"FEEL the FLOW as you GO"We give all credit for love & positive changes to God"Beyond this life we sense there is a perfection that underpins everything. Beyond even sadness or evil there is a love - that holds it all. And that love knows exactly what is needed... "
"CUZ SOMETIMES WE ALL NEED A BRIDGE", Hartbridge.caBridges come in all shapes & sizes traversing many different challenges, troubled waters, valleys of doubt & despair, & they help us get to our destinations fast & more directly - what great tools they are.
Hartbridge.ca strives to be the bridge for you in every way we can think of spiritually so that you can reach the LOVE that is YOU within & behind the veil - think of this site as a bridge to your heart, but we leave the "e"-go out ! Can’t Meditate? Oh No!
by Lynn A. Robinson August 9, 2018 | 0 Try These Ideas Instead… You have only to pick up a self-help book or glance at a magazine cover to be blasted with the idea that you should MEDITATE NOW. Now, I will be the first one to tell you that having a calm and peaceful mind is very helpful. It enables you to listen to that wise “still, quiet, inner voice” we all want to hear. I will also tell you that I, personally, find meditation is like trying to herd cats. In other words, it’s not easy! Here are my top five favorite alternatives when I’m anxious, moody or simply need to slow down and tune in to Divine wisdom. (And most don’t require sitting still!) Remember To Just BreatheWhen did it become a badge of honor to be “crazy busy?” Life just seems to move at a faster pace than it did a decade or so ago. When and where do you find yourself most stressed out? Is it in traffic driving to or from work? Getting the kids out the door to go to school? Sitting through endless meetings? You know your anxiety zones better than anyone. In any of the above examples, you simply can’t just meditate…so breathe. Stop what you’re doing for just a moment and focus on taking one or two slow, deep breaths. It will calm you down, help you to refocus on what’s important, and allow you to tune into your spirit. Listen To Calming SoundsThink about the sounds that make you feel at peace. For some, it might be birds chirping. Or a stream bubbling. For others, classical or New Age music is their thing. What’s yours? Consider creating a special play list on your computer, phone or other device. When you have a free moment, take the time to listen. Move (Dance, Walk, Run Or…)Here again, this is totally up to you and your own likes and dislikes. One person’s daily run is a Zen moment. For another, the thought of running sounds like torture! What do you love to do that brings you peace and puts you in the zone? It can be as simple as taking a walk during your lunch break. You could practice Tai Chi or yoga. My latest fave is swimming. If you love to dance, think about putting some great tunes one of the aforementioned devices and get your groove on. JournalI like writing in my journal with colored pens and pencils. It just feels more creative that way. One of my favorite techniques is to ask an open-ended question at the top of the page, and then just begin to brainstorm whatever comes to my mind. Doodles, word fragments, images and full sentences flow forth in response to the question. Some good questions? “What do I need to know right now?” “What would bring me peace?” “What could I do to resolve the situation I’m currently struggling with?” Usually by the end of five or ten minutes, I or my intuition have come up with an answer and that makes me feel better. Mindless ActivityWhat are you doing when life slows down for you? Again, this is highly individual. Is knitting your thing? Do you love to do crossword puzzles? Coloring, especially mandalas, is an activity that has gained popularity in recent years. You could also just sit and stare out the window. Or simply close your eyes. You could make yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea and sit in your backyard or in a nearby park. One technique I like is simply to rest my head on a pillow and imagine that all my worries and fears are being absorbed. Think about a time in the recent past that you felt relaxed. What were you doing? I recommend doing more of that in the near future! Guided MeditationI know I only said “five tips” at the beginning of this column. But if you really do want to meditate and are having a tough time with it, consider downloading one of the many guided meditation apps. I find it much easier when there’s a soothing voice helping me keep my focus. Try it for five minutes at a time. Work up to more if you feel like it. However, there’s a lot of research that shows just a few minutes each day of deliberately slowing down does wonders for depression, anxiety and insomnia. Not to mention that it’s good for your intuition, too! Here are the three I like: Headspace Calm 10% Happier What are YOUR favorite techniques? I’d love to hear about them! |
Give any worries or concerns about your career, Divine purpose, or spiritual path to the angels, who are ready to support and guide you in all ways.
RELEASE ! Ultimately, your strength is determined by what you are able to release rather than what you choose to hold. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley, TheCreatorWritings.com
When you release you are more able to know the love that you already are, bring in even more light, send out more light to others & to recognize the light/love that is already there all around you causing it to expand more as you give it your attention. To release the old you make way/room for the new. It helps not only you but all that is!
Jennifer Farley, TheCreatorWritings.com
When you release you are more able to know the love that you already are, bring in even more light, send out more light to others & to recognize the light/love that is already there all around you causing it to expand more as you give it your attention. To release the old you make way/room for the new. It helps not only you but all that is!
