Ready, Steady, GO!
It is time to ready/steady yourself for another go. The Universe is asking you to be fully prepared for everything you know about your world to be changed. This will be happening in any way you choose…the only thing that will not occur is a stand-still. Some parts of the shift will be surprising, others will not. If you have been reluctant to use your voice, your opportunity is now! (Smiling) Stand in your truth knowing that with pure love, pure intent and pure truth, all will be well. ~ Creator Creator Writings Aug 19, 2019 Thinking that the past or present, Dear One, somehow forecasts the future, neglects the otherwise obvious facts:
That one of the greatest certainties of all time and space is that things always get better. That no matter how challenging any given setback is, eventually it will make possible the attainment of even greater heights than were previously imaginable. And that you knew exactly what you were doing when you once said, "Time and space? I'm totally there, dude..." You always were hip - The Universe TUT- A Note From The Universe |
PLEASE SHARE this site & these messages widely. We are all connected & everyone benefits. WE ALL WIN.
This is a FREE site - nothing to commit to, buy & is intended to boost humanity towards awakening, assist Gaia & generally raise the vibe/consciousness of as many as possible. We all learn together... but we all need to receive these messages ! While I could use the support, as I am neither rich nor funded or even working apart from my art, that remains my main means. Please visit my ART pages to learn more about my art. DAVO ABRAHAM - YOUR VISION
You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with “reality”. Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered. Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/11/98 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry) Archangel Gabriel Message
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that when you embrace the unfoldment, you are activating the path of ease because you are choosing to move with what is fully supported for your highest good in your present moment. This is exactly how you shift out of efforting through unsupportive energies into harnessing the full blessings, guidance, and wisdom of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young GLOW WITH THE FLOW & FLOW WITH THE GLOW!, Davo LOVE is THE answer to everything. Love is all that truly exists & lasts eternally , the rest of it, the fear is an ILLUSION in our minds.
Life on earth is a hologram type of experience, while the truth of who we are lies in our hearts- in the ethers |
Everything exists for joy. There is not one other reason for life than joy. We’ve got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching. In other words, we’re not trying to get brownie points from some other galaxy. We’re not trying to get someplace else; we’re not trying to get it done, because there is no ending—we cannot get it done. Everything exists for the purpose of joy in the moment.
Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 5/11/02
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Everything exists for joy. There is not one other reason for life than joy. We’ve got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching. In other words, we’re not trying to get brownie points from some other galaxy. We’re not trying to get someplace else; we’re not trying to get it done, because there is no ending—we cannot get it done. Everything exists for the purpose of joy in the moment.
Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 5/11/02
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We've been the beneficiaries of so much love & goodness, direction & great encouragements from the Heavens for which you the readers will be the beneficiaries - it's unbelievably exciting! We are so blessed!
(the answer = unlimited.. stay plugged in to this dramatically evolving site & you will be transformed if you allow it )
(the answer = unlimited.. stay plugged in to this dramatically evolving site & you will be transformed if you allow it )
No matter what it is, if you really want it,
and if you get out of the way of it, it will
happen. It must be. It is Law. It can be
no other way. It's the way this Universe is
established. If you want it and you relax,
it will happen.
and if you get out of the way of it, it will
happen. It must be. It is Law. It can be
no other way. It's the way this Universe is
established. If you want it and you relax,
it will happen.
