TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON RECEIVING THE NEW ENERGY Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today we wish to discuss receiving the new energy. You are making great strides on your ascension path. You are awake to the infinite possibilities that await you on your journey. You are continuing to be showered with a great array of higher dimensional energy that is inviting you to rise to new levels of being. This energy contains a refined type of Light that is calling you to incorporate it into your energy field so that it can lift you to higher dimensions and open your awareness to new understanding. Each time you rise to a new dimensional level you are given the opportunity to examine lessons you have experienced and learned at previous levels. For example, you may have learned to conquer an emotion such as anger and remain calm when situations arise that previously would have triggered this emotion within you. When you have risen to a new dimensional level, a similar situation may present itself so that you can see if there are residual areas to be transmuted and released. This is not a punishment but rather an opportunity to further clear your energy field and Light Body. There are several steps you can take as an ongoing process so that you are ready to receive each new burst of higher energy when it occurs. Remaining in the present moment can help you be aware of energetic changes that are occurring. You are less likely to be caught off guard in unexpected situations. You can stay more centered and catch any areas that you wish to transform. What has happened in the past can be used as a point of information and learning. You can examine the past situation, receive the lesson from it, and transmute the energy around it. The future remains open to new experiences. The present moment is your point of awareness and possibility, and it is the portal to rising higher. Another important step to receiving the new energy is to monitor your thoughts. This is easier when you remain in the present moment. If you find a thought becoming less than positive, you can easily recognize this and change it to a more positive one. Through present awareness this can be corrected before it leads to a less than positive emotion. The different types of thoughts could be compared to different television programs or movies. Each program or movie has an overarching type of vibration. You select the program or movie based on your interests. If you find that a certain program is not what you had hoped it would be, you can simply change the channel to one that is a more compatible fit for you. The same concept applies to your thoughts. Each type of thought has a particular vibration. When you realize that you have tuned in to a thought that is not the vibration you wish to carry in your energy field, you have the power to shift to another higher channel of thought and vibration. This can be changed instantly when you remain in the present moment of awareness. When your thoughts are positive, this leads to positive emotions, and you have cleared the way to incorporate and assimilate the new energy into your Light body. Everything is energetically smooth, and your vibration rises to a higher level. As your vibration increases, you may find yourself becoming open to new and expanded concepts. Expanded thinking is a characteristic of the higher dimensions. Being open to new ideas and perspectives can also make receiving the new energy much easier. The higher you rise, the more expanded the concepts become. When you encounter a new concept, you can examine it from all perspectives to see whether you resonate with it. If you are unsure about it, you can set it aside and ask for further clarification at a later point. The important part is that you have examined it and tuned in to your inner guidance in your decision making. You are preparing to receive the new energy by remaining in the present moment, monitoring your thoughts and selecting the higher options, and being open to examine new concepts. We are happy that you are taking these steps to receive the new energy and rise to even higher dimensional levels. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s April 20, 2018, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’re transitioning from participant observer to parental observer. Imagine your child fighting about a pail with another child in a sandbox even though two pails are available. You, the parent, see the silliness of the children’s actions for neither child is enjoying the sandbox. So it is for you now as you observe those who wish to remain in the dark a bit longer. “Fairy Godmothers/fathers” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information. Dear Ones, Perhaps you feel you are so deeply in a void you will never experience true earth joy again. For many of you have reached a stage of no longer fully participating in earth activities and not yet finding new joys. As if you are in a limbo that never shifts to full reality. So it is you are almost starting to bemoan the loss of chaos that was once your 3D life. You have likely chanted, meditated, and prayed to create that which seems most important to you now – all to no avail. Even though you sense you are different internally, your life is not following the direction you anticipated when you entered this void – or as you discarded most of what was once important to you. So it is your limbo is becoming frightening. A bit like those who give everything away waiting for the second coming only to discover that nothing changes other than they no longer have what they gave away. Of course, there have been many junctures along this transition process when you felt a similar discouragement only to roar to life once again. The difference is you initially believed you did something wrong or displeasing to the Universes so your inability to create what you pined for was because of your wrongdoing. As you became more sophisticated in this transition process, you realized you are the Universes making this phase more disquieting than many of the phases you pushed