A Message to Lightworkers – July 24, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Universal Co-Creators! We greet you in this day before the Mayan calendar’s “Day Out of Time” [July 25], in these days before the August 8 Lion’s Gate, and the Solar Eclipse of August 21. In these powerful and rather challenging days, your minds and bodies are being prepared to receive downloads of the highest possible frequency of Light data that you are able to receive at present—Light particles that work more powerfully than what has reached your planet in millennia. It is so that the Lion’s Gate occurs annually, aligning Earth with your Galactic center and the star Sirius. Yet this particularly potent alignment in this calendar year will open a portal not only for outer manifestations to occur with greater ease and in higher forms. It is also a doorway into a level of inner Transformation that can only result in the turning of your Earth from the denser vibrations of previous timelines into a far higher, unified timeline. These are the frequencies required for Ascension energies to anchor fully, not only within Earth Herself, but in all who live upon Her. This is a majority decision. Though not all refer to Ascension by that precise term, the majority of humanity has requested and required that shift into higher dimensional living. And so you are birthing that, and all the more powerfully in these times of alignment of the Lion’s Gate and the upcoming solar eclipse. And so, though it may have once been exciting to think of yourselves as a minority fighting for Earth’s freedom from the shackles of the old system of enslavement, you are no longer a minority. More than a lift into greater DNA activation, as positive and empowering as that is, you are experiencing an intense re-cognition and reclaiming of your true higher dimensional identities. This is the missing piece long hidden inside your third dimensional consciousness, as you labored within the lower-frequency energy grid for many Earth lives. You are joining now with the consciousness of the crystalline energy grid. This grid runs through and all around Earth in a pattern of sacred geometry, infused with Light from the Great Crystals, and special Light Beings (such as dolphins and whales), and Light centers in your galaxy—and increasingly now, from the Light of your own souls. This is how starships can be powered by consciousness alone, if they are made of materials that react and respond to the consciousness of those connected to them etherically. This is where true intelligence, and true plasma-based power and co-creational ability, show themselves in ways that will become increasingly more “ordinary” to you as you continue to Ascend. The crystalline energy grid was fully enabled and empowered in the time of Atlantis. With its increasing awakening, and your growing conscious and subconscious connection to it, you are indeed moving into a fifth dimensional paradigm. As you increasingly telepathically connect with that grid, which enlivens every increasingly crystalline cell in your body, the old energetic traps and shadows of a darker age will not be able to reach you (unless you choose to remain there with them). This is indeed a cause for celebration, but be kind to yourself in these energetically demanding times. For much will seem out of control, unplanned, strange and ill-fitting, and difficult some days. The inner and outer shifts you are experiencing in your individual life are signs that your higher self is releasing all that is no longer serving your higher good, nor the good of the planet. Yet you may argue with the discomforts of old pain, old sadness, or old anger coming to the surface. While that is occurring, things that formerly made sense to you—your job, business, or energy practice, your relationship, beliefs, or living space, or some other basic part of life—may suddenly feel all wrong or rather strange, as if you have outgrown them, or as if they belong in someone else’s life. Things that once suited you perfectly—your location, your vehicle, your clothing, your food preferences—may now also feel strange, as you realize ways in which they are holding you back from your true life expression. Things that once made you angry or feel uncertain about life—politicians’ play-acting, the fits or antics of a partner, family member, boss or coworker, or the divisive voices of the media—may now strike you as irrelevant, and nothing worth reacting to. All of this Divine Light pouring into you now is simply Divine Love—Light is simply Love in one of its most transformational forms. And Love, as they say, always brings up its opposite. This releasing of all that no longer serves you is the natural reaction of any Light-based organism to greater levels of Light. This occurs so that whatever is hitting a wrong note with you now—anything not in tune with your soul strengths, your most true and authentic self, or with fifth dimensional life in general—can come up to the surface to be healed, or simply dissolved. Yes, it is uncomfortable, strange, and inconvenient, perhaps even upsetting at times. Yet you have asked for this. You have called out to your Galactic families to show themselves, to help you right the upside down nature of things on Earth, to aid in your Ascension and in the Ascension of millions, by engaging with human beings more openly and more often, and you have been answered. You have called out to your soul, your Angels and higher self, to wise guides and elders, to Creator God/Goddess, the Ascended Masters—all manner of higher beings with Divine Love at their core—requiring their support, healing, and