Beloved Ones,
You are experiencing the effects of the previous downloads that have been given and are finding yourselves going within as the inner revelations come. There is much inner work being accomplished as you realize that somewhere along the way, you have become the observer of your own life. This is a mighty step forward and will serve you well when thoughts come up to the surface. You can then simply say to yourself, “Oh, this is old energy, I do not need to do anything with it, I choose to let it go.” Immediately replace this with a happier and more empowering thought that makes you feel good and happy about something positive that is occurring in your life. This is YOU taking back your personal power one thought at a time! Staying within your center no matter where you go is important during this time as this process keeps you clear so that you always know when the energy of others impinges your consciousness and can take steps to clear it. For some of you who are very sensitive to energies, this is very uncomfortable and requires clearing often. As stated last week, the Total Energy Clearing process done at least once every week is most effective in getting you back to center quickly so that you do not suffer needlessly just because the energies of others’ worries and concerns entered your field. I have asked the scribe to include the link once again in our message. Those who follow their own star rather than the paths suggested or given by others is the correct way to go. You have everything you need within you and you are linked to the wisdom and knowledge of the Source. Be discerning during these times, there are many who wish to manipulate you for their own economic purposes. Do not be deceived by dire warnings that can fill you with fear and worry. Staying in tune with your higher wisdom will always keep you in a state of balance and equilibrium which then allows clarity in one’s thought processes to keep them on the right path. These paths are diverging widely at this time so having clarity of mind is important. When you avoid the pitfalls of entrapment into someone else’s agenda, you are living true to self and your pathway is cleared of heavy emotions and drama and becomes one that is harmonious and peaceful and this attracts harmonious events and activities to you. You are allowing the good things that are available to you to have the platform to connect with you. Many new doors and opportunities are opening to you and life’s blessings and gifts are eager to come in. Relax and enjoy these moments. Do not give up on your own ability to make the right choices even as you venture into uncharted and unknown territory. Use your own creativity and imagination to continue to create a new world filled with promise and beauty. As you continue to go through great changes and learn to use your ability to deal with the discovery of what you are capable of in this new territory, you find yourself and begin to explore the myriad possibilities that beckon. Align with this new adventure and begin your life anew! Know that it is taking place now and that you are an integral part of it all. You are so very creative and are being inspired to head into the ideas that present themselves to you, for works of art, creative stories, music and the other gifts that lie waiting beneath the surface of your new self! Until next week… I AM Hilarion Marlene Swetlishoff,
Sunday, February 21, 2016 Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Many channels have now spoken about the time being right for changes. These are changes that will happen both within you and on the outside. It is that no changes can happen if changes not first have happened within. The more people that find their way to their heart and then send out heart based energies it has the effect that this energy becomes stronger in the collective. This in turn allows more people to find the way to their heart. The numbers increase all the time, since there are many people on our Earth today who are seekers. These are people who seek a different and deeper meaning with their lives than they can find in the 3-D reality they live in today. More and more see the meaninglessness in all the violence they see around them and they seek a different reality. He who seeks will find, as it is written. It is a truth that surely many of you have experienced. Some stumbling in the beginning, but then it has gone more or less straight forward. The stronger you are in your will to change your inner world, the more you will be able to change. You grow with the task so to speak. Many have now taken that step and the collective is starting to dominate in the Light. Thus it is time for various changes on Earth. The currency changes are already on their way. The monies are in the right places. The shifts in governance are in the balance. It is only a question of time. The right conditions must be there and it will happen at the exact right time. The Light is increasing all the time and provides the conditions that are required for all to happen in a good way, for all concerned. We do not want to cause chaos considering that a large part of the Earth population is still unaware about what is happening. But it is beginning to stir a little also in their hearts as the Light now has reached a vibration level that effects all life on Earth. All information that they can reach is in the collective consciousness. This means that their process will be a bit faster. We are all One, so they should thank their brothers and sisters for this. Just as they will thank them for being willing to wake up and help Earth in its large transformation. We are in this together and help with all that we can. Part of this can be to want to wake up in spite of the difficult experiences they have suffered. These difficult experiences are dissolved in the collective and it gives mankind a push forward. All fears that are dissolved in the collective increase of the Light there. So please understand that you are all an important part of each other. Help and support each other as much as you can, but remain standing in your own Light. The Light and the Love in your soul is the most important now. Those that want to be helped give a positive response, others you can just send Light to, and hopefully