Daily Message ~ Sunday July 29, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics on Jul 29, 2018 10:04 am When you are emotionally triggered by another the first thing to ask yourself is what fear has been activated in you. Is it true? Is it a real threat? Is it even yours? Is it pertinent to today or is it old energy? Explore the fear and the emotions that drive it. Then ask yourself what empowered steps you can take now to create beyond the fear based on who you are today. Your fears stem from a feeling of powerlessness. Your ability to shift into being a conscious co-creator will allow you to put that fear to rest and to navigate beyond it. It is this practice of self exploration and self guidance that will allow you to stay in a far more centred space during periods of energetic intensity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Message from the Angels ; Do You Choose Your News?
By Ann Albers My dear friends, we love you so very much, We have good news! You get to choose your news! You get to choose your views! Will you focus upon the worlds ills, deceits, manipulations, greed, and problems or… will you choose to set your sights on all the good that happens all around you, every day. Every morning the birds are singing. Every day, there are people helping one another and quietly going about their very loving days. There a people working to create a more environmentally friendly future. There are people working to grow and cook healthier foods. There are people assisting those in need. You are alive, breathing, and have a roof over your head… Why waste your time giving the darkness your attention? Some of you will argue with us. You have been deeply programmed to believe that your outer world has power over you. This is an almost universally accepted misconception. You feel you have to “be aware” of what is going on “out there.” However dear ones, we reassure you that the way the universe works is purely vibrational and what you set your sights upon is the reality you will experience more and more with each passing day. Shift your focus, shift your life. The concept is simple. However, because you have brains that have been programmed to “watch out”and “be informed” it may take some time and effort to shift your focus towards better realities. You can start in small ways, until you develop the ability to focus more consistently on thoughts that make you happy. Focus on all that is working in your lives, all that is good, and all that is there to appreciate and enjoy. No matter what your heath, finances, or state of mind, there is always something to be grateful for. There is always something good to notice. As you shift your attention more and more to the good, you will begin to experience it. As you shift your attention to the abundant universe you will experience it. As you shift your attention to the loving human beings, you will find more and more of them. We are not asking you to pretend the dark is light. We’re not asking you to say bad behavior is Ok or that you’ll tolerate it in your life for another second. We’re simply saying (in metaphorical terms), "Don’t dignify the devil no matter who it comes through.” If your news is dark, turn it off. If someone is spouting off with anger and you can’t get away, point a hand to the ground and let it drain off you then turn away without another word. If your bank account (or lack of it) has you in abject terror, look for evidence of an abundant universe. One apple tree can supply an entire neighborhood! People share all the time. “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.” In truth “what is going on out there” is yesterdays news! It was created by the vibration of your collective consciousness in the past. It is a dead energy - an out-picturing of what “was.” It has nothing to do with what “will be.” Your vibration in the here and now is what dictates your future. What is going on “in here” – within you right here and now – is creating your tomorrow. Choose to focus upon that which gives you delight and joy. If you see something you do not like, immediately use that to focus on what you would like. You don’t like the deceit, manipulations, and greed in the world, so imagine a reality where people feel safe to be honest, and abundant enough to live in integrity. You don’t like unkindness so imagine a world where people treat one another with love and respect. You don’t like feeling lack so focus on what it would feel like to feel abundant. These so-called “fantasies” are blueprints for your future, and open you to receive guidance that will help you get there! Dear ones, we have only one news “channel” in our hearts and it is always “Good news.” We have faith in you. We know that even a small fraction of awakened human beings focusing on a bright, happy, abundant and kinder future can affect the whole world. You already have! What has one been hidden is being revealed to be healed. We see the children coming in with a passion for creating a better world. We know that no matter what things look like now, you and your world are evolving into a much greater and more beautiful light. You can change your own life by focusing on all that is good right here, right now. As you do so, you give yourself, and the world, the gift of a new and brighter future! God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels A Message to Lightworkers – July 20, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again. This week, we wish to answer a question from a Lightworker who wrote us regarding the timing of NESARA’s announcement—something about which there is great speculation! I read a lot of predictions about when NESARA will be implemented on the physical plane. I’ve never believed the “today, tomorrow, next week” predictions that have been floating around for years. While I do not believe all the predictions I read regarding timing, I would believe information from the Collective regarding timelines. I know “soon” is Archangel Michael’s favorite response to the question “when.” Likely meaning, any time in the next 10 years. And I understand that Ascended