wisdom, and you have been answered. And you have called out to your own human consciousness to remember and reclaim its highest origin on a soul level. To express its Divinity–any aspect of the Divine, so long as it is Love itself–demonstrating on a daily basis, even in quiet moments of sadness or feelings of loss, even in the confused state that is your greatest growth and expansion. And so in these days coming up to Great Change, we speak to you who have come to be Change Agents, and send you the Light that holds the data of Remembering Who You Are, and why you specifically have come here now—your particular path of not only individual enlightenment, but of greater Good. And we bow to you as always, though you may feel you have done little for that moment of recognition. We bow to you for having the bravery to come here and to sift through so many hundreds (or thousands) or years’ worth of density, of karma long accumulated and now dissolving in the Light of the Love you now carry for yourselves, your planet, your Universe, and one another. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, and we help to carry the tremendous weight of this journey. And so call upon us, when the day feels too heavy, when the release of old shadows feels too great a pattern to dissolve. We are here beside you, always. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Freedom From Contractual Obligations ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have arrived at a very important point in your evolutionary history. You have arrived at a point where you no longer need to think about contracts and blueprints and agreements. If you are living something that is as a result of one of those pre-incarnational choices, the truth is that you no longer need to live it. If you are living something out of a sense of obligation or guilt because you believe that you made a pre-incarnational choice about it, then we hereby release you from that contract. We want you to understand how free you really are. Freedom really is a choice and a state of being. It is one that presents itself to you every day, but you sometimes choose to ignore it and instead get sucked into habitual thoughts, words, and actions. The belief that certain circumstances were preordained has served you up until this point, because that has been the case at one time or another in your lives, but now the time is different. The energies are different. The energies around you now are about liberating you from karmic cycles. And so we suggest that you reach for that knowing within yourself. We suggest that you reach for what resonates about this transmission, and we suggest that you choose freedom. Choose to be free from anything that feels binding or limiting in any way. Free yourselves from these obligations that you sometimes feel compelled to work within and stay within. The mission and purpose of your life is yours to determine for yourself. You have made it this far on your journey, and that means you are entitled to make decisions for yourselves. You are free from contractual obligations, and you can start living that way as soon as you like. We are so thrilled to offer you this transmission and free you of the burdensome thoughts around being in a pre-birth agreement that you are somehow obligated to stick with. We want to grant you your freedom, but in truth you have given it to yourselves. Take it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” by Ron Head The Council – Separation Today we would ask a question of you. Please ponder your answer well. What would your life, your thoughts, your beliefs about yourself be like if we could prove to you that you were not separate from anything? We ask you this in order to show you the truth about what has been called the illusion. The biggest fallacy, the biggest lie, is the perception of separation. It is what allows you to deny what you are. It allows you to shift responsibility, or at least appear to. It allows all the other incorrect beliefs about yourselves that you have. It allows “I am better”, “I am worse”, “I could never”, and all of the other denials that you have assumed or have actually been encouraged to believe. Now, it is a very simple thing to prove to you that all is a field of energy and therefore separation is an impossibility. Anyone with a basic understanding of science today would agree. But, at that point, a cognitive denial begins. Most humans do not allow that sort of thinking to spill over into what they truly believe about themselves or their mental and spiritual lives. You have been taught that you are here and your source, whatever you wish to call it, is ‘up there’ somewhere. Yet you are ready to agree with a statement like “God is everywhere”. Do you see the disconnect? Some – most – could even agree to “God is everything”. But they would be quick to assert, “except me!” Because, after all, to say that He/She/It is you would be sinful. Because you were taught so. Do you see that? Here is the truth of it. Saying that you are separate from and are not composed of God stuff is the lie. Actually believing that you are not and could never be that is the lie. If God is in all things, that must include you. Unless, of course, you are not a thing. Good luck with that one. Actually, the denial of what is requires a lot more convoluted thinking than the acceptance of the truth does. Does “God made man in his image” not imply that whatever God made is a divine creation? So, what reasons exist for this persistent set of beliefs? It is easy to see that if you are convinced that you are separate, and need someone to communicate with