Reblogged - Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love and the joy of fulfillment is yours.
Dear One, Life is a special gift from God, filled with infinite beauty. Your appreciation and gratitude for this beauty brings forth a new dimension of love within you. Take the time to pursue beauty. Find one flower and look with wondrous eyes upon this divine miracle. Notice the grace of a tree, the strength of its trunk, the power of the root system diving deep into the ground, and the play of the leaves in the sunlight. Put your arms around a tree and take a moment to sense the life force pulsing inside. This slow, steady pulse will soothe and calm you in times of upset. Try sitting with your back against a tree and feel the peace grow within you. Listen to the songs of birds. They sing for the pure joy of it. This is nature in all its glory, and nature will always remind you of the beauty and wonder of Spirit. Nature is one of the easiest ways to bask in the wonder of life. Just being aware of the miraculous occurrences in nature will stir the life force within you. There will be a reminder of times when you were a child and wonder lived at the forefront of your awareness. When you do this, your life takes on new meaning, a specialness. Go deep within the feelings that connect you with Spirit. Be aware that you are a child of a benevolent Universe. Know that you are guided and protected by the Angels, and that who you are has great value to the world. Soar high, and experience the incredible possibilities available to you at every moment. Anything is possible. Miracles are the natural state of being in the universe. Do not limit yourself by thinking you can't do what is important to you. Take the time to let your guardian Angel show you how you can accomplish all your dreams. In your meditation ask for this. You deserve to have that which makes you happy in your life. Life is not meant to be a painful struggle without hope. Allowing new possibilities to play on the perimeters of your consciousness will begin the process of opening to full miracles. It is a process of allowing. It takes a willingness to have your life be happier and more satisfying, even if you don't know how to do it. This willingness allows the forces of the universe to work for you. Allow yourself to open to miracles and to wondrous joy and gratitude for all that is available to you right now. Call on your Angelic presence to open the way to the miracles you deserve. That is why we say: Bask in the wonder of life — go deep, soar high, follow your love and the joy of fulfillment will be yours. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel June 21, 2015
I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to smile a lot. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person! ---Abraham, Jerry & Ester Hicks. Excerpted from the workshop: Sacramento, CA on March 15, 2003 ![]() Have you noticed? I have! There's a pattern here. Regardless of the source of these messages they come in groups or parallel messages along common themes - it's all good! It's all LOVE. The heavens continually, patiently, lovingly seek to see that we achieve happiness & love, goals, awareness & general awakening to our own magnificence! I just saw that this was important to recognize -or rather I was guided to notice & pass on this thought. Wow! We are loved!!! Davo If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it's the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That's all you'd need. ---Abraham, Jerry & ester Hicks, Excerpted from the workshop: San Antonio, TX on January 26, 2002 Even the bible says 'Be joyful always, I will say it again, rejoice" Phil 4:4
Isn't a "no brainer"? Think about it for a second- you have to be "out of your mind" and into your heart for one. The ego mind certainly wants none of that! Also it simply makes sense - Being joyful on anything will attract more of the same while occupying time that the ego would love to preoccupy you with things to worry over... nah! Enjoy your day. Davo Find thoughts that feel good, because it is inevitable that you are going to always be moving toward something. So why not be moving toward something that is pleasing? You can't cease to vibrate, and Law of Attraction will not stop responding to the vibration that you are offering. So, expansion is inevitable. You provide it, whether you know you do, or not. The only question is, what is the standard of joy that you are demanding for yourself? From your Nonphysical perspective, it's a high, high standard.
