Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wed.,Dec.23/20
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, relationships are a prevalent theme for you right now. Relationships – your family relationships, your love relationships, your friendships, your relationship with power, your relationship with spiritual and government leaders and their followers, your own relationship with God, and your relationship with yourself – all have been up for review. You are in the throes of moving beyond co-dependency into healthy inter-dependency. You are seeking new ways to dove-tail together in order to support each other in your highest expressions of self and to be stronger as a whole. This has required the awareness, examination, and release of any belief systems that made you feel powerless or supported you in the continuation of victim consciousness. While this can feel most uncomfortable because it touches on the things that are most important to you, and requires the dismantling of a lot of old conditioning, this focus will serve you well moving forward. You will be better able to show up in your truth, to allow your heart to lead the way in far more empowered ways than ever before, to create safe attachment, and have far more satisfying relationships both with yourself and with others. This is what will knit together the fabric of unity consciousness and beautifully serve you and the whole as you move forward in this dawn of a new age. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message-Tues.,Dec.22/20
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via You are in a potent energy window that exists between your solstice and Christmas day. This is an opening of profoundly supportive energies designed to assist you in your embodiment and creation. We highly recommend you take the time to be clear about the core essence of what it is you wish to experience and create and wrap yourself up with that energy as a prevalent aspect of who you truly are. This is embracing your preferences and beingness, Dear Ones, and exactly how you can set the tone moving forward. You are so loved and assisted in all your hopes and dreams because you are the ones who are leading the way forward, with your tender hearts and optimism, into this grand new age on your planet. Keep letting the beautiful luminosity of your soul shine the way forward, for your truth and essence is what is lighting the way into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Mon,Dec.21/20
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Today, on this sacred day of solstice, we wish to celebrate you for reaching this incredible mile marker after such a pivotal and challenging year. What you have accomplished is truly remarkable, releasing and receiving energies at a pace that has never been experienced on your planet before. By your continued participation you have been integrating more of your soul selves into your bodies, and as such, have become anchors of the energies of heaven on earth. Even though you are well aware this year has been unlike any other you have experienced, it will be a while before you fully realize all you have done and accomplished. We thank you for being the intrepid ones, for being the ground crew of the great shift upon your planet, and we wish you much joy, peace, and love moving forward. Allow yourselves to take today to celebrate your successes, to bask in the energies, and allow the solstice to serve you by locking in your progress so you are well prepared to step into the energies of 2021 and beyond. It is a truly joyous day that heralds a new age of transformation and forward movement. Hallelujah! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message -Sun, 12/20/20
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via The two greatest inhibitors of manifestation are putting constraints upon your creation and not being willing to receive. Are you being too specific with your desires? Do you think they can only show up or look a certain way? What is the essence of what you wish to experience underneath that desire? Are you willing to cast your net wider? So often what you think is possible and what is actually possible are two very different things! Your willingness to allow the universe to fill in the details for you makes for much better and more satisfying matches. Do you say no to assistance? Have you remembered to ask the universe for help? Do you gratefully receive it or are you in the habit of doing everything yourself? Do you think what you want can’t happen because you don’t know all the steps of how it will come to fruition? Do you receive compliments? Do you ask for and receive help graciously? It can be helpful to pay attention to any ways you hold yourself separate from receiving and start to consciously say yes to the support that can show up for you in a myriad of ways. Now is the ideal time to make a commitment to loosen up and allow yourself to discover the highest potentials that exist for you just beyond what you can see, and to embrace the joy that comes from being in a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message- Fri.,Dec. 18, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Discernment is an essential element of your enlightenment journey. One of the challenges of 2020 has been the bombardment of information you have been exposed to – some of it very valid and some of it not your truth at all. While it has been challenging, that, combined with the slowing down the pandemic has created for so many of you, has gifted you with the perfect conditions to strengthen your discernment skills. This is so important because it will help you start to navigate your way forward in the new energies by listening to your heart and your inner wisdom, allowing that combination to lead you forward more than ever before. This will allow you to flow towards your perfect matches and desired experiences far more efficiently. It is also important because it is implementing a skill that will be very helpful to those who have spiritual gifts suddenly opening to them due to the energetic shifts you have been receiving. Many of you, particularly early on in your spiritual journey, have had the experience of believing in sources that ended up not being empowering to you or of the vibration you truly seek. This can be a discouraging experience, and in some cases can shake your faith for a period of time until your soul lovingly calls you forward on your path yet again. You have had to develop your discernment as you went, often feeling like you were fumbling in the dark. The spotlight on discernment and truth now will allow many to develop the skill before their awakening, which will be most beneficial for a smoother path forward. To be clear, you will all need to develop the same skills on your journeys, it is just the timing and speed of the development of those skills that will change depending on the energetics and your soul’s agenda. This is all part and parcel of the grand shift you are all participating in. While it has been difficult collectively to have so many voices shouting their versions of truth, the experience will have served you well and led you to anchor into your own truth and energetic matches which is absolutely necessary for you to fully embrace your own authentic power. Much will be possible as you step into the new due to the embodiment of this essential skill set. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ______________________ Message from the 'Team' ______________________
Powerful Cosmic Light of Rebirth Peggy Black and the 'team' Morning Messages [email protected] via We are here holding you and your planet in the space of this true transformation. At this time humanity is being bathed in powerful cosmic light of rebirth. This energy is being gifted by the celestials and galactic beings to activate your full potential and magnificence. We want to convey the importance of these coming days. The vibrations that are being offered trigger a flowering of consciousness in the collective. This is what you have been asking for, intending and praying for, as well as anchoring. It is here; welcome this potent and powerful download of energy, codes and information. It is you who has called forth this awesome event. It is you who has invited this infinite shift in the collective awareness. These celestial events are empowering the birth of a new consciousness. They are triggering a synchronicity and a quantum leap in enlightenment within each and every human. These vibrations bring about huge changes; there are those like yourself who welcome this surge of light and others who will find it shocking, disturbing and confusing. It is important for you to watch your own personal fears because this cosmic light will trigger all that is to be released. Watch your reactions, notice any numbness, confusion or chaos arising in the days and weeks to come. Allow yourself to relax into this process, allow this to move though all levels of your being. Willingly release any negative or misqualified energies you experience. This is what you might call a galactic upgrade. For some who have done their work it will be much easier, however for those who have been resisting change this process might be a bit more challenging. Remember to breathe and relax, and allow what is transpiring to unfold with ease and grace. Remember to call forth divine beings to support and assist this transformation. Remember to acknowledge with gratitude the divine beings who have supported your visions and intentions for this change. You are a warrior of light, here to anchor this new truth. You are here to call forth the new world order. You are to witness this awesome stargate that is available for humanity to move to the higher dimension. You have been waiting for this moment. You have been inviting and envisioning this very event. This shift of consciousness will continue to flower in all areas of this planet. There will be a surge of creative expression and awareness that will welcome the transformation of all that has been out of balance for humanity. The seeds of this potent cosmic moment will continue to flourish in the days and years to come. This is the beginning. However, realize that you and humanity have crossed a threshold into a new expanded unified field of conscious clarity. Welcome this reality; use your prayers and clear intentions as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. This cosmic moment offers the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be. Allow yourself to tap into your full awesome potential. Allow yourself to recognize and honor the full awesome potential of others. Anchor and stabilize a sense of oneness, peace and harmony throughout your world. Welcome these infinite shifts activating this new world view. Remember that any change takes time to manifest in this dense dimension. Realize that this is only the beginning. There still might be chaotic energies appearing, there still might be confusion and upheaval. However, be of good courage; these are only the remaining misqualified negative energies that are on their way out of this dimension. You can invite the power of the Violet Light to transform and uplift any of these heavy, negative energies, thoughts and actions within yourself or the collective. The very planet itself is aware of this acceleration of resonance. The most important aspect is for humans to hold high vibrations of love, harmony, and oneness which will anchor this new resonance. The higher the love and coherent vibrations offered by you and other beings of the light, the more fully this shift of consciousness will be anchored. This quantum evolution is being sponsored by the Great Central Sun. There are downloads of codes of light being given to humanity. These codes of light will begin to flourish and expand within each human on earth. These codes are an activation, a cosmic moment you and others have been waiting for. These codes will be the trigger to activate your personal rebirth into your true powerful potential. Every cell in your body will be healed. The past is over. Your inner being is filled with love and light. Allow your rebirth. Express self love, self awareness and acceptance. Accept this healing. Release all that is no longer yours. Envision humanity releasing what is no longer loving and kind. Know that this transformation will unfold in time, be patient with others as they are triggered to transform their limitations. Be patient with yourself as you also release your limited beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Stabilize any wobble in your personal energy field and use this divine energy gift to its full potential. We celebrate with you. We honor and acknowledge you for your incredible power and willingness to call forth this shift of consciousness. It is you who have held the course, stated the intention and prayed for the healing of your planet. Your intentions and prayers have been heard and fulfilled. We bow before you for your constant dedication to this goal. We are always here to support and assist you in anchoring this new world order. the 'team' ©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available Archangel Gabriel Daily Message -Thurs, Dec 17, '20
