Beloved Ones,
Upon you, Beloved Ones, rest the strength and stability of your world. You are the adventurers stepping into the unknown and bravely experiencing every moment of it. As you do this you are setting the template of the new Earth reality. As more of you take up this mantle, your Light and the Light in the world grows exponentially. We have said this many times before but it bears repeating often, for it is easy to forget as the affairs of the world around you catch you in their dramas, of which there are many. Repeat to yourselves often that you ARE the Light and that is your true identity. The world you live on is very rich and there are enough resources for all but there are those who feel that only they must be in control of all of it. This is going to rapidly change as we venture further into the flow of the cosmic energies. As the energies of love grow ever stronger, hearts that have been closed will begin to open and these ones, too, will begin to change their ways as they realize a better way to live and be. There will be more cooperation and willingness to listen to the voices of protest that grow ever more demanding and insistent on justice and true equality for all who live and move upon this world. It will become a world that supplies the needs of all. This of course, will take some time, but the end result and outcome will be a happy one. Continue to believe in magic and see it! Many of you are capturing the wonders of the world around you in pictures and sharing these amongst yourselves and with many who never contemplated or were open to explore new ideas and concepts such as the presence of other forms of life that exist in the same space as they. These pictures are opening up their consciousness in ways that were not possible before. As you share these gifts of wonder, many wonderful changes begin to take place within each individual who gazes upon them. This opens them to re-experience the joy and wonder that they used to feel and experience when they were but children and will return these qualities to them in abundance. The former structures in the world’s systems are continuing to change and this will become more evident in the daily lives of everyone upon the planet. The focus of the world’s leaders will be on the accommodation of meeting the needs of all citizens and not on just the few, for the people of the world will insist upon this in ever increasing numbers. The outmoded ways of doing business and commerce will take a turn for the better in terms of a fairer distribution and use of the resources at hand. People will be questioning whether the further exploitation of some of these resources is even necessary and will insist on developing new technology and alternatives that have a lesser impact upon the vital life force of their planet and its inhabitants. So you see that your determined focus on increasing and expanding the Light within you has an inherent benefit for everyone, for it opens the way for new ideas and innovations to come through into manifestation. This was not possible even a few short years ago. That which was impossible now becomes possible! Look to the increase of new technology and inventions that have as their aim, the betterment of the quality of life for everyone. Until next week… I AM Hilarion Marlene Swetlishoff, The Rainbow Scribe
God’s message to you, delivered through many messengers and in many forms is that you are Love1/27/2016 All you have to do, and you do have to do it, is intend to be loving in every moment and in every situation. Do not allow fear to distract you from this, because it is a major part of your life’s earthly purpose. Just keep briefly renewing that intention throughout the day while standing in line, waiting for the lights to change, or at any other moment when you are momentarily unoccupied with the business of daily living. Those very brief moments spent renewing your intent are far more powerful and effective than you can be aware of, so remind yourselves of that as well. Love is the energy, the Power, the Life-force that permeates all of God’s divine Creation. It is All That Exists, and therefore every sentient being, every conscious entity is an inseparable and eternal part of That! To be loving in every moment means honoring and respecting all life. As humans, in an illusory world of fear, pain, suffering, and death – in which you are always seeking pleasure, or at least safety and the relief from pain . . . and if possible, to eradicate death – you are engaged in the game of separation from Source. It seems to have been ongoing for billions of years, and yet now your science is beginning to understand that time is unreal, a concept that works inordinately well in the game that you are involved with, but which is nevertheless, unreal. While playing this game lessons are presented to you, lessons that you chose to learn before incarnating on Earth as humans, and frequently they appear to make no sense at all. How many times have you asked yourselves “What is this supposed to be teaching me!?” Well of course the answer is Love. But in the unstable and threatening environment that the world provides it seems far more sensible to be fearful and construct defenses – psychological, emotional, physical, and even military – to keep you safe. Whereas to be loving is often considered unwise or naïve because itappears to lead inevitably to abuse and betrayal in what many of you consider to be a “dog eat dog” world. But what the vast majority want, in fact what all sentient beings desire more than anything else is to be loved, and of course that is what you desire because Love is your natural state! Deep within yourselves you know this because deep within you dwells the divine and inextinguishable Flame of