Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
By Trinity Esoterics on Jan 31, 2019 10:04 am When emotions come up for release labelling them can be a very helpful exercise, for it will assist you in feeling into them. You may be surprised to discover that once you feel into something and properly label it, it will instantly dissipate. If it persists, feel again to identify other emotions that may be part of the mix. So for example, you may feel hurt by something. You feel into the hurt and it lifts a bit but there is still discomfort there. You feel again, and you discover disappointment. After the release of that, you still feel discomfort and you realize there is sadness. And perhaps frustration. And under that, fear. How remarkable that you have advanced to the point where you can now stay with it and heal many different layers at once! This is the way to process what is ready to leave and what you wish to release, for it is through your exploration and naming of the emotion that you give it your permission to go. As with all things, your free will and your own divine guidance leads the way. And, of course, we are always available to you to assist with the process should you request our help. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Daily Message ~ Fri Jan 25, '19
By Trinity Esoterics You can often tell how healed you are by how much trauma you include in your personal story you share with others. While there is no doubt that traumatizing events are defining points in your incarnation, how you recount them can be very informative to you. Do you see it as something that ultimately created growth and expansion? Did you gain strength and insight from it? Or do you still see yourself as a victim, powerless, or somehow broken from the event? Many of you have been telling the same story for years. Listen to how you tell your history to others you have just met. Is it still an active wound or are you telling the story by habit? Does that old story truly match who you are today? Or has the energies of the past year released it to the point that there is no longer energetic charge to it? You get to choose how you define yourself. We are not for a second suggesting that you should stuff or bury emotion, but rather to see how you are in unprecedented energies and many of those old events are very far removed from you now. Can you take the gifts of the experience and leave the rest behind? Can you see it as simply a stepping stone to who you are today? How much lighter would you feel if you did? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young YOU vs you – The Council
by Ron Head Today we will discuss some of the qualities of YOU vs you. What are you growing into? More accurately, what qualities does your True Self possess that your incarnated self is learning to embody on this plane? Now, before we really get into this, let us make it clear that there is no more separation between YOU and you than there is between you and your big toe. You are an aspect of, a part of, YOU. And your ultimate goal is to remember that fact and allow it to be demonstrated as true here, in this life. One of the obstacles to that is that you have bought into the concept that there is a real difference between the two. There is a veil. There is no way a human being can become anything so wondrous, magical, and divine. And we will say, your are correct. There is no way to ‘become’ what you already are. You make statements that admit to this, yet you contradict those statements in the next breath. God is love. There is only love. God is in everything. (But not in him.) Everything is holy. But I could never be. I forgive. But I could not possibly be forgiven for THAT! He should be punished, damned! God is in everyone. Now, we will say this, either everything is holy, or nothing is. Why? Because God is the Creator of everything, and there is nothing else to create everything out of. Correct? Even you. Even you. Even you. So, what are the differing qualities between you, the big toe, and YOU, the SELF? Understand that if this SELF were able to be defined and explained, it would have been long ago. But we can point out some of the characteristics that it holds. The True Self is. There is no past self. There is no future self. One cannot explain the eternal to the linear mind. It just is. So it is, among other things, all of the incarnate beings, and all of the discarnate beings that it can be said to have ever been. And you are one of those. It is aware of this. It has lived many times. It has ‘died’ many times. It does not fear. From its perspective, there is nothing to fear. It does not lack. It knows that all of the created universe is available to it. It does not judge itself or anything else. First, there is nothing ‘else’. Then, it sees only the perfection that everything is. It knows its power. “Behold! I make all things new.” Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the you that does not know its own power, does not realize that its own disbelief is all the power it needs to maintain its unreal, but perceived, separateness. Its own judgment of itself is all it needs to deny its own divinity. Its own acceptance of the judgments others make of it, show a belief in its lack of perfection. Its fear of becoming what it actually already is, is what it perceives as veils, blockages, judgment by the Divine, etc. Conversely, the acceptance of the possibility of the embodiment, and the becoming of the self as the manifested Self, is what you are calling ascension. And it has been in process for several of your years. Your bodies are actually becoming able to handle this higher energy. Your baggage is being jettisoned. And the ascension is ongoing. Some of you see what is occurring for others and you judge yourselves for not having the same. Meanwhile, those others might very well wish to have what they see in you. This is a process. And each of you must start where you are. What we see as instant, in terms of the expanse of ALL, you see as “Are we there yet?” You could be in great joy if you took the time to appreciate each step as you go through it, took joy in her growth, enjoyed his change. And we urge you to constantly remind yourselves that this is a collective experience. Each and every upward step that one takes contributes to the ascension of all. We have taken the time to go through all of this because, as your questions reach us, it is obvious to us that at least half of them could be answered if they were thought about in the light of what we have just explained. You will not understand what we have said as long as you read it through the lenses of your past teachings, dogmas, and beliefs. But much will begin to change for you if you can begin to allow the possibility of these concepts. The more that you incorporate them into your lives, the quicker and more complete your personal change will be. We offer you our unconditional love and support. You are, after all, from your viewpoint, other aspects of us. For you, a possibility. For us, a given. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. God's New Series - Heavenletter #6566 Whose Life is This?, January 17, 2019 God said: Beloved, from Heaven, you came to Earth. You have been on an adventure day and night, awake and asleep. You sure haven't been stuck in one place. We, you and I as One, dance through the horizon, and We dance for joy. You and I swing as One. We dance non-stop with exhilaration. Our One Heart dances to beat the band and to elevate Earth. "God, I ask you: You know the extent to which I can leap? Why do the imagined others in the world seem to know what I should do and believe, and they know limits to set on me and where to skip over me? "When I say I require help, I will ask. "When I cry out: "I can't find my way," why do others not see me as knowing? Why do others in the world believe they have the last word to say about me? Sometimes I feel so stifled and so and feel so desirous of being seen and heard. "It seems I have to fight to be seen. I have to yell to be heard. Am I not sanctioned by the world at large? Am I asking too much to exist as myself on Earth and not as how someone else thinks I ought to be? Dear God, sometimes I feel gagged and bound. "The world often seems too stringent on me, as if I exist only with someone else's sanction. "God, I have mostly thought life is made of You and that I also exist. Too often it seems that I may not be seen at all. "God, I ask, on Your behalf, to please allow me to exist as I exist on my own terms and that the world let me exist without trying hard to change me. I don't like feeling compressed. You, God, on the other hand, expand me, and that's fine with me. "I ask for peace. I ask to be allowed to be free from what seems to smother me. It can't be so that all in the world know more about me than I know for myself. Please help me fend off others from thinking they know my own life better than I do and that I am to go according to another's worldly will. "Where does freedom exist for me? I may not know it all, yet I yearn to speak up for myself. I don't want to be tied and bound. "Why must everyone and his brother be so sure they know better than I how I am to pursue life better than I know myself? I will improve myself, thank you. "Otherwise, I want to run away. There are those who deem to improve me at every turn; I can hardly breathe. "God, tell me, please, that no one is to take over my God-given life. Will You declare this in no uncertain terms? It feels like no one hears me but You, God. I am so grateful to You. You do see Me from across the miles. You see me. You care. You let me be. You let me play my part. You do not order me around. "God, I don't ask to be seated at the head of the table. I just want to exist free and clear. "Am I the only one who feels smothered? "God, You have cried out: 'Let My People go.'" "I know You would free me. I feel Your welcome. It is the world that has its doubts about me. Do I abjectly recluse myself from being seen? God, have I been shunted away? I do not see my place card. I see You, God. I see You smiling at me. It seems like the world simply doesn't see me. The rest of the world bears me no ill will but just cannot see me in the crowd. Is this how it is to be, dear God? I crave my freedom." Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 Just Be – The Council