the Divine for you, or interpret a set of teachings for you, then you can be controlled. A priestly class has existed for many thousands of years. Less easy to see is that if you can separate yourself, or allow that belief to exist within you, you are relieved of a great deal of blame. Now, we said before that blame is a lie. The only one that is truly blaming you for anything is you. You came for experience. You had experience. You see where you could have done better. That is called a lesson. Want another shot at it? Go for it. Think you got the lesson and want to try something else? Go for it. It is a big universe. Of course, there is this big bearded guy up on that cloud smiting folks. Friends, even your highly placed religious leader in Rome has stated that eternal punishment is not true. Did you not get the memo? So, here is another interpretation you may want to consider. You are an eternal, divine creation and co-creator. You are free. You are powerful. Co-creators must be powerful, right? You are a part of All-That-Is. And you are here to make these understandings an integral part of yourselves. That sounds hard, doesn’t it? Until you understand that there is an immense amount of support for your doing exactly that once you consent and allow that to happen. And we tell you that is a fact. We know. We are a part of that support – from which you are not truly separate. And our purpose is to help you in every way possible to remember who you are. This is one of those ways. And our messages, in many languages, and from many voices, will continue. And, believe it or not, the lesson is finally being heard. If we had bodies, we would dance. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/ Greetings Angelic Guides Community!
A Channeled Message From Taryn Crimi "When There is a Will, There is a Way" Today we would like to focus your attention upon your desires. Each of you have many desires, some of which have come to full fruition and many others that you are still shaping, shifting and molding. It is quite common for humans to feel doubtful about some of their desires. Perhaps you feel as though you are “asking for too much” or that you have very little chance of ever actually manifesting them. This is what we would like to further elaborate upon today if we may. You see, from our perspective everything, and we mean literally everything is energy that is vibrating at a particular rate or speed. Here in the non-physical realms we do not translate our experiences with our eyes, or our ears or with our feeling of touch; rather we experience it vibrationally. Every single thought that you have ever thought was once a vibration; which you became an exact match to and translated the thought into a concept, something a bit more tangible. Humans tend to think in pictures. Yes of course you each have that inner dialog going on in your mind but you watch your thoughts appear in your minds eye like a holographic movie most of your waking life. When you experience something, it could be anything at all; you are able to determine your opinion of the experience. You can quickly decipher whether you loved the experience or if you never want to experience something like that again and everything in between. You look around at your reality constantly arranging things in your mind of what you do and do not want. Your desires are born from the experiences you have manifested as well as what you have witnessed in others. When you decided to incarnate into your physical body you knew that you were capable of manifesting absolutely anything you wanted. Yet once you came here and began to immerse yourselves in your day-to-day life you started to doubt your ability. You began to base your expectations on practicality and the likelihood of something actually manifesting for you. Each of you are creator beings, you create constantly. Your physical reality was never meant to bind you, or imprison you. It was meant to be a way to receive constant feedback of your most dominant vibrations, the sum total of your most habitual thoughts. Your reality was meant to be used like a rutter on a ship, to help you steer towards what you want and away from what you do not want. Yet we see most humans become stuck in situations that they do not like because they cannot remove their focus from everything that seems to be falling apart, or upon what is not here yet. When this becomes the most dominant focus, you can only receive more of it. Your dreams were never meant to taunt you, to make you feel not good enough, to make you feel incapable. If you desire something, there is absolutely a way of manifesting it fully; it just might not be the way you had expected. When you desire something you have created it already vibrationally, energetically, the only thing left to do is to match the speed of that desire so it can become translatable to your physical senses. It’s right here, everything you want is right here, there is nowhere else for it to be. But because you cannot translate it physically you doubt its existence. It does not matter how big something is that you want, there is nothing that is too big for you to create. You would not have been able to conjure the idea or the desire in the first place if you did not possess the ability to manifest it physically. This is without exception. You are so much more capable than you have given yourself credit for. Your life is not left up to chance, luck or coincidences. You are the one deciding what is meant to be through your focus and beliefs. You are the creator and you have no limitations placed upon you except the ones you believe you have. You are divine creator beings who wanted to play in the physical realm for the joy of manifesting your desires into a fully physical world. So we remind you, that if there is a will, there is also a way. Allow the Universe to deliver all that you ask. In love and light, We are your Angelic Guides Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. www.Angelic-Guides.com A Message to Lightworkers – July 14, 2017