The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting. The more joyful you are, the more Well-being flows to you — and you get to choose the details of how it flows
"Each one lead one, each one teach one", Lady Magdalene
Anything you do to overcome or prevent, causes a spotlight on the very thing you are wanting to overcome and prevent. You cannot take enough action to compensate for the Energy that you're flowing. ---Abraham
Trinity Esoterics- Archangel Gabriel Message - by Shelley Young
Dear Ones, as you move forward on your enlightenment journey and start to play in earnest with the energies of creation, we suggest you shift from focusing on what you want to deciding what you choose. “I want” comes with the idea that you are limited, separated from what you desire, and hoping for something to be doled out to you. “I choose” is claiming your right and intention to move into whatever it is you wish to experience, understanding everything is fully available to you. Can you feel the difference? One has somewhat of a feeling of powerlessness, the other is a full expression of your authentic power and your complete ability to co-create. What do you choose today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot become more complete than the perfectly imperfect perfection you already are, you can only "remember" who you already are & rid the ego-lies/chatter that tells you otherwise. You are already truly amazing, multidimensional, God-like, perfect love within. You are not broken or missing anything- it is all within, thinly veiled from your awareness by a society & egoic mind that screams at you to conform... DON'T - instead BE TRUE TO YOURSELF & realize that you are made from pure love. Focus intently on LOVE in this NOW MOMENT! This is a journey that takes time- a marathon not a sprint

ANGELIC AWAKENINGS. This amazing new book from Jill Michelle will change your life! If you are already well along on your spiritual path it will crystalize concepts for you. The first time I picked it up I read 160pages in one sitting & couldn't wait to get back to it- by the way I hate to read & I am endorsing this book, heartily or perhaps in my case "Hartily" of my own free will . Do yourself a huge favour & get this book!!! www.jillmichelle.ca
The book is written in a very easy to read style & Jill is a very relatable person. She holds nothing back & you are left with the feeling that is intended- that you too can have an incredible relationship with God & the Angels & it is true, you can. There is so much love in this book!
The first part of the book will get your own heart jazzed as Jill walks you through various experiences in her life & your own faith will get a massive booster shot! The second half is more practical as Jill walks us through the how-to's of many different techniques that have proven successful as well as explaining many spiritual concepts along the way. For anyone who has tried to make sense of spiritual information out there on the web Jill's explanations will be a wonderfully refreshing explanation that allows you to feel so much more confident in your own walk.
This book is a "gem"! If you read it it will definitely help you on your ascension path & the many around you will benefit tremendously from your raised vibration & greater clarity! We all win!
The book is written in a very easy to read style & Jill is a very relatable person. She holds nothing back & you are left with the feeling that is intended- that you too can have an incredible relationship with God & the Angels & it is true, you can. There is so much love in this book!
The first part of the book will get your own heart jazzed as Jill walks you through various experiences in her life & your own faith will get a massive booster shot! The second half is more practical as Jill walks us through the how-to's of many different techniques that have proven successful as well as explaining many spiritual concepts along the way. For anyone who has tried to make sense of spiritual information out there on the web Jill's explanations will be a wonderfully refreshing explanation that allows you to feel so much more confident in your own walk.
This book is a "gem"! If you read it it will definitely help you on your ascension path & the many around you will benefit tremendously from your raised vibration & greater clarity! We all win!
Why do you try so hard to fit in, when you were born to STAND OUT!
This short little inspirational video from Sonny Davis says it pretty well - love what you do! We've heard it over & over again (for a reason) & I think I've included it here as I am probably pleading with myself not to give up. I believe that whenever I feel that way, that others are as well. I know that I have tried seemingly everything else & it left me with a void continually. I've finally found IT - or at least I have experienced it in moments of unbelievable happiness & bliss with a kind of overwhelming love beyond words... but then it dissipates or even goes away completely only to return again & again. This section, indeed this entire site & all that it puts forth is about helping you & I both to discover, enjoy & firmly entrench within self, all of those TOOLS which powerfully embody, illustrate, paint, & prod us into a more & more continual state of BEING LOVE.
It's all about free will, resonating, & sharing as we go. Please share this site & its messages of LOVE with all- we ALL WIN |
You gotta be outta your mind to be in LOVE Hartbridge.ca
Jill Michelle - Intuitive Life Coach; "the Angel Lady" guides people in their lives through private angel readings.
SHE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - YOU'LL KNOW IT IMMEDIATELY!!! [email protected], www.jillmichelle.ca

GOD GIVES YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR PROJECT - Whatever you might be missing in your tool bag perhaps we have it here or at least we may know where to find it - where you left it...
Have you checked your tool box or bag lately - maybe you ought to have a look INSIDE...
We have the infinite knowledge & experience available to us, but we are caused also to need each other as well as our angel friends & guides - it can be pretty confusing. We also sometimes need some help how to fix things with the tools we have - we can download instructions for everything free from the grid... There's plans, instructions & we've got a "Forum" right here where you can ask your questions too!
Together with some divine TLC we can fix any problem & build anything! Git er dun!
