In the illusion it is necessary for each human to find their own individual paths to awakening7/30/2016 In the illusion it is necessary for each human to find their own individual paths to awakening. 07/29/2016 by John Smallman Audio Player Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Saul audio blog for Friday July 29th We are all very happy, here in the spiritual realms, to see humanity’s awakening process unfold just as divinely intended. Yes, that is precisely what is happening. Do not be disturbed by the worldwide political upheavals or ongoing conflicts, these are signs of your awakening, as more and more members of humanity express their dissatisfaction with the unacceptable systems of control in which governments and international corporations are and have been engaging all across the planet. These systems are no longer acceptable, and the damage and suffering that they have been causing for so long can no longer be hidden, denied, or tolerated. You have a saying: “Knowledge is power.” Well knowledge is spreading rapidly throughout humanity and the power and control that the elite have held over humanity for so long is dissolving as people across the planet reclaim theirs and demand that essential changes, which they will bring about, be put into effect. Change is required and change is occurring that will lead to further change. The collective decision to awaken will not be stopped or reversed, in fact it is accelerating. Humanity is on a magnificent roll, and you, the Light workers and Light bearers, have been extremely effective in getting it started. Ultimately the awakening process is being driven by the human collective and guided by those in the spiritual realms who were chosen, because of the special nature of their competences and interests, to assist in this magnificent and brilliant program. What is happening, mostly beneath the level of your conscious awareness, is an intensification of the divine flame of Love burning eternally within each of you. You are all experiencing an arising within you of intense memories of buried or denied experiences of suffering that you have undergone and which are being felt emotionally. As these powerful emotions arise it is often almost impossible for you to identify the reason behind them, they just flow, confusing you as you wonder “what on earth is going on here?” There truly is no need or requirement for you to identify their source, just let them flow, as they will if you will allow them to, instead of attempting to shut them down as inappropriate, insane, or plain unwanted emotions that you could well do without, as you struggle with earning a living and paying your bills. Everyone on Earth has issues that have been denied or repressed, leading to unacknowledged fear, anger, and resentment, and these feelings must be acknowledged and released. It can be quite painful, BUT, after you release them, you will feel freer than you have ever felt, more at peace, and able to deal with the exigencies with which human life presents you with an unaccustomed calm and equanimity. This is all an essential part of your awakening process, it is a releasing of all that is not in harmony with Love, so that you can once again experience your true and eternal nature. Welcome these emotional upheavals in the certain knowledge that they will free you to return Home. Think of them as a welcome reminder that humanity is most certainly in the process of awakening. Again, I would also like to remind you that here in the heavenly realms we watch with awe and wonder at what you are doing. It is an enormous task that you have set yourselves – waking humanity – and you are proving yourselves to be well able for this crucial endeavor. Humanity is awakening. You each chose the personal and highly individual paths that you are following in order to help bring humanity to this moment and then nudge it into wakefulness. In the illusion, where it seems that you are separated individual beings, it is necessary for each human to find their own individual paths to awakening, and that is why there are so many of you channeling, having mystical experiences, or just following a spiritual path that feels right but which leaves you wondering if maybe there is more that you could or should be doing. Wherever your path leads you, trust your intuition and follow it willingly, because you incarnated with this intent. Life in the illusion is very confusing! Before you incarnated you were absolutely clear as to why you had chosen to do so, and you knew that you would have difficulty remembering your purpose once you arrived on Earth as physical beings. Now you are experiencing that, and doubts and anxieties arise about your worthiness, your competence, and your spiritual direction. Some of you are wondering if you should change your religious affiliations or disconnect from all religious affiliations. Others, who have grown up without religious affiliations, are wondering if perhaps they should be converting to some religious belief. Truly it does not matter! You are all God’s beloved children making your way Home to your natural state of being fully conscious in the divine Presence that you have never left, even for a moment. The way that appeals to you, the way to which you are intuitively guided is the way to go. Do not be persuaded by others, however well-meaning their intentions may be, to follow a path that does not resonate with you. If the path you are following does not feel right intuitively, as opposed to an egoic feeling that tells you that you are misguided, then change it. When on the right path for you, as you sit quietly at your inner altar attending to the divine Flame burning there, you will feel comfort, contentment, and a sense of peace. However, when leading your daily lives, and particularly when interacting with others who have no sense of their spiritual essence, your egos will frequently attempt to unsettle you by raising doubts in your minds by suggesting that your human lives are the real lives, and that your spiritual inclinations are just due to unwarranted fears which suggest that it might be good insurance to be a bit religious or spiritual just in case there really is life after death. Ignore your egos, because deep within yourselves you know that you are eternal beings having a temporary physical experience. When you go within daily in meditation, reflection, contemplation, or just plain relaxation, remind yourselves that you know this. Ask for help from your beloved friends in the spiritual realms to strengthen your faith in God, your Source, of Whom you are eternally an essential and inseparable part. No one is alone, separate, or abandoned in a hostile environment, because everyone is forever at rest in Source, the divine Home from which it is impossible ever to be separated. Constructing and maintaining the illusion has been exhausting work. At first it was intriguing, almost fun, but then very quickly it degenerated into an environment of anxiety, uncertainty and fear. To continue experiencing life within it you had to block or suppress those feelings and seek comfort and support in an intimate relationship with another seemingly lost soul. You now know that this does not work. Why? Because you are Love! Love cannot be found outside yourself, it resides within you eternally, and is only found when you unconditionally accept yourselves, because that is how you recognize yourselves as One with God. When you find yourselves – LOVE – then you can embark on intimate relationships with others who have also found themselves, and delight in the awareness of your oneness real relationship provides. Love is. You don’t “get it’ from someone else, It is who you truly are. Therefore relax in the joyful knowing that It cannot ever be taken away from you. You and Love are One, anything else is illusory, and that is an uplifting and inspiring realization. With so very much love, Saul.