Masters, Angels, and other loving spirits do not deal in linear time. It seems that with the current group of folks running this country, allowing the physical plane implementation of NESARA will not be “soon” at all. Must we wait until the shift to the New Earth is significantly more manifest? You are correct, dear one, in noting that “soon” is not an exact timeframe, and one not entirely applicable to your world and to Time as you know it. What it means, when used by those who are oriented more to the higher realms than to Earth, is that NESARA is on the horizon—that Earth is moving into that reality in steps, not one sudden jolt. And that of all potential realities, the timeline you currently exist in will indeed see NESARA fulfilled—publicly announced and enacted. You are correct that it does not mean “soon” as in “next week” or “next month,” for it cannot mean that. It is not that those times are not possibilities. It is simply that we cannot be prescriptive in the slightest, regarding When this great transformational moment will actually occur outwardly. You and nearly all Earth Beings came into this life under the agreement that Earth events would co-creatively enact their own reality, just as you co-create your own reality in your particular Earth life. This means that forms of interference by those in the higher realms that would re-route, revise, or prevent certain aspects of your life or Earth life—even by way of time predictions—are not permitted, due to the provision of Free Will on this planet. This is what is meant by Free Will! You create your own existence on all levels, both in this life and beyond it. All must respect this, or face consequences before a very high galactic court. Understand that when we in the higher realms step back from human affairs, it is not out of a noncompassionate or noncaring belief that human beings are not worth troubling with—far from it. We stand back to allow you your choices—your own journey, your own evolvement—and increasingly, your own empowerment, as you more and more understand that you Have the choices of free will and evolvement, and can know full empowerment, which is the realization of your own Divinity and the unity of all things, all beings. Now, this is not to say that interventions do not occur, for they do occur. You bring these into your reality as you declare that they must occur, in whatever form is best. The energies now shifting not only Earth’s vibration but human consciousness also bring in interventions. We see only a forward movement, a trajectory of conscious evolvement that is moving ever-upward, beyond the material distractions, beyond the despair and fear, beyond the sadness you feel some days, that what you have experienced in this life and other lives has been just too much, and will your liberation never occur? We have said many times that you yourselves are the ones establishing your own freedom, your own kingdoms, your own sovereignty. And why is that, you may wonder, when there are so many in the higher realms who love you beyond what any Earth language could convey? Because that Free Will determination and active co-Creation is how sovereignty and freedom are established and maintained! Particularly after so many eons of existence in the low vibration of third dimensional frequencies. You are the only ones to pull yourselves above the fray, the madness, the confusion, and what you call injustice, though you chose this road you’re on quite consciously, and there is not a one amongst you whom we could call a “victim.” And why has it all followed that self-determined path? Because, great co-Creators, you wrote it this way. This is your film, your canvas, your holographic projection. And do we see now your decision to raise your voices in a song of liberation, in a high vibrational harmony that only Ascending beings could manage? Yes! We hear you, and we witness your increasing demands for the kinds of Freedom, Peace, Joy, and Abundance that only a liberated people could create for themselves. So the question becomes not so much “when” NESARA is birthed outwardly, but how often you and your fellow Light Warriors celebrate NESARA’s precepts, spirit, and intentions, as if it were already here. For that is how you create in your world, dear one. Not by waiting, and certainly not by asking “when.” The question is never “When?” There is no question. NESARA is here now, on your timeline, as you are here, and once enough of you fully join your frequency (in the present moment) with that which you claim to have waited for, you will wait no more. We realize the unsatisfactory nature of our answer on some levels. And so, as a side note, we do see things shifting upon the Earth and in Earth systems, including an inevitable dissolution of the old regime, with a speed and a determination that we have not witnessed before on your planet. And yet—we celebrate that far, far less than we celebrate your coming to remember your own Divinity, your Unity with all that exists, and your great Love of your own journey, even in its darkest days. Your bravery is fully seen, and your journey marks the way for life on a higher dimensional Earth, the joy and colorful brilliance of which you have only begun to envision. And so yes, you are getting there — the “when” is up to each of you. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Letting Go into the Power of Light
