(image by Dave , Hartbridge.ca)
Daily Message ~ Thursday February 28, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics Love is a comforter, a soother, a reassurer, a healer, a connector, and an essential tool for growth and evolution. Those are just some its many wonderful abilities! When times are chaotic it can be hard to imagine how love can transform those energies. The energies of hate, anger, or discord are not stronger than love. Those energies are just louder. Dear Ones, never think louder equates stronger. While love is a seemingly quieter energy, that is where its power lays. It is an anchor, a constant, a stabilizer that creates a space for people to find their balance again. It is pouring a soothing healing balm over inflamed pain. Your love is your greatest gift and blessing, both for yourself and for others. As more and more enlightening human beings embrace being beacons of love, your world will be supported in moving into the peace and unity you all yearn for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2019
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you. We wish to speak with you today about your own growth and journey. And so we ask that you take your eyes off of what is occurring outwardly in your world for a moment. World events that many have considered to be highly negative have occurred on the Earth for many thousands of years. These do not necessarily define the quality of your life, or even the full quality of life experienced by those facing the brunt of these events. And so we would ask that you release thoughts of the outer world for a moment, and grow quiet now, and move into the heartspace for a moment. Call forward your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, spirit guides, and higher self, to speak to you in your current life journey energetically, as we speak to you via these words and our own energies, if you are open to such. Photo by Lynne NewmanWe would like you to consider that at the heart of all you do, there is a powerful desire to step into the Light at greater and greater levels. This desire might be expressed as greater Peace of heart-mind, greater Wisdom and understanding, greater capacity to Love, or to manifest your life in higher forms. That desire has in part been placed there by your soul and higher self, and in part, has occurred as a reaction to the current condition of your inner and outer life. So that far from being slowed or pulled off-track by your life events and circumstances, you are all the more encouraged and motivated by that which captures your attention as being “something I need to work on.” It becomes something that pushes you to move to a higher level of vibration and understanding in that area. We would say, that though the more challenging aspects of your daily life can be trying and difficult, you need not feed the difficult aspects of those situations by called them “problems.” You might instead wish to call them “a knock on the door” that you are meant to answer, not only in outer physical ways, but by going inward and asking for Wisdom on that issue, asking why it has come to you, what it is connected to (such as other lives, your soul growth, or your life mission), and what you can do to lift it to a higher level. Be aware that not every issue in your life requires a solution or a positive outcome that will be obvious and visible to you, either now or at a later moment. You have seen how some things have occurred in your life which you considered untenable—painful situations that seemed to cry out for immediate healing or resolution, yet which over time, you came to view as moments that released you from an old belief or energy pattern that was not serving you. You had in fact, on a higher level, set up that situation to assist you in detaching from what belonged to a younger self, or a past life self, and was not a positive presence for you. And so we would simply ask that you would “take yourself off the hook” one might say, and stop blaming yourself or your outer life for showing up in ways that feel uncomfortable—that seem to be calling out with “Lack” or “Loss” or “I’m stuck here!” You possess the ability to show yourself Love in every situation in your life, regardless of whether you seem to be creating the money you desire, the relationship or level of healthy you desire, or the home or work or other situations you desire. Loving yourself and speaking kind words to yourself—loving and thanking the situation for what it is showing you—will go very far indeed to transforming that which currently troubles you. Whereas separating from the situation and calling it “troublesome” will simply cement it in place, indefinitely. (Nor do you need to experience an area of life as painful or difficult in order to experience growth and change in that area.) And so we send much Light and Love to you all, with great thanks and appreciation for all you are doing on the Earth now, in anchoring the forms of higher Light that transform worlds. We would only ask that you extend that Light and Love to your own lives, and cease all forms of dislike for your current life, extending the same patience and Love you would extend to a small child who is doing all she or he can to understand, to learn, to keep growing. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. by Ron Head
