Dear ones, again we lovingly seek your attention. Issues on planet earth have become increasingly more intense in many directions--reflecting perfectly the energy of duality and separation. Many are awakening but many still resist. Let go of fearing that the dark will out, for ascension is a given in spite of all you are seeing and hearing through the media.
When tempted to fear, remember that fear is the energetic substance of these manifestations and more fear only adds energy to the illusion. Choose to limit the time you spend absorbing mainstream news, health ads, and other drivel available 24/7. Stay informed but not enmeshed. All who are ready and choosing to ascend into higher dimensional energy will do so, and those choosing to stay in what they have always known will also do so. Ascension is not a matter of intellectual knowledge but is an attained state of consciousness. There are many who seem to have no interest in spirituality, but who live from a highly evolved state of consciousness attained in previous lifetimes. These seemingly disinterested individuals are moving into new energies as well because they have the qualifications, so to speak. We wish to discuss what the world is calling a disintegration of values, which simply means that many concepts and traditions generally supported as being necessary for happiness or even "salvation", have begun to change, disappear, or are being flat out disregarded by many, particularly the great number of very evolved souls coming to earth at this time. Individual values based in obsolete concepts still form the basis of many belief systems and those continuing to hold strict value systems that only allow issues to be seen one way, are experiencing sadness, anger, and even panic in the belief that their "true" values are disappearing. It is especially difficult when conscientious parents attempt to teach their children values and find that the children do not accept the parent's values. Many of the children being born now, are already evolved well beyond what parents and teachers are trying to force onto them. Obsolete value systems simply do not resonate with anyone who has evolved beyond them. Third dimensional blindness often makes well meaning and loving parents or teachers continue in their attempts to instill old energy into a child, believing that the child must embrace them for their own good--often utilizing medication and experts to influence the "wayward" child to the parents values. Values are changing, not going away. Like everything else, they are evolving to higher levels. Values reflect states of consciousness and the consciousness that formed them in the first place is evolving and changing, leaving those who do not understand this, to question and experience confusion. Values often reflect the consensus consciousness of a group or country and can thus be very different from one and another. This alone is proof that some values are simply concepts because truth does not vary from country to country. Values originated in earlier times when man needed rules. Over time, many of these rules became distorted from their original purpose when claimed by those in power who discovered that enforcing rules was a good way to keep the masses in subservience, which is still true today. Rules were also incorporated into religious doctrine by churches and declared to be spiritual truth, along with the promotion of a heaven or hell awaiting those who might choose to disregard them. To this day, many value systems simply reflect concepts originally utilized for the purpose of having power over others. We are NOT saying there is no need for rules, for many still need rules. What we are saying is that it is time for you who are spiritually evolved, to evaluate your personal values and see if they are holding you in a belief system that is now obsolete, serving only to keep you in what you have evolved beyond. Take a honest look at everything you hold as being right. This will be different for every person, as no one has had the same exact experiences creating their values in the first place. Value systems color every experience, causing certain issues to be seen only as black or white and allowing no room for unconditional love. This need not be a difficult process for you are ready. Honestly and with pure intent, look at any issues still causing you to gasp, be shocked, or feel that "others" are wrong and you are right. Examine then, any personal values you may still hold that is causing these reactions. A current example could be the issue of gay marriage or partnerships which so many consider to be "sinful" in spite of the fact that these partnerships are often more loving or on a higher level than many heterosexual partnerships. The so called "spiritual values" touted righteously as a basis for opinions such as this, simply reflect a value system based in spiritual ignorance and "religiosity". Many so called religious values of today are promoted by sincere but as of yet un-awakened individuals holding positions of religious or political influence to whom many have willingly handed over their innate power of discernment. The followers then blindly accept what they are told and become disciples of error who attempt to convert everyone else. Every issue of daily living is endowed with value of some sort reflecting the state of