Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, April 29, 2019
Trinity Esoterics [email protected] One of the most important shifts you can make as an enlightening human being, is transitioning from making decisions based on what others think to making decisions based on what is right for you and your own unique life expression. This involves stepping beyond old conditioning as well as trusting your own wisdom and divine capability to assume the role of being the only expert on you. In many ways this is a spiritual coming out, allowing your mastery and truth to shine so you can finally live in an authentic and empowered way. Let us assure you this is something that is celebrated and heralds great and profound change in your life for everything can now start to reflect the real you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Linda Robinson MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL ~ MAY 2019 THE ENERGY OF CHANGE Greetings Beloved Ones, WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today we wish to discuss the energy of change. You are continuing to receive new, incoming energy that surrounds you and bathes your aura in higher frequencies from the Universe. You may experience this as an inviting event, or you may not feel ready for it. No matter what your initial impression may be, you can use this new energy to help you move forward on your ascension path. When the new energy arrives, it may be a higher frequency than your current vibration. As it enters your energy field, you may experience a readjustment as you incorporate the new energy into your current pattern. Change sometimes occurs when new energy arrives. When you look at this from an energetic viewpoint, you can understand it from a higher perspective. You can begin to see it from a multidimensional approach rather than just a third dimensional one. You can begin with understanding that energy is neither created nor destroyed but that it can change form. This is illustrated with water taking the form of steam at a high temperature or ice at a low temperature. A similar process also occurs at a human level. When the frequency is raised, a change in the way energy is expressed can occur. For example, you may find that suddenly you are no longer interested in things that you previously felt you couldn’t live without. You may have a desire to learn about completely new concepts. This may come as a surprise to you and those around you. When this occurs, you have likely experienced an energy shift, and your Soul has prompted you that this is the time to take another step on your ascension path and see things from a higher perspective. The way you perceive this change often depends on whether you view it as a welcome or an unwelcome one. If you do not want current conditions to change, adjusting to the new energy may lead to an uncomfortable feeling. However, if you are open to new experiences and are accustomed to viewing things from a higher perspective, you may find the new energy to be welcoming. To assist in understanding change from an energetic perspective, you can view the Universe as an enormous, unlimited field of energy. Within this unlimited field, many types of manifestations occur in both the seen and the unseen realms. These are constantly changing form depending on the energy around them. For example, on the Earth plane, changing from one season to another leads to trees and other plants going from flowering to dormant states and back again. This is a change of energy. The energy has not been lost. It has simply changed form. When you view the energy of change from a multidimensional perspective, you can use the evolving higher frequencies to help you move forward on your ascension path. You recognize the changing nature of energetic frequencies and that this change presents you opportunities to shape the energy into creations for highest good. You can begin to harness and shape this energy through your thoughts and intentions. Thoughts are energy that is being formed into potential creations which are further shaped by emotions. Therefore, keeping your thoughts and emotions positive and focused on highest good can be a helpful starting point to incorporate the new energy. As you focus on highest good, you can call on us and other Beings of Light to assist you in shaping the energy into beneficial manifestations. This may cover a wide range of possibilities, such as creating a piece of art, teaching a new concept, or having a greater understanding on your spiritual path. The important part is that you are seeing the potential benefits of the higher frequency energy and are using it for the greatest good of all. The more you focus on this approach, the stronger it will become, and your loving thoughts will vibrate throughout the Universe. Beloveds, we are happy that you are harnessing the positive potential of the energy of change and using this for highest good. Know that you are greatly loved. WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst …and WE surround you with Love. And so it is. Copyright © 2019 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: [email protected]. Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 23, 2019 By Trinity Esoterics Do you believe expansion needs to be painful? Many of you do. This is due to thinking of expansion as being stretched beyond your capacity. But what if expansion could be joyful? Have you ever looked at people, animals, or places you love and felt your heart expanding? Have you ever been moved by music, an event, or act of kindness? The vast majority of you have had that experience, which proves you are capable of joyful expansion and that expansion can feel wonderful. We urge you to explore any beliefs about your enlightenment journey that say it can only be hard, exhausting, or painful because those beliefs will create resistance towards your growth which can perpetuate discomfort. What other possibilities are there? As pioneers you can discover new ways of forward movement that can also contain excitement and open-hearted presence as part of that flow. This is not to say that there may not be moments of discomfort, or that you are in some way doing it wrong if there are. But what we are saying is that opening up to the idea that expansion can occur joyfully can create new potentials for you, and add much more balance, acceptance, and wonder to your ascension process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young A Message to Lightworkers – April 16, 2019
