Your Angel Message
Kyle Gray You are on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp and you are being guided to focus on your vision. The angels who are with you are encouraging you. There is nothing that you cannot have or achieve. There’s an opportunity at this time to heal an old wound or pattern of lack and not feeling good enough. In the past you’ve often found it impossible to recognize your worth and to believe that you are deserving of blessings. Angel and ancestor wisdom is reminding you that you are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe, and the universe is not only within you, it absolutely adores you. You are talented, filled with strength and have the abilities you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality.
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Daily Message By Trinity Esoterics If you are feeling out of the flow of creation, we would advise you to consciously start paying attention to how many times your focus is on a no, and switch your focus to all the things you can say yes to. Feel into the energy of a no and a yes. No’s immediately stop the flow of energy, while yeses encourage forward movement. No’s are separating while yeses are inclusive. No’s are resistant, while yeses are accepting. How many times do you say yes to others and no to yourselves? This is a common trait among enlightening human beings and one that will keep you outside of the full experience of the love and flow of the universe is trying to provide you. Many of you say no out of habit because you feel overwhelmed and we understand that. But a yes to support will always be far more powerful and serve you far better than a no that will separate you. For example, imagine saying no to a party, then imagine saying yes to spending some much needed alone time. Both support your desire, but the latter still has flow and inclusion. It is a matter of not pushing against what is unwanted, but rather choosing the positive aspect of your desire. We are not advocating saying yes to things that do not honour you, Dear Ones. We are encouraging you to start to look for all the things in your life that you can say yes to, which will automatically create more comfort, gratitude, and forward movement in both your todays and tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young There is no need for a singular you to be given to humankind. There is only this heart of Love, this endless flow that brings of itself the pure recognition of God in every place here and now all at once. From this place of being the freedom of Love giving itself, you can step back into perceiving yourself in the world, but filled with awareness that there is only one heart and that every encounter is God meeting God… and you will allow Love then to move you as it will.
You will fulfill the needs of Love and not the needs of ego and you will be before Me this pure transparent conduit -- that the Heart of God I Am may show up in the world as you. Beloved ones, the freedom of this experience can barely be perceived from where you stand in the world of duality. Yet already dear ones, your hearts respond for they recognize themselves as this endless truth, and are ready to bring the whole of your being. Take A Moment…
Take a moment today and think, really think about how you choose to move through and present yourself to the world. This may seem like a pointless exercise that you want to skip over but, really think about it! Do you spend it kvetching and blaming others for your difficulties, do you have the feeling that everything bad happens to you or that you cannot ‘catch a break’ no matter how hard you try? If you spend your time thinking about all the times it has happened in the past, anticipate the worst coming at you and believe it will happen again and again no matter what you do to change it, then you are missing the point! Even though you may have heard this before, it bears repeating; you are responsible for you! There may be outside force directing negative things toward you but, ultimately, you are responsible for you. You choose to continue there simply because it is where you have always been. The Universe would love to say that changing your thoughts does not require any effort. It may require a lot of effort! However, armed with a conscious awareness and the will to change, all things are possible. Give The Universe a chance to show you…and allow yourself to be amazed! ~ Creator Creator Writings Trinity Esoterics
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message Dear Ones, every single time you choose love you choose to shine and to lead from a place that is in alignment with your truth. It is an act of service, as well as an act of self definition. That is what your relationships are, choosing love and then if for whatever reason you knock yourself out of love, choosing to love again. It is such a delight to behold, for every single time you choose love, you send out a ripple that expands you, and the universe, just a little bit more. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious.
