What you believe to be true at this moment is a resting point on your way to further growth. You are a constantly changing, evolving being of light; there is no end to the truth you can attain. ~ Creator Creator Writings
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Fri., Sept. 24, 2021 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Pushing against energies that aren’t supporting movement is usually an exercise that brings limited results at best. It will usually result in frustration and exhaustion. Or, you may recognize the energies are not supporting movement but the lack of flow may tempt you into thinking you are doing something wrong, are lazy, procrastinate too much, or have some other character deficit when in reality the energies are not supporting movement and it has nothing to do with you at all! Dear Ones, what we wish for you to understand is that working with flow means you not only accept what the energies are supporting with your faith and trust, you also know that when the energies are supporting movement you will be far more efficient in a shorter amount of time and effort than the old ways could ever have delivered. We often speak of the importance of consistency, so you may be wondering how consistency fits into all of this. How can you be consistent if you don’t try every day? Consistency doesn’t mean trying to force movement regardless of what is supported. Consistency means you hold your intention and move with inspired action toward that goal, trusting the greater system of ebbs and flows the universe works with that assures your success. A surfer consistently paddles out into the ocean but knows that the greatest experiences come from waiting for the perfect conditions and the right wave. If the wave doesn’t come that day the surfer doesn’t take it personally, and neither should you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wed., Sept. 22, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via During times of intensity, it is a common human experience to get triggered. This, in itself, is not a bad thing. It allows you to become aware of an area that is looking for your attention and loving care. People become easily triggered when they are in energetic overwhelm. Practicing good tender self care, especially during times of energetic intensity, can help you stay in in a more balanced space. Continuing to meet your needs with loving self responsibility allows any aspects of you that are seeking your love and attention to be met and for healing to occur. The best way to diminish being triggered is to continue to prioritize your own evolutionary journey. But even the most self-responsible souls may on occasion get triggered. This does not mean that you are not spiritual, that you are bad, or broken, or that your healing journey has been fruitless. It simply means you lost your balance. If you find yourself getting triggered, we highly advise that you remove yourself from the situation if possible and get into your own energy. Breathe. Ground. Imagine a beam of light that comes down from the heavens above, right over you, and deep into the earth. The above will help you gain balance. Next, do nothing! It is rare that any action you take while triggered will give you good results. Honour your feelings, connect with any aspects of you that are in need of your love, but take no outward action. You are in a very activated 3D state which will not lead you to solutions that are in line with who you really are. Wait until you are in a better balanced place before you do anything. People who are triggered and take action are usually looking for some semblance of control, and controlling energies will not ever lead you to empowered solutions. If you have not waited and have taken action you now regret, learn from the experience. Understand that your triggers are always about you. Assume responsibility and do what you can to make it right. Apologize if you need to. Practice self forgiveness and make a plan on what you can do differently should you get triggered again. Most of all, practice grace. Grace for yourselves, and grace for others if they have been triggered. You are in unprecedented times and such times can get messy. You are all doing the best you can. The combination of self responsibility along with encouraging each other forward with compassion and understanding will get you much further than the old ways of blaming and shaming ever could. You all win when you work to bring out the best in yourselves and each other. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tues., Sept.21,'21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, have you noticed how certain themes loop around into your consciousness throughout your life expression? You realize that you can’t slow those things down or speed them up, they come around in their own timing, seemingly of their own volition. If you have this awareness, you must see how it would be impossible for you to miss anything you need for your growth and expansion. Your soul is incredibly efficient at creating the exact opportunities and intersections you need to support your evolutionary success . When you stop being on high alert for what is wrong, or what you might be missing, you settle into the now moment. You move out of resistance and perpetual trouble-shooting mode. This creates a far more peaceful flow and a greater experience of your faith and trust, acceptance and allowing. This new space of ease supports healing and beingness. And from that state, if or when those same issues loop back around again, you can approach them in a brand new, more empowered way as opportunities to see how far you’ve come. It is safe for you to trust the journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Message - Sept. 17, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Many of you are currently reporting a lack of joy or activities that hold your interest. Dear Ones, rest assured you did not travel all this way on your spiritual journey just to lose your joy. If you feel you are lacking activities that bring you joy, the likely reason for that is you are currently on the bridge between the old and the new. Unless you are a human being that really loves bridges, the experience of being on a bridge can feel like a state of suspended animation. You are betwixt and between. You can enjoy the view, yet you really aren’t having a tangible experience of any of the areas you are travelling over. You have left the old behind and haven’t quite arrived to explore your desired destination. You may lack inspiration