by Caroline Oceana Ryan | Leave a Comment This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective: COR: My friends, What is the significance of places of worship burning down completely or in part, in different parts of the world? Particularly, yesterday’s fire at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. Millions of us wept as we saw that beautiful structure, which has such a strong presence and has stood for so long, being invaded by such a powerful destructive force. Can you give us some clarity as to why there seems to be such an energy of tumult and sudden shifts in the world now? I’ve experienced it in my own life this past month, and so have many others. Is this a great cleansing? A transmutation of some kind? THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, dear ones! We are happy to have this time to speak with you today. We would say, that though there is, as we have said often, an element of chaos in creation, and you are most assuredly creating a new world, that several other factors are also involved here. You have seen how some have noted that Notre Dame—Our Lady—is symbolic of the Divine Feminine, whether in form of the Mother of Yeshua or some other Divine goddess expression. It is important to note that there are no holds now on how energy on the Earth expresses itself. For a very long time, energy on your planet was held in certain patterns and waves. People would find it difficult to say or do or believe things that were an individual expression, and that varied from what their social class, religion, gender, or culture had been taught to believe. You have seen oppressive governments in some countries, where this is still attempted—a stranglehold on certain thoughts or behaviors. Except that in the Earth eras we speak of, this influence was not obvious to the masses. It was simply “in the air” to believe only certain things possible or true, due to the energetic matrix which people lived under and unknowingly followed. These old oppressive energetic structures are no longer working so unfailingly now. In fact, they are failing colossally. Human thought and emotion, and most importantly, inner wisdom and imagination, have broken out of the old system into an era when individual thought stands at least as strong as the socially trained, carefully programmed group belief. And in many cases, it stretches well beyond what the group has been told to consider to be truth. As human beings exercise this new freedom, they influence countless others across the world on the etheric plane. None of this is accidental. Humanity’s own intention has pulled this planet from a place in the cosmos where ignorance and slavery were the norm to a place of individualism, authenticity, and soul purpose—a multiplicity of beliefs expressing as Truth, and an expression of the honesty of the individual journey. You are awakening, in other words! You are no longer automatic puppets and slaves. And though that is a relief to know in some ways, it ushers in a very great “shake up” on other levels. When you see institutions burning that have long symbolized the comfort of certain traditions, understand that much of that comfort is an inadvertent addiction to the “cover” of the old structure. Deep within the Love you experience for a particular sacred space, is the drive to know yourself, to know the Universe, in ways and at a depth you have never experienced while in a human body, or not experienced for millennia. That intent to know and revere the inner sanctuary cannot be destroyed, unless you choose such. In regards to Notre Dame—no one can harm your connection to Yeshua, to Mary Magdalene, to Mother Mary or the apostles, or the Archangels. No one in that well-known story will turn from you or repudiate your desire to know them and to know yourself in the Light of their story, though the old rules of religion may instruct you otherwise at times. Humankind is not only (mostly unconsciously) releasing its need for religion as a spiritual guide or resource. Humanity is overcoming and exceeding the limits of religion. It is breaking apart those strictures and boundaries that have not only kept your ideas and understanding small and confined (and often erroneous), but forbidden you to ask certain questions and hold certain thoughts or images as possibilities. We understand that you are experiencing discomfort in many ways. The old order is exerting whatever influences, pulling whatever levers of control it still possesses now, in an all-out effort to keep people’s vibrations low, their expectations small, their beliefs dim and grey. You will not fall for this, though it may feel that way some days. You have recently had a tax day in the United States—note how many now are realizing the extreme inequalities of that system, and are asking, essentially, why the king’s men must still be paid, in a country that was crafted to be a democracy. Photo by Angela PereiraTo return to your question, fire is a fascinating element. You have yourself witnessed its power to transmute and to clarify, in sweat lodge experiences, and in Nature. The flames and heat intend not so much to harm as to promote a powerful energy that yes, transmutes in many ways, and also purifies and clears that which has decided to return to the air, to pure etheric form. The timbers of that institution understood that—remember that there is life and consciousness in everything!—and willingly gave themselves up to what was intended to be an emotionally wrenching event, yet what will turn out to be a cleansing and clarifying one. The medieval energies of that structure have been seeing the results of their era end, and move on. Knowing it was time for them to do the same, they have released their Earth form, and also returned to the ethers. It is time to release the energies of master and slave, of kings and lords and peasants, of the hierarchies that spelled misery for many millions for many centuries. As you witness the result of powerful shifts in astrological placements, you are also witnessing what is being birthed on your planet as a result of these crucial moments, and humanity’s own decision to Ascend. And so, we would say, do not fear these shifts and changes, however much of a shock they may be some days. Though events such as these are being used as a lever to intimidate, lower vibration, or bring feelings of disempowerment, you have noted, as you saw groups of people singing outside the edifice while it burnt, that the opposite is true. You are not merely, with this great shift in consciousness, overcoming the hierarchical tyranny of several Earth ages, dear ones, as great as that is. You are writing the way forward to a whole new moment for this planet, in which your voices sing not the one note prewritten for you, but the many harmonic notes you decided independently, before incarnating, to add to the collective celebration. This glorious combination of voices is now serving to break through the old paradigms of oppression, to bring you to new places of strength, grace, calm, and a centered sense of purpose. It is aiding you in awakening, to Know and to Remember why you are here. You will not celebrate every moment of this transition—there is much sadness in any form of letting go of the familiar, when that has been a comfort and a well-known pattern. Yet in the name of your freedom and Ascension journey, you have decided on that very thing. And all of us in the higher realms (and also here with you upon the Earth) rejoice to see your increasing forms of independence, your inner empowerment, and your outer. And your increasing knowing that you are completely loved and believed in, and guided at every moment. You have only to ask, to know that Wisdom as your own. Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone. You are all of you Rising now, to new and unseen heights. . Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you. Your Angel Message