consciousness perceiving it. We simply say examine your values and make sure they are yours and not someone else's. Often they are values you were taught or brought with you into this lifetime and which you continue to hold. Some will remain true and valid, but your job is to discern the difference. You are ready. Often it is a fear of rejection by family or group that causes individuals to cling to some outgrown value system but just as often it is cellular memory still resonating from some one or more past lifetimes in which it was taught that severe afterlife punishments awaited anyone daring to digress from commonly accepted truths. There comes a time in everyone's evolution where they must take the "leap" so to speak, trusting their intuition and going forward regardless of what the un-awakened world may think. As you move into higher and more illumined living, you soon find others who have also made the "leap" being drawn to you. Living out from a higher state of consciousness does not mean you must not seek help through traditional sources if you are guided to do so, or that you must never welcome assistance from an "expert". Always go within first and you will find yourself gently guided in some seemingly ordinary way to the right medical person or expert--one of a higher resonance, more attuned to your state of consciousness. This guidance may come as an intuitive knowing, a name that seems to stand out from the others, a friend or article may point you in a particular direction. Spiritual guidance is always available, manifesting in practical and gentle ways you can understand. It is not something accessible only to those deemed worthy as many have and still believe. You are, always have been, and always will be "worthy" for it is your own consciousness. The energy of ascension is the energy of Oneness. You are the manifestation and expression of One Divine Consciousness and thus can never be separate from your innate wholeness and completeness. Inner guidance is a facet of your completeness. You can only experience separateness from what you seem to need if you believe you are separate. This is the story of evolution. There are many very evolved souls working on high levels in professions the world sees only third dimensionally. They have chosen to help the world in ways it can relate to, bringing their highly evolved resonance into whatever actions or services they provide. Evolved souls can be found in every profession and aspect of society, even the military, serving to quietly lift the energy of the world through what appears as very ordinary. THESE PEOPLE ARE YOU! At this point for most of you it is simply a matter of practice, trust, and allowing the process. These actions will serve to gently guide you beyond the limiting values still held by so many in an un-awakened society. You are learning to be comfortable with where you are in the process through the realization that everything necessary will and is taking place without your thinking or manipulation. Never consider yourself a failure if or when you revert to old values, for the fact that you recognize it means that you have awakened. The "old" you would not of been aware of these things. There is no such thing as failure, for failure is based in duality and separation. Every failure simply represents another step along the way to remembering...rejoice in each and every failure. OPEN YOUR EYES. SEE THROUGH APPEARANCES. TRUST THAT ALL ANSWERS ALREADY EXIST WITHIN AND THAT YOU NEED NO ONE AND NO THING OUTSIDE OF YOURSELVES TO FIND THEM. We are the Arcturian Group Re=posted from The
Anything you desire, the Universe can find a way to let it happen within the context of people’s natural, joyful desires. It must be, for this is a joy-based Universe. And so, as you watch children playing in the mud and having great joy in it, you might not enjoy playing in the mud, but they do. And so, there’s somebody enjoying doing something you don’t want to do. And that pretty much applies to everything. There’s someone who would enjoy doing every thing that you don’t want to do. And if it really came down to where there was really not one person willing to do that thing, you would develop another way of approaching it. There are a lot of things that were in your history that you no longer participate in. You left them behind because no one wanted to do them. ---Abraham, Ester & Jerry Hicks Watch children playing is one of the best teachers for us that exists - see their attitude, wonder, joy, creativity, trust, & freedom. What's holding us back? How can we make living life more fun & creative? Beloved Ones,
