Kara Schallock, soulsticerising.com, Ascension Notes
Being Love; Being Peace - 28-Aug-2016 We continue to have ongoing influxes of Light downloads. All this Light brings up more and more old energies that no longer serve us. Old beliefs surface, along with grief, perceived loss, perceivedabandonment and more. Any time you feel someone has hurt you, it shows you that you still hold victim energy. If you don't release it, you continue to create circumstances in which you feel someone or something has done harm to you. We are not victims! If, however, you still carry old perceivedhurts, you will continue to create more circumstances that prove that you indeed are a victim. One way to let go of anyone you perceive has done you harm (which is victim consciousness and is of separate ego) is to use this exercise, which frees both of you from the entanglement, which keeps the destructive cycle going. It is an exercise of Forgiveness and completing old karmic contracts. It is also an exercise in self-Forgiveness and Freedom... Clearing of Old Contracts Go into a meditative state. Set up your grounding and protection in your own way. Center in your Heart Chakra. Find yourself in a place of Nature. Find a place to sit. On the right side of you is a small campfire. Call your Soul to you. Invite your Guides if you so wish. Ask your Soul and/or guides for the contract between you and the one you are choosing to release. They give you a stack of papers; all contracts. The contract with the one you are choosing to release is on top; all others are similar contracts from all lifetimes that carry the same energy. On the top of the contract with the one you are consciously releasing is the word Contract. At the bottom of the contract is your name on the left and his/her name on the right. Beside you find a red ink stamp; it says “Canceled”. Take it and stamp it on the top contract. There is another red ink stamp that says, “Null and Void.” Take it and stamp it on the top contract. Know that all contracts from all lifetimes are also canceled. Now, take the stack of papers and easily tear them in half and throw them in the campfire. Next, you are instructed to find a log. Notice the size. Ask your Soul and/or guides to pour into the log all contracts including the one(s) you are choosing to release. Break the log in two and place in the fire. Finally, place yourself in a bubble of pink Heart Light. Invite the one you are releasing to sit across from you. Place him/her in a bubble of pink Heart Light. Connect Heart to Heart with Love Light from your Heart to theirs. Tell the other what is in your Heart to say. Listen to what they have to tell you. Say: I forgive you I forgive me please forgive us I love you and I thank you We are blessed and we are Free. I bless you, I release you, I set you free. I allow you to be you and me to be me. Now say, “I now release you.” And they, in their bubble, float away till they disappear. You block manifesting anything if you demand it look a certain way or want it on your time or deep down you believe you don't deserve something. This is old energy, for in the New, you are clear and this Crystalline state of being is the Grand Manifestor. If a person has had a history where nothing goes according to “plan,” they won't believe that it can be different. This is where clearing old beliefs and trusting that all is possible is important. Do a timeline of your life and break it down in five-year increments from birth to the present. Include what beliefs you created (or brought forth from other lifetimes), whether you perceive them as limiting or expanding. When you are done, you might see what is ready to be let go of. Use the Sacred Rose and replace the old belief with an essence such as Love, Joy, Peace, Respect, Power, etc. For example, if you discover unworthiness in your exercise, release it and replace it with the essence of Worthiness. Ask yourself how you want to feel and you will be guided to an essence to integrate, which means you act aligned with that essence in all that you do and are. It may take you several times to release the old belief or pattern, so every time you feel some old energy, release it and replace it. Then act on it. What does being worthy (or any essence you choose) look like to you; what does it feel like; what would life be if you felt this in every fiber of your being? How does a person who has integrated Worthiness act? We are in the eye of the needle. If we want to be on the other side, we must clear ourselves of old beliefs, patterns and energies. If we are still full of old energies, the Light downloads simply cannot fill us. If we are still full of old energies; there's no room for anything else! If this is the case, what is stopping you from letting go? Is it fear of the unknown? Is it rejection by others? Remember that any time you defend an action, you are holding onto something that is ready to be let go of. If you are a “yes, but” person, what are you vehemently defending? Can you surrender it, bless it and let it go? Realize that everything is spiritual. You see, Earth is manifest Spirit. There is no job, no person, no place that is not spiritual. Whether a person refers to themselves as a lightworker or a janitor, both are spiritual. If you are in a job that depletes you and in which you find no Joy or Passion, why are you there? It does not matter the job you have, what matters is who you are and how you shine your Light. Some years ago, I was sure I was to do only “spiritual” work, so I quit my job and lived on credit cards, thinking that surely I would be saved by Spirit and the debt would be magically erased. Well, that didn't happen. I ran up lots of debt and still couldn't make a go of my “spiritual” work. It was a big lesson for me. So I attracted a job that I loved and took Responsibility for all of my actions. I shined my Light wherever I was and found my Joy in living life. It was through this experience that I evolved into realizing that every choice we make creates an energy. I joyously learned to be grateful for everything, including my bills. What I notice is that there are many who set out to be “lightworkers,” and give up when it becomes too difficult, so they let it go and get any job they can to pay the