by Ron Head Answers Ep. XII – Keep Our Vibration High – The Council “It is very difficult to be of this world yet continue to keep our vibration high and raise our consciousness. What is the easiest and most realistic thing we can do in our day to day moments, navigating our lives, to help keep our mood and overall vibration high, yet still attend to our 3D needs and demands, without getting swallowed by them? Thank you!” This is such a simple question. Yet, the answers have been uncountable over the centuries. It is the point of every teaching and the goal of every seeker. How do I improve? How do I raise my vibration? What do I do next? Why do I keep slipping back? How can I stay in the higher state? Am I doing it right? If the ones asked wish to give answers that match the understanding of the seekers, there will most certainly be a great many answers. But if the root of the question, and the cause of the problem are seen, the answer is much simpler. One problem has one solution, although in practice it may look very different. Is the problem that one cannot remain in a higher vibration? We will say that this merely describes a symptom of the problem. The problem, in truth, is that you, the collective you, perceive yourselves as being separate from whatever you understand your Source to be. And you have put yourselves into an environment (Earth) in which major change requires, or seems to require, major effort. And your deepest selves know that separation is not your highest state. You yearn for the return to the highest state. And you wish desperately for a road map. What can I do? There must be something! But make it quick and make it easy. I’m quite busy, you know. ALL of this is a series of misunderstandings. There is nothing you can do. Yes, we said that there is nothing you can do. Because there is nothing that needs to be done. There is, however, something that needs to be re-known. Now, we can easily tell you what that is. In fact, we have done so many times. But it is something that you need to accept and at least begin to try to experience. Once you begin to experience it, and stop grading yourselves against a measuring stick that exists only in your imagination, you will find it not so very difficult to do. Of course, then you will immediately think that it cannot be ‘right’, because it should not be easy. Right? So, allow us to give you a starting place, one you can use a hundred times a day until it becomes your normal mindset. Take a deep breath with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and see everything around you, everything, everybody, as made of the stuff of Creator. Nothing can exist otherwise. Even you. All of that is divine, just as I am. Because I am a part of it. You will find that you can do this even while you are eating lunch or riding on the bus. If you do this sincerely, you will feel your vibration rise. If you continue to do it. You will find that it will always raise your vibration. If you do it until it becomes your normal way of seeing, you will know that even if something draws you down, the step back up can be instantaneous. You will also find, perhaps after a bit of time, that the world you experience will begin to change. We also tell you that if you understand that we are always as close as your thoughts, we will lift you as we can, if you give your permission. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Begin. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Ron | October 31, 2018 at 1:22 PM | Tags: Vibration | URL:
"Must You Have Negative Experiences In Order To Grow?"
Angelic Guides Must You Have Negative Experiences In Order To Grow? For those of you who are finding it harder to trust that your dreams really will manifest; you are not alone. Today we would like to focus your attention upon trusting the process of your desired manifested goals. As many of you become aware of the tremendous power you each hold in your role as the creator of your reality; you find yourself wondering, why would I have manifested this experience, this challenge, this problem, for myself? Why would I choose to experience something negative? Allow us to further expand upon this to help you better understand this process. We often offer you analogies to help you to better understand our messages, so allow us to offer you the analogy of the bow and arrow. If you were to pull a bow-string back as far as you possibly could and then let the arrow fly; the propulsion forward would be immense. However if you were to take that very same bow and arrow, only this time you did not pull the bow-string back at all, how far would the arrow soar? Not very far at all, right? You see, the negative experiences that manifest in your life are a result of the vibration you have pulsed out most dominantly however they can benefit you greatly. The negative experiences give you such propulsion forward in the opposite direction because you naturally want to move away from what pains you and into what feels better to you. Every single one of you want to feel good without exception. Just as the arrow was able to soar far from you when you have pulled the string back as far as you could, so too can you, use the experiences that have pained you to create something far different. So the question becomes, must you experience negativity, challenges and problems in order to grow? Our answer is no, not necessarily. You can grow in any situation, you can grow from wonderful experiences too. You can feel, see and know so very clearly what feels wonderful to you, and this is a wonderful benefit to you as well. However, nothing gets your attention like that which makes you feel, sad, angry, frustration, or in pain. You do not have to manifest negative experiences to ensure that you will grow. The word “grow” in the spiritual context has become