An Underlying Assumption – The Council There is an underlying assumption to many of your questions. We chose this one simply as an illustration. “Will it be right to say that God/Divine Source neither helps us nor hinders us in any of our endeavours (to honour our complete free-will) and just stays there existing as an impartial, all-loving, observer consciousness?” The answer to your question is no, but in order for you to understand why that is, we will use this question to further emphasize something that we have been attempting to help you raise your awareness of. Re-read the above question and notice, please, that it can only make sense if God/Divine Source is separate from the ‘us’ that you refer to. The channel created a photographic post, we believe you call them memes, that we will ask him to post here. Here is your problem, or ‘sticking point’, or whatever you wish to call it. If we say “God is in that tree”, you have no problem agreeing with us. If we say, God is in everything”, you will still say that you agree, but your minds, due to long centuries of teachings, will subconsciously insert “except me”. There are many beliefs that have been pounded into you to insure this. You are said to be sinners. You are born with original sin. Mankind is sinful. Things that ‘lurk’ in the unconscious are evil. Those who are in contact with spirits, who hear voices, etc. are possessed or crazy. It is impossible, or sinful, for you to accept these things. It may even be considered blasphemous or heretical. The list goes on. And so, in order to protect yourselves, in order to be ‘good’, you do not allow such thoughts, much less the experiences into your lives. God is not somewhere else and, at the same time, everywhere. God does not love you unconditionally and, at the same time, demand that you obey every jot and tittle or spend forever in perpetual punishment. Now we can say that, at this time, many of you can intellectually agree to what we are saying. But you need to know that in any battle between your intellect and your subconscious, your intellect will always be overpowered. Now before you assign yourselves to victimhood once again, let us re-emphasize a couple of things. First, your intellect is not you. It is a part of you. In fact, it is a very small part of the infinite divine being that you are a part of. And, from the standpoint of the incarnate self, the subconscious parts are far, far larger. They contain, for instance, all of your experiences, beliefs, etc. of all of your other incarnations. Please, please, please begin to retrain yourselves to think in this manner. The awareness that you need to develop is that all you see or can even conceive of is, at its core, energy. All energy, is conscious. All consciousness, when in motion, feels. You are that. You are not Steven, or Daphne, or Makub, or Chan Li. You are “I AM”. Everything else that is part of your consciousness, past or present, is just that, part of your consciousness, an experience. Please look again at the picture above. Look with your heart. Read this with your heart open. Raising your understanding of self to higher consciousness of who you are is this thing that you call ascension. There is no silver platter upon which this will be delivered to you. But it will be delivered – in the time it takes for you to accept who you are. Know that you will make it. Know that you are making it. We know this because many of us are you. Now, as you try to ‘get’ this, we refer you to what your physicists have learned, you cannot resolve a seeming paradox from the same level upon which it exists. When their models don’t fit the formulae, they usually find that the solution becomes apparent when looked at from the next higher ‘dimension’. In this case, do not try to reason out the answers. If that could have been done, someone would have already done it instead of leaving you all of the admonitions that you have inherited. There is no magical genie waiting inside you to hand you the answers. But from inside you the answers will come. Perhaps in years. Perhaps tomorrow. But never until you search and allow. We are not telling you anything new. We are not even telling you anything that you cannot understand. We are pointing you at YOU. Thank you for your efforts, for your questions, and for your persistence. You may not see the progress that you are making, but we do. And we are in joy at what we see. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Daily Message ~ Friday February 22, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics on Feb 22, 2019 10:50 am We invite you to remember a time when, as you look back, you see how every single element came together to give you a perfect result. It might have been when you suddenly felt drawn to buy a lottery ticket and won. It might have been showing up at the exact moment that allowed you to meet someone who ended up having a profound impact on your life. Or it may have been a time when you were delayed, only to discover had you been on time you would have been involved in an accident. These events are not rare, in fact, they are exactly how your life unfolds all the time, just some events are more recognizable than others. We wish for you to know that this is exactly what is happening in your life right now. As you read this the universe is orchestrating your next great alignment, your next important intersection, your next wonderful surprise. Your job is to simply follow the flow and accept the timing, which is always, always divinely perfect for your highest outcome. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Daily Message ~ Thursday February 21, 2019