this can light a flame in their hearts. We send as much Light as we can and surround you with Light. Stand solidly in the Light and Love will come pouring to you. The time is right to take the first step into your new reality. With so much Love, Judas By Ann Dahlberg Marilyn Raffaele ~ Feb 21, 2016 Dear ones, greetings from the Arcturian group. We see you eager and aware and growing more so each day. It is a time of celebration on this side as we observe the Light of mankind becoming ever more bright. These times have been anticipated eagerly by all on this side working with Gaia and her people. Know that you are loved immensely and honored for the courage and bravery you show in the midst of so much turmoil and struggle arising to be cleared at this time. We wish to speak of the great gains you have made in your journey because many believe nothing has changed. This is because without your realizing it, your evolving consciousness has become your ordinary. Take a moment to examine the you of ten, five, or even one year ago and you will see how much you have grown and changed in attitude and beliefs. Issues that seemed important, valid, and unchangeable to you, no longer seem even worth the effort of concern. You have moved to new levels of awareness. Some of you still believe that a powerful religious experience must take place or you are not truly evolving. No dear ones, the spiritual journey consists of one footstep at a time (some of which may be "bloody" footsteps), each one bringing you ever forward into a new and higher state of consciousness. Some will have powerful inner experiences and others will not, but do not seek them as proof of your spirituality or believe that they are necessary. Never judge your spiritual worth based on stories of the "saints" and sages. Their miraculous experiences more often than not, have been exaggerated and embellished by those wishing to impress others and validate their own personal beliefs. The mind forms energy. If a seriously religious individual were to dwell on the wounds of crucifixion continually, it is very possible he could manifest them for himself. Just a thought to ponder. Arcturian group wishes to discuss awareness-- physical, emotional, and mental awareness. What am I aware of on each of these levels? Awareness serves to illuminate the belief system--the ideas you may still be holding that resonate with old and finished energy. Physically, do you believe that the body governs you, that you at the mercy of it? Are you giving inordinate power to the medical profession, drugs and treatments? How completely do you accept the many beliefs regarding age and deterioration, many of which are promoted simply for the financial benefit of drug companies? You are evolving into a consciousness of Oneness with Source. You cannot be Divine consciousness and at the same time be a victim of the body you yourself formed for use on earth. What are you creating, what do you wish to create? Are you aware that you-- YOU/consciousness formed and govern your body? Begin to understand that this YOU is in charge and is the power and energy maintaining and sustaining the body. The body does not govern you, YOU govern it--manifesting the outer according to your soul plan and attained state of consciousness. The general public is not aware that every bill board or action promoting some fight against a particular disease, establishes it more firmly in world consciousness. The choice of when to leave the physical body is made by each soul on a level they are not consciously aware of. Their disease may be their chosen "out". Now, many of you are saying; "My friend was very spiritually evolved and she/he died." Yes, this is not to say are to ignore a problem or are never to consult the medical profession because to stubbornly stand in absolute truth before it becomes an attained state of consciousness is very human. These are the steps we speak of. Firstly know the absolute truth-- I am Divine Consciousness and therefore complete and whole in every way. State your intention to find the solution that most closely resonates with your energy. Go within, listen, and then take whatever human footsteps you feel guided to take. You may get direct information on how to handle the situation without outside help or you may be guided to the medical person or holistic practitioner that is right for you. Intuition speaks very softly like a nudge or an "knowing" guiding you to the right person be the need legal, spiritual, or medical. Guidance comes in unlimited ways; as a name that stands out in the phone book, someone mentioning a person in conversation, or your remembering a particular professional that you resonated with at another time. The manifestation of a consciousness of completeness is limitless. Believing that solutions must or can only come in a certain way limits the flow and acts to block the experience. Awareness of the emotional body is the process of honestly examining any issues that "push your buttons". When you find yourself reacting to some person, place, or thing, and judging it as good or bad, it indicates an issue in cellular memory needing recognition. Reactions are gifts, tools not to be shoved aside with guilt or repression, for they serve to make you aware of issues needing deeper examination. Emotions of anger and hurt from some past experience long believed to have been resolved can and often do reappear even when the experience was many years ago. This never indicates failure on your part but instead indicates your attained spiritual readiness now to go deeper and more completely realize, release, and move beyond the experience. Powerful experiences leave an imprint in cellular memory and continue to manifest as inordinate fears, attractions, desires etc. until cleared. Much of what you are now spiritually resolving you have carried with you through many other lifetimes but only in this lifetime were evolved enough to address. Awareness of the mental body means taking time to seriously and honestly examine everything you think and believe to be truth. Beliefs presented and accepted by you through parents, schools, churches, and "experts", as well as strongly held beliefs brought with you from past lives serve to form your belief system. However, much of what