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, Masters of this Ascension Era! We greet you now, viewing you not only as Earth beings, but as Intergalactic Beings, who are leading humanity into its next phase of being and consciousness. And you are knowing increasingly now Who you are, and why you came here in this era, and the very specific work you are doing in the etheric while in your sleep state—and in a less conscious way, energetically during your waking hours. We are aware that many have been saying, “I don’t feel to be fully present. I feel as if I am in several places at once, or sleepwalking, or unable to focus fully, whether physically or mentally.” That is understandable. Because in this miraculous process that is a matter of moving from being a carbon-based being into being a crystalline-based being on a cellular/etheric level, everything you know is shifting rapidly into an entirely new form and new orientation. So that while certain things may appear as they always have, you will notice that you are not seeing them as you once did. You expect outer processes to flow much more easily and quickly, for example—for things to appear or resolve themselves or “get done” almost as soon as you have envisioned them. You are wondering why a telephone or postal service is required, when all you need do is get quiet for a few minutes in the morning to receive a download of all messages from anyone trying to reach you, perhaps making note of what they say, but not needing to hear from or contact others in strictly physical ways. You are desiring to connect with others by speaking to their higher self as you speak to (or telepathically connect with) them, taking in their higher intent for the issue at hand, and understanding whole parts of their life path—its color, shape, and geometric symbols—which explain to you intuitively Who they are and the journey they are on. And all of this reaching you on a level that makes words insufficient. You are also increasingly sensing the lives, histories, personalities, and preferences of the trees, rocks, animals, and Earth beneath you, in ways that you have never fully experienced before, understanding that all is sacred, all is alive, all is energy, constantly evolving and unfolding. And you may be seeing through the now ineffective expressions of government, media, western medicine, and education, understanding the many layers of delusion and illusion that these have perpetuated for so long, and watching as the veils they so carefully constructed long ago dissolve before their eyes. None of this is surprising, for you already commune telepathically with others in your interdimensional travel both during waking and sleeping times, as you multilocate to different parts of your galaxy and Universe. You already see exactly what is occurring on the planet in what is compartmentalized as “politics,” which is in fact the loosening of the grip of the old regime and the creation of sovereign choice and self-government of Earth’s Ascending humanity. You already feel yourselves to be part of what is called “Nature” as if Earth were separate from you, understanding that you are part of Her and as sacred as She, and that all are to be honored and valued beyond measure. And you are already feeling the flight of your own Spirits over new terrain, as you reclaim your place in the Divine governing of your own Earth. Not a place where you have to “pay to exist,” but a place where you co-Create increasingly higher levels of daily existence, working in communities of other peace-loving, high-heart-based Light Beings, where nothing is created by “accident,” and nothing is taken for granted. This is the place you are actively co-Creating, with your increasingly higher vibrational patterns leading the way. A planet of openly shared natural remedies for any disturbance, illness, or injury. A planet of peaceful abundance for every person, regardless of social position, race, religion, or any outer signifier. Of beauty and whole Earth empowerment, resonating with that naturally high frequency that is Earth in Her truest colors and fullest expression. You are entering a time now in which all Earth’s ills and injuries are being healed and released from the grip of a system created long ago to imprison Her natural energies and Ascending power. Likewise, your own Ascending consciousness, though your awareness of this process may feel vague some days. This is due to the ego-mind believing that this is too great a shift to take on without some feelings of doubt that you will survive the process. Some are not surviving it, in the physical sense, that is so, and we bless them as they rise to the next part of their journey. But most who have taken on this Ascension pathway are moving along with, most assuredly, some bumps and jolts some days, and no small amount of tiredness and confusion other days. Yet you are also realizing at odd moments an ongoing inner thrill as you realize, “This is our planet’s greatest moment, this freeing and healing and completion that She has taken on! “And I am embodied now to take part as the ground crew at this astounding time—not only to witness this miraculous transformation, but to actively aid Her and my