through. For you can no longer blame the Universes because you know you are the creator of you. But then, why can you not create that which you so desperately pine for? What are you doing wrong? You are doing nothing wrong. You are merely growing/evolving into your powers. You have long dreamed of a magic genie who would provide all you wished for. Now that you know you are your magic genie, why can you not easily create that which you wish for? Such is your current angst. Worrying that you did not do something you were supposed to do. Or that some hidden fear is blocking your creative processes. A loud NO, to both concerns. You are exactly where you need to be. You can not physically jump from 3D to 5D and beyond without processing what you have become. Your current void is a bit like an infant knowing that they want to walk from one parent to another, but needing practice to fortify their mind-body coordination. You are capable of walking, even running just as is true for infants. You are merely in the practice realms – with a few falls and much determination. Do not fret. This practice phase is short-lived and something you will forget once you come into your own as is true for all toddlers after learning to walk and run. Even though this is a short phase, it is something you must complete so your mind, body, and spiritual beings are functioning as one. For creating that which you wanted in 3D would not now satisfy you. And that which you will want when your new being is fully integrated, is not yet available. This is a short phase much like an infant completes from taking one or two steps to walking across the room. You are not alone in your frustrations or fears. For many are experiencing similar feelings. Something you will ponder a bit only to forget until those who wish to follow you reach a similar point in the not-too-distant future. You are the forerunners so you cannot be comforted by others, even us of the ethers for you do not completely trust us now. Any more than an infant fully trusts that a table will allow them to stand without falling if that infant’s parent pushes him or her to that phase before that infant is ready. So it is we can only offer assistance about what is going to happen. Assurances not much different from those of an infant’s parents whispering to that infant that he or she will soon be walking. We know your creative powers. Powers you do not yet believe you have and will not fully believe until you start creating. But beyond knowing you all have such powers, we do not necessarily know what you are going to do with those powers. Just as a parent does not know what their infant, child, young adult, and adult will do with their walking skills. Many of you are concerned that we are speaking of years of training and adjustments. Such is not the case, for you have already done the heavy work – being of the earth for this transition and shifting from 3D to 5D or beyond. What you are experiencing now is honing your skillset in a new dimension much as you did as an infant learning to crawl, walk, and run in the 3D world. You are learning what you are capable of with your physical being. A minor piece in this convoluted and difficult transition you have mastered beyond all hopes and dreams. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: From It Rings True – Co-creating by Ron Head What will you create today? You are a creator being, fashioned in the likeness of the What Being who created you and given free will. Let’s explore, for a short while, some of what that might mean. Let us begin by stating that you will create something. The one thing that you cannot create is nothing. You will have thoughts. You will make decisions. You will have experiences, and you will form opinions. You may decide to actually turn some of your thoughts into physical things. But even though that is likely how you think of creating, all the rest is creating, as well. Now you can use some of your energy to look upon those things as good or bad. You have, of course, the ability and the freedom to do that, to judge what you have done. And when you do that, you are also quite likely to judge yourself for having done those things and even for judging yourself. And then you have also created what you call a vicious circle. Good name. They are vicious. You also have the freedom to choose to use your best efforts to make every thought and every word, every action, to somehow improve something for someone or everyone. Will you make mistakes? Yes, you probably will. You are always learning. You are always able to look back and see things you might have done other ways. And you can fall again into the judgment thing. Or you can just decide to do it the other way next time. You can use the ability to see better ways to make new choices instead of spending time and energy beating yourself up for what is already done, thereby turning the experience into the cause for something of higher energy. What is good, you can increase. What is beautiful, you can increase. What is of benefit to yourself, to others, to the All, you can increase. This is a decision that you may make and pour your life into. And when you do that, you raise the energy of absolutely everyone and everything. There is nothing that will not benefit from that decision. So what are we saying here, really? We are saying in a rather roundabout way so that you can get a slightly better grasp on it, that you are a divine being of immense power. The extent of the effect you have on your world, not one atom of which you are separate from, cannot be known by you… yet. At the present time, your conscious awareness is not great enough to hold all of that. But, if you have come to trust what we tell you, then, as you say, you can take that to the bank. And the time is soon to come that will have your awareness and abilities so far beyond what you have known that you will be hard pressed to believe it. In fact, believing it is what you are learning to do. If you can believe it, you can learn to be that new you that you have been talking about for a while now. And we have now come back to the original question. What will you create today? What will you contribute to the field of consciousness in which you have your being? How will you respond to what is before you? The choice is yours, but you will need to begin where you stand. You may wish to begin somewhere else, but that isn’t going to get anywhere. You have the honor, the privilege, and the ability to build from where you are. Go for it! Dream the Dream
