TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON THE ONENESS OF CREATION Greetings Beloved Ones, This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the oneness of creation and its importance to the expansion of your consciousness. All life forms begin with the Creator. Life is in a state of oneness in this undifferentiated form. Each cell carries the Light and essence of the Creator, and this is imprinted within the cell. This ensures that the consciousness of original essence is always within the cell. As creation moved forward, the cells began to differentiate into separate characteristics according to the role they would play in the great web of life. Although they separated into many variations, they continued to carry the imprinted consciousness with which they were imbued prior to this individual separation. Therefore, each life form has a consciousness, whether it is in a human, animal, plant, or mineral form. Each life form has a great contribution to the overall success and harmony of the working of the Universe. No matter how large or how small, each organism contributes to the overall progress of life. When each form moves higher in a progressive rate, the result is a harmonious rising of all life. In this ideal state, all life forms work together for the greatest good of all of creation. This can be compared visually to a great web of Light or life, which encompasses all life forms. Each mineral, plant, animal, or human has a unique role and position on this great web of life. The web is glowing with the pure essence of Light from the Creator. Movement by any life form ripples out across the great web of life and affects all other life forms. When the intent is for the greatest good of all, a sense of harmony prevails, and all life forms thrive. There are many ways to increase these harmonious vibrations across the web of life. One way is to practice the Golden Rule with all life forms. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This means to honor each life form for the role it plays in the greater harmony of life. As you consider the role each life form plays, you develop an appreciation for it, whether it is large or small. You begin to treat it with respect and gratitude. For example, you may admire the trees and thank them for the positive role they play in purifying the air and providing beauty and shade. You become aware of the many beneficial ways that animals help throughout the world. You begin to appreciate each part of nature as contributing to the harmonious movement of creation. Your awareness then extends to your fellow human beings. You each contain a Spark of the Divine that connects you back to the Creator. With this realization, you are able to look past external appearances and send Love to everyone. Even if you do not agree with their actions, you can send Love to their Divine Spark within. When you consider that all life forms originated from the same great Creator and that you share a common essence, you are able to look at life from a higher perspective. When you view life as the great web of Light, you are able to see that any action you take affects all other life forms. You can see how each thought carries a certain unit of energy that ripples across the web. An action may carry an even stronger unit of energy. When a thought is loving, it enhances all life forms. When it is harmful or unkind, all life forms feel this lowered vibration as it ripples across the web of life. This realization leads you to the awareness that each thought affects the whole, and you become more conscious of your thoughts. Within the interconnectedness of creation, the actions of one individual can have a positive effect on the web of life. When you send out loving thoughts, this ripples out to all of creation. Each form of life benefits. When you perform a kind act such as smiling at someone or holding the door for someone who is carrying packages, this is helping the greater good. The higher vibration of these acts sends frequencies that increase the Light in the web of life. Therefore, it is the small daily acts you perform that can help to elevate the consciousness for all life forms. Each thought or action impacts the whole. Beloveds, we are happy that you are expanding your consciousness as you consider the many ways you can enhance the greater good of all life in the great web of Light. We are with you as you send out loving thoughts and actions within the oneness of Creation. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2017 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
Message from Archangel Uriel
via Genoveva, Galactic heart Greetings dearest ones! I AM Uriel, Archangel of Love and Silver Light, Bringer of the Future in this Now, Bringer of the Truth and Peace into your heart, your beloved friend and family, your companion at these times of rapid and tumultuous changes. I am here to assist thee, to gently guide and softly direct you on the path of your Soul, on the path of the Light and Love, while you and the whole collective is being bathed, washed and cleaned by The Mother’s Tsunami of Love. You are strong dearest hearts, you Know what is your next step, you do remember pieces of your Divine plan and have trust in yourself and in your sense of direction. You are the Champions of Love and you are the strongest of the strong! Have the courage to move on and step into the new, take action even when it seems to be something that had never been done in the past. Taking action in these times of transformation means letting go and surrendering to the flow of Love and not so much of doing something outrageous or dangerous. Each and every one of you have different blockages and self imposed limitations, issues that you need to be made aware now, and that you have buried deep, deep into your unconscious and subconscious bodies and that you are slowly or swiftly releasing and eliminating. Take your