Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thurs., Apr. 21, '22
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via We realize that adjusting boundaries can seem daunting, especially if they’ve been in an unhealthy pattern for a long time. But healthy boundaries are essential for helping you, and everyone around you, meet their highest potentials. That is exactly why they are coming up for reexamination for so many of you. We wish for you to know that shifting your boundaries isn’t mean when you are doing it from a conscious place, although people may accuse you of being mean or unfair as you do so. That is simply because they may be fearing change, or because they are invested in things staying the same. Shifting boundaries isn’t about punishment, it is about seeking an overall balance that is fair. Most people who resist healthy boundaries are trying to avoid stepping into their own authentic power in some way. This is detrimental as that is exactly what you are on the planet to do! You may have noticed that when you have unhealthy boundaries with another there is a lot of blaming each other involved. When you are consumed with what another is doing, you are not putting your focus on your own growth and evolution. In some cases, you may need to make a big shift in your relationship to stop old patterning. If you have been in a dance of unhealthy boundaries with another for a long time, you may fear this will end your relationship but the reality is your relationship, if it is wildly out of balance, is doomed to fail. Moving into healthier boundaries is exactly what will give your relationship a chance. In other cases, you may slowly start shifting things in a way that won’t feel as drastic to others. This can start by you simply feeling into your truth before you answer or act. Ask yourself, is this fair and empowering for everyone involved? You can start saying no to others (or yes to yourself!), or start delegating activities to others that they can easily do for themselves, slowly but surely, to start to enact more gradual change. This requires commitment on your part to stay consciously aware and not fall back into old patterns. Again we remind you that boundaries are there to support fair, empowering connection for everyone involved. That is always a good thing, and your inner wise one always knows where that point is. You may need to be very firm in extreme cases, or you may gently shift things slowly, but no matter how you get there, rest assured your boundaries exist for the highest good of all, because they allow you to use your energy much more consciously and to finally move out of old cycles and patterns into true forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via By this point you understand that both ebbs and flows serve you and create an overall system of balance. But we understand there are challenges with each phase. Did you know there are beings specific to each phase you can call on to assist you to harness the benefits and to ease any discomforts? We like to refer to them as the blue team. The blue team consists of Mother Mary and Archangel Michael. Both are associated with the color blue – Mother Mary, with the lighter blue of the heavens, and Archangel Michael with a darker, more grounded blue. Isn’t it interesting that blue is also representative of the flow of water which symbolizes the flow of your journey. Mother Mary is the ideal being to call on to assist you during lull phases. Lulls give you space to process emotions, to integrate, to release, to rest, to heal. Mother Mary’s unconditional love and soothing energy offers gentle guidance and reassurance to help you navigate a lull. Archangel Michael is the ideal being to call upon during an action phase. Not only will he help clear the path forward for you, he will help you feel protected and find your courage to step fully into embracing the new. He will guide you seamlessly through the fastest, choppiest energies that make it difficult to keep your bearings. His great strength and sense of adventure are ideal to help you navigate a time of accelerated flow. Do you see? Yet again you have everything you could possibly need to get the most out of every single phase you could experience. All you must do is be willing to ask for the assistance and accept the love and guidance. The supports are always in place for you to assure your success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, April 8, 2022
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via You can’t move into the fullest expression of you in the new energies if you are still hauling old limitations around with you. So how do you know you have limitations? By paying conscious attention to the reasons you tell yourself why you can’t have the life you deserve. The way to do that is to connect with your fondest dream and follow your line of thinking about it. Pay attention to the structure of your sentence when you think of your desire. Usually your sentence will start with a very clear identification of what you would like to experience followed by the word but. Everything that follows the but are the reasons you believe you can’t have it. Those limiting beliefs have likely been created long ago, either by family or societal opinions, a fear, doubt, or perceived powerlessness. We can guarantee you that the impressionable you who believed those limitations to be true is a far cry from the empowered you that is ready to step forward into the new energies and the creation of your highest life expression. So pay attention to everything that comes after the word “but” and ask yourself the following: Is this really true? Is there another option? Can I create beyond this? Have I truly explored this dream recently? What actions steps have I taken towards this dream? What version of this dream might be fully available for me? What can I do to shift this and honour my truth? Have I surrendered into the co-creation of my own version of this dream with the help of my highest self, my guides, and my helpers? What would the empowered version of me do to have this experience? Questions bring clarity, Dear Ones, and our greatest desire for you is that you will find your way into the fullest life expression that is available to you and to continue to grow it from there. We want you to give yourself permission to follow where your heart is yearning to go, and to fully embrace the endless possibilities that are available to you as an enlightening human being on an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A miracle at the end of the current road
Michelle Fielding, At the end of this current road ... A miracle begins to unfold All the tests that previously had gone before ... Have now lead me to this magnificent opening .... the Golden Door As I boldly, through it step I look back at the people ... I have left in my wake But there is no sadness ... not a drop For in front of me, is my everything .... Angels of God The wings are magnificent and opaque, They embrace me and my loved ones who are feeling such heartbreak The wings of the Angel are magnificent indeed, They create a swooping cape of Love around me The wings of the Angel are magnificent indeed I know they will protect me and my loved ones for all Eternity Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Some of you still find loving yourselves very difficult or unnatural. You might think self love means making yourself more important than others, or perhaps will make you fall into ego. Maybe you are more comfortable giving than receiving, so self love feels unnatural to you. If this is the case, rather than attempting to wrestle yourself into a self love practice we recommend you simply shift into being kind to yourself. You will likely feel much less resistance to that idea and we’ll let you in on a little secret. Kindness is love in action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray, [email protected] Hi , Angels are communicative beings by nature. The word 'angel' means 'messenger of the divine' and so it's within the essence of an angel to share messages and information. In every moment, your angel is on hand to guide and guard you -- the capacity to hear their messages is down to your willingness to listen. Being willing to listen to the angels looks different to everyone. For me, it's about taking regular space in my life to meditate. Every single day, for the last two decades I've taken time to welcome the angels in through prayer and listen through meditation. So when people say to me, "How come you can hear angels and I can't?" I'll say, "Well how long have you taken to listen?" with a smile. If you are at a point on your spiritual path where you're wondering what the next step is, I can guarantee that it's probably taking more time to meditate. Here's a truth bomb about your angelic connection: Your accumulation of meditation time is representative of how much you are willing to listen. Does it need to be more? Let this be a gentle reminder to go deeper and listen longer. Yours in light, Kyle Today's Angel Message Monday card comes from my Angel Prayers Oracle, available from all great booksellers. You can find out more about the deck and where to order it HERE. Your Message from Kyle Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!” The Angels are encouraging you to make the change you’ve been pondering for a while. This change is absolutely guided and even though you’re not entirely sure what’s going to happen next, if you take the leap with faith and trust in your heart, you’ll be guided safely to the next step along your path. Your Angels want you to visualize that you have wings on your back so that you can fly high like them. Now is the time. Extended Message A leap of faith isn’t about hoping something’s going to turn out positive, it’s knowing that it is! It’s about trusting God and your Angels to carry you safely to the ground. There are so many changes going on in your life right now and you have the opportunity to move on to the next phase. This is an exciting time, so bring your Angelic friends on the journey with you – they are desperate to be invited. |
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