to do anything because part of you knows bridges are for travelling between one area and another, not for stopping and creating anything new. So what do you do if you are currently on the 4D bridge that runs between 3D and 5D? Exactly what you would do if you are on an actual bridge. Enjoy the view that comes from a higher perspective. Stay in the now moment. Look for moments of magic and beauty but know they are going to be fleeting and that’s ok. Make yourself as comfortable as you can and enjoy the ride. Savour the excitement and anticipation that comes from getting closer to your destination and take advantage of the time you have to prepare for the new. And most of all, know that bridges have a beginning and end and it has never been the plan for you to be perpetually stuck between two worlds. In fact, the purpose of a bridge is to help you over obstacles so you can safely arrive in your new destination. This phase shall pass and before you know it you will be fully landed in the new where your truest creations and discoveries can be made, and along with them, the joy of engagement you’ve been missing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thurs., Sept.16, '21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, so many of you worry if you are doing enough for your enlightenment journey. Please understand there is no one size fits all template for your evolution. Your unfoldment is completely customized to honour what you wish to experience and where you wish to go. It is a natural process, as are all other forms of evolution. There is no specific knowledge, practice, or attunement required in order to ascend. It is an organic process. If you feel drawn to certain teachings or practices, by all means follow your intuition down that path. But you will certainly know when something is for you because your soul will beckon your forward into that experience. Knowing that will allow you to put down your fear you may miss something that is imperative to your success. Know the universe is extremely efficient at keeping things in your orbit until you acknowledge them! Trust the process! Even if you made wrong turn after wrong turn, you would eventually get so uncomfortable you would naturally redirect back onto the path that is meant for you. Your intuition will always know which way to go, and it will only get louder and louder until you listen to that internal guidance. In this way, your path is always self correcting. So rest easy. Follow the flow and the urgings of your heart. Rest when needed, and take inspired action when the flow supports it. Listen to what your body is asking you for, and embrace the ebbs and flows of the process. You already have everything you could possibly need to assure your success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message - You Are!
Sept 14,2021 by Dave Annis, Beingness is a difficult concept for earth angels. Your world has for eons dictated a mindset of performance-based goals, often coupled with a can't do it sense. This was never the truth. Your leaders, your idols, your sports personalities, your teachers , societies & even your parents preached unwittingly a mantra of work harder, become prettier, stronger, wear the right clothing, & so much more. Such times are coming to an end now Dear Ones & we are here to provide you with a new truth, that you are enough. Indeed you are as royalty & deserving of all that is available for simply being. Furthermore you are the co-creators of your world. There is nothing you cannot do, be, or have in your experience as long as you can imagine it. You can imagine it. You were created to be creative & have come here to expand your consciousness by experiencing everything . It is not something you must pursue, but rather only to dream & to allow or simply BE. Be yourself- your creative, imaginative, adventuresome dreamer self & let the universe do the rest. We love you. The Angels Archangel Gabriel Message - Fri., Sept.10,'21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via As we discussed recently, many of you may be in a holding pattern waiting for others to join you before you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation. If this applies to you, you may have been feeling frustrated and impatient. If you understand you are holding space, you can move out of resistance with your current phase into acceptance, which will make it a far more comfortable experience for you. So if you are in a waiting phase, what can you do? Take advantage of the time you have! Rest. Read. Meditate. Move into a deeper exploration of where you are. Learn something new. Nourish your body. Connect with, acknowledge, and soothe any parts of you that are still struggling with impatience (usually they are inner child aspects that just need a little reassurance). Write. Create. Pray. See the space you are in as an opportunity. Practice gratitude for all the things that are serving you in your right now moment. Ask, “How can I allow this time to serve me and my growth and expansion?” What have you always wished you had more time to do? Dear Ones, the fact is if you are experiencing this, it is a service contract that your soul was happy and honoured to accept. Things will move when the timing is aligned to support everyone involved. You would not want it any other way. Rest assured, the forward movement, when it comes, will be well worth the wait, so be curious and open to possibilities, stay in your surrender, faith, flow, trust, model, take inspired action when you are nudged to, and make the most of the time of pure potential you are currently in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Archangel Gabriel Message - Wed., Sept. 8, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Denying yourself love so you don’t get hurt is like denying yourself ice cream to avoid razor blades. One has nothing to do with the other. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wed., Sept.1,'21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, the time for denying yourself – denying your good, denying your truth, denying your growth, denying your own spark of divinity, denying your inherent worthiness – is long over. It is a habit that serves no one. Hear us when we say you can accept your truth and still be humble. You will continue to grow and evolve, learn and experience. You will just do it with far more flow and ease when you put down the habit of being in resistance to yourself and your truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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