Love from which you were created, but from which you have hidden, and which is consequently “forgotten” knowledge, but nevertheless, knowledge that every single one of you possesses. It is that deep inner knowing that drives you to seek Love. However, you all seek it defensively! That is you want others to show their love for you before you are prepared to show love for them. In other words most choose conditional love because, due to previous experiences within the illusion, they have been betrayed, maybe many times, and so offer love only on condition that it is returned and neverbetrayed. Consequently what you seek is never found, and all are disappointed and disillusioned – well an illusion can only be disillusioning! There are some among you who have seen the Light and have started to live lovingly, and they have been amazed at the transformation that has occurred in their life experiences as a result of that wise and wondrous choice. To live lovingly or unlovingly is a choice that you make in every moment! And to live lovingly appears to many to be an invitation to others to take advantage of them. In fact this is not the case! It takes courage initially to make the choice for Love, but the rewards are almost instantaneous. By making that choice and following through with a strong determined intention to be loving, you drop your defenses, and when your defenses are down Love comes flooding in! Yes, of course there are still a multitude of fearful and therefore unloving souls out there, but you, having made the choice to be loving and then having followed up by being loving, will discover that your energy field attracts what it is offering – Love! Many with major problems in their intimate relationships have been blessed to obtain help from psychotherapists who are at the forefront of the field of interpersonal relationships. These psychotherapists have been able to persuade at least one of the parties in a damaged relationship to drop their defenses and offer only love. The results are often seemingly miraculous because the other party finds acceptance instead of judgment, and then ceases attacks on the partner. Communication is re-established, and the issues that were driving them apart, in fact tearing them apart, can then be gently and lovingly resolved. Frequently the issues are just misunderstandings that have been blown out of all proportion due to errors in communication or due to lack of communication, and a loving and satisfying relationship is then re-established. Some of you wonder about the food you eat. How can it be acceptable to eat meat and dairy products? Well, the game that you are engaged in, the game you areplaying is a game that all the participants have chosen to take part in. All have lessons they wish to learn. There is an order to the food chain, and those at the more evolved levels need to feed on the orders below. As you know, the further down the food chain you look, the vaster the quantity of food (edible life forms) that is present. Until you fully awaken this food chain will necessarily support you, and the other life forms on the planet. So, if you choose to eat meat and dairy products, this is not wrong. However, youmust honor those that live to feed you. You do this by absolutely ensuring that all life forms are treated with honor and respect. That is done by ensuring humane, that is loving, living conditions are provided for those that provide your food so that they can enjoy their lives in an environment that is appropriate to their needs. When it comes to the time to slaughter them to place them into the food chain, it is essential to ensure that the animals are taken gently and caringly to the place in which the slaughter occurs. It must be a place that is kept clean and fresh, and that is well-ventilated so that the energy field of previous slaughters has totally dissipated before they are led in there. Then the slaughter must be done quickly and painlessly. Before eating always bless your food and give thanks to the animals who have given themselves so selflessly to sustain you. They, unlike you, do not judge, they accept what arises, and when treated well enjoy their lives to the full. That is part of the lesson that the illusion offers. Humanity too needs to learn to accept what arises, and with Love. Attack in any form is a desperate cry for Love. Of course mostly the attacker has so buried his true feelings that when he attacks he is convinced that he is defending himself against an unwarranted attack, an attack that threatens his life and his livelihood. Defense and attack are inseparable, two sides of the same insane issue. Only Love will bring peace. Love starts within yourselves. Many of you were to some extent unseen, unwanted, found not good enough, or abused as children, and that treatment led you to believe yourselves to be unworthy and unlovable. This belief is utterly wrong! God’s message to you, delivered through many messengers and in many forms is that you are Love, that you are unconditionally loved because He created you perfect to live eternally with Him in everlasting Joy. The separation is unreal, an unpleasant dream or terrifying nightmare from which you will awaken. The path to that awakening goes within, to the deepest level of your awareness and then even deeper. You get there by spending time quietly alone, by letting all thoughts and distractions – emotional, psychological, or physical – just flow by without engaging with them. You may well be very surprised by some of the “stuff” that floats into your minds. Observe it, acknowledge it, and let it pass. Later, it may be sensible to look at some of the “stuff” that arose, and see if it is inappropriately coloring your attitudes and beliefs – for instance encouraging you