Marilyn Raffaele,
JANUARY 28, 2018 Dear ones, we come to you in love and with a clear understanding of the difficulties facing so many in these times of upheaval and change. Be not afraid, for everything is proceeding according to plan. The intense frequencies of Light pouring onto earth at this time are serving to expose and bring into universal awareness the many obsolete and false beliefs still comfortably residing in third dimensional consciousness. As the people of the world become increasingly more enlightened, the outer scene will/must reflect this as higher and purer forms of everything. Heretofore undiscovered and advanced ideas regarding government, medicine, education, spirituality, work, environment, etc. will begin to manifest as world consciousness evolves more fully into Light and truth. These times are forcing many to carefully examine their choices and all who are spiritually ready are being guided to step more fully into enlightenment. However, there remain those who although spiritually ready, are choosing to remain in the third dimensional belief system using the excuse of social position, family, friends, careers, etc. as their reasoning. They tell themselves that living spiritually is too impractical in a "dog eat dog" world. Many of you are in this situation right now and must make the choice. "Do I really believe what I have learned about truth, or do I not?" Mankind can no longer continue to live happily with one foot in the spiritual world and the other in the material. Third dimensional consciousness and spiritual consciousness have been residing side by side for a very long time. However, this will be no longer possible as the earth ascends into a higher dimensional resonance. It is time to make your choice dear ones, which side will you choose? Living truth can be difficult in the beginning when appearances seem to contradict everything about it. For a time (sometime years) automatic responses based in lifetimes of programming will continue to manifest without thought, spewing forth as irritation, anger, disgust, judgement, and criticism. Never believe that you have failed when this happens, or go into resistance and self-condemnation, but rather simply and with self love examine the beliefs underlying these responses asking yourselves; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way?". Choose some word or action that can quickly shift your awareness out of negativity and into truth if you find yourself reacting in some habitual or unloving way. Quickly bringing to mind one word like error !, hypnotism ! false !, separation !, etc. or an action like bringing your hand to your heart can be the trigger that stops the process and helps you to realign. A particular word or action in and of itself has no power, but represents your intention to shift out of alignment with an old habit. Choose some word or action that resonates with you and don't be afraid to change it if it doesn't feel right. You will know the word or action that is perfect for you by an inner response to it. Become alert to old personal programming by noticing when and how easily it slips in. Example; You drive somewhere and find there are no parking spots. Without thought, you suddenly find yourself becoming irritated and angry toward the drivers or the owners of the store and by the time you finally get to where you are going, you are carrying energies of anger and irritation, and a sense of separation. The moment you recognize that some old programming is beginning, use your special word or action. This will serve to "nip it in the bud" so to speak, allowing you to step back, rethink the situation, and access it from a higher level. With time, your automatic responses will no longer reflect old programming but will instead flow from a higher level because you have done the work of retraining yourself to respond with truth. There often come situations that will leave you upset and fully immersed in old programming. If and when this happens, set aside time after things have settled, to take the event into meditation, examining without judgement, the how's and whys of your responses. Never judge, condemn, or hate yourself for some seeming failure but rather realize that being on earth is about experiencing and learning, and you are doing exactly that. In the beginning, spiritual awakening is very basic and three dimensional, built around knowledge, pondering, books, classes, discussion, study, and simple practices. This can continue for lifetimes depending upon the individual. These practices eventually serve to open inner doors that allow the flow of Grace. Grace is the gentle and loving energy of Divine Consciousness capable of automatically dissolving anything not in or of it. The spiritual journey then begins to unfold more through grace, rather than from any specific action. It gets easier. Living the spiritual life is never acting "holy" around friends, relatives, or co-workers while trying to save, fix, or heal them by pointing out the error of their ways. Those around you never need know the truth you hold within but those receptive will feel it in your energy of love, forgiveness, patience, and acceptance. This is when those who are ready, will be drawn to ask you what it is that you know. These are the ones with whom you can begin to share, starting with just a little at a time. Even saying the word, "reincarnation" during some ordinary conversation can be the seed that creates a small opening in the consciousness of a person ready for more but who out of fear and tradition still holds himself in bondage to concepts of rigid religiosity and teachings that preach death as being a portal to eternal damnation or a cloud in some imaginary heaven but only if "rules" are obeyed. Living the spiritual life simply means going