October 2018 Message MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON MAINTAINING YOUR CALM CENTER OF PEACE Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today we wish to discuss maintaining your calm center of peace. The energetic frequencies are increasing to a higher vibrational level, and they are offering you an opportunity for advancing to higher levels of awareness. When the vibrational frequencies are increasing, conditions around you sometimes appear to be chaotic and unsettled. This is because when higher frequency energy interacts with lower frequency energy, there is a disruption in the established pattern. There may be portions of the two patterns that are not compatible, and a rearrangement must occur for the new energy to be integrated. When you are aware of this process, you can rise above the outer circumstances and view them as a detached observer. This process is much easier when you maintain a calm center of inner peace. This center is your point of reference and retreat so that you can remain focused on your spiritual path. It is the center that both grounds you and allows you to soar to the multidimensions. It acts as your anchor. When you have a secure sense with your calm center of peace, you are able to navigate throughout daily life and progress on your spiritual path. Knowing that this is your center of reference enables you to return to a point of focus whenever needed. It also connects you with the Higher Dimensions because you realize that you are more than your physical body and the immediate external conditions around you. Your internal calm center contains your Divine Spark that connects you with All That Is and helps you realize the Oneness of all of creation. With these realizations outer circumstances can be put in perspective, and you can move throughout your day while remaining centered in the knowledge of your true nature as a spiritual Being. Connecting with your calm center of peace begins with remembering that it is always there for you. You may wish to pause throughout the day to connect with your calm center of inner peace. This resides in your heart center. As soon as your turn your awareness inward to your heart center, you begin to relax and feel calmer. You can focus on your breath to help your mind and body relax. As you do this, you are turning your attention from outer circumstances to your inner center. The outer conditions are still there, but you have shifted your attention inward to a higher spiritual awareness. As you continue to focus on your heart center and breathe in and out gently, you become more peaceful and relaxed. As this occurs, you remember that you are a Being of Light. You are also aware that, in addition to your own advancement, you are here to play your part for highest good for all of humanity and the planet. You may receive insights and ideas about your spiritual path that will allow you to continue to advance, and you can communicate more clearly with the Higher Dimensions. This occurs more easily when you are in your calm center of inner peace. It acts as a foundation upon which you can rise and continue on your ascension path. You are able to rise to the Higher Dimensions on a strand of Light and return to the foundation of your calm center as you desire. This allows you to function as a multidimensional Being of Light. The more you function at a multidimensional level, the more your consciousness expands. You may find yourself receiving glimpses of other dimensions and star systems along with increased insights from Star Beings of Light on all levels, including the Angelic Realm and the Ascended Masters. As you receive these insights, you are aware that maintaining your calm center of inner peace is your point of ascension consciousness. It is here that you ask for highest good. With this awareness, you include highest good as part of your intentions on your spiritual path. An aura of peace radiates out from you, and you are a Light for highest good. Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on maintaining your calm center of inner peace. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2018 Linda M. Robinson, PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected].
Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 25, 2018
By Trinity Esoterics through Shelley Young on Sep 25, 2018 08:47 am For enlightening human beings, how you interact with your family members and significant others can be the most challenging area to transform. This is because it is the area where your conditioning is greatest, and old habits can be well established, running automatically without your conscious awareness. So how do you address this? Just like with any other area you wish to evolve, with intention, your true desire to change, and greater awareness. The key is to step out of automatic responses, into more conscious interaction. Try to be more aware. If you catch yourself reacting unconsciously, stop and feel into the situation. Is this an old pattern that doesn’t even match who you are anymore? How would you like to approach this now, based on your latest level of attainment? If you have already reacted in an old way that doesn’t match how you would like to approach things now, simply address it in that moment. Apologize and readjust. This is a powerful act of shifting the energy. Consciously practice empathy for your loved ones. Try to look at them with new eyes and feel into their perspective. Take an observant role. What are they afraid of? What are they struggling with? What do they need to feel safe and loved? What can you do to break the old pattern of interaction? Practice self awareness. What is looking to be acknowledged and healed within yourself to release these old patterns? Are you practicing self care? The more aligned and balanced you are, the more you will be able to stay in an empowered space while interacting with those you love. Last, we suggest you be the love. Being the love doesn’t mean you accept being treated inappropriately by anyone. It is never loving to support someone in showing up in such a limited version of self. Sometimes it is necessary to anchor love and make the choice to love someone from afar until they can learn to interact in ways that are more appropriate. Holding the space with boundaries that support wellness and healthier connection is transformative. Be easy with yourself and others as you create these new ways of interacting. Big changes come from small consistent steps. If you fall into reactivity or old patterns, simply be aware and redirect. Like anything else, with practice it will become easier and easier. So lead with love, Dear Ones, both for yourself and those closest to you as you tackle this area of transformation, and you will be able to change your dance with others into something much more enjoyable for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Have a wonderful day ! Love, Shelley Arcturian Group Message 9/23/18
Onenessofall.com [email protected] Dear readers, welcome to these times in which the birthing of a new consciousness both personally and globally is taking place. You are ready. It is time. You have paid your dues in preparation and were aware that a great deal of chaos would be taking place, yet you chose to come because you wanted to be here and be a part of it. Many others wanted to be on earth as well but were deemed not sufficiently prepared for the shift of consciousness now taking place. You came into this lifetime with the intention of completing anything unfinished from other lifetimes and tie up loose ends with regard to people and belief systems. Completing something left unfinished from another lifetime is often the reason two people marry only to discover that they have nothing in common. Relationships of this sort frequently represent the pre-birth intention of one or both to bring closure and resolution to something unresolved involving the person who is now the partner or others in the family group. When an individual feels spiritually prepared, he/she often chooses to be born into a family or situation that is enmeshed in the particular belief system or issue that he feels ready to clear from himself. By doing this, the energy of the issue that he still carries (strict religious beliefs, male domination, abuse,etc. ) is reactivated, and the person once again finds themselves a part of the particular negative pattern. However, now, having attained a higher level of awareness, he/she is able to see it from a new level, rise beyond it, clear it from cellular memory, and once and for all be free of something that may very well have plagued him/her through lifetimes. When some negative energetic situation that has been carried through family lineage for lifetimes is finally healed and dissolved in this higher way rather than just humanly repressing it, the lineage is broken and descendents will no longer inherit it. The particular issue or belief system can no longer exist in his/her experience because his/her awakened consciousness no longer holds the substance from which the issue was formed in the first place and so is no longer being created. This is why the best people to help others with some particular problem, are those who have been through and risen above that same problem. It is not unusual for an evolved soul to choose to experience and then rise above some three dimensional issue such as alcoholism in order to serve as a light for others. Remaining stored cellular memory from intense experiences of both good and bad are and have been clearing from your energy field for some time. A great deal of clearing takes place as you sleep and is often reflected in dreams. Some energy clearings manifest physically as unexpected aches or pains which can be intense and traumatic if the person is unaware of what is happening. Clearings of this sort usually just fade away (some more quickly than others) as their frequencies shift to new and higher levels. You knew and were prepared to do the required inner work before incarnating--work that would enable you to add the Light of your awakened consciousness to the universal three dimensional consciousness that holds mankind in bondage. Never doubt that you knew what you needed to do before coming and that you were also aware that some of it would be difficult. Experiences judged to be failures according to third dimensional thinking are more often than not graduations for the serious student of truth--experiences that are necessary in order to better recognize some false concept or belief they may still hold. Consider any so called "failures" to be simply notches on your awareness belt. If you are living the truth, then you are doing the work dear ones. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be and that everything is proceeding according to plan because you as humans are not really running the show. Try not to despair or fall back into the hypnotism of three dimensional appearances, becoming enmeshed in the games of duality and separation that are being played out at this time even if those around you say you must be more practical. (According to their belief system) . The real essence of every individual regardless of appearances, is and can only ever be Divine Consciousness because that is all there is. Those who do not yet know this live their lives according to the false concepts and beliefs that make up third dimensional consciousness. Your job is to silently acknowledge the reality behind all appearances at all times and in all circumstances. A consciousness imbued with truth can actually shift another out of their illusions if the other is receptive. This is Light work. ONE WITH GOD IS A MAJORITY Many still think of Light workers as being only those who channel, are active in one or more healing modalities, or teach classes of spirituality, etc. Light work is nothing more than living out from (be-ing) your highest awareness of truth in each and every mundane and seemingly ordinary activity of the day. You are a Light worker when you silently and secretly acknowledge the Divine nature of the person serving your table at lunch, the person collecting your garbage, and your child's teacher, as well as the CEO of some large and possibly corrupt corporation or your nosy neighbor. No one is more Divine than another in spite of appearances to the contrary, some are simply more awake than others. It is folly and separation at its finest to worship some person from the past or present simply because they know and live realities that are fully present within all. Like it or not, you become a Lightworker the moment you awaken to truth and cannot go back to the seemingly more easy life you think you had when spiritually asleep. The Genie of awareness can never be put back in the bottle although many try when life becomes difficult. Have you ever attempted to once again be the old you, the one you were when you simply believed what you were told and had many like minded companions only to have an annoying little inner voice say; "You damn fool."? Everyone chooses to live on earth in three dimensional energy in order to gain wisdom and eventually remember their Divine nature through experiences of duality and separation. In order to do this, an individual must experience all facets of third dimensional living--being male, being female, being a warrior, being a king, being beggar, being black,white, red, brown, being homosexual, being heterosexual, being smart, being dumb etc. etc. The retarded person you feel sorry for may very well have chosen the experience and is not atoning for anything done in the past, as many believe. Experiencing a mentally handicapped life may well have been on the soul's "bucket list" so to speak. Difficult lives are planned before incarnation with the help of Guides and input from those around the person who will be affected as well because they too will learn and evolve from the experience of being the parent, sibling, teacher, caregiver, etc.) Never categorize a person or situation because the reality behind appearances can never be fathomed. Even the most intelligent human mind is by itself very limited. There are the accumulated energies of hundreds of lifetimes and interactions playing out in most all human situations, much more than can ever be analyzed with three dimensional thinking. It is difficult not to judge and become angry as the darker side of humanity continues to be exposed. These times are especially problematic for those who have believed in and relied on falsehoods promoted by ignorant and un-awakened governments, religions, experts, friends, and family. At this time, the world of illusion is collapsing for many and they believe they have no where to go. Lightworkers do not ignore world problems nor does it mean they cannot assist those who find themselves floundering in the midst of their collapsing belief system. Rather, this is where and when Lightworkers silently, secretly, and sacredly do the work. Often the action of simply throwing out a tiny seed of truth, nothing more, along with love and gentle support, will serve to open a tiny crack that allows the suffering one to begin seeing life on a higher level. Some will plant the seed they have been given and others will not, but that is not your concern. Learn to live as an observer in these chaotic times, simply doing whatever it is you do from a level of consciousness that has learned to be detached from outcomes and does not give the power of spiritual reality to appearances. At this point you are aware that there is no death and that three dimensional