December 2018 Message MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL ~ DECEMBER 2018 TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON THE POWER OF SILENCE Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today we wish to discuss the power of silence. The higher vibrational energy is continuing to reach your planet at the same time that you are progressing on your ascension path. You are making great strides as you determine what your next step is and how you wish it to look. Pausing and taking time to observe silence can yield many benefits at this point on your path. As you incorporate the higher vibrational energy, you are becoming more inner directed in your decisions rather than listening to the many voices and opinions in the outer world. You are setting aside the outer noise in favor of your own inner counsel. The outer noise could be things such as television, radio, the opinions of friends, and even your own thoughts about what was previously important to you. You have reached a point in your journey where you are assessing your next step, and the outer noise may have become a distraction rather than a help. While in the past you may have found great comfort in the outer situations, you may be experiencing an inner prompt that another mode is needed at this time. You may be feeling that you need to take a temporary break from these things in order to regain your spiritual balance and determine the next step for you. If you experience this inner prompt, you may wish to assess what is right for you to change temporarily. After your temporary hiatus from the outer situations, you can assess what you wish to add back. Many times the outer noise can block your attention from receiving what your guides and inner guidance are bringing you. If you always have activity and noise around you, focusing can sometimes be a challenge. Your own inner prompts may not be able to come through. To remove the outer noise, you can begin in a mode that suits you. What works for others may not appeal to you, so choosing your own method is crucial. You may decide to take some time off from outer noise such as television, the opinions of others, or any activity that you define as outer noise. You can consciously decide to set aside a time or several times each day when you are totally silent. As you do this, consciously assess how you feel. Are you calmer? Can you tune in more easily to your own inner guidance and that of your guides? At times you may become aware that your own thoughts are playing in your mind in a continuous loop. Thank the thoughts, and let them pass through. They will eventually fade away when they find that they do not capture your attention. Then you can experience inner stillness as well as the outer stillness around you. You are experiencing the power of silence. You feel the peacefulness that resides there in the stillness. Your body and mind begin to relax. You may notice the gentle inflow and outflow of your breath, and you relax even more. You feel at one with All That Is. You recognize yourself as the spiritual Being that you are. You are aware that you have a Divine role in the cosmos and that you are in the right place at the right time for this awareness to occur. In the silence, you can determine what is right for you. There is no judgment. It is you with your own inner guidance, your guides, and your connection with Source. When you relax into this knowingness, the power of silence is your friend. It is there to guide you, assist you, and comfort you in your ascension journey. Beloveds, we are happy that you are taking time to experience the power of silence. We are with you in this time of rest, relaxation, and guidance. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
A SAUL MESSAGEfrom John Smallman
Live today with love in your hearts. Humanity is on a roll! Yes, I have said that before! Nevertheless, as you attend to the news media, you mostly find news of disasters and catastrophes of various kinds, and mostly ones that do not directly affect you. Don’t focus your attention there, because it just drains your energy, allowing guilt, anxiety, fear, and anger to fill your minds. If you can help with your presence, or by making donations, then do so; but just sending love to those who are in need and who are suffering is very powerful. Then get on with living your lives lovingly and consciously, because that is what you are in form to do. And humanity is on a roll, because it has collectively made the decision to awaken, and that is what is happening. The pain and suffering that many are undergoing is as a result of the decision to awaken, and is happening as “stuff” arises within them to be released. It is an enormous and ongoing planet-wide releasing of all the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that stop people from being only loving. Resentment, bitterness, hatred, judgment, and the desire for restitution are all blocks to Love. Love is always unconditionally accepting and never judges, but humans in form have been trained to judge and to seek restitution for their hurts – and indeed many have been very badly hurt – but focusing on those hurts is to live in the past and replay endlessly from their memories the occasions that were so painful. And doing that just brings those memories back into the present for those doing so, and repeats within them now the pain and suffering that they underwent, even though it is over. There is absolutely no need to do that! Dwelling on past pain and suffering totally blocks your ability to enjoy life in the