Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/31/2020 •
Relating Beneath the Costume Ann Albers [email protected] via Message from the Angels My dear friends, we love you so very much, Today, many of you celebrate Halloween – a holiday where you make light of darkness, dress in costumes, share tricks or treats, and in general have fun with what might otherwise be considered very scary topics. Can you imagine that you are all souls in costume, that all darkness will indeed eventually be seen for the illusion it is, and that, through your free will, you alone have given yourself either tricks or treats! You are Divine love in costume, cloaked in a body, wearing the mask of your personality, and playing a particular role. Your political candidates are divine love in a costume, cloaked in a body, wearing the mask of their personalities, and playing a unique role. The ones you love and the ones you can't stand are Divine love in a costume, cloaked in a body, wearing the mask of their personality, and playing a role as well. Unfortunately most upon the earth have forgotten to identify with the light within. Instead you relate to yourselves and one another as the costume of the body, the mask of the personality, and the roles that you play for one another. Your challenge is to remember that no matter what you look like, no matter what characters you play, no matter how your personalities differ, you are all united in the One love that breathes life into each and every one of you upon your planet earth. When you whisper telepathically to a soul, "I remember who you are beneath the costume, the mask, and the role," you help them remember too. When you treat a person as if they are the costume, the mask, or the role, you help them identify more strongly with that facade. What if, on Halloween, instead of saying, "Hi Bob! Hi Sue! Hi dear friend of family member! Hello, my dearest child," you believed in and reacted as if your dear ones were their costume, their mask and the roles they were playing? What if, instead of greeting your friends with love and humor, you started to fight the pirates, scream in horror at the skeletons, beg the superheroes for help, flirt with the barmaids, and bow to the princesses. Aptly enough, your friends in costume would, more seriously, embody their roles in response! Likewise you have the power on earth to bear witness to the light within each soul or to trigger them to more heavily identify with their body, personality, or role. It is your choice. If you fight the pirates and the villains, they will become more pirate or villain-like! If instead you treat them as if they are a soul beneath a mask, they will act more kindly. If you beg your superheroes to help you, believing they have more strength, clout, and power than you do, they will likely assist, but you may just forget your own innate power in the interaction. If you treat someone like the body-costume they wear, they will respond as such. If you treat someone as the personality they exhibit they will respond in kind. If you treat someone as the role they play, they are likely to oblige you by playing that role. If instead you walk around witnessing the light of the Divine in each and every soul around you, regardless of body, personality, or role, your experience of life will be so much sweeter! You will draw out the loving essence of those wishing for it to be seen. You will naturally repel those who identify with the darker roles, and who aren't ready to be "seen" for the light that they truly are. Trick or treat dear ones? Do you want to trick yourself into believing that those around you are the costume of their body, the mask of their personality, or the role the play? Or do you want to treat yourself to a greater truth – that beneath these facades, there is One love experiencing itself in many forms, many personalities, and many roles? Give yourself this gift. Remind yourself there is a spark of light in every soul, beneath every facades. Allow yourself to imagine fanning the flames of this light with your prayers and your love. Relate to everyone as if you know the truth! You know who lives beneath the costume, the mask, and the role. What if every day instead of saying, "Hello, Bob! Hello, Sue! Hello, dear friend or family member," you were to say instead, "Hello, God, dressed as Bob! Hello, God, dressed as Sue! Hello, God, dressed as my friend or family member!" I know who you really are, and guess what! I am Divine love too! I am wearing the costume of this body, the mask of this personality, and playing a role too. How beautiful we are in our diverse costumes. How amazing that we can interact in these roles. I love you. I love me. I know who we really are. Get up each morning dear ones and look in the mirror. Greet the Divine within your own eyes with reverence. "Good morning dear God in the costume of this body. Good morning! Help me remember I am so much more than my body, my personality or my role, and help me see you beneath all others as well." Then, doing your best, go about your day imagining you are the loving Divine interacting with the loving Divine in all others. Some will remember. Some will forget. But nonetheless, you will treat yourself to a loving experience of interacting with the One who lives beneath all costumes, all masks, and all roles. God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels
Archangel Zadkiel's November 2020 Message.