Many Lightworkers are finding it difficult to keep their focus off the drama taking place in the newscasts and this is keeping them in a place of bondage to outer happenings. It is important to set an intent that actually helps you in your daily life rather than allowing the energies moving through the world at this time to affect you adversely. Hold your ground, Dear Ones, and do not be distracted from your path of Light. Keep faith and hope ever burning in your hearts, faith that the majority of people in the world hold goodness within their hearts and desire only peace and harmony to prevail. Remember your neighbour for the good they have done, to you and for you. Align to the higher version of yourselves and everyone around you. Let your love and kindness bless and make better their day. Extravagant gestures are not required in order to ease someone’s heart. A simple smile or greeting is sometimes worth more than anything else that could be given. In deep strength, empathy and compassion, be the example of what you wish to see in the world. Let there be no place in your being for cynicism and derision, jaded judgements and the seeking of revenge, for these just perpetuate the karmic cycles of the human species and do not add anything of value or enhance a person’s life in any way. It is most important to add value to each day. Put your energies where they will do the most good for the greatest amount of people. Look within often as your guidepost to the best direction for you to follow. Spend time outdoors when it is possible and put your face up to the sun to receive its benevolent rays and warmth. Let simplicity be your practice, for this allows for a quiet spirit within and a deep centeredness and connection to Source to be your personal experience. The simple truth of your being is that you are all that love is. You alone hold this power and can use it to benefit self and others around you. When many of you gather together, that power of love can create miracles. The world continues to shift and it is incumbent upon each and everyone to release all that still lives within them that is not who they really are. Be done with it, Beloveds, for there is much that is coming that will move everyone to a different way of being, a different way of manifesting that which is needed and required. What you do in the present moment is what creates your future. Make it something that is wonderful! Allow for the movement of the universal flow to take place within you and set sail to a previously unknown land, it may be uncomfortable at first but as with anything new, it will begin to settle. The Earth is humanity’s home, there is no other. Love your home, take care of it and it will take care of you. Honor your symbiotic relationship with your planet in a never ending giving and receiving. In this there is balance. Many things are now in completion and the way before you beckons. Until next week… I AM Hilarion By Marlene Swetlishoff Do not allow your egos to convince you that calling on those in the spiritual realms is a pointless waste of time and effort. ~ by John Smallman We are all one. This is the message that needs to be hammered home, again and again, because you keep forgetting this as your bodies almost constantly draw your awareness to their endless individual needs and demand your undivided attention. They are only vehicles that you chose to inhabit temporarily while undergoing an Earth experience. They do require some attention because they have needs, but they have seemingly convinced you that unless you attend to them in every moment, checking in with them incessantly to see how they feel, that they will become very sick and break down. They have even convinced some of you that you are bodies. I assure you that you are not! You have bodies to enable you to follow the life paths you chose before incarnating, and they provide you with the physical means to follow that path. But your main purpose on Earth is to evolve spiritually. You always have been and always will be spiritual beings, and you are on Earth to raise the vibratory levels of your bodies to enable them to align with spirit. When you achieve this aim you will be able to move around in either the physical or non-physical realms with or without your bodily forms. You will be able to assume or dismiss your human form at will to suit the occasion. On Earth or in some other physical environment it may suit you to “wear” your bodies as you enjoy the company of others, enjoy food, enjoy physical activities, or just smell the roses, while you activate an experience of individuality. In the spiritual realms you will be able to merge totally with other beings in many varied creative and completely harmonious cooperative ventures – for example making music as a choir or as an orchestra. The possibilities that will open up for you as you evolve and continue to raise the energy field frequencies of your physical forms to resonate with ever higher levels of spiritual awareness are endless, infinite, and always joy-filled. What lies ahead for you, when you awaken from the illusory dream that has brought you so much disappointment, pain, and suffering, is breath-taking in the prospects for creative and stimulating adventures that it will offer you. God’s divine and eternal creation is your Home. It is where you belong, it is where you are always present in infinite happiness and contentment. You have momentarily lost your awareness of that wondrous state, as you play within the boundaries delineated by the limits and restrictions which the illusion imposes upon you, but when you awaken all boundaries and restrictions will be gone. There never were any, they are but figments of your collective imagination, and many on Earth now are in the process of dissolving those unreal barriers to your ever-present awareness of infinite joy. The lives you are presently leading as humans on Earth are very important. Every single human on Earth at any time in Earth’s history is there by their own choice in which they have been guided by the wisdom of their spiritual