A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, powerful co-Creators! We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today. Our writer has a question she would like to ask, which she will share now with all of us: COR: My friends, I spoke with you about six weeks ago (in the January 8 “Message to Lightworkers”) about how so many people are feeling devastated right now, not only for themselves, but for the state of the world. Some have lost their income at a time in life when rebuilding and re-presenting themselves to the work world feels to be a very great task. Others have faced natural or humanmade disasters such as flood, fire, earthquake, or violence. Others find their health devastated, and wonder if they will ever recover. Recently a Lightworker wrote me with a similar story. She is in her early 60s, and can no longer do massage therapy work due to physical injury caused by that work. She lost her home in the California fires, then her car engine died, so she has no vehicle now. She found a place to stay, but it is purely temporary, and like many now, wonders what is next for her. She asks that you speak to this situation, “as I am a Lightworker and Starseed, and I am concerned that my impoverished state is reflecting internal affairs too. That when the Bright Flash of Solar Light comes, I may not be moving into Ascension smoothly and with grace.” As you noted in last week’s Message, many are experiencing their difficulties now with the feeling that they must not be Ascending, but regressing somehow. Please speak to this, as millions seem to be at a crossroads now, on so many levels. THE COLLECTIVE: Dear ones, we are more than honored to speak to these situations, and are thankful for the chance to do so. For one, this dear one you speak of (and many millions of others in similar circumstances) is not at all about to “miss the boat” as they say. The “bright flash of solar Light” she refers to is not a singular event, but a progression of CMEs (coronal mass ejections) that are already taking place, and has been for several years now. The sun’s Light is growing higher in frequency, and carries Light data from Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, from whom Sol (your Sun) takes its cues in terms of both movement and density or vibration. Be aware that at times, those who channel and those who extrapolate astrological signs or planetary data will somewhat misconstrue or receive interference to the actual message they are receiving, though their intentions are high, and the Light data coming through their work remains potent and empowering. Yet a human being’s conscious mind, linked indelibly to what is a highly manipulated subconscious and collective unconscious, will take information about “the coming changes” (they are not coming—they are here!), and choose to panic out of a sense of survival and sometimes, doubt that they are ready for a Big Shift such as the Earth is already experiencing. We would not at all say that this dear one is missing any form of progression in her Ascension journey. What is happening is that she elected in her life chart to release her life as she knew it at this time—home, job, car and all—and to construct an entirely new life of a far higher vibration than she knew even five or six months ago. The energy work she accomplished as a massage therapist is still with her—that cannot be taken away. That was the main crux of the work. Though the physical aspect was of course empowering to the client, this Light Being’s path has led her to another avenue of service at this time. This new form of service will take time and focus to build—we say this to all who have lost partner, health, home, or income over the past year or so—and she must be kind and supportive of this new and vulnerable self who is starting to come forward. A self for whom the old boundaries will not exist, and for whom new colors, new Light, new insights and new vistas will stretch out before her as a new horizon upon which to build a new life. She is able to get some sort of job, and to find housing, even if only to housesit for others and water their plants and walk their dog for a few weeks or months. She is able to create online work of some kind—many are able to do this—and so begin to see new ways of offering her gifts, via online connections with others. For those creating a new website for their new work (creative work, counseling, energy work, or other offerings), there are free website platforms—we encourage many to research these and to begin to experiment with creating something new with them. Understand that sitting by the side of the road and feeling devastated and frozen with shock is not something that your life will be able to sustain for very long. It is important to seek counseling, even via community resources, and even if only for a short time, to begin coming out of shock. It is likewise crucial to allow the inner child to cry and to mourn—to keep a journal of your feelings and responses to your current life—yet not to live there as if this were your new state of being. These are transient states, and cannot become your default frequency. That is not what this “shake up” of disasters, losses, and apparent tragedies is there for. They are there to lift you out of your old life and to set you down into a new one—one that you must speak about with your Spirit team every morning, forming the intent to receive their wisdom in whatever way it will come. And to do at least one thing each day to move yourself forward. This positive action does not have to be “applied for five jobs today,” or “applied for public assistance,” though some days it might. It might include picking beautiful flowers or pine cones from the side of the road, or listening to inspiring music on YouTube on the computer at the library. It might include finding your town’s food bank and volunteering to help there one or two hours a