by Ron Head In answer to the following question, we will explain why we can urge you to just be your best version of your best self. "Some souls may be more introvert than others. Souls that are more silent, but still willing to assist in any way possible. And as such I wonder; a less talkative soul, solely offering a listening ear whenever it seems to be needed most, is he/she also providing assistance in accordance to its own Divine plan.." On your world at this time there are about seven billion individual expressions of humanity. No two of these expressions is exactly like another. There are, however, as you know, quite a few traits that are common to many. There are entire systems that you have developed to define and explain these personality types. Some use psychology, some use astrology, and some just use the old he’s-like-this or she’s-like-that method. There are “fire sign” people, “water sign” people, Type A personalities, introverts, go getters, and wall flowers. Consider, please, that each and every person is exactly where they are needed and exactly where they need to be. Your Source does not make mistakes. It is not in the habit of wasting your lives. Nothing is done TO you, as has been said. Everything is done FOR you. All of these ideas are beautiful. They look good and relatively easy to understand when you look around you. But, dear hearts, they also apply to you. You are where your Highest Self needs you to be, to do what you need to do, to learn what you need to learn, to teach what you need to teach. And quite the major part of teaching is done by example. If one is a person who is able to run INTO a burning building to be of service, then by all means do so. Live that life. If one is a teacher of children, by all means do so. If one is a loving mother who can get a child through the early years with a wonderful appreciation of their own worth, then please do that. There are, in your societies, things that you call jobs, occupations. Go back to when these began. They began with a person seeing how they could benefit themselves by doing something for others that the others needed but would gladly have someone else do for them. The one who would wash clothing became laundries. The one who could manage money became banks. The ones who could build became contractors or architects. Do you see? They are all offshoots of someone’s idea of how to provide a service. But you have also developed a tendency to rank and judge the relative worth of these services and of their providers. Then you measure yourself by how you fit into that ranking. And the ranking is given TO you as you grow up. You didn’t create it, it was taught to you. Now, we will tell you that a mother who protects and raises a child is doing a far more important service than a person who is able to throw a ball through a hoop from several yards away. We think that that should be easy to see. A man who cleans a building every night is providing a valuable service. In the kitchen at your favorite eating place there is a person who is good at cooking a meal. There is also at least one person who washes dishes and utensils. How well would the establishment run if the dish washer were not there? And your world has billions of needs that are being filled by individuals. Truly, each of them is of worth. Now the problem arises for you when you accept that you are not as worthy as another, or that he is not as worthy as she. Every person is a divine expression teaching and learning and being of service in some manner. There is not one person who is more worthy or less worthy than any other. Of course that is not how very many of you see things, is it? It may be recognized as an ideal, but your daily lives are based on the old, learned story. So, to answer your question, please understand that you brought within yourself exactly what was going to be needed where you were going to be. If you are a listener and a giver of attention, know that listening and paying attention are among the most healing things you can offer another. You can know that by how it makes you feel when someone truly pays attention and listens to you. We also want to say that you add a valuable note to the symphony that is humanity’s vibrational chorus just by being you. Raise your own vibration and it raises the whole. Just be you. Just be. Just be the best you know how to be. That is truly all you can do anyway, is it not? There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Daily Message ~ Friday January 11, 2019
By Trinity Esoterics on Jan 11, 2019 11:26 am Dear Ones, all things have the potential to be in light or in shadow. We wish to explain it in a way that is very simple for you to understand. If something is in light it is in a state of connection, if it is in shadow it is in a state of separation. Let us give you an example. Beauty when created or appreciated as a pure expression of heaven on earth, is an example of the light side of beauty. Beauty when chased as an external means of validation or to set oneself aside as better than others would be its shadow side. Beauty itself is neither light nor dark, it is simply beauty. The use of spirituality/religions is light when used as a means of connection, support, and expansion that serves the whole. It is in shadow when a person sees themselves as superior or more gifted than others and uses that judgment to separate themselves from or control others. Money can be used to create healing, expansion, and to serve the whole. It can also be used as a means of external validation and to separate oneself from others. Money itself is neither light nor dark, it is simply money, a tool for energetic exchange. So when you are led to consider shadow work for yourselves, it is merely the discovering and reclaiming of the parts of you that have chosen to separate themselves for whatever reason and to welcome them back into the love, safety, and full potentiality of the wholeness of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A Brief Message to Lightworkers – January 9, 2019