now moment, the only time there is. Let go! Live today with love in your hearts and enjoy the experience of being alive – a smile from a stranger, children playing happily, a caress from a loved one – and be aware of the world around you, whether it be a view of city streets, mountains, lakes, oceans, or your own backyard. There is always something in your environment in which to delight and for which you can offer thanks – even a brief respite from the pain of physical illness that you may be experiencing, or the comfort and loving attention in that situation that another offers you. There is only Love, and if you will open yourselves to receive it you will be amazed at how many times it is offered to you. Truly all of you, every single human being, seeks only Love. Not conditional love – if you do this I will love you – but real Love, capital L! Real Love is your true nature, but as humans you have shut off your awareness of this holy truth by focusing on fear. You did this a long time ago because it seemed to be the basis of your survival in a threatening environment in which your physical bodies were, and still are, very vulnerable and can be easily damaged. Now this survival fear no longer serves you, it only serves to separate you from one another. And the more you believe that it is necessary the more fearful you become, expecting negative judgments from even your nearest and dearest, as well as from civil “authorities,” friends, acquaintances, and employers. All of you, during your formative years, were judged by parents, your elders and betters, and by your schools as not good enough, not working hard enough, not doing your best – and this goes back generations, it is the culture of “civilization,” which itself is fear-based. This was not meant to be! As little ones you should have been loved, guided, and assisted to uncover and develop your wonderful talents, not forced to conform to rules that made no sense. If this had happened society would be a peaceful and harmonious fellowship in which differences between people were encouraged, and your different creative abilities would be honored instead of being judged as unacceptable, and wrong, just because they were different. Over the last few decades enormous strides have been made to address the issue of differences between individuals, cultures, creeds, colors, and ethnicities. Now more and more people all across the world are honoring the differences they see in others. However, there remains a very large number of people with fixed and fearful beliefs who are completely against change of any kind. They yearn for the “good old days,” the days – as they remember them – from their childhood, but those memories are extremely selective, and in truth the “good old days” never existed. Those selective memories were created to defend against or hide from view the actuality of those early experiences, which were often intensely painful. Now, as the awakening progresses, all these unhappy and painful memories are arising in people’s conscious awareness to be acknowledged and released. While they remain, and are even clung to, love is blocked or refused because people’s trust is severely damaged – nearly everyone has experienced betrayal of some kind by someone they loved and trusted. The way forward is by releasing this “stuff,” and then opening your hearts to Love. When you do you will experience love returned to you, because Love is all inclusive and extends and shares Itself constantly with those who are open to It. Once you choose to follow the path of Love, and find it everywhere – as you undoubtedly will – it is possible to once more start trusting. Of course you will still experience disappointments, because some those with whom you interact will still be clinging to fear, to their “stuff,” and will be incapable of living lovingly, yet; eventually all will. In the meantime, by choosing and intending to be loving whatever arises, you are doing what you incarnated to do – massively assisting in humanity’s awakening process – and because the collective decision to awaken has been made and is irreversible, you will bring it about. Whenever you feel depressed, down-hearted, or anxious, especially after becoming aware of some “new” disaster or catastrophe, go within, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides constantly, and just be with yourself as you allow the knowing that all is divinely taken care of to fill your heart. You will feel the love and the peace that is your nature, and your faith in the divine plan will be reaffirmed for you. You are One with Source, Mother/Father/God, the supreme Intelligence, the infinite Wisdom that is All That Exists, and during those quiet moments that you spend within your knowing of this will strengthen, and your doubts will fade away. But, due to the limitations that being in form as a human places upon you, you do need to go within and open your hearts to Love at least once daily. And you can also pay brief visits during the day while waiting in line, at traffic lights, or even when visiting the restroom. Just KNOW that you are eternally and infinitely loved, just as you are, despite all the failings and inadequacies for which you so often negatively judge yourselves. Stop the negative self-judgments, accept and love yourselves, and enjoy the sense of peace that will arise. With so very much love, Saul. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 20, 2018 By Shelley Young, Trinity Esoterics As you continue your enlightenment journey, you understand that it is all about growth and expansion. It is because you have become aware of the importance of that expansion you will become more aware of freedom and how essential it is for all beings. You may naturally start to let go of anything that feels restrictive and start to resonate more and more with things that allow you your own unique expression of freedom. You may find yourself drawn to rearranging your work life in order to have more time to yourself. You will seek relationships that honour you in your own unique needs for self expression and growth. You will find yourself creating space in any area of your life that had become constrained or restrictive, much like you would clean out your closet and release any old clothes that are too small and uncomfortable to wear. You will also seek to honour the freedom in all other beings, as you become more aware of how essential an element it is for the health and wellness of all. You will naturally shift into supporting the freedom of others through this new level of understanding and wisdom. And it will be through this new respect for the sacredness and importance of freedom that your relationship with all things will shift and become more accepting and respectful, as well. This is yet another way that your profound growth is supporting the energies moving forward into the new earth you are all so diligently creating the foundation for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Wake up Call: St. Germaine, November 20, 2018
Nancy Tate, There is something coming that is going to wipe clean all of what is being projected for all of the planet. When that happens then you will see why this is taking place and what it is going to tell you what the next steps will be to the release of the boundaries that have been in place for so long. Go now to your own inner self and ask what the next steps are for you and it will begin the new process of clearing out what has been in place for so long that has kept you all in the boundaries of placement that keep you from releasing all of the dirt that has clouded over the truth for you. It is a matter of being in the moment and seeing it for what it is, then moving forward, for in that journey of truth is the answer for every question that you have. I will give you one more piece of news and it is that there is coming an outbreak of action that will give you all the idea that what I have told you is where you must go in order to be able to see what the truth is, and how you can move in the right direction for the freedom of being who you are and creating your world in a way that resonates with all of those who are in the same mind/heartset. I feel now that this is what you will be receiving in order to be feeling the newness of your place in life and what you are to be doing in order to live and share it with others. As for the outcome of what you will be experiencing, shall we just take a break from all of the stuff that is taking place around the world that is coming forth as what has been keeping you in the darkened state of news that has been keeping you in the past of what the truth is. It is a time now for all of you to begin opening up to what your own inner self tells you, rather than all of the news that has been coming forth and still giving you less than the truth. It is a matter of it all coming out in strings and pieces of what is actually taking place, so as you see and hear what is being revealed realize that there is more to what is being told than what you see at the moment. Some feel that to let you know all of the truth would be overwhelming, and that could be true for some of the people who have not believed what is being told on the levels of the underground news. It is a matter of those who have been listening to other sources of what they call the truth, to be able to see that there is more than what they are being told. That is what the truth is, and that is what they have been told is the wonder of the planet and the truth of the universe. We will all see what the real truth is, and how it has been hidden from so many for so long. There will come the time when it will all make sense, and it will come to so many who are now being kept in the dark news for various reasons. This will all come to a change, and the truth will be right in front of us all and will be a welcome of the open door to our new way of life in the truth of what is before us. I am St. Germain, and I go now, as I see that some of you are already changing your thoughts and are allowing the truth to set you free. Love to you dear St Germain, Nancy Tate Arcturian Group Message 11/18/18
Marilyn Raffaele, Dear readers, welcome to the new earth. "New earth" you say, "Where is it?" Enlightened ideas and the changes that follow them must first enter individual awareness and integrate before they can become a state of consciousness able to manifest outwardly. Not understanding this is why so many have become discouraged as they observe chaos and believe that nothing is happening. The integration process has been taking place on personal and global levels for some time and is now beginning to manifest outwardly. Remember, there is no un-expressed consciousness. Ascension is not a sudden flash wherein everything is suddenly different. This does occasionally happen with certain individuals who are well prepared, but in general evolution is a process, one that you are well into now. The third dimension functions in linear time and so events are unfolding in sequence as collective consciousness becomes more enlightened. Each day more awaken and recognize that many commonly