Jesus through JohnGuidance from an elder brotherTruly, despite all the conflict and confusion arising in the world, all is well.September 28, 2016 by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday September 28th Chaos and confusion appear to be increasing across the planet, but in fact what is happening is just the rising to the surface of humanity’s consciousness many long held beliefs and judgments which are being acted out; it’s just part of humanity’s awakening process. All the negative and judgmental ideas and concepts to which humanity has been clinging for eons have to be released in order for you to awaken, and in some cases, as you can see, they are being engaged with and acted out, often very violently.Many of you Light holders have become aware of this and are working steadfastly to let go of all your own unloving thoughts and beliefs that you have discovered buried or denied deep within yourselves, which are now arising into your awareness and, in many cases, shocking you. All humans have buried and denied unloving thoughts and desires, they are all aspects of the illusion, of the state of separation from Source that you chose to experience. The state of separation – which as you have so often been told is purely illusory, unreal – by its nature sets you against each other as you struggle for survival in a seemingly hostile environment. But in this incarnation, where it has been your intent to be loving and assist in humanity’s awakening, it is extremely unsettling for you to have thoughts, even desires, to harm others. You judge them unacceptable. But remember, you need to stop judging,especially yourselves. As these inharmonious thoughts or desires arise just observe them: “Wow, I didn’t realize that I had so much buried hatred, anger, and resentment against . . .” and release them without judgment! Often those feelings or emotions are not yours, but are from the human collective, they are what you incarnated to assist humanity to release, and that is what your loving intentions do. However, when they come to mind your egos automaticallyattach them to someone you know or knew. Before you can release all that buried and denied debris you have to acknowledge it. There is nothing wrong in your thoughts or desires, they are, as it were, just there flowing and floating around seeking attention. They have no meaning whatsoever until someone engages with them or acts them out. You, our dear readers and listeners, are doing absolutely sterling work as you set your daily intent to be loving in every moment, and in every situation. Those intentions are extremely powerful and effective because you are divine beings, One with God, and it is His Will and yours that humanity awakens. Therefore you willawaken. But, no one will be forced to awaken, Love neverforces. The small minority of humans who choose to delay their awakening because they are not yet ready to cease playing games in the illusion, will continue as humans within the illusion following paths they have chosen. This is not awrong choice, it is just the choice they are choosing because it appears to them to be completely appropriate. Remind yourselves frequently that there is only Love, all else is illusory. No one can be lost, let alone damned! All are God’s beloved children and all will return to Oneness. It has, of course already happened, because, in fact, you never left that state. Therefore do not worry about loved ones who seem totally uninterested and uninvolved with spirituality, who have no apparentawareness that there is a Reality apart from the one you experience as humans. There is no one who is separated from Source, because separation is impossible, there are just some who, for whatever reason in this present moment, choose or refuse to become aware of that. They remain eternally in God’s loving embrace, and when they are ready, and they will become ready, they too will undergo their own awakening process and return to the joy of Oneness. Truly, despite all the conflict and confusion arising in the world, all is well. Keep reminding yourselves that your experiences as humans, while often painful and giving rise to intense suffering, are unreal. You cannot be harmed or damaged in any way. Yes, your bodies can and do experience intense pain and suffering, but they are temporary vehicles that you chose to inhabit, and that is their purpose, but when you have learned your lessons, lessons that you each personally chose to learn, you will discard them, with grateful thanks, and awaken. Being One with God for all eternity you have no need of physical form, but while you do have a physical form it is only sensible to treat that form with loving respect, care for it wisely, and enjoy the pleasures it can provide. Remember, God always and only wants you to be happy, joyful, at peace, and content. When you are not in that state it means you are thinking egotistically i.e. you are focusing on things that could go wrong in your lives and thus drawing them to you. What you think about becomes your intent, so be careful what you think about, and focus on joy in every moment. You should be in joy because you are eternally One with God, and that state can never be altered. Your loving brother, Jesus.
Greetings Angelic Guides Community!