Message to Lightworkers – July 28, 2016
JULY 28, 2016 / CAROLINE OCEANA RYAN / 0 COMMENTS The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, Bringers of Light! We see you awakening more and more powerfully, every day—every hour. And we feel your impatience for your world, that it shift and change and renew itself in ways that introduce the freedom and sovereignty you have called forth. Know that, as we have said before, there is nothing “unspiritual” about that particular kind of impatience. For it is calling forth the profound rebirth of your planet into not merely new outer forms, but a whole new vibrational reality, one you have not seen before. It is not made of the kind of smallness or shadowy darkness through which those of the Light once had to walk, crying out for any kind of Light to accompany you on your Earth journey. Yes, you have lived many lifetimes in this way, in centuries past—whole lives spent looking for encouragement and a reason to keep going, whether you were suffering under the daily weight of field or factory, raising a dozen children, living out the horrors of war or imprisonment, or the empty, pristine isolation of a life of elitist wealth. But enough of you cried out, and your Earth Herself cried out, to end the madness that was life on Earth, where even the animals and the elements clashed against one another in aggression, fear, or chaos. And we have heard you, here in the higher realms. And we have asked many times to possess clarity and purity of intent as we began reaching out to aid you in your Ascension, your upward climb. 13394098_1790061044557737_1733687260948889428_n For we fully respect, more than human language can currently express, the freedom of choice and free will nature of this Universe, and of your planet. There can be no interference or intervention that is not fully warranted and sanctioned by Universal law. And so now, you look about you and ask, “Where is this great change we have been told is coming?” And we would say, It is within you. It is within your very consciousness, that place no Earthly “power” can now control. At every moment, it shines brighter and more powerfully, connecting vibrationally with higher sources such as the Great Central Sun and all the legions of Angels that surround your Earth. So that when you look at your world situation, which appears not much changed, or not changed quickly enough, we would say, You are, in fact, moving at Light speed. 13442237_1151374888247107_8403523902123193585_n The reason that so much appears to be erupting in terms of angry or violent outer events, including natural disasters as you call them, is not because things are not changing, but precisely because they are changing, very quickly—as quickly as you and your planet can withstand it—and in unprecedented ways. Deep within, you know that the old power structure would not be behaving so desperately if they were not beginning to understand that they have not a leg to stand on. Even the severe, very thorough programming which the dark hats (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and other powerful families) operate under cannot outrun the Truth when it visits them in such ever-increasing levels of higher energy, as it is doing now. And beyond your preoccupations with which desperate fool is trying this old trick or that, to hold the masses in the old patterns of fear and mind control, you are increasingly looking out, and forward. Your vision is extending well beyond the circumstances of your planet now. You are beginning to understand that there is no moment of “discovery” of the Galactic presence, no moment of their “arrival.” For you see fully now that they have always been here—that there is no “they,” for you too come from the many stars and planets of this Universe. And you feel the presence of the millions of races who have gathered round Earth to witness your progress, to send you waves of enlightened energy and encouragement. They know you are soon to re-join them, to end your isolation. PurpleLightShip-552x344 They know that your release from the shackles of the past is well assured, just as your Ascension is assured, as you continue on the path you are currently on. And we do not see you wavering. Regardless of what appears to be occurring at this convention or that, at this meeting or that, in the halls of Europe, the US, the Asian countries, and everywhere on the planet, we see only your quiet understanding—your intuitive knowing—that everything is changing now. And so this comes as a reminder of your Galactic citizenship, of your intergalactic presence in this Universe. You have not been forgotten, and you will not be abandoned now to the lowest sort of leadership or dogma or economic outcome. You are not about chaos, and never have been. And now your planet begins to reflect the Light, higher order, clarity of intent, and intuitive interconnection of peoples that you as Lightworkers have always desired. We will say, that your dreams at this time are important indicators—much more so than what you might read in the news!