something that most equate with pain of some kind, but know that you will grow from absolutely every single experience that you have. You cannot stop growing, evolving and progressing. You are eternal creator beings. Though you may find yourselves in challenging situations, some of which may seem as though they are completely out of your control. We want to remind you that you always have control over your focus, your thoughts, and your vibration. In duality there will always be light and dark, positive and negative, good and bad, it’s the variety that delighted you when you decided to come here. Why? Because you knew how endlessly inspired you would be to continue to create and innovate upon what has already been physically created. Continue to create, explore, and evolve as the eternal creator beings that you are. Try not to berate yourself for having a negative feeling, a challenging situation or a difficult problem you are facing, rather we encourage you to shift your focus and now look for the solution to present itself to you with ease. We hope that we have served you in some way, In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides Answers Ep. XI – Healing the Squirmy Bits – The Council
by Ron Head Answers Ep. XI – The Council “In a world where evil is becoming more evil and the good becoming even better, the divide seems to be growing. Where is this heading?” You have asked another question that would need a book, or several books, to answer. In fact many such books have been written over the centuries. Let us just touch upon some of the more necessary ideas that must be understood. In much of your world, you have come to see things as either/or. Either something is this or it is not. It is good or it is bad. It is black or it is white. It is good or it is evil. You have built, or been given, inner yardsticks by which you measure and judge everything. The greatest part of those has been given to you by others. Understand that when you first began to explore the world, your only yardstick was whether you liked something or not, whether it hurt you or not. All of the rest has been taught to you by others. We have not said this is good or bad. We said that it is so. Now, this has left you with a problem that it would be well for you to address, and that is, ‘which of these value judgments do I determine serve me, and which do not?’ This simple question will bring you answers that will serve to free you of a great deal of baggage. And in answering it, you will begin taking back much of the power that you have relinquished to others. The question above states that “evil is becoming more evil and the good becoming even better”. We would explain what you are seeing in a different light. The most unsavory parts of humanity’s psyche are not becoming more evil. They have existed for thousands of years. They have been well hidden from view for a very long time. But remember that for a long time before that, in many places, they were accepted as ‘the way things were’. What is really happening now is that the rocks and logs are being rolled over and the ugly things are scurrying about in full view. They have been buried, denied, and avoided. But they were always just out of sight. Similarly, the good is not becoming better. Your perceptions of who you are and what you may be capable of becoming have begun to change. You have begun to see past the limits that you have been taught and that you have accepted. But you (humanity) shudder when you see the squirmy bits that have been hidden inside. The partition you see developing is the reflection of your attempts to push it away and deny its existence. It needs to be healed. Humanity needs to be healed. Your mind probably asks, “But how do we do that?” And that question will likely lead you to a feeling of helplessness and frustration, because, after all, you’re just you and you can’t change mankind. Right? The ‘how’ that you ask about is easily answered, although the mind will very likely rebel against it. We will tell you that you cannot push it away, you cannot bury it, that will solve nothing. It has not. It will not. It is a part of your being. You are fantastic creators. You are powerful far beyond your knowing. The problem is that you can create harm as easily as you can create benefit. And you can choose to benefit only yourselves, or you can choose to benefit everyone, including yourselves. Now, the second of those choices, choosing to serve all, leads to an expansion of consciousness, and from there a vastly wider horizon of possibility becomes visible. BUT… those possibilities cannot be reached while you drag those hidden, squirmy bits behind you. You must heal them. You will not heal them if you see them as ‘the evil of those people’. Only in offering up those things from inside yourselves to the Divine will you heal them. When you heal yourself, you give permission for those around you to do the same. One may inspire one. The two may inspire two. Then there will come four. Then eight. You do the math. It won’t take anywhere nearly as long as you may have thought. And we tell you that you are already well on the way. But in the meantime, all of the squirmy bits must be unearthed. And some of them will be far uglier that you ever let yourselves consider. You will be repulsed. You will want to go into denial. But you, mankind, will do what is necessary. You have made the decision to take the next step in your growth, and your world and your universe is responding. You have decreed it. And so it is. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: A great influx of light into your system. – The Council