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactic family members, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: “Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you today. And we see that many are distressed at what we would not call negative situations, so much as transformative ones. The shifts you see going on around you in your country—whichever country you might be in—are not due to systems failing or falling apart, so that you are destined to live in the shambles of what once was. These shifts are due to the removal of old forms of living, so that new forms can emerge. And so we encourage you to relax, and to release the old. To know that even your own thought and emotional forms are not kicking up some dust just to annoy you, but to let you know that they are ready to leave—that new and higher forms are wishing to come in. This is why some days you will experience feelings of grief or anger, or a restlessness or sadness about life, and not know why—not know where this intense emotion is coming from. .We will tell you that you are not experiencing something that relates directly to that which is around you, though that which happens or appears around you may be triggering these feelings, and causing them to rise to the surface. These are experiences that you, or your ancestors, or some energy that is inhabiting your being, had years ago, or even centuries or eons ago. These are not who you are, so do not panic that you are suddenly choosing to be a sad or hopeless or angry individual. You are not! You and your higher self are working hard—in your meditations, in your self-expressions, and in any energy clearings you consciously take part in. Working hard to clear the resonance of other Earth lives that still live within you. And so though it may appear at times that you are in a tough situation—that you are panicking about money or unhappy with a relationship or your workday—you are in fact healing or releasing much that you have carried for a very long time, and which can no longer continue in the environment of the higher energies you are now acclimating to. You are Love itself, and are only reaching toward greater expression of that—a conscious expression. And so welcome these changes, dear ones!. Open your hearts and say, “YES” to all that you experience now, without resistance or judgment. For your path is full of Light, and becoming ever more so each day. Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.” . .Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. What Time Is It? – The Council
by Ron Head We thought to begin our discussions for your new year that you have designated 2019 by having a little fun with the concept itself. Now you most likely have a mental picture of a year as being a journey around your star that begins and ends in a particular spot. And you think this even though many of you know that this is not the case. It is a convenient thought. However it could only be true if your star was stationary. Your star is moving at great velocity through the cosmos. And the planets in your system, being attracted to the star, seem to be chasing after it. The planetary tracks would seem to be rather like spirals. And the position of your date of January first is only relative to the star itself. In reality, it is in a far different place than it was on the first day of your last year. Let’s examine your year itself. Most of you use a solar calendar, but not all. Therefore, your year may or may not begin on the day you call January first. Even in the countries that still recognize the tradition of a lunar calendar, the first day of the year is not always the same. So you see, your years, your dates, your calendars are all based upon agreements between you made long ago. This has been done for most of your history, even of only for agricultural reasons. The study of the heavens that enabled a few to be able to predict certain perceivable relative positions of celestial bodies made those students of the cosmos into magicians, priests, etc. Sadly, the histories of those traditions and institutions has been somewhat less than stellar. Now, to further have some fun, check your date and time before you go on a little journey with us, an imaginary journey. First, let’s leave your planet and look around, pick another body in your system, a moon or another planet, and mentally go for a visit. When you left Earth it was X minutes after Y hour in your time zone on this date. What time is here? Not relative at all is it? Now try to imagine yourself where we are, looking at all systems, galaxies, etc. What time is it where we are relative to all of that? You see, time as you know it is only a convenience that allows you to place events in the past and schedule things among yourselves. It is really only a human construct. So, to end this, please allow us to wish you a very happy Now. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: |
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