about everyday ordinary tasks from a level of truth. It is a monastic life lived without the vows and dedication to one belief system. It is being "in the world but not of it". Convents and monasteries were necessary when it was the only way to safely live a spiritual life, but this is no longer the case. It may be the right choice for some even today, but not for anyone who understands that a person carries their state of consciousness with them wherever they go. God is not in a material place, but is brought to that place through the consciousness of some individual or individuals. This is why there are certain places on the globe-chapels, churches, or sanctuaries that continue to hold an energy of peace and love. A person who moves in order to avoid unloving, mean people, will quickly find them again in the new place. Ponder that. It is difficult to remain out of judgement when you see the news, but know that living unconditional love does not mean loving troublemakers in the human three dimensional sense of love as being emotion, attraction, and approval. You love with Divine love, which means from a conscious realization of their oneness with Source and the reality of their true Divine Nature in spite of any and all appearances to the contrary. Unconditional love never means aligning with ideas that do not resonate with your attained state of consciousness, nor does it ever require becoming someone's doormat, but neither does it give you carte blanche to stand on some imaginary soap box at home or office, proclaiming that you hold the only correct beliefs. There are many paths up the mountain and all are valid. There are some who need the structure of organized religion to help them focus or get serious about the spiritual journey. Others have graduated beyond any need for others to tell them what to believe and for them to stay would block their evolution. Evolution is an ongoing process and the beliefs you hold now may well become obsolete as you graduate into new and higher levels of understanding. Certain people or circumstances in your life may seem to hold power over you leading you to believe that you are trapped and cannot move beyond or change something. Realize that anything you bestow power on, be it person, place, or thing, will continue to hold that power until you and you alone remove it. Once power is given, it will continue to act as a power maintaining and sustaining whatever issues are involved simply because it continues to be fed and kept alive by belief and fear. Know, accept, integrate, and attain the consciousness that the master and all real teachers of truth attained--that God alone is Power. Because you are creators, you endow things with whatever power they seem to have. Nothing but the fullness of Divine Consciousness is or ever can be power, for in reality absolutely nothing else exists. All appearances of duality and separation whether good or bad, are reflections of material sense--conditioned mind interpretations of some Divine Idea. Each day do what needs to be done. Pay your bills, drive the kids to school, go to work or whatever is required of you, but do these things without giving inordinate power to the outer scene. This never means that you do not step in if needed or guided in the human sense, but you do it with a realization that the one and only real power, is present within you and is the reality of who and what you are. This is the journey--stepping and falling, stepping and falling until at some point the fabric from which the falling is formed no longer exists. In reality there is no time, but in third dimensional energy awakening seems to be a journey requiring time--time to retrain thinking and learn to see through outer appearances. Never pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained, but simply practice the truth the best you know how, translating the events of each day into the reality behind them. More and deeper realizations come as you are ready for them because the practicing of what you know has begun the flow. Examine every unpleasant issue in your lives to find what you are still giving power to. No matter how seemingly insignificant something may seem to be, it is important to recognize it because the tiniest bit of consciousness will always express itself. This is advanced spirituality. This is mysticism and you are ready. A mystic is one who has realized his oneness with Source. Most organized religious groups do not teach the truth of Oneness firstly because most don't know it, and secondly because they would teach themselves out of existence were people to know they didn't need them. You are ready to come out from under the umbrella of domination in every facet of your lives. You are ready to see through the ignorance of an unenlightened three dimensional consciousness that presents physical, mental, emotional or spiritual issues as power over you. Examine your belief system honestly and thoroughly. Find any remaining concepts and beliefs hiding in the corners of your consciousness and shine the Light of truth on them. It is time dear ones, and you are ready. We are the Arcturian Group 1/28/18 Donations are welcomed