to believe in your unworthiness or unlovableness. In that case remind yourselves that because you are, and always have been, and always will be divine children of God, you remain perfect, just as He created you, and that therefore you are completely lovable. From that moment of insight make a point of treating yourselves lovingly in every moment, regardless of what appears to be happening in the outside world. Another’s judgment of you will always be invalid. With God’s help, and that is always available to you, you can see anything that you may need to change about any of your ingrained beliefs and behaviors, while at the same time forgiving yourselves for any errors or mistakes you appear to have made. There is only Love. You, therefore, are Love. It really is that simple, and as Love you are infinitely loving and lovable. Keep reminding yourselves of this divine Truth and rejoice in the peace and contentment it provides. With so very much love, Saul. from John Smallman Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. The monies are now on the way out in the world, dear friends. Much disclosure has been presented and can be found and read on the internet for all who are interested. The arrests have more or less been pursued and much is now on its way to change in the world you live in. The changes are for the better, folks, so be grateful for them. Everything will proceed at a pace that you all can handle, somewhat depending on which vibration you are at. It is no longer possible to profit from others, if so maybe one has more to learn. Your own lessons have to be learned or you cannot develop as an individual. The pace at which you adopt them is highly individual. The advantage is that it can proceed faster today, since the light gives you an extra push. It is easier for you to see and understand what it is that you should develop in yourself. Everything will become much clearer and easier now. During these times things are accelerating and developments for the planet and the individual go faster. The collective consciousness allows all to understand, since it is there for all. The collective consciousness has been raised and thus it raises the level for all. The veil is getting thinner and the truth can shine through more easily. It becomes clearer to see what is needed in order to go forward today. What do you need to change? What is your next step? Does it fit what your heart and your higher senses (intuition) want? If so take a step in that direction and you will see that all will flow by itself. We are there to support you until the path, the true path, becomes clearer and easier. Humanity has collectively determined to wake up, and this is what will happen. The path to get there is individual, but the goal is the same. The Light is shining brightly and Heaven has blessed your efforts. You are cherished and cheered on by millions of beings from up here. The energy that is now shining down on you has not previously been possible to measure. Its scope is so large and wide that nothing similar has ever been seen. It is an honor to be here and now and the activity up here is enormous. There are beings and planets all over the universe that want to help with your ascension now. Everybody is eager to contribute with something, it can be something very small, but the gratitude is large if one is allowed to be a part of it. We remind you that all of us are a part of this. We are One, a unit together. We all belong with Our Father and live and move within him. Blessed be His Name, Hosanna, Hosanna. We thank our Father who so gently raises the Earth and all that live on it to a higher dimension in joy and love. I kneel to Him and to You, my valiant warriors. I love you, Judas by Ron
The Council The dike has sprung a leak. And there is no little boy to put his thumb in the hole until help comes. This was a children’s tale not long ago. It is not so often read anymore, but it applies to the situation your world finds itself in at this time. The great majority of people are still blissfully unaware of what is going on, or perhaps not so blissfully since to them the chaos seems overwhelming. But for those who read our messages, and who have access to what is now being called alternate sources of information, there are numerous hints appearing every day that indicate a growing stream of new information. As these stories continue to unfold, they will form a new tapestry of understanding, and its pattern will soon show your long awaited new world society in its infancy. Take heart. You all must remember how rapidly infants tend to grow. There are new technological advancements being released every day now. New discoveries are being made in your heavens, under your seas, within your Earth, and in every area that you are studying. Daily there are new things being revealed that were for long times held in deep secrecy. Old paradigm business models are falling apart. Now, the chicken littles of your world are busy yelling about falling skies at the top of their collective lungs. And if they succeed in their efforts, something like that is possible. But they have a couple of things that work against them. For one thing, they have been spreading disinformation for so long that their words are hardly given credence as they once were. Their network ratings are in the tank as they would put it. For another, they are working against a tide of consciousness, adopted and spread by you, and aided and magnified by us. This last you have made possible by accepting our teaching and the energy it brings. You have accepted the teaching of love long enough to discover that it is far preferable to hate and fear. Hate and fear give one’s energy and power over to what one hates and fears. It has taken lifetimes for