—of what is truly happening on this planet, no matter what country you live in. And so each morning, write down your dreams, whatever they may be, as soon as you awaken. See the symbols, the clues of increasing interconnection and Ascension and Lightbody activation that are coming through—their meanings will occur to you as you are writing them down. Pay attention to these, and rejoice in them! For the veils have fallen, dear ones. The lies must end now. For you will not even slightly entertain them, let alone be fooled by them, any longer. And so it is, that your beautiful blue-and-green planet claims Her rightful place in the Intergalactic Confederation. And we as your family and higher guides await your full realization—your celebration—of this miraculous journey. Unlike what your religions and philosophies have told you, you have not struggled in vain. You need not leave this Earth to know heaven. Namaste, friends! We are with you, always. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. Heavenletter #5723 Do You Really Desire Perfection?, July 26, 2016 God said: What is the matter with something being the matter? What is the matter with Life even when it is imperfect? Sometimes you give the impression that everything is supposed to be perfect, and something is really the matter when something is not perfect. From an intellectual mind-set, what can be perfect? What is the point of perfection when life is alive and moves right along? Of course, on one level, everything IS perfect. It is perfectly what it is. On the surface level of life in the world, you may well feel that life is beset with difficulties. Did you really think that life was supposed to be a formal tea at the Queen's Palace? Is life to serve you tea and crumpets, the tea to be poured from sterling silver into bone china cups, and all guests are to hold up their little fingers as they drink the perfect tea at the perfect temperature? Since when has life not had spilled tea and, since when, has dust not descended on classic books and comic books alike, on cardboard and fine furniture and there has been mud on shoes? Since when has everyone's voice been modulated and not a disturbing word is to be heard? Must life be commanded to be something it is not? How do you know that Life is to be prettied up? Does even one of My children inalterably know what is best or better for Life to be? Is something other than what you have always the ultimate experience? Anyway, you are not here to receive a rehearsed life. When you look back, you may well look back at the past that was at the time not good enough or worse, and now you might relish its wonderfulness and yearn even for one minute of that past back then just the way it was when it was. Why wait to appreciate the tingle of life in retrospect years later? Spilt milk or not, this moment is perfect. This very moment is precious. How can you be so sure it is not right for rock music to be on the stage at this moment? How can you say that classical music is not right and perfect just as it is when it is playing? Perhaps everything means more than you let on. You may have disliked school life at the time, but if you could go back there to second grade or sixth grade and sit in your seat at school in a class as you once did, would you say no to being there once again with the whole class in your same seats and the same teacher? You might cry with tears of joy to be there one more time. No one says it was perfect, yet it was yours, and it had a kind of perfection. Your fondness for back then may grow in front of your eyes. It is not only the future that you daydream about. In terms of the more recent past, you may notice that you are fond of someone you were not fond of at the time, let's say, a co-worker or a boss, and now you would be happy to see him or her now. Perhaps, in high school, you had a teacher that everyone made fun of. You wouldn't make fun of that teacher now. You might embrace that teacher now. You might give a lot for an opportunity to look into that teacher's eyes. There is something about much of the past that you dream of now. You might feel privileged to yearn for the past or to mourn for it – would that you had felt great worth in the first place! Let life be what it is. Probably, you love life more than you give yourself credit for. Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A message to Lightworkers - July 22, 2016
A Message to Lightworkers – July 22, 2016 The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, Friends and Bringers of the Light! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today. For much is shifting in your world, and not only in ways that are visible and reported upon by your news media, but in ways that you more sense or feel than outwardly see. And that ability to feel, to know inwardly that the world is shifting in beautiful and profound and undeniable ways as it moves ever higher on the spectrum of Universal consciousness, ever higher in frequency and intent—that intuitive inner knowing is a beautiful gift that you have always had, and are now realizing more and more. And yes, the world appears to be in tumult, yet in part, you came for this. You came to see this moment when the Earth’s outer structures were breaking down. You came to witness the last-gasp moment of fear-based ideas and actions, knowing in your heart of hearts that you would also feel the growing surge of Divine Love, Divine Peace, and even Divine Joy, breaking through and spreading throughout the Earth’s etheric fields. You knew the way would be rocky. And you knew that in the last days, before the Great Change (which is already occurring, in steps), there would be outer signs of collapse, whether of governments or economies or parts of the Earth Herself. Yet your excitement as you prepared for this great adventure in these Ascension times was so powerful, that you felt no trepidation at the thought of living another life in these last days of third dimensional