December 30, 2015/Comments Offon In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness. John SmallmanIn order to survive you chose to limit your awareness.Channeled by John Smallman Do not be alarmed as a number of unexpected events unfold quite early in 2016. Much has been going on at deeper levels of the human collective as you prepare yourselves collectively and individually for your awakening, and the effects of those preparations will start to become apparent in various areas of human endeavor. There will be much to intrigue and delight you in 2016 in spite of the ongoing disagreements and conflicts occurring across the world, which the mainstream media tends to use to further develop their fear-driven agendas which would encourage you to believe that things will only get worse! To awaken is to become free. Free of all the emotional and psychological baggage that drains your energy fields and undermines your enthusiasm for life, leaving you depressed and unmotivated as you struggle with your daily round of worldly commitments. Commitments that seem only to increase in number no matter how many you resolve and leave behind. The illusory world, in which humans appear to interact as separate individuals, with each one seemingly in an almost constant battle for survival while seeking desperately for love and acceptance, is a very demanding and exhausting environment. But every one of you chose to be here at this time to undergo and grow from the lessons that you set upon your path before you incarnated, and to assist humanity in general to awaken. You do each have an essential purpose on Earth in every moment, but uncovering that purpose and allowing it to emerge and change your lives is not that easy, although it is simple. Simple? Yes, it is simply to be Love in action! However, the world in which you experience life as humans seems so real and dangerous that to just live seems to demand almost all of your personal energy and resources, leaving little time or motivation for your essential spiritual task. When you feel threatened and fearful you erect defenses and conceal yourselves behind masks that disguise your true identity. You have been doing this for so long that you have forgotten that your true identity is as one with each other and with God. Instead you fear one another, even in the most intimate of relationships, because betrayal of trust has become endemic. The only way out of this quagmire of fear is to let it go and allow Love to direct you in every moment. But, because your unreal and threatening environment appears so real to you, that seems to be an insane course of action, one that is bound to end in disaster. Over the eons wise ones have come among you frequently to demonstrate this way of living, and while for the most part acknowledging the wisdom of the lessons they have taught and demonstrated, you have convinced yourselves that they are somehow “special,” and that what they did and how they lived is impossible for “normal” people. Now, with the power of the Tsunami of Love flowing freely across the planet, more and more of you are feeling its effects and are reassessing your lives and the way you are living them. You are recognizing that life is intended to be a far more uplifting and satisfying experience than a purely materialistic life style can ever provide, and so you are turning inwards to engage with meditative and contemplative practices. These practices are enabling you to find within you a sense of peace and resilience that confirms for you that your true nature is indeed spiritual, while giving you the strength to remove your masks and operate daily from that place of inner strength by engaging with Love instead of with fear. You are, as most of you well know, spiritual beings of great power and creativity having a temporary limited experience as humans within the illusory world that you built when you made the decision to be separate and to accumulate the strange but utterly unreal knowledge that life separated from your Source would allow you to investigate. You knew that separation was impossible because there is only All That Is which is Oneness, extant in an infinite creative field where Love is the power that makes all that is possible possible. By entering the illusion, the unreal and temporary environment that you had constructed for some temporary and seemingly promising diversions from your natural state of limitless creative ability, you lost sight of and then totally forgot Who You were. That was Your intention, it was to be part of the game, but God, understanding how lost, frightened, and confused You would become, instantly provided the means for you to retrieve Your memory, awaken from the dream, and return to Your divine Home, even though You had never left. Yes, what You constructed in order to play with the sense of separation was and is very convincing once You engage with it and seemingly find Yourself within it. Split into innumerable myriad individual entities each of whom felt alone, abandoned, insignificant, and of little if any value in the apparently vast universe in which you found yourselves, fear arose. Fear is utterly unreal, and therefore You had never experienced it. But, within the illusion, it arose because You were now apparently a tiny and insignificant individual desperately attempting to survive in a very hostile environment in which others, just like you, were dealing with the same issues in myriad different ways. The experience was, and remains, overwhelming. In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness so that the illusion’s vastness and your insignificance would be hidden from you. This limited the amount of fear or terror that you might experience. However, in