mentors. As I have told you so often, as have many others, you are never alone! To be alone is impossible because all are One with God. Your human life is a marvelous learning opportunity – not lightly entered into – during which at all times you have access to your spiritual guides and mentors, beings who love you dearly and have been watching over you throughout your human existence. Do not hesitate to call on them at any time because they are always available and ready to respond instantly to your calls. As the awakening process that humanity is undergoing continues to intensify there will be periods when you feel lost, anxious, even threatened, so when that happens, call for assistance immediately. Do not judge such feelings as signs of weakness that you need to deal with unaided, by yourselves alone. By yourselves alone you can do nothing, as the Bible has told you, but with God all things are possible. That is the truth because you are one with God, you are never alone, therefore to do something alone is impossible. However, you can refuse to acknowledge the presence of those in the spiritual realms who are with you constantly to assist you, and seemingly go it alone as you rely on your loud and vociferous egos to guide you. But they are all driven by fear, always. Is not all the advertising material offered by the media constantly drawing your attention to the dire consequences to be expected if you do not follow the “guidance and advice” that their so-called experts would have you believe is essential for your well-being? You know that their sole motives are to persuade you to buy stuff so that they can make a profit. But, being inundated by the fear-driven agendas of the media, it is very easy for you to get drawn more deeply into the illusion where it is very difficult for you to quieten your minds and your egos and listen to the spiritual guidance that is always available. Therefore, please, set aside time daily to go within to your holy sanctuary where the Light of God’s Love burns perpetually. Just sit quietly and allow the racing thoughts flowing through your mind to fall away by simply not engaging with them. It does take practise and persistence on your part, but I assure you that you will find it is well worth the effort. When you persist it strengthens your intent to hear the voice for God which is always with you, and it is your persistent intent to hear that will quieten and subdue your egos sufficiently for you to hear. Those of you who read and resonate with any of the many uplifting and inspiring channeled messages that are published on the worldwide web are doing the tasks you incarnated to do, because by reading these messages you strengthen your own resolve to be loving at all times. However, if for some reason you fall away from and neglect your spiritual practices, you do tend to get dragged down into into the fear and anxiety that is endemic within the illusion, and you become far less effective in spreading the Love that you are on Earth to share and extend. Feelings or waves of fear and anxiety, when acknowledged instead of being denied and buried under an egoic bravura, can serve as reminders that you need to seek assistance from your guides. Their assistance will help clear the clogged lines of communication between you and your mentors in the spiritual realms. Do not allow your egos to convince you that calling on those in the spiritual realms is a pointless waste of time and effort because they never hear you or answer you. You are always heard, and you are always answered! Go within and make your holy personal space a refuge in which you can listen to your guides and be mightily refreshed and invigorated by their loving energy fields which will meld with yours. Then you will find that you do have the strength, the energy, and the motivation to demonstrate love in action once more, as you help to bring humanity’s awakening process to its glorious conclusion. Your loving brother, Jesus. John Smallman Some of you will sit and wait for others to tell you what the future will bring. Some of you may sit and wait for another to tell you when your ‘soul mate’ will arrive. The issue is… are waiting. If you choose to sit and wait, the things that you most desire will always be just out of your reach. Take heed, beautiful soul, the most amazing accomplishments in your world may never have happened if those pioneering souls waited for them to arrive. Today, you are invited to participate in your Earth-plane. One smile, one hug, one conversation or one random act of kindness has the potential to change your very existence. Do not hesitate…..DO! Re-posted from Jennifer Farley's Creator Writings God cannot steer a parked car. Step forward in trust/faith even when you don't know where your are going, your next step will be poresented for you day it will all make worries! Davo Fear is an energy that you create and energise within your being in response to circumstances, experiences and even thought processes. Fear is an aspect of the ego that is present to protect and safeguard you as a physical being on the Earth and yet it has become empowered within humanity. The power of fear has been enhanced beyond an instinct or impulse for protection to become a way of life, a constant experience and an inner guiding voice. Fear was originally present to encourage you to be