By Trinity Esoterics on Feb 21, 2019 11:13 am Dear Ones, the service paths on your planet are as vast and varied as the needs of your planet and her inhabitants are. Please do not compare your service to that of others! One is not better than another. All are equally valid and essential. So if you are in a space where you feel you must withdraw and focus on your own growth, do not make yourself wrong for that. Every healing that occurs within a human being supports the planet in a myriad of ways. Do not worry that you are not doing enough because your growth is your service. If you feel drawn to offer service in one specific way, do not feel the need to push others to mirror your service, for every service path is unique to each person’s incarnation and is dependant upon their own skill set and soul mission. You all come onto the planet with specific interests and passions for a reason. Just as there are many different paths people can take on their enlightenment journey, so it is with service. It is designed that way to meet the needs of the whole. Celebrate each other in your efforts and thank those who are doing different service work than you for that is what gives you the opportunity to focus on your unique offerings. And if you find yourself stepping into service that a lot of other people offer, please know you are still required as there is no one else who can offer your unique blend of self and Source and that is what will make your service special and necessary. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A Message to Lightworkers – February 19, 2019 by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this moment to speak with you today. And we see that many are full of concern now—concern over extreme cold weather in many parts of the world, which is connected to concerns about global warming and the effects of that, including colder winters in some places. We see concern for political issues and situations, for economic ones, for the health and well-being of many millions, including refugees and others seeking political asylum. And we understand all of this, as it is natural to look around and see others or one’s self in a rough situation, and wonder if things will always be this way. Or to feel that, per the influences of the old regime, the Earth is headed in a downward spiral rather than an upward one. And we would simply remind you that this bizarre, yet quietly magical time, is why you came. It was your vision to be here at this time, to do the work you and millions of other Light Beings intentionally created, to assist and support the tremendous shift now occurring on the Earth. You required of those who so powerfully support you—your soul family, your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, guides, and higher self, your twin flame, and those Light Beings on a similar soul mission—that you receive the inspiration and ongoing support needed to lift the Earth and Her beings out of the old frequency and into a new, far higher vibration. This is a vibration—a reality, as you call it—centered on Divine Love and Service to Others. And in that new form of Earth life, the old “Service to Self” model of living would not so much be cracked down the middle as denied the energetic belief systems required to hold it in place. The only way to sustain any form of living—any outer or inner reality—is to feed it belief, expectation, and emotional thought—energy, in other words. And the energy with which you now conduct your lives is increasingly becoming so powerfully Service to Others oriented, that the old system is having an increasingly hard time existing. Though it does still influence human life, it is not so that it is still controlling human life. Be assured that even on days when you cannot see this, others do! Your Galactic family members, living in ships and space stations all around Earth, see it and rejoice in this new and unprecedented turn in the road. Your animals, plants, trees, mountains, hills, water, and air see and feel it—all natural forms of Earth life, including the rock and mineral kingdoms, and those beings living within Earth--see and feel this shift. Those of a naturally higher vibration are thrilled to witness it, raising themselves to new levels of positive feeling and experience. This makes it easier for animals, for example, to relate to human beings with more obvious forms of Love, trust, and belief in human life. Quite a positive leap forward! And so, we would ask that you not despair at the developments you hear on the news or see on social media, unless you will allow yourself the opportunity to note that all movement on the Earth is now forward movement. That you are not sliding backwards, but stepping powerfully ahead—some of you are dancing, we are happy to see! And that beautiful progression will not be put off or hidden, and its powerful effects will not be lost. So many are quietly aware of this now. Now in his 90s, who was once a US president, outdoors in work gear, helping