![]() The Council – Speedbumps, potholes, and Brick Walls by Ron Head Oracles & Healers The Council – Speedbumps, potholes, and Brick Walls Let us begin today by pointing out to you something that many of you tend to miss when it occurs. You have been passing through a short period of quiet. The momentous amount of change that you are bringing about is happening in what you may characterize as a series of waves. This is an opportunity for you to rest and regain your centers. Its cause, however, is how energy moves on all levels, both micro and macro. Take advantage of it while you can because, although it is a time to catch your breath, it is also a good time to prepare for the next wave. This message will be comparatively short. What we wish to bring to you is a preparatory overview of what will be your 2018. And waves are a very good metaphor for what you are about to experience. For years now, you have told that ‘much is happening behind the scenes’. We know that this is one of the phrases that you could quite cheerfully never hear again. This phrase is also based on a metaphor, one that alludes to a stage play, as in ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’. Friends and family, we tell you now the there are several curtains that are about to go up in flames. Many of those around you will not react well. Many will be distressed. Many will not be able to accept what will be brought into the light. We trust that those who have dedicated themselves to their own progress and evolution will not only be able to remain calm and centered but will prepared to be the calm in the midst of it all. We do recommend that you brace yourselves for some very shocking information and events. Be prepared also to look away at times, because your equanimity will often be crucial to others around you. Keep in mind, if you would, that none of this is unnecessary. Humanity has determined that this is the time for ascension, and this cannot happen unless humanity looks into the mirror and removes all of the masks that she/he has been wearing. And these masks are many. Some you will find deplorable, others less so. But until humans can conceive of, and accept, the truth of what they are, ascension will remain a pretty word. Now, you have been told over and over, for thousands of years, that ‘ye are gods’. It remains the most difficult thing for you to accept. Even if you can entertain the idea, you still find it impossible to allow. We want you to know this: If you were not on the very edge of this magnificent leap into the unknown, none of this would be necessary, nor would it be happening. So grit your teeth, hang on for dear life, as we have said before, and get through this next few months. It will take longer than that to change all that needs to change, but the speedbumps and potholes will be passed, and no brick walls need be encountered. We invoke blessings to each and all. Good day. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:
The Shift Begins with You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have a tenacity about you that has served humankind very well. There have been times when humanity has almost been wiped out, and yet, there you are, more than seven billion of you now. The accomplishment of your numbers should not be underestimated or unacknowledged. There is so much life on planet Earth, and with more life there is more Source Energy. The spark of Divinity that is within every living being on planet Earth is helping you shift. You can access more of who you are by tuning in to the energies that are all around you. As empaths, you often tune yourselves to what a person, or a group of people, is offering. But what if instead you were to tune yourself to the Divinity in each and every living being on planet Earth? What if you were able to activate Divinity within others, and then feel all of that energy on your planet? Why not give it a shot? See if you can activate more of the Divinity within all fellow humans. Feel the Divinity within yourself first. Reach for the center of your heart and access more of the Source Energy that you truly are. With that energy moving through you, you hold more of the Source Energy perspective, and you are more likely to activate within others that knowing of who they really are? This is a great awakening, and each of you who is awakened holds the key within you for all of humanity. It only takes one of you to fully realize the shift in consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Christ Consciousness Has Been Reached ~ Jan. 22, 2018
Judas Iscariot Sunday, January 21st, 2018 Channel: Ann Dahlberg,Sanada website I am Judas Iscariot and I have a question to pose today. I wonder sometimes how you humans think when you in one moment talk about being in the heart and listen intensively to it, while at the next moment you get irritated with close ones and blame all problems on this one, whom you say you love. Is it not so that you all are “One”. I am you, you are me, we all belong together and sit in the same boat. Or, do we sit in different boats? Then we cannot be One, how will this work? Are you multiple collectives or are you one collective? Does not the human race belong to one collective? Is not the love for this collective the only thing that matters? Is it not so that we simply are at different levels of development and that we without exception should be able to understand and love our neighbor? Do we not love our children and they come up with a lot of nonsense? We correct and put right, but we love them just as much. The Earth is full of children to love. All have a spark of God in them. They all have the opportunity to grow inside and open up to the truth that resides there. How does one grow dear children on Earth? Does one grow by harsh words or by loving words? What does a lightworker do? Yes, they spread light and love around them? If it is not received they move on, but no harsh words are uttered, since inside there is the knowing that you are me and I am you. Lightworkers know that seeds need to be planted, but the recipient is responsible for if the seed will grow or not? Some need many seeds dear children on Earth before a single one can start to grow. It is the lightworkers task to leave seeds in loving knowledge that one of them might start to grow and wake up the longing that exists within all souls that once again they may be one with Source. Love conquers everything, it