time and go within your heart, see the Flame of Silver burning bright and sit there in serenity and peace with Me for as long as you need, to find out what it is that you are to work with at this time. Ask questions if you wish, and be prepared to listen and absorb the information that comes to you and be assured that you will be given all that you are ready to comprehend and understand at this time! Do not be afraid of what you might find, and just because you have been locking these issues out of sight and conscious mind, it doesn’t mean that they are bad or horrible! Remember that you are Beings of Light, daughters and sons of The Mother/ Father, Mighty defenders of the Throne, and you would not have planned and decided to travel with anything that would be less than the brilliance and the love that You are! You have been placing these memories and issues into a separate file and drawer so you can function in the world as it is until you became ready to tackle these old type of limitations. It may take some time or better said, a different approach to understand the multi-layered issues and how to let go of them, how to proceed next, for as you know, the higher you get on the spiral back home, the more tricky and confusing it may become, and at the same time your ego will attempt to stop you and he/she will seem to become more forceful and convincing in his attempts to take you off the narrow path of light. Yes, We are here with thee, We are watching you in amazement and pure delight, We cheer you on, always, but it is your wish to have you reach the understanding, to learn every lesson on your own, with your wonderful team of divine helpers, and this is why it seems that we are a little more distant or softer then before. You are never, ever left alone, it would be impossible to separate from us and from the Mother and Father one! But you have the all the tools and you have My Silver Flame of Illumination that can see through any type, shape and form of darkness, gray or in between, through any illusion! Ask for the Flame of Truth to assist you, be willing to see the Truth always, set the intention to Be Love and compassion in every moment and reinforce this throughout the day, and then expect to have only Joyful and Peaceful encounters and events! I will leave you now with sprinkles of Silver, with abundance and gentle fortitude! Until next time, Farewell. Sananda: The New Age Is Approaching
Ann Dahlberg, I am Sananda and I come today to prepare the way for The New Age that is approaching – The New Age that is at your feet dear children on Earth. It is up to you to grab hold of your dreams and see to it that they are realized. If the dream is sufficiently strong and alive it will manifest in just a few moments. It is the blink of an eye that counts now, as the large masses are beginning to move and then I mean they are moving towards the light. The Light is a movement just as you are. Everything is moving in one direction or another. Right now the grand movement is in favor of the Light. There are many hearts that are beginning to soften up and open up for the light. It shines strongly on your Earth today and it impacts everybody. There are more and more who turn there faces towards the light and let it shine down into their hearts. More and more are searching for the truth in the illusionary world they live in. In order the find the truth one needs to find the light in one’s heart, as there it shines clear and pure. In there you will also find your authentic self and the courage you need to go forward. Stop yourselves briefly for a little while each day and you will find the calm and truth that rests there. It is time to bring this out and move on now – as the New World is waiting for your arrival. The wind has changed direction and only warm soft winds are blowing today. As the strong headwind has subsided and no can longer block your work. It is GO… the operative word now and it is you that we all are waiting for. It is your light and your joy that we want to hear sounding around the Earth today. It is your eagerness and your enthusiasm that we are waiting for. The Light is here dear children on Earth, let it fill you, let it give you force, let it give you courage so that the grand transition can start – the transition that happens within you and outside. Everybody is being transformed, look around, see and feel that the change is there, with both plants and animals. Yes, even the sun, the air and the earth can sense it. Run barefooted in the grass and receive the energies from the elements around you. They will go directly into your body, if you allow it, where they will fill every cell with the light they carry with them. This wakes up all the light that is hidden in your body. It tells everything that lives in your body that it is time to wake up. It is time for the light to wake up from its Snow White dream and appear. The time is now for all things living on our Earth to wake up from its slumber – to wake up to its truth and light. Earth is on its way to its own light and it can become an abrupt awakening for those that are deeply asleep. Find the time to rest in yourselves. Find the time to be outside in the open. Find the time to feel and experience the light from everything that is around you. It is time now, you cannot wait any longer – the first steps should be now. It is important to stop, breath, to feel the light that vibrates all around. It seeks you now, so open up and invite in the light and love into your lives. Once you have done so things will be like a dance. The resistance is small and love vibrates greatly today – the journey will be easier than you think. Do not hesitate, but meet yourselves, it will not be so hard – you will find much love there. Love is all around you now in the form of many loving guides and beings. The loving world is standing at the door and you all have the ability to enter into it. What are you waiting