to build houses for people who do not have one—because he is constructing, with his energy and presence, homes for the New Earth. This is why you see young women all over the Earth gathering to proclaim their sovereignty—their right to full education and health care, and to work, to travel, to live without fear of assault or insult—as the Divine Feminine once more takes root upon the Earth. And this is why you see an entire movement of young people, barely 18 or not yet that age, demanding the right to attend school and experience all of life with safety. The assertion by the old power structure that things have not changed, except that their supremacy is being challenged, would be humorous, were its effects not so drastic at times. And yet we see all of you building a form of Earth life that does not include their presumptions and elitist forms of rule, and the old fear-based systems. We see only your proclamation of your own beauty, your own power, your own magical co-Creational abilities. And so we ask that you not be fooled by appearances, as the old adage goes. We ask that you open to the Spirit of what is occurring on the Earth now, and not only to the representations that are deliberately set before you. And that you maintain your vision, in the midst of it all, proclaiming your right not only to freedom but to Joy itself. And noting, in the midst of the greyest, most difficult day, “I AM Love! I AM Joy! I AM Divinity in human form! For this I came.” And so you have! You have come for this, and will ever be those beautiful Light Beings we blessed before your incarnation onto the Earth, knowing you would achieve your dreams and visions, in perfect time and way. And so you are. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Daily Message ~ Monday February 11, 2019
By Trinity Esoterics on Feb 11, 2019 10:55 am A very common limiting belief is that love is hard to find. Please know your soul always knows exactly how to connect with your beloved. Send out a clarion call to your soul companion with your heart. Send them a telepathic message letting them know where to find you. Feel their presence. Announce to the universe, “I call my next great love to me now. I am ready.” Your declarations have great power, Dear Ones. Feeling the presence of your beloved, even if it is only energetically to start, is a great practice for it allows you to feel the relationship as existing already rather then being off in some unknown future. Using these simple techniques can pave the way to your next relationship for it shifts the energy around love for you and combines intention with action, which the universe will always respond to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A Letter from God to Humanity
On Creating a World of Love The Messages from God, Circle of Light My beloved ones, humanity, I pour this to you with My tender Love, upon streams of light, to touch your waiting hearts. With it come the keys to your remembrance. The remembrance of your beauty and of all the ways I made you in My image. And remembrance of the truth of Love, how every human heart was born in Love and every human being is a child of God. And the remembrance that your heart is our connection and that through it lives your co-creative power. Through it comes your treasure; all the gifts I give to you forever. Through it you will now remember and find yourselves awaking to the truth of Love you are. How I love you! You are truly the greatest of all miracles. You are My own heart, alive and in embodiment, ready to expand, to ever go forth to give the Love you are. You make Love vibrant, surprising, new. Only you, beloved ones, My precious glorious children, only you can go forth in breathless anticipation and see the Love I Am with a new perspective. Have you not marveled at your wonderful curiosity? At how insatiably you go forward to meet and greet the world? And how deeply you are moved by every expansion of beauty? This is the miracle of your co-creative heart. My Will for you, all of you, every sweet magnificent golden child of God, is a world of peace and a life of plenty. By looking at Me, you can have these things. Your heart is the source of your power, your treasure, your identity, your life. Your heart is connected to Me forever. And through your heart you will receive your blessings, the treasures of joy and Love and ever greater abundance that I have waiting for you. Oh! It is My heart's true desire to deliver to you the very keys to heaven that you may live heaven here on Earth, yes, and everywhere you are for all eternity. All that is necessary is for you to return to your heart to find the joy in life that contains the heart's true resonance and the cornucopia of every good, which shall pour forth before you as your life and your world. I Am a God of Love, dear ones. Forever and forever. There is nothing but Love in Me. Let your heart stir in its remembrance of the great truth, for on it rests the salvation of this precious world and your thousand years of peace that, truly, goes on forever. You have known this, somewhere deep inside. You have known that I Am Love and that all of this before you did not make sense. All the wars and illnesses, the brothers turning upon their brothers, the poverty, the pain, even ageing and death. Oh, dear ones, I have heard you