Heavenletter #6286 Published on: April 12, 2018 God said: Beloved Beloved, where did you get the idea that life is supposed to be all cookies and milk served to you as you recline cozily in bed and sip your morning tea before you begin this day before you? You know, life is a mixed bag. Life is coming to you in every moment. Dreams do come true, yet dreams are not obligated to come true in the moment you say the exact way you say. Anticipate that all your dreams will come true, yet allow the freedom for your dreams not to have to come true so quickly or just so. Go ahead, it’s okay to wish a while. Grant your dreams free passage. Dreams are free spirits. Dreams are not: “Sign on the line” sorts of left brain thinking. You can request all your dreams to come true, yet dreams are not beer on tap, now, are they? Dreams, by their divine nature, are not iron-clad contracts – even as they already are some kind of contract, you don't have to have the thought of them ahead of time as you do. Dreams are forward mentions of themselves, as yet, sans commitment. A dream of itself may want to dream on and consider more possibilities to come. Dreams are rather like hippies who like to go this way and or that in the moment according to how they feel. You can’t quite pin your dreams down, or they wouldn’t be dreams. So, I tell you to dream, anticipate your dreams’ coming true before your very eyes, yet not feel let down when a dream has not yet fully filled your heart. Dreams can always come true. Anticipate and wait. There is no cut-off date for dreams to come true at the instant you would like your dream to arise for public consumption until it is good and ready. In one sense, We can say that a dream comes true the moment you dream of it. Let’s say that when you dream your dream of a beautiful light blue ball gown with rhinestones, and you feel yourself swinging and swaying in your beautiful dream, you already are wearing the ballgown. Sooner or later, an invitation to a real-live ball will arrive, and a gentleman in a tux with a supermarket bouquet of flowers will appear at your elbow and a golden VW will await you on the curb around the corner. Then you can breathe, and then you can go on to the next dream and the next. You are free to dream whatever you wish and whenever you wish. Cinderella dreamed of a Prince and probably a Fairy Godmother before the carriage appeared to take her to the ball. Your dreaming the dream means you are well-disposed for the dream to come true. You are ripe for the dream. It is already yours. It may take a while before your dream enters centre-stage. Dreams are not yet facts. Dreams are clearly not racing horses who are to be whipped in order to speed up the process – perish the thought. Dreams are entitled to stay dreams for as long as they want to be dreamy-eyed. Dreams are free to take their own sweet time. This is the nature of dreams. Dreams do not usually fulfil themselves in one sitting. Enjoy the dreaming of your dream. If you dream of a chocolate bar, there is no law that says you must pull off the foil wrapper and eat up the chocolate right away. Dreams don’t have to be eaten on the go. Let dreams sit for a while. Savor the thought of your dreams for a while longer. Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. God's New Series - Heavenletter #6285 Entwined We Are, April 8, 2018 God said: To you, I give thanks. I give thanks to you from the bottom of My Heart. Beloved, always know with assurance how much you mean to Me and all the Waves and Waves of Love just the thought of you gives to me. I know your love. I feel it. Do you feel My love, too, as it radiates through you? Every night I put you to sleep. Every morning, I wake you up. Do you feel My Presence in your life? Be sure to know that I am attentive to you. I do not ask you to sacrifice. I do not believe in sacrifice. I believe in Joy. I ask you to enjoy. Joy isn’t a sacrifice. Definitely, stay away from sacrifice. I don’t want it. I seek your Joy. I want nothing less than your Joy. If giving and receiving Joy isn’t Joy for you, don’t do it. Believe Me, in every which way, you fill Me with Joy. It is My Joy to attend to you. Our commingled Love makes the world go round. We ride the Merry-Go-Round together. Our Hearts are engendered. Every day I bless myself that you exist in the Heavenly Realm of Love. Every day I am grateful for your embrace. Every day when I think of you, I feel as you do when Roses in your Garden are about ready to burst forth into bloom. I do feel a sort of parenthood. You are My flowers ready to blossom. I can hardly wait. You are like bulbs in Springtime, chomping at the bit, suddenly ready to burst through the soil. Your iris and daffodils have no plaints about the snow or that their feet are cold. What do all the flowers do always from the bottom of their hearts when they are ready to bloom? They bend to the Sun. In Our case, I am the Sun. Give Me your eyes and bless Me to your love which is Our Love. How entwined We are. Who is Who and Which is Which? We do not have to differentiate. We are One Embrace forever spinning around the Earth. We don’t have to splatter-dash as we go around the Universe. All We have to do is to BE. We forever ARE One on One. Nourish Me, will you? I ask for no special favour. I ask to embrace you, My One Child. We meet every day. We meet every morning, noon, and night. My eyes and Heart light up when you enter My heart. You grace Me with the Light your eyes cast on Me. I boldly say that you are My Sunshine. You are the Sun in My eyes reflected back to Me. Tell Me that you know that you are My thank-you to Myself. Never do I forfeit My Self. You enrich Me. You enrich My Heart. You are My Heart’s Journey. You are My Praise to My Self. You may say: “God be praised.” I say to you, My One Child: “May you be praised. Be sure to know that I praise you to the High Heavens. Hallowed be thou.” The Sun rises in the morning for you. The Stars come out at night for you. We, you and I, are a Circle of Light lighting up the world who always seeks more Light to give – Our cups runneth over. How much Light can the One Heart of Ours contain? How can Our One Heart hold so much bounteous love and not give it away? If you wish to serve Me, serve a handful of Light from Me to all whose paths cross yours. We are all on the same path, and We all walk together. Do you feel the array of Beauty that We assemble, and how We meet in gratitude for Our Acquaintance just the way the Sun shines. Hallowed be Our One Name, for it is the Name We share. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Contact Heaven - You get a faster response by posting on the forums! Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Buy Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Winner of Chelson 2004 Inspiration Book Award at Amazon Forums: A meeting place for Conscious People Email Heavenletters to your friends by forwarding this email to them. Your donations and support help spread the Light of Heaven. We love you to share Heavenletters, post on other sites, add to your blog and newsletters, use quotations as a signature, skywrite with them! Heavenletters™ are copyrighted, and the following must be included: the source, the words God said, and God’s words kept exactly as written. For translations, the name Heavenletters™ is to remain Heavenletters™ and is not to be translated into any other language. Please email gloria [at] Heavenletters [dot] org to tell us where you are publishing these gems so we can thank you. We love to have new readers come to Heavenletters™ through you. Visit the Godwriting blog Videos and Radio Interviews Feel the Love? Now share the Love. We would be honored to continue sending you Heavenletters. If you do wish to stop receiving Heavenletters, please click here to unsubscribe and come back soon! Blessings and love, Gloria A Message to Lightworkers – April 9, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. Many have been speaking of Mercury being in retrograde, as we spoke of on the last Abundance Group conference call []. Many are saying that they find this to be a difficult and uneven time vibrationally, and that they always look forward to Mercury coming out of retrograde. And this is understandable, yet it is not the entire story. If you could see your vibrations as we do—oscillating frequencies that are gathering ever higher levels of Light data, and releasing the old density at an astounding rate—you would welcome Mercury retrograde, and indeed all astrological shifts, for all they bring you. It is possible to see this apparently disjointed time in light of the new, higher forms of Light intelligence now informing your every cell, reminding you of your higher dimensional abilities, of all you are and have been capable in numerous Earth lives, and in the higher dimensions. It is possible that you will feel many days to be slow and tired, to have given more than you could give, and to not understand the constant demands being made upon you on all levels of your being. When Mercury is in retrograde, you may find appliances, technology, and both technical and nontechnical communication are affected, as well as your bodily systems—it is a time of stepping out of certain paradigms, in order to see and appreciate others. Every astrologer has their own view of these matters; we now offer you ours. It is not possible for most to carry on relating to Mercury at this time without some feelings of hesitation, because its energies are uncovering for you so much that you have been unaware of or prefer not to look at. Always when a planet, moon, or star is shifting in such a way that you feel disturbed by it—such as a full moon for example—you have unprecedented opportunity to both advance your healing in an area that has been difficult for you, and to use the energies coming to you for your own forward movement in life. The pre-ancient and indigenous peoples knew of these higher ways of looking at the heavens. They understood that Earth energies were constantly relating to the energies of planets, moons, and stars, and that there was no need to feel unhappy about any one conjunction, flow, or movement. They understood the importance of speaking certain prayers or declarations, and performing certain ceremonies at certain times of the month or year, per planetary movement. They knew, partly by instinct and partly by training of tribe or clan, what energies to use for what form of growth, healing, or higher knowledge they were seeking. Many retained the star knowledge of their home worlds, or were taught by non-Earth visitors to see inwardly what was occurring in the skies—far more than what your modern-day telescopes reveal. Now in terms of Mercury being in retrograde, we would say, understand that things feel harder because you are not meant to only progress outwardly in life. During this time, your inner spirit and higher self are asking you to slow down your physical movements, particularly if you are feeling more tired than usual lately, and to tune in and experience what is happening within. Possibly your inner child has a message for you, or an ancestor who lovingly watches over you, particularly as you deal with family issues. Or perhaps your Spirit team of Angels, guides, and higher self have some new healing, information or insight they wish to share, which these energies are perfect to sail in on. It is important, for one, to connect with and spend more time with Mother Earth during this time. It is also important to seek out as much quiet time for rest and meditation that you can. Your higher self is allowing you to feel more physically or mentally taxed at this time in part because it needs you to be quiet enough to download a greater understanding of your original “identity,” your true Spirit essence. And as well, to download a greater understanding