Archangel Zadkiel's December 2021 Message.
Linda Robinson [email protected] via GRATITUDE AND HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss gratitude and higher consciousness. Gratitude is a very important part of higher consciousness. It is more than simply expressing thanks to a person or to the Creator. It is an energetic process that aligns you with the higher frequencies. Each thought or emotion carries a particular frequency. The frequency of gratitude is very high. It is harmonious, and it carries a vibration that aligns you with All That Is. When you feel grateful, you are likely to have a desire to move higher on the ascension path. Each step of gratitude leads to the next one. The energies are on a similar high level. The more you express gratitude, the more you will be in tune with the Higher Dimensions and All That Is. You rise to a state of higher consciousness in a natural and gentle progression. Gratitude can also be considered as part of the co-creation process. For example, co-creation may begin with a request such as a desire for harmony in a situation. When you set your intent, the vibrations begin to align with it. You feel the frequencies of harmony. They permeate your Being, and you may see what your part is in creating harmony. You may ask the Higher Beings to assist in this process for the greatest good of all. This can be amplified by expressing gratitude to them for their assistance even at the beginning of the process. Gratitude is important at each step of the process because it helps to keep your vibration high. It also lets the Creator and those assisting you know that you appreciate their help and guidance. Each step of the process can be thought of as part of co-creation. Expressing gratitude at each step helps keep you on your desired path. As you express gratitude, your energy field expands. This leads to a feeling of Universal Love. When this is accompanied by a desire for highest good, your vibration rises to an even higher frequency. You are able to view situations from a higher perspective. This leads to higher consciousness. You move to an expanded level of awareness. As your awareness expands, you can express gratitude for this new understanding. Gratitude is an ongoing part of the ascension path. It encompasses small things as well as large ones. As you begin your day, you may wish to think of some things that you are grateful for. You may be grateful for a restful night, for friends and family, or for the sunlight. The number of things to be grateful for is unlimited. As you go throughout your day, you may wish to pause and give thanks at various times. Perhaps you found a good parking space, or you saw a friend. You may have seen a beautiful rainbow or flower or bird. You may have completed a project or even one part of it. At the end of your day, you may wish to review your day and the many things you were grateful for that occurred and the assistance you received from the Higher Realms. This sets the stage for a time of rest and further insights from the Higher Realms. As you incorporate these practices into your daily life, expressing gratitude soon becomes part of who you are. The more you focus on what you are grateful for, the more your gratitude and appreciation will increase. This sets your vibration at a higher level, and your consciousness continues to expand. You feel your connection with All That Is and the Oneness of Creation. Beloveds, we are happy that you are expressing gratitude and higher consciousness as an ongoing part of your path as we work together for highest good. Know that you are greatly loved. WE are Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, …and we surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2021 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
Archangel Gabriel Message - Thurs., Nov. 25, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via One of the natural benefits of your enlightenment process is the discovery of new gifts opening up for you. You may start seeing energy where you didn’t before or perhaps feeling or knowing things in an enhanced way. This is the natural deepening of conscious awareness that comes from both your internal shifts and the external shifts of the planet. Your journey will contain light gifts and abilities that continue to emerge and grow. As so many of you have been acutely feeling the challenges of being in accelerated times and energies, discovering and acknowledging these gifts and abilities will feel like a breath of fresh air, and wonderful confirmation that you are, indeed, getting somewhere for all your efforts. And this is only the beginning! As you move into new, more supportive energies and are more comfortable with your own ability to shift, adapt, and navigate in much more empowered ways, there will be more and more rewards for your dedication and commitment to your growth. As you step into the energies of 2022, you will start to move beyond the times that required blind faith and trust into the tangible realization that your heart was leading you well all along. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly what you came into the body to experience, and will add exponentially to the joy and wonder of the journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A Short Message from Archangel Uriel!