Shanta Gabriel We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel encourages us to let go and be free to receive what we most want to experience as Divine humans living in this physical world. The Gabriel Message Card for this Week Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth. It is becoming increasingly clear that everything is changing within and around us. What we have always known is morphing into a new more expanded and unknown reality. For most of us, this experience is amazingly uncomfortable. It feels like we are growing out of our skins. Our benevolent and protective Guidance System is asking us to release any need to cling to what we have always known. The very process of letting go helps us to feel more aligned with our Soul’s Highest Reality in every moment. This alignment creates a more fulfilling and purposeful connection with Divinity working in us so we can trust our intuition more freely. It is even more amazing when I consider that this message from Archangel Gabriel was written over 20 years ago when the power of Divine Light was only just beginning to grow stronger on the planet. As everything that I considered important was then systematically taken away from me, there could be no more clinging. Those were the years when I apparently needed the Mack Truck form of learning experience, because I ignored the type of teaching from the Angels that was more subtle and feather-like, such as this message. The Light we are letting go into now holds greater power than 20 years ago. This Divine Light holds the key to alignment with our Heart's wisdom to help us develop all that we need to thrive in the new life awakening in our lives. When we surrender and let go into the flow of Divine Light, we are lifted up, supported and nourished by the Greatest Love there is. Divine Presence, Thank you for supporting and uplifting me so I may surrender into your guiding Love. Please give me the Fortitude to continue to let go gracefully of all that is not in harmony with the Divine Plan for my life. I am grateful that I am able to listen more deeply to the Wisdom that is flowing through my heart continuously from my Soul. I am asking for the strength to stand in the Truth and Courage that is there within me. Thank you for helping me to receive at a deeper level than ever before from the Light of Love and Wisdom within me. May all beings receive the power of Divine Light within their hearts and illuminate the consciousness of all humanity. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel July 15, 2018 ShantaGabriel.com The Gabriel Messages #20 Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth. Dear One, It is a new time. It is a new moment. When you cling to the status quo, you are clinging to the way things used to be. Sometimes it feels safer to hold to the old way. Change can be frightening and yet, is your world not changing constantly? In holding on to the status quo, you are clinging to a thought of how something used to be, when you have the power to change it for the better this very moment. There is tremendous power in your thoughts. A thought is like a prayer to the universe, asking for what you want. If your thoughts are unconscious, if fears play a large part in what goes on in your mind, in effect you are asking for the things that frighten you to come into your life. Fear is part of the status quo and the greatest fear seems to be of the unknown. Yet it is not possible to always know exactly what is to be. You are being to asked to let go of your fears and to allow the power of the light of God to guide, nourish and protect you. Letting go is a moment to moment process. It is surrendering to the flow of life. Let go into the light, which is the flow of God moving within you at every moment. The Divine Presence is the only constant in the midst of change. This is a truth you can trust. Is not the power of light and love a greater attraction than fear and doubt? It is your attachment to wanting things never to change that holds you back. Simply ask clearly for what you want from the Higher Power and the Angels. All the assistance you need is available to you, if you but ask. When you are free from old fears and attachments, you will know the freedom and joy of your truth. Your truth is always what makes you happy, and this is Divine Will for you at all times--God wants you to be happy. Pray to live in the light of your truth. Know that you are divinely guided at all times. Ask for assistance to let go of fears that no longer serve you. Allow the grace of the Angels to work through you knowing you are profoundly loved. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel July 15, 2018 www.ShantaGabriel.com The Council – Chaos
by Ron Head The Council – Chaos You are being shown the worst sides of all that is happening around you. It would be well to understand the reasons for this. There are concerted efforts being made to move you into, or keep you in, a certain mindset. And stirring up emotions just before, or while, passing people information insures that they will accept it. These are advertising practices. In essence you are sold ideas. One of the most harmful ideas that is being promoted and taken advantage of is that side A is great and true and side B is atrocious and will cause you no end of grief. It is fairly obvious that there will be greater and lesser advantages to any question. However, when it is presented in the manner discussed above, several things happen. First, it will cause all critical thinking about the topic to cease for most people. In essence, they have been frightened. Second, it causes deep rifts to develop in a society, thereby rendering it much easier to control. If ‘they’ can move people left or right, then ‘they’ don’t need to be in fear themselves. ‘They’ are secure in their position because the far larger numbers of the populace are distracted. Also, if the focus can be placed on what the left hand is doing, the right hand may do whatever it wants. So ‘they’ don’t really care if you choose A or B. If we call this a game, then we can say that it has been played against most of you for a very long time. We will offer a small example. VIOLENCE IS RAMPANT! Nice headline. As you went about your business today, did you observe any violence? Did any hordes of people attack you or your neighbors? And, in the instance that you may have seen on your television, how far away from you was it geographically? Were the cameras placed in the middle of it? That would make it seem far larger, would it not? Was the wording in the report implying that it was an isolated incident? No? Why not? Some of you are old enough to remember when politicians had discussions and arguments. Some are young enough to only remember politics as attacks. No one asks why that is. Could it possibly