Earth. You could see, even before arriving, how the smoke would clear, that the liars would be exposed, that the fraudulent, unjust systems would be dissolving. We could point out the many beautiful declarations and actions of those who carry the spirit of the NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act), whether they have consciously heard that name or not. They may or may not describe what they do as being part of the process of bringing forth NESARA law. Yet the energy and intent of their work is just that, as they tunnel through centuries of resistance to release and celebrate the powers of compassion, equality, peace, and Divine Love in human affairs. Do not doubt your resolve, your inner power which is sprung directly from your souls and your interconnection with one another, and with all life in this Universe. There is no need to question whether you are strong enough to carry on, to break through the barriers of inner or outer obstacles, till you come to the moment of finally remembering Who you are and why you are here. You know these obstacles well, whether they are rooted in past lives or the current one. Many appear as inner blockages, holding you back from experiencing complete physical, mental or emotional health. Or they may appear as obstacles to developing your life work. You may feel to never fully grasp and experience financial abundance, or fulfilling connections with loved ones. Some challenges come in the form of being female in a world given over to a false belief in male supremacy. Some obstacles are encountered by those of certain races, ethnicities, religions, cultures, or physical ages. Others have to do with the challenges of detaching from fear or sadness. Whatever your greatest journey in this life, you came in knowing that your progress there would be a powerful part of the energies you came to contribute, toward the Ascension of Earth and Her people. For each time you step forward on your own path, you contribute to a higher frequency throughout the planet as a whole. You came to not only grow in the Light yourself, but in so doing, to help lift the frequencies of the Earth and all Her living creatures to a much higher level. This is part of your soul journey, and you welcomed it fully, with joy and anticipation, even knowing the constraints and very confined outlook of the third dimensional view. But notice now, that things are changing. More and more, you are looking not to the weather report to tell you “what kind of day it will be,” but the Earth Herself, waking in the morning and getting a sense of whether there will be sun or rain, humidity or dryness, by keying into your own intuitive awareness. More and more now, when you want to know what is happening in the world, you are looking not to channelings (even those we provide) or to news reports, but to your own intuitive feelings and receivings of higher Light data. For you are well able to envision any part of the world, and see how the energies are rising there—what colors, movements, shapes, sacred geometries, and waves of Light or shadowy density is occurring in any situation, in any place, with any peoples. And if you were to look out over Europe, you would perhaps see inwardly a growing movement of people wishing to think and do for themselves, apart from any overreaching, overriding government structure such as the European Union has represented. You would see them reclaiming national identity in a way that strikes a cooperative chord with other countries, though the news media are forbidden to announce any such movements, nor do their leaders care to read the energies at the base of those movements. If you were to look out over the Far East, you would see a growing expectation among the countries there that their leaders look out for people’s well-being, and not only maintain a loyalty to their part and to the ancient families who have ruled for so long. Feeling the effects of these powerful energies coming in, many in those families are also now preferring to step down from those lofty places and to release the burden of determining quality of life for so many millions of people. If you were to look out over the countries of southern Asia, you would see centuries-old divisions between cultural and religious groups dissolving, as people began to question the structures overhead that require them to show allegiance only to the group they were born into, as opposed to concern for the well-being of the human race as a whole. In the African countries, you would see a resurgence and rebirth of matriarchal systems and traditions, and a spiritual investment in local tribal and individual rights, abilities, and ingenuity, and a growing independence from European-based principles and colonization. If you were to look out over the South American countries, you would find a growing demand for equality, for the end of worker exploitation and community destabilization, and a return to respect for Native cultures, particularly in areas of spirituality and natural healing. In North America and Australia—countries founded upon the obliteration or control of Native peoples, land, and cultures—you would see a growing realization that cultures built on the gun cannot expect peace in their own homes and communities, without a profound realization of the need for respect of the sacred nature of all life, including the Earth Herself. Moving behind and amidst all these powerful shifts (we have not named them all), is the growing inner feeling and realization