bills. Resentment sets in, non-Gratitude is created and there is no Joy in what they are choosing to do. All this does is create a huge blockage and that blockage then creates more beliefs of unworthiness, lack, hatred, etc. Shifting one's perception of what being spiritual is and what it means to be in the New takes Commitment, Faith, Joy, Patience, Passion and Fortitude. As we continue to clear, we fill up with more and more Light. This Light serves as a flashlight, shining a light on anything that is not Love. It also awakens us up to be more. With each old and limiting energy we release, we immediately open up to more LoveLight. Consciousness expands and as consciousness expands, life shifts from the old to the New. There is more Freedom and, of course, more Love and more Awareness. Our Souls inhabit us more and we continue to evolve higher. Truly, what is within is what is created without. We continue to spiral higher and higher into Refinement and we continue infinitely. We let go of our propensity to look for results or the “end game.” We simply stay in the Moment and notice how easy life is. How fun it is! It's like opening up presents; we never know what is beneath the pretty wrapping; just as we don't know what each day will bring us, created by us. Can you experience life with this kind of Expectancy? Expectancy is looking towards life in Joy. Expectation is hoping things don't change to bust us out of our comfort zone. Being sovereign beings, we get to choose! We can choose to hold onto what's familiar or we can choose to get excited about what great surprise awaits us. Each choice creates consciousness and then life reflects that back to you. As you pay attention to how you feel, you are guided. Wow; isn't it grand to be responsible for our own lives? We can choose to be slaves to our past or victorious in new choices. Now, that is Freedom! If you want to live at your highest potential, then paying attention to how you feel each moment is key. If you don't like how you feel going in a particular direction, change it! Notice where you feel the most free and joyous. You might try lots of things; sort of like trying on different outfits; there's one that really lights you up. I have three daughters. They are different from me and different from each other. I had a great conversation with one of them. I was saying how disruptive my sleep has been. She asked why. I told her it was Ascension. She replied, “You mean like when a plane ascends into the sky?” I said “Yes; kind of like that.” “But why does that interrupt your sleep?” Instead of explaining it all, I merely said that it doesn't matter how each of us chooses to live our life; what is key is that there is Love that connects us. How each person chooses to live their life is spiritual. No-one needs to be a healer or a lightworker or speak “spiritual” words; all that matters is that we express our Joy and Love in whatever we choose to do. Do you perceive you don't have what you want in this moment? Do you realize the act of wanting keeps something from you? It is the same for all such seeking. I want, I wish, I hope, and I will are all things that keep the future in the future. Stating such things do not manifest them; stating such things are a statement of lack, for to want something is a statement that says, “I don't have this.” “I am not whole without this or that.” Can you instead love yourself right where you are; can you be in Joy with your life as it is now? Can you stop seeking outside of yourself for something you think you are not or think you do not have, as if that wanted thing will then make you happy? It won't, for when you “get” that thing you want, there will be something else you will want and so the seeking continues. When you seek, you are stating that you are not whole; you are not happy and thus your consciousness continues to bring you circumstances that prove this to you...a constant reminder of how you are unwhole and lacking. If you find Joy and Acceptance in this Moment, your consciousness then manifests more circumstances where you are joyful and accepting. You see, you never stop creating and manifesting. The question is, “Do you enjoy what you create?” Do you sometimes make presumptions or assumptions? Is this truly based on the Moment or on past experience? Usually when we presume a person is going to act in a particular way or when we presume things will happen the way they always do, it is based on the past. If we make assumptions, that too is based on past experiences. Instead, be in the Moment and see others and self and situations with new eyes without the urge to place your own experiences onto another. Let yourself be surprised. For the rest of the year (at least) we will be on the fast track to the New. For those who are there/here, they will continue to anchor a whole new way of being; they will fine-tune themselves. Some will not only continue to integrate the New; they will continue to let go of all that is not Love; that is, all that serves only to limit oneself. Therefore, we will have more awarenesses, illusions will be exposed and our feeling-state will continue to be upgraded. Our physical bodies will continually adjust to living in a higher dimension, consciousness and vibration. We have and will continue to have opportunities to help us remain centered in our Hearts; in our center of Peace; being in the eye of the storm. This requires us to be neutral, detached from drama and distractions and stay in the present Moment. You may find yourself letting go of much busy-ness and sociability and not doing things that you used to enjoy. Feel through this and do only what you are guided to do; your Heart is amazingly intelligent and will never steer you down a limiting pathway. As we stand silently and are authentic, our Light broadcasts outward. No longer do we send out missionaries to convert, for we honor and respect everyone's choices. This is our job...to be all of who we are right where we are. There is no need to run about the Earth, for to accept what and where and who we are in this Moment is more than enough. We shine our Light by being true to ourselves; for we are Love and as Love we smile in our Peacefulness and our smile touches all Hearts with our Love and Peace.
Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, August 28th
Judas Iscariot Sunday, August 28th, 2016 Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. I have come today to let you know that RV is on its way and is now spreading all over the Earth. It is a glorious time that we are in now. It has started and you can now expect to haul in your share of the good life. This must be done with responsibility dear Earthlings. They with large responsibilities will first share in this. Earth must first receive band aids if she is going to be able to help healing all life on the surface of the Earth, in this you are included, dear friends. Pure water and food must first reach all of them who need it. Dear friends, everything is possible. We live in a time of opportunities now. You can create what you want, as long as you add belief and thought. It is now that you need to hold the light high and alive, keep your visions alive and see them manifest one after another. It is now that all your dreams are going to manifest and enrich the world you live in. Receive the light. Receive the energy that is streaming down to you now. It opens up for who you really are. It gives you the courage and the power you need to go on now. It greets you welcome home. You will find yourself and your own light with the help of this light. It is strong and continuously demands your attention. Do not turn your back on it, as this will give you more problems. You make it easiest for yourself if you welcome it with your whole heart. All resistance will come to the surface and then it is up to you to let it go, in the manner that is best for you. There is a major cleansing that is on its way now, so be ready to let go of all negativity that comes to the surface and asks for you attention. See it, but do not give it much attention. Accept that it is there and then let it disappear. Everything is already over with and forgiven. It is a new time that is starting now. It is a new era full of love and it is time that you bring forth you loving nature and show who you really are. The masks are no longer needed as we are all one and need to help each other to move forward. We do this the best way by accepting each other for who we are and shine with our own light. There are many lights on Earth that are lit now in this moment of history, dear children on Earth. If you could see all of these lights you would understand that you are not alone, but you have a whole horde with you. Visualize all these people that are going forwards towards the new world of Light and then let go of your loneliness and powerlessness that is mounting in your mind. You are not powerless. You are powerful, as you are moving forward with the light in your hands and in your heart. Yes, it is a wonderful sight to behold and the universe is shining along with you. More and more are starting to make their way down to Earth to walk at your side. The energy has been raised and opportunities are now given for more to walk on the surface of the Earth. I thank God for the great love that he/she has shown us and for his/her firm hand that has led the development to the Golden Age that we now have entered. Namaste We are love, Judas Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan Source: www.sananda.website The messages posted on www.sananda.website can freely be posted by other Lightworkers with the proper recognition of the channel and the translator as well as the website source Heavenletter #5751 To Every Dream, There Is a Purpose, August 23, 2016
God said: Believe in your dreams. Believing in your dreams helps to bring your dreams into existence. Generally speaking, you don't just sit there and wait for your dreams to come true. At the same time, first, you build your dreams through your dreaming of them. First there is the dream. Then there is desire for the dream that grows within you. Let your desire continue to blossom within you. Follow your dreams. You dream your dreams for a reason. There may be years before your desire to achieve the dream rises beyond your dreaming of it. Your dream may well be a desire planted that takes many years before it begins to blossom and it moves beyond your dreaming of it. Sometimes you might forget your dream, yet it was planted, and the dream starts to rise of its own accord. It is like your dream has a mind of its own. You might not even be able to say you asked for your dream. It came. It is like you are meant to have that dream, and it is through you that the dream comes to fruition. Bear in mind that a dream originates from deeper than your thought. We might even call dreams, bidden or unbidden, your Destiny showing up. So long as a dream continues to stir within you, nourish it. You don't have to talk yourself into a dream anymore than you have to talk yourself out of it. Have your dreams while you have them. Dreams come from somewhere. This is not to say that all your dreams must absolutely come true. One dream may lead to another. In any case, there is great value in dreaming dreams that may not even come true. There is no telling what dreams will lead to a path of fulfillment. Never mind if the world calls you a dreamer. Let them. It is not exactly that you alone are the fulfiller of your dreams or that your dreams are your possession. Others' dreams may also play a part. More than one person dreamed of flight. Da Vinci dreamed of taking off from Earth through mechanical means. His dream came true at a different time in the world. Dreams belong to the world. The deeper your desire, the more energy you may have to make it come true. At the same time, dreams may fly away from you and land somewhere else. You are not duty-bound for your dreams to come true. There is something far greater going on when it comes to your dreams. Nor does this mean that a dream is ever wasted. A dream does not have to manifest in order to be worthwhile. You do not have to manifest a dream for the dream to be worthwhile. Your contribution of desiring the dream may fulfill its role. What exactly is meant when speaking about desiring a dream to come true? Many little boys desire to be firemen. Not all boys will become firemen. No one is obliged to become fireman. There can be a dream and another dream after that. Dreams open up hearts. Sometimes someone has dreams come true that he or she were not aware that they had. It may seem that it is almost by chance that a dream started to realize itself before the realizer of the dream knew. And some of My children come close yet not quite close enough. It is fantastic to have dreams come true, yet dreams do their thing even when they don't come true or come true through you. Sooner or later in the world, dreams find their place somewhere sometime. Value exists in the process. Yes, dreaming, which is envisioning, is a process. It is a creative process. Welcome your dreams. See where they take you. Go for your dreams. Dreams are like stars in the sky. Some stars are not yet visible to the human eye, yet the stars nevertheless exist. All dreams have their Truth and serve their purpose. Dreams exist before they arise. Honor the dreams you pluck from the Universe. You serve them, and they serve you. May you bless and be blessed with dreams. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/to-every-dream-there-is-a-purpose.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Hilarion – August 21 – 28, 2016
Beloved Ones, You are all in the midst of ingesting yet another frequency shift. It is now occurring. There is much that is still being cleansed from your systems. You must remember, Dear Ones, that there are layers upon layers that have been encapsulated, so to speak, which require a slow, safe and gentle cleansing in order to keep you still functioning without succumbing to the chaotic energies that abound in this world or seemingly so. There is much that will be coming forth in the coming months that will make each person on the planet, that will make the minds and hearts of the people of the planet reel, trying to absorb all that is being given to them, that is being mirrored to them in the external world. It will be a time when all the people of the world will feel fragmented and unable to deal with all the changes that are taking place but ultimately all will come together in a new way, a new beginning that will truly honor each soul upon the planet. Each of you have been prepared for these times, each of you has the training, the knowledge and the ability to be of great use in keeping stability as a primary focus. It behooves you to realize that this is the function that is required during these times, that you keep a level head and try to see the higher perspective of all that is happening and maintain stability, maintain the Light. The greatest value that you could offer to humanity during these coming times is unconditional love and acceptance. Many people will feel that they are losing their grip, their minds, everything that mattered to them. You it is who play a valuable role as these events occur. Many people within the western worlds who have enjoyed peace and abundance living a joyful and eventful life will find themselves experiencing the feeling that their lives have bottomed out, as though they were made on quicksand. This will require your coming together and giving your energies to create that stability that will be needed. As we have said, ultimately it is all good. All that will be occurring will be good. New ways of being, new ways of administering to the needs of the people of each nation will come into practice in a way that will be beneficial for their citizens. Those who lived in ultimate luxury will find themselves drifting without knowing what to do. During a frequency shift it is difficult to stay connected to the higher realms, this is a temporary situation and will resume when the energy fluxes have become more stabilized. In the meantime, all the hidden realities that have been kept from the people of the world will continue to come forth in record speeds. This is what will put the people of the world on overwhelm wondering how it is that they could not have known these things. They will be hard put to try to absorb all that is occurring. Tempers will be frayed as people feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. Life on the planet will take on a surreal aspect. Eventually all will be restored to Divine order and it will be better than before. We ask the Lightworkers of the world to earnestly uphold the Light within themselves and for the highest good of all. There is a balancing that is taking place and will continue to do so until the structures of the world are renewed, restored and functioning in a more better way that takes into account the needs of all the citizens of the planet. After the chaos comes the good. Those roots will be planted firmly. It will require the combined efforts of many people to establish the new structures but it will be well worth it. Beloved Lightworkers, you are the hope of the world, you are those who are self responsible in a new form of government where all people accept responsibility for all their thoughts, words and deeds, everything that swirls within their consciousness. For that is the Divine way, to be fully responsible for one’s self, one’s being, one’s sphere of influence in the environment around them. As more and more people realize this, peace will truly be established upon your planet. All will begin to function with great harmony. The days ahead are filled with hope, remember that. Be well, for all is well. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. www.therainbowscribe.com Mike Quinsey 8/19/2016Posted on August 19, 2016by NewSunUnityYou who have your ears to the ground will know that “Revaluation” is so near, and together with other changes are soon to signal their commencement. A mammoth task is nearing completion and will give you undeniable proof that the Illuminati have lost their ability to dictate events according to their wishes. They will still exist as a nuisance until they are imprisoned which shall be their ultimate fate. As proof of it, moves that have been waiting for the right time can now go ahead. The negative forces delight in the publicity their actions bring about, but by no means have had things their own way. The Forces of Light continually work behind the scenes preferring to keep their intentions as secret as possible. The truth is that they are superior to the negative ones in all respects, and are able to ensure that matters do not get out of hand. They allow them to develop as planned and do not interfere with karma or the dictates of the higher Forces of Light. Be assured that whatever happens in the course of your experiences is controlled to ensure that the end times work out as planned.
