![]() Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, April 28, 2020 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Deciding something isn’t a match for you is giving a loud energetic no. There is nothing more you need to do. You do not need to look for other people’s agreement, or to make any sort of point. The fact that something isn’t the right energy for you is a decision only you can make from your own truth and vantage point. You are the energetic expert on you, and the only one qualified to decide what is appropriate for you or not. But once you decide what isn’t a match, you no longer have to be on the lookout for it, because that would be using your focus to invite it to continue as part of your experience. It would be giving it your blessing of continuation. Your energetic no is a stop point to that flow. But from there you must withdraw your energy and redirect. You are clear about what doesn’t match you. Now it is time to move into the discovery of what does. You might think of it as a maze. If you hit an energetic dead end, you don’t need to keep pushing against it. You can simply turn around and choose a new direction and experience. And if you don’t like the next experience, you can choose again and again, until you find the match that makes your soul sing. Do you see, Dear Ones? Your life is an unfoldment, a flow of preferences you get to decide one now moment at a time, that continually support the expansion and experiences that match and honour your latest level of attainment. This allows you the freedom to continually discover yourself in new and glorious ways as the empowered leader of your own life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, April 26, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net The ascension journey is a process of evolution that has its own divine intelligence. Not only does your body know what to do, you are also being supported energetically in the unfoldment of that evolution. Just as there was no specific knowledge or action required by you in order for your physical body to grow and develop other than to provide the basic needs of food, water, air, and sleep, there is nothing you need to do beyond good self care in order to assist your body in its energetic process of ascension. Be easy, Dear Ones. Trust the unfoldment that is occurring. If there is something you need to address in order to support you in your evolution it will come up into your awareness. Please be tender and loving with yourselves as you are in a corridor of profound transformation. You cannot mess it up, for even if you tried to resist the process all that would happen is you would get far too uncomfortable before long and would simply choose to surrender back into the flow of your divine unfoldment. You are ready to birth the new you and the new earth, in fact, this is exactly what your soul has been preparing for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, April 23, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net One of the greatest discoveries of the times you are currently in is people realizing the actions of one, when combined with others of like intention, can indeed create profound change. Most people until recent times did not fully realize how quickly their actions and intentions could accumulate to assist the whole. They felt they, as individuals, did not have as much impact as they truly do. Experiencing the quantifiable effects of the each person’s efforts lending to the whole is a profound discovery, for until now it was only a concept. This new truth will open up a world of new possibilities and potentials, all starting with the indisputable power of one. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young *** Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Perfectionism is something many enlightening souls struggle with. This is due to their deep desire to make sure the shift occurs on your planet because many of you are holding the cell memory of times where a shift was possible and was not successful. Because of this many of you are deeply committed to honouring your soul mission and are very serious about this and agonize over making the right choices. This can get challenging if you are striving to satisfy everyone from a 3D perspective while trying to anchor higher vibrational energies. You can mistake other’s lack of understanding or differing options as feedback on your mission, which can cause you to stall because you do not wish to make a mistake. Dear Ones, hear us when we say your quest for perfection has nothing to do with the agreement of others or the understanding or support of a 3D world. That is seeking approval from an energetic layer that simply cannot see you in your truth. The perfection you are truly seeking comes from always staying true to what your heart and inner wisdom is guiding you towards as a true pioneer of the light. It is from there you know you can never, ever make a mistake and will continue to drive the great shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, April 16, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net You are in a time where much has been churned up for you to examine and gain clarity. In many ways you are in a phase of preparation. So we ask you this. What do you really want that you don’t prioritize or sabotage? We wish for you to reexamine all the reasons you don’t move toward your true desires and goals. Do those old excuses really match who you are today? If you are embracing yourself as an empowered creator, are those beliefs still true? What action steps can take you closer to your dream? Or is that dream not a true match to you at all any more? If that is the case, what new dream is in line with who you are, where you want to go, and what you want to experience? There is great power in taking any kind of action step toward your dreams because as the expression goes, what you talk about is who you want to be, what you do is who you are. Any action you take towards how you truly wish to express yourself is anchoring that energy into your life expression. Your beingness is what creates your reality. Some dreams haven’t come to fruition because they have been waiting for the energetic support of the times you are in right now. Reevaluating and releasing your old belief systems about blockages and obstacles can be incredibly freeing and set you off in a brand new direction. Is it time for you to stop talking about your dreams and start anchoring them into your reality based on the energy of today? Gather up all the aspects of yourself that have been behaving contrary to those desires and ask them what they need from you in order to cooperate and move forward in a cohesive way. Your action steps do not need to be grandiose, in fact, the greatest changes come from the accumulation of small consistent efforts that are made one now moment at a time and match your highest intentions. The time is ripe for using your awareness and wisdom to prepare you to ride the wave of forward movement that is sure to come after any period of lull and will propel you into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Giving birth is an accelerated flow. Even in the throes of labour you feel moments of intense squeezing, followed