be that there are those unseen that control the show? Some of your countries are only being shown a very limited view if what is happening, but we will say that, to some degree, the upheaval you are sensing is happening in many places. There are many millions who are now seeing beyond the smoke and mirrors. It is becoming increasingly obvious to many that strings are being pulled. All of this is the effect of mankind having to face, finally, what is true about yourselves, and what you have allowed to happen in front of you. It is not necessary for you to become involved in any of it. If you choose to be, then be aware that you have made a choice. Your lives should be a series of conscious choices. This will become more and more the norm as you move into higher states of awareness. This is happening and will continue to happen. Some of you may choose to keep yourselves apprised of these happenings as your world ‘falls apart’, and some may choose not to. Do not judge another for their choice. The lessons they have come to learn are quite certain to be different from your own. And of necessity, this will change as it becomes more and more the case that rebuilding must occur. Agreement regarding desired outcomes will become necessary, valuable, and expected. Many lessons will have been learned. Actually, this has already begun. The most important lesson will be what can we achieve? What can I achieve? Are there any limits to what we can do? There are not, you know. But that which has limited you for so long, that which has taught you to doubt yourselves, must be eliminated first. Humans, earth humans, still suffer from what you call Stockholm syndrome. Too many of you defend your captors. Many will actually miss the comfort of their captivity when it ends. When there are no walls, no bars, no fences, real or imagined, it will seem to be chaos for many. But, as chaos always is, it will be unrestricted opportunity. What will you choose to make of that? There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/ Can giving actually create more abundance?
Angelic Guides , By Taryn Crimi, angelic-guides.com Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of giving and receiving. You see, there are many who misunderstand the real power in giving. We do not ask that you give simply so that you may receive as this defeats the purpose; but rather we ask that you truly give from your heart and surely you will find it has not left you with any less but rather it has left you both with more. This is what we would like to further explain in our message to you today. If you were told that you could give any amount of money, funds, help or assistance to anyone you wished to help without it ever impacting your own abundance, would you give freely? The undoubted answer is yes. So why is it then that so many have such a reluctance to truly give? We will share with you our perspective of what we witness most often when it comes to the spirit of giving. There is a widespread fear that if you give to others you will not have enough for your own self. What we witness most is that many wish to help or assist others if only they had “more” to share, but since they believe so strongly in the fear of lack they are paralyzed by the fear of not having enough. We will share with you the secret to giving; to give freely does not ever leave you with less, it leaves you both with more. We feel your curious minds trying to really understand how this could be. Let us further explain. When you give to another because you wish to assist them with a pure heart you will also attract an equal or greater amount back to you. You see, the Universe will always replace all that you give one way or another. What you put out is what you get back, you reap what you sow. As we have stated in previous messages, money is simply the transfer of energy. Everything in your world is made up of energy. The Universe in which you reside is infinitely abundant, it is not possible for the universe to “run out” of energy. But many fear that they will not have enough for themselves if they give what little they have away. The key to giving is, the more that you give, the more that you will receive. It is very important that you allow the energy to flow to you as it is to allow the energy to flow through you. The act of giving and the act of receiving are equally important. You must be willing to do both. In order for energy to continue to come in, it must also be allowed to flow in and out. The moment that it becomes stuck, resistance is created and the flow is blocked. You cannot attract “more” if you are too afraid to let it go. Nor can you continue to give if you are not willing to receive, both are equally important. Many of you understand this concept on a conscious level, though there are still many ingrained beliefs which say that this cannot be so. So how can you begin to shift these subconscious beliefs so that you may free yourself of them? We would recommend that you begin to test this new belief out so that you can see it in action within your own reality. Play with this concept, something that feels light and simple to offer and then watch as it is returned to you. As we often say the best way for humans to replace a belief is to witness a demonstration of the new belief within their own reality. Humans prefer to rely on proof so intend to see proof of the power of giving. We would suggest that you start small. Though we do not perceive there to be any difference between manifesting a lot or a little, we realize that the human mind feels most comfortable starting with smaller amounts. Find someone or something that you wish to give freely to. The key is that you give simply because you wish to assist another, all the while knowing that the universe is infinitely abundant and you will have all that you require when you are in need of it. Let us give you a simple example. You choose an organization that you support because you believe in what they stand for and you donate $5. You give to this organization simply because you would like to assist them in continuing the wonderful