Have you checked your tool box or bag lately - maybe you ought to have a look INSIDE...
We have the infinite knowledge & experience available to us, but we are caused also to need each other as well as our angel friends & guides - it can be pretty confusing. We also sometimes need some help how to fix things with the tools we have - we can download instructions for everything free from the grid... There's plans, instructions & we've got a "Forum" right here where you can ask your questions too!
Together with some divine TLC we can fix any problem & build anything! Git er dun!
If one does not go within, one goes without. Inner LOVE is our mission;, for you to thrive! ...only as you're willing- Hartbridge.ca
Check out our new Epiphanies page & The Forum for other tools & tips to keep you strong & centred... it's just starting so return to it often
![]() We need to involve all the laws in the universe not just the law of attraction. Everything is connected & perfect in its design -one cannot acheive their purpose on one without the other. We must achieve that perfect balance of Yin Yang for example. By omitting or having an unbalanced focus on other laws we ourselves are unbalanced or not in complete alignment with the universe - our effectiveness is diminished. Take Love for example -without true divine love along with us on our journey we are out of sync with GOD & CANNOT see as He sees all. This tools section will explore along with our ART, blogs, articles & future books???, the various ways of strengthening our journey.
We are well-endowed with all we need by God, but we must have seeking hearts, intent, purpose & commitment & we need each other The above Mega pixie video may help you to connect with the aspects of you that are multidimensional/ you can access all the aspects of you in any time & experience of the past & modify it. You are eternally now, but your experiences in any time-space are able to be changed. With yourself as the loving consciousness guiding a for example backwards in time journey to your childhood traumas, you are able to show that traumatized child you the unconditional love it needs & healing... So much can change & so much can be learned as well as the observer of all.
Critical Mass = Collective Consciousness. Once enough people in the world get on board with awakening & loving self we will develop a unified consciousness of Oneness - our energies combine whenever we get togther with other like-minded individual- the energies multiply as like attracts like & whatever is focused on expands. If the focus is LOVE that energy is further magnified/magnificent for love is the most powerful of all energies, it is eternal & ever-expanding. As a result love ALWAYS prevails. This can be thought of a the snowball effect like a snowball rolling down a mountain gathering further size & momentum or perhaps breaking apart into further snowballs that act likewise. This is how we (unstoppably)change the world with LOVE. But to do this one must focus on self-love to begin the snowball.
Happy moments: Praise God Difficult moments: Seek God Quiet moments: Worship God Difficult moments: Trust God Every moment: Thank God Awareness of love especially the awareness or delighting in God has an ENORMOUS effect on you, on God's love even & on the consciousness of everyone in the universe & most especially those in your immediate connection/interaction sphere. Our energies mingle & communicate though we are not always consciously aware, but that's what awakening is all about - it is becoming aware! As you are aware of any love energies, that energy expands. You by your consciousness are actually bringing that conscious to life- you take the energies of God's love & by your acceptance in free will, become aware. As you become aware so does that energy start to effect the collective consciousness because we are all connected. The more aware of energy coming in from God & the heaven you are aware of the greater that energy. The more aware of the interaction you are having as love in some capacity with another, the more that effect is amplified for the both of you & also into the general collective consciousness of all. It is your awakening to love that is awakening humanity to love. This is profound & incredible especially in light of the compound effects now occurring on the earth as more awaken & more energy bombards/baths us all. And furthermore that love is eternal & eternally expanding! Wow the floodgates have definitely opened
I love you, I love God, & I love myself! Davo |
Chose to use the energy of love from above & you will relate to feeling great ! Davo at Hartbridge.ca We are energy co-creators & transfer our energies wherever we chose - What will be YOUR LEGACY? Love??? |
From the book "A Coarse in Miracles"
“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”
Take this truth with you as a powerful tool to remember that nothing that comes from a place of FEAR is actually real -it IS illusory & does not actually exist- it is but a false belief in your mind. Find TRUTH by listening to, paying attention to & expanding upon only that which is sourced in LOVE in your heart, for THAT & only THAT IS REAL - LOVE IS ALL. Enjoy your day. Please share this, Davo
Heartmath Inner Balance Sensor & App
This device can help to coach you to acheiving a healthier state. It can be hard to know how you are doing especially in the early days of spiritually tuning in to your body & this app will help that. By acheiving inner balance you will find more wisdom, clarity, peace & effectiveness through your heart in the same ways as meditation & mindfulness. This device will also empower you as it is science in action- it is proven information & the device gives you as see-it-for-yourself/right before your eyes proof of how you are doing It is available through Amazon for varied price ranges |
I AM Affirmations are extremely powerful! (left video)
Repeat affirmations as such raises your awareness, raises your feelings, reduces negativity & attracts more good to yourself. If it is aligned with God's will it becomes more powerful & brings you into further alignment with all that is including your higher self. Everything merges to raise your levels of light more & more as like attracts like. Placing your awareness on greater love raises your level more & more attarcting more & more- a snowball effect will begin to occur! There is NO limit to how great this can get!!! No limit to how good you can feel - it will become an overflowing of your heart & it is at this point that you truly begin to benefit ALL for it is divine will, love, perfection , wisdom & perfect timing that is overflowing to others, nit just your ego-tainted attempts to do good from your own strength. The divine plan will begin to grow within you in which you will become Christ Consciousness to the world |
AFFIRMATIONS are very powerful in helping you awaken & to very much BE AWARE OF THE LOVE THAT IS THERE. They can be like rocket fuel to your awakening process so if you chose to partake, I suggest you fasten your seatbelt!