by Ron Head A great influx of light into your system. - The Council We have told you through many messengers that there would be, and now is, a great influx of light into your system. We have told you that there would be no one and no thing that would not be affected by this wave of light. We have even told you that you are truly well into this process at this time. And we wish to inform you now that while all of this is indeed the case, the intensity will continue to increase. The reason we are addressing this today is that it is causing such great change within each of you that even some of those who have become well aware of what we have told you are becoming disoriented, confused, and even at times disheartened. It is one thing to understand warnings of impending chaos and confusion, and it is quite another to experience living within that sort of energy. Today we would like to give you another way to see what is now all around you so that you may continue to be the magnificent beacons that you are. Imagine that the world you are living upon is a can of paint. You are looking down into the can. Now stir it up. Mix all of the different degrees of light together well. There is lots of love, a good deal of compassion, some peace of mind, and many other colors, as well. We know there is also some red hatred and anger. There is even some black. But when it is stirred well we tell you that black is not the result. It is not even a dark gray. But the swirls of black, grey, and red are doing their very best to hang onto their intensity so that they stand out well against the background of the more predominant pastels of love, compassion, and kindness. Now imagine that there is a huge barrel of perfectly white paint being poured into the can as it is being stirred. Imagine the color of the paint in the can becoming lighter and lighter. Also imagine that there are millions of tiny spigots of the whiteness that have been planted within the can that now begin to release the whiteness that they have brought with them. And the paint in the can has no option but to become lighter and lighter until eventually it is cream, eggshell, and then white. That is what you are currently living through. It is very difficult to see this happening when all around you there is confusion and you are being shown only the black, red, and grey by those that live in and for the black, red, and grey. You need only look around you to see and even feel that there is actually a lot more pink and gold than you are being shown. And your confusion and angst are actually caused by your own yearning for the light. Are they not? We wish you to know that there is great deal more of that perfect white paint being poured into the entire system that you inhabit. And little pixels that refuse to change color will eventually be washed away. Now this is all a cute and pretty picture. Anyone could say sweet things to you and pat you on the back and ask you to pull yourself together. Is that not so? So what we ask you to do know is to make a daily effort to see something around you, or on your internet if you have that, that is improving. There is, in truth, quite a lot of that going on. If you look, you will find it. Then, for that day, be the little spigot of white paint, of love and compassion, where you stand. Know that we are here. We are with you each and every moment. And our hearts are filled with love and the greatest respect for you as you fulfill the challenge that you have taken upon yourselves. You – where you are – doing what you do are divine pieces of All That Is. The world must change because of what you are, and it is doing so. It will reflect the light of your being. Love and blessings to each of you. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Ron | October 25, 2018 at 12:23 PM | URL: Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 24, 2018 By Trinity Esoterics, Shelley Young
If you have found yourself in a painful place, it can become very easy to stay focused on what is not working for you. It can also be very difficult to remember what you know from such a dark place. If you are in such a situation, the key is to very gently and incrementally begin to disengage from the resistance you are in. How do you do that? You cannot resist resistance, for it will only beget more of the same. And acceptance can be too great of a leap for many of you to make from such a painful place. So we urge you to simply understand that your discomfort exists as a redirectional tool, and start to lead yourself to things that you can be less resistant to. It can be difficult to even imagine joy from such a place, so look for something that will feel a bit lighter to you. It might be watching a show you love, or reading a book you’ve enjoyed, or just getting up and moving your body, or getting outdoors into the sunshine. You are just looking for something that isn’t as dense and that you can be non-resistant to. Once you are ready to start paying attention to what might feel a little better to you, you can start to recognize that there are things that are working for you. From there it is just a small step to gratitude. Even if something felt better to you for one minute, it is something you can have gratitude for. And that practice will help anchor in more of what you desire and deserve. It also helps you to be non-resistant, because you simply cannot practice gratitude and be resistant at the same time. It will also shift you into more presence, where real change can occur. Just keep it simple. Now is the time to get back to basics, not to make great vibrational leaps. There will be plenty of time for that later, for every time you find your way back to the light and your true divine essence, great things become possible. We also urge you to call on your guides and angels for assistance. From a space of density it can be difficult to feel their subtle energies, but know that your request is always, always heard and responded to. You may not feel them, but you may, if you pay close