for? The door is open and we are waiting for you. You are loved far beyond imagination and understanding so you do not need to be afraid. You are very much cherished and loved so there is nothing to be afraid of. You can be secure and calm in that you enter a loving world, where only light and love exists. I am ready to receive you. My arms are wide open and full of love. I am now sending you love and courage so that you will dare to take the last steps into the light. Lovingly, Sananda. » Source – Channel: Ann Dahlberg – Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #6054 Our One Truth, June 22, 2017 God said: Beloveds, I gave you My troth. We are betrothed. I give it to you now. We are Truth. The Truth is that We are One. Beloveds, it isn’t so much that you are to trust Me. From the world view, how can you trust Me, rely on Me, depend upon Me when, at any moment, something untoward and inexplicable can happen to you in the blink of an eye? From the world view, somehow, somewhere, when you expect it or when you don’t, in whatever manner it may occur, your body will lie down, and it is bye-bye for you -- as you may see it. Yeah, you feel certain that you can trust Me about about your body’s dying all right! You can count on Me for that. It will inevitably happen. How and when, you don’t know. You do know that a moment will come when a seeming Big Hand out of the Sky will whisk you away. The cause of your death can be unknown. There can be no rhyme nor reason, and still you will not live in your body forever, so you have heard, and, so there you are. Even as a young child, you caught onto the meaning of what is called death. At the same time that death -- this closing of your eyes and your ceasing to breathe --is inevitably yours, you can’t quite believe it. It just seems eerie, not real at all. Not your death. No, not yours. Furthermore, you may be the finest person in the world all your Life, and, still, even as the miracle of adjudged death reaches out for you, you may feel you are singled out for a disastrous end. The idea of death has throttled the Life out of you. No matter who you are in the world, something is going to topple you over. Neither wealth nor poverty will exempt you from this fate. Beautiful or not beautiful -- makes no difference. Young or old, the same. Before you were born, you were given a death sentence and not told when. Nevertheless, as you feel chagrined about death and equally chagrined about Life Itself, you may cry out to Me: “God, I am not ready to let go. It is too soon. God, don’t let me go. God, still too soon -- Ka Boom! for this which is called death to get me.” You might further say to Me: “God, some moments, I do feel Your good intentions. Some moments, I feel Your Love reaching me, and Your Love raises me high, and almost I trust, almost I dare trust. Nevertheless, almost doesn’t pay the bills. Almost doesn’t save lives. Almost hasn’t stopped strife and war. Unbelievably, Beauty and Love and cruel wars coexist. I wish I didn’t mind all that goes on in the world, but, Oh, God, I do. Life in the world is worrisome. Still I want it. Let me keep it. I have no objection to being in Paradise, yet must death be a requirement for it?” Oh, yes, so deeply do you plea. I, God, look deeply into your eyes and say to you straight out: Dear Ones, no, death, as you perceive it, is not a requirement. If our Troth were known, you would know you are in Paradise right now. Even all your Life, even in your moment of letting go of Earth, even in the moment referred to as visited by death, you can know without doubt that there is more to you than meets the eye. Beloved Ones of Mine, does a flower die the moment when it reaches Full-Bloom? Beloveds, when an Ocean ebbs or when an Ocean reaches High Tide, is either one or the other death? Beloved Children, when the Ugly Duckling becomes a Full-Grown Swan, is he experiencing death? A transition from one state to another does not toll death. It tolls Life. Beloveds, there is no death. Hear Me, there is only Life. Hear Me once and for all. There is no death. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Jesus: The Intent and the Decision to Go Within
John Smallman As you all know, readers and listeners to these and other inspiring and uplifting channeled messages, enormous changes are in progress now as humanity enters the final stages of the awakening process. It has been a long journey for you to return to your point of departure, the place you never left, at peace, in joy, and at One with God. There is nowhere else, therefore you could be nowhere else, and yet it has seemed that you are far, far removed from that state, your natural and eternal state. When you awaken from the dream you will be amazed, no astonished, at how close to Home, to Source, to Mother/Father/God that you have remained during these apparent eons of separation. Utter joy will wash away and dissolve all your doubts, fears, and the attendant pain and suffering, leaving not a trace of them. You do not need to remember what you have been experiencing throughout all these unreal and pain-filled life times, and you will choose not to distract yourselves with ancient memories from the utter joy of being at Home in the Oneness that is All That Exists. Words are a completely inadequate form of communication to use here, as also are pictures of the Heavenly state that you might be able to dream up. Just rest assured that on awakening you will want for nothing and that you will not be seeking anything because you have A L L, and because you are A L L, and that is the state of infinite perfection from which you arose at the moment of your creation. If you think that this is too hard too believe, you are right! Believing is not very helpful, you need to know! And when you awaken you will know, and all doubts will be gone in the glory of the moment of your awakening. You are all the beloved children of God, and your place