A Channeled Message From Taryn Crimi "How to balance “making my dreams come true” and “allowing my dreams to come true” Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifestation. This topic is of course quite large but we wish to narrow down this broad topic to a very specific dilemma that we often see humans struggle with when wanting to manifest a desire. How much should I be doing to make my dreams come true? When should I just allow my dreams to manifest? This is what we would like to discuss in hopes of helping you gain some clarity around this topic. You see, 100% of every manifestation is the result of coming into perfect harmony with it, perfect alignment with it. This is the case for absolutely each and every experience you manifest, whether you deem it as a good or bad manifestation makes no difference. You simply became a perfect match to that vibration and it therefore had to manifest in your reality. You cannot experience what you do not resonate with. So how much of the alignment is a result of something you did? How much of the alignment is a result of something you allowed? Well it varies. But we can tell you this, most humans feel compelled to force their dreams into manifesting. That you must offer some form of great effort in order to be deserving of the dream you want to manifest. This is when we see so many create needless struggle simply because they believe they should be “doing” something at all times if they want to make their dreams come true. We are going to share this with you, and for those of you who really get this, you will find things manifesting much easier for you than you ever have before. You never have to make your dreams come true, nor is their any amount of struggle or difficulty or dues that you must pay in order to deserve your dreams. We are not saying that no amount of action is required of you, you are living within a physical world, there is always some action needed in order to make something manifest. Even those who wish to do very little and gain very much know they need to at least buy a lottery ticket in order to be eligible to win. So of course, some action is necessary, but what we want to help you understand is how much. We often get asked, well I have these dreams and I want to be extremely abundant, and all I want to do is lay on the beach and play with puppies, how am I going to manifest my desire to be abundant if I just sit around all day doing what I want and not doing anything productive? Ahhhhhh, we love this kind of question and we love the human definition of "productive". So many of you believe that you must do something in order to be “productive”. Yet from our perspective you are always far more productive when you find the feelings of harmony, peace, joy, elation with your thoughts and emotions first. Many wonder, well what is that going to accomplish? To this we reply, everything! If you find the feeling you want to create first you will then be inspired to act in just the right way at just the right time. You have all experienced this at some point. Everything lines up so easily, you are in the right place at the right time. You see, we always say, you are always inspired to act, you always are in alignment, you are always getting ideas. Yet so many of you are disappointed when you act on those ideas only to find that it didn’t give you the result that you wanted. Why? Why did your inspiration not lead you to what you wanted? The answer is very simple, because you weren’t vibrating in alignment with what you were wanting. Let us further explain. Often times you are compelled to act from a place of fear, a place of guilt, frustration, anxiety or stress, however the only inspiration you can receive in those vibrations are ideas that will lead to more fear, anxiety, frustration and stress. But if you will find the alignment and harmony with the feelings of bliss, joy, abundance, happiness and so forth, you will undoubtedly receive guidance, inspiration that will lead you to more bliss, joy happiness and so on. Any time you have a dream you want to manifest here in your physical reality, we would encourage you to find the alignment with thoughts that feel as good as that dream. We would pulse that vibration of feeling great as often and as long as we possibly could hold it. Because one thing is for sure, more things must manifest in your reality that match that vibration. The saying “think before you act” couldn’t be more appropriate. We would add just a little more to this phrase, “think thoughts of harmony before you act”. We often times say if your goal is to move a rock, you can choose to push that rock all the way up the hill expending lots of time and energy or you could choose to walk peacefully up to the top of the hill and tap the rock as it rolls gently down the hill. Both choices will allow you to move the rock, but one is much easier and more enjoyable than the other. Always choose the path that is most enjoyable. So with that we hope that we have been of service to you. In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides. P.S. The Angelic Guides website has been updated and now it is much more user friendly! You can use it on all devices and easily navigate through the site! Go check it out and let me know what you think :) Do you have questions for the Angels? Book your session today! Copyright © 2012-2016 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
from Planetary Activation Organization, Sheldon Nidle We are entering an age of unity and cooperation that brings peace and a chance to fully explore what each of you truly is. Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System 11 Ahau, 3 Tzotz, 13 Caban Selamat Jalwa! This weekly report, like the previous one, rests on the simple fact that we are entering a point where a time schedule is in place. We feel strongly about this and welcome at last the chance to see the first stage of a long-awaited program finally begun. Those who are in charge of this vast global change are doing what is now necessary to implement it and ensure that this new reality comes to fruition. It is no longer important how the order of payments is achieved. The Courts have ruled that the RV or the Prosperity Program payouts are not a point of contention. It is vital that these monetary abundance programs pay out. This set of payments is to lead, on schedule, to the American NESARA republic and quickly after, to a global governmental reform, the so-called GESARA. Those in charge of these new governances are now busily readying their legal establishment. The time frame is anticipated to be quite short, and we are using our security liaisons to carefully permit all of this to happen as planned. All is currently expected to manifest without a hitch. The present version of what is now developing has taken a long time to be put firmly in place. First, the cabal needed to be set aside, without any chance to rebound. This dark group is presently