LOVE - alpha to omega - love is all there is & love never fails! Welcome to Are you ready? Then let's go ! is about building bridges for people to the inner self/truth/the Universe/GOD - to divine LOVE via the heart (but we leave the "e"go out of Hartbridge). Become the dream-best you can be. Our art, messages & our love are here to help you. And together we, as ONE again, will change the world one heart at a time. Let's do this! It's going to be a wild ride! The heavens are with us & within us... ; building bridges to "h'arts" & leaving the "e"go out
We believe among other tools ART is a very powerful way not only to express oneself but to be a great fuel for others
Our ART tells stories of love, energy, creation, going inward, precious you are & it carries such energies wherever it goes
Heavenletters: In Oneness, You Toss Your Heart High in the Sky
God said: Yes, you are a Nomad in the Earth world. You are an Explorer, a Scout, a Discoverer, a Traveler, a Seeker of All that can be Sought. You are everyone in Existence. You are more than a fragment of yourself. You are not stranded. You are not set apart. You are Oneness tossing your Heart High in the Sky. You map out your Life. One way or another, your Name is Love. You tend to abscond with Love and save it for a rainy day. In order to hold on to Love, let it go. This is the way. No one successfully binds Love. There is no thread that can tie Love up tight. In order to love, toss all your Love away. This is the way Love finds its way back to you. To sustain Love, let go of it. Give all your Love away. Throw all your Love to the Mighty Sun, and then more Love chases after you and sweeps you off your feet. The spirit of Love requires Freedom. Freedom is Love’s Second Name. Love is a Free Spirit. This is how Love thrives. There is no Love to lay down in a prescribed way. Love has to breathe freely. Love discovers itself. It is said that you fall in Love. May you rise to Love. Dear Ones, there is no happy ever after when you pin someone else’s Love down. Another’s Love must be Free, or it is not Love. It’s not for you to confiscate another’s Love. Love is free, or it is not Love. Love has to be given to you. Otherwise, you are left with a fistful of straw. Love asks for nothing. There are no prerequisites or reprisals to Love. Love is free, or Love is not. You don’t exact Love. Love doesn’t have to look a certain way. No one owns another’s Love. Love isn’t to be regimented. Love is not to be lined up. Love tied up in knots, made to follow a certain structure stifles Hearts. Love is to be the Outpouring of Joy. Another’s Love is not under your jurisdiction. Love is to remain the Joy from the Heart of the One it comes from. No one has to fill Your Heart to the brim. You cannot make a list to be followed.. Everyone is free to Love you. No one is obliged to Love you or to Love you as you choose. How someone initiates Love to you or returns Love to you isn’t your call. No one is obligated to Love you or restore your Heart. No one is to lay down the Laws of Love to another’s Heart except by choice. No one has the say over your Heart. No one has authority over your Heart. Hearts are not to be legislated. Take your hands off another’s Giving of Love. There are Laws of Mathematics, and they are to be followed. There are Traffic Laws the same. Stringent Laws for Love have also been laid out in the world. However, the Main Rule of Love that ventures forth from an Open Heart is that Love must be allowed to be free. Love cannot be mandated. Mandating Love closes Love down. Love must be given freely. No one is to engineer another’s Love. Love isn’t to be commanded as to how it is to be issued forth. There is no patent on Love. Love cannot be hand-cuffed. Love holds no prisoners. No matter how deserving you may be, you are not in charge of another’s Love. Another’s Love is not to be bound to another’s Will. You can’t decide another’s Love. You can’t predetermine another’s expression of Love, and perhaps not even your own. You may not always live up to your own standards. Heavenletters: Channel: Gloria Wendorff THE JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF YOUR HEARTMountains, valleys, beautiful streams, sounds spectacular & quiet moments
of discover lie ahead. With excitement in our hearts we're trekking on, but doing our very best to notice everything along the path wherever it leads. WHERE WE ARE HEADED (we think...)Our pictures blogging & block quotes will quickly give you the drift of it, & the thing is everything changes constantly even though we would like to cling to our comfort zones, our habits, our patterns & so on, the universe as well as our inner truth has much better ideas for a life of meaning that will stretch us into becoming our absolute best... we're going with the latter. We're as terrified as you are at times & other times our courage & trust in God rises up to where it needs to be, but none-the-less we're going. Come with us!
Have you ever thought,".. there's gotta be something MORE..."
