I draw you into your heart, that you might come to be the resonance of limitless Love
Circle of Light [email protected] via em.secureserver.net I draw you into your heart, that you might come to be the resonance of limitless Love, that you might find yourself dissolving into the consciousness of All That I Am and recognize our unity with your every breath. This allows you as the heart of God to be the outward force of Love, to hold within yourself the divine consciousness of the miracle of Both/And because dear ones, you feel it. You feel the truth within your heart of your magnificence and your freedom and you also feel my presence, fully alive within you and everywhere you feel, everywhere you look with the eye of your heart. Feeling it, then you become the fount of all Creation itself and through you can be done the "works" of Love, beyond the human consciousness, beyond the ego's shadow play, beyond that choice to believe in something other than Love which you believe in, dear ones, every day when you see yourselves as human.
So Much Is Going On Now – The Council
by Ron Head There is so much happening in your world at this time that is extremely important for your growth and for the shaping of the world that you will be living in that we can hardly address all of it in one message. By breaking all of it into two categories, we can at least give each of you something that will apply to you. Of course, what most attracts attention is what occurs in the observable world that appears to be outside of you. And that seems to be increasingly sinking into utter chaos. Not understanding the function of chaos, this is very distressing for you. A few of you may be able to traverse this time by understanding that chaos is the necessary state from which all order is birthed. It is only a sea of unlimited potential. It is only necessary to know what exactly decides what potential will be realized from it. Call that your homework assignment. You might complete it in a few seconds… or a few years. What does your knowing say? Some of you may choose to participate in the deconstructing and reconstructing that is proceeding as you read this. Others will not be comfortable with that and will choose to await an outcome or to influence the field with intention and self- evolution. Each may do as he or she desires, but be sure you make a conscious choice and do not any longer let life, or others, dictate your course. As you may have deduced, the other option is to make the changes in yourselves that will best influence the human consciousness field. Now there is an oriental concept that the most can be done by doing nothing. This is not something easily understood by those in your western societies. Perhaps you may think of it as moving the field from within by thought and intention. You cannot make a change within that does not affect what lies without. If you make this choice, it may be best for you to apply yourself to it diligently in order to preclude feeling later that you could have or should have done more. Now, we tell you that you will each do what you perceive to be the best and that you are the only one that passes judgment upon your actions. Your divine being is only concerned with “what did I learn from that?” and “what else can I learn?” Consider also that the question may be “what did I teach with that?” Usually both will apply to some degree. You do not see that because you do not consider yourself as part of a whole… yet. This being the case, you may also wish to see that all of those around you are merely doing the same. What if the casting director could not find anyone willing to be the bad guy? What if your current life was one in which you knew everything? Might you be a little bored? But there is nothing to worry about there. In an ever-expanding multi-verse, there will always be more. Some things will be ‘uppers’. Others will be ‘downers’. You will not always agree which is which. Try to live a life that you will look back on and say, “Wow! That was fun.” There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. http://ronahead.com/ Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Acceptance is the key to moving yourself out of resistance/discomfort. Acceptance does not mean that you are agreeing to stay in an undesirable energy forever. It is simply moving out of pushing against anything which allows it to deliver whatever its purpose was for you and to move along. Accept that where you are is serving you in some way and feel into your energy as you do. As you move into acceptance you should feel a lightening of your energy. It is your faith and trust that moves you into acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing open the door to patience and peace. So if you are struggling with discomfort, deepen your faith and trust. Meditate. Pray. Think of how you have always been guided in the past. Watch for signs and synchronicities. Connect with your inner wisdom that knows you are always exactly where you need to be. Ask for assistance. Flow. Your discomfort is merely a re-directional tool, Dear Ones. It does not mean you are wrong, broken, or incompetent. It is simply your soul saying you can’t get to where you want to go with the focus and resistance you are in. One of the fastest ways to disengage with what is unwanted is to consciously shift into gratitude, for you can never ever be grateful and in resistance at the same time. As you move forward in the energies of 2020 and beyond you will find yourselves getting much more adept at lovingly redirecting yourselves without the need for extreme discomfort. These are the times you are stepping forward as your own loving guide and parent, remembering to use the tools that you have discovered work best for you, and putting your mastery into action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Dear Ones, expecting anything to be a certain way or stay exactly the same is a great disservice to yourself and others because it is creating constraints and limitations. The second you try to make something permanent and unmoveable, you automatically make that energy expired and unsustainable because the nature of the universe is constant growth and evolution. Allow things to grow and expand. That is what gives life to your dreams and creations! Let the unfoldment reveal new possibilities to you. Understand the energies are rapidly changing and because of this there are many incredible new potentials that are seeking to make their way into your awareness every single day. This is a glorious time of discovery on your planet, and we encourage you to be flexible enough to open to the wonder of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Every one of you has a council – The Council