by Kyle Gray There is a deep build-up of life-force within you now and a need to channel it into action. You may have extra energy or be more alert than usual, or be aware of a sense of increased sensual or sexual energy. If you have been unsure how this ties into your spiritual path, know that it can allow you to access the richness of your soul. When we are not expressing ourselves sexually, our spiritual potential can become tamed or muted, so if you are denying yourself a desire, ask yourself how you can fulfil it. Ask Cernunnos to help you access your sexual self so that you can express it with integrity, and in a way that honours your soul. If you and your partner are trying for a child and this card appears, fertility is very possible, especially if Brigid, Cernunnos’s twin flame, is present too. Archangel Gabriel Daily Message
by Trinity Esoterics How do you know if you are in an energetic space that is conducive to manifesting? Check in with your body. If you are holding tension, particularly in your abdominal area it is a sure sign you are constraining your creations and your flow. You simply cannot create from a space of constriction. Loosen up. Adjust your body and the thoughts you have about your creation until you can feel ease in your body when you think of it. Understand creation is a flow. Experiment until you find the tools that help you stay in that flow and you will be in the perfect alignment to bring your dreams to life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Your Path and Your Service – The Council
by Ron Head Once again we will speak on the topic of soul path and service. The question, as you have asked it, is below. It indicates several very common misconceptions regarding both path and service. “Hello. How can we move directly on our soul path and service if we have no idea what that may be as of the moment but our hearts are roaring to go....and because of our sincerity and eagerness to be in alignment with our soul's truth ..being open...would you come meet us where we are with a huge drop of grace and guidance that is a game changer for all. Thank you.” Regarding the soul path, as you call it. Your soul’s path is the path that you are on and can be no other. Are you on or close to the trajectory that you intended to be on when you decided to incarnate? That is a different question. However, please understand that you are gathering experience for your Self, and there can be no ‘wrong’ way to do that. We in spirit who have an interest in your process will do our best to influence you to remain as close as possible to your original intention. There remains the fact of your free will. If things are a bit too bumpy, if your path is full of potholes, consider that we may be ‘helping’ in the best way we are allowed. A slight change of direction, if it causes a smoothing of the road, may be all the guiding you need. If your guidance is more difficult, consider how strong your asking for guidance may have been. Are you allowed to change your path from the original intent? Of course you are. You are free. You may have whatever life you choose. You will not be punished. Period. You may choose to explore cause and effect more deeply. We do recommend that you accept the responsibility for the choices, however. The same sort of reasoning applies to your service. You discuss service to self as opposed to service to others. And there are very good reasons for you to choose not to be centered completely upon your own perceived benefit, although such perceptions are almost totally erroneous and extremely short-sighted. Let us say once again, as we have stated in the past, that your sensed inability to know and discover your path and your service is due to your determination that the life you are living is not good enough. You have ideas about what ‘good enough’ might be, and it is not what you are experiencing. May we point out, please, that those ideas are learned. We are not saying that being a great teacher, for instance is not laudable. We are saying that where there is a need for that, there will be a teacher. And ALL of these misconceptions, dear friends, are caused by your ideas of separation. All of the necessary paths, all of the necessary service of this moment is what you, as a collective, are living. If you perceive a need, then the perception is what is needed. Do you see? Your knowings cause decisions. Decisions cause actions. Actions cause change. You cannot change the world overnight. You can contribute. And you do. Our main message here is that you ARE enough. You ARE what is needed. We do not make you wrong, however. Please give yourself credit for the desire to improve. It as hardwired into you. You will always want better. You will always want to be better. That, my friends, is your path and your service. Thank you for your question. There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: Ron | April 4, 2019 at 1:44 pm | Tags: Path, Service | URL: Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Oracles and Healers. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Kyle Gray
Your Angel Message You are blessed to receive this Great Mother card today because it shows that the Earth itself, through the image of Gaia, is protecting your path. You are a strong, focused and loving individual. Stay grounded and don’t allow your imagination, ego or fears to run away with you. Ensure your choices are for the highest good. Gaia is also bringing her motherly love to you and encircling you in a cocoon of peace. If you have had troubles with a mother in your life, or are feeling disconnected from or grieving your own mother, Gaia helps revitalize that connection and will bring healing where it is possible. If you are a mother and are worrying about these duties, know that Gaia is thanking you for your hard work and commitment. The Earth is blessed to have you. Deck: Keepers of the Light Artist: Lily Moses Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you and make sure to keep up with me on Instagram: @kylegrayuk |
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