you to awaken to these things and you will not give them up now. Know this, the little things that you do in each moment that make you feel good, that help another to feel good, that improve someone’s day or their lives have a far reaching effect that you will never know. But each of those acts, words, and thoughts raise the tide. And rising tides raise everything in their path. This is a vast ocean of energy that is being added to moment by moment. You are adding to it. We are adding to it. And as most of you are aware, the cosmos itself is adding wave upon wave of rising energy to this thing which we will call Earth’s evolution, certainly mankind’s evolution. Now there is a thing about building energy. If one lets it go on its chosen course, it can reach its destination rather peacefully, like a river. But if it encounters any sort of blockage, it will build until it overcomes that blockage. And this is not always peaceful. As another has told you, this is not philosophy. This is physics. There are those who are working daily to try and bring the future to you in ways that will avoid as much discomfort as possible. There are also those who insist on trying to stop the incoming tide at any cost. We suggest that the prudent will align their thoughts, prayers, and efforts with the former. Holding one’s thumb over the end of the garden hose till it bursts – well, it can be messy at best. Now, having discussed all of that, let us say that you have made far more progress that you even suspect. And we would point out that by far the greater number of you are contributing by your own internal changes. These seem to you to be unimportant, insignificant. But these, friends, are far and away the most powerful and indeed the most needed. Continue. And then continue. Continue until your world has become the image of what you have dreamed it to be. Because it will become what you dream it to be. So with that, we will bid you a rather abrupt good day until next we speak. Blessings to you all. by Ron Head 01/19/2016 by John Smallman Audio Player Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Saul Audio Blog for TuesdayJanaury 19th Humanity’s moment of awakening is very close. So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world. The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity. And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites. Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing. The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view. As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray. The times of depravation are finished as the nightmares they spawned dissolve in the Light that so many are now shining into the darkest of places. Every human is, at the deep and eternal center of their being, a being of Light, of Love, regardless of the mask or unreal front they present to the world by means of their human nature, their egoic nature, the personality they display to the illusory world in which they are engaged as players in an unfolding drama of separation. That drama is just that, a drama, a spectacle of unreal events and relationships, whose sole purpose is to distract from Reality, your Oneness with our divine Creator. In the drama it seems that a few of you are powerful independent beings attempting destroy each other as you struggle to build an impregnable power base from which to rule that illusory world. And, as your history shows all too clearly, those power bases always collapse under the burden of betrayal and dishonesty that is intended to support them. Love is eternal, anything that is not in total harmony and alignment with Love is illusory and cannot last. Humanity has at last collectively realized this, and as a direct result of this realization you are, collectively, choosing to engage with Love and by so doing changing the world. Peace to engage with your individual creative abilities and thus bring yourselves truly to life is what the vast majority want. They are tired of being enslaved by debt with the resultant need to work for someone else in order to earn a living to support their families and pay off those debts. All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished, and if it was only a very small minority of shamefully wealthy ones would lose out – that is lose out as understood by the present global economic system – but only by an insignificant amount. They would remain very wealthy and would lack for nothing. All that they would actually lose would be their status as powerful, influential, and prestigious individuals to whom all others were encouraged to kowtow. The very aspects of their nature that they value most highly and which have always bred corruption and deceit leading consistently to conflict, war, and suffering for humanity at large. There are now many bright, intelligent, and influential people in the world whoknow this, and who are using their skills to bring about worldwide debt forgiveness. People who realize that the only halcyon way forward for humanity is through harmonious and tenderhearted cooperation. Presently the possibility of such a major change to global economics is not widely discussed even in the alternate news media, but it will occur as part of humanity’s ongoing awakening process. The old order, which has for eons striven to contain and restrain humanity by enslaving it in debt, is collapsing. Its last dying efforts to hold on to power will not be successful. Its time is past. Signs of its imminent death are evident in the ongoing virulent international disagreementsabout resolving the presently overwhelming global problems apparently facing the world – of conflict, economic disparity, and poverty, and of dealing with the masses of refugees fleeing the areas where these inhumane and