is said, repeated and sung over and over again. In spite of this it appears to be difficult to get a good footing. When love takes over your whole soul you shine of love and it shines on everybody, small as large, young and old, beautiful and ugly, good and bad. Yes, it is there for everybody for it can see the light in everybody’s soul and know that everybody is on their own journey. It can reach out a helping hand if it feels that there is a need for it, other than this it just shines with its love and plant its seeds as it moves forward in life. Love is all, it is in everything, it belongs to everything as we are all born in love and nobody can ever take that away from us. It is our birthright – our gift from God. God only creates in love, in the highest love that exists and God loves everything he has created unconditionally. It is the unconditional love that you need to reach. When you have found it you have reached your goal in life. That is all, nothing more is needed. Your Christ consciousness has been reached and you are now one of God’s gifts on Earth. Do you understand how important it is to cultivate love inside you? Do you understand now why we all the time talk about love and light inside you – the unconditional love that only wishes the best and who looks after everybody without exception. You are a part of the world dear children, you are a part of everything, you are a collective and it is in this collective that you work and act and send out your rays of love to anybody who wants to receive them, regardless of if they are among the poor or the rich, the good or bad or whatever you think of them. Ponder carefully dear children, these are just opinions, you do not know their truth, also not what God’s plan looks like – it is much above your level of consciousness. So be humble dear children on Earth and let love grow inside you until you cannot know anything but love. I only feel love for you, Judas Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan Source:
"When There's A Will There's A Way"
By Angel Guides with Taryn Crimi Today we would like to focus your attention upon your desires. Each of you have many desires, some of which have come to full fruition and many others that you are still shaping, shifting and molding. It is quite common for humans to feel doubtful about some of their desires. Perhaps you feel as though you are “asking for too much” or that you have very little chance of ever actually manifesting them. This is what we would like to further elaborate upon today if we may. You see, from our perspective everything, and we mean literally everything is energy that is vibrating at a particular rate or speed. Here in the non-physical realms we do not translate our experiences with our eyes, or our ears or with our feeling of touch; rather we experience it vibrationally. Every single thought that you have ever thought was once a vibration; which you became an exact match to and translated the thought into a concept, something a bit more tangible. Humans tend to think in pictures. Yes of course you each have that inner dialog going on in your mind but you watch your thoughts appear in your minds eye like a holographic movie most of your waking life. When you experience something, it could be anything at all; you are able to determine your opinion of the experience. You can quickly decipher whether you loved the experience or if you never want to experience something like that again and everything in between. You look around at your reality constantly arranging things in your mind of what you do and do not want. Your desires are born from the experiences you have manifested as well as what you have witnessed in others. When you decided to incarnate into your physical body you knew that you were capable of manifesting absolutely anything you wanted. Yet once you came here and began to immerse yourselves in your day-to-day life you started to doubt your ability. You began to base your expectations on practicality and the likelihood of something actually manifesting for you. Each of you are creator beings, you create constantly. Your physical reality was never meant to bind you, or imprison you. It was meant to be a way to receive constant feedback of your most dominant vibrations, the sum total of your most habitual thoughts. Your reality was meant to be used like a rutter on a ship, to help you steer towards what you want and away from what you do not want. Yet we see most humans become stuck in situations that they do not like because they cannot remove their focus from everything that seems to be falling apart, or upon what is not here yet. When this becomes the most dominant focus, you can only receive more of it. Your dreams were never meant to taunt you, to make you feel not good enough, to make you feel incapable. If you desire something, there is absolutely a way of manifesting it fully; it just might not be the way you had expected. When you desire something you have created it already vibrationally, energetically, the only thing left to do is to match the speed of that desire so it can become translatable to your physical senses. It’s right here, everything you want is right here, there is nowhere else for it to be. But because you cannot translate it physically you doubt its existence. It does not matter how big something is that you want, there is nothing that is too big for you to create. You would not have been able to conjure the idea or the desire in the first place if you did not possess the ability to manifest it physically. This is without exception. You are so much more capable than you have given yourself credit for. Your life is not left up to chance, luck or coincidences. You are the one deciding what is meant to be through your focus and beliefs. You are the creator and you have no limitations placed upon you except the ones you believe you have. You are divine creator beings who wanted to play in the physical realm for the joy of manifesting your desires into a fully physical world. So we remind you, that if there is a will, there is also a way. Allow the Universe to deliver all that you ask. In love and light, We are your Angelic Guides Much Love, Dr. Taryn Crimi Be sure to sign up for more Angelic Guides messages to receive your free copy of: How to Manifest Anything you Desire: LISTEN HERE
