Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene – On the Divine Alchemy of Your Blessed Divine Selves ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 13, 2016by franheal
AUDIO: Yeshua.MaryMagdalene.DivineAlchemy4.6.13.16 yeshua-marymagdalene-divinealchemy4-6-13-16.mp3 Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: Greetings Beloveds, We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. We come to you today in blessed Peace and Love. In the Divine Alchemy that is taking place, of your blessed Divine Self integrating with your blessed physical vehicle, it is apparent that what you once thought you were, is going by the wayside. New insights and awareness are entering your consciousness every day, and every moment. As you embrace this new consciousness that is slowly and permanently replacing the reality you once knew, you are compelled to restructure your reality piece-by-piece. And behold this new reality in all its glory. It is as if you instantly shift into a new place within you and then a new place without you as a result. Beloveds, with joy we observe and experience this new loving life that you are creating with each surrender to this new consciousness pervading you increasingly and lovingly. Oh what a wondrous life you are creating. Each time you let go of an old pattern or an old thought or an old belief, you open your life and heart to so many new vistas. Welcome your new life with Joy and Peace as you receive and accept new insights and creations that are part and parcel of this new vibration you have entered into just recently. You may feel a Lightness and an Expansiveness you have never experienced before, and with this you are open to even more lightness and expansiveness with each breath you take of this vibrant Loving Light that is available to you Now. You may notice that this new Light coming in recently is of a refined quality. It can take your breath away. It holds so much potential. It does require that you flow with it and welcome it, unimpeded by prior restrictions of how you shall receive it or view it. It is entirely of a different quality and so your body may take a little time to adjust. But as you do, you will find that you are so adept at floating within and amongst this beautiful loving energy that is waking up your crystalline structures even more than ever. Just open to it and allow it to do its work. You are learning to be buoyant while maintaining a reverent grounded-ness in, and respect for, your physical vehicle, in full command and integration with it from the standpoint and focus of your Divine Self, your Higher Self. This changeover to a more integrated, loving communion of your soul with your physical self is becoming astonishingly easier as you accept the Divine Light and Love to envelop you and sustain you without attempting to analyze it or direct it. Fear that used to rule you now is being replaced with a confident loving acknowledgement of your divine capabilities to create the life you desire. Notice how easily you can move your focus away from what used to inhibit your forward movement. You are well on your way to sublime Joy and Expansiveness, holding so many possibilities. We, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are honored to come before you today to deliver this message, for we notice so many of you are experiencing and understanding what we are speaking of. And there is so much more, beloveds. The more you let go of your fears and your old beliefs, and plunge into the unknown, you are replete with so many possibilities of Wonder and Joy. Understand this, beloveds, from your deepest level. There is nothing that you cannot do now, within this beautiful Divine Presence that you Are, for no longer are you bound to and by the limitations of duality. By turning away from duality, you embrace your beautiful Divine Selves and embark on your journey of Oneness with all aspects of yourself. And it is so beautiful to see you blend your higher aspects and float amongst the expansive energies of Divine Bliss while your physical body abides and nourishes and supports this new Beingness. You are all so beautiful in your resplendent, shining, Divine Presence. What a beautiful world this is beginning to create. Do not be discouraged by anything you see or hear to the contrary, for you are indeed paving the way for a peaceful and beautiful Light World that is nourishing and supportive to all, with each breath you take of this beautiful energy of Divine Love and Light that is entering your Beingness now. We offer you our love and our support in this. You are not alone. All our Love, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene ************************
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