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Sleep disturbances are a common experience due to the transformational times you are participating in. This can occur for a few different reasons. Some energetic shifts require you to be awake but still in order to receive them. This is not unlike some brain surgeries you see where the patient needs to be awake during the procedure. It is designed for you to receive and assimilate the changes in ways that best support your health and wellness. Some planetary alignments and shifts can have a stimulating effect on you energetically, making it difficult to sleep or stay asleep. If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, it can be very helpful to use that time to meditate. This will help you relax, as well as having the added benefit of the meditation having a similar effect on the body as sleep. Sometimes your soul wakes you up at night if you have not been making enough time for deeper contemplation or spiritual connection. This can be rectified by prioritizing your prayer or meditation practices during the day. Another thing we wish for you to be aware of is if you are feeling tired from a lack of sleep, you can simply ask your guides and helpers to infuse you with energy so you can be functional during the day. Your dream time may also be very active right now when you do sleep, bringing up issues you have struggled with in past, resulting in a less than restful sleep. Many of you are wrapping up old themes and unresolved relationships in your dreams. This allows you to be far more efficient because you are in a non-resistant state while you sleep. It also allows you to take care of old issues in your sleep state. Most of you find this to be far more preferable than having to face them again in real life. And sometimes you are working while you sleep, assisting the collective on service missions you do not have a conscious awareness of. You can also be connecting to higher realms to gain new knowledge and insights to assist you on your journey. We affectionately refer to this as night school. We understand there is so much going on all at once it can feel overwhelming, especially if your sleep is being disturbed. Please understand it all has great purpose for you and is serving you in your evolutionary journey. Prioritize good self care and remember you can always ask for our assistance if you need some extra support. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message -Wed., Dec. 16, '20
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, you do not need to know all the precise details of exactly what your dream will look like or the steps required in order to create it. In fact, trying to do so can be constraining to its creation, because you are only able to imagine details within what you already have experienced or think is possible and your highest creations often contain much more than that! Leave room for the joy of wonder of discovery beyond what you could have possibly imagined. Use broad intentions. Allow your dreams to get as big and beautiful as they want to be. All you ever need to do is connect with the core essence of what you would like to experience and allow the universe to do what it does best – fill in the details for you in ways that are divinely perfect and can only surprise and delight you. Now is the ideal time to decide what energetic desires mean the most to you before the solstice which will herald in the new energies that will carry you into 2021 and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tues.,Dec.15,'20 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, we understand that after such an intense time of release it can be difficult to identify with what brings you joy. This does not mean that your ability to experience joy is gone! It is normal to have your preferences shift and evolve as you do. Making new discoveries and having new experiences is very much part of the next phase of your incarnation, which you are about to step into, so do not despair. All you need to do is ask to be guided into the discovery of what brings you joy and be open to that exploration and unfoldment. Be secure in the fact that the universe will always seek to fill a void, and after you have let go of so much it is only natural that better energetic matches will come to round out your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Clearing also equates to creating space for that new experience that is of higher vibration
Dave Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, December 14, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via We understand that the energies you are experiencing on your planet may lead you to believe that being in the body is a challenge with few rewards. But we wish for you to know that your body is an outstanding tool that has many wonderful advantages. The greatest is that it allows you to experience the full spectrum of feeling. It is through that feeling that you are able to have the full experience of love. Whether it be feeling a baby kick for the first time during pregnancy, holding a child tenderly in your arms, affectionately caressing another with care, giving a compassionate touch of encouragement, a hug of comfort, the excitement and wonder of a first kiss, or the complete intimacy and bliss of your sexual relations, your body allows you to experience love in a way that can’t be replicated anywhere else. The social distancing you have had to adopt this year has made this more clear to you than ever before. Your physical bodies are remarkable vehicles for the full and glorious expression of love, Dear Ones, and that is worth every bit of discomfort you may experience during these transformative times. The intensity will eventually wane, but the love will continue in more expanded and profound ways than ever before. Celebrate your bodies for the many ways they serve you, for they are incredible tools that allow you to have the most tangible experiences of love. Do you see? You are on the planet as embodied explorers of love, and that is one of the greatest gifts of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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