accepted world beliefs are obsolete and false. This is what will usher in the new. Trust that everything is exactly where it needs to be at all times dear ones. Your job is to hold the Light of truth within and see the Light without in spite of appearances. We wish once again to speak of Love. We have spoken of love and its many disguises in other messages but it bears repeating because love is the core reality holding everything together as ONE. Every discord or disharmony experienced throughout time globally and personally is and always has been the expression of beliefs in separation--from SELF, God, others, animals, plants, and any and all life forms. There is not now, never has been, and never can be separation from the ONE except as a concept held in un-awakened minds. There is only one substance, one law, one reality, and one Source from which all things are formed--omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Divine Consciousness. You cannot make something out of nothing. How individuals interpret this depends on the level of their awareness and personal belief system which will manifest as their life experiences. You may say: "Yes, but what about those who are very evolved and have painful and devastating experiences?" These dear ones have chosen to be right where they are -- learning, growing, releasing old programming, honoring their soul contract, and fine tuning everything in order to be ready for their next and higher level of awareness. Because of the powerful Light energies now on and flowing to earth, many evolved souls chose to come and make these times their "wrapping up all remaining old stuff" lifetime which may appear to human eyes as a series of failures. Never judge another's life experiences, for many are angels in disguise even to themselves. There is an energy connecting all life forms because in reality they are all simply individual expressions of the ONE. This connecting energy is called LOVE. However, when interpreted through an un-evolved state of consciousness, one that is fully immersed in beliefs of duality and separation, the manifestations appear as war, rape, abuse etc. The ONE has not and can never change, it is the un-awakened mind's false interpretations that are manifesting. Many continue to ask; "How could God allow these things?" God knows nothing about these things, they exist only in the conditioned minds of the hypnotized un-awakened. If these things (disease, war, violence against others and animals ) were embraced within Divine Mind, they would remain in place forever held by Divine Law. The negative situations you see in the world are the manifestations of collective ignorance, false interpretations of reality, truth, and oneness. YOU ARE CREATORS. The time has arrived in which all serious students of truth must be alert to thoughts of judgement, criticism, and separation about themselves and others that are so easy to allow in at this time. Know that random thoughts are always impersonal, floating about and available in universal three dimensional consciousness until personally claimed as yours. Utilize the thoughts that seem to continually bombard your thinking as tools directing you to remaining false beliefs and concepts still being held. Energy always seeks to align with like energy (oneness). Repeating thoughts are simply "doing their thing"--drawn to and aligning with like energy. Example: A person who has experienced lifetimes of disease and illness, will automatically draw to themselves energies regarding disease--current information, symptoms etc.--anything floating about in universal human consciousness regarding illness and disease until they are able to clear this old programming. They won't accept everything, but the temptation and attraction continues as long as there is energy alignment. This is true for all types of energy carried by individuals. Becoming more aware of judgement and criticism does not mean that you accept, condone, or go along with the nefarious actions of others, rather we speak of a state of consciousness that silently and secretly acknowledges the true identity of all no matter how little they may reflect it. It is a state of consciousness able to recognize that behind another's bluster, ignorance, or even violence there is a Divine Consciousness awaiting recognition. It is imperative not to leave yourselves out of this recognition. As powerful energies of Light surface and expose global issues, they reveal personal ones as well. This is causing many serious students of truth to experience remorse, regret, and guilt as actions of the past are examined with new awareness. Leaving yourself out of Oneness, will keep you locked in duality. Never deny, resist, or try to hide from actions of the past, but rather acknowledge them as necessary parts of your learning experience. If there are actions of love you are guided to take with regard to some past action or words, then take the steps, but if this is not possible bless the "other" with Light, forgiving them as well as yourself and then move on. Release the idea that evolution must be a struggle, one in which you must seek to continually overcome and resist the facets of yourself you do not like or consider to be "nonspiritual". Attempts to squash the ego represent old religious programming in which some things were considered spiritual and other things were not. Everything is spiritual, because there is nothing else. It is only limited awareness that judges them as separate. As you do the inner work, learning to recognize and accept the reality of who you