To those souls who are unaware of the greater picture it would seem that everything is chaotic, yet all is in the control of those who ensure that the Plan for Man is followed. Bear in mind that all of you willingly volunteered to experience separation, and accepted the challenge to find your way back to the Light. As individuals and the Human Race, you have been guided ever since the cycle began and even when you ascend there are always Higher Beings who guide your experiences. Through them you grow stronger and able to keep your composure when confronted by the dark Ones. As long as you are strong minded, whatever goes on around you should not affect your ability to remain calm in all circumstances. The lessons learnt are remembered and carried forward from one life to another. As the higher energies are grounded so the effects of negative energy become less until they can no longer exist in such a high vibration. At that time Ascension will have taken place and total peace and love descends upon Earth. Even from your way of interpreting events very little time will elapse before they come to pass. So the future is welcoming and bringing you release from the influence and actions of the dark Ones. They will answer for their actions and face the consequences either upon Earth or be removed to another location. Be assured that no one escapes justice or gets away with actions that were carried out with ulterior motives. I state again that no soul is punished, but may need further experiences to overcome their weaknesses. They are carefully planned so that the soul involved can learn from them and soon reach a point where the lessons are completed. Many of you are aware that as time has passed, more souls have re-incarnated who have evolved sufficiently to help you bring the New Age into being. It only needs safe situations free from interference for them to offer their knowledge, and know that interference will not be allowed by those who would rather hold you back. However, the truth is coming out and many of you will be shocked to know how you have effectively been prisoners on your own planet for millennia of time. So you have much to catch up on that will give you all of the advancements that you should have already been enjoying, including a much higher standard of life. It will be a pleasure to have as much time as you like to follow your own pursuits and not be loaded down with time absorbing tasks. As it passes one of the most acceptable changes will be when you will have all that you need without having to use money. Knowing how much you will benefit from the changes, it is hoped that you will see your way through the coming times by keeping the promised changes in mind. Naturally the degree of change cannot occur without major disturbances, but the Galactic Forces will take a hand in what is to come ensuring that all occurs within the minimum of time. The Cities of Light get closer to manifestation as each day passes, and this in itself will be a world changing event. It is said that after the initial ones have materialised there will be more until the Earth is linked in all major countries. It is just one of the many exciting and eagerly awaited changes. Slowly but surely you have been given an insight into the future, and it is coming along very quickly. There is nothing that you cannot do or achieve and you are only limited by your own mind. You can therefore set your goal at whatever level you wish, and providing you keep on the path to success you will ultimately succeed. Your path finally leads back to the Godhead from whence you came but at present it is way beyond your reach. You have many, many experiences ahead of you, and once you have achieved the level of becoming a Galactic Being it is you who will decide which path you wish to follow. At all stages you will meet with those who are on the same one as you and will continue to experience together. At present in your lowly position you have been through a series of lives that have been designed to lift up your consciousness. At each stage your life plan has been carefully organised to ensure that you get the opportunities to rise up. If for any reason you fail the challenge it is repeated until you do succeed, so that you can continue to evolve. Nothing stands still for long and you will always be looking for an opportunity to evolve even higher. Providing you stay in this Universe you will take on a human form, but eventually you will rise to a point where you do not even need a body as such, and become a Being of Light. If necessary you will be able to drop down again into a level where you can “think” yourself into a bodily form. From there by your power of thought you will become so strong that you will have to guard against idle thoughts manifesting. At this stage it would be asking too much of you to fully understand the path of evolution, however, when you become a Galactic Being with full consciousness you will be totally aware. You will have mastered sufficient knowledge to become your own guide and select exactly which path you wish to follow. However, there will always be Higher Beings following your evolutionary path and prepared to help you if you so wished. In fact the higher you rise up the more you will become one with other souls who share the same vibrations. Life will be absolutely wonderful and full of opportunities to experience exactly as you wish. You are not confined to this Universe and have unlimited choices that will fulfil your desires. Yet all through such experiences you can still “call up” your fellow travellers so contact is never permanently lost. There may of course be times when they are otherwise tied up, but they will be aware that you have tried to contact them. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. by Ron Head, ronhead.com Playing the field - The Council The field we are referencing is what many call the All That Is. You have many other names for it, and wars have been fought over whose name for it is correct. No name for it is so correct that another name for it is wrong. And that is precisely because no name for it will ever describe it in its completeness. And no name that we can give you will do that either. This fact has been used by many to manipulate you. As is taught by some, the name is not the moon. It is a finger pointing at the moon. In other words, experience is the only way. But what we wish to discuss today is how may you use this field to change your life to be more as you wish it to be. As you well know there are a great many methods taught. That is not so that the methods can be fought over. It is so that you can look at the menu and choose what best works for you today. You may find that you need to make another choice at a later time. The mind tends to lose focus when presented with the same choice for any length of time. So you may do great with guided meditations for a while and then find that you need to do something else to sharpen your attention and make the next step in your progress. It is also possible, of course, that this will not apply to you. Again, this does not make one way correct and the other incorrect. What is correct is what works for you. Keep your own council and you will not need to worry over what another may think. Now, what about this manifesting thing? You wish to manifest because you have a perception that there is something lacking in your life. We could tell you, and correctly, that there is truly nothing