week or month, as well as being someone who benefits from the foods they offer. It might include writing thank you notes or emails to everyone who has helped you even slightly to build a more stable, more obviously Abundant life. You must decide what will feed your soul during this time, dear ones—you are the only ones to do that. And it will take some bravery and going against the grain of what you have been taught. For you were all trained from the womb to view losing a home or your health or your job as one of the worst possible things that could happen to a person. They are not. A far worse thing is for you to count yourself amongst those who are lost, who are worthless, or who have little or nothing to offer others, or nowhere to go and nothing to do. And we say not as a criticism, but as a caution, that if you call to the shadows and live in them for any protracted amount of time, they will in time become part of the default frequency that you consider to be your true self, though that true self is far from despairing, hopeless, or alone. And so we are sending energies now to all who read this (and those who allow an etheric connection with us), that you will all see that your true Abundance is in Life itself—and that you are Life. There is your investment, and you cannot lose any of it—your powerful Spirit, your gifts, your ability to see more than what is physically in front of you at any one time. Your beautiful presence on this Earth, which no one else take the place of. And your ongoing ability to rebuild your outer life, based on the flexibility and resources of your inner life, including the power of your own soul, at any time. For millions of years, human beings have had to create a new home, new income, new forms of health, new sense of purpose, after utter devastation. Think of all the things you have now that they did not have—online communication and other helpful technologies. A growing presence of Light and fifth dimensional reality on the planet. A conscious realization of soul growth and life purpose that in the past was reserved only for persons of considerable education and social standing. You have waited for this—you have insisted and pushed forward through other Earth lives, other time periods, until you came to this moment, dear ones! You have not come here in vain, nor will you transform where you are purely to return to sameness and outer comfort. The ego-mind may be panicking, but we see the shape of your Spirits, and they are as empowered, as Light-filled, as resourceful, ingenious, and inspired, as we have ever seen them. And we have known you a very long “time,” though we do not view Time as you do. And so, be of good cheer, dear ones. The answers and direction you seek are coming to you now, as you daily demand from your Team what wisdom you require to move forward. And as you bless your current circumstances for all they are giving to you—in that way, you release them! You cannot become “stuck” in them, because in that moment of giving thanks, you gain all you were ever meant to from them—the wisdom, the renewal, the remaking of the Light Being you have always been, except now, in human form. Namaste, Light Bearers and co-Creators! Gods and goddesses of New Earth! When we say you are never alone—we know you cannot quite imagine the billions of Angels surrounding you now, singing tonal frequencies to lift you to where you not only remake your own lives, but that of an entire planet, then galaxy, and Universe. And yet, it is so. And yes, we are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Our Journey Together - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Feb. 21, 2018 Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is beautiful to be a part of your evolution in consciousness. We are so excited to participate in this process. You are the ones who are determining how you go about evolving and expanding. We are just here to help. When we send you transmissions, upgrades, and downloads, we are doing so at the behest of your oversouls. We are working with humanity, but you are doing all of the heavy lifting. And it is the information that you are sending back to your oversouls that is determining what help you get and how it comes. So please do not give us too much credit. We want very much for all of you to awaken within you what you already know. We are reminding you that you are creator beings, that you are Source Energy, and unconditional love. And it sounds very nice when you hear it from us, but it would be even better for all of you if you could admit to yourselves who you really are at least three times a day. You need constant reminders because of the other messages that are out there in the world, telling you that you are small, fragile, and mortal beings. What we awaken within you is the knowing of your true nature, and that is why you like us. We enjoy watching all of you because you remind us at times of the journey we have all been on. There is such a deep connection between all of you and all of us in the higher realms, and that is why it serves you very well to feel our presence in your lives, rather than just taking in the information we provide through this particular channel. We will always be a part of your journey, and you will always be very dear and special as far as we are concerned. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
A Message to Lightworkers – February 20, 2018