individuals hold to be true simply represents whatever beliefs are popular at the time. Examination of one's belief system often results in recognizing a need to detach from some organization or group-- one that served fully at one time, but no longer resonates with the individual's new state of consciousness. There are those who choose to stay in outgrown places simply for companionship and familiarity but this will serve only to stagnate the evolutionary journey. The window on earth for ascension is NOW. We remind you of the importance of self examination on all levels because it is a powerful tool for discovering beliefs you may be ignorantly still holding. The material world manifests concepts of the spiritual reality--interpretations of a collective consciousness conditioned by beliefs of good and bad and separation. You are ready to pull aside the curtain of material sense and fully embrace the realities you will find there. Some, after discovering God and being "saved" choose to coast through life in the belief that once "saved" they need do nothing. They then wonder why their lives may seem to fall apart at some point along the way. No dear ones, it is true, your innate Self does embody all the qualities of the Divine but this must become your attained state of consciousness before it can fully manifest outwardly. It is important to have quiet time at least once a day in which you contemplate and rest in truth after stating your intentions and sending Light to your cells, chakras, and the world. You will be intuitively guided to other actions as well because in silent awareness, you become receptive. This is the evolutionary journey, and these are the footsteps. Examine your belief system on all levels, discovering for yourselves the areas in which you may be more susceptible to world beliefs. Past life experiences and cellular memory cause individuals to be open to some beliefs more than others. A person who has experienced many lifetimes of poor health is often more receptive to world concepts of disease while another tortured in one or more lives for speaking out may be more susceptible to beliefs regarding laws and regulation--always fearful of not doing what they are told. A person who has spent many lifetimes committed to organized religion may still blindly and without question, be drawn to it again in the belief that all religious doctrine is truth. The ability to recognize one's deeply held false beliefs and move beyond them comes when you start to seriously work with and trust your intuition, not dismissing what comes to you as unimportant. If you have not already done it, state your intention to evolve, to clear and move beyond all remaining obsolete cellular memory. Withdraw attention from all the third dimensional promotions and hype that constantly bombard you. Become your own authority, taking back the power you ignorantly gave away, and be who you already are. We are the Arcturian Group 2/21/16 The Council on Manifesting We will speak today of a very popular topic in the lightworkers’ world. We will approach it from an angle that you may not have seen before, but that is entirely consistent with all we have said prior to this. We think we can describe manifesting as the practice of bringing into the physical world those things that one has visualized and desired from one’s non-physical world. That will work for you since you think there is a difference between the two. In reality there is only one world. If you knew that as truth, this would be a non-subject. You would see that it is only a matter of the degree of manifestation. When most persons think of this topic, it is usually in the context of things, of wealth. They want to manifest a vehicle, a house, money, or perhaps a relationship. They learn all sorts of meditations, incantations, and indeed spend quite a bit of money in the search for the way to do this. And some do get what it is they were wanting. But some always get these things, do they not? And some merely manage to dwell on the fact that they do not have what they have set hearts on. What would you assume that would do? Now, getting or not getting something in one’s outer world, according to what we have been at pains to help you understand, is only a reflection of the state of one’s being. And since that is the case, where would be the most effective place to center one’s efforts? Why, it would be most effective to change what is in one’s inner world and therefore, without fail, watch the outer change to reflect it. And there is a ‘kicker’ involved here. No matter what you dream up, you will never envision something that you do not think you deserve or that you think is not possible. We promise you that your inner self does not recognize those restrictions. So what are we recommending that you work on? Why not change everything? Dedicate yourselves to manifesting you. Become the hands, feet, heart, and body that manifests the highest and best of who and what you are. If you make progress, and you will, you will see changes in your outer world that you would not have imagined. This has been a rather short message today, but one that contains truth. We will work tirelessly with all who take this to heart. Blessings, dear friends. From Ron Head Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Shanta Gabriel
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. For this week's issue, Archangel Gabriel is reminding us about the truth of who we are. The Gabriel Message Card for this week One Way to Harmony is to remember who you are in every moment, a Divine Expression, Spirit into Matter. The spiritual principle called Harmony was first introduced to me by Archangel Gabriel in 1991. Prior to that, I had no awareness of what Harmony meant to me and why Harmony was so important to my life. I found that Harmony represents alignment with Source Energy. It is connection to my Higher Self and the guidance working in and through all that I am. When I am in balance, I feel a sense of Peace and Harmony within myself. In short, when I am in Harmony, I am happy. I started using Harmony as an intention. I would go into situations and ask to be in Harmony with all who were involved. My intention was to be in Harmony with my Highest Good and with that of all concerned. I also asked