lacking in your life. But of course, you are focused on the part of your life that you can perceive at this time. And that being the case, you have desire. What is the purpose of desire? Why do you have it? Do you have it just so that you can spend your life trying to extinguish it? Or do you have it because somewhere, very deep in your consciousness, you know that you are not living the life you were accustomed to in the greater reality? You know that you are more than you perceive. You know that reality is not as you perceive it. Sometimes this even manifests as “What the _____ am I doing here?” So here you are. And you have desire. So what? So use it. Now wanting a new luxury car is not a wrong thing. Wanting a five bedroom house with a pool and Jacuzzi is not wrong. You may want to be very clear on why you want these things. That could very well have a bearing on whether they appear in your life and what effect they have on your progress. And assuredly there will be things that you might focus upon that would have a greater effect on your progress, if progress is what you really want. But what did we mean by our title Playing the Field? Well, whatever you feel comfortable in calling the field, the field is composed of energy. It is vibratory. It is electromagnetic. It includes a complete spectrum of all levels of frequency. Easy for you to understand this today, correct? It is not an old grumpy and demanding man who sits up high somewhere dispensing lightning bolts and goodies. It is what is. It includes everything. Why, it even includes you. A sub-atomic particle on the other side of the universe is a part of it and so are you. So is your mind. Does that planet over there have more of a right to be than you do? Of course not. When you say All That Is, you are naming yourself. Your vibration, in other words, is an integral part of that field. And in that field, like things are attracted to like things. Perhaps you have heard that before? Yes. And the greater the energy of a thing the more attraction it will have to other things like it. Strong magnets attract other magnets better. Now when you have a desire, say to raise your vibration, you have created a thing with vibration. Your thought is a thing. And now, how do you strengthen its vibration? Now we are not going to tell you something new here. We told you that. You have been doing these thigs for many thousands of years. You can meditate, you can do intentions, you can chant, etc., etc. But what we want you to do is to begin to realize that you are indeed doing something. You are, in fact, doing the thing that will work. And that is because your thoughts, especially emotionally charged ones, are charging that thing you have created. You make it stronger and stronger. Now there are other things to consider, doubt, giving up, feelings of unworthiness, and others. But by now most of you have done a great deal of work clearing those things away. And remember, that planet we mentioned has no more right to be than you do. All you really need is the occasional pep talk and reminder of what you are doing. Ta-Da!! We just gave you one. We also have taken the chance to give you yet another opportunity to feel our presence. We are also a part of that field, and so we are always around you, but each time we are able to have you place your focus on that fact, your ability to sense our presence grows that much stronger. For many of you now, it has become a given. What do you suppose the next step in that progression will be? Once you know that we are around you, what comes next? Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://ronahead.com/ Trinity Esoterics ~ Wednesday August 17, 2016
Impatience, frustration and anxiety are at an all time high for many of you. We want you to understand that those emotions are normal during such times of energetic intensity. We would like to offer some tips to help you move through these periods with greater comfort and ease. It is extremely common for human beings to assume things are wrong if they are not seeing tangible results for their efforts. We remind you that the flow consists of both the lull and action phases. When you are in a lull, a space where it seems like not much is going on, it is a time for rest, for integration, and to give yourself whatever you need to be comfortable and to move with the energies. It is a time to simplify, to spend time in good tender self care and doing activities you enjoy. It is a time where you are releasing or integrating energies to prepare for the action phase of your journey. If you think of it that way, you will understand that the very existence of the lull indicates you are in preparation for the action phase that is gathering elements and aligning to break through. It is, by far, your resistance to any phase that creates discomfort. With wisdom and practice, you will come to the point where you seamlessly adjust to what energies are available to you at any given time, which will allow you to fully harness the gift of either stage. Acceptance and surrender are the anti-dotes to resistance, and will bring instant relief. It is your faith and trust that anchors acceptance. Dear Ones, even if you doubt that your are unconditionally loved by all of your guides and helpers, and that everything is unfolding with divine perfection, stop and look at how nature operates. All aspects of life on your planet work with ebb and flow. The waves come in, the waves go out. You breathe in, you breathe out. One always follows the other. You are one with the natural rhythms of the planet. That is a tangible that you can see yourself as part of. Another way to give yourself the proof and reassurance you seek is to simply ask us for signs and start to look for the magic and support that is all around you. The synchronicities and guidance from the universe is always there for you, if only you think to ask and have the eyes to see. You are all doing a magnificent job! Trust that your inner wisdom, your soul, your highest self is masterfully leading you, along with your courage, intention, and conscious, loving heart, to the exact moments you are wishing to experience. There is a beautiful unfoldment happening here for you, and it is all happening because of you. ~Archangel Gabriel Anchoring Love as Your Only Reality
Shanta Gabriel - shantagabriel.com As we move into the new eclipse season, we are being empowered by the Codes of Mastery that were anchored on the Earth during the Harmonic Convergence August 16 and 17, 1987. Many of you active Light Bearers of a Heart-Centered Consciousness hadn't been born yet, but many Starseeds were awakened during that momentous time in the 20th century that began our ascension process leading up to the shift of the Ages in 2012. For those of us who were empowered for new life at that time, the activations of this eclipse season leading to the Equinox may be felt deeply as the hidden codes from that time are reactivated. For all of us, Love is still the paramount reality that resonates with our Soul's Purpose on the planet. We have tremendous support for the process of opening our hearts and allowing a new opening for Divine Love to work in and through our lives. Through my class series Walking with the Archangels Through Life, currently in progress, I have been blessed by new messages that carry the transmissions of the Archangels whose resonance is within the seven main chakras of our subtle bodies. The message from Archangel