conscious and aware, being observant of any dangers around you and yet fear now encourages many to be unconscious and unaware of their truth, senses and the Creator. As Ascended Masters viewing the Earth, we can see that fear is being used as a tool to create stagnation, separation from the Creator and disempowerment of your inner truth. Fear has in truth always been present within the physical body however not with such power as now. Fears are rising from current circumstances and past lifetimes within many people as energetic patterns because it is now time for fear to be returned to its original presence and purpose, allowing your soul to guide your way forward once more. You may be using the energy of fear, patterns of your past or past lifetime fears as a tool against yourself because of conscious or unconscious beliefs of feeling unworthy or unloved. Unfortunately, some people have realised that fear is a tool that they can use to condition, control and damage others creating a false sense of power and illusion of their importance and ability to dictate. While other people can create circumstances, situations and experiences knowing full well that this will create fear in many, if you choose to be conscious and aware of your own energy and emotions you can realise that fear does not always have to be activated within you or awoken as a response. Fear feels like a natural response in certain situations and yet it is a response that causes you to be unaware, separate from the Creator and unconscious of the sacred power within your being. If you let go of the perspective that fear is a natural response you realise that your ego enjoys fear because it means you will not step out of your comfort zone and will be content with the familiar, therefore, expansion physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally will not take place. It can even be said that your soul will not be able to achieve its divine purposes upon the Earth while you allow fear to guide and control aspects of your being and reality. Imagine if your response to everything in your reality and the world, whether it is a major disaster or a painful experience, was compassion for yourself and everyone involved. Imagine if every experience in your past which has encouraged you to response in fear was altered and erased, instead replaced by a response of compassion. What would your energy be like? What perspective would you have about the world and would fear even exist or be acknowledged by you? With a history of compassionate responses, how would you react to or feel about areas of your current reality that are causing reactions of fear? Maybe current situations would not even have been manifested by you. Remember that resistance, frustration, anxiety, stress and concern are also aspects of fear. Even in the most horrific of circumstances do you have the right to react in fear? Yes you do have the right, however imagine how healing it would be for you to react with compassion, it would allow the light and healing vibrations of the Creator to flow through your being, you would be more open to accepting divine support and intervention, as well as being more aware of your intuition sharing messages of guidance. This would allow every situation to be illuminated with light, love and peace for yourself and all of humanity. Imagine if every person on the Earth chose to react with compassion, fear would be erased and kindness would be the energy that forms in its place. From kindness love is born, the unconditional love of the Creator which can be expansively and abundantly shared. When the love of the Creator is present anything and everything is possible and able to manifest with ease and perfection. Shifting your reaction from fear to compassion simply requires you to realise and be observant of a few points: Fear Is Not Your Truth Fear does not belong to you, you do not own your fear, you may be energising fear and manifesting it into circumstances within your reality and yet fear does not exist within the truth of your soul, therefore fear is not your truth. When you choose to let go of any fears that arise from within your being, you will notice that the fears are actually released and erased from your being. Sometimes fears are persistent and yet with your constant focus on letting your fears go you will recognise the growth of freedom within your being. When you realise that your fears do not represent who you really are then you will find it easier to let go of fears. Through the desire to let go of fears you are encouraging yourself to observe your fears free from judgement and attachment. Observing your fear and being consciously aware of your fears is the most powerful tool to releasing the habit of fear because being aware means that you are ready to make changes. It is not your natural existence to attack yourself with fear, it is love that you can give generously to yourself. With detachment from fear you will be able to think, sense and acknowledge with greater clarity. Forgiveness When you are aware that you have reacted and responded with fear be forgiving to yourself, know that fear is a habit and conditioning that you and humanity have energised and empowered, it will take time and dedication to shift this conditioning. Fear can be your reaction however with your awareness there is no longer need