attention, feel a lightening of your energy. Ask them to take the lead and watch for the signs and synchronicities that they are present. Be kind and gentle with yourselves if you have become weary, Dear Ones. Love yourselves. Nurture yourselves. Forgive yourselves if you have become temporarily lost or overwhelmed. Keep your expectations of yourselves realistic. Stepping out of the darkness is enlightenment, and is done one incremental shift at a time. If you make one decision at a time that is better feeling, even if it is the tiniest amount, it will add up before you know it, and you will be making solid progress toward where your divine spark is trying to lead you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young by Ron Head Answers Ep. X – The Council “What some Advaita Vedanta teachings point to in this regard is that we are being lived, i.e. we are not the doer but rather that Source/Consciousness is directing our experience, or put another way, we are the Universe experiencing itself through the eyes of an apparent separate being. Now, we know that there is only ONENESS so this concept makes a great deal of sense to me. There is saying in Buddhist circles that points to this; “Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer thereof.” In broad terms, we can say that The Universe is unfolding exactly as it should and being that we are The Universe, we are living/being exactly as we should.” This is an excellent summing up of the understanding of the illusion of separation. You will find other expressions of it in many other places, as well. There is something that we will point out, and then we will use the opportunity to express something else that is implied. First, as we have stated here many times, and elsewhere, also, we are bringing forth truth in every culture and language in your world. We have always done this, but now it is being made available to all who will look and listen. And also, these widely taught concepts of the illusion of separation that you have trouble getting past also imply oneness. If separation is an illusion, then oneness must be the alternative. Correct? If we state that as a simple postulate, then most can agree to it. But this is an intellectual understanding. Many, over the centuries have been able to get past that to an experiential understanding. And that is where humans must go with it. Better to say that is where you must return. There was a time when the predominant world view was that everything was conscious and could be communicated with. Some few remnants of cultures still understand this. Most, however, have had this view mercilessly drummed out of them. It was said that ‘primitives’ ‘worshipped’ all of those false gods. It never was understood that they were actually showing gratitude to the forces and processes that contributed to the abundance in their lives. And, if we may say so, calling others primitive as you kill them off is a bit primitive. You are told that many were ‘sun worshippers’. We ask, what is the most important and most absolutely necessary source of energy for everything on your world? What must you have to support your life? Why is giving thanks for the sun’s energy wrong? To our certain knowledge, none of those people thought that your star was the ultimate creator. Can you see that if your societies were to learn to appreciate and give thanks for all of the things that support life, they would stop destroying your home? Trees, water, air, fertile soil, animals, plants, fish, birds are all contributing to your lives. In most cases they do this without any gratitude or appreciation. We do see that as your world situation becomes more an more obviously dire, this is changing. Is it changing rapidly enough? And now we will make a statement that will perhaps stretch the boundaries of your credulity a bit. Those things that we did not mention, those metals, those crystals, rocks, mountains, rivers, seas, indeed every ‘thing’ that you can lay hands or eyes upon, are conscious. They are all made of energy. It took over a hundred years for that to be almost universally accepted, but now you know that they are all energy in form. All energy beings are just other states of consciousness. Your ‘primitives’ were really not so primitive after all. Now, it may take more time for your science to arrive at this conclusion, but you need not wait for that to happen. You can live with that concept today, if you choose. How would your life change if you knew that everything around you was there in response to your thought? What if your thought, your feelings, your beliefs, were at cause for everything that you experienced? This sounds a bit ‘new age’, doesn’t it? But we tell you that what that means is that the experiential understanding of it is beginning to seep deeper into the field of collective consciousness that you are. It is a large part of the grand awakening that is occurring at this time. You are much further along than you realize. We have rambled enough for today. Once again, we thank you for your input. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Ron | October 24, 2018 at 1:17 PM | Tags: Separarion | URL: Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 23, 2018 By Trinity Esoterics There is a belief that the universe sends you tests or lessons. This is simply not true. The idea of lessons or tests implies that you are being judged or graded and nothing could be further from the truth. It also suggests that you are powerless in what happens to you, and that is also simply not true. What you do have are themes that you have chosen to experience throughout your incarnation. They are learning opportunities in particular areas that you are desiring to explore. And the fact that you have chosen them as your specific major of study means that the full potential is there for you to move into a much greater understanding and mastery of them. You would not choose to focus on an area that you were not ready for or did not have the prerequisites to be successful with. You are on the planet to evolve in whatever unique direction your soul wishes to explore and expand into this time around. You are sovereign in all the decisions, and delighted to have the opportunity for your own perfectly chosen focused field of study. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A time of great personal change – The Council