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We wish to send our Love in a transmission of energy waves, flowing a high level of healing and emotional and mental support to you all now. Not only to all of you who read these words or are who open to our Messages in general. But to all who suffer now, particularly the young who see violence in their communities, in any country on Earth, as they have precious few inner (Earthly) resources to deal with them. We are aware of each public shooting or other expression of violence, as well as each private expression of such—each being no less wrong or dense in intention and result than any other, though the magnitude and expression of such will assuredly be viewed by you who are in human form as being greater or lesser forms of evil. We see these expressions at their root, and see as well the inner tides and currents that lead people to do what is called the unthinkable—particularly those who are young, confused, manipulated from within and without, and isolated or abandoned. There are many who live daily without the Love, reassurance, educational, and emotional or medical support they so badly need. Understand that not only civilians with guns are culpable for what they do, though many act out of mental illness and are under the influence of archonic and dark hats control, as was the case with the young man in Florida. Those in uniform who kill needlessly are also utterly responsible for their actions—more so, because even those who are not mentally ill have convinced themselves of a sort of madness—that those outside their country, culture, religion, or race are of lower life value or an active threat to what they have sworn their allegiance to. We do not excuse such actions, nor do we condemn them. You are a free-will planet, and this is a part of what you came to experience and to work to transmute energetically. Those who carry out such actions must seek both the spiritual and psychological healing needed to release the impetus that drove them to these actions, if that is part of their path. And they must seek the forgiveness of themselves as well as others, if that is part of their path. We can tell you that most who kill are not in control of their actions, in the sense that they have given up responsibility for what they do, and are answering the orders of a psychology, a belief system, a military or paramilitary order, or their own fear or rage. When you feel extreme sadness, or deep anger, loss, grief, desire for revenge, fear, or hopelessness—you feel but a microcosm of the tremendous helplessness felt by those whose life energies have been taken over by the density of the shadow realms. And yet you are left with a feeling of bereavement, as those in physical form most assuredly do experience. First understand that there is no “taking of life” in the sense of Life disappearing from someone’s Spirit. True enough, their outer form changes—it falls away. But their essence, their Spirit, their Beingness—that cannot be lost. It is also true that those who are given over to the darkness, who serve it beyond all else, have consigned themselves to what appears to be a loss of life. Their essences, consciousness and energies will be subsumed back into non-created energies, into a space that is a sort of black hole in your Universe, unless they turn to the Light once again. The actions of the young man in Florida last week were in the main not of his own will or making. His will was subverted by those seeking to exploit the lost, the fearful, those who feel to be utterly abandoned by the Love and support that all children and young people require in order to know the sacredness of all Life. Understand that those who fell and were supposedly “lost” were not lost that day, though their families and friends may feel such. It is so that their physical forms no longer walk the Earth, but their Spirits are utterly in control of what is happening, and are working in conjunction with their soul groups (many were from the same soul families in fact) to push forward a movement that is powerfully in favor of Peace and responsibility in government. If you thought, dear ones, that great changes, movements, and activism occurred in the 1960s and early ’70s, you have not yet seen the powerful wave of social awareness—of demand for change—that is growing on your planet now. Where the 1960s were a sort of waking up, the 2010s are a time of already awakened consciousness, active and empowered, flowing into a growing current that is drawing all of humanity back to full sovereignty. This is why so many children and young people are Starseeds. Yes, many of you over the age of 40 are as well. But those who have come to Earth over the past 25 years are a remarkable group indeed. Earth has not seen such an intergalactic influx in thousands of years, and it will only continue. And why will this influx continue? Is it because the Galactics decided to swoop down and rescue you, from yourselves and your overlords-that-were? Is it because you cried out to the Angels and they decided to help you? Or because you are entering an Age of Peace and Prosperity that no one can take from you? There is a bit of all of that in this moment, dear ones. Yet more than these is the fact that you yourselves have declared and demanded your freedom. This is the sovereignty your own souls have demanded and commanded forth, a movement that began quite some time ago. And now the time is come. So when you look upon events around you that appear to be dispiriting, difficult, and tragic—look up. Because in this era of unprecedented change, everything that occurs now—even that which is seemingly tragic—draws you only closer to NESARA law’s enactment, to Full Disclosure of the Galactic presence, to your own freedom, to the fifth dimensional life you are actively creating on your planet. Not because someone suddenly took pity on you, co-Creators! No one can “give” you your sovereignty. It must be actively claimed! And Now is the time, you decided, when you would do so. And so it is! This is why we so often welcome you into fifth dimensional life and all its beautiful expressions. Not because we have pushed you through the door, but because you yourselves have opened it, and are walking through it with joy and a great sense of celebration, come Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. From It Rings True – Do You Deserve It?