that you are not alone in this Universe. That the vast majority of planets, stars, and interplanetary traveling cultures in this Universe would never dream of exploiting and harming either people or planet as your own rulers have done. More than that, there is the growing realization that as Divine Love continues to pour onto the Earth in unprecedented levels, there is more than what your own human minds have been taught is possible—namely, a joining of Earth to the Intergalactic experience that She has lived outside of for too long. And so know that each time you overcome feelings of fear or doubt, sadness or hopelessness, each time you take a stand for equality, respect, and compassion for all persons, all cultures, that you are not merely “bringing more Light into the situation,” as beautiful and vital as that is. You are birthing your own planet’s experience of forward movement, into the Intergalactic Confederation of the peoples and cultures of this Universe. And you are welcomed with open arms, friends! With compassion for all you have encountered on your long journey, and admiration for all you have overcome. This is your home, this Universe, and there are none to stand over you and claim ownership of that which cannot be owned. Claim your sovereign place in this Universal expanse, with all the power of your souls and higher selves! Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. Every Morning, Birds Sing
Heavenletter #5717 Published on: July 20, 2016 Gloria Wendroff, Baggage you carry with you is one thing. The concept of karma in the world is another. The difference may be subtle, yet the difference is momentous. Yes, you may keep carting baggage from the past. Why would you keep dragging the past along with you on your next journey? You are smarter than that. Why would you go to all that trouble. For Heaven's sakes, why would I? I wouldn't. Do I teach you that you are a hapless victim of the past, that karma is your pay-pack, that retribution coming back to you to haunt you, that the past won't let you start over fresh, that the past follows you, even chases you, that you can't escape it, that a deed the person you once were committed is now marked on your back with a skull and crossbones, that, tut tut, that you can't do anything about leaving the past but to face the music? Regarding this theory of karma, no one minds the karma of good deeds that you don't remember yet are considered responsible for. This is a horse of a different color! By and large, karma is thought of as consequences for regrettable behavior. You may be an entirely wiser person now, yet somehow, still your hands are slapped from the past. If you were unkind to someone, one way or another, someone will hand you back the unkindness you gave even millenia ago. Tit for tat. That's it. There is nothing you can do about it. You earned this karma, and now it's time for you to pay the piper so be good from now on cuz so you won't have to walk in fear later. Since when, do I endorse holding on to fear? I don't. I protest the idea that says you are stuck, that you can't get out of it. You owe a debt, and you must pay it, or Life will dun you. This is all retroactive. If this type of score is kept, where is love? Would I make the balancing act of a bookkeeper? A bookkeeper has to rectify everything, yet do you believe this is the way I rehash your life in Heaven? I am not a bookkeeping kind of God. I do not hold the past against you. You were innocent. If you did a misdeed, you didn't know better. Even the laws of the world offer a certain number of years after which you cannot be accused. C'mon, now, are you saying that the world is more accommodating than I? By all means, start off life with a clean slate. Does this mean everything will always go your way? You know it doesn't. Earth Life is not something you can figure out in layman's terms. Start your life from where you are. It is not for you to look for retaliation or an accounting as to why something unfavorable happened to you anymore than you have to figure out why something outstandingly favorable has to be accounted for. In every case, the question to ask is not: "What did I do to warrant this?" In every case, the question to ask is: "What is my next step? How do I move on from here?" If you cannot go back in time to reverse something that has already happened, why go back at all? Why look back at all? What kind of vibration does thinking of a sad past give you? Why look to blame yourself or anyone else? Everyone knows that life can change in a moment. My advice is to hark to the present. Greet the present now. Embrace it. Why not? Drop the idea of karma as an equal return retroactively due you for past offenses. I have no fondness for grudges. Move on. Forge new paths. You are living a new life now. You have surpassed the past. If you have risen from the past, well, you are risen. I say you are risen. Birds sing every morning. Instead of listening to all the thoughts you listen to, listen to the birds sing. The birds sing of thee. Here in the spiritual realms, which truly reside within each one of you, the excitement mounts as the Love enveloping all on the planet permeates each and every heart. Love is. There is nowhere that Love is not. The truth of that, the Reality of that, can no longer be denied because the veil which separates you from Reality is disintegrating allowing Love to shine brightly upon you all. Do not resist It or turn away, because It is what each and every one of you has spent lifetimes seeking.
