A Message to Lightworkers – August 24, 2018by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. At this time, you are experiencing the pull of different energetic influences, some of which come in via your intellect, others by your physical senses, and others intuitively. We are aware that many of these energies conflict with one another. You are feeling increasingly, for example, the presence of the New Earth—the increasing reality of your vision of Earth as a place of Peace and prosperity, of Abundance for everyone, of no armed conflict and little to no interpersonal conflict, where countries call themselves nations and tribes, each valuing other cultures’ rights and freedoms as well as their own. You are feeling increasingly that you can be a healthy, ever-young, joyful, easygoing human being who knows how to manifest what he or she needs at any one time, joyfully assisting others in finding their higher path and their joy in life, even as you find your own. And yet, there are moments that push or pull in other directions. You are seeing now a release of dense energies coming up from deep within the Earth, where they have existed for centuries, influencing or drawing off of various etheric energy grids. These beings are now being expunged or expelled from the Earth plane, as the planet’s own frequency becomes too high for them to exist in Her. As Earth energies move into increasing independence, resilience, and rebirth, they become increasingly discordant with those of the lower realms. Lower energy forms and entities are therefore moving about the Earth, looking for anchor points. They are ordering their minions to create events that will draw up enough dense emotion amongst the masses to create energetic “food” sources and anchor points that these forms can hold onto. (A plan that is failing.) Likewise, there is much density rising up out of of human beings, leaving those with rising consciousness feeling unhappy with the violence, narrow-mindedness, or separatist philosophies of others. Many millions are also contending with the shadow aspects arising from within their own energies, which can also be disconcerting, painful, and draining to deal with. We will, as always, ask you to step back, dear ones, from what you are seeing and feeling, so that you are not getting “swallowed” by these moments so much as quietly observing them as they arise. We speak of these moments as those times in which your or another’s experience rises up in ways that feel very dense and difficult. Some of those you feel anger or amazement toward are in positions of power; others are simply random folk interviewed on television or video who are cheerfully supporting those whom you see as steeped in greed, violence, and an egoic need for power—whether speaking for the Right or for the Left. In your own spirit, you will see some days aspects of yourself you did not know were there. Some of these are reactions to injustices you and others have suffered in this and other lives. They may draw up feelings of anger, grief, or abandonment. Over the centuries, many have experienced Earth and the Universe as a cold, unfeeling place that leaves its own to suffer. All of that rises to the surface now, in ways that it could not have before now. For you were not strong enough in past lives to face the energies of accumulated Earth life experiences over many centuries, let alone to be in a position to learn how to dissolve or resolve them. If those had risen to the surface before now, they would have placed a far heavier weight on your consciousness and even your cellular makeup than you could have borne up under. One of the things you came in for in this particular Earth life, was to release the still-in-place chains and prisons of past life experiences, as well as experiences you have had in the etheric, between Earth lives. Some of you have also experienced a sort of void in the afterlife, as that is all you were informed in the previous life could exist “after death.” You were able to choose to return to Earth by those who had promised to look after you and who, while respecting your free will, knew when to step in and assist in your soul development. It is from the Earth plane that the chains of past experience can be best dissolved for all time. Though you may feel your sight is most limited on the Earth, nevertheless, you have great potential while here to remake that which you desire to lift to a far higher frequency and form of experience. That is how powerful you are. The old power structure created huge Earth structures (religion, modern medicine, education, government) and energy grids to convince you otherwise, yet they are failing, and they know it. This has set another wave of desperation into the air, and yet—we assure you, it is not the most powerful energetic presence you are experiencing now. For if you will hold your heart open, and ask to be able to see and feel the higher energies now anchoring so beautifully into Earth and all Her beings, you will sense an immense Creative power—the kind you may feel oceans and mountains are made of, and in great expanses of space, the Creator presence from which new planets are formed. As you open up to feeling the presence of those energies enhancing Earth life and lifting all in their upward movement, you come to care less and less for any form of density. It becomes a form of experience that you realize you have outgrown. That uphill trudge of painful experience is no longer needed for the kind of exponential soul growth you came here to create. And so we would say, it may be best for you to give yourself permission now to “give up the drama” as a way of life—even that which you feel is needed to “make a point” to someone whose path seems to be headed in the wrong direction. Allow yourself the chance to see that their path is also sacred, as yours has always been, even in those moments when your lack of inner sight led you to do, say, or believe something that was never for your higher good. Release the need to understand another’s path, for you are coming into increasing peaceful understanding of your own—more in the heart-space, than the left-brain—and the words and symbols for that will come of their own accord, in the right time and way. The courage and confidence that realization gives you will lift you well above the need to judge, criticize, or feel degraded by anything happening around you. You are even now the sovereign being you were born to be! For this you came. Namaste, Friends and Light Warriors! You are never alone. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 21, 2018 By Trinity Esoterics on Aug 21, 2018 10:36 am Many of you are still integrating energetically from the recent powerful shifts you have moved through. The sun is assisting you in that process. The best way to ground in new energies is by putting your focus on your body. Eat the foods it is asking for. Allow it to move in whatever way it wishes to in your own intuitive dance. Spend time outdoors and feel your feet connect with the earth. Lie on the ground and let the earth energy wrap you up with its grounding support. Commune with the plants and animals. These are just a few things you can do. There is no greater expert than your body on what it needs to integrate any energetic shift. Allow it to take the lead. Support it in whatever it is asking for. Know that there is a natural intelligence within that knows exactly what to do. Trust your intuition. What works for one person may not be what another requires. Experiment. This is how you will bring forth your own ancient knowledge, and step into being the empowered master of your own vehicle. What wonderful times you are in that are allowing you to make these discoveries of your own amazing abilities! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. God's New Series - Heavenletter #6403 In God's Image, August 7, 2018 God said: Beloved, you, who may protest changes in life that arrive when you did not personally ask for them, may not fully acknowledge all that you do request and all that you do receive fulsomely. You may accept this as a matter of course and forget about it and miss out on an opportunity to say: “Thank You, God.” Every limb of yours, every answer in your life, and every person in your life – whether present for long or briefly passing by – is here for a meaningful purpose, an essential purpose, even as you may take their entrance in your life for granted or for annoyance. Every single person in your life, past or future, is a special gift hand-picked for you. You are also hand picked for everyone who travels in and out of your life as well. You may not know the purpose, yet purpose there is. We can say I am the Purpose. There is meaning beyond measure in everything in life. Everything. Every incident fulfills a purpose. There are no accidents and no coincidences. When all is said and done, there is meaning. There is a reference point. There is a gift. This is enough to know. There is also nothing that you have to wrap up tight with a ribbon or string. You don’t have to define. You don’t have to prove or not prove. You don’t have to know or not know, for a fact. You don’t have to have every curl of life in place to your satisfaction. Just know that your life is fulfilling itself up to the rafters. When others don’t always please you, offer to others something worthy of giving. You can mean to give more, and you can succeed. Your path is not decreed to follow what seems to get in your way. This is a wonderful proposition of life that you don’t have to follow others’ small steps. You can strike out on your own. You don’t have to follow another’s steps – not at all. Fulfill your dreams. Step further ahead and give more than your heart may feel was given to you. You have your own heart and soul, and I ask you to follow Me. I will lead you to still waters and to green pastures and to a mountain top from which you can climb to this high peak from which, with My compliments, you take a deep breath of air surpassing the known capacity of your lungs. You can follow a new path of your own making. You can yet begin to know the extent of your Self that is yours to follow and to reveal, most especially, to yourself. You may well have had pulled the wool over your eyes, covering your True Image. You are not exceeding yourself. You are reaching out your hand to yourself. You are greeting yourself along the way. You are waking up to the depth and height of your existence. You are waking up your sleeping Self. You are learning the outreaches of your Self, Who Art in Truth, My Self. Happy day. The day has come. It isn’t exactly that you have turned over a new leaf. Not at all. You just are finding the treasure and expanse within you, which, in Truth, have always been free within you. You are not a new you. You are your True Self you always carried around inside you, and, perhaps, kept hidden from yourself and from all those around you as well. Shake hands with your Self now. I introduce you to the Truth of You, which is the Truth of Me. We have been a long time knowing the Oneness of love. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/in-gods-image.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556
Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 31, 2018 By Trinity Esoterics on Jul 31, 2018 10:02 am A reader recently asked, “Why are some of us still dealing with so many lower frequency experiences in our reality, even though we have applied everything we have learned to move beyond them? What are we not understanding? How do we move beyond these experiences?” We would like to address this today. We understand it can be disconcerting to be so dedicated to your own growth and evolution and have challenging situations occur. In no way does this mean your work has been ineffective! There are many reasons why this can occur. While in some instances, it can be an indicator of an aspect of you that is still looking for your love and attention, in many cases these experiences are not because you haven’t grown, but rather to show you how far you have grown. It is an opportunity to show up from your latest level of attainment and see how differently you handle it compared to how you might have handled the same situation a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago. How can you gauge your growth if you don’t have experiences to see how far you have come? In other circumstances you may have an experience because your soul has volunteered to bring balance and stabilizing energy to others who have not yet been able to create that for themselves. Many of you hold the role of both anchor and filter. In other words, you are there to bring the love and the light using your energetics to be of service. You are part of the whole, and that whole holds many, many layers of energy. As you continue along your enlightenment practice, your overall experience will be far more peaceful than you have experienced in your life so far. Part of knowing your mastery is learning how to bring the peace with you everywhere you go rather than having it be dependant upon certain circumstances. We urge you to not make things wrong. Trust that if you are operating from a space of surrender, faith, flow, and trust with the intention of being of your highest service, it is all unfolding beautifully, for you to know yourself deeper either through self examination and awareness or through your service and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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