to remain in fear. The response of forgiveness after the rising of fear will act as an opening in your energy and a pathway to activating the vibrations, thought processes and emotions of compassion from within your being. With forgiveness, you enhance the process of detachment from fear and consciously choose to manifest a reality of love for yourself no matter what occurs in your reality or the challenges you have to move through. Forgiveness only requires an intention, however when practised regularly you will notice a beautiful habit of forgiveness forming. Understand Compassion ‘I am the source of compassion,’ allow yourself to recite this affirmation during meditation or quiet time. Be aware of where in your body you can connect with your energy of compassion and feel the presence of compassion building within your being so that you become so familiar with compassion as if you know what it tastes, smells and feels like. When you become more familiar with the vibration and your inner experience of compassion you will discover that you are more willing, even excited to be given the opportunity to share your compassion with yourself and others, therefore compassion will become a beautiful routine and pattern within your emotions, thoughts, entire being, reality and manifestations. You may also wish to recite this affirmation to aid your inner activation of compassion: ‘I am compassionate, I am kind-hearted, loving, caring and considerate. I choose to manifest compassion from the truth of my being to become my constant response to my reality. I now allow the Creator to respond to me through people and circumstances with compassion and the purest of love. This is my truth and experience now. ‘ There are many circumstances that are occurring on the Earth now which are causing terror, pain and suffering for those involved as well as those who are witnessing. Many of these situations are manifesting because of the lack of love within individuals and the empowerment of their ego because of their inability to accept the love of the Creator thus causing them to inflict pain upon others. When we view these circumstances with a wider perspective, then we are able also to acknowledge the positive shifts that are taking place due to these circumstances. As pain and suffering is witnessed by those around the world compassion is activated within many people. This activation of compassion opens the individual’s heart chakra and allows the healing energy of their soul and the universe of the Creator to flow through them raising the energetic frequency of the Earth and humanity. This is often an unconscious activation of healing that takes place and also brings a profound healing to the individual, thus those who do not remember the truth of the Creator within their beings are being awoken as they find themselves reacting with compassion. As light workers, it is your purpose to energise the compassion being created worldwide so that those who are unaware of the Creator’s truth within them do not then awaken fear after their compassion has been shared. To energise compassion within souls worldwide so they may remain in a space of compassion and move into love rather than fear you can simply say: ‘With the support of Mother Earth and the Creator I now emanate from my soul sacred waves of light carrying compassion to empower the compassion of the Creator within every person upon the Earth. The Earth is a space of compassion and love eternally; this is our collective experience.’ Your heart is inviting you to be love in every moment of your reality; it is through compassion and your conscious awareness of fear that you can manifest and support others in experiencing the profound love of the Creator thus revealing the Era of Love upon the Earth. In eternal compassionate love, Master Serapis Bey Channelled through Natalie Glasson - 20th November 2015 - Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa The Council
In the wake of recent events on your world, let us discuss something that we have not addressed directly here before. Let us speak of unity. It is spoken of as brotherhood, sisterhood if you like. But it goes far deeper than either of those labels would imply. We would have you begin to think far more often in terms of unity. You see brotherhood and sisterhood still carry in their current understandings at least a trace of the idea of you and I, of me and thee. We think it is far more advantageous at this time for all to begin removing traces of separation from their thinking whenever and wherever possible. It is demonstrable in your time that there is no separation. It is something that most of your earth will agree with whenever the conversation gets into fields, and energies, and the properties of the Universe. However, it is almost never considered in the day to day living of your lives. It is not being considered now in the aftermath of recent events, especially in regard to certain groups and individuals. These are concepts that are not new. Your teachers have brought them to your attention for thousands of years. They are, however, too easily thrown out in the atmosphere of panic and fear that such events are actually meant to stir up. The actual truth of being is that those individuals that have been used to raise panic in your minds and hearts are not only no different from you, but