work that they do. Now the human mind often is trained to look at this situation and see that you have just given $5 to another which leaves you with $5 less than what you previously had, yet this is not so. By offering that organization money you allowed a space to open up energetically and you are now able to receive more energy. It may not be in the exact form of $5, it may be a gift of an equal or greater amount, it may be someone who wishes to buy you lunch, it may come in the form of someone performing a service for you free of charge, how it comes to you does not matter. All that matters is that you have allowed a space to open up energetically to allow for more energy to flow to you. Let us give you an analogy to help better explain our perspective. We will use the analogy of your lungs. As you go about your day your lungs expand and contract as you fill them with air. If you do not allow the air to exit your lungs for fear that it will not be replaced, do you have anymore room for more air to be stored? No, certainly not, only if you allow the air to come and go freely do you have room for the air to once again fill your lungs. You cannot stockpile all of the air that you will need each day in one large breathe. You must allow it to freely come and go and in doing so you know that the air that you require will indeed be there when you need it. This is very similar to the way that energy flows through each of you. If you do not let it go, you do not leave anymore room for it to come to you. We feel many of you say yes but I do not feel as though I am full; and to this we reply you are as abundant as your thoughts and expectations allow you to be. It is your fear of lack that blocks the energy that you desire from coming to you. But, by beginning to shed those fears of lack, you allow the energy to flow to you in the amount that you require. You will begin to see just how powerful the act of giving really is. Remember, in order to give you must be willing to receive, in order to receive you must be willing to give. So give freely, and know that you will always have all that you require when you are in need of it; allow it to manifest through the path of least resistance. For most, it is not that you do not wish to help another, it is your fear that it will not be replaced when you yourself are in need that prevents you from freely giving to another in need. But we are here to assure you that it is only through giving freely that you can also receive freely. You must be willing to openly receive just as you must be willing to openly give. To block either one is to create resistance. Energy is designed to flow. So we would recommend that you begin by giving what you can and watch as the universe draws to you that which you have given to others. As you see this powerful universal law in action you will begin to shed the fears that you hold which prevent you from being abundant in every form. We will leave you with one last thought, as we have said before, you cannot fear lack and attract abundance at the same time. It is the direction of your focus of your undoubting faith, which summons to you all that you draw to your reality; you can choose to focus on abundance or you can choose to fear lack. Which do you wish to focus upon? We hope that you have found our message to be helpful in someway and we encourage you to connect with us as we are happy to assist you in every way that we can. In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
channeled Through Valerie Donner, July 5, 2018 thegroundcrew.com Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work full time with the Earth Council to assist with the Ascension Process. I am pleased to report that all is proceeding well with your Ascension Process. Missing parts have been put together. Massive amounts of karma have been cleansed. Relationships are being healed and cleared. Like the earth, you are moving on. You are clearing out the past and letting go of what no longer serves you. The earth is volcanically erupting as she releases molten lava to clear massive amounts of darkness within. It is not her darkness. It is a result of what has been done to her. She has been showing how powerful she is and how ready she is for her ascension. Humanity is beginning to pay attention to these messages. It is a time on the planet when you cannot take anything for granted. Change is the constant. New patterns of thought and constructs are being created now. They are required for the higher consciousness that you are creating. When the time comes there will be many awakenings and gifts from the Galactics and Light Realms. You will be the beneficiaries. You have earned it from all of your hard work. There will be many openings from within the earth and you will find this true within your selves. You will discover many things that you did not know about yourselves as they come to the surface. You will reunite with old friends and family from past lives. You will reconnect with many Masters, Archangels and others. There will be many reunions with soul family along with galactic family. You may even reconnect with some of your ancestors. Cherish each moment of every day. The new developments may be like petals blossoming on a flower. Whether you like some of the revelations or not, they will get your attention. They will make you wonder why you didn’t see certain things before. You will see and sense that you have been living in different time lines as well multiple dimensions. All can seem bizarre. Do not let this upset you. Please understand this information is necessary for your awakening. We continue to monitor you and your progress. We stand by ready to intervene wherever necessary. We hope to impress upon you the seriousness of these times. We have enforced this message to the dark ones who are still hanging on. They are in fear and want to remain in control. Their days are ending and this is the message that we are consistently reinforcing. Please understand that you, along with the help of billions of the forces of light, are taking back your planet. We assure you that behind the scenes the plan is ready to be implemented. Stay awake and aware. Listen to the voice within for your own guidance. Find your own truth amongst the numerous lies. Keep your truth to yourself unless you have others with whom you can share. You can talk to us for we appreciate your input. Your involvement is meaningful and important. You are our beloved ground crew. We appreciate and admire you for all that you are and all that you do. I am Mira with lots of love. Arcturian Group Message 7/1/18