If you are tempted to turn away from or resist the brilliant Light of Love that is enveloping you, it is due to your false or invalid sense that you are not good enough, that you are too great a sinner, and that you are therefore unwelcome in the Presence of God. Nothing could be further from the Truth. God’s divine children, all the life forms, all forms of conscious awareness that He has created – however seemingly insignificant they may appear to be to your human intelligence that is lost and confused within the illusion – are infinitely and eternally loved, unconditionally. There are no exceptions because Love is All That Exists and, is therefore, constantly and lovingly embracing Itself in every moment, and that is You. Love unceasingly loves all of God’s divine Creation unconditionally, if It ever even paused, life would cease. It never could or would and so your eternal existence is divinely assured, and this is no “limited manufacturer’s warranty” that expires just when you need it most! Exceptions are of the illusion, the tiny space in which you play your ongoing games of separation. It is a dream state that you built to make your games appear Real, but they only appear Real because of the extremely limiting conditions you built into it so that the Light of God’s Love would be hidden from you. Without that Light all seems dark and threatening, and you have become so accustomed to the dark that you have learnt to live within it embracing the safety that it seems to offer you within the severely limited field of vision it allows. Anything appearing out of this darkness terrifies you – other opinions, perceptions, races, religious beliefs, political affiliations, etc., etc. Even though the Light of divine Love approaches very gently, it nevertheless shows you frightening shadowy stuff that was previously hidden deep within you by the darkness. As the veil disintegrates and the Light intensifies all that stuff will dissolve with it. There is nothing to fear! The Love that embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence is flowing into your hearts and waking you out of the terrifying dream that has hidden Reality from you for so long. When you awaken you will be able to see forever, nothing will remain hidden from you, and you will recognize Love as It truly is – magnificently brilliant, amazingly joyful, totally captivating, fulfilling all your desires. Only you will also realize that you have no desires because Love infinitely satisfies you, leaving nowhere for dissatisfaction to arise. Reality is your eternal divine home. You have never left it, not even for an instant, it just seems that you are separated from your divine Source because you chose to experience existence in an enormously limited state of awareness, of consciousness, your present dream state. Conflict is unreal and yet it seems to surround and engulf you. The illusory environment you collectively built in which to play is a very, very strange environment, and it is time for you to wake up and release your ferocious hold on it, allowing it disintegrate completely. Reality is eternal bliss, whereas the illusion is a state of chaos and confusion that encourages you to believe that you are all separate beings competing endlessly for limited resources without which you cannot survive. And that belief causes constant anxiety, with fear hovering in the background, leading inevitably to distrust, betrayal, and conflict, the “every man for himself” syndrome, the fight-or-flight-response, which is very damaging and destructive. Opening your hearts to allow Love to fill them dissipates that anxiety, strengthens your energy fields – the infinitely powerful force field that is Love – and leads you to associate with and engage with others who are similarly open-hearted. Like attracts like! That is how you are changing the world and assisting one another to wake and release your collective grip on the illusion. It is the extreme tightness of that grip that so stresses you and intensifies your anxiety deactivating your ability to trust others. There are none among you who have not had your trust betrayed. Betrayal of trust is a response to fear, fear that is deeply buried and denied and then projected on to others making them appear untrustworthy. And, of course, within the illusion there are many with deeply buried fear hidden beneath a false appearance of confidence who betray trust whenever it seems that they will benefit from doing so – this is frequently demonstrated very clearly in many areas of human endeavor. Underneath that betrayal is an overwhelming felt need for acceptance and love. Betrayal is just an intense and painful feedback loop calling out desperately for love, that feeds on itself and that can only be broken by Love. As we in the spiritual realms keep on reminding you “the only solution to problems and issues is Love.” When you operate from a state of Love, your natural state, the only state that exists, life flows far more smoothly for you. You cannot force another to behave lovingly, Love does not force, but by behaving lovingly yourselves your energy fields soften the fear-infused energy fields of others thus assisting them to find the Love that dwells within them. No one is without Love, your very existencedepends utterly on Love, and Love responds lovingly to Love. When you love another you awaken the Love already within them, and then joy arises as does the courage to trust. So today’s message, briefly stated, is: Love one another, trust one another, and delight in the amazing results that follow! Humanity is waking up! With so very much love, Saul. Source: Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, July 12th
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today is a great day on Earth. The new currency rates are now set in most countries on Earth. It is now only a matter of time before they are released globally. Then the path of change will flood over you dear children on Earth. After that nothing can quite be the same as it had been before. For some countries it will become a flourishing era that is entered. For others it might be a question of rethinking technology and the new challenge that the country and its population will face. Nothing can continue as before, because nothing has any longer the same value and Earth can no longer be pillaged as before. Other technologies and a different way of thinking regarding wealth is necessary to get everything to work and be in harmony with the other countries and its population. Everybody can have good living, but not at the expense of Gaia and all of her accompanying beings. It is now that the new era will be built up with technology, which is good for Earth and all her living beings that exist on it. All knowledge that exist, which is based on the “natural” knowledge about Earth and its