to be in Harmony with the Truth of my Soul. These intentions would feed the divine substance of Love and Peace into every moment. Most of us are familiar with the idea of harmonies in the music of choirs or symphony orchestras. When music is out of harmony, it is glaringly obvious. Disharmony makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, that is my clue — when I am not in harmony, I feel uncomfortable. When I become aware of how uncomfortable my body feels, I can take positive action. From that point, I can start to breathe into my heart and come back into alignment with myself and with my guidance system. That is Harmony. I looked up the word Harmony in the dictionary. The definitions are mostly musical, although there is one that says, "the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole." This sounds like Harmony as perfect Well-being to me — living in a pleasing and consistent wholeness. It even sounds like a worthy goal for my life. In the dictionary, there is also a reference to physics in the word harmonic. It is defined as relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave. To me, this relates to the power of Divine Light. We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony, we can integrate this universal force of All Creation within our being and ground it through us to connect Heaven to Earth. We can then direct Divine Light into our own lives or to any place on Earth in need of healing and love. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony because from this place of high-frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony within us to the Oneness of All That Is. When we are in Harmony with ourselves it is easy to remember that we are all becoming a more Divine Expression of who we are on the Earth. We are each here in this life to blend our most divine selves in Harmony with our most human selves thus allowing all life to evolve. Through becoming this fullest aspect of ourselves, we bring spirit into matter so all of humanity may live in true Harmony. Divine Presence, I call forth the Light Field of Pure Harmony into every area of my life right now. I ask to be so in tune with myself, that when I slip out of Harmony, I can reset the energy to be in Harmony in a graceful, automatic way. I ask to be in Harmony with any situation that I am facing in my life. May this sense of Harmony guide and direct me so I can respond in more resourceful ways. May I be in Harmony with my Soul’s Purpose and allow that Presence to guide me at all times. I give thanks for the spirit of Harmony working in and through me now and always to be a blessing to the world. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel February 21, 2016 The Gabriel Messages #3 One way to Harmony is remembering who you are in every moment...a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter. Dear One, Who you are is so much more than a body in the material world. Your very essence is part of a greater whole — God in whom you live, move and have your being, the Source of all Life. This Presence expressing through you is the gift you give to the world. Imagine what Earth would be like if all people remembered they were the Divine Essence expressing in a physical world. There would be so much more love, and so much less fear. In the essence of God, there is no separation into race or religion. There is no separation of any kind. It is all a great connected Wholeness. When you remember that you truly are Spirit and your purpose is to bring God through you into the physical world, different choices can be made. In the world of Spirit, love, compassion and trust are key elements. In the world of Spirit, joy, harmony and peace exist in all situations. There is Freedom in your mind when you allow this truth to be in the forefront of your consciousness. Release the need to believe as others do. Be the one who remembers God and speaks the truth. Be the one who blesses the world with the power of your remembering. If it is not appropriate to speak this truth, silently bless all people and situations when they are brought to your awareness. You will be a powerful force for Good. When you find others who are in agreement with you, and who know the truth of their Divine Expression, pray together. The power of remembering Truth when two or more are gathered, creates an exponential leap of Divine Love and Light in the world. Join together in a conspiracy of Love to bless all people and situations where fear is the predominant emotion. Many people believe there are better ways to live than what is apparent in the cities of the world. Many have even withdrawn to lead more separate and quiet lives. Never, however, doubt the power of one. One person can bring tremendous good to the world when they radiate Light from the consciousness of greater truth and love. The energy of loving prayer and blessings strengthens the link all people share — oneness with God. When more people send love, blessings and prayers toward others, the very vibration of the planet is increased. An increase in vibration stimulates the power of Universal Light. Harmony, Peace and more love are then generated. This is the way to heal the world — moment to moment, each person blessing others and bringing Divine Love into every situation, instead of fear. These actions not only assist all beings, they renew our faith in a benevolent and loving Presence within all things. From this place all are healed. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: One way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel February 21, 2016 By Archangel Michael and the Galactic Federation