February 13, 2018 From It Rings True – Do You Deserve It? by Ron Head, Oracles & Healers Having just spoken of self-love, let us move to the topic of worthiness, of self-forgiveness, of knowing oneself to be deserving of all that one can imagine. And we say all that one can imagine, because by and large, you do not imagine very big. You have, most of you, an ingrained practice of thinking you do not deserve very much. And you also have the habit of thinking that the big things are impossible for you. Let’s take care of that little misconception right now. There is available a force that has created everything that you can see and far, far more. For such a force, creating all that you can imagine is no more difficult than creating one flower, and both are miracles, are they not? So just for fun, why not practice thinking big? Now please ask yourself, “Why do I think I don’t deserve everything I need?” There are as many answers to that as there are people, but the most common is that you have been conditioned for a very long time to think that way. And you have been told outright that you do not deserve it. And you have believed it. You have imagined all the ways you might not deserve it, and you have believed that, too. You also believe that you carry sacks and sacks of guilt around with you. And we could go on in this vein for a very long time. So let’s do a little thought experiment. You know, the kind of thing your Mr. Einstein used to do. It will be short, so let us propose it, and then you close your eyes and do it. And if it doesn’t feel real, then do it over every day until it does. Here we go. You are standing in front of your Creator. Now first off, He/She is unconditionally loving. Know that. There will be no smiting and damning going on. There will be a lot of loving, however. This next part is for you to feel, Creator’s part has already been done, but you need to know that. So “Creator (or whatever you call Her/Him), I am sorry for all the things that I have not done perfectly, both remembered and not remembered. Will you please forgive me?” You know what the answer is, do you not? “Creator, I forgive everyone and everything that has ever done anything that I have not liked. I still may not like it, but I know that it has gotten me where I am today.” And lastly, “Creator, I forgive myself for not being everything that I have been taught I must be and have fallen short of. I forgive myself for judging myself, your creation, as less than perfect. I forgive me. I forgive me. I forgive me.” Now, come back to yourself and promise to find something to feel good about today. Find something to like about you. It shouldn’t be too hard. After all, Creator loves you. So do we, you know, always, always, always. Please begin to think of yourself as one who deserves everything that the universe provides, no less. We tell you that no one less would be where you are at this time. It Rings True is available HERE. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/ There is NO judgment from God/Angels/the Universe, rather we are encouraged to experience everything & be in a position to not only assist another but also not to judge ourselves or another- we've ALL done "bad things" & anytime we point a finger there are 3 fingers pointing back at us. "Sin" is really a manmade concept intended to control us, keep us in line & such. It was a tool of the church & countries in days of old used to build armies in the goal of conquest. Whoever could build the biggest army would win lands, power & treasures for their king/queen working in conjunction with church leaders... There is ONLY LOVE! We were all created from love to be love & that is our true nature, but we came to earth to experience EVERYTHING in the physical illusion to understand love through contrast as well as from every conceivable perspective. Some chose to come here to play a difficult role as "evil" etc to assist others by augmenting their experience... And there are so many many reasons/life scripts with various purposes, each one tailored to the needs of that individuals path - we cannot possibly understand their unique perspective at least from this side of the veil - perhaps one day we will fully understand, but until then we must trust & accept others as they are on their unique path in this particular moment... I hope this is helpful to someone out there & please share these messages widely - we are all in this together. Have a wonderful day. Davo, Hartbridge.ca Exercising Your New Powers ∞The Creators
Daniel Scranton “So you have begun to transform in many ways. You can see change in your lives, and you expect there to be more to come. You have already begun experiencing fifth dimensional frequency. You are familiarizing yourselves now with that vibration because you want to work with it in a way that benefits you and those around you. So you are exercising a bit with the new energy, and you are getting your feet wet. It is the time for you to apply what you know, what you have learned, because what you are doing here is very important. You are affecting many who you cannot even see. So this is why you must be patient with yourselves. You have been told for quite some time that you are the creators of your experience, and this has frustrated many of you who don’t feel that you are able to change your circumstances, to get what you want, to feel how you want to feel, and so on. And so we ask you to relax a bit. Don’t feel the need to get it all right now, to use all of your power, and to manifest the perfect life. That is part of what it is you are here to experience. You are also here to experience a broad spectrum of emotions. And in so doing, you do service to other aspects of yourself and other individuals throughout the Universe. That is why it is necessary for you to spend a bit more time becoming the creators that you have always been, but that you have not yet fully experienced yourselves as. You have come so far, and yet, you have still a ways to go. And the best thing that you could ever do at this time is to appreciate where you are, to give thanks for what you have and to notice the power that you are beginning to play with. Have fun with it. Feel that power and know that this is a process that has been underway since before you were born. We are pleased to watch you grow in this way and to serve you as best we can.”