situations can only exist as long as they are energetically fed. The material world you see and experience with your physical senses is in reality, the very real spiritual world being interpreted and viewed through the limited awareness of a third dimensional consciousness that consists of concepts and beliefs in duality and separation. Man, as an expression of the one and only Power and Reality, is a creator. What are you choosing to create? We have brought this up many times, but it must be reiterated because many, even some considered to be spiritually awake, believe themselves to be at the mercy of outside people, places, and things, and until they allow the truth they know to become their attained state of consciousness, they will be. Lower, denser, and heavier frequencies are unable to align with and enter into Light. Your defense and shield is always your enlightened consciousness. Trust your intuition always, and know that we are not saying that you can walk down some dark alley in an unsafe part of town with only an intellectual knowledge of this truth and expect no harm to come. We are saying that your state of consciousness appears outwardly as form. Never doubt that you bring your state of consciousness with you wherever you go because it is you. Entering a convent or monastery, or moving to another state or home simply to avoid some unpleasant situation will not eliminate the experiences. They may take a different form, but if the energy of them is still present, it will manifest. Consciousness always expresses itself. Learn to be the consciousness you are (I AM) rather than just bearing witness to it outside of yourself (separation). As you live each day from your highest level of awareness, more will be given. Truth flows energetically and increases as you allow what you already have to flow out. Consciousness can not exist as empty space, and the truth you live and allow to flow out immediately fills in with more. Truth is infinite. All third dimensional situations are temporary and many of you have reached a readiness to leave behind the things that may be holding you in bondage to something finished. You are ready to be free. It is time. We are the Arcturian Group 9/23/18 Donations are welcomed An Equinox Message
Inspired by Archangel Hope Dear Ones, We are speaking today of merging. Merging means to be fully immersed in the Light of the Universal Presence, aligned with your most essential self, embracing and welcoming the Creative Force into your Earthly body. This process leads to Wholeness and a full integration as you become a Divine Human active in the world. There are aspects of this merging process that are being reflected upon your Earth now. You are seeing conflagration of vast tracts of forest land. These massive fires are larger than have ever been seen by humankind. But what is also going on in this process is not just the scorching of the Earth and the devastation of life and property, there are clear analogies available between the transformative process you are experiencing, and the ancient process of Balance within Nature. For eons, the environment has depended upon the wild fires to clear away the old and non-essential within the forest freeing the natural life forms to thrive in their habitats. We liken this to your relinquishment of old thoughts and attitudes, which can be seen as the invasive species of mass consciousness. Just as the heat of the fire is the catalyst necessary for seeds to be released to create new life in the forest, the heat of your transformation is raising your frequencies enabling you to expand your awareness, and let go of all that no longer serves you. In order to grow into the crystalline form of your light body, the fires of transformation clear away the extraneous releasing the old patterns that are not evolving in order for new forms to birth within you. The trees have been teaching you for many years now with their clear demonstrations of alignment and photosynthesis. You are using Light as food and nourishment for the creation of your subtle light bodies. The nourishment the tree roots are receiving is naturally raised up the ascending currents within the trunk. In the same way the ascending currents within the spiritual core of your being are raising your spiritual energy from the base of your spine and also bringing the feminine nourishment from within the Earth up into your heart. The tree attracts and feeds upon the sun light, absorbing Light into its needles or leaves and bringing that powerful energy into the the full body of the tree with the natural descending current. The ancient yogis have spoken of this natural current as your connection to the Light of Infinite Intelligence that descends through your energy system so you can integrate divinity into your human form. Trees become the ultimate demonstration of the alignment and merging of Heaven and Earth through a living being. You have been diligently integrating your Universal Selves and your earthly human selves. Through this you are activating the crystalline body that will allow you to use the new frequencies as a transformative tool within your lives. Through all of this activity, you are setting into motion the evolutionary process of fully manifesting as the Divine Human, one who is able to live from higher dimensional awareness while in physical form. You do not need to leave your body to ascend into higher consciousness. As you go through the fires of evolutionary chaos, know you are a catalyst for the birthing of a new form of humanity, one that lives in harmony with Nature and is able to rise above the destruction so that new life abounds in full creative expression on the Earth and within your own life. Allow yourself to be grateful that you are conscious of this blessing. You are transmuting the old to create the new. Hope is fulfilling this mission. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Hope September 19, 2018 www.ShantaGabriel.com Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. God's New Series - Heavenletter #6447 Death is Like a Debut, September 20, 2018 God said: Beloved, you may have always welcomed good ideas about death. You have heard that you have had the experience of death a time or two before, yet you don’t recall, and you may want to avoid the subject of death altogether. You are inclined to put it off. You hesitate about what may proceed death more than the actual moment of saying goodbye this time around. Truly, you have had the tendency to hoard life. You are reluctant to turn life in. Given a choice, you might hold onto life forever. You would teeter on the precipice of death as long as you could. You may not have loved every moment of life. Still, You don’t want to sign off and let go of your toe-hold. Although there may have been times when you theoretically would have liked to sign off on life on a trial basis, you never did take the step. You might not now even if a trial basis happens to be available. Look, you haven’t trusted life, and you don’t quite trust death either. Of course, concerning death, the burning fires may be rumors or hearsay. You’ve also heard that the bad place may actually occur in life on earth anyway. What you could look forward to is mingling in Heaven with Christ and Buddha and all the others of note and God Himself, of course, and the angels and seeing once again all who in life meant so much to you and you have longed for with all your heart to see and catch up on old times. You wonder if you really have to continue with crying. You like to think that God could provide less than sadness surrounding death. What makes the first entrance into death so difficult is that, at least initially, it’s all or nothing. So, in this sense, you take your chances. Another life may not be guaranteed a golden one to you. Ouch, there are no money-back guarantees. You don’t know, for a fact, that you are given choices or even a complaint department to go to. If there were a complaint department to go to, it might be so full, and it might take a lifetime before you would reach your turn in line. Given the odds, you might give up on dying and just roll over and go back to sleep before going through any more thinking it through.Tomorrow is another day. You do wish you could think of death as a beginning rather than a departure. Your situation is that you just never know. Death might come with a blank slate. To the best of your knowledge, there are no try-outs, no dress rehearsals, no choosing beforehand. You just take your chances. There are no signed guarantees. How do you really know that death can be sweet? In death, there are no bibliographies, no order forms, and as best as you can tell, no trying on or refittings on request. It appears that there are no refunds. You just don't know. Things Seem to be Chaotic – The Council
September 12, 2018/ Ron Head, Oracles & Healers When you look around you in your now, things seem to be chaotic. They couldn’t get much worse. Well, yes, what you are looking at can get more chaotic, and soon will. Remember what we have said many times, you cannot build a new house until you raze the old. In the case of what you have had until now, remodeling would not work. The wood rot in the very framing is far too extensive. You will not find it pretty, but you need to see it so that you never allow it again. Several other things should be changed at the same time. We see that there is far too much animosity and spite being hurled around. Calling each other names and threatening them with harm is only not unproductive. It delays much of what needs to happen for the collective as well as for the individual. There are millions seeking to raise their vibrations at this time. This is a wonderful occurrence. More are joining in, literally every day. However, many are still allowing the negative to be a part of their daily intake – and output. This is like trying to get somewhere while taking a step back after every step forward. As we have taught elsewhere, you cannot be in the light while you hold another in darkness. You cannot be loving and still harbor hatred. Now, if we may, let’s take a more positive tack. The incoming light, the new energy environment that your planet is passing into, continues to increase in frequency and effect. Those who are accepting what is available are noticing a wide variety of personal change. Some are seeing what they have never seen before. Some are going through great changes in their personal circumstances. Some are slowly discovering abilities that they never dreamed of having. If you wish to witness this, however, you will only find it in personal interaction. It is not going to be in the news. Your media does not give even a moment’s attention to anyone’s inner development. If one were to make that personal development their focus, their entire view of the world would transform almost immediately. How so, you ask. First, it is time. It is time because humanity has said so. Second, now that your collective souls have asked for and accepted it, there are vast numbers of others ready and urgently waiting to help in your efforts. “How do we know that? And how do we know we can change? Things have always been this way. That’s what reality is.” May we gently point out to you that you have almost no concept of what reality is? Even more gently, please understand that it