"Why do I feel SO flat? It's the same old, same old? Why am I SO stuck?" "I've tried everything, but I'm still stuck in the same situation" "God why aren't you helping me?" I've prayed like crazy- so why.....? I was there, but not any more. I am outta my mind with excitement, love, gratitude, positivity on a progressively consistent basis. Even as I write this, after many years of massive struggles & my mother is on death's door & I have no money, I am FINALLY feeling absolutely incredible. There's lots of work to do & I am a work in progress, but this path I have taken has apparently worked & IS STILL GAINING GREAT MOMENTUM ! The path I have taken has been different that what I'm witnessing out there on the net & I would like to help others reach this same happiness. Through my blog I hope to help. Perhaps there will be books, CD's etc, but it won't be about money & keeping great secrets, but I will be guided when it happens, I just don't know the how yet, Sincerely,Davo We'll do our best to meet your needs within the scope of what we offer & fully expect we will stumble & bumble along as we go -we will be under construction regularly - we are undermanned, under-financed & overwhelmed with creative ideas & vast profound truths ... it's going to take some WORK! Yeehaw! Vulnerability is where God shines & that's what we have faith in... The Ocean Of LightPosted on August 3, 2016by NewSunUnityFrom heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
First we want to say that languages on Earth limit our ability to express ourselves fully. Often times when we want to deliver our messages, we are in that situation, where what we hold in our hearts can not be translated or expressed verbally. As we have stated previously, we do not belong to any political or religious organization, nor is it our intention to create such things. We do not wish to cause fear to anyone, or offend anyone. We are not here to change you, we are here only to remind you of who and what you truly are. You are magnificent. Each of you are phenomenal beings, beyond your imagination. The word that seems to be big on your planet is God, and that is what we will say, you are gods, each and everyone of you. And we are fully aware that with this statement many of you will be affected, some in positive ways and some in negative ways. We ask you to bear with us. You, the being, the soul that you are in this moment, you have two constituent elements. One being light, the other being love. They are one. Meaning, you are made from light and love. From that energy of light and love Creation is constituted, light and love is creation. From that energy is made every being in the universe. The human race on this planet and other planets , other races that exist in the universe, animals, plants, minerals, planets, nature, etcetera. From the smallest organism to the greatest, each contains that energy, that light and love, the energy of creation. That is why we say you must have respect for all life, for every everything that exists. The universe is an ocean of light and love. Which means, every being that exists stems from it. In the higher heart, not your physical heart but the etheric heart which is located in the center of your chest, there is the soul. And there within the soul resides which translated in your language is called the “god ray”. You are it, you are that ray, it is your true essence. That means you and every living thing in the universe are part of this ocean of consciousness, of light and love. There is no physicality in this ocean, as you know light and love are not physical. What does this mean? Everything that is physical, is only an illusion. Everything that is physical is merely a creation of your mind. Indeed it does not exist, but it is created by your mind to experience all of this that you have experienced so far. You see how powerful your mind is, let alone your spirit or god ray. From the ego mind is created the whole illusion, is created personality. Where one begins to feel different, separated from others, thinking one is better or weaker than others, and so on, forgetting that in fact it is one with all, because its spark is also part of the ocean. A drop in the ocean, this statement is used by you to belittle someone, but to us it is the complete opposite. You are a drop in the ocean, but as great as the ocean is the drop, everything the ocean contains, all the attributes, contains also that single drop, there would be no existence without the other, because once again in truth there is no separation, all is one and one are all. Which means God is not as you understand, it is not one entity somewhere up in the sky, that controls every movement you make like a figure in a game of chess, or staying in distress, anxiously watching every move you make of every moment waiting to judge and condemn you. Creation is always in light and love, always in your heart. Once again, all is light and LOVE. Everything that exists, know well that you have been and continue to be a co-creator of this universe. No being is less than the other. Every being is equal to everything else in the universe. Everything is a reflection of one of your many aspects. The Souls that you know as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Zeus, Thoth, Michael, Gabriel, and many others who walked this planet, you are just as great as they because everything is from the same source of creation. You are creation experiencing what you have created yourself, experiencing yourself in different aspects. Many of you will ask yourself, what Creator am I, what have I created, how can I create. Beloveds, every thought of yours, your every word, every act of yours is pure energy, it is living energy, it is ethereal, it is pure light, although on this planet you can not see it with your eyes, yet. Any time when you think, say a word, or commit an act, waves of that force which is ethereal is issued by consciousness and touches everything else on the planet, affects the entire planet and beyond, it is amplified and returns