Linda Robinson [email protected] via MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL ~ NOVEMBER 2020 TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON MANIFESTING WITH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss manifesting with higher consciousness. Much new higher dimensional energy is reaching your planet. It is inviting you to incorporate it into your own energy field to allow your consciousness to rise to a higher level. One aspect of the new energy is the rapidity with which it can be manifested and the need for a higher consciousness to use it most effectively. Because the higher dimensional energy is vibrating at a higher frequency, manifestation occurs more rapidly. If you focus strongly on a thought or an emotion, you are likely to see the results much sooner than you previously did. Therefore, keeping your consciousness at a higher level takes on increased importance to be sure you are manifesting what you want and what is for highest good. When you receive the higher dimensional energy, it first passes through your own Energetic Signature and auric field before it is available for manifestation. Your thoughts and feelings have a great impact on your Energetic Signature and can affect the quality of what you manifest. Thoughts and feelings such as anger or fear carry a lower vibration than those of Love and peace, which carry a higher one. This will affect your Energetic Signature and your ability to access the higher dimensional energy. This will, in turn, affect the quality and vibration of your manifestations. The higher the frequency of your Energetic Signature, the higher the frequency of energy you will be able to access. This results in your manifestations being of a higher frequency. Therefore, keeping your personal frequency at a high level will enable you to access the higher dimensional energy. This is much easier when you attune your consciousness to a higher level. One aspect of higher consciousness is a desire for the highest good for all of humanity, all Beings, the planet, and the Universe. This type of consciousness is for the greatest good of all of Creation. When you ask for the highest good for all, this allows us and other Higher Beings to come and assist you. Because the Earth is a free will planet, we must be invited to assist. We are not allowed to intrude on your free will. Another aspect of accessing higher consciousness and manifesting from this level is to keep your own energy field clear and your vibration high. To facilitate this process, you may wish to think about the qualities of higher consciousness and what they mean in the manifesting process. In addition to a desire for the highest good for all, these qualities could include Love, joy, caring, compassion, empathy, peacefulness, gratitude, and many others. Each quality carries a high frequency and is part of higher consciousness. At this vibrational level, you are working with a higher level energy that is more readily available to those who exhibit these qualities. When your vibration is composed of these higher qualities, your manifestations will reflect them. They will carry a high frequency that benefits all of Creation. You will be guided as you tune in to the Higher Realms as you receive inspiration for what you want to create. This includes loving environments as well as physical creations. Your physical creations will carry your high vibrational energy that will be felt by those who are around them. Your loving environments will benefit everyone who enters the space. All of your manifestations, both physical and etheric, will be composed of loving, high vibrational energy. As you focus on the qualities of highest good in your manifestations, your vibration ripples out into your immediate surroundings and throughout the Universe. Keeping your focus at a high level benefits all of Creation. You are manifesting even when you are not consciously focusing on this. To facilitate the process of manifesting with higher consciousness, you may wish to spend some time each day focusing on the qualities that accompany this. As you place your attention on each quality, feel it in your Being. Let it resonate throughout your energy field, and then allow it to ripple out into the ethers. The more you attune to these vibrations, the stronger and more powerful they will be. They will continue to rise to higher and higher levels with your desire for the highest good of all. Beloveds, we are happy that you are manifesting with higher consciousness. You are radiating a powerful Light for the highest good of all. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst …and WE surround you with Love And so it is. Copyright © 2020 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 29, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via There are many different phases of spiritual development happening on your planet. For those who have been on their spiritual journey for a long period of time, the main focus is shifting from doing to being. This group is learning how to allow their beingness to lead the way and how to get comfortable with the idea that their beingness is more than enough. For those who have more recently awakened, prioritizing and exploring the doing phase of spirituality is key. These are the people who are exploring all different areas of healing and their connection with a greater whole. And there are others still who haven’t yet awakened but are beginning to get very uncomfortable and are starting to open to the possibility of something more. Some people will move through the various stages and phases with remarkable speed, while others will take a slower road. Each individual journey moves at the perfect pace to honour that person’s soul agenda. All of these phases are equally important and sacred. One is not better than another, it simply is where the person is on their journey. You will all ultimately find your own perfect path that supports the discovery and acceptance of your own divine essence and experience the joy of coming Home to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Shelley’s Note: The other day this previous daily message popped into my head. I thought I should look for it to share it again but I got busy and forgot to do it. Well guess what shows up on my newsfeed yesterday because Les Green shared that exact message? I love when things like that happen. This message obviously wants to be shared again, so here it is. :) Many human beings find their spiritual paths from encountering the dark night of the soul. They become so battered and worn that they simply cannot resist any longer and choose to surrender into a new way of being. From such a painful place it is natural to seek relief. The first steps must be to self nurture, to heal, to shift energetically into a better feeling space. Many people are in survival mode at this point of their journey, and are very fragile. The purpose of this phase is to discover the spiritual supports that are available to them, to open up to new ideas and ways of doing things, and to find their way out of crisis. This is about stabilization, comfort, and relief. As the person begins to balance out and explore the ideas of creating for themselves, the power of positive focus, and that better potentials may exist beyond where they’ve been, they begin to grow and expand. This is a phase of learning, exploration, and new possibilities. The focus must be on feeling better in order to move to a different energetic layer beyond crisis, where the initial stages of healing can occur. This phase may last many years where the person is focused on spiritual learning, experimentation, and creating a more satisfying life experience. Once the person has built a much more solid foundation for themselves, and have developed skills to create balance for themselves, they will then be ready to move into some of the heavier healing work. They will be prepared to roll up their sleeves and start looking at the darker aspects of self, the shadow work, if you will. They will be ready to assume responsibility as their own loving guide and parent in order to move through this more challenging phase of healing, unconditional love of self, and integration. Dear Ones, please understand that all phases are important on your journey! A person who has just come out of their dark night of the soul is simply not ready to tackle shadow work. A person who has mastered moving into a better feeling space is not going to do what is commonly referred to as spiritual bypassing forever. Your soul is always going to seek the expansion and growth it is ready for in perfect timing. Trust the unfoldment, and honour each step as being equally important on your own sacred journey of healing and self discovery. Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 22, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via I’m back! Thank you to all of you who wanted to make sure I was ok. Everything is fine, I just had some things going on that needed my full time and attention. Yesterday an old daily message came back into my awareness (thanks Milton Foster!), so I thought it would be perfect for a Throwback Thursday. Fresh off the press daily messages will resume again tomorrow. :) When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A’s: Ask – Asking the universe for help gives us permission to help you. Accept – In order to receive you must be in an open state of acceptance. Be open to the myriad of ways the universe can serve and delight you. Allow – Give the universe the time and space it needs to deliver to you in whatever way is divinely perfect. Action – Be prepared to move when the signs and synchronicities point the way. Appreciate – Your appreciation gives clear feedback to the universe and keeps you creating more of what is desired. It does not need to be any more complicated than that! Move into the flow of abundance and have fun with creative process, Dear Ones. It is one of the greatest joys you will experience – the magic of co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, October 16, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via People will often talk about what they would like to do or experience for a long time before they take action. We would like to point out that what you talk about is an indicator of who you would like to be, but what you do becomes part of who you are. Are you ready to shift out of the talking phase to the action phase? Integrating even the smallest amount of what you would like to experience into your reality can produce profound change because you will have shifted it out of being a one day event into something in your present. You will also become much more congruent because your actions will start to match your intentions. What can you incorporate into your life today that holds the energy of your desired expansion? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Being Love
Sarah Hall [email protected] via From the Angels, I have often received the message that the highest purpose of life is to embody love. Today, I felt guided to tune into the Angels for their perspective on this. This was the message they gave: Channeled Angel Messages: To know that you are love is to know the essence within you that can never be destroyed. That essence is simply love and light. It is the divine presence of the source—the original force of pure love that flows through all. To know that you are love is to be unlimited and perfectly free. This knowledge protects and frees you from all illusions of fear, separation, or discord. For to embody your original, infinite, and true self is to stand in the only constant and permanent reality there is. All seeming forms of fear or separation dissipate, for their nature is changing, finite, and illusory. The essence within you that does not change, but provides infinite power, truth, and fulfillment is the real you. And only the real you can show you the world of harmony, unity, and peace that is your destiny to experience. You have the power and choice never to become lost in fear, anger, hatred, separation, greed, or desire. Though you may witness or feel such emotions fleetingly, even in the most challenging of such moments, you have the power to remember that you are love. To remember that you are love is to open the gates to healing miracles. Remember that you are love, and you channel the truth of eternal light, perfection, and wholeness into this world. Remember that you are love, and you awaken from the dream of separation, fears, and seeming problems. Remember that you are love, and the truth of eternal wholeness and wellbeing transforms all that you see and experience in its image. Remember that you are love, and you help the whole world to awaken in paradise on Earth with you. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Are you using the full power of your focus to concentrate on what you do not want, or are you using your focus to navigate into more of what you prefer? There is nothing wrong with identifying what is not working for you if you then use it to shift into the discovery of what else is possible. It is the same with fear and doubt. Fear and doubt can be wonderful openings for exploration to help you deepen your healing and move forward in a mindful, conscious way. They only become problematic if they cause you to stagnate and resist the growth and expansion your soul is trying to lead you to. Another way of asking this is, are you using your free will to deny or embrace your full potential? Because when you use your free will to trust and embrace the guidance of your soul, your highest life expression becomes truly possible. What resistance are you ready to release today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ![]() Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the new earth you wish to create and experience. What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward. You might think of how pulling the string backwards on a bow is preparation to the accelerated forward movement of the arrow. It seems contrary to pull the arrow in the opposite direction of where you wish it to go, yet the tension created by the backward movement is exactly what creates the build up of energy needed to catapult things forward. This applies to the times you are in. Keep your eye on the target. Understand the process and believe in where your soul is calling you and what you know to be true. It is the accumulation of the energy from the breakdown of the old that will launch your forward movement into the new. It is from this viewpoint you can keep your balance and see that you are on the cusp of great change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, October 12, 2020 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via What resets you? What activity helps you move back into balance and remember what you know? What allows you to settle into your beingness and navigate from there? What keeps you in your heart, in your surrender, faith, flow, and trust? You are in particularly intense times energetically. Prioritizing your spiritual practices is essential to helping you stay anchored in your truth. It may not seem like you can make much of a difference, but every time you can stay in that alignment you become a stabilizing point on a planet that is in the throes of change. It is an essential part of your service and purpose, and how you become a consistent source of love in action for yourself and the whole. Such service is simple and profound and far more effective than you realize. Taking the time to make a plan and commitment to incorporate these practices as part your daily wellness now will serve you well as you finish out the rest of this transformative year. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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