ecology that now will dominate in both city and land. Everything is life and “life” shall be honored and respected regardless of which form it has. It is now that all your positive ideas regarding healing and restoring of Earth and yourself will be brought forward and begin to manifest. Many people have already started this, and ever more people will now support it, who have similar ideas and who wish to support the projects that are already under way. New technologies and other projects that have been sidelined will be brought forward and receive the support they need to solidly anchor their ideas. It will be an exciting time to look forward to dear children on Earth and we are all so happy for you and for Mother Gaia, who is now radiating out to the Universe. Nobody can be mistaken regarding her joy that is now radiating all around. You can all help with something. Important work can be to support the development that now has started on Earth with your heart and with your mind. All your hearts and minds are needed for the continued work to move forward in a calm and positive manner without too many obstacles. It is fear that stops you dear Earthlings. The fear of all the new and if it is going to work mm… Let go of the fear and engage yourselves. See all the new which is happening with bright and clear eyes and it will happen without problems. Fear and doubts put the break on, but all can work with or counter their fears. Talk to your mind, as the fear is stuck there and convince it that all is well and that Earth soon is a paradise to live on. Get the mind to understand that it together with the soul can change the Earth to the magically beautiful place of love and solidarity that you have dreamt of. Show what has already happened, whether it concerns banking or technology or alternative doctors and medicine. It is already here for all to see, you just have to open your eyes and start to enter into the New World that just has started to manifest. Get your mind to rejoice with your soul in this large success that has been achieved on your Earth, as collectively you are all part of it and you have all influenced developments with your trust in a brighter, cleaner and loving world. We are all so proud and happy today for your great courage and your love. With much love, Judas Hilarion – July 10-17, 2016
Beloved Ones, The events that are taking place around the world are now increasing in their intensity and occurrence. This is not random, Dear Ones, this is a deliberate plan. Be aware that there are those who are in power who act in ways that are not for the highest good of humanity and this planet. In order to counteract these energies, you the Lightworkers, must continue to hold your Light, to continue to believe in all that is good and right and decent. If you do not hold those precepts, who will during these times? Please understand that these energies are creating awakening within the hearts of humanity. No matter the horrific appearance of all that is occurring and the worrisome actions that are being taken throughout the world, know that these actions are in effect, awakening the higher hearts within humanity. Indeed, everything that is being set into place is working against those who try to create chaos. The more they try to create this chaos the more the people of the world dig deep down within themselves and act, speak and think from the heart. This has the effect of leveling that which is happening negating everything that is being done to create suffering and bringing a higher vibration and frequency to the planet. Try then, Beloved Ones, to look beyond what is in appearance, try to see the larger perspective of what is occurring so that you do not become entangled within it. It is hard, we understand, to stand by and watch as this chaos occurs. It is hard to watch your sisters and brothers being mistreated in such ways. The best way that you the Lightworkers can be of assistance is to retain and maintain your Light and your faith that all is working according to the Divine Plan. No matter what is thrown at humanity from these chaotic forces, humanity has the power within them to turn it around and this is what they are doing. You just do not see this on mainstream news media. More and more people throughout the world are becoming very aware of the moves that are being made and those ones who bring this chaos still do not understand that the old paradigm has crumbled and a new paradigm of unity, peace, harmony, cooperation and love prevails. It will prevail! People throughout the planet are beginning to ask relevant questions. Why in the year 2016 of the twenty first century are things going backwards or seem to be going backwards? It seems as though no headway in human rights and mutual respect of others has taken place and yet, this is all that is coming up for the review of humanity so each person can go within and discover what within themselves is encouraging and enabling this to be taking place in the outer world. Where in fact, do they hold racist thoughts, unkind thoughts, murderous thoughts within themselves, for know that humanity are the creators of everything that occurs. That is why we have been counselling you to refrain from watching current news events as they occur. This is why we have been counselling you to be out in nature where you could attune to that which is the highest and best, that will enable you in your physical, mental, emotional, astral and etheric bodies to be in harmony and balance. This helps you to stay aligned to your own God Self. Lend your love and support to the people of color and other ethnic groups. What has been occurring is unacceptable on any planet throughout the universe. If you, the humans, wish to proceed and progress, you must become a voice to register your opposition to all that is taking place that does not treat brothers and sisters as such. It is past time for all these archaic methods and actions to cease forever upon this planet! One does not have to go out onto the streets to raise their hands in protest, to be assailed by those in authority with different methods that block what you desire to voice. One has only to go within to take root in all that you truly are, a Divine child of God. Everyone, regardless of their race, creed and color has the same Light within their hearts, within their souls there is no difference! We are One, Beloveds! There is a dividing of the ways, a crossroads if you will, that is occurring for humanity at this time, there are those who want to wage war, they want to start war when it is not necessary. Humanity has moved past war mongering, humanity has moved past non-negotiation. Humanity has moved past the need to take brute strength to overcome other nations, to overcome their sisters and brothers. And so we ask you the Lightworkers, to send your