WHAT YOU APPRECIATE APPRECIATES - it expands in you, in your awareness, & in your manifestations - it's infectious too |
...the love...you take it with you
You woke up today, you are free, you are loved by the universe, . . Make a list & add to it every day for 6 days then on the seventh, read your list. Make a list using each letter of the alphabet. Make lists by the category of the senses. Make a list of outter world or non-physical things.
List things by colour or materials... share your ideas. And note - HOW DO YOU FEEL afterwards!?!? All that time in focus on good things you may come across items needing forgiveness- awesome! You'll be basically focused on fabulous good & stretching your capacities the entire time you are doing such exercises & lifting your awareness dramatically all of which bolsters your happiness as well as those blessed with your presence. As you say thank you to God/your angels/the universe for all these blessings & they will surely bring you more! Your eyes will be openned like never before, your health will improve, you will bless others, & you will understand true happiness - what it is to be truly rich!
List things by colour or materials... share your ideas. And note - HOW DO YOU FEEL afterwards!?!? All that time in focus on good things you may come across items needing forgiveness- awesome! You'll be basically focused on fabulous good & stretching your capacities the entire time you are doing such exercises & lifting your awareness dramatically all of which bolsters your happiness as well as those blessed with your presence. As you say thank you to God/your angels/the universe for all these blessings & they will surely bring you more! Your eyes will be openned like never before, your health will improve, you will bless others, & you will understand true happiness - what it is to be truly rich!
As you appreciate something you understand it from the perspective of Source/God. As a result you will gain incredible insights & become wiser. Try this with nature! It IS the most direct way to tap into the wisdom of the universe. Feel the incredible shift - sudden & beautiful. The more emotions & express yourself physically , with simple smiles, even singing, music & dance - you add to your awareness all the more & SUPERCHARGE your JOY. Frequency & consistency strengthen your view of yourself as a grateful, happy being the more you practice. ENJOY
Former Pinterest employee is a total HERO! Inspiring example!
Grace V. remains humble grateful & grounded - she knows it isn't about the fame & fortune, even at this young age |
There is SO MUCH beauty & inspiration from seeing who you truly are!
Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.
Bob Marley
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. - Mahatma Gandhi
ALL CREDIT FOR SUCCESS, POSITIVE IMPROVEMENTS, MESSAGES , & LOVE IS GIVEN TO GOD & THE HEAVENLY HELPERS & WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOUR HELP, GUIDANCE & TREMENDOUS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE -...this website, myself & any that assist or provide material are merely "instruments". I pray we are forever humble & grateful! Davo |
Re-blogged from The Creator Writings, Feb 12, 2015 For all intents and purposes, the reality of the situation is this: a big red dot with YOU ARE HERE written above it. You have been blessed, make the most of it. ~ Creator I love looking at the stars don't you? We ARE stars! Being on earth is just a fraction of who we really are. When we look up there, we can sometimes be caused to really dream, to imagine what it would be like to travel through the galaxies, to look back on earth from up there & to wonder about concepts of God - it makes you feel loved & it makes you realize how expansive God truly is. Somehow you do just feel at 'home"...
It's all so wondrous to gaze up there for hours on a clear night, but strange & sad that we seldom do so. However, recognizing the problem is the first step - let's see what we can do to change that ! |