To empower your affirmations themselves once you see the real power of them, 1)try ASKING ANGELS for further assistances in your list, 2) ADD GRATITUDE, 3) do them more often perhaps with different emphasis at various times of the day or week! Affirmations can change your life. It is VITAL to make then YOURS - your true power shines through all when you are ATHENTIC YOU ENJOY THIS - it is a real GIFT from God & the Universe. Davo! |
I cry at movies and commercials and youtube videos and people hugging at the airport and puppies playing and…well you get the picture. Even though I am not part of the action or in the movie, to the brain it doesn’t matter. The mind will fool our brains because the neural networks of our thinking brain uses past memories to quickly respond to the visual cues.
The reality is that we have more than one mind. And each of these minds has a different experience of what is true. We can influence our mind through suggestion known by medical professionals as the placebo effect. We will believe a pill will make us feel better (e.g., reduce pain and anxiety). The same can be said for hypnosis. Based on the “power of suggestion” we can also use meditatation, visualization, and affirmation to lower stress. Affirmations work in much the same way. Our mind can be tricked into focusing on the positive by actively elevating our thoughts. Dr. Wayne Dyer likes to say, “as you think, so shall you be.” In Yogic philosophy, you become what you think, you create your own reality from the inside. That’s why we can upset ourselves just by entertaining demoralizing thoughts or catastrophizing what can go wrong. Or we can use affirmations to reward our brain into thinking positively about our situation. We can change our story, change our perceptions, and change our life. In other words, the world is not created “out there” and then experienced internally. The universe wants to hear our voice. We can tell ourselves what we want to believe, which in and of itself fools the mind into wanting it and believing it to be real. And our minds will find a way to make it happen (because it thinks it has). This is the difference between living from a philosophy of “I believe it when I see it” versus “I see it when I believe it.” Affirmations simply work! Pick one of these each day for the next 21 days and say it to yourself all day long, write it down, email it to yourself, post it up on your mirror. Surround yourself with the positive vibration of each affirmation one day at a time See for yourself that affirmations are what yoga talks about in harnessing the power of our intentions and directing them in the direction of our best selves and our happiest lives. Love your day, love yourself, love your life! Silvia |
...Fear is an illusion it's not real, there's only LOVE
Whatever efforts you put into spirituality are worthwhile - love is eternal & you carry the love with you (unlike fear & the material world) It is worth diving into the past messages & rereading or watching videos again- you continually learn something new! Repetition helps to deepen convictions & strengthen neural pathways. It takes a minimum of 3x repeated to really retain something & that is another reason why affirmations are effective when repeated. And as a bonus it is all time spent in love rather than fear energy - consequently you are raising your vibration all the while & so y=what you are attracting improves!
AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE? Well there's probably one more thing you haven't tried yet...LET GO of the rope. The rope is any issue usually tethered to a root fear or ego thought . We have etheric cords created in the same areas your thoughts may indicate- attachments to the familiar, what we "know" from society, our education, our past ways & from associations of certain experiences to fearful outcomes. You are an evolving being of love. Love will support you if you let go. Ask the angels to assist you. Recognize that letting go of one thing is a chance to discover something new & wonderful. When one door closes, another opens. However, as long as you keep your foot on first base you can never run free & reach second base! LETTING GO, although seemingly terrifying in the moment is an opportunity to find new faith, to grow, & discover the magnificent support of the universe.
Chakra Cleansing- Made Simple
Melanie Beckler - Ask-Angels.com
Cleansing the 7 ChakrasYou’re probably familiar with the concept of chakras. They’re the energy centers in the body that align with the spine, each one governing various organs or regions of the body. In this post, I’ll give you a good overview of what they are and what they do, but, more than that, I’ll teach you exactly how you can clear your chakras for yourself!
How can knowing about the seven chakras help you?Eastern belief systems and philosophies tell us that throughout our bodies there are areas where nerves, veins, and arteries are most dense, where our vital life force is more concentrated. These are chakras. Of these, there are seven major chakras beginning at the base of the spine and running to the crown of the head. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, and that’s exactly how these bundles function, as a wheel or disk of energy in the body.
Each chakra has its own name and color vibration, and regions of the body that they influence. Our thoughts and emotions impact the chakras and likewise a blockage in one or more chakra can have an impact on how we feel and what we think.