they are actually a part of you. There is quite literally no separation at all. Now it is one thing to entertain such a concept in quiet discussion or even in meditation. It is another to make it part of one’s foundation, to live each day in the knowledge of the truth of it. But, dear friends, that is exactly what you put yourselves there to do. Do you want a path to walk? Do you want a banner to carry? Walk that one. Carry that one. This is not a political thing. This is not a religious thing. This is what it means to be a worker of the light. This is what it should and will mean to be human. Let no one who is frightened, hungry, without shelter, or wounded in any way go without succor. And may we point out that to deny this and still pretend to wrap oneself in the trappings of any religion known on your world is at best ludicrous. You are being played, friends. You are being used by forces that are truly despicable, greedy, power hungry, and desperate. We know that the great majority of those who will read this already are awake to everything that we have said. However, we ask those to understand that we are speaking to others whose minds and hearts are just waking up. Be love. Whatever happens in this last period of the great awakening that is occurring, be love. Be one. Be the divine that you are beginning to understand that you are. Allow no more separation to exist in your hearts. This is our earnest prayer for you. Through Ron Head -Oracles & Teachers Through Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you again today. We are aware that you are in mourning for those lost in the terrible events in Paris yesterday. It is not only a time of sadness and shock. In the old, third dimensional way, it is also a time of blame, of fear, of jumping to conclusions with little concern for the accuracy of those judgments. And you will find that though the mainstream news and governments are continuing to protect the true culprits, whether willingly or out of fear for their own lives, as they must continue in their role as spokespersons for your planet’s dark hats, you know in your hearts that this situation is not a simple question of “You see? We were right! Don’t let those Syrian refugees in—some of them are terrorists!” Hear your intuition, as you will do more and more now as increasingly fifth dimensional beings, as it speaks to you about these issues. As it tells you inwardly, quietly, that there is far more at work here than psychological manipulation and the standard “war on terror” rhetoric about the need for more spying, more “security” (men with large guns on every corner), fewer freedoms in the name of “safety,” and more suspicion towards those of certain religions and certain countries and races. Rise above the need to react with horror, even though you stare horror itself in the face. For dear ones, your souls are greater than this. Greater than the schemes and plots of those who would hold you in a place of fear and shock, while they draw not only their low-frequency fuel off of those emotions, but conduct modern forms of lynching and mob reaction. It is so, that what we offer here are not popular ideas with many. Most prefer an enemy who is clearly labeled. Someone easily spotted and given a clever name; preferably, the image of young men with black hair and foreign accents who cannot relate to Western culture and all it holds dear. These are the aeons-old separation tactics of the dark hats, and they have worked for many, many centuries to hold humanity in places of oppression, darkness, and fear. It is an ancient game: Events are created by those in power to ensure that the “common folk” cower in fear at those branded as Enemy, while a few brave commoners willingly go to war to fight those they feel are responsible for one atrocity or another—wishing to protect all they hold dear, and never suspecting that the atrocity was orchestrated by those who intentionally create war for their own profit and lower purposes. The time for these manipulations, lies, and entrapments is ending now. Increasingly you will see people asking questions they would never have dared ask even five or ten years ago—about September 11th, about the group called ISIL, about the banking and finance system, the fossil-based economy, and the deaths of innocent civilians by armed gunmen and police officers. About who is really behind the massive drug dealing, human trafficking, and other subtler forms of terrorism around the planet, which governments only pretend to object to. Many of you will not be surprised to learn that those who conquered whole continents during the middle ages, into the present day, are still in control. Far from being caught unawares by a few angry rebels with guns and bombs, they are fully aware and intentionally involved in what is occurring. We say this not to make political judgments that foment more separation and anger, for that is not the way to Peace. We state this to ask that you listen first to your inner knowing—that intuitive aspect of your heart and mind that are the voice of your higher self—that you separate yourselves from the blare of the news channels and online commentary, and ask your higher self, your guides, your Angels—“What is happening here?” For that highly intuitive inner self can no longer be imprisoned by anyone, wearing a hat of any color. You