the last few centuries, your scientists have begun to realize how vast the illusion is, and that shocking realization has led you to seek an escape from your seemingly complete insignificance in the larger scheme of things. Throughout the ages of the illusion there has always been what has come to be called The Perennial Philosophy, after a recent book of the same name, whereby it is seen that all the world’s major religions have always offered the same basic spiritual message, a message of unconditional Love. However, as these religions became established and mainstream the message became corrupted because the first followers of these loving beings – the founders of these religions – on whose beliefs and ways of life these various religions claimed to be based, almost invariably sought to attain personal power and influence through their connection to the holy one. Consequently most religious organizations, instead of showing Love in action, built power bases from which their leaders could draw enormous material benefits while subjugating the masses of separated souls, who were desperately seeking salvation, by convincing them to surrender their sovereignty and instead support the hierarchy that then used that support for its own nefarious purposes. Now awareness of this corruption has become so widespread that the elite bloodlines who have enjoyed, engaged in, and used these corrupt practices for eons, can no longer control humanity. Humanity has, as we have remarked before, made the collective decision to awaken into their true heritage as unseparated divine beings at one with God. And that decision is irreversible. You will awaken, because it is your and God’s Will that you do so, and because you are already awakening. Your main, indeed your only task is to be loving in every moment. You know that Love is always the answer, regardless of any question that might be asked, because with Love there are no “ifs” “ands” or “buts.” So, Walk Your Talk! That is how the world changes, by people, just like you, walking their talk. It does not change through rhetoric, discussion, or argument, let alone through war and conflict, it changes one person at a time, and now is the time when all persons are changing together. The will to change exists, because it is the divine Will. So does the intention, because you have all had enough pain, suffering, and war. Therefore be sure to go within daily and hold God’s Light on high by intending to be a conduit or channel through which the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love flows freely and abundantly in every moment to all on the planet. The results will astound you. Your loving brother, Jesus. Through John Smallman
The Earth is permeated with the Violet Flame. Your bodies are permeated with the Violet Flame. You are the God Within already though you know it not. If you can relax and allow your heart to sing, you will hear a beautiful message that will guide you throughout the upcoming New Year. Beneath all the layers of your mental and emotional bodies there is the light of Truth that you are what you seek. You must embrace your own Truth and learn to trust your self above all things. Find your peaceful center deep inside your heart and all that you need will be given to you. This is the way of the Universe. It has come to pass that the Infinite Love and Light has grown inside of you. Even though your life may have been filled with challenges, you are on the right path. It is only the past that is clearing now. This is your past. All that is happening now has come from what you have created in the past. It needs to clear so that you can see more clearly through your new eyes and your new heart. Trust your self to be a being of Love and Goodness. This is your True Nature. This is the time for you to remember and take steps to change your life in so many ways. If you trust in your self now, your future will be bright and full of surprises. Take time each day to go within and just listen to the Silence. This entire Universe was born from this Silence and so too will your new life be born from this Infinite Silence. Don’t worry about your old thoughts. They are changing now as the Violet Flame gets brighter. When you are in doubt, simply remember the Violet Flame and surround your self with it each day. Do this as you emerge from the Silence each day. The Violet Flame is here to help you to Transmute, to Transform, and to Transcend. Say the words aloud: I AM the Violet Flame of Purifying Power. My body is the Violet Flame of Purifying Power. This Earth is the Violet Flame of Purifying Power. All of this New Life is the Violet Flame of Purifying Power. I AM Saint Germaine! I AM! Blessings to each and everyone of you! Through Bob Fickes Mary Magdalene:
“Beloveds, precious ones, you are bringing forth a complete Renaissance in these glory-filled days, like no other in history, a complete Renaissance of your former Divine Selves, of your True Divine Essence. A rebirth, vibrating and pure in all its potential, manifesting now in a complete and whole way. You are gathering up all your aspects to present yourself to the world, unabashed and unmitigated, a shining jewel of Divine Awareness and Presence. And this is your purpose here. It is your birthright. It is You, the real you. Get used to it, beloveds. The old is falling away, to reveal the precious jewel that you are. Do not be afraid to show it to the world now. For the world awaits it with a pulsing heart….” Fran Zepeda Received December 28, 2015 Yeshua:
