Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, March 29, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via When you are in a sustained space of quiet, your self awareness has an opportunity to expand. This is wonderful for those who have been lost in the cycle of busyness and haven’t been able to connect with those more subtle energies. For those of you who are already empathic, this can create a feeling of even greater energetic sensitivity. Remember, by connecting with your own light and allowing it to simply shine, you become the bringer of energy, not the catcher of energy. You can thank any energy you do feel that is not yours for showing up for informational purposes, but you do not need to attach to it. For all of you, heightened sensitivities may take a moment to get used to but we wish for you to know that you are all energetic masters, and you will adjust very quickly, much like those who move into higher and higher altitudes acclimatize to their new surroundings. Your bodies know exactly what to do to anchor into your new energetic states. Being intuitive begins with being self aware. This is a grand time for self exploration and connecting within, with much fruit to bear from it all. Greater awareness leads to greater sensitivity, which leads to greater mindfulness and empathy, which will serve you all well as the world reemerges from the global reset you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, March 26, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via You have all heard how self love is a very important aspect for you moving forward. We would like to explain why this is so. Loving others without loving yourself as well is an incomplete and unsustainable model. It is based on the martyred service paradigm, which is an old structure that you are now evolving beyond. It is choosing to exclude yourself from the love and support you have always deserved. In order to move fully into who you are and the balance and authenticity that comes from it requires inclusion, and that means making yourself equally important as everyone else. By denying yourself your love and care, you are giving a loud energetic no to receiving the love you deserve. You are, in effect, practicing separation. You cannot fully be the love and deny love at the same time. Further, it is through being the love for yourself that you are able to soothe any fears that are looking for your care and reassurance, which will create a space for healing, congruency, and far greater ease moving forward. So be the love, Dear Ones, but be sure to include yourself in your own love, too. By being willing to give and receive love, both from yourself and from others, you will open the door to experiencing far more love in your life than ever before, which can only lead to a far more satisfying life expression. This will create the shift into joyful, supported service, that is built on the safe and solid foundation of inclusion and the empowerment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young To make the choice to be loving to yourself also puts you into the space/vibration of loving compassion & divine wisdom which is needed in order to identify or align with the universe & source/source beings of the same vibration . When you are in such alignment not only do you have access to the wisdom & love& all goodness, but you also thus attract more of the same Thank you so much Gabriel & Shelley for another wonderful message! Dave Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via If you are being offered a time of reflection through isolation, you can gain much clarity through asking yourself the following questions. You are being offered the gift of exploring your connections, both inward and outward. Do your connections honour you and your well-being? Are they supportive? Do you honour yourself, or is this time serving the purpose of showing you how out of balance your life has become? Do you give and receive love? Giving and receiving love are an essential part of balance and living a satisfying life expression. Are your connections based in the heart or out of obligation or habit? Do you trust and have faith? Do you really walk your talk? This is an opportunity to explore your authenticity. Do you lead through your own truth and energetics? Do you take the time to tend to yourself if aspects are coming up that need your love and guidance? While it may seem like a lot, you are being given the space to explore, to reevaluate, and to give yourself a much firmer foundation before you move out into the world again. The wisdom and clarity that can come from this enforced time out is a wonderful gift that will serve you and others well when you move out of the ebb phase of internal expansion into the action phase of external expansion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, March 23, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Another gift that is occurring if you are being drawn back into the energy of your homes is a reevaluation of your living environment. Many of you are getting to tasks you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, cleaning and purging, perhaps, or painting and doing renovations. This is absolutely wonderful, as your homes are an energetic extension of yourselves, and any adjustment you are making now will support you in the next phase you will be entering. The shift is occurring on all levels, all designed to give you the time and clarity to create a environment that better matches who you are and where you are going. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Be Calm and at Peace. – The Council
