Sat., Mar.28 - I ask that love would flow through me in an incredible way with a profound message of light for the greatest & highest good to come through me now - Davo @
Letting Go The Universe, your angels, your guides, ascended masters & the Source of all that is stand in support of the wonderful changes, energies, transmutations of old & outdated ways energies & beliefs - this is a most auspicious & incredible, long-awaited time for the planet & the dimensions you inhabit. Know that all is love & love is all there truly is - incredible, unbounded & ever-expanding love. If it is not of love it is but a false belief & it is illusion. This is a time to let go ! Be freed from the illusions of the 3D world that appears before you & discover the glory that patiently awaits your awareness within your own hearts. Awaken to the most incredible you that resides within you. This is your time to rise & shine! We love you so very much! Your loving Angels of Light
As you move up your ladder, there will be times where you will offer an outstretched hand to those on their way up. Do not be discouraged at those who choose to watch their shuffling feet, rejoice in the ones looking up. ~ Creator Reblogged from The Creator Writings March 25
Fri., Mar.20- Eclipse day!
Hallelujah! This is the time of the great awakening of Mother earth & it's people. It is a time long awaited throughout the heavens. It is a wondrous event in which heats will awaken to the deep profound divine love that has been veiled from their awareness in this world of illusions & by lower energies influences. It is a time long foretold & an audience of heavenly beings watches with eager anticipation. Open your hearts dear ones & feel the love! The love that knows no bounds, the love that knows you- the true magnificent being that you are within - a being with no limits, a being created from love, to be love. Awaken! It is time for you to rise & SHINE ! With love, the angels who watch over you. Through Davo @ Enjoy your moments today Tues., Mar.17- Happy St. Pats day. The Council of light- channeled by Davo at
Seek Love Dear ones, We come to you now with a message to encourage your hearts to seek more love. We are the Council. We watch over you & guide you each day directing you towards the life-giving waters of love, but it is up to you to drink from these fountains. Love is truly all there is. Love is the pinnacle of all. Love is the only thing that can truly fill the void within your heart & satisfy your searching for "what's missing". Love seeks to be the highest focus of all in your seeking & it is from love that everything else flows & flows it certainly does - abundance , happiness, true joy, helping others, & so much more follows in the wake of the tsunami that is love. Love can begin within your heart as a tiny droplet which sends waves of energy like ripples, but it can quickly turn into a massive tidal wave encompassing & blessing everything within its path if you but chose it. Consider water if you will, it choses the path of least resistance, it sooths & nourishes the thirsts of all living things. Be like that water. go with the flow - BE easy with your journey & see where life can take you when you but trust in love & let go. Love is all there is. Love never fails - let go & feel the love that waits for you. The Council Sat., March 14,2015. Good morning to all the heavenly host- I ask for any messages from the highest most loving angels or guides or masters with a message for humanity or myself to come and channel through me now - Davo at
Dear Ones, We are the Council and it is with great love that we come before you in your awareness to deliver a most important message. The earth is undergoing magnificent changes at this time and according to your awakened state you will have noticed that something is going on. Do not be alarmed, but rather celebrate, for these changes are the beginning of incredible freedoms, and lifting of the energies on your beautiful blue planet. You will no doubt have questions. Allow these questions to cause your heart to seek. Seek the love of all that is, seek to discover why you have come here & why you have experienced all that you have to this point, for there are no accidents- all has been divinely orchestrated to bring you into perfect alignment with the journey for which you came. We will have much more to say to you, but the most important thing we wish to translate to you at this time is that you are very dearly loved ! The Council of Light Re-blogged from the Creator Writings- Mar 5, 2015Mistakes, lapses in judgment, ill-timed words to others and bad decisions….these are all part of being human. You did, after all, come here to learn and grow in your emotional self. For those of you that choose to dwell on these things; my darling, please forgive yourself! A sincere and heartfelt “I’m sorry” can begin the healing process. Whether it is said to the person you feel you have wronged or spoken silently to The Universe, the release of the guilt and shame of the situation has the ability to free your soul and make you a more peaceful person. Do not deny yourself the opportunity of forgiveness. It is one of the most important gifts you will ever give yourself and others. ~ Creator
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