under full and constant scrutiny. They know that, at the right time, they are to be arrested and isolated from all of you. Each of them fully realizes that any leeway for mischief is no longer available. The new NESARA government has roughly 120 days, or four months, to completely return to Constitutional roots. In addition, there is to be a return to Common Law and the required additions and subtractions to the US Constitution. For example, the 16th Amendment needs to be stricken. NESARA ends the graduated income tax and replaces it with a special excise or sales tax. It also disposes of the illusory national debt and refunds to all, any illegal taxes that anyone has been forced to pay. This jubilee also cancels all bank debt. This is a coming time for freedom and for a spreading level of global prosperity. This time of freedom and prosperity is vital to the process of raising consciousness and, in turn, of changing your key core perceptions. Part of the problem of preparing you to accept your new reality is to gently tear away beliefs that were given you by the dark Anunnaki. These beliefs were passed down for centuries and decades by parents and peers. They are restrictions ("guidelines") created by the Anunnaki to keep you from any grand rebellion. They told you how useless it is to disobey the "powers that be." These precepts need to be drummed out of you. The key point in your present conscious growth is to learn to ignore these old inner teachings about this reality. Instead, be ready to adopt new ones. Be kind to one another. Learn your inner worth. Understand the power of who you really are. Each of you is a powerful Being of Light. Long ago your ancestors defied the rulers of Atlantis and were suddenly altered to a state of limited consciousness. Now, you are being prepared to return to your natural state of galactic humanness. The coming events are to end the long and dark era of the Anunnaki's minions. This developing time is to allow you to take off the shackles of mind and body that you and your ancestors have carried for 13 millennia. This liberation is a true golden age for surface humanity. The long- feared boogey men of your most ancient dreams are currently being put away. As we have constantly stated, use these precious moments to start a new set of core beliefs based upon your inner power and your growing community with all. When our mentors come, use the time to finish this divine process and accept your deep relationship with Heaven, as well as to the greater community of galactic humans that live in space and flourish in Agartha. It is ultimately your joint divine service that ties you to each other and to us! We are here to emphasize this sacred connection and to return you to physical Angelhood. Be able to recall your noble history and to successfully learn from what the dark did to you. Welcome home, all my dear brothers and sisters of the Stars! Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now with a most wonderful message. Right now the final steps of a process that has taken seemingly forever are moving toward completion. These next series of events are to bring you the blessings and new governance that our messages long have hinted at. These changes are to end the illegal regimes that have plagued humanity for centuries and brought wars, racism and corruption. They championed division in the name of religion and, supported by the wealthy, gave every human on this gracious orb fear, worry and a taste of poverty. These horrific times are ending. We are entering an age of unity and cooperation that brings peace and a chance to fully explore what each of you truly is. We bless this great new reality and desire that your dearest dreams come true. Together, let us prepare this surface for its greatest days. Together, let us welcome all who truly wish to make this a spiritually better land! As your marvelous visions come true, remember what it has taken to get to this point. Bless all those who risked life and limb to make this possible. As you receive your blessings, understand what these funds represent. Be grateful and always remember those who used the Creator's great mercy to achieve this realm's freedom and prosperity. See your manifested vision as a monument to these wondrous Souls. It is Heaven's decree that all that is possible come about at this time. Use these events to ensure a most magnificent period for all mankind. We suggest that humanity set aside a special time to pray for and thank all who are making this happen! We Masters have seen, in our own lives on this globe, both the cruelty and beauty of this world. We have long dedicated ourselves to Spirit. Let all here on Gaia now do so as well. This is a holy time for Gaia and her people. Take in each event and truly look inside of it. Humanity was very close to a most terrible end until Heaven stepped in and, piece-by-piece, made a different solution possible. You are to enjoy this newly renovated realm. You are free and able to follow your real passion. In these acts of joy you are replicating your ancestors' desires. Freedom is a high state of Spirit. It is being combined with the last of monetary wealth on this world. You are entering a time when you can prepare for your return to becoming a spiritual Being whose Love can serve to alter this, or any other, realm. These lessons are to be reviewed by us and by your mentors. Do what is right, and what encourages life's diversity. Bring out the Love and caring that was hindered by your former perceptions of this world. This time is to be a great learning exercise. It is also to be one when we can meet and deeply touch each other! Today, we used this report to show you what miracles are getting ready to manifest. Be in Joy and most ready to meet the peoples of Inner Earth and those from the Galactic Federation. Your long night of the Soul is at last coming to an end! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) Brenda Hoffman, LifeTapestryCreations