unacceptable living conditions prevail. All these problems can and will be resolved because the will to do so has been collectively established. Humanity is extremely fatigued and is no longer prepared to put up with the degrading and inhuman ways in which a small minority of arrogant bullies has been treating the good, ordinary, and hard-working citizens of Planet Earth. The New Age has arrived, and uplifting evidence of this is appearing in many places, as Light workers and Light bearers continue to hold the intent to be loving in every moment. When you hold this intent your individual energy fields expand enormously and the effect is felt worldwide. You are changing the world simply by changing yourselves as you release grievances and engage with acceptance and forgiveness of one another through the Power of Love that is your eternal nature. Your eternal nature is changeless because it is perfect, created perfect by God. Within the illusion you have all played games of power and betrayal, and the remnants of the attitudes you embraced while playing those games are now coming up for recognition and release. Many of you are finding this painful because you had buried aspects of yourselves that you despised deep within your subconscious, and these shadow aspects do not sit well with your loving intentions. It can indeed be shocking to find unexpected emotions of bitterness, hatred, and resentment coming to the surface of your awareness. The illusion is an arena of duality – good versus evil – and so it seems that you all have a good side and a bad side. In fact, to play the game of separation, you just split yourselves into two and engaged with the self that was most appropriate for the part you were playing. However, neither of these sides are as they appear – complete and independent – they are each essential parts of the other, and for separation and the illusion to dissolve these two parts have to be reintegrated. What you are doing, as you keep making and holding the intent to be loving in every moment, is allowing yourselves to see and acknowledge these two sides of your nature without judgment so that they may cease fighting each other and come together in perfect harmony making you One once more. Do not be alarmed by your feelings and emotions however strange, unsettling, or frightening they may seem. Just let them flow through your minds as you observe them without acting on them or engaging with them. They are unreal, although you can and have made them seem very real by identifying with them. They are not you. As you just watch them flow you can see this, and you will find great peace in not engaging or identifying with them. Instead you will once more see who you truly are, an unchangeable divine being at one with Source. With so very much love, Saul. Through John Smallman Ron Head ~ The council ~ Unconscious Beliefs
on Unconscious Beliefs We will speak today of unconscious beliefs. In our last message we used the words deserve and worthy. We used the word unworthy. This was in the context of a discourse on the illusion of separation. We would like to expand on those terms today. We understand, and we stated that mankind is in the process of bringing the illusion of separation to an end. Seen from your vantage point, it will be obvious that everyone is not at the same point in the process. And the ideas of unworthiness and being undeserving are an unconscious anchor holding many in place where they are. As is the idea that it is not possible to be at one with the divine. There are even those, and not a few, who would be afraid to achieve that oneness. So we have here a few serious things to discuss. If you cannot think of yourself as deserving of a thing, you will never be able to have it. If someone were to give it to you, you would figure out a way to lose it. The same is true of feeling unworthy. And almost every person on your world has as least begun by judging himself, herself, as being in that state, if not just downright needing to be punished. Many centuries of being taught such things have resulted in you believing them. It is a widely understood concept now that the divine does not judge. But understanding the concept does not guarantee that it is accepted in one’s deepest core. It is quite possible to think one thing and actually believe the opposite. In fact, it is more than possible, it is common. As for being afraid to achieve oneness, or even progress, this also is holding many back. You do not know what sort of life you will lead when those things are overcome. And what one doesn’t know, one has been taught to be afraid of. And again, it is possible to wish for something and still fear having it. There are practices among you these days that will help you to find and root out these things. And they can be found and worked on in prayer and meditations of all kinds. It is not all lost however if you do not practice these things. It may be a lot more difficult to see them in yourself however. That is the trick, you see. You need to know that they are there. Once you find them, merely being aware of them will begin to dissolve them. Now in the time you are living through, the energies that your world is being flooded with are bringing these things to the surface for you to see and release. And those who understand this will have a much better time of it than those who do not yet know what is happening. Of course this is the reason why we keep pointing things like this out to you. There is one more suggestion we would make, and it is not the first time we have made it, nor is this the first time you will have seen it. If you make a daily practice of sitting quietly and breathing white, or perhaps white and violet, light into the top of your crown, your heart, and then throughout your body, you can make short work of much of this. It is not necessary to spend large amounts of time with it. It is good if you can remember to do it often throughout your day. It is accepted by many that you are about to enter an entirely new phase of this ascension process. And that is true. Would it be a shock for you to discover that the process of self- improvement will not end there? We think that will be enough for now. Good day. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: Part 3 – (cont’d)You ask what more could be done, what more should be done. Problems that emerge over time gestate and form, hidden at first, unseen, brought about by mans greed, allowed to be by mans ignorance, cannot be resolved within days or minutes or hours, not even by the forces of miracles themselves - it is time and persistency that will win the war. You must continue to encourage people to focus their loving thoughts, to focus their thoughts of Light upon the world, each and every day, this must be done. The world must be consistently bombarded with love! People must not grow faint hearted believing that it is not working; people must acknowledge, must see that such forces will need to build slowly over time, that such forces need to be consistently applied, if they are to have effect; that such forces must come from a united and focused legion of people who believe, trust and know the truth. These people will have their own challenges of course, their own lives to contend with. They must fight against their doubt, they must fight against their disbelief, and they must fight most powerfully of all, against the feeling that they are powerless to make changes to their reality. No one is powerless. Everyone has the ability to focus and use the energy of the Divine within them and to set it to task. In order for them to do this, they must be persistent and enduring and they must join together with others in order to bring change and transformation to the world around them. This is very, very important! This must be shared; this must be applied above and beyond all other things. In conclusion then, we would say this: everything is ending and beginning. Everything draws to a close that it might be born again. This is the nature of reality at this moment in time. If new things are to emerge, old things must die and disappear. What occurs now is this process on a grand scale. In order to tip the consciousness of the human race, in order to enable them to see that their world is not working, that it is not functioning as it currently is, they must recognize that something drastic must occur - a shift, a change in reality - the likes of which they have not experienced before in their lifetime. The world must experience something utterly transformative. Atlantis experienced this, it ultimately led to Atlantis’s demise but it also led to Atlantis’s rebirth, led to the Atlanteans venturing out into the world and shaping and changing the nature of the world’s history forever, by passing on their secrets to those people who up until that point, had never heard their Atlantean truths before. Although it is difficult at times to acknowledge, although it is difficult at times to see, you must try to recognize that what transpires is part of the plan. It is not part of the Divine Plan, not the original plan, but it is part of the plan that has been brought about through humankind’s creative powers that the Divine now improvises with in order to set humankind on a course that will ultimately lead them back to the Source, back to the beginning, that will lead to their ascension and evolution. If things are to continue flowing in the right direction, if the casualties are to be minimized, if the world is to awaken sooner rather than later, then the world must be doused in love and Light, the hearts of humanity must be opened to the Presence of the Source. The minds of humanity must be given the Light that they need, in order to recognize truth, and this can be done by you and yours, if you focus your energy together and in earnestness, apply the power of your spirits and your souls. Go forward then, hear our words, use this truth, use this Light, share this message, this understanding. Let people know, let people be blessed, that people might be freed. Take then, our love, Dearest One, take then our blessing, share our messages, know that we are with you as you walk upon the path and that I and my kind, that the Angels and the Divine, do everything within our power to aid and assist with the transformation of your planet in the most peaceful and positive way that it can be achieved. In love and Light, let this be so for the greater good of all. (Conclusion of parts 1-3) Until next week, I AM Hilarion From Marlene Swetlishoff, Source
Blessed Being, you are unique in form, unique in thought, unique in feelings, and therefore; unique in perspective. All of these are created by your individual experiences throughout your life and your pre-disposition prior to this human incarnation. Free Will is a universal experience on your Earth plane, yet it operates within the physical limitations of your current Earth experience. Within those physical conditions, your internal unconditional nature shapes the physical form of your experiences. Your pre-disposition is a foundation that you established in other incarnations, yet it also may concede to your environment until certain points of awareness in your lifetime. Even your awareness progresses beyond its own limitations, as your awareness as a young child, a teenager, or an adult are very different indeed. Therefore, it is a dance between your inner and external that create your perspectives and your experiences. We say that your internal realm is unconditional, but