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 19th February 2016 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa We bring forth the vibration of peace to ignite within your being and burn up all forms of unrest and unbalance within your being. You are transforming dramatically at this time as is Mother Earth. Cocooned in love by the Beings of Venus, it is our combined energy of the Galactic Federation and Archangel Michael which is overseeing a movement of peace within all. Being erased from humanity are the feelings of unrest, resistance and disharmony especially connected to the Creator and the journey of ascension. Our focus is to replace the struggle and striving of a soul who has moved through numerous lifetimes so that peace can be ignited and experienced within. This is not a stillness nor an energy of being motionless, in fact it is an active energy of contentment and happiness within. . Our purpose as love is anchoring so profoundly upon the Earth is to erase the perspective and focused concentration that many hold upon negativity, separation and suffering. The greatest result of our healing work with humanity would be a shift in a great percentage of humanity concentrating upon positivity, truth and joy. . Each person upon the Earth has an aspect and energy of suffering, fear and disharmony within them, this is projecting into the consciousness of humanity continuously. Those of humanity who strongly resonate with negativity, suffering and pain then experience the projections placed into the consciousness of humanity as fuel to create and energise plans, corruption and devastation upon the Earth. . Imagine that your belief in suffering and devastation was so strong that you attracted like a magnet all the energy of suffering and devastation that every person on the Earth holds within them. You would be empowered beyond your understanding of power. Imagine also that with this power you were given ideas of creating more destruction upon the Earth. These ideas would then support you in attracting more people of similar vibrations and beliefs into your reality. This may feel impossible and yet it is occurring on the Earth now causing chaos, pain and suffering within the realities of those instigating and the recipients. . Many are also being fuelled by the consciousness of humanity in an entirely different way. There are those who are focusing with such intent upon love that they are drawing the love which is held within every person upon the Earth and is automatically projected into the consciousness of humanity into their beings. The love projected by many into the consciousness of humanity is acting as their fuel to encourage and empower them to create beauty, enlightenment and healing in the world touching the hearts of many. . We can see that the consciousness of humanity is creating a powerful energy like a charge of electricity which can influence the Earth and humanity tremendously. The consciousness of humanity acts like fuel which can be used for positive or negative experiences, it is predominantly a powerful weapon born from humanity to be used by humanity. There are those who have yet to discover the focus of their being, therefore they project both negative and positive energies and imprints into the consciousness of humanity. They are sometimes focused on love and other times fear, this fuels both negative and positive experiences upon the Earth and within their own reality. Such people are also being influenced by the power of the consciousness of humanity, being swayed, tossed and rocked each and every way. Therefore, experiences of insecurity, anxiety and resistance to the Creator arise from within them. . The valuable insight to grasp is that every feeling and idea that every person experiences within them, whether it is fleeting or persistent is projected into the consciousness of humanity, which is akin to a network or body of energy. Every person on the Earth is connected to the network or body of the consciousness of humanity. Each person also receives energy and information from the consciousness of humanity as well as being influenced unconsciously or consciously. There are many levels of energy within the consciousness of humanity from the thoughts and energy of jealousy, fear and agony to the quicker vibration of pure enlightened, love and unity with the Creator, as well as everything else in between. Your daily focus, beliefs and emotions determine the level of the consciousness of humanity you connect into and draw upon to support your reality upon the Earth. This signifies that your negative thoughts can support a situation of pain and suffering on the other side of the world. For example, those who are responsible for acts of terrorism or violence towards others are drawing from the consciousness of humanity the pain and suffering that every person has experienced, including your own inner pain and suffering, which has yet to be realised and healed. So we could say the energy within you and others is creating the chaos upon the Earth, in the same way it is creating love and kindness upon the Earth. . Everyone is connected and everyone is co-creating the experiences of the Earth together. . We bring this to your realisation not to create fear or shame within you, it is to support you in realising that you are powerful. As you take responsibility for the energies within your being, so you change the consciousness of humanity and the experiences of everyone on the Earth. Imagine if a vast majority cleansed their thoughts and emotions creating and projecting loving qualities. The consciousness of humanity would transform into a source of loving qualities. This would mean that those wishing to create harm and destruction would only receive loving qualities from the consciousness of humanity, this would no longer fuel their intentions creating a healing within them, realisation of their past actions and a positive change in their perspective. Thus chaotic and devastating experiences, incidents and situations upon the Earth would be fewer. . It is time to take responsibility and realise that the healing work you achieve within you creates peace upon the Earth. When you see or hear about a situation upon the Earth, whether you perceive it as negative or positive, if it is your neighbour, in your country or another country we wish for you to contemplate the situation. What are the energies created by this situation? Then recognise that the same energies may be within your being and that energetically you played a part in the manifestation of the situation as did everyone else on the Earth. The energies you discover connected to the situation may have been held within your being in the past and projected into the consciousness of humanity, however they have since been healed within you. Perhaps you recognise the energies remain within you. If they are positive loving qualities rejoice in their manifestation