifts on entertaining that “this might be true”? That is similar to deciding that just because you have X number of dollars or any currency in the bank, it means that you are “poor” or that you are “wealthy.” How could the same amount of money be considered either poverty or wealth? you ask. That is easy: It is entirely up to you. Your perception—your Naming of a thing—that Naming/Creating ability that all Creators hold—decides for you. And so, if you desire to be free—are you calling yourself that? Or are you waiting to receive an email or phone call, or to read the headline finally proclaiming that you are free? Proclaiming that NESARA has been fully enacted, that Full Disclosure is on the way, and that humankind are once again free to run their own planet, without all the density of third dimensional life? We wait for You to tell Us that you are free, Light Beings! You are the only ones to proclaim such, and to “make it so,” as one starship captain used to say. That is a co-Creative phrase, and came to the writers of the second Star Trekseries Not At All by accident. You are ALL captains, commanders, Galactics, higher guides, and Angelic or other beautiful higher beings disguised as humans for a time. You are None of you anyone’s “food.” Your vibration is so high, that those you have in the past feared as your overlords would choke on and spit out the purity of the Love that you now resonate with, were they to take it in. And so we would say, if you do not wish for a particular reality, do not entertain it as a viable explanation of your existence. So many have been told, “That mountain can’t be climbed,” or “There is no cure for your illness,” or “You will never have children,” or “You will never be a great artist.” Yet history has recorded how time and time again, those who levied those cautions were made to look like fools, as those they “warned” broke all the rules and fulfilled the high vision they continually sustained in their heart. And so—with your very presence on the Earth now, you prove wrong those who tell you you are only food to be recycled from one meaningless existence to another. Did You create that reality? No? Then leave it. It is not yours. It never was. Your soul is far more powerful than words of most Earth languages could ever convey. All of the Wisdom, the Great Learning and Higher Understanding and pure Experience you came here to gain–all of that is coming forward now, and proving their “useless recycling” theory very, very wrong. Affirm your Light, your co-Creative power, and your Divine Mission, dear ones! Before you incarnated this one last time to a third dimensional life, you charged us with reminding you often of Who you are. And yet—you shine so brightly now, that we think soon, you shall be the ones encouraging all of Us. We send you more Love than you can yet imagine-- Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Gently and With Love, Honor Yourself
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, the first message in The Gabriel Message Book and Cards helps us remember that we are here to bring Heaven to Earth by honoring and respecting ourselves first. The Gabriel Message Card for this week Gently and With Love, Honor Yourself. When I received this message from Archangel Gabriel in the early 1990s, I had no idea what honoring myself meant. I was raised in a military family, and that patriarchal system had no room for honoring of the feminine. They had many strict rules that I rebelled against when I was there. Ironically, when I was no longer in that system, I found that I had adopted those same rules as my inner voice! I became a hard taskmaster, requiring perfection for myself. I was merciless when I failed to achieve that status...which was always. This caused me to continuously feel I was not good enough. It was becoming painfully obvious by the time I was 50 that being hard on myself was not helping. After all, if I had not whipped myself into enlightenment by that time, it was clearly not going to work. It was only after a collapse of all the structures of my life in the tumultuous year of 1999 that I began to discover the power of having compassion for myself. The Angels said to me, "Allow yourself to be enfolded in Wings of Pure Love." It was so sweet sounding, and I had a very great need by that time to open my heart and be blessed. When I surrendered to the Higher Power working through me, I found to my surprise that allowing myself to receive the Light of Divine Love was the most nourishing thing I had ever done. I was always one to give others kindness and compassion. Giving myself what I would give to others turned into a new experience for me. I found that Compassion is a Force of very high-frequency energy that could empower me on new levels. In fact, Compassion led me to actually loving myself in a true and honest way. I have heard that the love we give ourselves is healing our connection to Nature. This seems so important to me. We are meant to be a true blended being, bridging Heaven and Earth by bringing our most expansive connection to Source into our physical bodies to blend with our most human selves. In this way, everyone will live in harmony within themselves and with all life on the planet. This idea so inspires me and answers many questions about how to bring about a peaceful and thriving co-existence on Earth. This honoring of myself expanded my field of consciousness and created a greater connection to my Higher Self. It enabled me to hear the true, sweet and authentic voice of my inner guidance showing me new ways to live that honored who I am as well as the deepest Truth of my Soul. And from this place I can, gently and with love, honor myself as well as all of life. Divine Presence: Thank you for helping me to remember how important it is to love and honor myself. May I bring more Compassion and Respect into every interaction within me. Encourage my heart to soften and be loving to myself first, so I may bring this open heart into every situation with others. Thank you for showing me how Nature is responding to my new ability to love myself more in every moment. As I use Nature to demonstrate true nourishment and flow of Divine Light, help me to expand these connections in greater ways within me. With all that I do, I ask to be a blended being, bringing Heaven to Earth through me. Allow me to receive more Love, more Wisdom, more Communion with Divine Light throughout my physical, mental and emotional bodies at all times. In all that I do, may I serve to be a greater presence of Love and Honoring on this planet so that all may know this truth within themselves. And so it is. March 4, 2018 |
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