Archangel Gabriel Daily Message- Wed.,Feb.17,'21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via While doubt can certainly be a stagnating energy, it doesn’t have to be. Doubt is an invitation to use discernment, an opportunity to connect with your own inner wise one and discover your own truth. So if you are experiencing doubt rather than simply sitting in it, we encourage you to dig deeper. Get curious about what you are doubtful about and why that is. Is your intuition telling you something? Are you simply seeking clarity or a new alignment? What is your truth about the topic? What further energy is there for you to harness, heal, or release to support your forward movement? What are your energetic preferences and what do you wish to create? How can you use this experience to further empower you in your growth and expansion? Doubt can be a wonderful reevaluation tool that helps you discover your energetic clarity on any topic or situation. It can also be an indicator of unhealed or frightened parts of yourself that need your love and attention in order to feel secure enough to move forward on the next exciting leg of your journey. It has much to offer you if you are willing to look beyond the energy itself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Fri.,Feb.12,'21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Many of you are leery to feel your emotions. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the times you are in, or think it will be too much on top of your energetic sensitivities. But resisting your emotions is a great disservice, first because they have a wealth of information for you, and second because by resisting them you actually amplify them and your discomfort because you are practicing separation within yourself. If you have an emotion coming up, allow yourself to feel into it as your own loving parent and guide. What is this emotion? Why is it coming up? How is it trying to help you? As you start to acknowledge the emotion and flow with it, you may very well be surprised that it starts to settle. Now that it has your attention it doesn’t need to be as loud. Let us give you an example. Let’s suppose you start to feel very uncomfortable. Feel into that. What would you call it? You might identify it as anxiety. Wonderful! You can now consciously connect with it. Your conversation might look something like this: “Hello, anxiety. What’s going on? Why are you triggered? What do you need from me? What are you trying to tell me? How can I comfort you? Are you afraid? That’s ok, come here and let me hug you. I realize you are just trying to keep me safe, but allow me to do that for you. I’m so grateful you came up into my awareness so we can have this experience together in a new way. Thank you for loving me and for looking out for me! I’ve got this now. Let me just sit with you until you can settle back into a more comfortable state of being.” Your emotions are great assets. They are trying to assist you, to alert you to parts of yourself that are seeking your own love and care. They are also wonderful connectors and expanders of your experience. They are like little helper guides within you. So explore your feelings, acknowledge and identify them, receive their guidance, and then thank them for their service. You may be surprised to see how much lighter you feel and how much smoother your flow is once you have learned to embrace them and their gifts. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thurs., Feb.11, '21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Dear Ones, during times of intensity and change, people can get triggered and act out in sudden and surprising ways. This may feel shocking and confusing to you. When people are having an experience that threatens an unhealed aspect of self, they are not just reacting to the experience at hand, they are reacting to the entire history of that wound. That is why it can feel so much stronger and out of proportion to that singular experience. If someone has reacted in such a way towards you and it is completely uncharacteristic, we urge you to focus on the entirety of your relationship with them. From a place of compassion and by looking at the whole picture, you can embody the energy of grace and forgiveness, just as you would appreciate someone doing the same for you. Because you are not triggered, you have an opportunity to hold the space for them until they can regain their balance. If you get triggered by them being triggered, you may wish to explore what is coming up for healing for you, as well. But if someone is in a cycle of reactivity towards you and are defending their actions rather than taking responsibility for their healing, you may need to decide to remove yourself from that situation until such time as they can become a safe connection for you again. This is not being punishing or unforgiving, but rather taking yourself out of a recurring energetic cycle that is not serving the highest good of anyone involved. Stepping out of that pattern allows for reevaluation and creates an energetic shift. The other person can then decide if they wish to meet you in those new energies or not. Continually allowing yourself to be hurt by another keeps you in a victim/martyr role and the other in a cycle of abuse/shame which furthers reactivity. Stepping out of that pattern with loving and firm boundaries allows for reevaluation and creates an energetic shift that creates space for healing on both sides to occur. The other person can then decide if they wish to meet you in those new dynamics or not. If they choose not to, it is an indicator they are not an energetic match to you, or a safe person for you at this time. These are complex times, and no one is going to navigate the energies you are in with beautiful grace and ease all the time. With your wisdom you will be able to tell what is a rare occurrence and what is an ongoing situation that is no longer acceptable. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Angel Message Monday! Being reliable
Kyle Gray [email protected] via 10:12 AM (2 hours ago) Your Angel Message Knuckle down. Be reliable and committed. Be open to wisdom and insights from your elders. Extended Message The wisdom of the Wise One is based on something that the younger generation is often lacking: commitment and reliability. When this card appears, you are being guided to continue working on your growth and expansion within your current situation. Be committed to your tasks and projects. It can be very easy to get bored or overwhelmed, but persevere. You are being reminded of how it feels to be let down and experience unreliability – and that is not who you were born to be. So keep working on what you’re working on, because it’s going to be extremely beneficial for you in the long run. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Mon., Feb.1,'21
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] via Today we encourage you to get out of the habit of waiting for others to validate you, your choices, or your feelings. Your feelings about anything are validation enough. It is time to release the need for externals and to trust that you are more than capable to lead yourself and make your own wise and empowered decisions. You are the true expert on you. So how do you know if you are holding yourself back because you are concerned over what people might think or say? Ask yourself what choices or decisions you would make if you didn’t know a single soul on the planet. That will give you clarity on how much you may still be allowing others to affect your path and how true you are being to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Kyle Gray [email protected] via Your Angel Message Joan of Arc was a medieval French peasant girl who is reported to have been visited by Archangel Michael and other saints, who gave her information on how she could help Charles VII save France from English domination. She was only a teenager when she went into battle for her country and won a huge victory. She was, however, later captured and burned at the stake. These days she is a supremely loving guide to all those who want to stand up against the odds. She also helps many lightworkers overcome their fear of persecution. Extended Message You are being encouraged to stand strong. You may feel unrecognized and misunderstood, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on the mission you feel called to fulfill. You must follow the will of your soul and exercise your leadership spirit by speaking your truth. You may feel as if you are on a battlefield, but this conflict will come to an end as soon as you stop defending yourself. You are not here to prove yourself to others. Instead, approve of yourself. Know that your angels are on your side and that heaven is thanking you for being the honest soul you are. |
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