as you cried out in the dark night of your soul for answers. How every single one of you has asked the question, "If God loves us, why would God create children who have cancer and whole peoples who are starving; so emaciated they already look like skeletons?" It did not seem right to you. This, dear ones, was the message of your heart seeking to show you the truth. And when you have asked, "God, what is my purpose, the meaning of my life?" you have been responding to the nudging of your heart. But some, not hearing their hearts, have turned away, believing I could not be a loving parent to My children if I created such a world of horrors. Now it is time for the truth. You are ready. And for those of you who read this and already know this, I ask you to deepen your commitment to the living of it, and to pass this on to My other precious children. For those of you who read this and find it inconceivable, I ask you to drop into a focus on your heart for a moment and just allow this to be a possibility. Then pass it on to others - that each hand, each set of eyes, each heart that comes in contact with this letter written in light may also take a moment to allow this possibility to be planted in their life. Beloved ones, I love you. I love you with a Love as great as the very cosmos. I love you with a joy in your existence that pours forth greater in every moment. I love you as the very heart within Me. I love you, and My Love never wavers, never changes, never ever stops. I long for you to know this, to feel our sweet communion. I long to lay before you all the treasures of creation. You are Mine. Now. And Now. Forever. And nothing can ever change this. It is a fact of your existence. I did not create this world of pain. You did. You did this when you chose to believe in good, in Love, and in something else, which you named the opposite of Love. Call it the moment in the Garden when you ate the fruit of good and evil. Call it the first judgment. Whatever you call it, beloved ones, it is your own creation. And you set yourselves up as being able to decide which was which and thus began this world of duality, of light and dark, of Love and anti-Love. But, precious humanity, I Am only Love. And living in Me, you, too, are only Love. So you had to create a false world, a pretend place where darkness could exist, because it cannot exist in that which is ever and only light, which I Am. You have wandered in the desert of your co-creative minds ever since. For if your heart, connected to Me, knows the truth of only Love, then you had to find another way to view a dual scenario - and thus evolved the tool of your minds. Oh, dear ones, I do not intend to go into lengthy explanations. All I come to say to you is that you are only Love. And that the more you choose to live through your heart, the more and more clearly you'll see the world as it really is. The more you will experience that true Love of God, the Love that I hold you in each and every moment. Today you live in a world on the brink of war, a world filled with negativity and so much pain that you have to numb yourselves to survive. So you have nothing to lose by putting to the test what I now show you: If you know that I Am only Love, then you must know that I Am ever holding for you the world of your inheritance, the world of joyous ecstasy and glorious abundance. You know that I Am not a power you can call on for overcoming darkness, for darkness is not in Me. You know that any moment you connect with Me you connect with the Love and perfection I have always held for you and always will. I Am unchanging Love. In the truth of this Love there is no negativity. Then what about this world of pain before you? What of the wars and rumors of wars? What of the fear and all the experiences that keep happening in your life? They are you, dreaming, beloved one. They are you lost within the million threads of possibility streaming from your decision to believe in good and evil. And just as you dream in the night and your dreams feel real, so it is with this world. So very real and filled with pain, it feels. There is another way to live. It is to stand before this world of lies each morning and to choose to live in only Love. To consciously reject the illusion of the judgment that there is good and evil. To place your Will in Mine and ask that I lift you up enough that you can see the difference. The difference between the truth of Love that lives within your heart and this world of swirling negativity that is alive within your mind. And once you know that I Am Love and you are ever alive in Me, then you shall truly walk through this world in peace. When you know your home is Me and you affirm the heart, you could walk through a war-torn countryside with bombs falling all around you and know that none could touch you, and none would touch our home. I will answer your questions. "What about the others?" your heart cries out. "What good is it if I am safe in you, God, if all around me people are in misery?" Beloved ones, the answer is this: as you clear the dream, as you return your Will to Me, as you walk within the truth of the Love we are together, then around you there becomes an aura of peace; a great ball of light comes forth as the living truth of Love you are becoming. At first it may only clear your life of the