The Council via Ron Head, January 19th, 2018
The Council – Divide and Conquer/Control
We will speak with you today about a tactic that has been used to control what you think and how you think in order to keep the social conversation under control. You have been fed a constant diet of polarization. You have been divided into two ‘sides’ on almost every issue you can think of. When there are two sides, the possibilities are limited. When a conversation begins that is outside of the preferred boundaries, and if that conversation threatens the position of those who think of themselves as privileged and powerful, the topic is dubbed conspiracy, it is laughed at. This, in itself, would be an anchor that would hold humanity down in its attempts to raise its consciousness. But in the last several years, these divisions, these embers of dissension, have been fanned to a very dangerous level. Once there was a time when certain topics were not discussed because they were uncomfortable. Now they cannot be discussed without plunging into almost rabid hate-speech. We would suggest that it is time, and it is necessary, for all to step back and realize that you have been carefully led into this situation. When someone tells you that THEY are telling you the truth, and those other people are dangerous liars, it is time for you to dig out the truth for yourselves. It is definitely NOT the time for you to begin condemning others because of what someone else has told you, even if it has been said repeatedly and loudly over long periods of time. Perhaps it is also time to realize that most things that benefit the lives of humans would benefit all humans. Humans that live thousands of miles apart, and who live in widely disparate cultures, desire the same things for themselves and their families. And if they see a way to gain and provide those things, they do not wish to take them away from others. The idea of lack and shortage is also a tool of control. It is perpetrated by those who think they ‘need’ all of it, whatever it is. Currently you live in a world that includes vast riches, beyond your abilities to picture them, and also utter exposure and starvation. We will tell you that if every living human were to have food, shelter, and opportunity in equal measure, your world would be far better off than you can imagine. Just think of the millions that are not being allowed to contribute anything. Is this because most of you don’t wish it? No, it is because some feel threatened by the idea. They live and teach the principle of “if they have it, I can’t have it”. We would have you at least explore the idea that if it is good for me, it might be even better for me if we all have it. Your world, as it is presently constructed, is about as far from the ideals that your societies pretend to espouse as it is possible to get, regardless of how you prefer to think. Did you decide that was what you wanted? Or was it what you were born into and led further into? Now, this is changing. It will change. There is no ‘might change’ about it. A critical mass of intention has been reached. Attempts have been made to derail or delay the changes that are underway. But all that has accomplished is to insure that when the proverbial dam breaks, the flood will be even greater. It is truly time now for each to decide that it might be better to find areas of common concern, common belief, and common welfare. Perhaps instead of having wars against this and wars against that, it would be better the have efforts for this and projects for that. Time to change the dialog. It is time to begin finding common ground, common purpose, and areas of cooperation. Left to yourselves, this has always been how you lived. War, with weapons or with words, has been taught. It is NOT normal. Fear is NOT normal. Lack is NOT normal. Nor is total conformity. Diversity is beauty. Think about why you go where you go on your vacations. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now. Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: _ Message from the 'Team' _________
Consciousness is Unlimited Peggy Black and the 'team' We are here offering our support as you continue to interface with the many realities that are being presented. Many of these realities are polarizing and dividing the collective. We invite you to take a fresh inventory of your beliefs. We invite you to strive for the highest and the best for all. Remember that you are a powerful part of this collective and you are here to bring a shift to your planet, a planet that has struggled with the denseness of misqualified energies for eons of time. These struggles are out-pictured in even your most current events. It is important to watch what you give your focus and energy to. You are a stunning magnificent being with skills and abilities you have barely touched. So shake off any feeling of limitations, shake off any hesitations and move forward and make a difference. There is a collective energy field and everyone, everyone is a part of the field. We realize that you feel separate and have your own personal life and activities that might seem unrelated to the bigger picture. However we remind you, that is an illusion. Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs join this energy field and create fields of information that go into the collective or global mind. So ask yourself often what are you contributing to this collective consciousness? Are you adding new concepts and entertaining new possibilities. Remember consciousness is unlimited. Consciousness travels time. Consciousness moves through the dimensions. Consciousness has energetic effects on all things. Consciousness transfers information to others. Imagine that your thoughts go out as a holographic blueprint. Your thoughts feel personal, they reflect your state of mind and emotions, yet they are still waves of information. Imagine for a moment that these emotions and thoughts quite literally shape reality. So as you begin another cycle, we invite and encourage you to elevate your thoughts. Perhaps you can make it a practice throughout your day to stop and examine what you are thinking about and evaluate those thoughts. Ask yourself, is this thought or emotional vibration enhancing and empowering the global mind or is it diminishing it in some way. You are a master. You have gifts and abilities available to you that you have not even imagined. So allow yourself to begin to own your power and begin to play with the possibilities that your very DNA is capable to communicating beyond space and time. Realize that you are truly an important part of all that is unfolding. Often during the day allow yourself to pause and shift your focus and pretend that you can extend your consciousness to someone you care about and send them a blessings. Now here is a real stretch, extend your consciousness to someone you dislike and send them a blessing. There are simple actions you can take each day that can and will shift the collective field. Allow yourself to travel time, be adventurous, make it up, pretend. It is just a game remember. Allow yourself to gather with others of like mind in an imaginary place, create a goal for this gathering and imagine wonderful solutions coming forth, then add those to the global databank. Your physical life is your focus, we understand, yet we want to trigger, to quicken you to realize it is only one percent of who you are. Begin to investigate what the other ninety-nine percent might be capable of doing. This is your invitation, this is your quest, this is your own exciting adventure. Find the magic, find the incredible possibilities within the most mundane moments. Allow yourself to pretend to travel to other dimensions and find solutions for problems here on your planet. Bring those solutions and seed this dimension. Allow yourself to meet masters and avatars from the past or the future, and seek their wisdom. Allow yourself to be nurtured and supported by the realms of love and light, and see yourself surrounded by these loving beings. Play big from your most powerful magnificent imagined place. You have the universe at your back. Transform all seeming challenges. Most of all we invite you to make it an adventure. Remember that you contribute to, and are a part of, the quantum consciousness field of this planet. You are here to uplift and shift the dense misqualified energy that has been part of this story for too long. We honor you and all that you do. the 'team' ©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available A Message to Lightworkers – January 15, 2018 by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, beautiful Light Bringers in this new age of humanity! This new era for humanity, and for all upon the Earth, whether they are members of the two-legged nations, the four-legged nations, the winged and feathered nations, the rock or tree people, or the gods and goddesses of the seas, air, or soil. Within and without, and all around this planet of great beauty and astounding diversity, there is without question a vibration of Change. And that vibration is powerfully re-adjusting and tuning to it all other vibrations, no matter how low or discordant those vibrations have been. So that, as you see or hear certain persons releasing statements against certain nations or ethnicities (and these are not what you assume them to be—you are all of you seeded from every corner of this Universe), or warning of war, or insulting whole genders or races—you can breathe calmly, and remain in your perfect center. For the bluster of that loud wail carries none of the height and staying power of the note being sounded above it—one that is so pure, so high, and so finely created in substance and intention, that nothing can ever remove its influence. You may be wondering, “But how does that higher vibration, no matter how beautifully and perfectly sent from the higher realms, have the power to anchor permanently into the Earth? How can it finally drown out the low drums and foul screams of war, violence, and oppression, when these have ruled Earth for so long?” And we want to say, that in the final hours of his and Sam’s journey, Frodo Baggins assumed the same. As you yourself may feel some days, he also felt that there was very little use in going on. Yet with Sam’s help, he made it to the top of the last mountain of the journey, and threw the ring back into the fire from which it was forged. You are doing no less, dear ones. We are aware of your dizziness, and exhaustion, your feelings of illness, anger, and grief some days. We are aware of (and feel with you) your inner confusion, as so much in the world appears to be getting worse rather than improving and moving into the Light. And so it is, each time the dark expresses itself in ways that appear to blot out the increasing levels of Light all around you—the Light that you are yourself—as it attempts, in one last desperate plea bargaining with the lower realms, to reassert and maintain its “supremacy,” which was never meant to be permanent, never meant to characterize Earth life