and everyone else is, the shadows created by your old state of consciousness will automatically and without conscious effort, simply drop away because the only reality they ever had in the first place was that with which you ignorantly endowed them. Gather together the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual shadow parts of yourself in a loving embrace of oneness and love. Once you are able to do this without struggle or resistance, you will find that others suffering from self loathing are drawn to your energy of self acceptance and love. You will be prepared to offer the Light of your attained state of consciousness rather than sympathetic words. Because earth is a planet of free will, everyone is free to ignore truth for as long as they wish or need to. Evolving in three dimensional energy is about learning through experience and there are many in need of more experiences before they will be ready for more. This is why there must be jails, rules, and laws in the third dimension. These things do not exist in the higher dimensions. Evolved individuals doing this type of work ( police, military, lawyers, and leaders) can do whatever needs to be done, but will discover that if they silently and secretly work from levels of oneness (love) rather than from commonly accepted beliefs of separation, the situations will result in the highest good for all involved. Awake and spiritually evolved individuals are not afraid to speak their truth or to take necessary action when intuitively guided. Living unconditional love never means being the doormat of another which in reality represents an absence of self- love. Rather, it is an individual who has reclaimed their innate power, integrated their masculine and feminine aspects, and is not afraid step forward and stand for what they intuitively know is right from a position of love. Unconditional love is very different from the concepts of love that remain alive and well in third dimensional thinking. Living from a place of unconditional love may occasionally take the form of allowing another to fall flat on their face rather than continuing to rescue them from their own creations. Earth is a school of experience in which you who are awake are becoming observers, lovingly allowing others to learn in whatever ways they need while at the same time being available should they reach out for "real" help. Evolving through experiences over lifetimes is not for the faint-hearted and has often been extremely difficult. However, as you learn to rest in God alone is Power, every facet of living will begin to unfold harmoniously in ways that you could not of planned with third dimensional thinking. As you let go of concepts of love based in ideas of separation, you make room for real love-- experiences that flow out from Oneness. Love is the reality that underlies and connects all things and is what those who thrive and benefit from separation do not wish you to know. Live truth and allow everything else to simply drop away. We are the Arcturian Group 11/18/18 Donations are welcomed A Brief Message to Lightworkers -
November 14, 2018 Caroline Oceana Ryan The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you today. And we see that there is much panic in certain parts of the world, particularly regarding very close or questionable election results in the United States, and the still uncontrolled fires in parts of California, among other issues. We wish to assure you that you are not alone in this. That you have not been abandoned, and that we are working through numerous Lightworkers to assist in establishing higher standards and forms of justice for your election system, as well as to save lives, homes, and forest areas in California and elsewhere. You are in the midst of a powerful change all around your planet. That tends to greatly threaten the old power structure, which is not used to be questioned in any concrete way. It also sees its grip on human life loosening by the minute, and this creates a panic that then pushes them to create events that throw everyday life into different forms of chaos. We ask that you not give way to fear, that you trust that in the higher sense, All is Well, and ever has been and will be. And that you will find ways to rebuild lives, and to heal those parts of the natural world now being harmed. In fact, do not even see it as harm. View it as an alchemical shift from one vibration to a much higher one. Sometimes, that can mean a removal of the old. It can mean entering a kind of void, after which a new form of living is created. Do not feel that you are alone in these situations, or that no one from the higher realms is assisting you in holding onto healthcare, keep the environment healthy, or assisting individuals as they lose seemingly everything. We are with you! You have only to call upon us for higher levels of assistance in all ways, in all times, including the encouragement to keep going, and to keep building higher forms of living and higher forms of experiencing life. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