by Ron Head A time of great personal change - The Council Many of you are going through a time of great personal change, both internal and external. This is not an easy time. As you get nearer and nearer to the precipitating events that you are in anticipation of, you are feeling as if you are being forced through a tiny opening and you don’t know what is on the other side. We smile as we point out the similarity of that to what you call birth, and the analogy is indeed very apt. In this case, you have all participated in creating what is beyond that point, and since that is the case we think you will indeed find that the grass will be greener. Some of you are being stretched and pounded almost to your breaking points. We do appreciate that. We are aware. Actually there is no way we could not be aware, but that is not the topic today. Several possibilities exist. You may be a fit for any one or more of them. You may be clearing the last of the things that you cannot bring into the new lives you are creating. You may be forging a self that is so strong that what is before you will seem like relief. It will be new, but rose gardens may remain in the future for many. And you may simply need to learn one last lesson. Most of you will be in the midst of a mixture of all of these. We can, however, offer a promise. You are about to see some of the visible change that you have yearned for, asked for, prayed for, and worked for, for many lifetimes and much of this lifetime. All that is being shown to you every day in your media would tend to indicate otherwise, but realize that the aim of those media is to keep you confused and unaware. If you are one who experiences inner knowings and feelings, give greater weight to those than to anything else. You may think of those feelings and that knowing as our voice and the voice of your own higher selves. You may do so because you will be entirely correct. The more you rely upon it, the greater its strength and accuracy will become. You may even begin to discover how very much of what you ‘think’ and ‘feel’ originates from a part of yourself that you have been totally unaware of up till now. You may begin to hear us. Eventually you may even begin to see us. And many will not allow this because of what they have been taught about such things. But let us assure you that when that happens, you will not be ‘going crazy’. It will simply be due to the expansion of your awareness beyond what you have known before in this life. And how will you know? Without exception, the higher part of yourselves, your guides, and your teachers will feel to you as if you are being enveloped in a love that surpasses any you have known. That is, if you will, our signature. We always endeavor to encode our messages with this love, and if you have followed these for long, as many of you have, you have very likely felt this before. When you feel it, you will know that we are present. Actually we are not ever absent, but you will have the best indicator that you have focused your consciousness onto our frequency. We use those words quite often – awareness, consciousness, frequency. We do that because they are the true ground of all being. They are that of which you – and we – are made. And that, dear friends, is a good indicator of where you are in your advancement. So we can promise you that you are about to see change that will show you how very worthwhile all of these last years, months, and weeks have been. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Ron | October 23, 2018 at 12:05 AM | URL: October 21, 2018 By Ron Head Answers Ep. IX – The Council I would dearly appreciate clarity on the concept of free will. The idea that we have free will appears on the face of it to be an unquestionable given – of course we do! However, many Advaita Vedanta, Buddhist and other spiritual teachings, not to mention many philosophers point to the fact that the sense of free will is an illusion. From the perspective of this life, we can say that we did not choose our parents, we did not choose where we were born, we did not choose our sex, race, siblings etc. Together with this are the genes/DNA we were born with, which have a very substantial impact on the person that we are and become. So, our genes/DNA and our up-to-the-minute conditioning, (the sum total of experiences up to the ‘now’ moment) will always determine our decisions/choices at any given moment. We have chosen to answer this part of a long inquiry today. We may address other parts of it later, but we try not to make any one transmission too lengthy. Our thanks to the reader. First we will say that the question of free will is complicated for you by your acceptance of the physical realm as the totality. It is not, and when most of you examine the idea, you know this. But then you discount anything you cannot see or touch. That is absurd to us, but you seem quite happy to continue in that illusion. Add to that the fact that you perceive the moment as a continually serial movement from past, through now, and into the future. Therefor the past and the future are illusions that do not exist and more than likely cannot be changed. You may have some influence on your futures, but the past is set in stone – for you. Not your fault. You are beginning to see around