FEBRUARY 10, 2018 0 VIEWS You are the indwelling spirit, you are the ascended self in form and in action right here and right now. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle. Greetings dearest! We are the Lemurians and we come to you today as a collective, to greet and to assist you in these times of shifting and intense transformation. We come in joy and we come in a celebratory spirit, we come in love. And isn’t it quite funny to have an “old and ancient” part of thee coming to talk about your “future and new” thee? We believe it is, but as you know there is no time, there is no other, there is only now and one. And we are here to talk to you about stretching time, about stopping time and, even more, stepping into one so you can better understand how to shift permanently into that wonderful New You that is in physical form, walking, talking and living on planet Earth in these times of awakening and transformation. All of you here reading and listening to this message have had many experiences when you heard, saw, and felt the truth through the senses of the New You. And more often than not you doubted yourselves, and then waited for more signs and clues to confirm and to clarify. And that is perfectly normal and understandable as long as you wish to continue to open up and perceive more of the reality, more of who and what is being presented to thee at this time. You still have remnant fears and self-doubt in yourselves about your ability to deal with other unloving situations, and feel that you would not know or have the power to offer any assistance when they arise. Let go of all of these unfounded worries and let us take all of them from you in this moment. You do have the wisdom and the knowing to rise above any situation and to respond appropriately. You have been asked to listen, to open your hearts and truly listen with your whole being, and this is what you are doing. And you know that others are waiting for your response, for your wise advice and guidance. And this is where you seem to have a little difficulty and that is because you are trying too hard, you see. The new way is not a difficult and arduous way. The advice and novel teaching are free flowing and easy to follow. You all have had times when your soul was talking easily through you, when the answer came softly, gently and with humor. You all had these experiences when you said exactly what the other was needing to hear. The other one was suddenly uplifted, you witnessed the heart opening, the glowing eyes and the smiles on their faces, and that clear understanding of the truth conveyed to them. You knew you were speaking to their soul and heart. And you wonder how can you be and do the same in the future. How can you follow this path at all times without having to get into heavy arguments while attempting to break through the heart walls of loved ones, or as you see the lost look in the eyes of a friend, a client, or a patient that can’t seem to get what you are saying or follow your line of thought. And here we are saying to thee that it is easy to sit in the moment and in your heart. It is easy to ask your self to come through and assist in the best way possible, and then to say and do whatever is flowing through you. You are the indwelling spirit, you are the ascended self in form and in action right here and right now. There is no one else but the New You talking and acting with ease and grace. Take your time if you need, pause and stretch the time. See and feel when you are allowing dense thoughts to flow in an attempt to convince, cajole, condemn, or criticize, even if at a subtle level, in a way that the other one doesn’t want to hear. Feel when judgment comes through and any of the other heavy emotions that are felt in your tummy and solar plexus and let them go because you know now that these are of the old ways and they were never helpful to anyone. You see, all you have to do is ask, and then to let go of the heavy and arduous ways of being! Be light and joy, be love and fun, be the magnificent you in every single moment! We love you, we are always with you, for we are one! Farewell. By Permission. © 2018 Council of Love, Inc. http://counciloflove.com/ This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. ![]() The Council: Avoiding the Traps By Ron Head, Oracles & Healers Today we want to speak with you about the traps that are intentionally laid for you to keep you embroiled in the duality. You are divided into parties, races, ins and outs, moneyed and not, liberals and conservatives, and on and on. These are taught to you through all of the media, through cultural systems, passed down from generation to generation, and then built upon. The influences are often subtle, subliminal, and extremely effective. Think of this: if someone had offered to teach young you to hate others, would you have said “Yes, please”? If someone had offered to teach you to get violently angry at others because they did not think the same thoughts as you, would you have thought it desirable? All that is needed is to observe a mixed group of five-year-olds to see that they do not have any such thoughts. There is a very effective method to teaching these things to you. Very subtly, over many years, you learn that “they” want what you have, that “they” are dangerous, and that you need to protect yourselves from “them”. These programs are built into all of your systems. And to ‘prove’ that this is true, you are taught that there is not enough… of anything. This is not new to those of you who have followed these messages for a while. Nor will it take much for you to see that there is actually a structure above the left/right, we/they, etc. that doesn’t really care which side of anything you choose as long as you do choose. It is the division that they promote. Why? Because they profit from both sides of all the arguments, etc. “Well now, that’s all wonderful to know, but what do I do about it?” We hear you. We are not saying that you should not discern what you agree with and what you do not. But please consider that it is one thing to say that you hold something to be true or beneficial, and quite something else to think that if someone else doesn’t agree they should be (fill in the blank). There are seven billion of you on your planet. Some of them are not going to agree with you. We are going to suggest that you learn to do a few things. First, we think it will be good for you to learn to choose what to think based on what you know to be true from your experience, not on what someone else has told you. You have access through your devices to more data than any humans have ever had before. Don’t