is eternally at One with Him. You never left, you could never leave, you just imagined that you had. And, as powerful divine beings, your imagination enabled you to construct an illusory physical environment in which you were able to very realistically imagine a state of separation from Source, an intensely painful state because all that you are was then hidden from you, by your own choice. Being lost within the illusion you built has seemingly been a very long and very wearying event. Within the illusion the word “event” is used to describe an occurrence of short duration, and truly the illusion itself is an “event.” It lasted but an instant and was over. But, as with your human memories, you can and did choose to relive it and relive it and relive it! Now is the moment to cease doing that. Again, as your human lives have so often shown you, recalling memories of pain and suffering can make them appear very real again in the moment of recall, even though in that moment they are not occurring, let alone re-occurring! They just seem real. Many have undergone psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy to release painful memories that keep replaying in their minds, causing great pain. Memories are a two edged sword, wonderful for happy events and experiences, intensely painful for memories involving suffering. That is one of the many reasons that you are encouraged to live in the “now moment,” the only real time there is. Going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary, and inviting and allowing Love to embrace you places you in that “now moment” from which pain and suffering are excluded purely by reason of your intent to experience only Love, your natural and eternal state of being. As you become a regular attendant at your inner sanctuary you will find that the Love and the peace that you experience there will become more pervasive in your daily human lives. As a result conflict and painful disagreement will happen less frequently, until you find that you are nearly always at peace, and in that state engaging only lovingly with others, and with whatever situation may arise. The intent and the decision to go within daily is also the decision to awaken from the dream. It may appear to take a long time because you are conditioned to changes in attitude and behavior taking time, but once that decision has been taken and acted upon,then you have in fact awoken. However, it most likely seems to you that you have not, that you are still operating within the illusion as the human being you were experiencing yourself as before you made that choice. That is, time, one of the illusory aspects of physicality, still flows, moment to moment, and, as a human who has chosen to enter the illusion to assist in humanity’s awakening process, you too will be experiencing the flow of time. But, you are feeling more at peace, and the guilty sense of shoulds and musts is becoming far less vociferous, far less noisy, and you are finding it easier to engage satisfactorily and lovingly with your daily life. You are in fact in the process of awakening, and that is definitely reason to rejoice and celebrate. This moment was divinely planned eons of time ago! And it happened then, instantly! But, because you are free – just as you were created, and as you always remain – and because you chose to engage with and enter the illusion, therefore, until you make the choice and the intent to awaken, you will remain deluded and confused by the illusory environment in which it seems that you have your existence, for as long as you choose to remain in that state. Many of you think that you made that choice recently or a few decades ago, but if you are not awake – if you were awake you would K N O W it – then you did not set the intent. It has to be set daily, and then you have to “walk your talk” and live and engage with your daily lives only lovingly, and then – as has become a bit of a mantra in the self-help movement – “Fake it till you make it.” That generally proves difficult for you because your egos keep drawing to your attention the pain and suffering worldwide plus your own memories of the pain and suffering you have undergone. All who enter the illusion as humans experience suffering, because to separate from Source, God, is to suffer! But most of you are not now, in this present moment, undergoing that suffering, it occurred eons ago! Let go of painful memories, they do not serve you and never have, they just encourage you to prepare for the worst . . . and then that is what you experience! That was why you built the illusion in the first place, to experience the worst . . . SEPARATION. Enough already! So go within daily, even if only for a moment or two. That’s all it takes to have Love, which is always present awaiting your opening to It, embrace you and bring you peace and the accompanying knowing that you are, in every moment, divinely loved and cherished by your heavenly Father. He is Love and He wants you to know and feel this because He created you for eternal joy without interruption. Intend to awaken and be consciously aware once more that you are, and always will be, One with Him. Your loving brother, Jesus. » Source – Channel: John Smallman Solstice Message, June 2017The Council of Radiant Light, through Ailia Mira The Solstice Energy is always furthering you being you. You might think of solar energy in general as always being about your identity in individuated consciousness. The Solstice, then, amplifies that energy and with that you can tune into a clearer and more whole sense of self. The real you. The core energy signature of all that you are. It matters not if it is the winter or the summer solstice, when the solstice alignment occurs, you have clear, easy, direct access to knowing yourself more fully. We would suggest over the next few days and as a celebration of your divine light and sovereignty, you might focus deeply on appreciating