Raphael was so sweet and empowering, I wanted to share it with you. Message from Archangel Raphael Dear One, Every time you purposely offer your breath into the heart, it is a divine opening to Archangel Raphael and the legions of healing angels. Simply breathing purposefully is an action that awakens this connection. Whenever you are touched by sweetness or beauty in your world, it is an opening into the realm of Archangel Raphael. Whenever your heart is in pain from the suffering of the world, it is an opening into the realms of Archangel Raphael. Whenever you touch your heart and breathe into this center, you are connected to the realms of Archangel Raphael. Call on this blessing to help you see new levels of Truth. Open to Love in all that you do and say. Allow yourself to soften so you can just BE love. Be the Breath. Be the Hope. Be the connection. Be the Love. With these simple truths, let a new level of opening come to you that exposes your vulnerable heart, and allows the strength of Divine Love to empower you. There is no more powerful force in the Universe than Divine Love. As you strengthen your connection to your Heart Chakra, the Anahata acts as a radiant self-generating force that gets stronger with use. Remember the area behind your heart as well. Let this part of your body also feel the force of Divine Love empowering your life. The area behind your heart has developed an armor to protect you from the fearful imaginings of your most innocent child-self. The part of you that acts as a guardian for your soul’s essence has covered this area with a field that was intended to protect your heart from attacks on many levels. As you take down the armor and let the Breath of God bring healing into that area, more of life can support you. It allows an opening for the attraction of the people and energetic flow that activates Divine Grace. Imagine this armor behind your heart and allow it to soften into a magical cape that you can wrap around you to bring comfort. The realization that you are truly not alone works in your consciousness, further softening your heart. As you take down this armor, it will empower your life in surprising ways. You will know truly deep within your heart that you are always wrapped in Wings of Pure Love. When you allow yourself to soften, you can bring an open heart into every situation. This changes the frequencies so much that you can literally transform the situation into a greater opportunity for your soul to work in and through every area of your life. This brings you the deeper awareness that you need in order to thrive in the world. On your breath and with your focus, you have access to God’s Intelligence working in your heart. As you expand your chest through yoga or other physical activity, an opening can occur so you have access to the greater teachings available through your heart. We are creating new light structures to stabilize your life. These begin in the heart and radiate through your world. All that is ordinary becomes a gift that offers extraordinary beauty and an opportunity for more love in action within your life. This is because to see the exquisite beauty in the ordinary requires you to slow down and see from a deeper place that allows the truth of your heart to surface. Reclaim your innocence. Let your radiant trusting heart be the way you walk in the world. Let your heart lead your interaction with all people. Allow your heart’s wisdom to inspire you as you create more alignment with your soul in every moment. The sacred geometry of an octahedron creates a powerful matrix for your Light Body at this time. You can use this field to protect your innocent growing being and magnetize the new aspects of life that you want to experience. Your octahedron supports your vulnerable heart by creating the field of opportunity around your body. The ecstasy of feeling safe to open your heart in every situation is there for you in this field of intentionality. It supports you to bring your soul gifts into a world that needs your sacred offerings. Know that times have changed, and though you may not be aware of it, you are now able to sustain the strength of your alignment by the sharing of who you are. Within all that you are is God working in and through you. Within your heart’s wisdom are the teachings of the ages. Within all of life, the field of intention sets forth the awakening energy for what you want to create in your life and the experiences you need to feel safe to bring forth your gifts into the world. Align yourself with your Soul Purpose with every breath you take. Even if you do not know specifics, you know that you are here to open your heart and allow it to guide your way. Take the bold step to lead with your heart in every action in the world, and all will transform. The new loveliness you experience will empower your life to new levels of happiness. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Raphael August 4, 2016 Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, August 14th
Sananda August 14, 2016 Judas Iscariot (channeled messages) Judas Iscariot Sunday, August 14th, 2016 Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today I come to tell you about the worldly events that are taking place on our Earth. Much is happening now, dear friends. The currency has changed in most countries and is at the start line to be announced in their respective countries. There is a catch, but it is effectively demounted. You who have waited patiently will receive your bounty at last. For the rest of you it might come as a happy surprise as peace has taken a big step forward. It is the music of peace that is sounding deeply in the ears of people, since it is peace that so many people have longed for regardless of where in the world they live. Everything that brings peace to the world people gladly contribute to. They accept gladly a currency change if they understand this can be the solution for a sustainable peace for their Earth. They would gladly have politicians in positions of power that act in the interest of all and not only for a few. They understand that this is sustainable in the long run. They understand also that one cannot pillage Mother Earth without it bringing consequences for coming generations. They want a sustainable world for themselves and their children. Do not underestimate humanity, the human collective has grown and become full grown. They are prepared to take responsibility for themselves and their Earth today. We are very impressed by your courage and your strong will and it is an honor for us to give you the support you need to move forward now. Within a short time much will be changed and new opportunities will appear and tools will be provided so that you can do the changes that are needed, in order to achieve your wishes of a world in peace and freedom. As you face these new opportunities you should think globally, think with empathy, think fairly (that all should have the opportunity to share the cake), think with warmth and love towards Earth – the Earth that gives you all that you need to live and does it with great love. It is with the soul and love in the driver’s seat that you will reconstruct this world to the best of worlds, for all who live on it. Be hopeful, be trusting, you have the strength to do this, you can change the world to the world you dream of. You now have the understanding, will and capacity to do this. Your eyes have been opened and you understand that a massive