upon the Earth, their presence within your being and the consciousness of humanity. Ask for your angels and guides to amplify the same energies within your being and the consciousness of humanity, asking that they manifest upon the Earth continuously for all to experience. . If the energies are of a negative vibration or quality, then it is first important to recognise honestly that these energies exist within you or have done in the past. If previously healed, then share your compassion with yourself and express it into the consciousness of humanity as a healing and purification. With recognition of the energies within the situation and the same within your being currently, a powerful healing process can begin. Your purpose is to heal and release the energies as well as erasing them from the consciousness of humanity. . ‘With the support of my soul, Archangel Michael, the Galactic Federation and the Creator, I recognise the energies within me which I am imprinting into the consciousness of humanity. The energies within me I recognise are……………… . I also allow myself to be illuminated concerning how these energies hinder and impact my own reality and connection with the Creator.’ Take time to allow any realisations which are required to be recognised to emerge from within your being. . ‘I invite the healing of my soul, Archangel Michael, the Galactic Federation and the Creator to purify and erase these energies from my being and from the consciousness of humanity. The energy I chose to fill my being and the consciousness of humanity with is……………………… I experience this wholly now. Thank you.’ . Such a focus as we have provided to you above supports realisations and healing of the energies within you. Sometimes the realisation is all that is required, other times persistent focus, inviting healing and inner awareness is required. . Your inner healing process is healing the world, creating peace for all to experience. We, Archangel Michael and the Galactic Federation are supporting the creation of peace as the Beings from Venus continue their download of love into the Earth and all of humanity. . Eternal peace is within, . Archangel Michael and the Galactic Federation Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel Dear One, God’s love is the energy that permeates the universe. It is the essence in which you live, move and have your being. There is no time when you are separate from Divine Love, whether or not you are aware of this fact. Divine Love is always there for you. If you do choose to be aware that you are basking in the Light of the Universe in every moment, your life can change for the better. When you remember that you are always receiving God’s blessings, you know that you are supremely loved. No matter what you have done, or not done, you are loved. No matter how imperfect you feel, you are loved. You are the beloved child of a benevolent God who wants you to be happy, free, wealthy, and filled with love. This is what you deserve because you are you. You have come to this place and time to hear this message. You need to remember how much your life is worth to the Creator of all that is. Bask in this possibility for a moment. Breathe in the Divine Light and know, really know, how much you are loved. There is no one else in the world with the gifts, talents and abilities that you have. When you realize this, you can give thanks, knowing the way is now open for you to use your God-given talents and abilities to expand and enrich your life. For this you came to earth. You also came to earth to learn the lessons your Soul has chosen to learn. These lessons may feel difficult. You may see no way to accomplish your dreams. You may not even feel as though it is okay to have your dreams. Yet within you there is a spark from your soul that knows that you are always receiving Divine love. This love, which you are continuously receiving, holds the energy that can carry your dreams into the world. This love can heal all that causes you pain. This love brings hope and carries the seed of truth within its light-filled energy. It’s here for you now. Breathe in Divine Love. The Angels are messengers of God. They carry Divine Love to those who will listen and receive all that is available to them from the Universal Presence. So ask to receive this love. You are worthy to have the love of God in every area of your life. Remember as you go through this day, no matter what you are doing or where you are: You are always receiving God’s love, whether you "tune in" or not. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel February 14, 2016 Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today. We see many millions of you now establishing new and higher levels of inner vibration—which then powerfully affects your outer lives—and we continue to celebrate such, though we understand the pressures you are under now. We are often asked, for example, how a sensitive person, an empath, is to deal with two great challenges that trouble nearly all Lightworkers. The first being, How do I deal constructively with the loss and pain experienced by those around me, and by the world in general? And the second being, How do I deal with the pain of my own past? This first question is a very great issue, and one that you will have dealt with on varying levels for most of your life. Even as a child, you noticed those around you who were in trouble—the classmate who always seemed hungry or angry or sad and silent, or whose eyes were often red from crying. News reports and public service spots showed you images from around the world of those who were struggling to survive against war or hunger, natural disaster, uncured illness, lack of proper housing or education, or other apparently needless forms of suffering. You often felt the pain of others, as if these were your own problems. You absorbed their struggle and emotionally—energetically—took it on as your own, as if that would cure or solve or lessen their pain in some way, if you could also carry it. And yet you know by now that feeling sorrowful for another does not decrease or alleviate their pain. You have seen that joining another in their grief or shock or depression vibration does not alleviate what they are experiencing—if anything, it only further increases the