back to you. That is why we say your thoughts create your reality. Thinking the good, manifests many goods, but the same applies if you think the bad. For this reason we have told you your way of thinking must change if you want to experience the higher dimensions, because your thoughts on those dimensions manifest at that moment you think them. Always have positive thoughts, no matter your life circumstances. This is the way you create, simply by thinking, you create your reality. The future is not written in any books. Again you are the creators of your reality, in your life, you are solely responsible for your decisions and actions and happenings in your life. Your soul, you then are eternally one with creation, one with All That Is, we are never really separated from it, but you, an aspect of thine own have decided to create this illusion, these dimensions to experience separation, fear, arrogance, poverty, prosperity, and many others, playing different roles in different lifetimes, because with experience expands the spirit, expands creation. Then comes the time where the spirit finally decides to give an end to the illusion, remove the veil from the eyes, to see that death does not exist but is simply a transition to another experience, spirit sees itself in its own truth, it sees itself in the ocean of oneness and realizes that it has always been IT. The reason one decides to uplift to higher dimensions is to simply return home, to increasingly become more aware of the existence to become aware that it is the existence. As we have said from experience grows the light and love of the spirit. You can eternally experience e greater state of joy. True wisdom comes only from experience, the real lesson comes from experience. The phenomena of existence cannot be found in books. The truth of creation lies in your heart. Whenever you want you can connect with your heart, with creation. The only thing you need to experience the connection, communication with creation , with your true self, is silence. We recommend that you make a short journey, the journey is 33 centimeters long(13 inches), pass from the head to the heart. Listen with the heart, see with the heart, feel with your heart, and always to think and act with heart. From the heart flows only love. Than will you slowly start to recognize your true self and being. It would help if you stop for 15 minutes a day or more in a peaceful place, to relax, quiet your mind, release the outside world, simply keep your attention at the center of your chest and imagine a golden rose or color that you prefer, and see that rose slowly opening and expanding. This symbolizes your heart opening, being freed from negative energies, growing and recognizing that everything is as it should to be. Recalling that your true essence is the energy of love. Spend everyday every moment filled with love for all, for all life for all existence. Let love be your intention, let love flow like a river from your heart to all, without distinction. Let love be your intention. From heart to heart, KejRaj. |
We believe in experiencing life to the full, but the experience needs to be viewed from a place of pure positive energy in order to see that everything is in essence good and that every cloud has a silver lining. At the end of the day, we will all discover that this is a journey of discovery - it is an opportunity to experience life to the full from both sides of the coin; both the yin & the yang, but the greatest truth of all is LOVE in all its divine meanings. And it is only from that perspective that we can ever truly see the light in all it's completeness.
This is a journey of every sort of experience, some of which we must take alone, but ultimately as we realize we are all connected, we need to come together & share our experiences & guide one another. is intended to be a forum for our discoveries spiritually in its various forms - a place of sharing in order to enrich that journey & to strengthen us all for the climbs ahead. We want empower you from the heart! This site is about YOU acheiving your individual greatness from which we all benefit! It's focus is LOVE & 'one's' connections to it. We are not here pushing sales & memberships etc on you. We will have artworks & products available as a supportive service to you surrounding you with good energy. A portion of these proceeds will be used to advance further efforts to help the world. We're onto something EXTREMELY SPECIAL here. How we'll ultimately go about this passing on of information remains to be seen as we're never given the complete picture... However, the dream that attracted all of this was ENORMOUS & we've been witnessing, as this spiritual movement takes flight, that are missing links as well as minor distortions leading to quite massive potentialities that are going un-addressed "out there". We are aware of some of those ingredients. It's not our purpose to dismantle or criticize others, but somehow we are seeing an urgency to reach out with a more complete picture... it WILL HAPPEN at the divinely orchestrated time- to God goes all credit. Stay tuned! LOVE IS LIKE A GLUE CONNECTING THE UNIVERSE & it is the common thread of what is about.
| is all about the power of art. Art can bring energy into a room as well as create an energetic atmosphere. What went into each peace including the love, vitality, appreciation, & so much more goes with the piece - if you are sensitive enough you're sure to feel it.
Welcome to our BLOG where we will be discussing spiritual lessons from life, the how-to's of the path, interesting & meaningful posts on researches that affect you & more. Truly it is our most important part of the website because it's about helping you grow & empowering your greatness. |
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" The Universe is the original highspeed internet - you connect through your awareness & heart - go anywhere & discover way more, free..." ,
When you don't speak your TRUTH it's like there's food stuck in your teeth & nobody hears a word you say!