change now must take place and the change needs to happen in a peaceful and loving way. A calm slowly descends over Earth and is placed like cotton over all the people with worried hearts and gives them the hope and the strength they need to go forward now and take the next step in their development together with Earth. This time it will be a quantum step, my friends – The largest step that has ever been done for thousands of years. You have a large following with you now dear Earthlings, who cheer you on for every little step you take. Every step forward happening on Earth is also a step forward for the galaxy you belong to. Everything happens from the small to the large and vice versa. This you already know and you also know that everything is interdependent. I now just want to give you a final piece of advice before I end this conversation. As many other before me have said, it is important that you go within yourselves and find the courage and the strength you need to change yourselves and your world now. You have everything within you, do not doubt yourselves, understand that you are strong and loving and have all the power you need to get the life you wish to have. We have full trust and confidence in you. We love you so much. With much love, Judas Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan Source: www.sananda.website Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother Allow awareness of your Oneness with your Father and of His infinite Love for You to suffuse You. August 13, 2016 by John Smallman Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday August 13th -click These are inspiring times! If you avoid your fascination with the mainstream media and its constant diet of disasters and catastrophes, and look for the Good News, you will be astonished at the amount that is out there awaiting your discovery. Humanity is waking up! Whatever others may tell you – their opinions and fears – about the state of the world, you know, deep within yourselves, that all is flowing along just as divinely planned. You are not alone, abandoned, and lost, small and insignificant beings adrift in what appears to be a vast and infinite number of unaware and uncaring universes. You are the beloved children of God, held eternally in His loving embrace, an embrace from which you have never been separated. And you do know this! Go within, visit your holy altar where the flame of His Love burns continuously to remind you that separation never occurred, and to nudge you gently back into full wakefulness. To be awake, to be fully conscious, and to be fully alive in your Father’s Presence is to experience JOY! An experience of infinite and eternal JOY that, as humans within the illusion, within the dream, you cannot possibly imagine. Being human is incomprehensibly limiting. When you awaken you will see how limited you were, and understand, therefore, why life was so difficult for you. The confusion and chaos your minds were undergoing all the time you were in human form will make it quite clear why you so often behaved as though everything was a grave threat to your survival. You will understand your seeming need to take preemptive action to avoid catastrophes, the catastrophes to which the mainstream media constantly directed your attention. You will also understand how none of what you experienced while human really happened. As we keep telling you, you are just dreaming, and while some of these dreams can be absolutely terrifying for you, they are only dreams. When you awaken they will fade away very rapidly and be forgotten; you have no need to remember the unreal. The unreal has been humanity’s experience for eons and has always seemed intensely real because that was your collective intent when you constructed it. Remember, You are One, and when God created You he created You with everything – all the Power, all the Creative Potential, and all the Love – that He is. Consequently the illusion that you built in order to experience separation was extremely convincing, a vast and magnificent infinity of universes in which You then immersed Yourself as innumerable very different and physically discrete individuals. Within it, and having such small and limited physical forms in contrast to the vastness and immense power of the environment that contained you, fear arose. Out of that fear came the need to have a protector, and so you invented gods, idols, to whom you offered obeisance and sacrifice in the hope that they would protect you from the numerous dangers that seemed to threaten you on every side – violent weather, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fierce animals, endless human conflicts, and illnesses. Effectively you gave away your Power by refusing to recognize It. God is all-powerful and it was from Him that you chose to separate to prove you did not need Him, and therefore you also chose to hide or disown your Power. But, You and God are One, inseparable, and all that He imbued You with has never left You, there is nowhere for It to go. Your awakening is the process by which you reclaim all that you discarded. Nothing has been lost, you have just hidden from yourselves the Reality of Who You are. You move towards awakening by reclaiming what you had discarded, your Power, your Oneness, which are there for you in every moment, unchanged. You can reclaim them by going within and acknowledging your Oneness with the divine Flame of God’s eternal Love which is ever-present on your holy altar. You acknowledge It by opening your hearts and allowing Love to flow in and fill them. First, however, you must release your need and intent to judge, to condemn, to blame, and also your highly valued feelings of hate, resentment, and bitterness which refuse and block Love. So, as we in the spiritual realms, your loving siblings, keep on reminding you, it is essential that you go within at least once daily to be at One with God and Yourself. Let go of your fascination and engagement with the distractions of the illusion, quieten your egoic mind or pay it no attention, and allow awareness of your Oneness with your Father and of His infinite Love for You to suffuse You. It is Your Will and His that you not only become aware of your unbreakable connection to Each Other, but also that You experience the Wholeness of being One, the complete and unutterable Peace of Your natural state. When you (little you!) experience that you will never forget it, and your intent to be loving in every moment of earthly life within the illusion will become constant. You will recognize the Christ consciousness in everyone with whom you interact, instead of seeing a flawed and possibly threatening other, a separate individual whom you fear trusting because it could lead to betrayal. You will realize that betrayal is illusory and so your fears will dissolve. So, I tell you yet again: “Go within at least once daily and be at Peace in the loving embrace of your heavenly Father.” When you do you will find that daily life flows far more smoothly for you no matter what issues you find yourselves encountering and dealing with, and you will find yourselves in states of peace instead of conflict. Others will be drawn to the serenity you express and you will join with them in an expression of Christ consciousness, complete acceptance of one another, and sweet contentment will fill your days. TRY IT, IT REALLY WORKS! Your loving brother, Jesus. |
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