Melanie Beckler , [email protected] "When you share love with another, more love comes into your life. Giving in this way increases what you will receive. Being of service to others opens the doors for so much goodness to enter into your own experience, to transform your world, your life, and this moment with love, peace, and well-being." ~Archangel Uriel With so much love, Melanie Archangel Gabriel Message - Fri., Nov.19, '21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Allowing your beingness to lead to your doing supports your happiness and success because it is allowing yourself to be internally guided by your true essence, so it is a beautiful and empowered expression of self. Doing to try to define yourself has limited success because it is looking to an external to try to make yourself whole. What’s interesting is both approaches may lead to the same action but if it is being driven by being a true expression of who you really are it will be far more satisfying than trying to use the action to fill yourself up in some way. Further, one is leading through wholeness, while the other is putting out an energy that you are incomplete in some way. Find the core of your essence and let it lead the way, Dear Ones, for that is how you have the soul based experiences you came into the body to have. This is exactly why surrendering into your highest life expression is one of the most powerful moves you can make on your journey, for it is allowing the unfoldment of what truly matches you and your soul agenda. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thurs., Nov. 18, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via The path of beingness doesn’t mean you no longer do anything. It means you simply take inspired action when the energies support it and it feels good and aligned for you. You are evolving beyond the old ways of doing, doing, doing in order to feel good about yourself or worthy. Do you see? It is time to let your beingness lead to your doing, rather than trying to make what you do prove who you are. When you put your authenticity at the core of all that you do, you become the purest emanation of your truest life expression, and that is when you experience far greater satisfaction with your journey than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tues., Nov.16, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via We spoke yesterday of the power of the phrase thank you. We would like to expand upon the theme of gratitude today. There are so many ways the practice of gratitude serves you! Gratitude is what makes your vacations so restorative. Gratitude is grease to your flow. Find things to be thankful for and you will not only make progress, you will discover even more of what you prefer because gratitude is also the steering wheel of your flow. You cannot be resistant and grateful at the same time. The next time you are feeling particularly resistant, identify something you are thankful for and feel how the resistance dissipates in your body. From there progress and healing can occur. Practicing gratitude is finding your own flow. It is the acknowledgement of how much is working for you in your life. It doesn’t mean you ignore anything that comes up for your care, attention, and healing. Rather, you can be grateful that something came up for release, attend to it, thank it for its service, and then get back into saying thank you for your preferences. In that way, gratitude can be a constant in your life, and it will create much more ease for you, both in your life and your body, than your resistance ever could. To put it simply, resistance is “no” energy and gratitude is flow energy, and only one can create movement in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wed., Nov. 10, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via You are all God’s emissaries adding experience, expansion, and your unique vibration to the whole, assisting the great shift on your planet. Do you really think you would take on such a mission without every support in place for you? Do you really think your team would allow you to take on such a mission without every support in place for you? It is all there, Dear Ones. Allow yourself to be guided, supported, loved, and provided for, for there has never been a time you were going it alone. There have only been times when you forgot you had that support, or didn’t allow yourself to receive what has been in place for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Made Just For You
You may be waiting…waiting for a grand sign, the fireworks, an audible and booming voice from beyond or an epiphany that rocks your reality before moving forward. Those things are employed only when you have missed or have refused to see the small and beautiful signs all around you each and every day. If you take just a moment and shift your awareness you will begin to recognize them for what they truly are; communications of Unconditional Love and support from The Universe specifically designed and made just for you. ~ Creator Creator Writings Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Fri., Nov.5, '21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Not loving yourself is rejecting who you really are and you need to embrace who you really are in order to walk your truest, most satisfying path. That is why a self love practice is essential to the enlightenment journey. It is through your self acceptance and self inclusion you will finally allow your beingness to lead the way, and from there your highest matches, joy, and purpose will be found. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via If you knew you could expand safely would you? Let us reassure you, when you proceed with your presence and the guidance of both your inner wise one and your heart, you don’t make mistakes, you make divine discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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