by Ron Head There is one thing we may not have made clear enough in the two re-posts that we brought to your attention last week. And that is that every one of you has a council. Let us explain. The councils we are referring to are made up of guides, teachers, and higher beings, angels for instance, and they are never adjourned. The make-up of the group may change somewhat, but whatever is needed is always and ever available, whether you are incarnate or not. Each of you has your council available to you. One difference that will occur is that your own being, in its higher vibrational states, sits on your council. That does not preclude that being from contributing elsewhere. The rule is that what you need to have access to in order to complete the tasks you have set for yourselves is always available no matter where it may come from. At this time on your planet, you have arrived to set things back onto the trajectory that was never intended to be interrupted. You have taken quite a long time to reach this point. You almost needed another intervention and re-start. But you have succeeded in passing that with your amazing surge in evolution. You have now gotten your world back into its awesome potential. We never would intentionally discount the efforts that you have made and are even now making, but be aware that your own light, lifting the common light as you join with all the others of you, is most potent in lifting the field. Never discount yourselves. It was always necessary that the collective change itself from within. That is why you are there. That is what you have done. Yes, there is other help being given. There will continue to be. But it will always be known who began this and how. Be individually humble of who you are. But you may certainly be collectively proud of what you are accomplishing. The rate of change is increasing incrementally. This is intentional. Be prepared to help each other as you see the need. Some may be adversely affected as dark comes to light. Let your glow show! Good day. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. http://ronahead.com/ Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, January 27, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Gratitude is how you acknowledge what a wonderful co-creator you already are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday!
Kyle Gray [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net Your Angel Message You are a beacon of light and the Angels want to help you connect with their guidance and inspiration. Listening to positive and uplifting music is so important for your spiritual growth. As you do so, your heart will open up and draw the Angels close to you. They're desperate to dance at your side - make it happen! There are also messages coming to you through lyrics and music, so keep your ears open. If you are a musician, the Angels want to be a part of your musical career - invite them in. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, January 26, 2020
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via gmail.mcsv.net The path of ease is the mindful use of your focus and energy. It is paying attention to what you are pushing against or resisting and then choosing to withdraw that focus and redirect it with curiosity towards where the unfoldment is trying to take you. It is moving yourself out of resistance to your circumstances or yourself into the acceptance of what is being energetically supported, which is always right for you. It is choosing the flow, over and again, understanding it is always loving and guiding you in your continual forward movement and discovery of your highest expression of self. It is choosing to accept and experience yourself as one with Source. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young by Ron Head The Council - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? (Pt 2) As promised, we will continue our last message by addressing “When”. And we mean it in this sense: This council convened before you were born. That, of course, is how you would perceive it with your linearly oriented minds. But we see the necessity of using such ideas in order to communicate certain concepts. We sit convened in each moment of your lifetime. You are the purpose of our gathering, after all. And your non-physical selves are never absent from this council for that very reason. We will not ever be unavailable in the moment that you need us. Now, this is true for all physical beings, so there is no reason to shop for a larger hat size. The real issue is almost always that it takes a lifetime to get most of you to understand how very precious your divine selves are, even when we state it plainly. You have been convinced otherwise for so long that your minds just will not accept it. So the answer to when is always. Temper that not by whether or not we are here to answer your need, but by whether you listen and whether you accept. That is why the phrase ‘those with ears to hear’ came to be. Also, however, you were told that you could not hear or understand, and you accepted that. Your reality always reflects your beliefs, so throw that one out. We come now to where. Is it on a certain planet? Is it on a spacecraft? What does it look like? When you visit us in your dreaming times or in your meditations, you are actually joining an energetic event. It is not in a ‘place’. So when you return to your ordinary conscious awareness, you will remember, if you remember, a setting that your own mind can align with. If you bring back a memory, it will contain the fact of a meeting being held. You may remember that you were given guidance. You may remember a hall, an amphitheater, a room, a stadium, or even a spaceship. The picture is not important. Even remembering is not important, really. You do this almost every day and night. How many times do you remember it? Now this does not seem as if it would be