by John Smallman audio-blog As all are very well aware enormous changes are occurring all across the world in politics, in business, and in religious, social, and charitable organizations, as aspects of their affairs, about which they have for so long been very secretive, are now being widely disclosed by myriad whistle blowers for all to see. And while these disclosures are long overdue, many people have been amazed to hear how much has been going on that is almost beyond the bounds of belief. People in positions of trust and authority, placed in those positions because of their apparent honesty and integrity,and who have been seduced by the sense of power that their positions have bestowed upon them, and who have then totally misled those to whom they are supposed to be answerable, are finally being compelled to answer important questions about processes that they were charged with overseeing, and which have not been carried forward with the honesty and integrity for which they were instigated. It is utterly apparent that it is now absolutely essential to replace these corrupt and self-serving organizations, along with those who have been using them and running them to deliver their own self-serving agendas, with ones that act with honesty and integrity for the benefit of all humanity. Vast multi-national organizations clearly do not operate in the best interests of humanity or of Planet Earth, and as they start to collapse or fall apart, due to their moral and actual financial bankruptcy, there are already in existence many smaller organizations being run competently and honestly that are well-placed to provide the necessary services, services on which these mega-conglomerates have for so long had a virtual monopoly, far more efficiently and economically. Truly life for all on Planet Earth is about to become far more harmonious, as new ideas that address the needs of all are put into effect by new leaders all over the world, leaderswho will be operating with far more honesty and integrity than has ever before been seen on your beautiful planet. Many of them are, as yet, unaware of the new roles that they will be taking on, but, as they are guided to step forward, they will be joined by other like minded individuals who have long been preparing themselves, often unknowingly, for these new and most important roles. The ways in which humans relate to one another, either one to one or nation to nation, are about to enter into a period of massive transformation, because the realization has finally dawned that attempting to resolve the issues and problems facing humanity through bitter competition, and the resultant conflicts to which this path leads, not only do not work, but are, in fact, quite insane. Be of good cheer, because you are all awakening to the realization that you are all one,regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, skin color, and political or religious persuasion. And you are therefore also One with your living planet, whose vitality and good health directly affects you. Needless vituperative arguments about whether or not climate change is true or false need to cease. Your beautiful planet has always been in an ongoing state of evolution, and there have always been climactic changes in progress. However, humanity has only become aware of this in the last few decades, as many scientists, with the best will in the world, have offered scientific facts and scientific evidence, to prove that what has been observed and recorded over the last two hundred years or so indicates very clearly that human activities are almost solely responsible for the enormous climactic changesthat are apparently presently occurring. Without a doubt much damage has been done to the planetary ecosystem by unwise and foolish industrial activities over the last two or three hundred years, activities that have vastly escalated in magnitude, since the end of the second World War, as the need for energy escalated exponentially. However, you now have the knowledge and the scientific competence to provide all the energy required for your modern ways of living without further despoliation of your living environment, Planet Earth. The large industrial conglomerates, because of the insensitive and egotistical agendas of those who control and run them, and who have an insane sense that they need to be in control of the necessities that humans need for their daily lives, have, over the last hundred years or so, done their utmost to suppress new technologies that can, and will, provide Free Clean Energy in limitless abundance for all. The technology IS available NOW to provide all the energy humanity could ever need, and those with the skills and competence to start repairing the frightful industrial damage that has been inflicted, often totally unthinkingly, on the planet are also available. The technology is also on hand to clean up and recycle all the waste that is polluting the earth, the air, and the water on which human and animal survival depend. There is an increasing awareness that you cannot continue to live on earth as you have been doing for the past two or three hundred years, with a small minority living in extreme luxury (better here to say extreme insanity!), while the rest are effectively enslaved to provide for that minority. Planet Earth is a planet of abundance! There is absolutely no need whatsoever for billions to live in gut-wrenching poverty while the so-called elite enjoy standards of living that are, in comparison, totally unconscionable. This is all in the process of changing right now, as we speak! Because, finally, there are enough