you! You might decide to notice you and pay more attention to your sense of self. Pay special attention to what gives you the feeling of you, “being in your element.” Being in your element is you being in alignment, and in situations and circumstances which you may have created and/or which you have allowed to unfold, which give you expansive, joyful, free opportunities to fully express yourself. This kind of self-expression is profoundly satisfying and feels natural, elegant and in those moments your spirit soars. All is well and you know it! These are the moments to live for and living skillfully is bringing them about more often. Learn what brings forth your joy! Discover what gives you the most blissful expansive feelings of happiness! Notice what relationship to yourself liberates you - find how to free yourself to know bliss. Then choose the things that light you up with love and expansive clarity. Choose to live an authentic life and express yourself freely. This is living in higher consciousness. In higher consciousness all paths lead to divine expression, which is simply a poetic, spiritual way of say - you being you! Truly, purely, fully - without hesitation, filtering, diminishing. You moment to moment following your spirit and expressing the beauty and uniqueness that is you, as inspired and flowing, here. The shift in consciousness happening in the world now is opening up insight and knowing that you are eternal consciousness in an embodied form, capable of creating through consciousness. A remembering of your capacities - you are powerful, eternal, infinite and free. Knowing this, feeling this and learning to live oriented to this identity is the first step in living in higher consciousness. Begin here, now. Use this week, today, this moment, to feel more of who you truly are, and allow yourself, with love and generosity, to tune to that, to flow that, to be that. Be you! Happy Solstice! We are complete. We are the Council of Radiant Light. by Ron Head The Council – Include Yourself There is a wonderful song title that we love, “What If God Were One of Us?” We would change it a little, hoping that we do not offend its authors. We would have it be “What If God Were All of Us?” Does it surprise you to have us tell you that it expresses truth? That is because God, or Creator, or Source, or whatever you choose to call the Divine, has become All That Is. Now, All That Is means All That Is. It means everyone that is. It means all those you love and all those you don’t even want to be around. It means all those you will never come into contact with. This is not a difficult thing to understand, and most will not have any trouble agreeing with it – intellectually. Practicing the living it implies is a bit harder for some, impossible for others. The reasons for that are myriad and longstanding. They are learned from others and passed down through generations. They are, without exception, based in fear and the belief in a limited supply of whatever has value to the one in fear. “If he has some of that, there will be less for me.” “I don’t know what tomorrow may be like, so I need as much as I can get.” And the lessons regarding that have been taught forever. Some have even learned them. But that is not the message we wish to convey today. So, we ask you to once again ponder “What If God Were All of Us?” Now let us ask you this, when you were considering that question, who was included in your mind? Most of you will say that he was, she was, they were. Most would sincerely mean ‘all of them’. Questioned closer, some would admit to having reservations about certain groups or individuals. But again, that is not the message here. We ask you this: Did you include yourself? Did “What If God Were All of Us” include you? And further, do you treat yourself as that? Do you honor your own life as That Life? Most of you are familiar with the quote “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. And your minds always jump to the neighbor in the instruction. Few ever consider the ‘self’ that is mentioned. But do you understand that however you treat any part of the All is how you are treating the All? Because it is, after all, The All. And you are also a part of it, do you see? So are your children, even when they test you. So is your partner in life, if you have one. Now, we are not saying that you must like everything they do. Do you like everything that you do? We think that there are some days that you don’t even want to be in your own company. Love you anyway. There are jerks on your planet. Love them anyway. Don’t invite them to dinner. Just make it a habit to see that they are “One of Us” even though they obviously don’t know it themselves. See them as that, even though they do not. And most importantly, see yourself as that, even though the impossibility has become ingrained in you. When the voice in your head says “Sure, but that can’t mean me!” Tell it to sit down and shut up. Be more interested in what your heart feels about it than in what has been taught to you by your societies. When you can do that, the rest will come as a matter of course. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that's me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: The Council – Who Is Looking Out Through Your Eyes? by Ron Head The Council – Who Is Looking Out Through Your Eyes? You are a very complex being. You are, in fact, multidimensional. That is something that you will, or perhaps will not, experience soon. But, in the meantime, perhaps we may show you a little something. Our question for you today is, who is looking out through your eyes? Is it the person who is being made late because of the rain on the streets? Or is it the person who sees the life and love that is nourishing the flowers and trees? Do you see an unsightly mess on the corner lot? Or do you imagine the beautiful new addition that is being added to the neighborhood? Is there a screaming toddler interrupting your peace? Or is there a loving mother rushing to the rescue? In each case, both of those perceivers are within you. Which one have you chosen to be? We will tell you that no great struggle is necessary for you make that choice. You are the one simply because you have made that choice over and over again. You may at any time choose to make the other – over and over again. If you are living in the future – “oh this will be so hard to do” – then it will be as you imagine it. If you are here and now, there is only one simple thing to do. The future will take care of itself. In the present, there is no worry. Worry only exists in a future that is informed by the past. Fear is living a future informed by the past. So, what is the easiest way to be in the present? If you are in gratitude, it means that you are observing what is present now. Do you see? Yes, you can be thankful for something that was past. Yes, you can be thankful for some imagined future. But the best practice is to be thankful for something, anything, in the now. Be thankful for the air you breathe. There will always be something if you look for it. It is time now for humans to raise their vibration. It was always time, but now is THE time. It is, you might say, time to keep up with the Joneses. Not that you should compare yourself to anyone else, but that you should do what is necessary to put yourself on an upward trajectory. The question is really whether you choose to be living in what has always been, or living in what might be. Because what might be is being transformed into what will surely be, at least for those who choose it. The savior of mankind is here, you see. He is, she is, they are, standing all around you. And they are beginning to wake up to that understanding. As an ‘I’, I can make a difference. As ‘we’, we can make all the difference. And they are beginning to see that they cannot change him, cannot change her. They can only change. That is what they came to do, and they are doing it. They are remembering who they are. It is very easy to be what you are taught to be, what you are told you are. You may have to rummage around in your inner basement to find any hints of who you really are. But you can begin by being the one who sees the flowers, who hears the birds, who lives in a world that is your own personal best world. And let tomorrow figure out how it can be better. You are who you are, where you are. You are enough. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that's me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #6038 Choose Gold, Beloveds., June 6, 2017 God said: Refrain from asking: “What is the meaning?” This includes: “What is the meaning of this great blessing?” This includes: “What is the meaning of this great tragedy?” The meaning is Life. The meaning is variable: This is how you saw this episode at this moment in this imagined place and time. Later on, you may see a different meaning. Beloveds, why do you have to know? An inquiring mind is not always a blessed mind. Whatever you learn from an experience, you learned it. What you make of it is another thing. Anyway, the experience is past. You don’t have to grasp the experience tightly between your teeth. Let the past go also means to let go of your having to find a meaning in it. The meaning is it happened once upon a time. You grew from it to a certain measure, whether you can identify the meaning or the measure of it or not. What if I told you that every experience holds a benefit for you regardless. Every ache, every pain, was looking out for you. Not only the ideal wished-for experiences are blessings. This seems far-fetched to you. If you could see into Infinity, you wouldn’t even think of a question to ask. Questions are not always such a great thing. Here’s one meaning: Be glad you are alive in this passage on Earth and can have experiences whether you judge them as good or not so good or very very bad. Experience is experience. Living Life is living Life. In one sense, it can be said that there is no meaning that you have to assign to anything. The meaning is the experience itself. Of course, you interpret the meaning. It is undoubtedly one meaning out of a possible one hundred meanings. We can go so far as to say: The meaning is what you attribute to it. This is the meaning you go by, at least for a while. The meaning you assign to it is what you go by. Whether someone is a friend or a foe is rather a decision you make. True or false, you make it. The decision didn’t fall out of the sky. Something pleased you, or something displeased you. You yourself are the scale you weigh Life on and the scale you weigh people on. You assign a number. You decide you are glad or sad or angry. In fact, your interpretation is a painting you paint. You choose the colors. You choose fire-engine red or a lovely rose color. In the final analysis, you are the chooser of your Life as you see it. Choose gold, beloveds. It’s there. Cast not out friends because your mind landed on hard feelings. You make your feelings hard. No one else can enter your mind and make these decisions for you. Admit to the possibility that you can choose amiss. Admit that you are not always the hero. You can also be the anti-hero, predicated on your glance and perhaps what you wanted to find. Haven’t you sometimes looked for a grudge to hold or a past friend to be done with? There is a stage play that goes on in your mind. Despite what you ordinarily call reality, this stage play exists in your mind. If you are the friend thrown away, this is also your scenario. What other people may think or do is your opinion. Beloveds, there is no “out there.” There is only within. Within you is the only place where your story unfolds. This is how there can be a thousand different versions colored in by your eyes. Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 |
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