by Ron Head Answers Ep. XV – Your greatest fear – The Council One of the recent questions that you have sent us requests that we discuss your greatest fear further. “Yes I would like further information regarding this topic.... (XIII: Is it really possible to anchor the Godself within) I assume one of the reasons we are so afraid to accept our own power and who[we] are is because accepting this also means accepting (and forgiving ourselves for) having created the state of the Earth (the "pain" and "dysfunction" as well), and taking responsibility for the fact that we ourselves put ourselves (back) here. (we choose to experience limitation and lack/separation) Would you like to comment more on this?” You are correct in what you have stated, and there are other factors, as well. Let us discuss this further, as you have requested. What would you need to ‘own’ if suddenly the doors were thrown open and you could not avoid knowing yourself as what you truly are? Could you forgive yourself for having done things, or having been party to things that are abhorrent to you? What if you have stolen, murdered, tortured another? What if you were the scourge of the earth in one lifetime? What if you took great pleasure in killing? What if the things you have done are far worse than we have mentioned? Worse in your current understanding, of course. You cannot forgive anyone who does these things now. How could you forgive yourself? Do you see the problem? Because, we promise every one of you that, in the thousands of lives that you have lived, you have done much that you do not forgive others for at this time. So the solution is that you forgive. Forgive each and every other. Period. They do not know who they are any more than you do. And they are divine creations, just as you are. Forgive yourself. Everything that you have done, said, thought, or experienced has brought you to this moment. Forgive God, or whatever you call the Divine, for allowing you to create whatever you have created. When you damn another, when you damn yourselves, you damn divinity. And quite often, you blame Divinity. “How could God have done this?” Forgiveness is not preferable. It is necessity. Because the only one damning anything is you. Now… now that you are all forgiven and ready to accept your true self, are you ready for the fact that you are so extremely powerful that, in this new environment, every single thought that you have creates new realities? Do you really have that much control of your minds? Is that a scary proposition for you? Well, this is not something that will happen when you reach a certain magical level and have this power conferred upon you. This is simply reality. Now. Has always been. You are manifesters. Every thought that you have begins to manifest into form when you have it. New possibilities begin to congeal around it as needed. Infinite possibilities. This is what starts them. Do you continue to think those thoughts? Is there power of emotion and feeling attached to them? Or do you ‘cancel’ them through intention or neglect? You can see that the illusion of time and the inertia of the material are actually blessings in disguise. They save you a lot of grief. “Oh, drop dead!” “Oh, there she is again. I wish…..” You see, it is not just your fond wishes that create. But the biggest problem, really, is that at this point you have not even reached the collective ability to throw off the centuries upon centuries of lies that you have accepted about yourselves. You suffer from monumental Stockholm Syndrome. Better what I know than what might be. We are rambling. But this is our favorite topic. How do we urge, encourage, teach what needs to be accepted? This is as essential for us as it is for you. There is no deadline. There is no hurry. But for you, the illusion of a short lifetime makes it seem so. Sorry, but there it is. You, my friends, are eternal. And at this time, the part of you that thinks you are Claire, or Fred, or Tamashiro is the only part of YOU that doesn’t know this. And that is good. It is motivation. Enough for this day. Thank you for inviting this discussion. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: by Ron Head Answers Ep. XIV – Several questions – The Council Today several questions have been answered. I answered the first myself as Council directed. Q: “How does the channel (Ron) experience guidance coming through him? I personally experience guidance as a flash of very quick images, or notions, that happen nearly instantaneously due to a mental question or pondering. Then, after that, the 'mental voice' that I hear (exactly as if I were reading a sentence from a page but simply in my mind) deciphers and attempts to translate those images/notions into thought-sentences. This mental voice often states 'You' rather than 'I' when referring to 'me', and refers to itself as 'We', or a 'collective of guides' to answer the question/pondering that is occurring. Does Ron experience something similar?” A: Ron: Almost exactly, yes. It has evolved over time and continues to do so. But this is what it is usually like. I do have to keep my ‘editor’ self from analyzing and therefore things seem to come in disjointed pieces. If I do start questioning, the flow will just stop. Usually, when I go back to look for typos and missing words, etc., I am surprised at what I read. Q: “Dear Sir, Thank you for giving us this opportunity. My answer to your question is "OUR NEED OF AN ANSWER DOES" That triggers the chanelling Sir.” Ron: When I re-read the list of questions in order to see which one triggers the incoming information, My impression is that you are entirely correct. So I asked. A: The Council: Partially correct. We will, of course, answer a question that is most in need of an answer at the time. We see our audience as a unit and respond accordingly. However, it is also true that we have an agenda. We have touched upon this often in the past. We are here to bring your attention and your understanding to the point of being able to accept the truth of your beings and realize your potentials. That