Marilyn Raffaele, Onenessofall.com Dear readers, it is with a great deal of love and respect that we once again speak about the present and increasing energies of Light that Gaia and all forms of life upon her are experiencing. Try not to slip into fear, but rather understand that great change is taking place both within and without. Every day more and more individuals awaken and realize that the "Me first" world that they are so familiar with, no longer feels right. As a result, many who have been fully three dimensional in their thinking are now finding themselves to be no longer in agreement with much of the status quo. Although most are not aware of why they are having these feelings, it represents their first step toward a higher state of consciousness. Change is happening on all levels and it is very easy even for the very evolved, to automatically revert to thinking that something is wrong when new or unusual physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences happen whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. Mankind is universally and personally waking up out of the illusions created by false concepts and beliefs, and is experiencing the birth pains of unconditional love--the connectedness of all within the One regardless of skin color, language, financial status, education, etc. For most, this means there must be a time of clearing any remaining dense energy still carried from both the past and present because the lower frequencies cannot enter into the higher ones. Old concepts and beliefs cannot be taken with you into new and higher frequencies of Light. Light vibrations are becoming more intense which in turn is exposing many third dimensional beliefs and actions that heretofore have either been hidden from the general public or promoted as the "right way". Every day individuals are beginning to recognize that their belief system is not as correct as they were led to believe. The higher frequencies are assisting those ready to ask questions and open up to the idea of one human family rather than "us versus them". Those who stand to lose money and power from mankind's spiritual awakening are pulling out all the stops in order to keep it from it happening. Never doubt that most of the chaos you see taking place all over the world is being aided, promoted, and fed by those who hoping to keep you in bondage to limiting beliefs that keep you under their thumb. "Power over" beliefs, rules, and concepts will simply dissolve when the majority is no longer feeding them energy. The Light frequencies now pouring onto earth are being felt by everyone regardless of their state of awareness which will often empower someone living completely in the three dimensional state of consciousness to act out. Because they are not evolved enough to understand what they are experiencing and can only interpret these powerful energies according to their level of consciousness, they express what they feel as anger, violence, rage, drug use, frustration, depression, and even suicide. Some of those causing pain and problems for others are in reality making futile attempts according to their belief system to gain the respect and love every soul yearns for. Unconditional love never means allowing others to force their un-awakened actions upon others. There is and will be for some time yet, a need for law, order, and constraint as long as the world consists of beliefs of duality and separation because THERE IS NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS. Systems of constraint based in unconditional love would place those needing constraint in situations where growth and learning is available and where there are opportunities that will help the person understand themselves, their actions, and the consequences of those actions. Some have never experienced unconditional love, and do not understand it. Something as simple as incarceration where prisoners take care of unwanted dogs, is a perfect first step toward opening a door to unconditional love. Most (not all) the world's systems of incarceration at this time are grounded in beliefs of punishment. Living constantly in an atmosphere of fear, anger, frustration, and degradation only strengthens and adds power to whatever negative energy is already being carried in the person's energy field. Systems of punishment and degradation for the smallest of offenses only serves to block the evolution and spiritual growth of both the workers and the inmates who are meant to learn from their experiences. Unconditional love can never be learned or even understood on the level of punishment, violence, and degradation, even when there is a need for very firm action. If unconditional love is the energy carrying the necessary action, the individual will respond differently than if the energy is self righteous, fearful, angry, and hate filled, with only a desire to punish. Unconditional love never means being a doormat, or being "airy fairy" about actions necessary for those needing separation from others. Rather it means taking the necessary steps from a higher level of awareness. Not all will or can respond to energies of unconditional love, but that is not the concern of the person responsible for any firm actions. The job of a Light worker doing this sort of work is to carry the Light into every situation. This is what Light Work is. This leads to the topic of judgement and criticism. The third dimensional world at present revolves around these two activities. If something or someone does not live up to perceived concepts of good or bad, they will often be silently and overtly judged