by a lull to catch your breath. All great movement is experienced as a combination of tangible activity combined with periods of lull. You are in that phase right now. You may feel waves of intensity or discomfort, followed by moments of stillness. During the waves of discomfort you may wonder if you will ever feel comfortable again, and during the lulls you wonder if anything is happening at all, but rest assured it all combines as an incredibly efficient process to move you forward in the birthing of the new. Remembering to breathe and staying focused with presence and trust will help you flow with the energies of change with the greatest ease possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, April 13, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Dear Ones, we were recently asked what to do if you feel caged in. Our answer to that is to meditate or engage in any other activity that allows you to experience yourself as the vastness that is your soul. Many enlightening human beings have a deep need for freedom and self expression. That need will become stronger as you continue along your journey. What is behind that need is simply your soul’s desire to express itself in its truth, expansiveness, and beingness. When you align with your divine truth you step into knowing the true freedom of the soul. You recognize that your true essence can never be contained, which can bring much relief if you are struggling with anything that feels constraining in your human experience. It can also bring you much clarity as you move further along in your embodiment process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, April 11, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Dear Ones, great transformational changes often follow what you recognize as the stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. You may notice that profound energetic shifts in your lives have followed the same pattern. Enlightening human beings, through the process of the surrender, faith, flow, trust model, become more adept at moving through these phases. As with all things it is a skill you can hone as your honour each stage as part of the transformational process. The pandemic, with its profound impact and changes it will bring, involves this process. Each step must be acknowledged and moved through. Because you have associated the process to be specific to grief rather than transformation in general, many of you have been feeling the energy of grief as you navigate the ups and downs of how the pandemic is affecting both you and the whole. There is also the life review process that many of you are going through as you wrap up the first phase of your incarnation, that comes with an association of ending and new beginnings. The emotions you are feeling, both individually and collectively, are all essential phases of the transformational process you are you are all part of. Because of the many associations with grief this pandemic is bringing up, the lungs are being affected in many as that is the area of the body where unprocessed grief tends to manifest. If you are feeling grief, sit with it, acknowledge it, love yourself through it, and know it is proof positive that you are in a process of profound transformation. How long it takes people to move through each stage is unique to the individual. Some will move through it very quickly, while others may take a bit longer. What we wish for you to know is that many of you are entering the acceptance phase, and from there you will be much better able to discover and receive the gifts that are there to serve you as you prepare to emerge through the other side of it all, forever changed and fully ready to step into the next phase of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ![]() Circle of Light [email protected] via em.secureserver.net Every time you feel that you lack something; every time you feel an increment of powerlessness; every time you reach outside of yourself for help, for abundance, for what you need to live -- in those moments you turn your back to the Light again and create the shadows that allow this illusion, this duality, this belief that there can be something other than Light and Love. And so you come, daily, dear ones, to the choice to return to the feeling experience of all that you truly are, that you might be the Law of Resonance direct from the Source as Creation's "en-conscious-ment," as the heart of Love fully alive and giving in this eternal moment, Now. If for a while you continue to move through time and the choice must be made to come in meditation or through the doorway of Nature or through a mentor or guru -- whatever it takes, it is worth it to bring yourselves back to this resonance of indivisible, limitless, powerful Love. Every moment you feel it, you make "right" the illusion of separation. You reaffirm the feeling nature of God. You stand as a vehicle of the heart of all Love which is the truth of your being. You need only to claim it. Because you are Love and your resonance is the highest, it is the Moment of Creation held in your consciousness -- then, instantly all else is attuned to you as the heart of Creation itself. Love truly is magnetic and always will entrain every electron of life back into its truth, its true relationship with All I Am and with that which it is meant to be and how it is meant to serve Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Dear Ones, whichever phase you find yourselves in, it is divinely perfect for you. If you are in a solitary phase, it is opening you to deeper exploration of self, a discovery of new ways of connection, preparation of deeper connection when you emerge, or perhaps you are simply being an energetic space holder if you have done a lot of inner work already. If you are experiencing being confined with loved ones, this is an opportunity for you to spend quality time, and to become more aware of ways those relationships work and ways they need to shift. You will also be given the chance to see each individual’s needs (including your own) that perhaps you weren’t aware of before or weren’t ready to recognize and address. Much rebalancing and healing can occur from those discoveries. If you are someone who is still working by providing essential services, or as a front line responder, you are stepping forward in the exact service your soul is wishing to offer and experience. The same it is for those of you who have come up with solutions to support those who are in service, or those who are in need within your communities. What we wish for you to understand is all of it is serving the whole. Every single phase, whichever you are in, is allowing a deeper knowing of self. You are all stepping into this time of transformation with your whole hearts and full cooperation, however it is unfolding for you, even if you don’t understand the full purpose of it all at this time. However you are experiencing the pandemic is exactly how your soul will get the greatest expansion and support to move forward into the next phase of your lives. Trust, Dear Ones, that you cannot get it wrong and your soul knows exactly what it is doing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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