In order to cleanse your chakras, you have to know a little bit about them.
Understanding the 7 ChakrasThe Chakras Governing the Physical BodyRoot ChakraThis chakra relates to where you get your sense of belonging from. Your ability to feel secure, to feel that you can survive and you have a solid foundation to rely on all stem from the energy in this chakra. Located at the base of your spine, when the root chakra is open you feel stable, secure, safe, and fearless. Some of the emotional stressors that block the root chakra include financial stress, worry about food or eating habits, and discord within the family. Its color is red.
Sacral ChakraThis chakra relates to your relationships and how you respond to others and new experiences. It’s located just below your navel; the sacral chakra is the center of your creativity and sexuality. When it’s open, your creative expression is at its highest and you integrate new experiences easily. You have a strong sense of well-being and pleasure. A major stressor that tends to block this chakra is when we live with a belief in scarcity. Its color is orange.
Solar Plexus ChakraThis chakra relates to your confidence and your sense of control in life. In short, it’s your source of personal power. The solar plexus is the area just under the rib cage and when this chakra is open you have a strong sense of worthiness and self-esteem. The voice of your negative inner critic is this chakras worst enemy. Its color is yellow.
The Link between the Physical and the SpiritualHeart ChakraThis chakra relates to your ability to love. Its physically located in the center of the seven chakras and part of its purpose is to link the more physical lower chakras with the upper three that deal primary with spirit. It is both physical and spiritual and is your source of connection and love. Located just above the heart, when it is open you feel great joy and peace. When you are grieving, depressed, or feeling alone, the heart chakra is likely to be blocked. Its color is green.
When the first four chakras are open and flowing, it is much easier to open the last three more fully – thus connecting to your fullest potential.
The Chakras Governing the Spiritual BodyThroat ChakraThis chakra is connected to your ability to communicate and to listen. Located in the throat area, when this chakra is open you’re able to speak your highest truth and honesty comes easily. If you find that you’re frequently in situations where you can’t speak up for yourself or be honest with yourself or others, the throat chakra is likely being impacted. Its color is blue.
Third Eye ChakraThis chakra relates to being able to see the big picture and focus. It is the center of your intuitive self. The more you listen to your intuition the more this chakra will open and the more intuitive sensations you’ll receive; a wonderful cycle of flow within your life. Located between the eyebrows, when the third eye chakra is open grace, wisdom, and imagination are all strong with you. Stressors that influence this chakra include feeling stuck and unable to make life decisions, and not trusting yourself. Its color is indigo.
Crown ChakraThis chakra relates to your connection to spirit, to God. It is the chakra of enlightenment and when fully open your sense of connection to your higher self and the Divine is strong and guides your life effortlessly. It’s located at the very top of your head and stressors that impact the crown chakra include feelings of isolation and not being able to find the good in situations. Its color is violet, almost white.
Awareness for Alignment and Health
Your chakras open and close regularly. More stable than your moods, but similar affected by events in your daily life. Illness can result when one or more of your chakras remains closed for a prolonged period of time. Chakra work is emotional work. When your thoughts and emotions are habituated toward the negative, your chakras will close and life will not flow as easily.
For body/mind/spirit integration and a feeling of wholeness or peace, it’s important to keep energy flowing – in your life and in your body.
It’s so important to bring your awareness to your physical body on a regular basis. If you can, spend five minutes a day to do a quick body scan. Where are you feeling pain? What are you feeling emotionally? What have you been thinking about? The answers to these questions will tell you which chakra needs attention.
Then, spend time visualizing the affected chakra. You can imagine it as a wheel or disk, spinning smoothly and perfectly in the appropriate area of the body, or as an orb of light brightly glowing within. You can imagine the gunk that’s blocking a chakra spinning out and releasing so that it’s color begins to glow brighter, stronger, and more radiantly than before. Even just two minutes a day will make a big difference in how life moves through you and how you move through life.
DIY Chakra CleansingCleansing your chakras is an ideal way to un-stick your blocked energy and to get it freely flowing. It’s ideal because you can do it yourself, it’s beneficial for your overall system regardless of disease, and it’s incredibly powerful and effective as well.
Before we go on, I need to bust a chakra myth: no one has 100% clear open chakras 100% of the time. Our aim is not an unrealistic perfection. Our chakras open and close constantly, largely in response to external stimulus. It’s natural and therefore important not to become fixated on whether or not one or more chakras are closed.
The problem comes when we let our environment, thought and emotion patterns, habits, and beliefs muddy our energy system. Holding on to negative feelings, regularly eating bad foods, and constantly judging others are just a few of the ways that our chakra system gets clogged. Chronic clogging then leads to disease.
You can see why cleansing your chakras is an important self-healing practice.
Benefits of chakra cleansing are numerous:
There are several methods you can follow to cleanse your chakras, but I have a few favorite meditations that I find to be easy, quick, and very effective. I encourage you to adapt these mediations to your own needs. It’s important that you follow your intuition and learn to trust that you know what you need.