have come here to begin again, to ascend into a higher dimension as your beloved Earth has already done, and you are moving now into a place where violence and lies will no longer survive for very long, let alone generate the willing support of millions. You are reclaiming your planet, as you are reclaiming your own souls’ power—we see the collective energy of humanity shifting upward in frequency and form—and it is an astounding thing to see. And so when you hear of or see footage of Lights in the sky, of craft appearing all over the world, know that we are here, and appearing to you in increasingly obvious ways, and that you are stepping through that threshold now that no one can keep you from. No one can hold you back with their age-old, well-worn manipulations, that direct you as if you were robots to panic, grieve, blame, and demand executions of the nearest persons who most easily fulfill the stereotyped profile of the Guilty. For those who are truly guilty are the ones most panicked now. Though you may feel that they cannot be more upset than you are at the moment, we assure you, they are in the throes of the deepest desperation at losing their fortunes, their political prowess, their hiding places, their last-ditch plans, and their alibis. And yet we ask that you not entertain anger toward them in any prolonged way—that when you are ready, you forgive them for this latest attack on humanity, and all others besides. For those who were lost to your outer world are joined now, in the higher dimensions, in adding more Light, more Divine Love, and the power of Universal Peace to the planet they have just risen above. They are still with you in the highest sense, and they are not in mourning, though it is difficult for them to see those who are mourning the loss of their physical presence upon the Earth. And they ask that all concentrate on Peace now, more than you ever have. Not out of passivity, dear ones, but out of active choice that violence will never be resolved by more violence. You will have heard the lyric, “Nothing comes from violence/And never ever could,” and this is entirely true. And so honor their lives and their bravery, for some died trying to help others, and all loved and valued Life in its highest form, and know that your pledge for Peace is a daily commitment that begins in your own heart and mind. And this is what the phrase “the battle for hearts and minds” truly means. For you are not captured by Anyone, Anywhere, so long as your heart-mind is given to the higher forms of expression that are Divine Love, forgiveness, compassion, grace, and Peace. We send you our Love and our Light as a symbol of the power of your own souls and soul choices, dear ones. We are with you at every moment, never doubt this. And we see upon your grey horizon a stretch of Light that grows ever more brilliant with every passing moment. Nor do you wait for this!—for as co-Creators with this Universe, you are bringing that Light up over the horizon, and beginning already, with your declarations of Peace over war, to declare that Light to be the only Truth you will accept as real. We welcome you, though this be a moment of grief, for we know how far you have come, and all you are creating, and its beauty is astounding. Namaste, friends and fellow citizens of the Universe! You are never alone. Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. When you acknowledge what you do not want, and then ask yourself, "What is it that I dowant?" you begin a gradual shift into the telling of your new story and into a much-improved point of attraction. You get the essence of what you think about - whether you want it or not - because Law of Attraction is unerringly consistent - therefore, you are never only telling the story of "how it is now." You are also telling the future experience that you are creating right now. ---Abraham Excerpted from: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) So what DO you want - let's get focused there! It doesn't need to meet with anybody else's approval or have anyone's input , just you -the pure 100% YOU When you love yourself 100% that is what we will get is the real you - that;s what we all want to see from you Davo Now we will tell you what illusion is. Illusion is Maya. Illusion is the material world that you live in that you give so much credence to. When you give credence to everything in physical form as being finite, you lose sight of the infinite. And when you move past the finite to the infinite, you begin to move beyond the illusion of your history and you understand physical reality simply to be a manifestation of consciousness that you are all sharing and agreeing to.
The lives that you have lived up until now were created by you to bring you to this juncture, where you will know yourself in a new way. We ask you this: Who in this reading would like to know herself, would like to know himself as an aspect of the Creator? If you would like to do this with us now, we would like to align you to our vibration through the act of welcome. If you would sit for a moment and be still in your body and feel the energy field that you hold around you, if you would do this with is, we would like to gift you with an experience of welcome. Paul Selig – The Book of Knowing and Worth A channeled text |
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