in truth, it merely has that potential. Your Free Will, your choice, determines your level of internal unconditionality. Your internal world, your thoughts and feelings—are your Free Will. As you maintain the integrity of your internal world, you become a powerful being. Maintain Your Inner World to be a Powerful Creator by Jamye Price Your path of Ascension is about becoming a conscious, connected, and Loving Being. All of this is innate, but was generally thwarted through the teachings and experiences of the Earth plane. The perfection of this is that it brings you to an internal choice and power. Now you are bringing more awareness (consciousness) into all of your interactions. This naturally leads to more connection, as well as more Loving choices and actions. We ask you then—how entitled do you feel to be able to Love boldly? How entitled do you feel to the freedom of your own thoughts and perceptions? Do you doubt your perfection, your value in this big world? Take a moment and observe your innocence when you were born. Blessed Being, we see this in you still. Pure innocence, pure Love, pure potential. In Time, it was never lost. In form, it may have been forgotten. Now observe yourself in your current form. How innocent, how pure, how perfect do you feel? Dear one, we bring this into your awareness, so that you may meet our awareness of yourself, if you choose. You are pure innocence, pure Love, pure perfection. In form, this may have been forgotten. From a non-physical perspective, your unconditional perfection and potential is known clearly. As you embrace your perfection, your pure potential—you are holding and amplifying your power. Are you embracing your Loving nature? Then a powerful force and focus of Love becomes incarnate here on Earth. Are you allowing your fear or resentment to dominate you? Then a powerful force and focus of fear or resentment becomes incarnate here on Earth. We often speak to the importance of authenticity. That means that when you have an authentic feeling of fear or resentment, you and All of Life is well-served for you to ‘embrace’ it into your Loving nature. See the difference of Loving yourself in a moment of fear and soothing your innocence into a new potential—versus avoiding the fear or using it to justify your separation or lack of empowerment. As you choose to Love yourself in these moments, you are embracing your innocence and allowing resolution and transformation to occur. You are holding and amplifying your power of Love. This is the passive, invisible work that begins a true change within the building blocks of form. You are changing yourself and changing your world. That is great power. We bring this forth in this way and at this time to support you in recognizing that it is time for you to Love yourself boldly. It is time for you to put your Loving vibration into your world and transform it. As you become clear about maintaining the integrity of your inner world, you hold a great Loving power that builds form at the foundation, not the façade. You begin to filter your experiences through your powerful, connective Love. All that you meet will feel that vibration. Even if they resist it, it will teach them. That is great power indeed, and it is within you. Hold it. And consequently, emanate it into Life. As we sit to Blast Holding My Power, we are recognizing the powerful Love that is within and nurturing that innocence into great strength of Self. We are maintaining our integrity within the earthly systems of lack, and teaching through example—even if we change in the future. We are recognizing that all beings have the same potential to Love, and each is unique in expression. We embrace our talents and our weaknesses, for both show us avenues to more Love. We are viewing the world as perfect in its current state, and electrifying it with our power of Love. Blast on! From Jamye Pryce Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 14, 16
I am here to day to begin a final stage of bringing all of the funds to the surface. That is to say that there will be an upturning of the funds to the proper fields, and from there they will be brought forward in the freedom of no obstructions. I am St. Germain, and I am in the wake of being able to take the prime betrayers of trust from earth to another place where they can live out their actions and be able to come to the realization of how they have been manipulated into believing that they are on their destined track. That is what has happened with so many of those who were persuaded to do what they have been doing through countless lifetimes on earth. They are now being told of what they are going to be doing and experiencing in the coming times. They will return to their original; purity in Spirit. In that process they will be able to then go forth and become the ones who show their example to others of what they are capable of in the wake of what they have been programmed into so far away from who they truly are. It is part of this resolution of what they have expressed, that is in order for the outcome to be that of returning to their selfness with Spirit. It is the example that they volunteered for. They were in the realization that the possibility of the extreme forgetfulness of their inner self and their connection with The Creator was to be understood to a point. Now it has served all of humanity to see that the exposure to the forgetfulness of who we are in extreme is not a place where we can go and be able to remain completely separate forever from The Oneness of the Creator. We have seen that in our Oneness we do not allow the complete separation to go on once it is obvious on a soul level that there is that desire and intent to return to Source and begin again to go forward in the