weight they carry. You have seen how sitting with a friend who is grieving, your grieving on that same level will not alleviate their pain—they may in fact be sorry to see that you are resonating with their sadness. Yet you may feel that you are not showing sufficient compassion if you do not sit down and cry with those who are in despair, believing that empathy and kindness require such. But consider that you are moving beyond experiencing sadness and pain now, for any reason, and that the excuse that “I was comforting another” is no longer a part of your path. Others tell you their troubles not to bring you to their level of shock or sadness or anger, though it may seem that way at times, but to ask you to raise them up, in steps, to the level that they perceive you are on. A great deal is being asked of you now. You are being asked by those around you to be a sort of leader, to show them where the great Light that emanates from you originally comes from. Many are curious to know how they may tap into that and resonate with it, in their own way. For you to drop down to the level of their despair—to add one more rock to the heavy weight of human sadness—does nothing whatever to help them, and they know this. Certainly, as a natural empath (and natural healer), it is your instinct to resonate with those you connect with on a heart level. But we assure you, they do not ask you to do so in a way that has you resonating with their despair. They ask that you show you understand their struggle, but while remaining calm, reaching out to them not from their place of grief, but from your higher place of peaceful understanding that All Is Well in this Universe. They ask that you affirm that they are fully able to join you in that place, once they are ready to do so. As you do so, you hold that space for them, knowing and believing in their ability to release whatever troubles them, to open up to a higher answer—to weather their challenges with courage and the sort of detachment that is utterly fifth dimensional. And that vibration means not allowing emotional reactions to lead their thoughts and determine their ongoing emotional vibration. That peaceful detachment—and you have achieved it many times—is the very nature of compassion. It is a matter of holding the understanding of another’s challenges in one hand, and the reality of their powerful soul in the other hand, with the understanding that their higher self is bringing them home to peace and wholeness, no matter what may appear to be happening to them right now. You cannot know their path, and what they determined, before incarnating, would best stimulate the soul growth and expansion that they risked the travails of yet another Earth life to attain. Likewise, when the thought of a painful episode from your own past comes to the surface, offer compassion—caring, with detachment and belief in your higher path—to your younger self. Becoming angry or sad again and again may appear to be a form of showing solidarity with the person you were then, and that is understandable. Yet you do not help or heal that younger self, who comes to you for understanding and wisdom that they do not have yet, when you agree with them that this person or that was an abusive lowlife, and you hope they got their comeuppance. We assure you, all things are coming to their rightful place now on your planet. Nothing is to be hidden in this New Earth you are building, and justice and equality are a very large part of the equation. Each person must face their judge—their own soul and Divine Self—and determine who to ask forgiveness of, and what forms of sensitivity, wellness, and balance they have avoided or been deprived of till now. Allow your younger self to heal from the shocks and traumas of the past, by saying to them, when these memories arise, “Yes, I see that you suffered. I am sorry I was not there to protect you. We’re much stronger now. Release this. They have no power over you now. I have banished them. You are free.” They come to you crying about past abuses and losses, precisely because you were not then able to give them the level of reassurance and comfort then that you are able to give now. But you will notice that until you are able to believe in your higher path with detachment, not anger or grief, they tend to remain unhealed. This is counter-intuitive, perhaps—your ego-mind will be wondering, Why would you not stay angry at a foul injustice, toward you or anyone? Yet try this with yourself, as an experiment. See if you can consciously turn toward the younger self who was fed to one wolf or another before their defenses, self-esteem, and self-care were fully in place, and speak on their behalf now. Consciously interact with these memories, whether you speak mentally to the abuser and inform them that none of this will be tolerated, or you speak to your younger self to say, “They have no power over you now. Leave that place. I will protect you. You are safe!” You have been seeking this for many a year—this reassurance and belief in your or another’s strengths and ability to recuperate and continue on the path, without bitterness. And in these times when Lightworkers are depended upon to not fall for the old regime’s tricks of trying to entrain you upon a vibration of anger, despair, grief, or shock, your movement forward in this is not only called for, but a requirement for your Ascension. And will I become so detached and calm about everything that I no longer fully participate in life—no longer full feel life? you may ask. You have not seen your higher self in full presence. You have not seen him or her dancing on the color and Light forms of these new and higher frequencies, singing with the tonal vibrations of waxing moons, Nature spirits, and legions of Angels, as we have, or you would not ask. You are riding the great wave of planetary and individual Ascension as Poseidon rides the waves that are his horse herds—and you are no less powerful, dramatic, celebratory, and astounding. Namaste, powerful ones! Step up, and be your full and higher selves. The Universe awaits. The Collective Caroline Oceana Ryan ![]() Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel Dear One, You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth-body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier. Honor