unimportant. But understand that you have received the answers you needed and made your decision. If you are aligned with your own purpose, you will make the best decision. If you are not, you will learn, and therefore your ‘wrong’ decision will be the best one for you. Your name for that is The School of Hard Knocks. We will speak to ‘how’ for a moment. Every single one of you can and does get the message. Some of you are sensitive enough to ‘see’. Some of you can ‘hear’. Some of you can feel us sending you energy. But even when all of those things are not available, we use circumstance, synchronicity, and more. So, even though you may aspire to some of the above, rest assured that we do get through to those of you who ask and intend to receive an answer. Now, let us talk a little more about the why, if we may. What is our agenda, our purpose? You will have noticed, if you have followed us for a little time, that we are always speaking of your divine nature. We always speak about the power that you hold – and haven’t learned to use. We always talk of the raising of your consciousness that is now in progress. That is our purpose in this now. That is our agenda. You have taken on a task of monumental proportions. A short while ago, the odds were really not very much in your favor. And yet you continued, over and over again, to actually raise the bar, as you would say. And you have accomplished what you have done with far less mayhem and loss of life than was foreseen. You will probably be back on this side before you truly see the amazing extent of what you have been able to do. In your terms, you are ‘the boots on the ground’ and we are ‘the logistical command’. But we also have assumed the roles of cheerleaders and pep rally organizers. So now we have addressed all of the “W” questions. We do this from time to time and will probably do so again. As always, our goal in doing so at this time is to stress, once again, how very important each of you are, and to tell you that you are never, ever alone. One more small item. We are closer than your thoughts, but we cannot act without your asking. So, in full knowing of that truth, ask. Ask aloud if you can. Have conversations with us. For many of you, they may seem to be one-way conversations. But be assured they are not. Be alert for answers in many forms. Good day. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. http://ronahead.com/ The Council – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?
by Ron Head This is a re-post of something I found this morning in an old file. There is a part 2 that I will re-post tomorrow. I hope you find these interesting. We have spoken more than a few times explaining who we are. Some prefer to have names attached to this sort of message. We understand that. But you have been reading our messages for a few years now as being from The Council. Why is that? First let us say that many who sit on this council do not have names and have no need of them. Then there is also the fact that even upon your planet the beings sitting on this council are known by many names in many languages. You are not used to thinking in such terms, but it is true nevertheless. And even beyond that, you gave these names to us when you thought you were the center of a universe that you had no idea of the extent of. Now, when you are aware that a limitless universe is teeming with life, do you imagine that those names remain the same everywhere? Of course, we will answer to them. But we wish to cause you to ponder larger concepts. And so, when our channel began referring to us as The Council, we considered it appropriate. That is the “Who” in the title above. Now, as to the “What” in the title. What is this Council? You know of many councils. Indeed, there are many. Some oversee star systems. Some oversee galaxies. And you really cannot fathom the scope of multi-dimensional multiverses. In the case of this council, we are defined by our purpose. Thus, this answer will also answer the “Why”. As each entity dispatches a part of itself into a physical lifetime, it is known by us, and by the birthing one, that certain traits, skills, etc. will be needed to accomplish the goals of the entity, and they are included in its makeup. But the memory that it holds in the non-physical, if it will interfere with the living of the life as planned, will be veiled from the new life’s recall. This is not always necessary. You may even know people who have quite a bit of recall of things beyond, or above, or however you think of it. We would say that, for them, it is consistent with their life purpose. But we also know that living a lifetime in a body is not exactly an easy undertaking. Even when one is not in body, one has access to guidance and teaching. How could it be denied to you there? And so our purpose is to provide all of the information and guidance that each is able to accept when it is needed. How is this accomplished? The most common way is to meet with you during your sleep cycles. We are able to have dialog with many during their meditations. And some hear us more often than that. There is no one that cannot develop themselves to this level, but we use whatever you need us to use. If you need us to speak with you during sleep, you will still get what you need. We give information and guidance. We do not make your decisions for you. So you are quite free to ‘make mistakes’, as you would say. We would say that you never do. You just have experiences that you may wish to eliminate from your repertoire. If you knew how to live without such experiences, your greater self might not have needed to send you on this adventure. That brings us back to the question of who is on this council. You see, you are on this council. At least your own greater self, who may have thousands of such experiences in its being, is sitting here. Are your guides here? Absolutely yes! Are your ‘other selves’ here? Yes. Angels? Yes. Master teachers? Yes. Higher beings, the existence of whom you as yet have no concept? Yes. Basically, what we are saying is that, if you have need to know something, the appropriate knowledge will be provided to you. We will continue next with the question of “When. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. http://ronahead.com/ |
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