indefinitely. You ask how the higher vibration that is Peace, that is Love of all diversity, of all Life and all Light, could have the wherewithal to anchor permanently into the Earth, when the usurpers appear to perpetually have the upper hand. They appear to have the technologies (unknown to you for the most part) and the mental control of Earth’s people required to ensure that their vibrations remain the predominant ones, while yours languish in dreams and unrealized visions. And we would say, this great journey, this great task is why you are here at this most miraculous time. For as Earth transfigures from enslaved entity to free and empowered Goddess, you are the ones who stand upon Her outer rim, with sword and shield at the ready, as you anchor with your very being those energies now flowing to the Earth from your great Light source and ally, Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, the source to whom your own Sun answers. You do this in concert with Alcyone’s consort, Mother Sekhmet, who watches over this process, aiding in the birth of this new Being Whom Earth is becoming, and ensuring that Justice is done, not only on your planet, but throughout this star system. We are aware that this will sound to be wishful mythology, and not a true description of what is occurring now. You have been viewing the machinations of those desperate to maintain their stranglehold on Earth, treating Her not as Source, but as “resource”—things to be used, not guarded and honored. We are aware that your thought processes and emotions have been manipulated for eons, so that each time you returned to a human body, you would again become the easily formed and directed entity that unwittingly or unwillingly helps support the dark forces with your efforts to survive. And yet—in every age, there have been those who have risen above. Those whose words or music, or whose deeds or intentions, or pure Loving presence, were such that they lifted all around them, including Nature Herself, out of the matrix of death and defeat, and into remembrance of the higher realms. Into the re-claiming of the higher vibrations from which you come, and the true nature of souls who live freely, in Service to Source as they are in Service to Others. And now—look, dear ones! There are not a few of these now, but billions of you, come to re-form and re-set Earth’s predominant vibration from one of despair, loss, anger, and grief, to one of Peace, higher intent, Love, and inner Knowing of and connection to all that expresses as Light in the higher realm. Those Beings and energy forms that are constantly reaching for a higher vibration, for the pure Joy of it. That is the New Reality, and that is the note you are sounding! Did you think we would describe that transforming, Earth-changing, Life-giving tone as being sung only by Angels and Light Beings? You are such, or you would not have come here now. So remain in your place, Light Warriors—this is not a battle of death and destruction. It is the last climb up what Tolkien (who foresaw all you are living in now) called Mount Doom. And in those moments when you feel you cannot go any further, call out to us! As your loyal servants, we will carry you to the very end. For this is your journey, which you willingly took on, and you are more powerful than you can know. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 15, 2018
Tree of Golden Light Today I come to give this one a message to share with you all. I am here, St Germain, to tell you that the prosperity that you seek is already in your hands. You are in the throes of being able to receive it in a way that is appropriate and ready for action. The one thing that you see as missing is that you do not have it in your hands, or bank account. I tell you now that it is awaiting the clearance that is on the threshold, and as soon as that is in place completely, you will be able to recognize what it is to be able to see and use the funds that you have been awaiting for your lives and all of mankind around this world. I am here this day to assist you to see what I mean as to the fact that it is already in your possession. Realize that in your possession means that you have a hold on it in an energy that is within you. As you continue to know that you have it, and do so in the peacefulness of knowing that it will come forward when it is in the freedom of you being able to use it in ways that not only serve you, but others as well, then you will be able to feel it, see it and distribute it in a way that is compliant with the way that you know will benefit all of you. As I say this to you and feel the response that you have to what you are hearing within yourselves, I recognize that you understand what I am saying. I am reminding you that you know how many times the ease of the release of it to the people has been held back because of the ones who have tried to gain it all back in their hands for their use only. That is not going to happen, for you have expressed strongly enough that what they have been doing with the funds and all of the treasures on earth has come to and end. It is time for it all to come to the point where there is no injustice on the earth. It is in so many of your hearts that the suffering and hardship has overcome all of the pleasure on earth, and now it is flowing free toward all of your hands in the knowledge that you do have the power to receive it. It is a matter of all of you realizing that there have been so many ways in which the funds have been manipulated and cast over the walls of justice. So now it is time to bring it all back to the reality that means the freedom of Peace, Love and Joy is here with you all. You have the power from within to go forth and complete the heaven on earth that you have been awaiting. It has been such a