those corners. Then you further complicate things by thinking that you are separate from everything outside of your skin. Sorry. Not even remotely true. Here is what we know the truth to be. If you choose to accept it, wonderful. If you prefer to accept one of the other explanations you have collected, that is, of course, your right. You have complete free will when you consider the question from the perspective of your entire self. Your I AM is never restricted in any way, not even by the laws that govern your dimensional reality. You exist in many dimensions and the laws of third dimensional physics simply do not apply in most of those. For many of you, that is largely why you feel so uncomfortable there. “From the perspective of this life, we can say that we did not choose our parents, we did not choose where we were born, we did not choose our sex, race, siblings etc.” Your egoic intellect does not consider that it was consulted in the making of those choices. In fact, it does not consider many of them to be choices at all. Please do not be offended when we point out that your intellect simply has agreed to forget the where, when, how, and who of those decisions. None of those where decided without major input and final approval by your being. And further, those types of life decisions are ongoing, constant, and always with you as the final decision holder. How? You sit here in this chamber with us in one of your other ‘realities’. You also consider your lives as awake, aware, or full of silly dreams. Your awake and aware states are often the silliest because of the major parts of reality that you do not see, that you discount, or that you ignore. Man’s understanding of the function of your DNA is in its infancy. It does not decide anything for you with the exception of certain physical characteristics, and even those are agreed to. There is a growing study of epigenetics that is bringing you closer to a real understanding of this. There is, once again, far more of your DNA that is not included in your active chromosomes than there is included. Simply put, you have brought with you the tools that you considered would be needed to fulfil your plan. As your life progresses, the toolbox can be modified. So you do have unrestricted free will. Always. There would appear to be one exception. Notice that we said appear to be. Your final destination is a given. You will arrive at a oneness with ALL. But that too is an illusion. Because you never have been and never will be separate from it. How do you know that? Because it is the one thing that you do know. I AM. This was a wonderful question. We will very likely return to other parts of it later. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: What are you? – The Council
by Ron Head What are you? - The Council For years we have spoken with you through many channels about a great variety of things, but these have always centered around a specific subject. Never have we wandered too far from it, nor have we stayed long when we did. We have spoken of the fact that you are all energy beings. You have had no great problem realizing that intellectually. We have spoken of the fact that you are aware only of a very small portion of your true being. Most of you have had no trouble with that point. We have spoken of the fact that in view of the two statements made above, you are a facet, a face, an arm if you will, of the Divine All. Most of you were able to intellectually agree with that, as well. We could continue in this vein, but we think you understand. Now we would point out to you that there is a vast gulf between intellectually understanding, even agreeing with, a statement or teaching and making it the underlying truth of one’s being. And because of that, the greater portion of the gift of those truths lies unclaimed by you. Now we know that this is of course not your intention. What it is, is a result of having truth hidden from you for many lifetimes. Your smallness and your supposed unworthiness has been drummed into you for a very long time. And when your personal pain wasn’t being used, you were caused to witness that of others. They were powerful lessons indeed. And they continue to be used. But now it is time. It is time to understand where you are and what you are about. It is time to understand why. And above all, it is time for you to finally lay claim to your true identity. Doing this will have a far greater effect than just the remaking of your own life, which it will do. But it will cause reverberations throughout the energy field of your species, your world, and far beyond the reach of your current imagination. You are fond of calling yourselves lightworkers, light beings, light warriors, and some name themselves as angels, etc. But few of you understand what you are really saying. That is alright, but it is time now for you to be what you have proposed to be in its fullness. And it is time to move from understanding and desiring into knowing and being. It is time to claim and to own the truth of who you are. Do this consciously. Do this with great intention. Do this with all of your might. And do it with the understanding that is true for each every one of you, even those with whom you do not agree. When you begin to move through your life in this knowing, your life will have nothing else to do but become what you see in love. You are, after all, and have always been, the creators of it. But in the past you have allowed others to create a huge amount of it for you. Simply by agreeing to what you are told is one way that happens, you see. Now we would have you claim the power of what you are and begin to know yourselves as that power. It is time. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Ron | October 20, 2018 at 6:00 AM | URL: |
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