is the reason that we do not use this channel’s postings to address personal questions – unless they directly lead to subjects that we find essential to all that have not been well accepted or understood. Q: “Hello. I have a very strong feeling that although we have been given much information, there are pieces that are withheld. Is it the correct time to ask for the pieces that might help? If so, then I am asking for them.” A: Council: All information is available to each. Remember that separations are illusory. There is no reason at all for the Divine to withhold anything that you may wish to know. There is, however, the fact that all information that you receive passes through all of the entirety of your being. And although you do not understand this, and may even not like the fact, the I AM that is you will see that you get what is needed and relevant. In other words, first things first. As an example, learning the reason for your current situation and how you may learn and benefit from it is more relevant to you than what you were doing 1500 years ago and where you were. That life may have extremely little to do with this one. Remember what we said about separations. This is not being controlled by anyone outside of you. But you need to come to grips with the actuality of your entire being. The divine YOU is not a fairy tale. As you rise in consciousness and understanding, there will be nothing that you cannot know or experience. No one is deciding this but you. But the egoic, or smaller, limited, self is going to need to let go of the idea he or she is “it”. And she will not like that much. Q: “Thank you for your Love. I am feeling intense energies, especially in the morning, but struggle sometimes to sense the energies later in the day. Often, I feel the ability to sense the energies relates to what I eat, otherwise ingest. What can I do to enhance the flow of these energies throughout the day?” A: Council: You are experiencing the beginnings of a process. When we say ‘you’ in this response, we are speaking to all of the readers. We have told you that the energies that you are embedded in are changing and increasing is strength and frequency. We have told you everything and everyone is being changed by this. Congratulations to those who are beginning to sense the changes. Let us discuss this a bit more in order to enable you to take better advantage of this opportunity. When you first awaken, feeling this and placing your attention upon it will be relatively easy. We suggest that you explore it for at least a few moments before you let the day’s input dilute your attention. Where do you feel it? What does it feel like? Can you feel it more? Can you immerse yourself in it? It is stronger than last time? How long can you feel it? It is a process. There may well be a morning when you do not feel it. Please do NOT berate yourself for it. You are growing. It will return. This is your life force. It does not go away. You attention may vary, however. As you do this more and more, you will find that you can spend more time with the feeling. But realize that when it becomes your natural state, it will also tend to be felt less because it will be your norm and not the exception. But placing your attention upon it and remembering the feeling will enable you to feel it when you wish to. At that point, however, you will realize that much else has changed. You are becoming able to hold energy that would have blown your circuits a short time ago.</span There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Daily Message ~ Friday November 9, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics , Shelley Young If there is a problem, there is also a solution. If there is a dream, it or an even better outcome, can become a reality. This is so because the universe contains all that is. If you cannot find your way to the end result you wish to experience, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it simply means you don’t know the steps to get there from where you are. That is when shifting into using surrender and flow becomes the wisest way to proceed for it allows your guides and helpers, along with your highest self, to take over and from their expanded vantage point, guide you to where you wish to go in the fastest most efficient way possible. It all exists for you, Dear Ones, you just must use the operating system that has the ability to get you there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 7, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics , Shelley Young So many enlightening human beings are on the planet with service agreements to be of energetic assistance. For many of you, the more chaotic the collective gets, the more you are drawn to becoming very still and spending time in your own space. This does not mean that you are going into another long drawn out phase of solitude. It simply means that the best way you can assist and hold the space for yourself and for others who have not been able to find their way to create it for themselves, is to withdraw into your own temple, so to speak, in order to be of your best energetic service. This is an automatic response that you shift into in order to anchor energy and support balance in the collective. Once the energies settle you will be off seeking your new adventures once again. Your service to yourselves, to others, and your planet will always contain elements of ebb and flow, perfectly designed to meet the needs of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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