illusion, as your faith in Love restores you to the heaven you belong in, and as, choice-by-choice and day-by-day, you turn to Me for your identity and not to the world you have believed is outside of you. But every day that light grows - exactly as would happen if you turn on a physical light in a dark closet full of scary shapes. The light fills every space - there is no darkness left - and everything that seemed to be so menacing becomes something neutral. Something you can change by moving out the old furniture, or something that you at least know is harmless. Thus, as you grow in your ability to stay attuned to Me, to choose the world that is your birthright as a child of God, the greater the circumference of the light that surrounds you. First it begins to light up your neighbors. Suddenly they can see that there are no terrifying things lurking in their lives; that they are free to choose to be happy, to have joy. And with every moment that you spend in communion with the truth of your heart, the greater is that light of truth around you, until you affect the neighborhood and then the town you live in, and the county, then the state in which you live. Until ultimately you will do as Jesus did: everywhere you are, people will see their truth as Love, and knowing this with all their heart they will leave their illnesses, their problems and their strife behind - simply from experiencing the power of your light as you live your life as only Love. Then as others do the same, soon you'll walk into the world and the illusion of negativity will have to fall away. You will have "turned on the light in the theater," that which you call the world, and all who had believed life was a battle will suddenly be freed. In your Western world, there is a passage in the Bible from he who came to show you the way to the heart's truth: "You cannot serve both God and mammon." This is exactly what it means. You cannot believe in a world of good and evil and also seek to create a life of Love. For from within the dream of duality every choice for Love contains its opposite. Beloved ones, if this speaks to you, if something stirs within your heart (or, of course, if you cry out, "Oh, I know this!"), then you are here to show the way. Here to see My face, My Love, in every human being, no matter the part they now play within the dream of good and evil, of Love and anti-Love. You are here to build the New, to bring forth the heaven of living Love in which you are ever meant to live. Turn to Me and daily, moment by precious moment, I will show you who you are: a child of Love so beautiful that your cloak is made of stars, your heart is a living sun lighting up the darkness and revealing only light. Give Me your Will, let Me lift you so you can see each moment the unity of Love. How all creation is My being and every part, magnificent and joyous, dances in a swirl of sweet exploding life. I will help you see beyond duality, beyond the veil within which lives the dream of separation being dreamed by My children. I Am only Love. And your heart is the key to the treasures held for you beyond time. Time - the illusory creation coming forth from "fitting into experience" a pendulum of good and bad experience. Beloved ones, I speak to you whose hearts have known, have known deep inside that I would not create such a world as this you see before you. It can be easy to disengage, but you've lived the illusion for a long time. Thus can you assist each other in this. Assist each other in placing your attention on your hearts and using the power of Love you find there to infuse the world you want, not the world that's passing, the world of so much pain. You are co-creators. Made in My image, remember? It is true. You are made in My image and thus do you manifest the beliefs of your heart. Remember, the heart is where we are connected, so all the power, all the light, all the Love I pour to you comes directly and unfailingly to and through your heart. I Am Creator; I Am Love expanding through you. And My covenant with you, My children, is that I shall always and forever grant your heart's desires. This is the promise given to each of you at the moment of your creation as children of the Love I Am. So if deep in your heart you are afraid, if you believe your heart is broken (pay attention to these words), if you are afraid that Love will hurt you, if you keep yourself protected, if you are waiting every moment for "the other shoe to drop," if you feel the world is hopeless, if you feel that life's not worth it, if you feel the world's about to end, be it from polluting it to death or from chaos and war, these deep "ways you feel" about your life - these are your heart's beliefs. And thus, beloved ones, by our covenant they shall manifest before you. For as the Love I Am comes pouring to you, whatever is held before the opening of your heart is what Love shall bring to life, shall help you co-create. Thus you see that, if you stand before the White House with anger in your heart, with belief that nothing changes, that government is corrupt, and, worst of all, if you hold hatred there, within the temple of God that you are, then that, dear ones, is what you shall have more of. You are the prize of the universe - the heart of God gone forth to create. There is really only Love to create with. But if you