Light of Love in a way that we learned is beyond the travails of loosing the Light. In our Oneness, we are living the proof that we will not allow the total deprivation of oneself to happen, for it would affect us all in one way, or another. We are the family of Oneness, and that is what we do to show and live our love for the other. In this sharing with you, I am expressing how it is on the other end of the spectrum. I am showing you that there is no complete casting off of those who agreed to take a stand and follow the road that we all are aware of was in the picture. It is not that we all saw the extremes of what that road would lead us to. It was that we all saw that the end of the road was not in our view or knowledge, for that was not in creation as yet. What we did see at the completeness of the circle was an unending figure eight that was to be followed and lived in the total Love of Creation. That is where we are now, dear ones. We are allowing the features that we did see to go forward and to bring to us our abilities for expressing in Love in an open and never-ending way. With our expression of Love to those who got lost in their journey, we are living our promise to each other to always be there for those who got so lost that they could not see their way back. At the same time, we are also living our promise to move forward in the freedom that we have within to flow through the wonders that we create in the energy of our Oneness and the power we have to Create in the energy of Love. So my dear family, I have shared with you what I know you already knew on a soul level. Sometimes it is helpful to communicate with each other in a way that seems to be unexpected, and at the same time so familiar in truth that it awakens another aspect of our expression. In the reawakening lies the power that we all have of forgiveness, which is followed by the living of oneness in all that we do and feel. This is the time in which we are at the threshold of expressing that feeling of family with all on earth. We are awaiting the familiarity of us all working and moving together to restore the Love to the planet. Also to those who have contributed to the energy of falling back from what we feel is the foremost way to express the Love that we are. Sending out that Love to the wholeness of the family will help those who are to leave in the coming times. It is a matter of knowing and living our total Oneness in the understanding of the whole picture of our time on the planet and in the expression that we have created throughout the universe. I go now and attend to those who are in the place that requires my next steps with them. This will be expressed in the absence of time, and in that conditioning it will be an experience in which they will feel the Love that we all give them in our Love for all of existence. It is a fast paced journey for some, and for some it is in the instant of Now. It is all One! It is all in the family of Love. Thank you Dear, Loving St. Germain, Much Love, Nancy Tate, Golden tree of Light Source
through Valerie Donner January 8, 2016 Greetings I am Mira. I am working now with the Earth Council to assist with the ascension of the earth and life on the earth. You are progressing well with your ascension. Energetically you are advancing into higher consciousness. Your vibrations are rising. You are in full swing with your ascension. We are pleased to announce this because we know that you are working diligently amongst many obstacles. We observe the hardships and the turmoil that you are currently wading through on the earth. At this moment many of you are clearing out your final issues that have held you back for eons of time. Each realization and healing counts because this is a step by step process. One of the paradoxes of going through ascension is that as you progress it is not always obvious. There is no grading system telling you how you are doing. You will know your progress by the amount of love you are feeling and the bliss that you are allowing. Even though you might be in these nice energies for a while you might slip back and tackle another issue that is holding you back from taking on more of the loving blissful frequencies. It is a back and forth process. As students and co-creators of the New Earth you are constantly learning. You are working in your sleep as well as during your awakened state. We understand how cumbersome some of the challenges are that you face. We know how some of you struggle with clearing the old limitations that have been programmed into your lives. Please know these are not who you are and in a short time you will be able to more fully live without the past struggles. You have earned your merit, ground crew. It is important that you remain adaptable and resourceful. Let nothing hold you back from your desired outcome—to create Heaven on Earth. You do it with the assistance of all of creation. You are doing it with the best of the best and we consider you to be the best of the best also. What does it matter if it takes more focus or more time in the whole scheme of a planetary ascension? We want it to be done right, safely and beautifully as it is intended to be. The outcome will be that you will be living in wonderment and awe. What happened in the past will have little bearing on how you will be living. Life will be entirely different. The earth is going through her trials and tribulations too. She is in need of healing and we are working with our environmental and technical teams to assist the earth wherever it is needed. Reach for the stars. Call upon us. Welcome us into your lives. We will get to know each other and have much to share. I am Mira in loving service. From Valerie Donner |
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