and criticized which allows the person doing the judging to feel righteous and superior. Judgement and criticism are what make simple situations into news stories and color the words and actions of politicians, spiritual gurus, preachers, family, friends, and all holding positions of authority. This is not to say you do not have opinions or ignore negative activities of those around you, but rather you begin to understand them in a new way. Judgement and criticism takes place on all levels--physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, and represents the belief that there is only one correct way for everything from personal appearance, lifestyle, religious beliefs or lack of, politics, family, marriage, etc. to what color paint is on a wall. Individuals who judge and criticize believe that their way is the only right way, relegating all who do not believe the same as being wrong and in need of correction through whatever means are necessary. When a person spiritually awakens, it becomes very easy to recognize a better path for others and often a judgement and criticism arise. When this happens, allow the situation to become a signal reminding you that every person has a personal learning contract, a Higher Self, and Guides. This does not mean you will never be guided to assist someone in a practical way or offer them some much needed guidance. Habits of judgement and criticism begin to fade as one ceases looking to those with seeming power ( political, religious, medical, rich and famous, family, etc,) for answers and begins to first look within themselves, trusting their intuition. Many continue to believe that just because a person holds a position of authority their concepts must be believed. A consciousness of judgement/criticism often reflects inner insecurity which then expresses as anger, frustration, and resentment toward those they believe to hold all the power. They resent being told what to do and believe but continue to do it because they believe they have no choice not realizing that the awakening sense of resistance they feel is their own self-empowerment trying to break free and manifest. Only you, yourself, can allow something, some belief system, or some individual, to have power over you. Never forget this. Everyone has free will and what each does with it, is up to them. As you learn to withdraw power from everyone and everything outside of SELF, you will begin to feel less and less disempowered by those seeking to control you in any way be they family. friends, experts, or so called "authorities". Problems in the world are the result of mankind ignorantly over time surrendering personal power to those who sought to take it for themselves whenever and however they could. In the old and dense energies of the past, individuals often had no real choice, it was submit or die, but this is a new time. As a result of awakening to your personal power as a spiritual beings, you are beginning to lose your fears. You are beginning to realize that the bluster and blowing of those seeking to frighten you into obedience and submission is really nothing more than that--" balloons with the skin peeled off." Continue to reclaim your personal authentic power by listening to and trusting your intuition, by never again doubting that you are a spiritual being embodying the fullness of the One that is all there is, and by realizing the illusory nature of everything that would have you believe otherwise. Not all in positions of authority are attempting to take power from others. Many are attempting to serve from a heart level. Use your intuition to discern which is which, especially when you vote. As evolved souls mature and become new world leaders, their higher state of consciousness will express through service to higher good of all people, not just themselves and friends. New and more evolved world leaders will guide people to access their own power, rather than promoting that only they have the answers and must be obeyed. It is imperative for every serious student of truth to stop seeking answers and solutions outside themselves, looking to people or three dimensional concepts that are rapidly becoming obsolete and disappearing. This is NOT to say that you must never seek the advice or help of those more experienced in certain areas, but the first step should always be to go within, ask, and then trust your intuition. When you do this, you will find yourselves being guided to the right person to help you, someone working on levels in alignment with your own energy. Everyone has free will to stay right where they are for as long as they wish or move into higher levels of awareness. Those choosing to stay in the old belief system through fear of change, may not be able to survive the higher frequencies of Light that evolution is bringing for will not be in alignment with them. However, you reading these messages are ready or you would not even understand these words. You have done the work through lifetimes, and are ready to live it through consciously letting go of accepting at face value everything you see, hear, taste,touch, and smell in the world around you. Much of what is termed news is simply made up or skewed in some way to get a reaction, which in turn promotes the agenda of those who do not have your best interests at heart. Consciously acknowledge the Divine nature of every person. One easy way to do this is to visualize a diamond in the heart of every person you see or think about. You may become aware of just a tiny pinpoint of light in some while in others it may be a large body of light. Do not concern yourself with whether you see anything or not because your job is not to analyze or judge but is rather to realize the truth about each and every person. The work is--to know the truth, to live the truth, and to be the truth, always acknowledging what is, rather than what isn't, regardless how abhorrent appearances may be. This work is not for the faint of heart, dear brave ones. Know that you are not them. We are the Arcturian Group 7/1/18 |
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June 2024