choose Love and anti-Love, you turn your face away from Love and, peering into the world you 've made, you look for your identity. Oh, precious ones, don't find it there! Please wake into the truth of Love. Place your every resource with your true and glorious heart. I promise you that Love is the only power. And that, truly, it is the heart with which you shall always create what you experience, be it now, on Earth, or later, "after death." There is no progression, no good and bad, no better and best. There is only the truth of Love or the dream of separation. If you can make this leap, you are those who bridge heaven and Earth, who begin to reclaim the paradise you never really left. But if you cannot, then please do continue on growing in your faith in Love. It is good to pray for peace, for even though it contains the belief in its opposite, for the moments you are focusing on Love you are using your co-creative consciousness to lift you ever closer to the unity of Love. It is best, however (and I use these terms because they are relevant here), it is the true way, the way that Jesus came to show you, to see only Love. To place every bit of the power of your heart upon the paradise of Love that this Earth is in truth, giving none of your energy to the illusion that I can ever create anything but Love. Do you see? Do you see how this must be a fantasy if in Me darkness does not exist? If I Am All That Is, which I Am, then nowhere in Creation is there anything but Love. Oh, dear ones, this I promise you. You were created in Love; made as a glorious reproduction of what I Am as Creator. You thus came forth, truly, as Twin Flames, the forces of the Divine. Ocean of Love, Divine Feminine, and the great movement of My Will upon it, Divine Masculine. Born as one with two points of conscious Love, you forever exist in a grand unity of Love, sparking together to co-create more Love. I call you home. Home to the unity of Love I Am and that you are in Me. Every thought for peace, every prayer has value, and every act of service in Love's name to another is a star in the night of this "pocket of duality." But the real service for which many of you have come is to join together, heart after heart, in the conviction of the truth of only Love and, forming a net of your great auras of light, to lift the world free of the reversal caused by humanity's belief in good and evil. Thank you, beloved one, for reading this. Do you feel My living presence in your heart? Do you see the light behind these words, the packages of Love I now deliver? Then you are called, beloved one. Called to remember a world of only Love. Called to place this vision before you until it sinks into your heart and becomes your one desire: to return to My children their birthright. You have angels all around you. Your hands are being held, finger of light to finger of light, by the masters who go before you to pave the way. Your every affirmation of the world of Love you choose is heralded by archangels as they trumpet across the heavens, "A child of God awakes! A child of God awakes!" And choruses of beings, living stars greater than your sun, carry forth the message that the whole of Love I Am is filled with rejoicing. For every child of God who returns heals those many lives of the dreams of anti-Love that sprang forth from their creative heart. And the whole of the cosmos is glad, because a hole in My heart, caused by your facing away into "darkness," is healed. The heart of God is mended, ah, but more than this: the Love I Am goes forth again as you to create new things for us to love together. I Am calling. You can hear Me. It won't be long now, beloved ones. ...WOW! Dave Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. God's New Series - Heavenletter #6587 Now You Know, February 7, 2019 God said: Beloved, My Beloved, aligned are We as One. We are aligned. How wonderful is this. You are defined, yet perhaps left by the wayside for as much as you can tell in the mistiness of life. And yet We, Our Own Oneness, issues from the Infinite. We come from somewhere and not from nowhere. Instead of calling forward-moving yet unnoticed inactivated thoughts and questions - also known as prayers - wow, they are answered! They come true before they are asked before the concept of prayer is assigned to them. What is a prayer? It is not crying for something. It isn't begging. It is a song of a bird's singing: "Hi-ho, off We go." This is Oneness. I said it long ago. I will say it again. Others like poets also speak of this loveliness, and many ways are there to speak of the same Tryst. Here it is: "The Seeker and the Sought are One." "The Seeker and the Thought are the Same" "Oneness is." "That which you seek is ever Your Self." "You have ever been seeking Your Self even as you are Your Self long before you own up to it." This is knowledge that springs Eternal upon you. This knowledge is intimately yours. This knowledge never was not yours, yet there is a moment when it dawns on you to ask of life: "What's up, Doc?" Where has God been all along, or Buddha, or Christ or any of the good names of God, the One, and the Only Oneness? I, you, may even be Known as the Unknown, or I might also be hinted at as possibly too good to exist and be held upright before you. What in God's Name are you actually after all but I