Dear Ones, You likely feel depleted, tired, angry – even hopeless. For all you have worked for throughout your transition seems to be outside your capabilities. Others are reporting the completion of their dreams. And promote that if you do exactly as they did or do the same will be true for you. Such was the case in 3D. For many of your teachers and gurus tip-toed into unearthly-like skills that worked for them. Perhaps they were able to channel, create financial abundance or ongoing joy. Something you believed, and rightly so at the time, that you could attain if you followed their directives. This is a different time, and you are a different you. It is no longer about tip-toeing into capabilities, nor can anyone copy you and expect the same results. You are a unique being with unique skills that cannot be transferred to anyone, nor can you expect to be like anyone else. This energy burst time that most of you label September is to help you better understand and accept who you are without thoughts of being like anyone else. Self-love is a concept you are just beginning to understand. That self-love means you are a unique being with unique skills unlike anyone else. Even though you are an Olympic star, we have not told you what your special Olympic skill is for a reason – only you know. You have been preparing for this time for eons while of the earth in this lifetime and many others, plus flitting from environment to environment throughout the ethers. No one knows the skills you have attained other than yourself. The difficulty becomes, if you will, that you did not expect to perform those skills as easily and as readily as is becoming apparent for you in this lifetime. It was to be somewhat of a process where perhaps you would utilize those skills in a future earth life as your children or grandchildren or as a guide not of earth prompting those of similar interests to create the process you are rapidly approaching. Even though this concept seems to be of fairy tales or science fiction, it is your new reality. You are the Olympic stars of earth progressing much more rapidly than anticipated and thereby creating a new being in a New Earth. And all you need to do to do so is to discover your joy. Perhaps that thought sounds unrealistic given that now your joy might include a great deal of rest. Your rest is allowing you to incorporate those pieces of your being that will direct you in this lifetime to your Olympic skills designed to change the earth and the Universes. This September your questions are, “Who am I? What gives me joy?” A concept that seems easy to discover for much gives you joy now. But throughout the next few days, you will hone your interests to a focus that might surprise even you. Maybe you are a corporate CEO and discover that you love working in the garden resulting in new plant breeds. Perhaps you are a housewife and create an implement that makes life much easier for those who follow. In truth, you do not need to discover or create anything. Perhaps your particular Olympic skill is encouraging others to laugh. Anything that brings joy to earth is the right skill. Some of you believe you have no particular skill, that you are a shy homebody who cannot create, produce or enhance anyone’s life. We beg to differ. Your skills might not be easily noted by you or even others, but your joy is shifting earth. Those who follow might repeat your skill with their unique twist, or they might create their own path. So many possibilities and all within your reach. For anything that gives you joy is the right place for you to be. Even though both scout masters and the original pioneers crossing what is now the United States were courageous, they had different interests and skills. Interests and skills that created the United States you now know. You cannot determine how valuable you are unless you view the big picture of now and eons from now. So it is you are learning to view a bigger picture, but not yet large enough to warrant the self-kudos and self-love with which we view you. For you have moved so rapidly, we have little to offer you other than reminders to follow your joy. Of course, such is still a learning process for you cannot yet see a large enough picture to understand why loving to surf waves in Hawaii might be a life changer. Nor can you understand how your ability to listen to others trying to understand their shift is a life changer for both you and others. Even though this transition might seem complicated because you have had to maneuver through so many layers to discover your self-love and personal joy, you have created an easier path for those who follow. Love yourself enough to follow your joy and you will transition the Universes and to new you accordingly. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: Hilarion - September 25-October 2, 2016
Beloved Ones, The winds of change are upon the inhabitants of the Earth. The sweeping reforms to the existing structures of the old paradigm, begins in earnest. The crumbling and decay are evidenced everywhere and people are feeling the effects of the failure of the old paradigm systems that were in place. It is a time of intense self examination within each human heart. People are asking the important questions as they go within. They want to know what the purpose of their life is all about, why they are here on Earth and what do they need to know in order to find a secure foundation and foothold. It is a difficult time for these awakening ones and extreme kindness and patience is needed by those who are awake and aware. We have said many times before, as more increased levels of Light from the cosmos filters into the atmosphere of Earth, the old ways of doing things that were not of the highest integrity will no longer be supported. It is happening now and you need to be aware of this if you are not already, so that you can maintain balance and peace within. It will take determined concentration and effort to resist the pull of the old energies that are prevalent everywhere during these times. As you make the effort when this happens, it helps to dissipate the effects on the collective consciousness of humanity. Allow yourself the nurturing that your four body system (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) requires when this becomes evident to you. Your soul chose this end cycle so that it could experience all the myriad sights, sounds, tastes, feelings and sensations of this momentous coming of age of the Earth and her inhabitants. The old and the new still intermingle but that is swiftly changing as the old fades away into the dusty realms of myth and the new paradigm takes firmer hold by this work that you do each day. As you re-create the world by steadfastly holding to the higher vision of what that might entail, it begins to actualize and take root. Feel the anticipation and excitement of these times, there is movement finally happening! Your world becomes that better place that you have always envisioned and you will see this taking place more and more often. The hidden kingdoms are making their increased presence known and this is being recorded by many people from all walks of life and environments. This is the truth - this is the new and enlightened reality that had been hidden in plain sight that only those with eyes to see and ears to hear were privy to. These ones are now empowered to share their presence with humanity and their increased presence brings the elements of joy, wonder and magic to the new reality. The Earth in her full glory is being restored to her original magnificence and you, Dear Ones, are playing a part in this! Relish this renewed contact with these delightful beings and try to listen and communicate with them. All that you have dreamed of as you made the extreme effort to come to this planet during these times and all the efforts expended to maintain your Light, higher vision and integrity is waiting to grace you with its full and wondrous manifestation in this reality. Peace will come at last, believe this with all your heart and allow it to unfold in divine timing. You are dearly loved and deeply honoured for the role you are playing. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. A MESSAGE TO LIGHTWORKERS – SEPT 21, 2016
SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 CAROLINE OCEANA RYAN LEAVE A COMMENT This week’s channeling answers two questions from a reader, who asks: First question: There are people who are so engulfed in the 3D illusion, that they cling to it with their very essence. What options do they get when it comes to reincarnating? Some will not want a 5D experience. We are all multidimensional beings, but there are those who choose 3D on very deep levels. I know those in bodies can stay in 3D, but what about those returning? Second question: I live in a small town in California where UFO conversations are very common—it’s a busy place with very real Galactic experiences on a regular basis. I get the distinct feeling the starships are visible to those vibrating at a certain frequency--is that one measure of how close our vibration is to approaching 5D? [The Collective] Greetings, dear ones! These are both fascinating questions, and we will speak of them each in turn. It is so that many millions, at least half the human race, are still entrenched in third dimensional reality, to the point where they feel it is foolish to contemplate living in a higher reality before physical death occurs. Your consciousness, which has grasped that one no longer has to leave the Earth in order to move into fifth dimensional life, is well ahead of these ones who are further behind you on the path of growth. Their path is still sacred, and still a beautiful and thrilling journey, if a difficult and challenging one some days. For those suffering in places of war or experiencing other situations of conflict, fear, lack of food and water, and loss of family members or illness, it is exceedingly challenging. Yet we would say, that they chose to come to Earth at this challenging, even at times, frightening time in Her history, for the very experiences they are having now. We wouldn’t say that they are not on the Ascension timeline, but that their Ascension timeline stretches out into a different path and trajectory than yours. This does not mean that they are not Ascending. It means that when they are ready, they will acknowledge both the possibility and the choice of Ascension. They will choose to develop their Lightbody, transforming their Merkaba vehicle into the level of Light and higher awareness needed in order to move into the fifth dimension while still in the physical form. Most of these lifeforms do desire a fifth dimensional experience. You might say, that they think of nothing else, in their desire for safety, for normalcy, for creative expression, and for Love, including self-Love. The karmic cycle of death and rebirth into another third dimensional existence is ending on Earth. Those you speak of will not be reborn here, to continue their 3D experiences and path. They will be born onto a planet very similar to Earth—one might say, a third dimensional version of Earth—or another third dimensional planet. But they will not be born into a fifth dimensional Earth until they are fully capable of sustaining that vibration on all levels. Otherwise, their physical selves would not last more than an hour in 5D vibrational existence. Trust that those who choose to continue in a 3D experience do so for their souls’ own progression and understanding. They will not always be in such a low vibrational field—there are many more choices now, for those wishing to move on. And the third dimensional existence that greets them will not be so harsh and violent as the one you are familiar with. There will still be 3D lessons and experiences, but not so overwhelmingly hopeless, and not so closed and narrow in thought and belief structure, that Ascension seems an ephemeral pipe dream that few can attain. Regarding your question as to whether starships are visible to those vibrating at a certain frequency, and whether that is one measure of how 5D a person’s vibration is, we would say that nearly all starships are visible to persons of any frequency, whether to be seen inwardly, with the inner eye, or outwardly, with the physical eyes. The question being, Will that person permit themselves to view the ship? Or is that too frightening a venture for them? You are at a place where the ego-mind is struggling with all its trained might to remain in control of your inner choices and ideas. We are glad to report that it is fast losing that tug of war, to the heart-mind. If your heart-mind is open and clear in its intent—if you are very focused about wanting to see the ships, and to connect with those in them who are watching over Earth, and observing Her Ascension journey—then yes, it is most certainly a reality that you may experience. The reason you feel that those who are more 5D in vibration are more easily able to catch sight of the ships, is that you feel that they have “more in common” with those in the ships. Yet we assure you that you travel to these ships nightly in your sleep state, where you work and visit with fellow shipmates and commanders, and those in support of your Earth mission, particularly those in your soul family. We assure you that you have spent much time in the ships, both between Earth lives, and etherically in this life. That time is spent working to fulfill that which you came to fulfill in terms of your mission—your contribution to Galactic peace and cooperation, or to the cleaning and renewal of the planet’s air, water, soil, and atmosphere. Or the introduction of fifth dimensional technologies to Earth’s people, or the healing of her plants, people, and animals, and many other vital missions that Lightworkers joyfully took on before incarnating at this crucial moment. All Lightworkers have had contact with Galactic friends and family and fellow coworkers or comrades on their path, on one level or another, physical and/or etheric. Your physical body, however, doesn’t quite see it that way. It has been trained since birth, in this Earth life in particular, to fear certain situations as being too out of control or “strange”—too much an uncertain outcome, for you to bear. And so there have been those who cry out to be contacted by the Galactic brothers and sisters they know are their own family. They have cried out to see the ships, and to experience them from the inside, in their awakened state. Yet their bodies register only terror at the slightest move in that direction. This is understandable, and no one judges you for it. Yet the more you can view yourselves as multidimensional, Galactic citizens, dear ones—the more you release the fear you were taught as children, and the old Earth human survival training—then the more you allow that which is