Chakra Cleansing Method One
Melanie Beckler - Ask-Angels.com
Cleansing the 7 ChakrasYou’re probably familiar with the concept of chakras. They’re the energy centers in the body that align with the spine, each one governing various organs or regions of the body. In this post, I’ll give you a good overview of what they are and what they do, but, more than that, I’ll teach you exactly how you can clear your chakras for yourself!
How can knowing about the seven chakras help you?Eastern belief systems and philosophies tell us that throughout our bodies there are areas where nerves, veins, and arteries are most dense, where our vital life force is more concentrated. These are chakras. Of these, there are seven major chakras beginning at the base of the spine and running to the crown of the head. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, and that’s exactly how these bundles function, as a wheel or disk of energy in the body.
Each chakra has its own name and color vibration, and regions of the body that they influence. Our thoughts and emotions impact the chakras and likewise a blockage in one or more chakra can have an impact on how we feel and what we think.
In order to cleanse your chakras, you have to know a little bit about them.
Understanding the 7 ChakrasThe Chakras Governing the Physical BodyRoot ChakraThis chakra relates to where you get your sense of belonging from. Your ability to feel secure, to feel that you can survive and you have a solid foundation to rely on all stem from the energy in this chakra. Located at the base of your spine, when the root chakra is open you feel stable, secure, safe, and fearless. Some of the emotional stressors that block the root chakra include financial stress, worry about food or eating habits, and discord within the family. Its color is red.
Sacral ChakraThis chakra relates to your relationships and how you respond to others and new experiences. It’s located just below your navel; the sacral chakra is the center of your creativity and sexuality. When it’s open, your creative expression is at its highest and you integrate new experiences easily. You have a strong sense of well-being and pleasure. A major stressor that tends to block this chakra is when we live with a belief in scarcity. Its color is orange.
Solar Plexus ChakraThis chakra relates to your confidence and your sense of control in life. In short, it’s your source of personal power. The solar plexus is the area just under the rib cage and when this chakra is open you have a strong sense of worthiness and self-esteem. The voice of your negative inner critic is this chakras worst enemy. Its color is yellow.
The Link between the Physical and the SpiritualHeart ChakraThis chakra relates to your ability to love. Its physically located in the center of the seven chakras and part of its purpose is to link the more physical lower chakras with the upper three that deal primary with spirit. It is both physical and spiritual and is your source of connection and love. Located just above the heart, when it is open you feel great joy and peace. When you are grieving, depressed, or feeling alone, the heart chakra is likely to be blocked. Its color is green.
When the first four chakras are open and flowing, it is much easier to open the last three more fully – thus connecting to your fullest potential.
The Chakras Governing the Spiritual BodyThroat ChakraThis chakra is connected to your ability to communicate and to listen. Located in the throat area, when this chakra is open you’re able to speak your highest truth and honesty comes easily. If you find that you’re frequently in situations where you can’t speak up for yourself or be honest with yourself or others, the throat chakra is likely being impacted. Its color is blue.
Third Eye ChakraThis chakra relates to being able to see the big picture and focus. It is the center of your intuitive self. The more you listen to your intuition the more this chakra will open and the more intuitive sensations you’ll receive; a wonderful cycle of flow within your life. Located between the eyebrows, when the third eye chakra is open grace, wisdom, and imagination are all strong with you. Stressors that influence this chakra include feeling stuck and unable to make life decisions, and not trusting yourself. Its color is indigo.
Crown ChakraThis chakra relates to your connection to spirit, to God. It is the chakra of enlightenment and when fully open your sense of connection to your higher self and the Divine is strong and guides your life effortlessly. It’s located at the very top of your head and stressors that impact the crown chakra include feelings of isolation and not being able to find the good in situations. Its color is violet, almost white.
Awareness for Alignment and Health
Your chakras open and close regularly. More stable than your moods, but similar affected by events in your daily life. Illness can result when one or more of your chakras remains closed for a prolonged period of time. Chakra work is emotional work. When your thoughts and emotions are habituated toward the negative, your chakras will close and life will not flow as easily.
For body/mind/spirit integration and a feeling of wholeness or peace, it’s important to keep energy flowing – in your life and in your body.
It’s so important to bring your awareness to your physical body on a regular basis. If you can, spend five minutes a day to do a quick body scan. Where are you feeling pain? What are you feeling emotionally? What have you been thinking about? The answers to these questions will tell you which chakra needs attention.
Then, spend time visualizing the affected chakra. You can imagine it as a wheel or disk, spinning smoothly and perfectly in the appropriate area of the body, or as an orb of light brightly glowing within. You can imagine the gunk that’s blocking a chakra spinning out and releasing so that it’s color begins to glow brighter, stronger, and more radiantly than before. Even just two minutes a day will make a big difference in how life moves through you and how you move through life.