yourself in gentleness and love. You are not alone. The Infinite Presence has not placed you onto the earth plane without a way of receiving assistance when you most need it. That is why there are Angels. Angels are messengers from God who are here to assist in making your earthly life more effortless, to bring light into the darkness, and to remind you that you are incredibly loved. We know of your struggle, and we know that you are making a valiant effort. We bless you and honor you for all that you have done and are doing. But more than that, we honor you for who you are deep inside. We honor that part of you that holds the essence of your soul. We see within you a spark of incredible goodness and love. This we bless and honor and we urge you to do the same. The more you bless and honor this Divine Light within you, the more it grows. The more this light grows, the more love you feel and the more energy you have. The more love you feel within you, the more you want to give to others. In this way the world is served and more light is brought to your beautiful planet, which is in need of great blessings at this time. We ask you to be gentle with yourself, to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Without love and encouragement a little child cannot grow to be a healthy adult. Yet you never outgrow your need for love — and remember, it is important to give yourself this love first, before you can fully give it to others. Practice How does one love oneself? You can start with the small things. Say, "I love you" to yourself whenever you look into a mirror. Remember to give yourself daily acknowledgment for how hard you work, for how much effort you give to another, for how caring you are to your children. For whatever you can think of, acknowledge yourself. If you cannot think of anything, simply acknowledge yourself for getting through another day on earth and doing the best you can do. As simple as this may seem, it is very powerful. The most important way you can love and honor yourself is by remembering who you are deep inside — a radiant spirit of light growing stronger and more whole every day. This is the truth of you. You can love yourself by eating in healthy ways and doing all that you know serves your body, but true loving and honoring begins with your feelings about yourself. You are here on earth to express the Infinite in form and to learn to be loving, joyful and peaceful. It does no good to berate yourself because you are not yet perfectly expressing these qualities. You were not given a manual for life on earth, so the only way you can learn is through trial and error, and by often painful experiences which encourage you to grow through the choices you make. The choices you make and who you are makes a difference on the Earth. Please honor this. There are many ways you can gently love and honor yourself. We ask you to give yourself kindness and compassion, to do the best you can with all aspects of your life, and to call on a Higher Power to assist you at all times, no matter how mundane the situation. The Angels are Divine messengers here to help you, bless you and most of all, love you. Receive this love and remember to: Gently and with love, honor yourself. Shanta Gabriel - by Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. You are on your way, dear Earthlings. The start signal has gone and it will not take long before the currency changes start up, around the world. We are all very grateful for this. All those that have worked with this have finally secured the outcome. It is slowly starting to spread to more and more countries. Many governments are now starting to get nervous, others try to grasp the last straw, yet others turn around hundred and eighty degrees and want to become a part of this process. They can see and understand that there is no way back to the old. The new is on its way and cannot be stopped. It is solidly anchored in Earth and Heaven, and has received the blessing of all. Humanity wants to have another reality now – A reality full of harmony and love and fear cannot be allowed to remain there. You have done an extraordinary job dear Earthlings and we are proud of you. It has not been easy to throw off the veil and to see the naked truth appear in front of you. Understand that you also have been part of this. You have been willing to work on yourself to build a new future for you and your children. It will be a lighter future than the dark one you now leave behind. You take your experiences with you and can in this way become teachers for others that find themselves in the same situation. First you will of course build up The New Earth and help in the solar system where you are located. It will take its fair share of time. Even before that you will of course have to wake up completely to yourself and the multidimensional self that you are. With this you will get help from your guides, who eventually will present themselves to you. They are already around you even if you do not see them or feel their presence. Some of you have felt their presence and even started a communication with them via their higher self. You all can look forward to this. You all have this ability more or less hidden from yourself. Many are starting to hear now the inner voice from your higher self, your soul. It guides you forward and gives you light and clear aha-sensations. The question is only if you dare to follow it. Do you dare take that step or accept the message it conveys. The soul speaks clearly and you can hear and feel it loudly and clearly. It is a short moment of clarity. It is a matter of picking up on it and believing in it. Dare to take a step in that direction, even if it is not the direction that you right now had thought of or pushed it into the future. Do not be afraid, your guides are right at your side and support you in your efforts. The time is now to start one’s own journey – The journey you choose when you came down to help Earth in this large transformation. Everybody has a small part in this. The soul knows which part is yours. I encourage all to search for their part in this transformation of our dear earthly societies. I love you so much. Judas |
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December 2024