increasingly becoming a normal (though not yet universal) human experience. You knew, as children, that you were not alone. You knew there were Angels and Faerie folk and Forest folk and many others labeled as “magickal” who were as real as anyone you knew. You knew that dolphins could speak aloud, and that all animals spoke to you telepathically, as the Earth and the wind and trees could also do. You were born with memories of having been aboard spacecraft, and wandering the galaxy. You knew the stars were not so far away, not inaccessible, and that other planets held life. But then you went through the conditioning process, some of it seen, much of it unseen, that informed you that you would be called a fool for believing any such nonsense. And that perhaps these things did exist, but that they existed down a deep rabbit hole that would take you from all you loved, all that was safe and familiar, and cast you into a frightening brew of alienation and loss of friends and family. And you could not bear that. We speak not only of the fear engendered by films that Hollywood has produced since the Roswell crash (there were not many that told you ETs were dangerous, before that time!). We speak as well of how teachers are taught to teach, of how writers and journalists are taught to write, and how the producers of news shows and feature films are taught to produce the exact same fiction, in different forms—one as “news” the other as “entertainment.” And yet the lies remain. You feel the dissolution of these lies now, dear one, or you would not ask these questions. We assure you that you are capable, all of you, of seeing the ships. Say to your ego-mind, “You are not my higher aspect. My higher self is piloting the ship now. Release this fear! I am one of them. You know that.” And then look to the skies and say Hello to your family. For we are here, dear ones! You know that. And as always, Galactic citizens, we and all your families welcome you home. Namaste! We are with you, always. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. Your Transformation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
From Daniel Scranton “We are The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our wisdom. This is a monumental shift that is occurring. There is more energy entering your system than has ever been experienced on planet Earth. This is huge, and you very fortunate to be on planet Earth at this time. You are very fortunate to be having this experience, no matter how it may seem or look to you. There’s no need for any of you to go anywhere else. There’s no need for any of you to escape or to go back to your home planets. This is an experience that you signed up for because you knew you were ready. So just listen to what we have to say without running it through your minds. Listen to what we have to say with your feelings. There is a certain set of codes that you are receiving at this time, and these codes are all about reprogramming you. This is the easy way, believe it or not. To allow the reprogramming to occur will give you access to frequencies that you have never been able to feel, or touch, or sense prior to this moment in time. Your awareness that this is occurring, assuming you take us at our word, gives you the opportunity to experience it consciously. If you know that you are receiving an upgrade, and that you are benefitting from the experience, then you can relax into it and feel the process unfolding. You can allow yourselves more rest, and you can make sure that you are properly hydrated. This is not an experience for the faint of heart. This is a full system upgrade, and it will enable you to access more of that creative energy that we were telling you about in our last transmission. So focus on accessing the power that you have within you to create the reality that you want to experience, and focus less on the doing or the making things happen. Because when you are in that action mode most of the time, you are actually missing out on the best possible experience that you can have of your system upgrade. So we encourage you to focus within and to experience this upgrade in the most comfortable way possible. Be fascinated by your own experience, because it is truly a remarkable one, and you don’t want to miss out. Give yourselves more time to be still and to do nothing, so that you can fully enjoy the experience of this literal transformation of who and what you are. We are The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.” Sananda: Incredible Opportunity Ahead
Posted on By Jenny Shiltz It is important that you understand what an amazing time period you are living through. This is the time period when all of your lives, your lessons, and growth achieved come into one final culmination. For those that have chosen to ascend this is your graduation time. What graduation means for each person will look and feel different. Yet, the premise for each soul is the same. It is during this lifetime that you will remove all that impedes you from embodying your soul on earth. It is in this beautiful merging that you will understand the reason for your incarnations on earth and everything that you have gained. sAt this moment, the accelerated timeline is anchored into your world and this allows each of you access to it. With the approaching equinox, you each have the opportunity to leave behind the old and walk into the new. It is for this reason that so many of you have been experiencing deep releasing of the physical and emotional. It is coming forth for you to see it, feel it and choose to leave it in the past. While this may feel overwhelming and you may be at a loss on how to let go and move beyond what was, the answer is quite simple. When you are feeling burdened by your fears, your past, or your patterns, sit and ask your heart chakra to open to its fullest. Ask that you receive all the love that source has to offer and that this love help you to release all that is not stable within you. Allow this love to fill you completely and in doing so, show you the way. For there is only one way to the New Earth, only one path to Ascension and that is being and resonating with the same frequency of love that Source gives you. As you do this more and more, you will find that all else is trivial, all else is divisive, that the only truth is within this great feeling of unconditional love. This is not to say that there is only one path to feeling this source energy, for there are many and judgement of another’s path will only lead you away from your own. We are asking that each of you suspend the beliefs on how you think this transition will be. As each of you are creating your own realities so too do you create your own limitations and disappointments. When you allow yourself to be in the flow of source energy, with all expectations removed, that is when you will be in amazement of all that will come to you. When you have created within your mind an acceptable version