Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via Your Angel Message As one door closes, another one opens. This is a time for change. Your angels are drawing close to support you in making the changes that you need to make to attract opportunities and abundance. You may have experienced resistance recently, or felt stuck, but the new beginning you are seeking is unfolding now. If you’re hesitating over a decision or wondering what to do about a particular project, your angels are encouraging you to go with the new. Change might bring a sense of vulnerability or present you with the unknown, but it will allow you to make a deeper connection to your feelings and gifts and what’s important to you. Your guardian angel is waiting to guide you through the doorway of opportunity that is being offered to you now. Extended Message You are in a time of change and opportunity. Whether this involves a new role, career opportunity, relationship, child or project, know that it is blessed by God and angels. This is an exciting time, and if you have apprehensions, know that this card is reassuring you that you are being supported by the divine. If you ask angels to lead the way, you will be guided by signs, intuition, and instinct. Move forward fearlessly, as this is a blessed time for you.
Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via Your Angel Message Manifestation is the ability to bring our thoughts, dreams, and intentions into reality. The spiritual law of manifestation helps us create, from deep within, energies and experiences that lead us toward greater fulfillment and purpose. You are blessed to have received this angel card today, for it encourages you to recognize your power. You are a master of manifestation and whenever you focus on something, with loving thoughts and the best intentions, you bring that dream into reality. If you are working on bringing something to fruition at this time, whether that be a project, an opportunity, or even a miracle, this card lets you know that it is unfolding before your eyes. It’s very important to stay elevated at this time and focus on positive energy, blessings, and the positive events that are happening around you, as you are magnetizing even more blessings into your world. Extended Message You are one with the universe at this time and have the ability to manifest incredible experiences and opportunities. You are being encouraged to understand that any new opportunities arising will allow you to step up and move forward in your life. Your energy is aligned with pure potential and it’s important to know that everything you focus on now is going to grow, adapt, and expand in line with your energy field. Your angels are encouraging you to be open and receptive, as the universe is offering you the guidance, abundance, support, and healing you require, based on your current situation. Recognize the incredible gifts and support that are available to you now. The power of the universe is within you! Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Constantly denying your own innate goodness serves no one. It does not ensure you keep growing. It does not assist your evolution. It does not make you a better person. In fact, having such resistance to yourself increases your discomfort and your ability to flow and expand. It perpetuates separation, stagnation, and pain. It will continually aggravate any wounds that are seeking your love, compassion, and healing. Dear Ones, acknowledging your own divine light is essential in order for you to step forward in your authenticity and truth. It is understanding yourself as an essential and beloved aspect of the whole. It is allowing your wisdom and essence to lead the way. It is accepting that you are the one you’ve been seeking all along, for the empowerment of yourselves and your shifting planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ![]() Angel Message Monday! Kyle Gray [email protected] via Instagram: @kylegrayuk Your Angel Message You are ready to move beyond energies or situations that are no longer helpful to you and to make space in your life for something more purposeful. You may feel a real need for clearing out at this time—not just physically, but mentally and spiritually too. As you remove the clutter and debris from your world, you welcome in the energy of transformation. Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, you are ready to move beyond the previous limitations of your life. You are moving away from stagnancy or the feeling of being held back and are taking the heavy energies of your life and making them light, so that you can fully embrace who you were born to be. Extended Message When this card appears, angels are acknowledging the emotional and physical transformations that have taken place in your life. They can see you more clearly now that you have released the old and dusty thoughts and situations. There is a feeling of renewal now and you are moving into a space where you are more comfortable than ever with who you are. You have a spark of splendor burning in the depths of your being and this spark is creating positive and loving experiences for you now. It’s time to enjoy the benefits of your commitment to your growth! Angel artwork by Dave Annis Art instagram: dave.annis.77
Message from Mike Quinsey
Source: Treeofthegoldenlight Dear Ones, can you now see that the Coronavirus has caused you to appraise the way you have been working and see that changes are literally being forced upon you. The realisation has come to you through what you are now experiencing, and it is obvious that beneficial changes have been taking place and should not only be made permanent but extended upon your resumption of “normal” working. You are being guided to take up a path that will lead to even more changes, all with the intent of preparing you for greater changes that are coming. As progress is made you will truly be raising your vibrations and a point will be reached where you will have discarded your ties to the old energies. New abilities will come your way and you will have the makings of a Galactic Being. The dark Ones will use whatever means they can to delay progress and prevent you from ascending. However, greater powers than theirs are behind those who are ready to ascend, and they will not allow the end times to be altered in any way whatsoever. You have well-earned the opportunity that presents itself to you and will be helped to ascend. You are creating your pathway as you go along but whatever you do Ascension will take place when the time is right. It has always been your destiny and your many lives have been a planned part for your evolution. We have often stressed how you must take note of what comes your way as it is not by chance. You would be astonished if you knew how much you are cared for, and of the many opportunities that are served up for your advancement. It may hardly seem possible in view of the position you now stand, but big things are planned for the next few years, to keep you on track for your grand Ascension. Do not worry if you do not feel as though you are on a path to it as in one way or another, we shall ensure that you keep to your life plan. Realise that whilst on Earth you are only a “part” of your true self, the rest being your Godself the other side of the veil. It may sound impossible because you have been in the lower vibrations for such a long time. So live your dream because it is you who is representing your Higher Self. Seize this golden chance to go all the way to the end of this period that shall call for great celebrations. You have done the hard bit by moving beyond the end of the last cycle and have such a wonderful opportunity to go all the way to Ascension. From the many, many lives you have had on Earth experiencing at all different levels, and many situations that have challenged your ability to overcome them. Having come this far you must realise that you have had a great degree of success as many of you have raised your vibrations to a point where you now stand in readiness to ascend. There will of course still be hurdles to get over, but none as severe as the ones in the past when the vibratory level was at its lowest. Those experiences are best forgotten as the lessons learnt will remain with you for the time being. Humans can easily get bored but when you have the Universe to explore there are unending experiences to choose from. We talk of these things because they lie ahead for you, so that you can focus on them and leave the lesser experiences behind. At some stage you will have achieved such a high vibration that you will become a Master and mentor to others. The “service to others” comes naturally and is the pathway that evolved beings follow. Can you imagine what a wonderful experience it is in such high vibrations, it would be no exaggeration to say it was ecstatic. (1) Knowing your potential will give you a goal to strive for and a knowing that the lower levels are only a passing phase that is necessary for your evolution. You really are amazing souls to have taken on such a challenge that has seen you plumb the depths yet rise up again to become souls of great experience and understanding. There are many Extraterrestrials longing to meet you and share their knowledge with you, as they admire your tenacity and willpower. You are indeed special souls that have proved your ability to overcome all obstacles placed on your path. We say “Well done” as you will have earned all the plaudits that will come your way. Keep up your good work and as the saying goes, keep on keeping on –well done! I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, you can feel gratitude and completely enjoy a buffet even if it contains some foods you don’t care for. You understand that the variety is required in order to serve the needs of many different people. It is one of the places you flow with your energetic sovereignty, effortlessly focusing on what you like and leaving the rest behind without a second thought. As it is with your life expression. You can still have deep gratitude and enjoy the many things that serve you through your focus and flow without needing to push against the options that exist that may not be your preference ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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