allow yourselves to be led into anything by having your fears played upon. If you recognize that happening, know that it is almost certainly a fact that you are being manipulated. When you make a choice, make it your own choice, not anyone else’s. And most importantly, learn to observe and send light and understanding to what you do not choose. Every other person has an equal right to make his or her own choices, whether or not you agree with them… every other person. We want you also to realize that what is happening now, although it seems like chaos, is just mankind’s finally facing himself/herself in the mirror. You must see what you have built and what you have allowed. You must learn who you are and that you are the creators that have made your world. That is how you will become able to stop what you wish to stop and keep what you wish to keep. It looks terrible. It is actually quite beautiful… because you are doing wonderfully. Try to be the one who does wonderfully without condemning anyone else. Remember always, the light never loses to the dark. Who ever flipped the dark switch? AA Michael ~EMBRACING ALL FACETS OF GOD CONSCIOUSNESS Michael's Message MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-2-2018 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE EMBRACING ALL FACETS OF GOD CONSCIOUSNESS Beloved masters, there is a great stirring taking place among the masses — those who, until now, were not ready to listen to the inner nudgings of Spirit or to delve into the mysteries of creation. The frequency patterns of the new Divine Blueprint are beginning to flow into your awareness on the currents of change. We have said that you were very brave to step out of your comfort zone, out of the mass consciousness flow of popular beliefs and into the uncertainty of untried territory. You have been willing to face up to the challenges, and to not be deterred by those who said you were wrong, evil, or called you “wishful-thinkers.” You are proving that what you have accepted as your truth is indeed working, and the validation is concrete and visible for all to see so that there can be no dispute. Fear is the greatest deterrent to change, but you have tamed your fears, and more and more of you are stepping forth into your power. Each time you visit your Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Power/Light, you become more adept at tapping into and using the gifts of Creation. You gradually bring back more and more of the rarified, unmanifested Adamantine Particles of Creator Light to infuse, integrate and share. See these streams of Light spiraling down into the physical realms of expression, as they gradually become tangible and take form under your direction via your visions, dreams and clear intention. Many of you have learned the discipline necessary to hold your visions without wavering, and you are learning that the miracles of manifestation take place one clear thought, one step or action, and one day at a time. There are no shortcuts, beloveds; you must follow the Universal Laws of Manifestation in order to harness the power of Creation. No matter where you are on the Path of en-Lighten-ment, if you are reading our messages, and you are doing your best to claim your Self-mastery, there is a place for you among the new Legions of Light that are being formed around the world. As you become proficient at accessing the power and majesty of the higher Dimensions, and you begin to get a glimpse of how wondrous the material planes of existence can be, the excitement begins to build. That is what is happening all over the world. It is a very personal experience, for even though you may have much confusion, turmoil and chaos around you, you are learning to stay centered within a hologram of harmonious co-existence and joy. As time goes by, you will find that your center of serenity will extend further and further outward. And as more of you begin to tap into the eternal power of the higher planes of consciousness, it will spread faster and faster. Never doubt, dear ones, it will ultimately encompass the world, for it is an integral part of the future of humanity and the Earth. One of the major areas of physical interaction that must be explained so that you may come to a greater understanding, is the balance of the male/female energies within each of you. The battle of the sexes began aeons ago, as some of the unique energies of the Lemurian Race and the Atlantean Race began to merge. The Lemurian race was OverLighted by the energy of the beloved Mother Goddess. She focused on the integration of the Love/emotional nature within the physical vessel − along with the desire to create on the physical plane, and to nurture and assist the new Spirits arriving on Earth. Last but not least, was to establish each Soul’s intuitive mind connection with Spirit via the Creative Cord of Life/Light. This was the dominating focus of the Divine Blueprint for humanity at that time. You were like joyous, exuberant, curious children, for this was a grand new experience for all of you. Midway through the Age of Lemuria, the Golden Age of Atlantis began to emerge, and for this cycle, the dynamic energies of the Father God were the dominant force on Earth. Powerful masculine energies came to the fore, as humanity learned to use their minds to control the energies of the First Ray and to become masters of cocreation on the earthly plane. You added the mental body components as you became more proficient in developing and using your physical senses, as well as your spiritual senses, or what you now call extrasensory perception. As the energies of polarity and duality began to emerge, a division in consciousness also came into play. Some perceived the masculine traits and attributes to be superior, and others favored the gentler feminine virtues. Gradually the battle of the sexes began, and you began to mistrust the opposite sex more and more because of the many painful memories you experienced over your many lifetimes. Dear hearts, you are a composite of all your vast past experiences and memories. You have had many lifetimes as a female where you were abused or mistreated by men. There have also been many lifetimes in the male body where you suffered the loss of your beloved mate, you were betrayed, or you did not measure up in some way. All those conflicting energies − encoded in Memory Seed Atoms within your auric field, your brain structure and your DNA − will color your outlook on the opposite sex – that is, until you resolve and transmute them. You eventually separated into two Sub-Rays, one representing our Father God, and the other a representing our Mother God. You have