of reality, of how things should proceed, you may then take yourself from the flow of creation energies and experience disappointment. Allow all to unfold in its own timing with deep trust and patience. It is the linear, analytical mind that envisions a path and how things should appear. Yet it is within the heart that true creation flows. Many feel deep frustration because they have a sense of where they should be and what they should be doing and with this glimmer of a potential future they create a plan. When things do not flow in that linear fashion they then go into fear and doubt, halting the flow. It is much easier for those that are feeling a calling to simply allow what will to unfold before them. They may take steps to obtain their vision but they must remain open to all that comes, in this way you are allowing yourself to be dazzled by the beauty of it all. It is understanding that even if you are feeling stuck, unable to create change in your life, that indeed you are right where you are meant to be. It is in these moments of uncertainty that much is learned. It is in these moments that one truly understands what trusting in divine timing means. It is understanding that finding joy and peace within in all circumstances is walking the path of a master. We ask you to not only let go of all the layers within that keep you from embodying your highest aspect fully, but that you let go of all expectations. This is how you will best utilize the energies that are streaming into your planet. These energies will change all, how much depends on each person. Yet, many will look back to this time as the catalyst that changed everything for your world. It is a great honor that we are able to walk side by side with you on this journey. Sananda of the Galactic Brotherhood. Q & A with Sananda Me: When you were talking about not limiting your path with expectations it brought to mind what happened with the purchase of my house. Once I finally decided to buy a house I received the information that it would be fall time frame when I would find the right house. I received it not only from my highest aspect, but from another intuitive soul as well. I was fine with that time frame. Three weeks later my husband came home with a business card for a house that needed repair. We went and met with the owner who then bankrolled the repairs, while my husband did the work. Once it was loan ready, we started the process of buying it. There were moments when I thought – this is the wrong house because this is April and the info I received was October. I decided to sit with the energy of the house and trusted that it was put in our path for a reason and went for it. I am so glad I did. Sananda: Yes, when one trusts and allows you will find that you receive exactly what you need. It is the thinking that things must go in a 1, 2, 3, 4 sequence, not realizing that it is in the detour that what you really wanted is found. Me: You said that the equinox will be a time that many are able to anchor in the accelerated timelines into their own lives. Is it the only time? Sananda: No, the timeline is available whenever someone is ready for that push. However, the energies of the equinox and the wave of frequencies that many call the Third Wave of Ascension will help many more to anchor in the frequencies. It is an incredible opportunity. Me: I am seeing where people had things going smooth and now they are falling apart. It has left many feeling lost, confused, and thinking they have taken steps backwards. Sananda: Yes, many are feeling the great shift of a higher timeline as their higher selves are pushing them in different directions. For many this push to the new is only seen by the dissolving of the old that will no longer be viable in the higher timeline. It may feel uncomfortable, but that is because it is going through the filters of expectation. If one can see each change as positive, even when things appear to fall apart, it will allow the transition to be much smoother. Me: There is so much information out there regarding the third wave and the higher dimensions. Some of the information contradicts itself. It can be overwhelming. Sananda: When you are observing and taking in information from your heart space, you will be able to feel immediately what does not resonate within your being. Understand that what resonates for one may not resonate for another, it is up to each person to determine their truth. Me: I was told by my guidance team that I allow too much into my reality, that I need to filter more. When I inquired what they meant, they explained that I allow too much in through social media (I don’t watch the news). I find that I am having a hard time balancing wanting to be socially conscious and limiting what I allow in. Sananda: Yes, it is best for sensitive souls to limit their exposure. What you must understand is that if it is meant to be in your field it will be shown to you. For example you may be exposed to homeless or animals that are lost or stray needing assistance. These you can help, one being at a time. Do not underestimate what acts of kindness can do. Furthermore, you may go to the store and in conversation learn of a situation in your world that causes you to think. Understand that it is you who created this scenario, you who brought it into your energetic field for your growth. When information comes to you through your media, it allows too much in at once and this disrupts your balance within. Me: That helps. My highest aspect explained that I already know that there are wars, terrorist, corruption, crime, rape, animal, environmental and child abuse so then why do I need to dive into them. That I needed to understand that I could send these groups healing and love from my open heart chakra and this would help greatly. However, if I read a story on animal abuse and then send love, it wouldn’t be at the same frequency because part of my heart chakra would have shut down. So I will send love and healing and do what I can with what is in front of me. Sananda: You will find that this greatly reduces anxiety and fear allowing you to utilize the higher energies much easier. Me: Many are really blown away by the physical symptoms. Some are tired, some wired and can’t sleep. Some are having chronic conditions flair up and some are experiencing weight gain. My scalp and face have been tingling with the energies. I am finding I am either totally exhausted or have tons of ideas coming. Dreams are intense too. Sananda: This is all part of you physical form adjusting to the light codes that are coming into the earth. You will find that you are not experiencing as much discomfort as you once did and for a much shorter duration. Your body is accommodating the higher frequencies much easier. Me: Yes, that is true. I was lying in bed, resting but my back and hips were hurting. I said out loud “I give my full permission for these energies to change every part of me” I felt this giant