fellow beings, in whatever way I came here to aid them.” You will notice that Transformation is not a death moment, though to the ego-mind, it may feel like a death and rebirth journey. And we would say, your planet’s former service-to-self orientation, the imbalance of patriarchal reasoning over matriarchal intuitive knowing, and the old usurpation of Earth life under false forms of control—all of that is ending now, in ways that shock not only your evening news commentators, but the very cells of your heart, mind, and body. And so, we would not despair, even in your most trying moments, that you have not the strength to journey this now. You are full of strength, and increasingly full of the inspiration and understanding you have sought your entire Earth life—all your Earth lives. In all of them, you have asked to grasp the integrating of the Divine and the Human in ways your soul understood, even while you labored under a matrix that claimed no such thing is possible. And behold, dear ones! All of you, as the Rainbow Bridge, have proven there is no separating that which is Sacred and Divine, from that which is Human. Your moment has come! Be of great cheer, and take heart. You are never alone. Namaste! We stand amongst you—open your eyes, and see us. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #6066 A Cornucopia of Life, July 4, 2017 God said: On one level, the world is indeed not a place to look for perfection. Seeking perfection will get you going around circles as on a merry-go-round, and the happiness you so deeply seek will elude you. However, when you look for perfection from another angle, the world is nothing but perfection! Man oh man, listen to what I say: The world is perfection in all its shining colors. To see one sunrise and one sunset could be enough to last you a Lifetime. The same for mountains and mountain streams. The same for all the myriads of waters deep and mist and all the bounties of nature. You can only be dazzled by the wonder of the seasons, of temperatures and all the echoes from one cave to another, from one face to another, from one Ocean to another, from one freckle to another. And what about music! How can music be composed and played in so many endless ways! Oh My Goodness, so many notes made into Infinite varieties of music and sold, well -- sold for a song! And there is dance! And there is art that is beyond your ken! What is there that I have not thought of? There is nothing for you to miss out on. Even when you take the long way around, you will not be denied. You have a Cornucopia of Life before you. You have Life coming out of the yin/yang. You have Life bursting its seams! The world you live in is a masterpiece, and you, My dears, are the Greatest masterpiece of Mine ever created. Of course, every miracle is a miracle. There is no taking away from any miracle. A miracle is a miracle. Some miracles may astound you and some miracles you may take for granted. You are certainly granted miracles right and left. There is so much you take for granted. Confess. Now, will you lean toward appreciation and even gratitude. For every gift, kiss the Earth and say: “Thank You. Thank You, God, for the blessings You bestow so generously at the tip of a hat. God, You gave me the world, and You gave me You. Among the Whole Treasury of Gifts, You are the Greatest Gift of All. You have given me gifts – too many to count, gifts uncountable, gifts immeasurable. You have gifted me even with talents, God! Think of this! Think of the dimensions of even this one person I am. “I am beginning to see that I am worth something, God, receive some joy. I begin to see that I am integral to You. What a gift this is, that You relish me and that there is more to me than meets the eye. What I am, You also reap. Think of this. You created me as a Love of Yours. You love me. You like me. I am better than okay! “To think that You are the Foundation of me. You are the Founder of me, and You are the Fountain of me. “You tossed me the Stars. You paired a Perfect White Moon and the Perfect Rays of a Yellow Sun. By God, You created all the Colors of the World. You still create, true? Are You creating me every day? Certainly, You sustain me. “My God, what can I imagine I want for? Everything is perfect just as it is right now. How can it be more perfect? “If there is a blight in the world, it is how I see. God, give me Your eyes to see through. What more could I possibly want then?” Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/a-cornucopia-of-life.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 A Message to Lightworkers
by Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:Greetings, Light Bearers! Great change is occurring now, as you are currently in the midst of a great wave of Light now traveling through your solar system, and well beyond it. The “symptoms” will be obvious to you, and will require your patience many days. For one, every cell of your body is adjusting to the influx of this higher frequency and the Light data that these photonic transmissions contain. Every cell is learning, as it were, a different language. A whole other way of being. This is why some are having moments where they almost do not recognize the (often exhausted) person they see in the mirror—you are literally becoming someone else. It is why your dreams at night may seem to be so meaningly and full of interesting symbolism, yet so hard to recall. And it is why so many aspects of your world and so many people in it appear to be doing two things at once: Hiding the truth about human history and humanity’s current condition, and yet at the same time, greatly