divided and separated into many Facets / Fragments of consciousness since, but you have forever yearned and sought your wholeness or “Holiness.” At the core of your Being, what you are really seeking is the reunification with the other half of your perfect God Spark of Creation that was sent forth into conscious awareness. How can you accomplish the healing and reunification of these two primary Facets of yourself? First, by developing a balanced sense of Self-worth and Self-love. You will begin to radiate the higher vibratory energy outward from your auric force field, and those with whom you come in contact will respond in kind. Learn to trust yourself and your intuition so that you may trust others. You will never feel alone when you learn that you have a mighty force of angels ever near you: ready to protect, encourage, love, and support you every moment of the day or night. Release the pain of the past by forgiving yourself and all others. Go into your Sacred Pyramid, and envision all the players in your many dramas of life there with you. Ask that all the imbalanced energies, painful distorted memories, and hurtful interactions be dissolved in the fountain of the wondrous neutralizing Violet Flame of Transformation. Watch as the electrifying waves of Creator Light permeate your Being to its depths, gradually returning you to a perfect balance of godly virtues, both masculine and feminine in nature. Then see all those major players from your past healed and brought into harmony, as well. Watch as they merge and blend with you as you all become a unified, balanced whole. If you do this, the lessons you were to learn from these interactions will be deemed successful. You will change all the probable futures you have created with these past Soul companions, and you will not have to play out the scenarios in the old karmic way of cause and effect interaction. Are you ready to assume the many cloaks of empowerment and godliness – that of being a nurturing mother and/or a strong father figure, the playful child, a comforting Soul mate, or a faithful friend? Your relationships are changing; your Soul families are growing, and encompassing hundreds, even thousands, instead of focusing only on your physical family, thereby limiting your love to the few. You are moving toward a higher vibration of love, that which incorporates “Spirit/Soul love” as well as human “heart love.” You will have to confront your fears of intimacy, and open your heart to give and receive the deepest, most profound human love possible. You must open your total Being to love — love from the Creator Source down to the least of God’s creations. How can you begin the process of reunification without love, one for another? There will still be those who come into your life with whom you do not resonate, and that will be so as long as you are in the physical vessel. If you can maintain an attitude of nonjudgment, and radiate love to the Essence of each person, you will not have to experience a karmic dance or interaction with them. Bless them and allow them to follow their Path, while you follow your own. It is time for humanity to remove the etheric shields of protection they have placed over their heart/solar plexus centers so that they cannot be hurt or unduly influenced. Removing the protective membrane of Light, which guards your Sacred Heart, will allow the Love/Light of our Father/Mother to flow freely both into and then outward from your Sacred Heart Center. Dear hearts, there is another important concept that we wish to present to you. In doing so, we know that it will trigger fear and doubt for many of you. If this is the case, we ask you to set the information to the side, and ask that it be validated if it is to be your truth, or if it is too uncomfortable, to just disregard it. There is much information coming forth that will challenge the old concepts and thought forms of the past. Just as children learn the simple basic concepts in their early years, and the lessons and theories become more complex and thought-provoking as they mature – this applies to your spiritual education and growth as well. We have told you that the Supreme Creator has begun to emanate new rarified Love/Light Essence from the core of Its Being. It contains all the Facets of Creation, which include White Fire Seed Atoms (energy components) of never before experienced new creations. Within the wondrous multiple beams of Creator Light is a black Ray of pure unmanifested potential. The Creator is sending this Ray as a gift to all of you — it contains the stillness of the Great Void. It is accessible to all who are brave enough to tap into it, and to use some of your reserve of Adamantine Particles of Light to help mold and recreate the beauty and majesty of Gaia – your host planet. First came the Void, and then came the Light, and within the Light are all good and wondrous things; however, the Light would not shine so brightly without the darkness. Many of you fear the darkness and your shadow side, perceiving them as evil. All is a part of the ONE, the Creator. There is nothing to fear. You, as human Beings, have created many things to fear, but that is not the Creator’s doing. Do you fear the great void that is the backdrop for the stars and constellations? Some of you fear the night, yet it is not the darkness that you can lay the blame on, but the hurtful things that humans do under the cover of darkness. We wish to help you to begin to investigate and transmute those old self-limiting concepts so you may broaden your horizons and assume your cloak of Light. With the gift of Light comes a great responsibility — the leadership role that we mentioned earlier. We ask you to LIVE your lives with a heightened sense of awareness; to FEEL the joy of being connected to All That Is, and then to share the joy with others; to use your WILL power to move swiftly along the path of enlightenment, so as you gain a higher vantage point, you can more easily assist others over the rough spots: to LOVE others with all your heart and Soul, as the Creator loves you; to SPEAK your highest truth with love, compassion, and discernment; to SEE the best in everyone; and to know that we are all a part of the same great I AM. Precious friends, we began and we will complete this particular Divine Mission together so that you may join us in the next great “Cosmic Adventure” that our Father/Mother God have planned. We will encourage you, stretch your minds, and we will gently nudge you when appropriate, but most of all, we will love you eternally. I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from:[email protected]