---Abraham. Re-blogged - Excerpted from the workshop: Seattle, WA on July 02, 2005 If you break down a ‘problem’ into pieces, you still have a million pieces of the same problem. Eliminate the problem from your thoughts, change your reality. ~ Creator, Jennifer Farley The ego is never satisfied- always there is another problem, another problem, another.... always drawing you in more & more things that need your attention. It's all an illusion -you can surely tend to the problems but detach yourself emotionally & just be the observer. Better yet, change your thinking entirely - changing your perspective or completely changing your focus to that which you do want, to something that brings you joy - you'll find your reality changes. For what is reality? It is not the illusion in front of you, but it is whatever you find from within your heart - the observer, the love, the childlike wonderment, the playful exploratory being seeking to expand on experiences & so much more
See instead the treasures & opportunities! (Enlightenment)
Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse on the quality of love that is known as enlightenment. An enlightened person knows that all of Earth’s inhabitants depend on each other for their survival. This individual sees the interconnected nature of all existence and knows their own place in the universe. They are loving, compassionate, kind, and genuinely care about other people. An enlightened person remains spiritually open to everyone, understanding that other people give them spiritual nourishment, meaning, sustenance and growth. They are insightful, and see the world with a clarity of vision and no longer have a need for the power struggles that humanity currently still engages in. These individuals have learned healthy and positive ways of relating with other people and are connected with their own Divine guidance and inner strength. They have met the challenges of becoming an aware and enlightened person, knowing that it requires the letting go of many things previously held dear to them. These individuals are aware that they are already on their most perfect spiritual path and follow their greatest passion towards the realization of their dreams. An enlightened person has great tolerance, patience and understanding for the missteps of others. They are emotionally stable and understand that it takes awareness, commitment, effort and dedication to walk the spiritual path. It is an effort that one makes because it is well worth the personal spiritual reward that it brings to them. One is aware that they need to replenish their spiritual strength on a daily basis. Those who achieve any measure of enlightenment do so through some form of daily meditation or prayer practice. They have a loving and detached commitment to helping others achieve personal enlightenment and the freedom that it brings. Their lives are rich, rewarding and filled with endless possibilities for growth and expansion in all aspects of their life experience. They are happy and have a cheerful and loving disposition. This helps them embody an optimistic and accepting attitude to the vagaries of life. They are peaceful, serene and have achieved freedom from worry and fear. They see the human condition from the higher perspective of their eternal spirit which reaches beyond their physical existence and are free from the illusions of the material world. They know without a doubt that they themselves are the key to freedom and that there are as many paths to perfect enlightenment as there are beings in the universe. They understand that everyone has the freedom to choose the kind of reality they wish to experience. To find and experience enlightenment, they accept the daily rhythms of expansion and contraction, knowing that all in their world is well. These individuals have a deeper understanding that they are eternal beings beyond their physical body and their temporal mind. They see their life as a celebration of being intimately connected to the entire universe knowing that it is a living, breathing, conscious intelligence that loves them unconditionally. They personally embody and accept this truth wherever they walk upon the Earth. By learning how to be still inside, to quiet their mind and their emotions as they pray and meditate, they focus on who they are as a spiritual being. As they do this, they gradually achieve inner bliss and constantly live in a world of wonder and amazement. They comprehend that success in one’s life is defined by how fulfilled they are as a spiritual human being rather than by their worldly achievements. The secrets of the universe are discovered by simply being in the here and now. They experience being at one with the infinite, all powerful and omniscient universal Divine force, and it is a daily constant in their lives. Their actions are motivated and experienced out of an inner sense of completeness, a feeling that one is truly cared for by the universe and is always held in its loving embrace and this brings them peace and contentment. They have a knowing that all of their needs are always met and that they are always provided for. Spiritual enlightenment conveys a level of wisdom and knowledge about life and the universe that is unparalleled with any other worldly experience. There is a merging with a supernal intelligence with a love so profoundly overwhelming it literally changes a person’s life and grants them deep wisdom and understanding of life and the universe. This experience is usually accompanied by a detachment from all things impermanent and there is a complete awareness of everything that is, at the moment that it is. Enlightenment is available in each moment to each individual, it is eternally shining and radiating like the Sun and the feeling of joy and freedom that it brings is one of the greatest rewards that one could ever imagine experiencing. It is the ultimate experience in life that everyone is seeking. May your life experiences bring you greater enlightenment and awareness of your connection to all that is. I AM Archangel Gabriel ©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included. ![]() Hello Dear Ones, We have an important message for you at this time and that is to say that "all is well !" Many of you are second guessing yourselves and wondering when you will see something happen. Many are feeling anxiousness and some level of distress. Others still are feeling great lifts in their being and a peaceful knowing of peace in all that is . Whatever you are feeling or not feeling, it is all ok and you are on track - you are exactly where you should be and there is no right or wrong way to feel. Each of you is evolving and experiencing that which most serves your being. Each of you perceives in a most unique way according to your own life scripts. Do not compare yourselves to another, Dear Ones or in any way condemn or judge your progress for that is of the ego. Merely enjoy the journey, feel the experience as it is, as an observer, detached from egoic judgements -you are doing well ! Consider God/Source/all that is could anything else be true except that all is well? Therein lies your answers to all of your questions, judgements, anxieties and forms pathways to greater love - only this light will guide you where you want to go. Enjoy your day! The Angels of Light Through Davo at, please feel free to share with all with links to this page. Enjoy the uniqueness of your day But it does take the determination that you're going to put your thoughts upon something that does feel good. And so, here we're going to make a very bold statement: any disease could be healed in a matter of days, any disease, if distraction from it could occur and a different vibration dominate—and the healing time is about how much mix-up there is in all of that.
---Abraham Reblogged -Excerpted from the workshop: Ashland, OR on July 20, 2002 Jerry & Ester Hicks Some of you have been viewing the changes you have been going through with trepidation and others view them with anticipation. Neither is right or wrong, it is an experience and it is the experience for which you chose to show up! However you decide to look at the situation know that you will never be less than you are now…..a beautiful soul on a journey of an infinity. ~ Creator Re-blogged from the Creator Writings by Jennifer Farley
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