expansion and then the pain released from my back and hips. I didn’t even realize I had resistance. Sananda: Yes, many have resistance they are unaware of on a conscious level just as many are unaware that giving permission helps to release it. Me: I was working with Metatron and a client asked why the weight gain and he said that the weight gain is the body responding to one holding the soul more and more in form. That the body will regulate as long as we don’t attach to it. Sananda: It is a physical manifestation of the expansion taking place within each person. When one attaches emotion to it, it shows where there is dissonance within to loving oneself in all states and shapes. Me: Thank you, I have talked your ear off. Sananda: It is my pleasure to assist you and others. I hope that this channeling and questions help you to navigate these intense energies. It really is an amazing time and the potential for growth is huge. Thank you, Thank you to all who share this work, it is greatly appreciated. Sending you all Love. Jenny A Whole New Perspective ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
Daniel Scranton “We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. Flowering within your consciousness is the birthing of a brand new perspective. The perspective that you have been taking on your lives, and on your reality in general, has been egoic. The purpose of that perspective has been to give you experiences that were uniquely third dimensional. In order to do that, in order to have those experiences, you needed to take a very specific perspective on and utilize it in all of your lifetimes. But now that you are shifting, you are giving birth to a brand new perspective. You are deciding that the new perspective is going to have a few new features. You are in the process of determining exactly what your perspective is going to be, but this much is for sure – it is not going to come from a place of fear, from a place of needing to survive the harsh conditions of your reality. When you take away the fear and the need for survival, the perspective that you hold has more creativity, more flexibility, and more of a sense of oneness with your humans and other members of your galactic society. You are expanding to include more of yourselves in your perspective. So your perspective is going to be wider, and there is going to be no need for judgment. As you evolve, you include more. And as you include more, you accept that which you include. So your ego has limited access to your consciousness, and your higher self has more. When you are complete with this process of determining your new perspective, it is going to take some adjustment on your part. You are not going to be able to drop your old perspective all at once. Everything that you have been clinging to is going to come up for reevaluation, and there will be some moments of consciously letting go of that which has been comforting, but ultimately limiting. As your new perspective is downloaded into your physical body, your experiences are going to change. It is going to be like seeing from a three hundred and sixty degree perspective. It will be a broadening of what you can and will experience and perceive, and it will be a loosening of your tight grip. You will ultimately welcome the new perspective as you move past the transition period and give birth to a whole new perspective on reality. We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.” Heavenletter #5779 What Would You Like Your Life to Be?, September 20, 2016
God said: Let go of that whole idea of tit for tat, for this gets you nowhere. Of course, if someone is wonderful to you, you want to reciprocate in kind. Loving is a goal you set for yourself yet not for anyone else. Be the love you long to receive. In love, you do not take offense. If someone offends you, there is no need for you to give back in kind. You retaliate only when you feel resentment or outright anger. The question to ask yourself is what do you gain from this anger? Smugness, perhaps. The last word, perhaps. An impasse, perhaps. What would you want those for? What do you want your life this round to offer you? If you would like expansion, expand. If you would like friendship, be a friend. If you would like respect, be respectful. If you would like good manners, give good manners. If you would like to be loved, then love yourself first. If you would like to be begrudged, then begrudge others. If you would like to be nagged, then nag. If you would like to be unappreciated, then don't appreciate. If you would like to be discounted, then discount others. If you would like an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, count offenses. There is no need for you to specialize in being offended. It is not recommended. Live that which you desire. By and large, you give what you get. With exceptions, of course. And here's the thing: Be love without courting love. Be kind without thought of return. Be wonderful without any expectation of payback. This way, you will never be disappointed. Receiving is not something owed to you. Of course, you want the world to behold you favorably. And, of course, you deserve it. Your deserving is true. What matters is that you deserve. All God's children deserve. Then know yourself as worthy. You don't have to prove that you deserve, and no one is obligated to prove your worth to you. I am the Proof of your worthiness. Your worthiness is not in question. It is a given. Whatever has not been given to you, give to yourself. Do not wait for leftovers, beloveds. No leftovers for you. Desire with all your heart, yet know in the very fiber of your being, that you do not require a testimonial from the world. Desire of itself is reward enough. You are a being who desires. Desire goodness for the world and everyone in the world, including yourself. You are not owed anything. Nor are you obligated to owing. Owe yourself. Deliver yourself from need. Needing is a trap you set. Don't specialize in dependency upon gain, material or otherwise. Love is not to be looked at as an object. Love is something you give without thought of favor. Let sending out the Light of Love be your favorite thing to do. Do not abrade yourself. Love yourself. Give yourself love. Be good to yourself for My Sake. Enrich the world with Our love. Let your life be a statement of love. Let your life be made of beautiful jewels that sparkle and give joy. Wear life well. It is yourself that you see everywhere. Be happy to see yourself in whatever form you may appear. You are the real goods. You are beyond your own belief. In life, register goodness and mercy. My children are exponents of Me. Carry Me well. Emulate the King of Heaven, for you are My emissaries. Embody Me well. I send you before Me to welcome the world and everyone in it. It is for you to speak and act on My behalf. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 |
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