adequately educated humans incarnate on Earth, who have evolved far enough spiritually, and who are sufficiently passionately motivated, to put into effect the changes necessary to ensure that all, without exception, will have the opportunity to live lives in which all that they need to live in comfortable abundance, without anyone else being deprived, will be readily available. The times for untold enforced suffering and unconscionable poverty are coming to an end, being terminated, as an awakening human society comes to fully understand the message that the saints and mystics have been promulgating for thousands of years, namely that there is no separation! That all are one, and always have been, and that what any single human thinks, says, or does affects not only all of humanity, but all of God’s divine creation. There is growing recognition that Love is the unchangeable nature of every sentient being, and that happiness and joy arise when this is recognized, and when all live constantly holding that most powerful intent: “Whatever arises, I will respond lovingly, and only lovingly, because Love is my eternal nature.” Be who you are, and exult in the results. With so very much love, Saul. Your Angel Message
by Kyle Gray The Universe operates under the law of cause and effect and is always looking to return to a natural state of balance. So, if you are lacking in the feelings of abundance at this time, you are being invited to share your time, your gifts and your understanding with others. If you're frustrated because something isn't unfolding in your life, instead of asking yourself what you can get, ask yourself what you can give. The exchange of energy doesn't necessarily mean financial energy - it can also be about supporting in order to be supported. If you're been holding back with your offerings, now is the time to change that. Allow yourself to be open, honest and vulnerable. This can prepare you to open up to even greater opportunities in the coming days, weeks and months. Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #27 Willingness for God's Will, December 10, 2000 God said: The opposite of flow is conflict. Something is blocked. You are of two minds or directions. There is confusion. Now, sometimes confusion is good. Going on just as you have been may not be flow. It may just be momentum, energy of the past, and you are following old footsteps marked down for you that have been easy and mindless to follow. Sometimes your direction wants to change, and you are lazy or fearful and feel your unrecognized conflict as a headache. Conflict basically is: stay the same or change. And you resist change. Or you resist staying the same, and don't quite know your first new step. You want to follow My Will, and you don't quite know what it is. Each of you has to hear Me yourself. Even if someone else is right, you have to hear Me yourself. For that, you listen. And there is something else to remember. Often it does not matter what you do. Your willingness matters. What you do is not so important as you think. Where you come from is important. What your thinking is based on is important. Base it on your heart's allegiance to Me. When you really must make a choice of going left or right, and you are not sure, make it anyway. Choose one. Neither will be wrong. And one direction or another will settle in for you, and you will find yourself going strongly. Maybe there are more choices than you initially saw. Or you go in one direction now so that your true direction may be revealed to you later. Nothing has to be done today. You don't have to be in such a hurry. A sense of urgency is nothing but fear. And one of your big fears is to make a mistake. What is a mistake? And how can you tell? Even after the fact, how can you tell? How do you not know that the choices you call mistakes did not lead you right to Me? How do you know that certain steps you took were wrong? How do you know they were not right? End your internal conflicts. There is no struggle going on. Let go of your past thinking. Let go of your thinking about the past. Today you are offered apples and bananas. Which do you choose? Maybe you can have both. And behind the apples and bananas lie mangoes and pears and behind them grapes and cherries. What is your choice? Following your will or Mine? And your beleaguered mind says, How do I know, dear Father, which is Which? You have always followed something, My children. You have followed someone else. Or you have followed past thoughts. Now you follow Me. Following Me does not mean that you necessarily know whether your direction is from My love or from your whim, but it does mean that you keep on. You do what you can do, and you include Me. You say: "Dear Heavenly Father, please lead me today. I am not sure in what direction to go. My heart is heavy. I do not want to fail you. I want to do Your will, but I am stymied." And I say to you: "You will always come back to My will. The clearing in the forest will be there. And whichever step you take, I am right here with you. Even in so-called mistakes, I am here with you. I do not abandon you, nor do I chastise you." I say to you: "Oh, come this way now." That is all that happens. Do you understand? My love follows you just the same when you do not follow it. You will come to it. You will. Relax your shoulders, and your headache will leave, and you will see Me before you where I always am. You cannot lose Me. You cannot lose your way to Me. Add Comment || Printer friendly version || Unsubscribe Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 |
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