desiring to tell the truth. They may feel at times the sort of exhaustion that comes from a rush of energy that flows in an way similar to the rush of a freight train. To the spiritually unaware, or those who have hidden in shadow for eons, the rush of Light now pouring into the planet does indeed feel like a freight train, and one aiming to knock them down. For you who greatly desire the Light, who have cried out for it since the moment of birth in a physical body, it can feel to be a a great tidal wave of feeling, realization, renewal, reformation, offering a sudden influx of an entirely new form of reality. Your minds are at a loss to describe what is happening, and may at times revert to the childlike state of not wanting to move, or to continue with your life as it is at present. This is not a “tantrum” reaction so much as the sort of numbness people feel when they are at a loss to explain what is happening to them, even though they have begged and cried out to the heavens for that very thing. And so you may be thinking, “Who could have known Ascension would be so strenuous, so exhausting, so trying at times? That I would have moments of barely recognizing my own country, my own culture, the shape of my own life?” This is why we are saying to so many now, “Do not panic if you suddenly feel strongly that your work, your partner, your living quarters or location, your health or physical shape, or any other aspect of your life suddenly feels that it must transform in a big way, or you will soon be moving on without it.” Many a Lightworker is making changes they never expected to make, from changing their perspective on how they feel or act with others, or what they will allow from others, to how they feel or act about their community, their social groups, their family, their coworkers, or themselves. If nothing is the same now, then nothing will feel the same—how could it be otherwise? It is important that you know that you do not go through this process alone, as we remind you often. There is not a one of you reading this now who came in without great help—without wise and ready-to-assist guides and higher self already by your side, and awaiting your conscious connection with them. Many is the time that they have spoken up by sending you subconscious messages, inner nudges, outer symbols, hints both subtle and blatant, while waiting for you to remember (as you did when very small, and could still see them), that they were there, ready to serve and assist you at all times. And we would say, that if in these exciting, utterly thrilling, but also very trying times, you require more than the helpers you came in with, then call out for a special Guide of high vibration who will lead you with a kind and comforting wisdom through whatever challenges you feel most assailed by at present. Most are shocked at needing either more food or very little at present, or a different kind of food than they have been eating for years. Many are amazed that there are rifts or disagreements now with old friends and family members who always seemed to understand them, yet at present, seem to be from some other planet. And many are surprised to find that they have now a powerful drive not only to serve others in some new way they haven’t quite defined yet, but to experience a whole higher level of Abundance—which does not seem to jibe with the idea of “serving others.” And so, you have questions. Many of them. That is natural. We would say, call upon any Ascended Master or Archangel or legion of Angels, or any Light Being (whether or not you know their name) whom you specify must understand the particular sort of alchemy you are discovering at present, whether it has to do with physical condition, finances, life work, connections with loved ones, or a desire to go on a new adventure. Call out for a Divine Helper who will work with your beautiful Spirit team of guides, Angels, and higher self, and who resonates perfectly with your soul mission for this life. Tell them what troubles you, and what perplexes you, and require their help, while thanking them in advance for that wisdom which you know is coming to you. Then check in with them at times, and say, “Abundance Guide (or Ascension Guide, etc.), I call out to you for guidance! Show me the way. Light it up in some way I cannot miss. I especially need direction on ____. So infuse my thinking with your Divine solutions and Divine ideas. I need to understand my higher path. And I need the strength the journey through all of it.” And know that as assuredly as we are here, speaking with you from a space of no-time, from a frequency of pure Love and complete understanding that you are Love itself—that yes, they will hear, and they will answer you. The connection you have already formed with many higher beings, including all of us, and your fellow Lightworkers, has shown you that these connections are more real than the chair you now sit in. And so—will things be different from now on? Most assuredly, this great process of Transformation began some time ago on your planet; it is simply speeding up now, in terms of Earth time, and the intensity of the effects of the process. And are you up to the task of adjusting and staying calm and centered through the tumult of the greatest shift any planet in your Universe has yet experienced? Most assuredly, dear ones. You are showing the sort of bravery we envision in our greatest moments. Namaste, Bringers of a New Earth! Our Love is constantly with you, and we are with you, at every moment. Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. |
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