DIY Chakra CleansingCleansing your chakras is an ideal way to un-stick your blocked energy and to get it freely flowing. It’s ideal because you can do it yourself, it’s beneficial for your overall system regardless of disease, and it’s incredibly powerful and effective as well.
Before we go on, I need to bust a chakra myth: no one has 100% clear open chakras 100% of the time. Our aim is not an unrealistic perfection. Our chakras open and close constantly, largely in response to external stimulus. It’s natural and therefore important not to become fixated on whether or not one or more chakras are closed.
The problem comes when we let our environment, thought and emotion patterns, habits, and beliefs muddy our energy system. Holding on to negative feelings, regularly eating bad foods, and constantly judging others are just a few of the ways that our chakra system gets clogged. Chronic clogging then leads to disease.
You can see why cleansing your chakras is an important self-healing practice.
Benefits of chakra cleansing are numerous:
- Increases intuitive ability
- Decrease depression
- Increase a sense of lightness and harmony
- Eliminate headaches or any physical manifestation of energy stagnation
- Strengthen your aura
There are several methods you can follow to cleanse your chakras, but I have a few favorite meditations that I find to be easy, quick, and very effective. I encourage you to adapt these mediations to your own needs. It’s important that you follow your intuition and learn to trust that you know what you need.
Chakra Cleansing Method One
- Begin in any meditative posture. This includes sitting cross-legged, sitting in a chair, standing, or lying down.
- Take slow deep breaths without forcing. Breath is a natural healing tool that we have but unfortunately many of us breathe rapidly and shallowly. A few minutes at a slow and steady pace will begin to oxygenate the body and prepare you for the practice. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.
- Do a quick body scan to assess where you are holding tension. You can do this by shifting your awareness over all your body parts, or begin at your toes, squeezing and relaxing your muscles a few times to invite the release of tension.
- Envision a ball of white light above your head. This light represents your connection to the Divine.
- After some time, allow the light to flow down to the crown of your head, resting on your seventh chakra. Allow yourself to feel safe and protected and be fully present with this downward flow.
- On your next inhale repeat silently, “This light cleanses and balances me.” On the exhale repeat, “I release everything that is not needed for my highest and greatest good.”
- Then envision the light flowing down to your third eye chakra. When you are ready, repeat the inhalation and exhalation along with the mantra.
- Continue to envision the light flowing downward, stopping at each chakra.
- When you finish, envision the light covering your entire body, down to your feet. Next envision the released energy gathering into a ball of light in front of you. When all the negative and stagnant energy is gathered, envision the ball rising upward into the heavens to be transformed into universal energy.
- To close the practice, say a prayer of your choosing or express gratitude for the cleansing. Acknowledge the abundance in your life.
- Begin in any meditative posture. This includes sitting cross-legged, sitting in a chair, standing, or lying down.
- Take slow deep breaths without forcing. A few minutes at a slow and steady pace will begin to oxygenate the body and prepare you for the practice. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.
- Begin at the root chakra and imagine it as a spinning sphere of red light. Picture this energy pulsing and expanding, spinning faster. Imagine the red light becoming stronger.
- Spend one minute doing this for each chakra, using the corresponding color for each chakra.
- Next envision a ball of white light above your head. This light is to represent your connection to the Divine.
- Envision this white light flooding downward through all your chakras at once. Imagine a running tap or a waterfall of energy running through each chakra, flooding them. Imagine that any stuck energy is being washed out through your feet.
- Slowly, allow the white light to cleanse and replace the colored light of each chakra until you are left with nothing but pure white light pulsing and spinning strongly through each chakra.
- Allow your intuition to tell you when each chakra is cleansed and when the flow of white light can stop. It can take five, ten, 20, or more minutes. Stay with the meditation as long as it feels right for you.
- At this point, your chakras are wide open. Adjust each chakra to a flow, spin, or radiation that feels comfortable for you. Similar to adjusting a dial, only the goal is also to adjust all the chakras so that they spin in harmony with each other. Allow your intuition guide you toward what setting feels right.
& WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOUR HELP, GUIDANCE & TREMENDOUS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE -...this website, myself & any that assist or provide material are merely "instruments". I pray we are forever humble & grateful! Davo
& WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOUR HELP, GUIDANCE & TREMENDOUS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE -...this website, myself & any that assist or provide material are merely "instruments". I pray we are forever humble & grateful! Davo
We sometimes forget that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and not the other way around. We also completely forget that we have these innate super powers within us that are all uniquely our own. Each and every person on this planet has a power within them when they cultivate the awareness of what it is and how to use it. Like anything in life you can either ‘use it’ or you ‘lose it’. Here are the top The 8 Intuitive Faculties of Inspired Action that can be activated as soon as you remember how to use them. Note: the more you pay attention to them and feel appreciation, the more these powers will show up when you need them the most. THE POWER OF DISCERNMENTThe discerning intuitive is decisive by nature, and by no means a fence sitter. You can use the power of discernment on an daily basis, if not hourly. Discernment is when you allow yourself to tune into what is the best path or option is to take from a space of FEELING for alignment. For instance, if you are hungry then you turn to your discernment to energetically tune yourself into your decision. You learn how to decide which option is best for you and the most nourishing. Would it be cookies or fruit? What does your discernment tell you is better to nuture your body? Disernment is all about cultivating those intuitive nudges and messages that we are given all day, every day, by the Universe. Power Question: How could you use your discernment today? THE POWER OF HEALINGWhen you’re a healer or a light worker you know it without a shadow of a doubt. Some people might feel a certain type of heat in their hands or a “knowing” that when someone is suffering they have the power to lift their vibration and facilitate the required nurturing back to wellness. The healer has the amazing ability to flow energy from the highest Universal sources into their patience and then back to a state of harmony. In fact, all of us also have the power of self-healing as long as we make sure we take care of our minds, our hearts and our bodies on a daily basis with inspired action. Power Question: What can you begin to heal in your life today? THE POWER OF COMPASSIONThe deeply intuitive empath FEELS EVERYTHING and offers the heart space to display compassion. This beautiful softening energy is an almighty balancing force in the world that is required to uplift others in times of need. The compassionate soul is a true lightworker that doesn’t feel the need to blame and shame or propagate wrongness. Instead, he or she feels the need to illuminate a path of unconditional love no matter what the situation. They hold space for those in need which enriches the energy of humanity. Power Question: Who could you cultivate compassion for today? THE POWER OF LIGHTHEARTEDNESSThe intuitive faculity of lightheartedness is one of pure sunshine and joy. These people know how to NOT make everything about themselves and see the silver lining in any situation. The lighthearted person makes it their mission to laugh a lot and raise the vibration around them with comic relief. They know that life and drama isn’t to be taken seriously, and that elevating human consciousness through being joyful is the key to lasting happiness. Power Question: How can you be more lighthearted today? THE POWER OF REVERENCEDeep, soulful, meaningful reverence is truly beautiful. The person that can conjure the sacred space for people to be reminded of their divinity is truly awe-inspiring. The reverant person knows how to protect and promote the sanctity of spiritual practice. He or she would never stand in judgement, instead they inspire others by walking the talk. Power Question: In what ways could I be more reverent in my life and honor the Divine within? THE POWER OF MANIFESTINGThe power manifestor knows how to use their thoughts and feelings to create their own reality. They understand that everything happens in the etheric realm first, and our role is to catch up by aligning with our desires The power manifestor is an expert at managing their vibrational energy and sparking a constant communion with the Universe though rituals, meditation and the art of surrender. These people know how to imprint the Divine Mind and create their own miracles. Power Question: What am I currently in the process of manifesting based on my thoughts right now? THE POWER OF AWARENESSThe AWARE intutive sees everything that is going on energetcially with people. They understand on a very deep level that there is always more than meets the eye. The people with the most amount of consciousness awareness are those that walk through life without letting fear rule the roost. They choose to see the world thorugh the filter of LOVE and know that most people that are suffering just need to align with a sense of connection to the bigger picture. Awareness is cultivated by truly seeing people for who they are – and that is, beautiful divine, amazing creatures. Power Question: How can I cultivate more awareness and consciousness in my life? THE POWER OF FORGIVENESSThe person that has the power to forgive another for wrongdoings releases the burden from their heart. They free their cells and allow the magic of the Universe to shine through them. Forgiveness is one of the toughest powers to cultivate for a reason because it can sometimes test you to your limits. The forgiving soul is a wise soul. The forgiving soul is a FREE soul that rises above oppression and lives life regardless of the actions of others. Power Question: Who can I forgive today? How can I forgive myself and be more compassionate today? |
(below) The Dark Side- know your adversary but do not dwell in that space. This is a pandora's box so be sure you are strong & ready spiritually... Not recommended for newbies!!!
The darkness we are up against hides in the shadows behind the scenes working as people you may have once trusted . Often they are like actors in halloween costumes. It's all fear & it isn't real in the universal sense- only if you believe in it & succumb to fear or lower your vibration enough can it really pose a problem. Always, though, LOVE NEVER FAILS LOVE ALWAYS PREVAILS & FEAR ALWAYS FAILS. Hold your light on HIGH! Merely observe their tactics & do not react with fearful emotions. The darkness has already lost/is currently being removed from the planet permanently
(above) From climate engineering, to child trafficing, depopulation agendas, GMO foods & so much more...There is much work to be done & each individual has their own calling. Do not let anybody guilt you into one, but stay true to your own inspired actions from your heart- every person's path in unique & special. At the same time, DO FOLLOW YOUR HEART rather than bury one's head in the sand - we are entering a service to others world, taking the earth & humanity back from the hands of the controllers who are service to self. We are ONE- united, built of pure LOVE & all-powerfully connected to ALL THAT IS/SOURCE. The universe is designed to act according to YOUR faith. Namaste! Dao, Hartbridge.ca