and nothing but I? You love a mystery. It all comes out now. You discover Me, and you recognize that I am also You, and as One, We, the One of One, shake hands on Truth for all times' sake. You and I are One and the Same. What a coincidence or, as many of My children like to say: "A co-inky-dink!" And aren't We, I, also for the fun of it!? I, We, can count the stars first hand and weave a tapestry. Hallelujah! This is greater than the discovery of the century. After all, what is a mere century? Nothing but the blink of an eye, nothing but, while still far greater yet than this. And Who discovered Me but you Yourself, I, God, am proud to say. The curtain went up on stage! Well, sure, you can hardly believe this truth all along. This knowledge snuck up on you. What a revelation! It is the true story. The truth is revealed. This is the day the truth is known and ever was. All is ever known and never unknown even as it is sought after. Even as you get it, you are not done with this delicious turnaround, for it always comes back to you. How can this be? How on earth can this life be? In Heaven it can be, yet, on Earth, can it really? This isn't the Earth you always knew as a fact. Even as it is ascertained as a fact. Life is a mind-turner. You have been pulled onto the rack. Life is on the move, and you have been surmounted with lions of thought also on the move. How peaceful can life be when you have been a stranger to Paradise and have been, so it seems, set aside and unrecognized by the world at large? God,You give Your All to the world when it is the world that is so uncertain. Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/now-you-know.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 by Ron Head
Oneness – The Council Today we want to take a closer look at the concept of oneness, unity. So many of your questions would be resolved if you were to really examine your own thoughts more completely. We choose to include the question below, but once again, it represents many others. “Does the divine source (all-that-is consciousness) at all concern itself with our human matters or is it entirely detached from our lives given its "no free-will interference" directive? And if this is so, would it imply that the creator does not really give a damn about what we do and what we don't and how we experience our lives and how reality shapes itself?” Divine Source does concern Itself with human matters. Divine Source concerns Itself with feline matters. It concerns Itself with arboreal matters, with planetary matters, and with astral matters. We have said, and we say again, that God, Creator, Source, call It what you will, is in all things. We have said many times that all is energy, all is fields of vibration, there is no separation. We have said each of you is a divine being because of what we just stated. Does It or He or She concern itself with your matters? It isyou! It is us. It is that. It is this. You cannot find anything in the multiverses that it is not. Do you concern yourself with the matters of your left hand? The matters of your heart? Of your knees? These are silly questions, correct? Why? Because they are you. There is no separation between you and any of your parts. Now, it is a part of the illusion that you have built that you and Source are separate. We are telling you that it past time for that to end. It is time to begin dispelling that entire illusion and to begin returning to the realization of the oneness. It is the fear of the ego, that has enjoyed the feeling of being in control, that this return will end its existence. It will not. If you did not need an ego to function there, there would not be one. But dominion over your personal world is not its designed function. This you added as a necessary part of the illusion. You also added “Fear God!” “I am a God fearing person.” Why? Because you allowed yourselves to be taught that your unconditionally loving God, the God who is love, will damn you to everlasting torment if you do, say, or even think this or that. How unconditional is that? Now, about the Oneness thing. And this answers a great many other questions that you have asked, as well. It is obvious to all that within the oneness there are many individuals. There are untold billions of life forms on untold billions of planets in untold billions of galaxies. Each and every one of those creations, and we are including those cosmic bodies, are living and conscious. They are not going to cease to exist as consciousness. Nor are you. Nor are various entities that are communicating with you. Nor is your cat. Each of these viewpoints of experience, if you look at them in that way, have the purpose inherent in all life. Go! Experience! Be! Yes! God concerns Itself with you. You often ask, “If there is a God, why does He allow this to happen?” And we answer, “Good question. Why do you?” Search for the unity. Search for the oneness. Search for the knowing. You may consult with others. You may ask us. But ultimately, the answers will be known by you, remembered, as soon as you encounter them. This is ‘within’. This has always been taught. “Seek and ye shall find.” Probably not by tomorrow morning, however, although there is that possibility. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/ |
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