of what is happening in the world, and your particular contribution and participation in that. Now, do not assume that this means you will receive some new information about what you must run out and accomplish by this time tomorrow; this is far more an inner journey, though it affects your outer life in profound ways. Much of this higher wisdom you are capable of receiving comes directly from your soul. For Mercury in its own way is a sort of Messenger, and its retrograde energies are carrying to you forms of wisdom, inner knowledge, and understanding that might not so easily reach you at other times in the year. And so open, dear ones, to what this moment brings you, which is otherwise a “walking uphill” sort of time. Be aware that in every movement within the skies, your higher aspect is always working to bring you a new level of awareness that would not be there otherwise. So open to it, and welcome it with open arms! Sit quietly with your Spirit team now, and the energies of this retrograde period, and ask, “What have you come to tell me, friend? Let me hear you inwardly and remember and honor your words. Or simply send me the energies of the higher wisdom that is wishing to come forward now.” And understand that much comes to you energetically in these times—you are increasingly aware of such—because that form of communication bypasses both the conscious and subconscious mind, except for that part of your subconscious that is in constant connection with your higher self. This bypasses all interferences, whether of energy forms, entities, or thoughtforms, including the well-worn neural pathways that are used to directing your thoughts in one direction or another, as well as other forms of mental or energetic influence or control. In other words, it is your pure Essence, your true Spirit that is connecting with these higher forms of Light, and benefiting from them. So be open, dear ones—we would not merely look anxiously at the calendar and look forward to “when it will be over.” When you have a day or an hour that is difficult, ask as you would ask any challenge, “What is the higher Message here? What have you come to tell me? I am listening, down to the very greatest depths, and up to the greatest heights of my being.” Then open your hands as to receive, and visualize the Light pouring down through your crown chakra, lighting up every cell in your being—physical, mental, emotional, etheric—up to and including your soul. And know that we stand with you during this tremendous, demanding time of accelerated growth and higher Becoming. And that in this, as in all else, you are never alone. Namaste, dear ones! You are anchoring the Light of the New Earth, and we are full of Joy to see all you are co-Creating now! Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. You are the one who is needed where you are – from It Rings True
by Ron Head, Oracles & Teachers You are the one who is needed where you are - from It Rings True Let us have another conversation now about your finding the truth of who you are. You do tend to play your roles somewhat small, you know. And this hardly serves you nor the world you live in very well. We are not trying to inflate your egos. We simply want you to give yourselves credit for being capable of much more than you are doing. Now, you quite often are told that you are this or you are that. You are told that you are the Christ consciousness or the Buddha mind at work in the world. True though that is, it does not seem to register with too many, and that is a sad thing. You have been taught carefully that you are ‘only’ this or ‘just’ that, and you have absolutely bought into it. ‘Johnny never achieves his potential’ is written all over life’s report card. There are many ways to begin uncovering that potential, but no one can achieve what does not seem possible for him or her. You must be able to see yourselves as you truly are. How can you do that? Again, there are many ways. But let us show you one that is very, very simple and easy to do. It is not as if the knowledge is hidden deep, deep in some well of unconsciousness and difficult to access. It is truly just below the surface of your knowing. It is hiding in plain sight, as you say. Look in the mirror—not the glass thing hanging on your wall—the one that surrounds you every moment. Your entire surroundings are an out-picturing of your inner being. You have very likely heard that before, too. But what use is it? Let us give you a way to use it very easily. You want to find out the wonderful, powerful, loving and caring person that you can be? Look at those around you with new eyes. Look at those you admire and love and value. See them. Really see them. Now, let us tell you why exactly they make you feel so good. They bring out in you qualities that you possess so that you can recognize them. Work with that. We will help. Just make a beginning. This is the time when you are learning to embody SELF. Allow her, allow him, to surface and be accounted for here, where she/he is needed. It is your purpose for being here at this time. Every day you ask us, “Why am I here? What should I be doing?” There is no mistake. There is no accident involved. You are where you need to be. You have everything you need. Just be all that you can be. Do what is before you. That will make possible more. Another step will appear. Another door will open. It may not seem miraculous. But then again, it may. You did not return to earth in order to live someone else’s life. Live yours. And live it joyfully and well. You are the one who is needed where you are. Good day. It Rings True is available HERE. Thanks Ron! The timeliness divine impacts of these messages has often been incredible - I find myself ina hospital bed today but witnessing the direct impact of this life on others as I work to be that Christ Consciousness, where I am at & in the moment. There's no greater life than feeling you have inspired & helped another to expand & be freed! Love to all & thanks again to Ron Head for your hard work brother..."It Rings True!" Dave Annis,, |
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