love, your Light, your healing, your compassion, to all those who have been affected by all the chaos that has been taking place on a regular and methodical basis throughout this world. Be aware, awaken! See what is actually occurring. It occurs with regularity - note it. Take note of it; the dates and the times; how this occurs. There is a cycle, a pattern to it, and when you discern this pattern, this cycle, then you can counteract those activities through energetic and loving methods. There truly are no victims on this planet; there are only those who lack awareness! Once awareness comes, there are many roads that can be taken to counteract and neutralize all that is occurring but it starts from within each human being and so we enjoin you - take up the torch of freedom, of love, of unity, of peace, of harmony and hold it high! Maintain your stand - wherever you may be upon this planet is a place where you are serving the highest purpose during these times. Do you see, Dear Ones? Hold your banner high, hold the torch, everything that you need lies within. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Lady Nada and Lord Sananda: Towards a Blissful World ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda
July 6, 2016 in Lady Nada, Sananda | Tags: Fran Zepeda, Harmony Balance and Bliss, Lady Nada,Lord Sananda, Love LIght and Peace, oneness, Towards a Blissful World, Unity Consciousness Lady Nada and Lord Sananda: Greetings Beloveds. It is with deep heartfelt joy that we enter your consciousness to deliver you a message this day. Much has traversed in your world. Much change has taken place and, beloveds, you have gained such momentum in your Love Offerings and in the rise of your individual vibrations. You are becoming so adept at raising your level of vibration and your consciousness that it (the rise) may not be as detectable by you as in early days of your ascension process. You are much more comfortable in this new plateau of high vibration and consciousness. You welcome it now with open arms and it shows in the glow of your Beingness and in the acts you choose to make, and in the overall feeling of joy and bliss that many of you feel in spite of all the chaos taking place in your world now. And beloveds, please understand that this chaos is necessary. It is necessary in order for the world to make the changes it needs to. It is necessary for the rise in consciousness in the general human collective, and it is necessary in order for you to discern how you want your world to be. So beloveds, take it all in stride. No, you don’t condone the violence; no you don’t condone the mayhem, but you know deep in your heart that the world is changing in consciousness as a result of it. And it will not always be necessary for these great lengths to occur for there to be positive change. You are reaching a critical mass in this current state of affairs, a critical mass in the form of a wide chasm between separation and unity/oneness in order for the world to shift in the other direction of sustained Unity Consciousness and Oneness. You are coming along nicely. No, the apparent state of the world is not pleasant; yes, it can be very disconcerting, but know that you are making great progress in expanding the Light and Love that is becoming so prevalent in your world as we speak. And beloveds, do not worry so much about your role in this. Know that if you keep yourself within your heart consistently, and always aspire to choices of higher vibration, that you are contributing to the deep transformation of your world and subsequent high vibration and consciousness, so that living in the higher dimensional consciousness will become more stable and permanent the more you address your intentions as such — of Love, Light and Peace to prevail in the world. And in such is the makings of a Blissful World for all to partake in on a much more striding and consistent basis. You are making your way towards a beautiful Blissful World within, in spite of the happenings in your outer world, and as the universal laws dictate, you will thus be a significant contributor to a Blissful world for All the more you hunker down and stay within your heart of Hope and Bliss as much as you can, paying as little attention as possible to the outward signs of chaos and violence, which are just following the order of what must be before the world stabilizes and harmonizes, always keeping to raising your own vibration and consciousness with intentions to spread Love and Light to all. And Harmony and Balance thus are becoming extremely important to feel and strive for within, in all things — in the way you take care of your physical body, (and your light body as well, as you continue to merge with your soul), in the way you conduct your business, in the way you treat others (and yourself), and in the way you think and feel on a consistent basis. So ask yourself: “What does harmony and balance feel like? What does it look like? How does my body feel when I have achieved it? What are my thoughts when I focus on Harmony and Balance and Bliss? How exalted do I feel when I pay attention to finding the neutral balanced place in all things that come into my consciousness? How does my body feel at this state? What are my feelings and thoughts and focus in this neutral balanced state?” Allow for creative loving thoughts on how to serve others while feeling accepting and allowing of all that is taking place. Get used to being and staying in this neutral balanced loving place that many of you are achieving in spite of the chaos and disconcerting happenings in the world. In the process of striving to achieve your balance again recently while the chaos and violence has stepped up, you reached deeper into your heart and soul to find harmony and balance, and this has naturally contributed to a higher vibration and consciousness in the world, allowing the state of affairs to move further towards homeostasis and balance. Even if you don’t feel you are witnessing this, know it is happening beneath the surface. And beloveds, all things must rise to the surface eventually. So maintain your hope and your intentions for a loving, harmonious, blissful and peaceful world, while keeping your balance in spite of many opportunities being presented to throw you off your center. You are fine-tuning your ability to stay in balance and harmony in this manner, and that can only translate to good and wonderful things for your outer world. It is with deep praise and love that we address you, dear ones, and please know this as Truth, as we tell you: That you are making much progress within your transformation of yourself and subsequently of the world. You can count on this. Namaste. Received July 3, 2016 Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written |
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