by Ron Head Your function at this time is to be calm and at peace.You have indeed entered the beginning of the chaotic time we have been speaking about for quite some time, preparing you for, for quite some time. Understand, please, that almost everything you will hear from your media is designed to put you into fear. When a populace is in fear, it can be easily manipulated. Holding the reins of the media gives immense power. There is an actual situation upon the planet. But the danger from fear is far greater than the danger from what is continually being blared from the speakers of your devices. So what is it that you can and should do? Firstly, and most important, you must realize that you have been given the information and the tools that you need. Your personal vibration is strong enough to not only see you through, but to influence greatly those around you. Turn off your media for a while and listen. Feel what you are and what is around you. Feel the peace. Go into your natural environment when you can. There is peace around you. There is love within you. Life goes on. Birds sing. Flowers bloom. You cannot feel gratitude and love and still be in fear. They are mutually exclusive vibrations. Now we will tell you that one of the most important things that you have agreed to do at this time is to be a rock of peace, knowing, and love in this time of great change. For this is what you are witnessing, great change. Your world is standing on edge and waiting for the moment to tip over. This is NOT a time for fear. It is a time for “At last!” You cannot imagine what comes next. But you can create it with your loving heart. And you, dear friend, are where you are because you can best be that rock in the stream for those close to you. It is not yours, perhaps, to change your society. Others are making that happen. But you can be an anchor for your family and for those who trust you. You can be calm for those who reach out. Know this! You are safe. There is nothing to fear. As one of your presidents said, and it was never more true, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” We tell you that you are safe. Even should someone around you get a runny nose, know that. Hundreds of thousands of you die every year from complications that come from their physical conditions and the seasonal flu. The world does not panic. It is not even mentioned by your media. Compare that to what you are hearing now. You need not even ask why. Just be the rock where you are. Allow this to pass. It will pass. And it will pass much quicker than you are, perhaps, hearing. Do not let the chaos outside of you change the peace and knowing inside of you. All of the things we have told you in the past were to prepare you for this. This was our promise. This we have done. Blessings upon you and those around you. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, March 19, 2020 Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, allow the news that tracks the corona virus to give you a clear visual of how far and efficiently your love can spread, sending ripples of compassion and healing across your globe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young INSPIRING! Thank you Gabriel! Dave Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, if you understand that ebbs and flows are part of the whole of progress, you know that a great ebb will be always be followed by a great surge of forward movement. Getting clarity before such movement is a gift, and that is the opportunity being given you today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~~~~~~~ There is nothing that can separate you from your perfection. Circle of Light [email protected] via There is nothing that can separate you from your perfection. You live endlessly in our communion, receiving life and your true identity as the heart of The One, the Love of the hologram. In this place where we meet this is the resonance that lives within every illusion of duality. When you find this place of truly living Love, what the mind sees becomes transparent and what the heart sees becomes the focus. It is not only perfect; it is unlimited in its scope. It is the power of Love present as the heart, waiting to be accepted into the mind, that all resistance might fall away and only Love be present.
You already know all of these things but the truth is, it is so subtle. The things that mind is taught to believe, the ways that you’ve created human identity… When you ARE the heart of Creation itself… When you stand by choice in Love’s power, all you see is this perfection bursting forth complete in this Now Moment without any possibility of being separate. The heart cannot believe otherwise and in the heart field, neither can the mind. Rather, it becomes that which records the truth and makes available the heart’s experience for sharing. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, March 14, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via A very common issue creatives face is not the creating itself but rather how to know when something is finished. How do you know when a painting is as good as it can be? How do you know when the story is done? How do you know when the song is complete? Did you know you can ask your project? Simply go into a meditation, connect with your creation, and ask it! Every single creation has its own consciousness and it will tell you when it is completed. Once you know it is done, ask it if it would like to be shared! Your pieces of art, whatever form they are in, are pieces of heaven on earth. So many of them are glorious emanations of connection and energy that have much to offer others and have a greater purpose than hiding away from those they are meant to serve. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, March 13, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via As you move further into the energies of 2020 and beyond, many of you will be called to move into service for the first time, or will be called to change your service offerings. This is the natural unfoldment towards the next phase of your incarnation. Although many of you are aware of your soul’s desire to do so, you hesitate because you may feel like everything has already been done before by others and doubt that you have anything new to offer. Please dispel this faulty belief! While many others may have done similar things before you, there has never been a you on the planet at this time, providing that service. Your energetics make your gifts unique and unprecedented. Think of it this way. You could go to a library and find many books written on the same topic. But upon looking at them all, you will find one that feels best to you. You may like how the book is laid out the best, or the authors writing style, or the use of graphics, or just the feel and overall presentation. It resonates because it is the best energetic match to you. The same it will be with your offerings. They will be a unique blend of you and your purpose, which will be what resonates with someone else. Your style and presentation will be exactly what someone has been looking for as the perfect match for them. So if you have been feeling guided to do something new, please follow your heart’s guidance and step into offering your gifts, whatever they are. The fact that you are being called to do so is a sure sign it is part of your next highest expression of self and exactly what the world is waiting for because no one has ever said or done it exactly like you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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