Dear Beloveds, Behold now the exquisite expansion and expansiveness of your Christ Consciousness. Behold and feel it as your new way of Being. You are becoming, and are, a Golden Chalice of Pure Loving Christ Consciousness ready to make your mark upon the world in even greater ways. For this has been your purpose and your goal for all these years and eons, to reach this point in time where you are transforming yourselves and your world with each breath of Creator’s Love, with each acknowledgment of the Christ-Self and God-Self that you are. You are That, in all its glory. Feel the essence of it permeate your very Being and feel the impact on all and everything in your wake. You, beloveds, are magnificent in this transformation. You are and will be experiencing even more in the coming days. Relax into it. Be it. Know you are a Beautiful Golden Chalice of Love, of Divine Intelligence, of Pure Source Consciousness, of All That Is, melding into the tapestry of the new Christ grid formed on this earth and within your Hearts and collection of Hearts. The Soul and Heart of Mary Magdalene and I, Yeshua, come to you now to demonstrate and embody this same loving consciousness, this same Golden Chalice of Love that you have allowed to form within and around you. We are One together as you strengthen this connection to All That Is, to the Pure Source Consciousness, the Pure Christ Consciousness, within. We offer you now a prayer/invocation to use in the coming days of great transformation: ‘I AM Pure Source Consciousness, I AM Pure Divine Light and Truth, I AM Pure Divine Love, I AM the embodiment of Pure Christ Consciousness. With this I go forth… Further into my mission and purpose, Of embodying Pure Divine Essence for the Highest EnJOYment and Peace of ALL. ….In Divine Love and Pure Awareness, I AM… And So It Is…’ Namaste, dear ones. I, we, shall return with more inspiration and illumination for you. Your loving brother, Yeshua Through Fran Zepeda DECEMBER 29, 2015
Dearest friends, we come with joy and best wishes in this holiday season. We observe some of you experiencing sadness and a bit of confusion because you are not experiencing the season as you are used to. For those of you who are feeling this way, rejoice in the understanding that your consciousness has changed and thus the holidays no longer resonate in the same way. Since last Christmas, many of you have evolved and integrated more light which in turn is effecting the way that you experience, understand, and live every aspect of daily living from the mundane to the most profound. Somehow the seasonal music you loved in the past, now sounds a bit tinny. Frenzied promotions for bargains of all kinds are often just plain irritating and no longer hold power over you. Some, who never noticed before, find themselves painfully aware of how commercial Christmas has become. Everything feels different this year, but it has nothing to do with age or responsibilities. It has to do with the fact that you have become more enlightened. Because of your increasing attention to intuition, it is now much easier to recognize a commercial intent behind the seasonal hype of nostalgia and fake sentiment. You easily see that most of it has nothing to do with the true loving essence of Christmas and everything to do with your purchasing power. You are learning to pull aside and look behind the curtain of "Oz". We remind you of the true meaning of Christmas and the New Year. This season is very powerful with meaning because it represents profound truths still unrecognized by the world in general. As with all things, truth manifests third dimensionally according to individual states of consciousness. A consensus consciousness is formed from the majority belief of individual states of consciousness. The so called "second coming" as well as the birth of Christ at Christmas is actually the personal experience of awakening that awaits every individual at some point in their evolutionary journey. It refers to the birth of the Christ consciousness within, and does not solely refer to the birth of Jesus/Jeshua 2000 years ago who attained the Christ consciousness in its fullest while on earth. Gradually through many journeys, experiences, and lifetimes of struggle, the humble personal consciousness (the manger) is prepared for the baby ( truth) to be born. The Christ is always born in humble circumstances for an ego of separation consciousness is simply not open to birth the Christ consciousness. At first the new born Christ consciousness is weak and needs protection as it could easily be pushed away through fear or snuffed out by the opinions of others. A world consciousness of duality and separation is very threatened by the Light of awareness and would like it not to appear at all, often taking actions toward this. The new born Christ consciousness must be held silently and secretly within the heart until it grows ever stronger and more confident, eventually becoming a fully mature enlightened Christ consciousness which no longer needs protection for it now knows that it is the very substance and essence of protection and that there is nothing needing protection from. Thus follows a New Year (life) for the awakened individual-- the second coming has arrived. Celebrate the season with all the love and joy of your new born higher awareness and you will be a blessing to everyone around you. Life is meant to be joyous, for separation is a myth-- a belief having no law to support it. Embracing a deeper realization of Christmas and New Year, will serve to bring love and joy into everything you do, all year long. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. We are the Arcturian Group 12/27/15 From the Onenessofall By Yeshua and Fran Zepeda I love you forever, I love you as always; Whatever your form, You’re in my Heart to stay. I love you forever, I love you as always; Whatever you may do, My Love for you stays the same. Across all lines of eternity, You’re forever in my Heart; Across the Bridge of Eternity, I patiently wait. I love you forever, I love you as always; No matter your troubles, You ignite my Eternal Love Flame… For I love you forever, I love you as always; However far the distance, TOGETHER we shall Be. Channeled and Co-created by Fran Zepeda December 24, 2015 Your Inner Being would want you to manifest everything that you decide that you want. Your Inner Being would want you to know that you have value and the ability to have or be or do anything. Your Inner Being would want you to fulfill every wish and whim that you could identify. ---Abraham, Jerry & Ester Hicks The greatest possible love you can BE - the very best YOU We all need you to be the best you that you can. In love we, as the ONE, want the very very best for you this Christmas, this year, ... this moment of now. Blessings to you. Peace, joy & LOVE! Namaste Davo You are about to turn another page, my beloved. It is time to leave the previous behind you and look forward to writing more of your adventure. It is not necessary to hold onto and tuck the past pages away. Those experiences, places, people and things……they are done. Just turn the page and read on. ~ Creator
Jennifer Farley, The Creator Writings Yeshua: Greetings, Beloveds. This is a very auspicious time for everyone in their own unique way. It will take finessing and seeing everything around you and within you from a new unique perspective. It is time to stretch yourselves and delve into your Soul even more than usual. It is a virtual meeting of your soul with your higher mind, interpreting and drawing from a new perspective not used before. It is a virtual “LoveFest” with your Soul. Honoring it and loving it like you have never done before. It is forefront to your reality now dear ones, and let no one tell you that you are not delving very very deep into your Soul. It may look like all you see are problems around you and it takes a lot of your attention, and so you may ask me: “How is this a higher way of being? I am dealing with so many mundane problems”. Well dear ones, look at it this way: If you were not evolving into a higher way of being, this would not be happening. Everything is coming up to be seen as the illusion that it is. Yes, you must deal with it, and yes, the solution can come easily if you let it, and then move on and see it as a virtual clearing house of all the mundane 3D structure that you painstakingly assembled in all your years, your eons, of dabbling on earth away from your birthright, away from your full divine awareness of your Full Divine Self. And this old reality is becoming dismantled and demolished and oh, it can create a mess, just like a demolition of a building can create a mess. But within all that chaos, wanting to emerge, is a shining jewel, a shining reality of your true self and reality coming from your core being, ready to take over and shine even more. Many of you feel like you are stepping backwards. It feels even more mundane and less lofty than you imagined it would be when you were anticipating 2012. You did not know that this business of descending your Divine Self, your I AM Presence, into your physical body would be so “messy” or even take the turns it has. But in this you are learning to flow with it, trusting in your divine guidance which is more and more coming from YOU and not “up there” from your brethren in the Celestial Realm; you may even be astounded at what you are feeling and knowing in spite of how easily it comes to you. And this, dear ones, is the by-product of all the work you have been doing in clearing out the old ways of being. And this, dear ones, is the epitome of your evolvement. It may seem simple, but as you sit and stand now, you are an immense and immaculate Divine Being inhabiting this physical being that is a partner to you in many ways now. You are settling in and feeling the merge. It exalts you, it excites you, and it is your new way of Being. So beloveds, disregard the chaos and the “rubble” of this “demolition project” you are involved in, for it is not as harsh and violent an operation as it sounds. It is a loving pulling-apart and disassembling of all the old patterns that kept your divine self feeling separate and “un-divine”, only to find that lo and behold, that gorgeous soul that you are was waiting to show itself to the world in all its divine glory. So dear ones, continue to Live in your Heart and focus on the shine of it, focus on the Divine of it, focus on the wholeness and depth of it. And let the chaos and disassembling of your old self and that of others proceed as if in a protective bubble, all the while feeling into the immense depth of your Soul and Divine Self. I love you all so dearly, and I see your progress, and I honor your struggles as a means of letting go of the old, and shining your pristine Divine Essence once again in all its glory. I encourage you to be undaunted by things as they seem, and focus on what they really are, what your reality really is, your heart’s desires for a flowing loving world for all to thrive in and inhabit. The more you focus on this, the more you make it a reality. Live in your Heart of Desires and it shall be so. Namaste Your loving brother, Yeshua. Through Fran Zepeda The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want—to be adept at quickly evaluating all situations and then quickly coming to the conclusion of what you most want—and then giving your undivided attention to that. There is a tremendous skill in deliberately directing your own thoughts that will yield results that cannot be compared with results that mere action can provide.
---Abraham , Jerry & Ester Hicks |
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