is not required that you know. It is only required that you begin to accept the possibility of change. Toss the unexplainable fiction of a loving God that can be so angry at you that he smites you and then burns you forever. Understand your Creator as one who has made you out of All That Is and that you are therefore an integral part of Her/Him. God can have only love for something that is, even in your understanding, a reflection OF God. As a reflection of your Creator, you are a creator. You might find it very enlightening to begin each day with the intention to create the best day that you are able. Seven billion people doing that would have a new world built in short order. One person doing that would have a new world built for herself in an equally short time. And what you do not see very clearly yet is that, that person’s world will affect all of the others. You CAN change your world. Daily Message ~ Monday September 10, 2018
By Shelley Young, Trinity Esoterics on Sep 10, 2018 11:58 am Many of you are in the process of releasing old belief systems, many of which have been conditioned into you by others. One of the most prevalent is that you are not enough. Dear Ones, it is impossible for you to ever be not enough, for you are exactly, perfectly you – a beautiful individuated aspect of Source, showing up with the exact traits you required for your growth, expansion, and self expression, and desired experiences throughout your incarnation. Anyone who has tried to tell you that you were lacking in any way, was, by that very action, letting you know that they were not qualified to judge you, for any being who truly was qualified to see you in your truth and judge you would have no interest in doing so. All they would see is your divine perfection, and look at you through the eyes of acceptance and unconditional love, and celebrate you for being exactly as you are. Isn’t it time to shrug off that old idea that you can ever not be enough and simply start to shine in your beautiful, ever-evolving truth? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young God's New Series - Heavenletter #6431 Is There an Argument?, September 4, 2018
God said: Beloved, who is to say that you are to be other than I made you? Who is it that dares to say you are to re-sort yourself or to be restarted? Who has the God-given right to decide for you? You are responsible for yourself. You are not at the will of everyone who believes he or she knows better. I made you. You and I, as One, made you. Beloveds, I give you Free Will over yourself. You are not free game. In a marriage ceremony, it is said: “Let no man take asunder.” Who is there to decide you are to change into someone else? Alas, often in the so-called world, for one reason or another or for no reason at all, you may decide you are supposed to be made in another’s image. Beloved, you have your identity that belongs to you. It is yours, not anyone else’s. I say to everyone: “I made you in My Image. No one is to rewrite what I have written. Know every child of Mine as I set him forth. Let him be.” I never gave permission to anyone to take you over to be remodeled according to however he or she may deem to construe you. Look, when you are in school, there are others whose ideas are forcibly set before you. Of course, be courteous without giving your will away. Others are to give you free governance as well. It is perfectly fine for you to be as you are instead of the way someone else wants to decide for you. My Will be done. It isn’t My Will that you be taken over by anyone, no matter how well intentioned they may be. The most learn-ed person of personality on Earth isn’t to juxtapose you according to his will. Who in the world is to say that you are to be different according to his or her standards? Let not might be right. You are not to be subjoined. Each soul has his sacred rights. At the same time, dear freedom-lovers, this isn’t to say that you are sacrosanct. Yes, of course, you are free to take yourself into account. This isn’t to say that you have the liberty to impinge on others at your will either. Everyone is to be granted mercy and goodness. Freedom belongs to all. Is there any argument here? I repeat this theme of life to all: There is room at the Inn for all. No one is to be force-fed. No one has the right to impugn on another what religion he must believe in. Why would someone cramp how someone else feels in his heart when there is room for all at the Inn? Beloveds, I do not cavort with ego. I say there is room for all. Is this not clear? By what right does any other on land deign to take over another’s heart of hearts? Who can assert over another what he ought to feel or think or believe? Where does this idea come from? Where does this idea come from as if it were a divine right? This is not a consideration. This looks a lot like bullying. To no other have I assigned the right to take over your mind and heart. I say no. I say you are to decide for yourself. No one is to decide that you are to be remade in his image. What moxie is this? I do not concede this right to anyone. Dear, no one is to make up such decisions as if in My Name. All My Children are holy, including yourself, yes or no? Not one of My Children is authorized to take over for even one of My other Children. Hands off. No one is authorized to take over for Me. You are each My Beloved. Be My Beloved. No one is to deem to take you over in My Name. Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/is-there-an-argument.html Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ Mail Address: Gloria Wendroff 104 W Lowe Ave Fairfield, IA 52556 |
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