journey, and as we see how it is coming to a beautiful completion you will all be able to move forth in the new life you create on the planet and beyond. You will all realize that this journey has been one that has brought you all to the truth of what you are capable of. You are in the throes of being able to see what those who have done what they’ve done are in the process of giving it back to you all. They are seeing that it was a part of what you all came to experience. They are seeing how miserably you all reacted to the unknowing that they had of what was being done, and now they have learned that they were not acting their true power. They were taking their steps in ways that responded to what was outside of them, and now they see that it was always outside of them. That is why it was always such a chore that they were caught up in. They look back and see how so many of you are acting in Love, rather than in the fear that they saw so much, not only in some of those they walked against, but in themselves as well. It is now coming to the stream of openness and freedom of being able to walk forth, dance together, and sing the songs of utmost freedom of peace Love and joy in all that is done on earth and beyond. They are seeing that now that they have been taken out of the make believe existence of Love, that they were never in the real world of Love in the expression that would have given them a different way of living their lives here on earth. Yes, you will all see how it is to be able to have the freedom to create your worlds in the way that says that you are all family, in love with all that you represent. It will be soon in the guidelines of your inner knowing what you will be doing with the funds and the freedom to flow forth in the usage of them, with all of life in harmony in every step. I leave this one now in the Peace, Joy and Love that you are all in the process of expressing as the freedom of the coming times is in your present moment. See it as that moment to be now, and you’ll awaken all of the Love within every living essence upon and within this earth. I am in celebration of what I see coming in the next moment, and the next, etc forevermore. Love is all there is, in the expression and living of it in so many ways. You are the Love, and I am with you in every step you take in Love, Peace and Joyfulness of the freedom you are expressing. Thank you dear St. Germaine, Much Love, Nancy Tate Judas Iscariot Monday, January 8th, 2018 Channel: Ann Dahlberg I am Judas Iscariot and I have come today to tell you that much has happened when it comes to putting the right people in the right places. Some people have had to change places in the power hierarchy. Some people whom you know have had to resign, others less well known have taken their place. It is all the way it should be dear folks on Earth. Changes on Earth are progressing at the pace that is permissible. One thing cannot happen before the next. The sun and the light shine on you dear Earthlings and its brilliance is getting stronger for each day that passes. Has it not thawed your hearts, or? Have you not met more friends that look forward to the new times and which has given your every day life a bit more hope? – A hope for humanity and hope for Earth. Has this hope now not morphed into knowingness? – The Knowingness that a new world is on its way to open up in your hearts and on your Earth. It is the beauty inside of you that reflects the beauty on the outside. Take care of your inner world now dear Earthlings as it is reflected in your outer world. You see what you want to see. If you want to see beautiful flowers that blossom you will see this. If you want to see flowers that fight their way forward in darkness and cold you will see this. The trust and love preserve the picture in your heart that tells you how large your trust and love you have in yourself and thus in your fellow man. It is in your human collective that you form the new world that slowly is being built up today. There are more hearts that have let their flowers blossom and light up the world today than there has been for thousands of years. You have your Father/Mother God with you dear children on Earth. Your Father/Mother holds his/her hand over you and your Earth today. It is time to wake up and commence your journey home – Home to the near and dear ones that are waiting for you and who are doing all they can so that you may remember who you are. You already have one foot in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is time to get your humanity there too. Everything is here now. Everything is inside of you to discover and rejoice in. You have all the opportunities to find your true self so that you in trust and love can explore your inner world, which in turn will impact your outer world. This is important dear Earthlings, this is important. Without your inner guidance it can be hard to navigate in your outer world today. It is full of contradictions as the old is falling apart and the new is being built up. The old way of thinking does not work any longer and you feel then as if you are loosing your footing. You inner guidance can provide you with the strength that you need today to move forward. Sometimes an observation of what is happening benefit you the most until you receive the guidance that says it is time to act. Everything has its time, the body has its time, the heart has its time, the world has its time and last but not the least Earth has its time. In the heart you have the knowingness and you know when everything has fallen in place. You have your big trust and love there. God bless you and be with you dear Earthlings! I love you so much, Judas Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan Source: |
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