A Message to Lightworkers – February 5, 2018by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, co-Creative, Empowered Ones! We are pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. And we see that you are feeling increasingly the presence of your Galactic family, even if you do not yourselves see them physically in your skies (though many of you have) or remember your conversations with them, your work on the ships, or visiting them in other realms while you are in your sleep state. We assure you that all of this is so, and much more. And that you have, in addition, been moving not only between dimensions both in both your waking and sleeping hours, but moving amidst Earth’s time periods as well. There is much you are settling now—much that has remained unfinished and unresolved, which many will call karma, and some simply “unfinished business” with another person or event or mode of thought or belief in your own history, or human history in general. And so you are all Travelers in ways unheard of in human life since Earth’s descent into the third dimension, except by a very few higher beings still inhabiting Earth who never lost that ability. We call you Travelers, because unlike your predecessors (including your own past life selves), you are moving in and amongst dimensions and time periods with increasing skill, learning to direct flows of energy from your soul and from the Universe itself, stepping into the portals that open up into paths to other times and spaces. It is so that in third dimensional life, time and space are inextricably bound up in one another. And yet where Time is no longer an issue, distance is likewise not an impediment to travel or to experience. And so you are able to move from one “place”—one time or dimension—to another, by way of shifting your frequency, your point of energy focus, and your expectation—expectation being simply a feeling/experience of something before you are actually in it. Similar to moving the dial on a car radio to hear a different station, you simply shift your vibration to match that time or place you wish to move into, then find an opening through which to step into it. Some of you are using this to return to events of the past, to work with them energetically so as to shift the vibration of a particular event or belief system to a much higher vibration. As you heal Earth’s timeline in this way, you also heal your experience of the past—events and experiences that have contributed to the density all of you are now dissolving etherically. That in turn frees your psyche, spirit, and body to move more freely in the world, without the heaviness of past experience, trauma, and pain holding you back. You are transcending the past as well as the present—transmuting that which in other eras would have had to be relived in yet another Earth life, experienced each time at perhaps only a slightly higher vibration. And of course there are also disturbing and chaotic aspects of present Earth life, as She spews out the last of the toxicity that has invaded and oppressed Her for thousands of years. You may have images of great dragons coming out of the depths of Inner Earth, riding the skies with their powerful wings and roaring at adversaries to Earth’s Ascension, as they chase away or fell opponents—other dragons and beings of a far lower vibration that have stood in shadow and darkness, serving the under-lords of the dark recesses of Earth, physically and etherically. There are increasing sightings of such beings in remote places, and you yourself may notice and feel Dragon energy more now, just as you feel Angelic, Devic, Faery, and Galactic beings more clearly than ever. We assure you, you have without exception, each of you, spoken with or witnessed these Beings on numerous occasions, in their many guises as animals, rocks or trees, human beings, or simple energetic manifestations. They, like you, can send their energy into a place or time without being physically present, and affect all who are there with mental images, emotional resonance, and physical symptoms, whether of the Light or of the shadows. Yes, you have this ability, though you are only now, in your tutelage to the great Masters, learning to retrieve this ability and to use it in a conscious way for healing, growth, and enlightenment, rather than in the very unconscious way you have used your presence in most Earth lives. “And so why did I have to take on all this sadness, darkness, and density, when I already know deep down how to transmute lower energies?” you may ask. “Why couldn’t I have stayed in the higher realms and assisted Earth’s Ascension from there?” We assure you, there are many, many trillions of higher beings working consistently in the higher realms to aid Earth’s Ascension. You had a more intricate plan in mind. While in a physical body, you are able to meld your energies with Earth, funneling, channeling, and anchoring higher Light data into the planet Herself, as well as your own body and spirit in highly empowering ways that offer a particular path of mastery few other experiences in this Universe can provide. In doing so, you also create openings for others—mini-portals—with your words, smile, presence, and inner beauty, for them to likewise move up in vibration, and to step forward on that same path. None of this is due to simple supernatural skill or insight. All of it is down to permitting the power and the reality of Love to invade your every cell, while experiencing yourself as purely a demonstration of higher Love, not a being outside of it, seeking it as someone foreign to that energy. This is the crux of what you have come to experience this time. It is also the height of your Earth mission, though you each have a distinctly different way of experiencing and demonstrating that. You have come to express a path different from anyone else’s, and different from anything you yourself have ever felt or expressed in any time-space, ever before. So we would say, as you notice time and space behaving differently now—days and nights flying by at twice the rate they used to move, places holding energies that are blatantly in opposition to your own, or that flow perfectly with your own, or that call you to a higher vibration—be aware that you are increasing your own mastery of what occurs between you and time-space, and that however strange this may feel at times, none of it is accidental. Namaste, dear ones! We are your family and your guides—those tasked with reminding you that you are Love itself, and Creational energy itself—and we are with you, always. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. |
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